
Typification of the name Thymus serpyllum L. (Lamiaceae)

  • Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava & Charles University, Prague
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Lectotypification of the name Thymus serpyllum L. (Lamiaceae) is presented. The name is typified by a specimen from the Burser herbarium (UPS), the only one which corresponds well with the present concept of T serpyllum and undoubtedly represents original material.

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... Despite several Thymus names were typified in the last years (e.g. Schmidt 1977Schmidt , 1997Morales 1986Morales , 1993Mártonfi 1997;Marhold & Mártonfi 1998;Lim et al. 2006;Sutorý 2010;Krestovskaya 2012;Bartolucci et al. 2013; Bartolucci & Peruzzi 2014; Krytska 2014; Bartolucci & Domina 2014, 2015Bartolucci & Walter 2015;Bartolucci & Mráz 2016), most are still lacking typification. ...
... On the contrary, according to some on-line taxonomic databases (e.g. The Plant List 2013 onwards; Govaerts 2015) it is a synonym of Th. serpyllum L. This latter species, considering its morphological features (Jalas 1970(Jalas , 1972Marhold & Mártonfi 1998;Ložiene 2002) and according to specimens seen (including original material; lectotype kept at UPS! designated by Marhold & Mártonfi 1998), is clearly different from Th. carstiensis in having always long, slender, creeping, non-flowering branches, flowering stems up to 10 cm high, hairy all round and cauline leaves smaller, linear to elliptical, subsessile. Furthermore, Th. serpyllum is widespread from southern France and western Austria throughout Central Europe to eastern Ukraine and Scandinavian Peninsula (Jalas 1947(Jalas , 1970(Jalas , 1972Pigott 1955;Ložiene 2002) and it was excluded from flora of Italy (Greuter et al. 1986;Conti et al. 2005;Bartolucci 2010). ...
... On the contrary, according to some on-line taxonomic databases (e.g. The Plant List 2013 onwards; Govaerts 2015) it is a synonym of Th. serpyllum L. This latter species, considering its morphological features (Jalas 1970(Jalas , 1972Marhold & Mártonfi 1998;Ložiene 2002) and according to specimens seen (including original material; lectotype kept at UPS! designated by Marhold & Mártonfi 1998), is clearly different from Th. carstiensis in having always long, slender, creeping, non-flowering branches, flowering stems up to 10 cm high, hairy all round and cauline leaves smaller, linear to elliptical, subsessile. Furthermore, Th. serpyllum is widespread from southern France and western Austria throughout Central Europe to eastern Ukraine and Scandinavian Peninsula (Jalas 1947(Jalas , 1970(Jalas , 1972Pigott 1955;Ložiene 2002) and it was excluded from flora of Italy (Greuter et al. 1986;Conti et al. 2005;Bartolucci 2010). ...
The name Thymus dalmaticus var. carstiensis, basionym of Th. carstiensis, is here lectotypified. This taxon is currently regarded as the hybrid between Th. longicaulis and Th. pulegioides or as a synonym of Th. serpyllum. A morphological comparison among Th. dalmaticus var. carstiensis and its putative parental species are performed. A detailed morphological description and information about habitat, phenology, distribution and taxonomy are provided. Furthermore, Th. carstiensis is here recorded for the first time from Slovenia.
... prop.; Ferrer-Gallego 2019), T. mastichina (L.) L., T. piperella L., T. pulegioides, T. serpyllum L., T. villo sus L., T. vulgaris L., and T. zygis L., all of which are currently treated within Thymus. Correct type interpretations exist for seven of the above names (Morales 1986;Marhold & Mártonfi 1998;López & Morales 2011;Ferrer-Gallego 2019), while the nomenclatural type of T. pulegioides is still a source of controversy. In the exhaustive summarizing work on the Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project, Jarvis (2007) erroneously indicated the specimen Herb. ...
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The protologue, original material and typification of the Linnaean name Thymus pulegioides (Lamiaceae) are discussed. The specimen Herb. Linnaeus No. 38.5 (LINN) has been regarded as the lectotype of T. pulegioides, and perfectly agrees with the protologue of this name, but appears not to have been effectively designated as such. Therefore, the lectotype must be Herb. Linnaeus No. 38.6 (LINN), which was effectively designated by Mártonfi in 1997.
... The typification must be the starting point of any taxonomic study especially in a difficult genus such as Thymus (e.g., Schmidt, 1977Schmidt, , 1997Mártonfi, 1997;Marhold & Mártonfi, 1998;Lim & al., 2006;Bartolucci & Peruzzi, 2013;Bartolucci & Domina, in press) that includes an enormous number of validly published names, with many nomenclatural and taxonomic synonyms. During a preliminary study of the genus Thymus in the Mediterranean area (Bartolucci, 2010;Bartolucci & Peruzzi, 2013;Federici & al., 2013;Bartolucci & Domina, in press) and preparation of a taxonomic treatment for the second edition of Flora d'Italia (Pignatti, 1982), several validly published names resulted not yet typified. ...
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Thymus is one of the most critical genera of the Euro-Mediterranean flora and most of its taxa are in need of typification. During a preliminary study on the taxonomy of this genus in the Mediterranean area, several names turned out to be not yet typified. In order to fix their applications, nomenclatural types for 18 names within the genus Thymus are here designated. The new combination Thymus praecox subsp. parvulus (Lojac.) Bartolucci, Peruzzi & N.G. Passal. is also proposed.
This identification guide to the vascular flora of Britain and Ireland is drawn up from actual plant material and covers all natives, naturalized plants, crop plants and recurrent casuals: 2990 species and 197 extra subspecies are treated fully, with 559 hybrids and marginal species mentioned more briefly. The information, for each family or similar taxon, is presented in the form of an introductory summary of characteristics generally followed by a dichotomous key to genera; for each genus or similar taxon, a brief summary is followed by a dichotomous key to species and then by individual descriptions of the keyed species. These descriptions include other species not mentioned in the keys, as well as hybrids and subspecies. They also give information on status, habitat, distribution and frequency of occurrence or rarity, and indicate endemic or extinct plants. Within the book are interspersed 150 pages of illustrations and photographs of difficult groups. There is a glossary of terms used and an index combining common and Linnean names. -J.W.Cooper
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