
Numerical deembedding technique for planar discontinuities with periodically nonuniform feed lines

International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
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A numerical short-open calibration technique is applied to deembedding of planar discontinuities with periodically perturbed nonuniform feed lines in the full-wave method of moments (MoM) algorithm. Different from the other deembedding techniques that are based on the assumption of uniform feed lines, this proposed technique exhibits an unparalleled capability on modeling of planar circuits with nonuniform feed lines. To demonstrate this feature, the open and gap discontinuities are modeled under periodically nonuniform feed configuration, and the effective per-unit-length transmission parameters of slow-wave and electromagnetic bandgap structures are extracted from the full-wave MoM simulation. Two periodically nonuniform microstrip-line resonator circuits are modeled and then confirmed by EM simulators and measurement. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2008.

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This article presents a numerical short-open-load (SOL) calibration technique for accurate extraction of electrically small planar/nonplanar microstrip-line (MSL) circuits and elements in the interface of 3-D full-wave algorithm or simulator. An additional matched-load condition is established at the reference plane and employed in the whole calibration process. In comparison with the traditional short-open calibration (SOC) method, the proposed SOL technique implemented in the interface of software does not inquire prior simulation of the internal current/voltage at the reference plane of two calibration standards but only needs to know the external port impedances of three calibration standards. After the description of entire extraction process, a few typical electrically small planar circuits, such as MSL open-end and step discontinuities, are first numerically deembedded, and their extracted circuit parameters are evidently confirmed with other published ones. Then, a nonplanar structure of a vertically placed shorting pin in the middle of MSL is studied with different sizes and positions to effectively extract the circuit parameters in the two presented equivalent models. Finally, a third-order Chebyshev filter is designed with pin-loaded MSL structures. Its frequency response is synthesized on the proposed SOL method to validate the correctness of the extracted circuit parameters and further demonstrate the usefulness of this method in synthesis design of electrically large microwave circuits. Good agreement among the filtering frequency responses from equivalent circuit model, full-wave simulation, and measurement has well revealed that the proposed SOL method is indeed accurate in numerical extraction of circuit elements and efficient in synthesis design of an entire circuit with prescribed specifications.
This paper presents the numerical short-open calibration (SOC) method in the full-wave finite-element method (FEM) algorithm for accurate de-embedding of equivalent circuit parameters of a variety of 3-D nonplanar periodic guided-wave and discontinuity structures. It holds its attractive features in high efficiency and good accuracy as demonstrated in the method of moments algorithm, and further allows itself to be capable of characterization of 3-D nonplanar structures. By setting the reference plane along each feeding line as the perfect electric and magnetic conductors, i.e., PEC and PMC, the entire error box involved in each feeding line and impressed source can be characterized by using these two calibration standards, namely, short- and open-ended circuits. Formulation of ABCD matrix of this error box is described under the introduction of an impressed voltage at each port. Then, ABCD matrix of the core circuit structure can be effectively de-embedded or extracted. Finally, a few numerical examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our proposed full-wave 3-D FEM-SOC approach in numerical de-embedding of 3-D nonplaner structures.
The constantly growing demand for accuracy, efficiency, dependency, and universality in the simulation and circuit modeling of any functional electromagnetic structure-whether devices, circuits, antennas, interconnects, or packaging [1]-[5]-has for decades been the driving force in the development of a number of successful electromagnetic simulation and circuit modeling packages available on the commercial market. In particular, the current trend toward high-density integrations of electromagnetic geometries, from composite-material-based electrical aircraft to nanomaterial-structured electromagnetic sensors, is spurring thedevelopment of various sophisticated multiscale and multiphysics algorithms for rigorous field simulations and design modeling.
This paper presents a brief review on the development of numerical calibration and de-embedding techniques. The earlier proposed short-open-calibration (SOC) technique was first implemented in the integral-equation based method of moments and extensively studied for computer-aided design of different microwave circuit structures. Unlike other de-embedding techniques, the SOC technique has no need to predefine the port discontinuities and feed network, but only consider them as a unified error box. Recent progress in this research will be discussed and clarified.
The recent growth in telecommunications requires the design of miniaturized circuits operating beyond the gigahertz. Research activities are enormously dedicated to the study of integrated circuits associated with planar structures. Planar circuits, that have recently undergone major technological developments, are very attractive for their moderate cost of realization, low weight and dimensions. Filters known in microwave can be made from printed planar lines. Many of these passive components have no frequency agility. The problem of frequency agility is solved using adjustable active components or passive components which we can modify the properties by applying an electric field (ferroelectric) or a magnetic field (ferrite ...). The main objective of this thesis is to propose and characterize a coplanar line left hand with which we can obtain an agile frequency operation and relatively low losses. It is a study on new materials "left hand" or metamaterials made from coplanar lines on ferrite substrate. The use of these substrates allows some frequency agility. The study begins by modeling a non-reciprocal line segment, then study the complete structure (capacity - non- reciprocal line - inductance). The determination of the ABCD parameters of the unit cell (LC), allows us to find the S parameters of this cell. We will deduct the constants of propagation in both directions and we will verify that the cell is a non-reciprocal "left hand" planar material
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Double-delay and short open calibration (SOC) deembedding are both useful for deembedding the results of a gap voltage source excited electromagnetic analysis. Previously, each approach has been viewed as distinct, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper describes a unifying theory, showing that double delay and SOC are each special cases of an extended SOC technique. Results related to the characteristic impedance as determined by this extended SOC deembedding are also presented.
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Even- and odd-mode guided-wave characteristics of periodically nonuniform coupled microstrip lines (PNCML) are thoroughly investigated in terms of the two sets of per-unit-length transmission parameters, i.e., characteristic impedance and phase constant. By executing the short-open calibration (SOC) procedure in the method-of-moments platform, the two-port ABCD matrices of the PNCML with finite unit cells are numerically deembedded via two sets of SOC standards so as to explicitly derive the effective per-unit-length parameters. After our investigation on the behaviors of numerical convergence, extensive results are derived to demonstrate the frequency- and periodicity-dependent per-unit-length parameters of the three types of PNCML against those of the uniform coupled microstrip line. In final, the S-parameters of a PNCML circuit are directly simulated via extracted per-unit-length parameters and they are validated in magnitude and phase by those from the Momentum simulator.
This paper reviews recent progresses in the research and development of planar photonic band-gap (PBG) structures, also called electromagnetic crystals, for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. Planar Electromagnetic crystals are particularly attractive and intensively investigated bt cause of their easy fabrication, low cost, and compatibility with standard planar circuit technology. Two configurations and their applications are described in this paper: a square lattice of holes etched in a ground plane and the recently developed Uniplanar Compact PEG (UC-PBG) structure. Basic properties as well as applications to microwave circuits are reported. These include harmonic tuning in power amplifier, leakage suppression in conductor-backed coplanar waveguide (CB-CPW), realization of planar slow-wave structure, and performance improvement in microstrip filters and patch antennas.
In this paper, we are presenting the latest results on a number of RF/Microwave devices that we have developed at the University of Toronto based on transmission-line NRI materials. This includes a brief exposition of the effective medium theory for such TL NRI media followed by the presentation of a backward leaky-wave antenna radiating its fundamental spatial harmonic. This followed by a peculiar planar coupled-line coupler in which the phase flow is co-directional but the power flow is contradirectional leading to a high coupling level. Finally, a class of metamaterial phase-shifting lines is presented that offer phase shifts around the 360-degree mark at a small length and with a high bandwidth and linearity. (6 pages)
A “double delay” de-embedding algorithm appropriate for electromagnetic analyses is described. This algorithm uses only two standards, a through and a double length through. By evaluating these standards, a special class of port discontinuities may be characterized and removed from the data calculated for a complete structure. Unlike related physical de-embedding algorithms, both the characteristic impedance and the velocity of propagation of the through lines are determined. The technique described here is difficult to implement in a physical de-embedding. The de-embedding theory also provides a new definition of characteristic impedance, “equivalent TEM impedance,” for inhomogeneous media, such as microstrip. This new impedance exhibits a nonmonotonic dispersion which has been measured experimentally but is not seen using previous impedance definitions.
Conference Paper
In this work, a short-open calibration technique is extended for field theory-based parametric extraction of planar discontinuities with nonuniform feed lines in the platform of full-wave method-of-moments. As a planar discontinuity is analyzed with respect to the planes of impressed sources, each individual nonuniform feed line is modeled as a general error box relying on the perfect short-and open-circuit standards. By calibrating out all the error boxes associated with all the nonuniform feed lines, the core discontinuity section can be deembedded based on the cascaded network theorem. Since each individual feed line is modeled as a unified two-port circuit instead of a transmission line section, the presented technique provides an advantageous feature in deembedding various planar circuits that may be fed by nonuniform lines, as met in the high-density and high-integrated circuits. After theoretical description is made on the deembedding procedure, a microstrip-line slit discontinuity with varied feed lines is numerically characterized. Extracted equivalent circuit parameters are at first confirmed by the Sonnet em simulator in the uniform case and then substantially demonstrated in various nonuniform cases.
Metamaterials are artificially engineered structures with unusual electromagnetic properties. In this article, we review the implementation of isotropic metamaterials that exhibit a negative permittivity and a negative permeability, thus leading to a negative index of refraction. Specifically, the article focuses on transmission-line metamaterials, which are planar structures comprising a network of distributed transmission lines loaded periodically with inductors, L, and capacitors, C, in a "high-pass" configuration. The periodic unit cell is much smaller than the wavelength, thus leading to an effective medium in which the lumped loading elements can be either discrete (chip) or printed. Based on such negative-refractive-index transmission-line (NRI-TL) metamaterials, several RF/microwave devices are presented, including microwave lenses that can overcome the diffraction limit, compact phase-shifting lines and associated broadband series-fed power dividers, electrically small antennas, antenna feed networks and baluns, backward leaky-wave antennas, and high-directivity coupled-line couplers and reflectometers.
This paper introduces a new orthogonality-based method of extracting scattering parameters (deembedding) from numerical current distributions on microstrip networks. All deembedding methods require sufficient length in the network feed lines that only a fundamental mode arrives at the discontinuity. In our new method, the length of feed lines used to excite a network with only a fundamental mode can be shortened compared with other methods. On that basis, this new method can be used to improve other deembedding methods. Estimates of end susceptance and end conductance of the open-end discontinuity are used for performance evaluation. End conductance computations are highly sensitive to errors in computed numerical reflection coefficients, making the accurate analysis of the open-end discontinuity a particularly challenging deembedding example. Results show that the orthogonality-based method is both stable and accurate. In the case of the open-end discontinuity, significant improvement in performance compared to other deembedding techniques can be achieved.
A systematic numerical methodology is proposed for the accurate deembedding of multiport discontinuities in full-wave numerical models of multiconductor microwave and millimeter-wave passive structures and high-speed digital interconnects. The discussed methodology is based on the earlier-proposed short-open calibration (SOC) procedure. The latter being a numerical analog of the experimental transmission-thru-reflection technique provides a consistent removal of the feed networks of the device-under-test over a wide range of frequencies. The treatment of multiport topologies is achieved through the continuation of the original scalar SOC method into the vector space. The new vector SOC method is easily combined with integral-equation-based method-of-moments electromagnetic-field solvers and allows for substantial flexibility in the choice of excitation mechanisms. Such commonly used method-of-moments driving schemes as ports locally backed up by a vertical conducting wall, ungrounded-internal differential ports, and via-mounted ports can be accurately deembedded within the framework of the vector SOC. Several numerical experiments are provided to validate the proposed multiport deembedding methodology and demonstrate its application.
Periodic coplanar waveguides (CPWs) with inductive loading are thoroughly studied by resorting to unit-length transmission parameters, i.e., propagation constant and characteristic impedance, of an equivalent dispersive and/or lossy transmission line. The admittance-type method of moments (MoM) is at first formulated to full-wave modeling of a finite-cell periodic CPW with the two feeding lines and then the short-open-calibration procedure is carried out to deembed the two-port ABCD matrix of the core periodic CPW section. Thus, the above two parameters can be extracted from the MoM simulation to exhibit their guided-wave characteristics, i.e., slow-wave and bandstop behaviors. It is demonstrated for the first time that, within the bandstop or bandgap, the propagation constant must become complex with a nonzero attenuation constant, while the characteristic impedance appears purely imaginary. Three periodic CPW circuits with six finite cells are then characterized on a basis of the transmission-line theorem and the derived S-parameters are validated by Momentum simulation and RF measurement.
A Galerkin analysis of microstrip circuits of arbitrary planar geometry enclosed in a rectangular conducting box is described. The technique entails a time-harmonic electromagnetic analysis evaluating all fields and surface currents. This analysis is suitable for the accurate verification of microstrip designs prior to fabrication. A computer program implementing the analysis has been written in Pascal on a personal computer. Agreement with measurements of several microstrip structures suggests a high degree of accuracy.
A short-open calibration (SOC) technique for deembedding structures with an arbitrary, possibly coupled, number of ports is introduced in this paper. While deembedding algorithms used in commercial software packages require the analysis of two “standard” structures for each set of ports, the proposed solution requires only one standard to be analyzed, with a significant reduction in the overall computation time. Moreover, unlike other deembedding techniques, the SOC technique does not rely on specific assumptions about the nature of the port discontinuities and of the feeding lines. This fact circumvents ambiguities linked to the definition of the characteristic impedance when hybrid modes are involved. Implementation-ready formulas are provided
Unified dynamic equivalent-circuit model for characterizing planar unbounded discontinuities is reported for use in the field-theory-based computer-aided design and optimization of high-frequency integrated circuits and structures such as monolithic and hybrid microwave integrated circuits (M(H)MIC's). The proposal of the circuit model is stemmed from a new scheme called the short-open calibration (SOC) technique. This SOC technique is directly accommodated in a full-wave method-of-moments (MoM) algorithm. The developed MoM algorithm is applied to the modeling of unbounded planar discontinuities that can be segmented into two distinct sections: static model of feed lines and dynamic model of circuit discontinuity. In this paper, the MoM, is formulated in such a way that the port voltages and currents are explicitly represented through relevant network matrices. The SOC technique is used to remove or separate unwanted parasitics brought by the approximation of the impressed voltage source and also the problem of resulting consistency between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulations. Results for a class of planar circuit discontinuities are very well compared with measurements and also available publications. Generalized end-to-end coupling structure having offset and unequal input/output lines (to name a specific example) is studied to indicate the parametric and dispersion effects on its equivalent capacitance and radiation conductance. Advantageous features of the proposed unified circuit model suggests its practical usefulness and high accuracy in the design and optimization of a wide range of M(H)MIC's and planar antennas
A spatial domain mixed-potential integral equation method is developed for the analysis of microstrip discontinuities and antennas of arbitrary shape. The algorithm is based on roof-top basis functions on a rectangular and triangular mixed grid and analytical evaluation of the quadruple moment integrals involved. The algorithm has been successfully implemented into an accurate, efficient, and versatile computer program. The numerical results agree with the measured ones very well
Introduction Photonic bandic2 structures are artificiallymad structures with perio dio2 y either in one, two, or three dree2SUL#C Because of their similarity with the period # structure of natural crystals, they are alsocalled electromagnetic crystals. Although one-and twod2SUL #S2MS periodi structures have long been investigated in the microwave community, new conceptsand idd recently dy eloped in the optics regime [1], [2] have renewed the interest also in the microwave area. Among the newid2RS the most attractive to microwave engineers is probably the capability toforbid electromagnetic propagation in either all orselected dlect tions to realize spatial filters. Extensive investigations have beencond:R42 to translateand apply these new concepts in the microwaveand millimeter-wavedSCU# [3]--[5],and several applications at microwave frequency have been d2 eloped includCC antenna substrates [6]-- [8], resonant cavities,and filters [9]. Electromagnetic crystals at microwave fr