ABSTRACT One possible outline of the interrelationship between mood and cognition makes use of a fourfold framework mood-state introspections yield a report of the mood, mood-sensitive judgments are influenced by mood, metamood experiences include thoughts about the mood, and mood-related traits predict the likelihood of being in a mood Three studies were conducted to investigate the relation between mood introspection and mood-sensitive judgment (e g, mood-related changes in judgments about “objective” events such as belief in the probability of a nuclear war) These same studies also examined the metamood experiences and mood-related traits occurring simultaneously with the above moods and judgments Judgment was mood-sensitive across all studies Factor analysis of the various measures was supportive of the partial independence of the four domains Mood introspection, mood-sensitive judgment, and mood-related traits appeared on separate factors Metamood experience was factorially complex and was distributed across factors Interrelations among the domains were described The relevance of the framework for representing personality and psychopathology was discussed, as was the influence of mood on everyday judgments