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Organizational Behavior.
self-leadership: The influence of
self-talk and mental
on performance
Department of Management, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
85287-4006, U.S.A.
Summary Self-leadership theory can be described as the 'process of influencing oneself' as opposed
to the influence of leaders over followers (Manz, 1983, 1986). We focus on and develop
a model for a particular
aspect of self-leadership
- thought self-leadership emphasiz-
ing two primary elements, self-talk and mental imagery. The major thrust of this model
is that employees can influence or lead themselves by utilizing specific cognitive strategies
that focus on individual self-dialogue and mental imagery. It is proposed that construc-
tive thought management through the effective application of cognitive strategies can
lead to enhanced individual and organizational performance.
Puff, puff, chug, chug, went
the Little Blue Engine. 'I
think I can - I think I can I
think I can - I think I can I.'
Up, up, up.
Faster and faster the little engine
climbed, until at last they
reached the top of the mountain.
And the Little Blue Engine smiled
and seemed to say as she puffed
steadily down the mountain. 'I
thought I could. I thought I could.
I thought I could...'
Watty Piper, 1930
As children, many of us heard these familiar words spoken by the Little Blue'
Engine, 'I think
I can, I think I can, I think I can . . .' These same words have utility for the numerous employees
working in organizations today.
This well-known phrase that was uttered by a storybook locomotive is an example of a cogni-
tive strategy known as self-talk. The way in which the Little Blue Engine talked to itself seemed
to clearly relate to its performance;
i.e. getting over the mountain. In this article,
it is hypothesized
that there is a significant
relationship between cognitive strategies
and performance
for employees
in organizations. More specifically, we argue that the cognitive strategies of self-talk and mental
can significantly impact the success or failure of an organization's members.
For decades, authors in the realm of popular or 'pop' psychology have touted the benefits
of various cognitive strategies including self-talk and mental imagery (e.g. Peale, 1952, 1982).
9$14.50 Received 16 Jully
? 1992
Ltd. Accepted
15 May 1992
that this work
it has played
an important
in drawing
to a new
More specifically
and mental
in various
Means 1986;
and Landers,
and Kendall, 1990;
Lee, 1990;
and Avener, 1977;
Cooke, Cullen
and Liles, 1979;
Ryan and Simons, 1981;
and Anshel, 1989; Zecker,
and Bass, 1984;
and Goodman,
Rosin and
Nelson, 1983; Schill,
and Ramanaiah,
and Best, 1970;
Kohl and Morris,
(Baker, Johnson,
Kopala and Strout,
and Stone,
has been a paucity
of research
and application
of these
and other
to the
the literature
of other
for the relationship
of these
and enhanced
Various cognitive
- per-
haps most notably
the schema
(e.g. Feldman,
Sims and Gioia, 1986).
most of this work does not significantly
the ability
of the
to control
An underlying
of this
is that
do have the
to manage
does not exist
As one leading
of the
in psychology
in the
last twenty
is that
can choose
the way
think', (Seligman,
This position
is especially
in the
to be
autonomous (Hackman,
and Sims,
the learning
of self-leadership
an important
of establishing
An important
of this
to manage
their own
the purpose
of this paper
is to expand
on the
of self-leadership
duced by Manz (1983, 1986, 1992).
is defined as 'the process
of influencing
oneself to establish
the self-direction
and self-motivation
needed to perform'.
This aspect
has been derived
from the social learning
literature (Bandura,
related work
in self-control
1969; Cautela,
Goldfried and
and Thoresen,
In the organizational
focus has been
on the
to as self-management
Manz and
Mills, 1983;
In summary,
this paper
the concept
of 'thought
The underlying
is that people can influence
or control their own thoughts
the application
of specific
and ultimately
Neck, 1991).
A cognitive
model is
to integrate
some of the
issues relating
to self-leadership
of literature.
we place
a primary
focus on self-talk
mental imagery.
The relationship
of these
to other elements
of thought
are discussed.
The concepts
of self-talk and
Before introducing
of thought
tions of two of the model's
chief components,
and mental
and examine
literature that addresses these two processes. This initial review will provide a preliminary
view of the relationship between self-talk and mental imagery with performance.
Self-talk or self-verbalizations can be simply defined as what we covertly tell ourselves (Ellis,
1962). Weick (1979) suggested the relevance of this cognitive strategy to organizations as he
argued that 'organizations are presumed to talk to themselves' (p. 133). Similarly, Manz (1983,
1986, 1992) and Manz and Sims (1989) have suggested the potential of self-talk as a self-influenc-
ing tool for improving the personal effectiveness of employees and managers. Various studies
in a number of different fields have provided support for the relationship between an individual's
self-talk and performance.
For example, in the field of sports psychology, Mahoney and Avener (1977) studied 12 elite
gymnasts competing for births on the 1976
men's U.S.A. Olympic team. Their findings indicated
that self-verbalizations differentiated the best gymnasts from those who failed to make the
Olympic team those that became members of the Olympic team practiced self-talk, non-
members did not. Similarly, Meyers et al.'s (1979) study of nine male members of a university
racquetball team found that better performers
exhibited more frequent self-statements
in training
and competition. Finally, Kendall et al. (1990) investigated the effects of self-talk combined
with mental imagery and relaxation on the performance of a defensive basketball skill (cutting
off the offensive players' baseline path to the hoop). Their findings indicated that the performance
level observed after the training intervention was higher than the performance level observed
prior to intervention. Although the literature is sparse, these studies together suggest that the
utilization of self-talk, either alone or in conjunction with other cognitive strategies, and the
frequency of these self-verbalizations, are related to successful performance.
Furthermore, in clinical psychology, Steffy et al.'s (1970) study of 48 smokers suggested
that self-talk was one of the treatment components that helped the smokers reduce their daily
intake of cigarettes. Using performance on a perceptual-motor task as the dependent variable,
Schill et al. (1978) and Bonadies and Bass (1984) examined the hypothesis that rational self-
statements increase, and irrational self-statements
decrease, behavioral efficiency
in performance.
The results of both studies indicated that persons designated as part of a rational self-statement
group reduced errors and completed their tracings on a mirror-star tracing apparatus more
quickly than a neutral or an irrational self-statement group. Finally, Meichenbaum and Good-
man's (1971) studies of impulsive children indicate that a cognitive self-guidance program,
which trained impulsive children to talk to themselves, was effective in modifying their behavior
on a variety of psychometric tests which assessed cognitive impulsivity, performance I.Q., and
motor ability. These four clinical psychology studies suggest
that the type (rational versus
nal) of self-verbalization influences the resulting performance.
In the field of counseling psychology, studies have focused on the question of whether self-talk
increases the performance of the therapist during a counseling session. Kurpius et al. (1985)
studied counselor trainees and found that those that were taught cognitive strategies that
increased their positive self-talk formulated better clinical hypotheses than other treatment
(e.g. exposure to the description of good clinical hypothesis) or control groups. Similarly,
Richardson and Stone's (1981) study of counselor trainees suggested that the acquisition of
facilitative self-talk led to higher levels of reflection, confrontation, and empathy in the trainees.
Also, Morran's (1986) study of counselors indicated that there was a positive relationship
between higher quality self-talk (self-talk that focused on the analysis of client data) and higher
levels of facilitative performance. This suggests that it is not quantity of self-talk but the quality
that counts in effecting performance.
The final two disciplines that have examined this link are education and communication.
Swanson and Kozleski's (1985) studies showed that self-talk training can positively influence
academic and communication performance in handicapped children. Boice (1985) found that
writers who did not suffer from writer's block were less likely to have negative self-talk and
more likely to have positive 'psych-up' self-talk during writing sessions.
Overall, the research from several fields provides support for the first link in the basic model
in Figure 1 - that is, self-talk enhances individual performance across a variety of tasks and
| SELF-TALK _____
Figure 1. Simplified
thought self-leadership
Mental imagery
In sports psychology, mental imagery is viewed as a method involving rehearsal of a physical
task in the absence of observable movement (Corbin, 1972; Richardson, 1967). In clinical psy-
chology, mental imagery is defined as 'the mental invention or recreation of an experience
that in at least some respects resembles the experience of actually perceiving an object or an
event, either in conjunction with, or, in the absence of, direct sensory stimulation (Finke, 1989).
Similarly, another perspective views mental imagery as follows: 'we can create and, in essence,
symbolically experience imagined results of our behavior before we actually perform' (Manz,
1992, p. 75). From these views, mental imagery refers to imagining successful performance
of the task before it is actually completed. For example, managers are frequently required
to make public presentations. A manager can potentially enhance the presentation performance
by visualizing the completion of a successful presentation in his/her mind before it is actually
performed. Weick's (1979) concept of 'future perfect thinking' provides a parallel argument
as he states: '... If an event is projected and thought of as already accomplished, it can be
more easily analyzed' (p. 199). ... . Managers'
success or failure
invoking this complicated linguis-
tic form will have much to do with the success of their
planning' (p. 198).
Much of the current research
the relationship
between mental
and perform-
ance is found in sport psychology, counseling education, and clinical psychology. The number
of sports psychology studies examining this relationship is quite vast. Feltz and Landers (1983)
a meta-analysis of 60 sport studies addressing
the effect
of mental
on perform-
ance. The studies reviewed differed
in the types of tasks (motor, strength,
and cognitive)
used, ages (elementary, high school, and college ages), and backgrounds (sex and experience
with task) of subjects, as well as research
designs (pre-post test, simple control group, or motiva-
tional control group) and methodologies (time of post-test and the number
and length of practice
sessions given before the post-test was employed). Since some of the studies included in this
meta-analysis measured the effect of mental imagery on more than one task or under more
than one condition, the number of effect-size measures exceeded the number of studies. Thus,
of the 60 studies yielding 146 effect sizes, the overall average effect size (calculated by dividing
the difference between the means of the treatment and control groups by the within-group
standard deviation) was 0.48, which suggests that mentally practicing a task influences the
actual performance on that task. In addition, this meta-analysis indicated that studies employing
cognitive tasks had larger average effect sizes than motor or strength tasks, suggesting that
the use of mental imagery to enhance performance may be more conducive to cognitive tasks.
Overall, the meta-analysis provides significant support for the positive relationship between
mental imagery and successful performance across a wide range of tasks and performance con-
Lee's (1990) study of 52 male students in a muscular endurance task (sit-ups), examined
whether the content of the mental imagery (task relevant versus task irrelevant) affected the
relationship between imagery and performance. It was found that task relevant imagery was
more effective in increasing
performance than a control condition and that task irrelevant imagery
was not. Andre and Means (1986) examined the effects of mental imagery visualized in slow-
motion. It was hypothesized that the use of slow-motion imagery in mental practice might
enhance the effectiveness of such practice by enriching each subject's imagined experience. Their
study of 66 male students performing a 'putting' stroke involved in the game of Frisbee disc
golf did not reveal different effects on performance resulting from the rate of mental practice
(slow-motion versus normal). In summary, these two studies suggest that the specific content
of the mental imagery is crucial in determining its effect on performance; but, that the rate
of the imagery is not a critical factor.
Studies in the counseling education discipline parallel the findings in sports psychology and
suggest that mental imagery can enhance the performance of counselors. Hazler and Hipple
(1981) found that neophyte counselors trained in imagery to practice interviews exhibited super-
ior performance in comparison to counselors not receiving this training. Similarly, a study
of Masters of Counseling Education candidates' ability to acquire test interpretation skills indi-
cated that mental imagery can lead to successful performance on complex higher order skills
such as decision-making and strategy formulation (Baker et al. 1985).
In clinical psychology, Turner et al. (1982) found that skill imagery facilitated bilateral skill
performance (dominant to non-dominant hand). Specifically, subjects imagining performance
of a rotary pursuit task with their dominant hand performed significantly better with their non-
dominant hand than subjects receiving
no training
in mental imagery.
In addition, no relationship
was found between the personality type (introversion versus extroversion) of the individual
utilizing mental imagery and the resulting performance. Similarly, another study indicated that
mental imagery enhanced an individual's ability to identify pairs of musical tones (Crowder,
1989). Students were exposed to two successive tones played on different musical instruments,
and were asked to identify whether the second tone was identical to the original one. The
results indicated that students, who after exposure to the first tone imagined what the same
tone played on a different instrument would sound like, reacted faster in correctly pinpointing
identical tones. Overall, findings in clinical psychology suggest that positive mental imagery
can enhance performance
for a wide range of individuals with differing
personality types.
In summary, the research from several fields provides preliminary support for the second
link in the basic model in Figure 1 - that is, mental imagery facilitates successful performance.
While one sports psychology study of collegiate wrestlers in tournament competition (Gould,
Weiss and Weinberg, 1981) failed to provide support for the positive ;relationship of mental
imagery and self-talk with performance, the overwhelming majority of reported research
convincing evidence for this relationship. Additionally, in the studies reviewed thus far, the
construct 'performance' has tended to refer to a number of different meanings including quality
of skill performed (e.g. counselor decision-making) and quantity of the task output (e.g. number
of sit-ups performed). Drawing from this past research, we conceptualize performance as the
effectiveness of the behaviors utilized to complete a task, and the quantity and/or quality of
the task output.
Thus, it appears that self-talk and mental imagery significantly influence the performance
on a variety of tasks under a variety of conditions. The model suggests that purposeful practice
of self-talk and mental imagery can potentially enhance individual performance.
Towards a theory of thought
Thought self-leadership is conceptualized as a process of influencing or leading oneself through
the purposeful control of one's thoughts (Manz and Neck, 1991). This includes the utilization
of specific cognitive strategies including management of self-talk and mental imagery. Thought
self-leadership focuses on a particular aspect of the broader process of self-leadership (Manz,
1983, 1992) and builds upon perspectives in the organizational literature including Weick's
(1979) 'future perfect thinking', and the analysis of affect in organizations (e.g. Sims and Gioia,
Our cognitive perspective of self-leadership is derived primarily from social learning theory
(Bandura, 1977a, 1986). Social learning theory argues that behavior is a function of a triadic
reciprocity between the person, the behavior, and the environment (Davis and Luthans, 1980).
An alternative perspective to behavior, reinforcement theory, describes behavior as a function
of environmental factors (e.g. Skinner, 1953; Luthans and Kreitner, 1975). More specifically,
this externally oriented perspective is concerned with the role that reinforcing contingencies
play in maintaining and changing behavior.
Thus, the major differences between social learning theory and reinforcement theory are
two-fold. First, social learning theory argues for the mediating effects of cognitive processes
between the individual and the environment, whereas reinforcement theory ignores the role
of cognitive processes in terms of explaining behavior. Second, since social learning theory
argues for the mediating function of cognitive processes, it allows for the possibility of focusing
on self-regulation of cognitions as a mechanism for influencing
individual behavior and perform-
ance. By ignoring cognition and self-regulation and instead focusing on the controlling role
of the environment, reinforcement theory precludes this kind of analysis (Davis and Luthans,
Thus, our social learning theory based self-leadership perspective goes beyond reinforcement
theories of leadership (e.g. Luthans and Kreitner, 1975; Sims, 1977). As Figure 2 depicts, the
general thrust of a reinforcement view of leadership is that leaders can control subordinate
behavior (B) through the manipulation of various reinforcing contingencies (R). Thought self-
leadership argues that individual behavior (B) is influenced not only by external reinforcing
factors (R), but also by the self-regulation of cognitive processes (C) (see Figure 3).
Figure 1 suggests a simple, direct relationship between self-talk, mental imagery and perform-
ance. It does not, however, incorporate all of the necessary elements needed to more fully
integrate the literature and to provide a more complete model of thought self-leadership. In
order to develop this more comprehensive model, some additional critical elements and their
Reinforcement >m Behavior
Figure 2. Reinforcement theory of behavior
_ _ Behavior
(e.g. self-dialogue, mental imagery, beliefs/assumptions, thought patterns)
Figure 3. Thought self-leadership view of behavior. *(e.g. Self-dialogue, mental imagery, beliefs/
assumptions, thought patterns)
relationship to self-talk and mental imagery need to be addressed. These elements include the
role of beliefs, emotions, patterns of thinking, psychological scripts, and perceived self-efficacy.
Thus, Figure 4 presents our more comprehensive model.
Figure 4. Comprehensive thought self-leadership
Emotion and
thought self-leadership
The research reviewed thus far suggests there is a direct relation between self-talk and perform-
ance. Other
literature, however, suggests that the impact of self-talk and performance
is mediated
by affective responses. Ellis (1962, 1975, 1977), for example, asserts
that irrational or maladaptive
thoughts produce emotional distress, whereas rational thoughts result in positive emotional
states; and, that these emotions are the result of our self-talk. He states that 'one may control
one's emotions by changing the internalized sentences, or self-talk, with which one largely
created these emotions in the first place' (1975, p. 52). Furthermore, recent psychiatric work
suggests that an individual's 'self-soothing' internal dialogue, which begins during childhood,
can lead to the emotional state of solace (Horton, 1981).
Beck (1976) adds further specificity to this cognitive-affective relationship, hypothesizing
that the type of thought determines the specific nature of the emotional response. Ellis', Horton's
and Beck's views suggest that one's beliefs are related to the type of internal dialogue that
one executes, which in turn corresponds to one's resulting emotional state. This relationship
has received significant empirical support. Studies by Velten (1968), Rimm and Litvak (1969),
and Harrell et al. (1981) all supported the assumption that specific rational and irrational self-
statements were found to be highly correlated with corresponding affective states. Additionally,
Rosin and Nelson (1983) examined the effects of rational and irrational beliefs on self-report
measures of emotional state. Subjects who experienced rational self-talk reported less anxiety
on the task of solving a cube puzzle, whereas subjects experiencing irrational self-talk exhibited
an increase in anxiety. Taken as a whole, these studies supported the hypothesis that self-talk
results in a corresponding emotional state; and, the type of self-talk experienced is a result
of the beliefs the individual has internalized.
Secondary support for the emotion effects exhibited in the comprehensive model (Figure
4) is provided by Sims and Gioia's (1986) review of the recent studies that examine the effects
of mood on memory, thinking, social learning, and social judgment (Bower, 1981; Bower and
Cohen, 1982; Srull, 1983; Gilligan and Bower, 1984;
Clark and Isen, 1982; Wright and Mischel,
1982). Bower (1981) proposes that mood can influence learning, perception, memory and judg-
ment in terms of two processes: (1) mood-congruity effect, and (2) mood-state-dependent reten-
tion effect. The former means that individuals will attend to more and better learn those events
that convey an emotional tone that is similar to their current mood. The latter implies that
the retrieval from memory will be enhanced when the mood state at the time of recall matches
the mood state that occurred
during learning.
Similarly, other recent research has examined the influence of mood on cognitive processes
in general (Zajonc, 1980) as well as on problem solving, decision-making, judgment and evalu-
ation (Isen, Shalker, Clark and Karp, 1978; Isen and Shalker, 1982; Isen, Means, Patrick and
Nowicki, 1982; Isen and Means, 1983; Isen, 1984; Isen and Patrick, 1983; Isen and Daubman,
1984; Hill, Lippitt and Serkowneck, 1979). Most of this research has focused on the effect
of a positive, rather than a negative mood. These studies suggest that a positive mood influences
evaluation, judgment and decision-making by shaping decision-making strategies
and by increas-
ing the likelihood that positively toned material will be retrieved
from memory (Sims and Gioia,
1986). The findings of this research
suggest that an employee's mood state may influence
An additional linkage in the comprehensive model that differs
from the skeletal model centres
on the relationship between mental imagery and performance. This simple model suggests that
imagery and performance were directly related. However, the comprehensive model portrays
an indirect relation in which imagery affects performance through its impact on the thought
patterns an individual enacts. Additionally, unlike the relation of self-talk to thought patterns,
the relationship of imagery
to thought patterns is not viewed as being mediated by a correspond-
ing emotional state. This relationship is reinforced empirically in Lee's (1990) previously dis-
cussed sports psychology study that examined the relationship of emotions to imagery and
performance. She found that the specific content of the mental imagery
is important in determin-
ing its effect on performance
and that the effect does not depend on alterations of mood state.
Additionally, Sims and Gioia's (1986) conception of the 'organizational trajectory image'
indirectly reinforces the influence of imagery on performance at the organizational level. They
describe this concept as 'the projection of what the organization hopes to become and what
it wants to achieve' (p. 305). It is argued
that this organizational projection influences
nal decision-making.
while the basic
model depicts self-dialogue and mental imagery
as noninteractive,
the comprehensive model suggests that these two TSL elements influence each other. It should
be noted, however,.
that while certain aspects of self-talk may also contain elements of mental
imagery (and vice versa) these two components are basically distinct from each other - that
is, self-talk is an individual's internal dialogue (e.g. Ellis, 1962), whereas mental imagery is
a symbolic/mental representation
(e.g. Manz, 1992).
The next step in the model suggests that an emotional state leads to a particular
type of thought
pattern. Manz (1991) describes a thought pattern as, 'certain ways of thinking about our exper-
iences' and as, 'habitual ways of thinking'. The view taken here is that individuals tend to
engage in both negative and positive chains of thought (habitual ways of thinking) that affect
emotional and behavioral reactions. These thoughts flow in relatively consistently repeated
patterns when triggered by specific circumstances. The model suggests that self-talk and mental
imagery influence each other to produce an individual's thought patterns. As Manz (1991)
states: '... These thought patterns involve among other things, our beliefs, our imagined exper-
iences, and our self-talk' (p. 81).
An example of the types of thought patterns that a person could adopt include 'opportunity
thinking' and 'obstacle thinking' (Manz, 1992). Opportunity thinking involves a pattern of
thoughts that focuses on opportunities, worthwhile challenges, and constructive ways of dealing
with challenging situations. Obstacle thinking, on the other hand, involves a focus on the negative
aspects (the obstacles) involved in challenging situations - e.g. reasons to give up and retreat
from problems. Weick's (1979) conceptualization of organizational limitations seems
to resemble
obstacle thinking. He argues that constraints in the organization's environment become 'self-
imposed restrictions on the options that managers consider and exercise when confronted with
problems' (p. 149).
Additionally, some of Sullivan's
work is an example
of opportunity thinking.
He argues that one method of learning occurs via 'trial and success' as opposed to 'trial and
error'. In other words, an individual learns by focusing on his/her successes rather
than failures
in a given number of trials. Similarly a thought pattern paralleling that of opportunity/obstacle
thinking has been posited by a leading psychologist as he argues that individuals tend to evoke
one of two habits of thinking, optimism or pessimism (Seligman, 1991). He argues that when
confronted by a bad situation optimists 'perceive it as a challenge and try harder' whereas
pessimists believe 'bad events will last a long time and will undermine everything they do'
(p. 4-5).
Finally, some of the literature
in strategic
management indicates that managers
adopt habitual
patterns of thought in terms of opportunities or threats (Jackson and Dutton, 1988). More
one study indicates that managers
succumb to a threat bias
- that is, they habitually
view environmental stimuli as threats (negative/no gain situations) rather than opportunities
(positive/may gain situations) (Jackson and Dutton, 1988).
As the model suggests, a corresponding relationship between the types of one's thought
pattern and their performance
is specified. In other words, if one's thought patterns are
tive in the sense that they focus on opportunities and potential ways of overcoming challenges,
rather than obstacles, subsequent performance should be enhanced. If on the other hand, a
person is an 'obstacle thinker', his/her performance
will likely be,hindered.
Psychological scripts
A concept that pertains to the relationship between thought patterns and performance is a
psychological script (Abelson, 1976, 1981; Gioia and Poole, 1984; Gioia and Manz, 1985).
A script is a 'hypothesized cognitive structure that provides a guide to appropriate behavior
sequences in a' given context', (Gioia and Manz, 1985, p. 528). In other words, scripts refer
to the ideal that individuals adopt stereotyped sequences of behavior that they use when con-
fronted with certain types of situations (Manz, 1992). For example, when eating at a restaurant,
we act out certain expected sequences of behavior such as waiting for the host to seat us,
ordering something to drink before ordering the meal, and ordering the main course before
ordering the dessert. Consequently, scripts suggest that individuals tend to automatically behave
and think in specific ways when cued to do so by a particular situation. In the comprehensive
model, scripts
are depicted as moderating the relationship between thought patterns and
ance. This relationship was described by Manz (1992): '... The relationship between our pattern
of thinking and -our behavior, however, will often call for more than thinking our way to
new isolated behaviors. In many cases, it may call for changing entire sequences of deep-rooted
stereotypical behaviors (both physical and psychological) that have been habitually matched
to specific situations . . .' (p. 84).
In order to more fully conceptualize the relationship between thought patterns and perform-
ance, the element of scripts is included in our model.
Past performance
The final aspect of the comprehensive model involves the element of experience. The model
hypothesizes that the frequency of successful performance outcomes will directly effect the
self-talk and mental imagery of the individual. In other words, the more times a person exper-
iences success, the greater will be the likelihood that this person will enact positive self-talk
and positive mental imagery. This logic is supported by Bandura's (1977a, 1986) empirically
based theory of self-efficacy.
The major thrust of this theory involves the individual's perception
of his/her ability to overcome challenges. Bandura argues that this perception is ,a function
of (1) past experience (actual experience); (2) observation of others (vicarious experience); (3)
persuasion; and (4) physiological perceptions. Bandura's work suggests that past performance
experience is the strongest contributor to perceived self-efficacy.
Furthermore, the level of per-
ceived self-efficacy has been found to effect the amount of effort expended and the degree
of persistence, which are both significantly
related to performance
(Bandura, 1986).
The comprehensive
model served as a catalyst in developing the following thought self-leadership
propositions for future research.
Proposition 1
Individuals with functional beliefs will exhibit positive self-statements.
Proposition la
Individuals with dysfunctional beliefs will exhibit negative self-statements.
Proposition 2
Individuals who engage in constructive internal dialogue will exhibit a corresponding construc-
tive emotional state.
Proposition 2a
Individuals who engage in destructive internal dialogue will exhibit a corresponding destructive
emotional state.
The first two categories of proposition should serve to test the basic assumptions represented
in the model and proposed by Ellis (1977) - that is, self-statements mediate the relation between
belief and emotional states. As discussed previously, the work in clinical psychology by Velten
(1968), Rimm and Litvak (1969), and Harrell et al. (1981) provides empirical support for this
link. These propositions are included for examining this relationship within an organizational
Proposition 3
Individuals engaging in constructive self-talk will tend to exhibit constructive mental imagery.
Proposition 3a
Individuals engaging in destructive self-talk will tend to exhibit destructive
mental imagery.
Proposition 4
Individuals engaging in constructive mental imagery
will tend to exhibit constructive self-talk.
Individuals engaging in destructive mental imagery
will tend to exhibit destructive self-talk.
The propositions in categories 3 and 4 will test the reciprocal influence of self-talk and mental
imagery as proposed by Manz (1983, 1986, 1992).
This set of propositions is designed to address
a void in the literature regarding the reciprocal interchange between these two cognitive pro-
cesses. Most of the research reviewed examined the impact of self-talk and mental imagery
on performance but failed to examine the correlation between these specific elements in the
thought self-leadership
Individuals exhibiting constructive emotional states will possess thought patterns of a construc-
tive nature (e.g. opportunity thinking).
Proposition 5a
Individuals exhibiting destructive emotional states will possess thought patterns of a destructive
nature (e.g. obstacle thinking).
Proposition 6
Individuals performing destructive forms of mental imagery will exhibit thought patterns of
a destructive nature.
The propositions in categories 5 and 6 should serve to test the role of mental imagery and
emotional state as antecedents of thought patterns as specified
in the model.
Proposition 7
Individuals exhibiting constructive forms of thought patterns (e.g. opportunity thinking) and
who adopt reinforcing/complementary scripts will attain a higher level of performance than
individuals exhibiting negative forms of thought patterns (e.g. obstacle thinking) without rein-
forcing scripts.
This proposition will allow for the empirical
test of the effect of thought patterns
on individual
performance. In other words, the logical notion that opportunity thinkers should perform
than obstacle thinkers will be examined. Additionally, this proposition will serve to examine
the moderating role of scripts between thought patterns and performance, as depicted by Manz
Proposition 8
The more an individual experiences successful performance, the greater the likelihood that
he/she will exhibit positive self-talk and positive mental imagery.
Proposition 8a
The more an individual experiences unsuccessful performance, the greater the likelihood that
he/she will exhibit negative self-talk and negative mental imagery.
Propositions 8 and 8a will allow for the testing of the experience factor in the comprehensive
model that is suggested by Bandura's
(1977a, 1986) self-efficacy theory.
Individuals who undergo thought self-leadership training that is training that focuses on
creating constructive patterns of beliefs, self-talk, and mental imagery
- will evidence enhanced
over those not receiving the training.
Proposition 9 will serve as the integral test of a central tenet of thought self-leadership
effective self regulation of cognitions can be learned/developed, and, thus, the contention that
an individual's cycle of negative thinking can be altered.
of thought
for practice
The model we have developed is designed to provide an integration of variables contributing
to the relationship between thought self-leadership
and performance. An underlying assumption
of this model is that the individual has the ability to control and manage his/her thoughts
in order to influence subsequent behavior and performance. In other words, through the process
of thought self-leadership, employees can lead themselves to attain higher performance by the
adoption and/or alteration of specific
cognitive processes. As the comprehensive model suggests,
there are various cognitive strategies that employees can execute in order to constructively
manage their thinking and consequently to improve their performance. These involve adopting
and/or changing their (1) beliefs, (2) internal dialogues, (3) mental imagery, and (4) thought
patterns. The following examples provide speculation (supported by the significant research
that we have reviewed
that has been conducted in several fields of study) regarding the application
of thought self-leadership strategies for members
of organizations.
An initial step that an employee can undertake to improve his/her
performance involves perform-
ing a process similar to that prescribed by Ellis (1975) and Burns (1980). According to these
views, individuals can identify and confront their dysfunctional beliefs and replace them with
more rational beliefs. For example, a manager completely 'freezes' up during an important
presentation to his Board of Directors and forgets many of the facts necessary to support
his proposal. He goes back to his office and thinks to himself 'I'm a zero; I'll never be able
to make an effective presentation'.
According to the work of Burns (1980), which draws heavily on the research of Beck (1976),
this type of thinking is an example of dysfunctional self-talk based on a distorted belief called
'all or nothing thinking'. This refers to an individual's tendency to evaluate his/her personal
qualities in extreme, black or white categories. Similar to procedures posited by Ellis (1962,
1975, 1977), Burns suggests that such beliefs can be altered by identifying the dysfunction
and then altering the thoughts that occur to be more rational in nature. The manager could
challenge his thoughts of himself as a complete failure, and revise his beliefs regarding himself
using constructive self-talk such as 'I've made successful presentations before; I will learn from
this mistake. It's not the end of the world; I will do better next time'.
Through our comprehensive
model, we hypothesize that self-statements
correspond to emotional
states which in turn affect performance. Consequently, an employee may be able to enhance
his/her performance
by controlling his/her emotional state. We
propose that this can be attempted
through the alteration of his/her
dialogue. As Ellis (1975) states:'... the psychotherapist's
main goal should include demonstrating to patients that their self-verbalizations not only have
been but usually still are the source of their emotional disturbances. Patients should be shown
that their internalized sentences are quite illogical and unrealistic in certain respects and that
they have the ability to change their emotions by telling themselves -.or rather, convincing
themselves of the truth of- more rational and less self-defeating sentences' (p. 58).
Employees who bring their self-defeating internal verbalizations to a level of awareness, and
who re-think and reverbalize these inner dialogues, may be able to enhance their performance.
In terms of the earlier
example, before his next presentation, the manager needs to pay attention
to what he is telling himself. Instead of telling himself, 'hey, you messed up last time, you
might do it again', he could tell himself out loud, 'I'm going to captivate this audience; I
have done my homework well and with concentration on what I know, I have no doubt in
my mind that my presentation will be a success'. Over a number
of attempts
at utilizing construc-
tive self-talk, it should become internalized so that the employee learns to use it silently in
his/her mind to improve performance of a task.
mental imagery
As the various empirical studies discussed earlier suggest, individuals who utilize various mental
imagery techniques tend to enjoy more successful performance than those who fail to practice
such methods. Returning to our example, before his upcoming speech, the manager could men-
tally picture himself giving a fluent and exciting presentation to a receptive audience, while
concentrating on the details of his most important points. This mental visualization of the
speech should increase the manager's ability to make the presentation effectively, as well as
his self-confidence because he has already performed the actual behavior in his mind. On the
other hand, if the manager had mentally pictured himself as poorly presenting his speech to
a hostile audience, the resulting lack of self-confidence could lead to the very failure that was
of thought patterns
The comprehensive thought self-leadership model hypothesizes a direct relationship between
individuals' thought patterns and performance. Consequently, one way to enhance an employee's
performance is to alter his/her thought patterns. First, an examination of the worker's current
thought patterns must occur. If the person tends to excessively focus on the negative aspects
(the obstacles), rather than the positive aspects (the opportunities) involved in challenging situa-
tions with little thought devoted to potential opportunities, the employee stands to benefit
from changing-this pattern in future situations. If the employee succeeds in repeatedly reversing
the tone of his/her cognitions over time, this new constructive way of thinking should become
a habitual thought pattern and ultimately the potential for the employee's performance to
could be established.
In addition, the employee could benefit from taking an inventory of the habitual behavioral
sequence (scripts) that he/she performs. In order for employees to improve their performance,it
way be necessary to develop new, more constructive scripts. According to Manz (1983), 'the
development of new, more desirable scripts requires a greater awareness of our current script
'library' (the repertoire of scripts that we call upon and act out in different situations)' (p.
69). By paying attention to their
current habitual behavioral performances
in different
employees can obtain a better understanding of what caused their behavior. Additionally,
employees' performance can be enhanced by identifying scripts
that are
more effective
for specific
situations and by rehearsing these new scripts until they become more automatic (habitual)
replacing the old habitual sequence of actions.
of thought self-leadership
Research suggests that self-managing the four interrelated
components of self-talk, mental ima-
gery, beliefs, and thought patterns, can provide employees with the means for improving their
performance. In addition, these primary
components of thought self-leadership may generalize
to a wide range of applications. The Human Resources function is a notable example of an
area of organizations in which the use of these cognitive strategies may be applicable. More
specifically, the research in counseling psychology has shown that the cognitive strategies of
self-talk and mental imagery can facilitate the performance of the therapist in the counseling
interview. This same relationship may generalize to the Human Resource manager in the terms
of the interviewer
role in the selection interview, to the manager during a performance
and to a whole host of other situations. Indeed, the interview and the performance appraisal
functions in many ways require parallel behaviors to those exhibited in the counseling interview
- that is, all three activities involve a dyadic relationship in which one person is assessing
the other.
However, the application of thought self-leadership should be approached with caution.
Notably, questions might be raised about the transferability of findings concerning the appli-
cation of these cognitive methods in sports, clinical, and educational psychology to an organiza-
tional setting. Indeed, several arguments cani
be made against the successful utilization of these
cognitive techniques in an organizational environment.
First, it could be argued that the unique nature of managerial tasks differs from that of
the tasks employed in the previously reviewed studies; thus the results of these studies do not
generalize to organizational arenas. More specifically, on the surface it may appear that the
tasks involved in clinical work with individuals, with sports activities, and with personal learning
are relatively self-contained activities; whereas managerial work is highly interdependent and
often includes a significant amount of uncertainty. However, the nature of many of the tasks
included in the reviewed studies parallel that of tasks employed in managerial activities. For
example, the previously discussed mental imagery meta-analysis (Feltz and Landers, 1983) in
sports psychology found no significant difference between closed-skill or self-paced tasks (consis-
tent and predictable) and open-skill or reactive tasks (unpredictable). Thus, this supports the
contention that the nature of the task, in terms of its degree of interdependency, does not
moderate the relation between the execution of thought self-leadership strategies and enhanced
Another related criticism of the applicability/transferability
of thought self-leadership is that
this may only apply to employees at specific levels in an organization involving only select
types of tasks. Again, the research suggests differently. Components of thought self-leadership
(e.g. mental imagery) have improved performance on lower order skills (basic attending and
responding), higher order skills (decision-making and strategy formulation) (Baker et al. 1985),
and tasks of a cognitive nature (Ryan and Simons, 1981).
Another argument against the applicability of thought self-leadership may be that individual
differences, such as personality type of an individual may influence the applicability of our
model to that person. Research previously cited (Turner
et al. 1982), however, found no signifi-
cant relationship between personality type and performance among subjects receiving mental
imagery training.
Finally, while this manuscript has generally focused on the positive implications of thought
self-leadership, it is important to highlight a potential drawback to the application of these
cognitive strategies - that is, an individual's potential of becoming disconnected from external
reality. The strong emphasis on internal cognitive and emotional states could possibly result
in an employee losing touch with his/her external environment. For example, it has been argued
that some of the recent performance problems of General Motors and-NASA can be attributed
to the managers' preoccupation with the 'self' and thus, their disconnection from external reality
(Schwartz, 1990). However, in this manuscript we argue for the constructive application of
thought management
which assumes
become aware of and examine both their internal
and external states; and, that thought self-leadership
can aid employees in overcoming
difficulties that lie within their external reality.
research is needed to assess the applicability
of thought self-leadership
in organizations
but, the preliminary
evidence suggests
considerable promise. For example, one method of empiri-
cally examining the applicability of thought self-leadership in an organizational setting would
be to examine our proposition 9 through a training intervention based field study. More specifi-
cally, a field study similar to that of Latham and Saari's (1979) modeling-based training design
could be utilized. The design would include two training groups (one receiving thought self-
leadership training, the other receiving a contingent reinforcement treatment) and a control
group (not receiving any training). Therefore, the competing reinforcement theory and social
learning theory based thought self-leadership perspectives would be compared (relative to a
non-treatment control group) in terms of their impact on behavior and performance. The thought
self-leadership (TSL) training would focus on each of the major components of TSL addressed
in this paper (especially self-regulation of self-talk and mental imagery). Pre and post measures
would be collected to assess the impact of the thought self-leadership training. The measures
would be of multiple nature including supervisory ratings (performance), and a thought self-
leadership questionnaire designed to measure the major components of thought self-leadership
(e.g. self-dialogue, mental imagery, etc). In addition, other related variables including self-effi-
cacy, job satisfaction, job commitment, perceived job stress, and negative affectivity could be
studied. A final measure would focus on absenteeism and turnover drawing from company
records to gain this information.
Various bodies of literature including clinical psychology, counseling psychology, sports psy-
chology, education, and communication, address the effect of self-talk and mental imagery
on performance.
This research
provides consistent support for the relationship between construc-
tive self-leadership of these cognitive processes and enhanced performance. The application
of these and other cognitive strategies to the management literature, however, is sparse at
best. We have proposed that the application of these principles to employees of organizations
offers the potential to enhance individual and organizational performance.
A comprehensive model of thought self-leadership is proposed that expands on the process
of Manz's (1983, 1986) self-leadership perspective. The basic premise of this perspective is that
people can influence or lead themselves
by controlling their own thoughts through the application
of specific cognitive strategies which focus on self-verbalizations and mental imagery. Proposi-
tions derived from our comprehensive
model have been proposed to serve
as catalysts for empiri-
cally testing the applicability of thought self-leadership for improving performance in
organizations. Overall, the challenge of better understanding
the primary ingredients of effective
self-leadership of thought appears to be a promising frontier for organizational research and
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