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Strategic Management Journal
Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
Published online 7 June 2005 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/smj.475
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
The Wharton School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
We examine how firms discover effective competitive positions in worlds that are both novel and
complex. In such settings, neither rational deduction nor local search is likely to lead a firm to a
successful array of choices. Analogical reasoning, however, may be helpful, allowing managers
to transfer useful wisdom from similar settings they have experienced in the past. From a long
list of observable industry characteristics, analogizing managers choose a subset they believe
distinguishes similar industries from different ones. Faced with a novel industry, they seek a
familiar industry which matches the novel one along that subset of characteristics. They transfer
from the matching industry high-level policies that guide search in the novel industry.
We embody this conceptualization of analogy in an agent-based simulation model. The model
allows us to examine the impact of managerial and structural characteristics on the effectiveness
of analogical reasoning. With respect to managerial characteristics, we find, not surprisingly,
that analogical reasoning is especially powerful when managers pay attention to characteristics
that truly distinguish similar industries from different ones. More surprisingly, we find that the
marginal returns to depth of experience diminish rapidly while greater breadth of experience
steadily improves performance. Both depth and breadth of experience are useful only when one
accurately understands what distinguishes similar industries from different ones. We also discover
that following an analogy in too orthodox a manner —strictly constraining search efforts to what
the analogy suggests—can be dysfunctional. With regard to structural characteristics, we find
that a well-informed analogy is particularly powerful when interactions among decisions cross
policy boundaries so that the underlying decision problem is not easily decomposed. Overall,
the results shed light on a form of managerial reasoning that we believe is prevalent among
practicing strategists yet is largely absent from scholarly analysis of strategy. Copyright 2005
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Strategy making is most critical in times of change
and in unfamiliar environments. It is in such a con-
text that the strategy makers of a firm must identify
a viable new strategic position or face the potential
Keywords: analogy; cognition; complex systems; strate-
gic decision making; modularity
∗Correspondence to: Daniel A. Levinthal, The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, 2028 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, U.S.A.
demise of their enterprise. Yet how are managers to
make intelligent choices in these novel contexts?
Popular accounts suggest that managers in such
settings fall back on past learning and their expe-
rience in a variety of business settings. Managers
with such experience may be capable of seeing
through surface features of the current context to
deeper truths that underlie it. This paper aims to
shed light on the experiential wisdom that enables
strategy makers to cope with novel environments.
We argue that the basis of this sort of experien-
tial wisdom lies in analogical reasoning. For past
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 25 March 2003
Final revision received 24 December 2004
692 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
experience to be of value in a world of novelty,
actors must be able to generalize from prior set-
tings to the current environment. This process of
mapping from a source context of prior experi-
ence to the current, ‘target’ context is precisely
what constitutes analogical reasoning (Gick and
Holyoak, 1980). To shed light on strategy mak-
ing in the face of novelty, we tackle two related
tasks. First, we describe the anatomy of analogi-
cal reasoning, discussing in detail the components
that make such logic work in the context of busi-
ness strategy. Second, we build a simulation model
of firms that use analogies to seek good strate-
gic positions in unfamiliar settings. An analysis of
the model allows us to identify situations in which
analogical reasoning works well or poorly.
Our focus on analogical reasoning contrasts with
the two dominant perspectives on strategic choice
in prior literature. In one corner of the schol-
arly ring, the positioning school within strategic
management has emphasized the importance of
deductive reasoning and rational choice in the
strategy-making process. The imagery is that of a
general and staff in a situation room, coolly survey-
ing topographical maps of the business landscape
(Ghemawat, 1999), picking out a peak, and direct-
ing the troops to take the summit. This image is
hard to sustain, however, in the world that posi-
tioning scholars have increasingly painted of firms’
strategies embodied in intricate arrays of inter-
locking choices (Porter, 1996; Ghemawat, 1999;
Rivkin, 2000; Siggelkow, 2002). With this recent
emphasis on nuanced interactions among strategic
choices, the positioning school has created a bit of
a logical predicament for itself: it is precisely in
complex worlds of highly interactive systems that
deductive reasoning and rational choice seem least
able to pinpoint effective positions. If the choices
involved in a strategy are numerous and each
affects the pay-offs associated with many others,
the computational load created by a deductive pro-
cess can quickly outstrip the bounded processing
power (Simon, 1955) of any management team.1
We explore below whether analogical reasoning
can cope not only with novel settings, but also
with novel settings that are complex.
In the opposite corner of the ring are those
who argue that firms discover effective positions
1Indeed, Rivkin (2000) shows that strategic problems can
become NP-complete— that is, intractable to algorithmic solu-
tion— as the degree of interaction among component choices
passes a critical threshold.
through local, boundedly rational search and luck.
In any given industry, a broad set of firms begin
their lives with a wide variety of strategic choices.
Each firm’s decisions and its routines are grad-
ually perturbed in ways that enhance immediate
performance, in a process that behavioral theorists
of the firm (Cyert and March, 1963) and evolu-
tionary scholars (Nelson and Winter, 1982) depict
as largely automatic, experiential, and emergent
(Mintzberg, 1978). A few fortunate firms happen
upon highly effective sets of choices and survive
an ensuing shakeout. The imagery here depicts
blindfolded individuals spread out widely on a
rugged landscape, each engaged in local hill climb-
ing (Levinthal, 1997). The water level rises over
time, and a few lucky survivors discover effec-
tive positions not by virtue of deductive power but
simply because they started their search in a for-
tunate place and scrambled up the right inclines.
This imagery doubtlessly paints an accurate pic-
ture of some successes. Pascale’s (1984) well-
known description of how Honda discovered its
effective position in the U.S. motorcycle indus-
try, for instance, is marked by happenstance and
incremental response to unforeseen problems and
We hesitate, however, to ascribe all effective
positions to luck and local search. Human rational-
ity may be limited, but intendedly rational action
surely remains possible (March and Simon, 1958).
By simplifying the problems they face, managers
can bring problems within the bounds of their pro-
cessing power and possibly come up with effective
solutions (Simon, 1991). This is a central role of
managerial cognition. Cognition can be especially
powerful when coupled with local search (Gavetti
and Levinthal, 2000); cognition can raise the odds
that a firm begins its search near a high, promising
mountain rather than in the valley beneath a mere
foothill, and local search can complete the journey
uphill. We see cognition, then, as a means to cope
with complexity.
Novelty, however, remains a challenge. What
cognitive processes are available to managers
when they face unfamiliar problems? In novel sit-
uations, where deduction is likely difficult, past
lessons from prior settings can be a tremendously
powerful source of wisdom (Neustadt and May,
1986). One process for transferring such wis-
dom is analogical reasoning. As Thagard (1996:
80) points out, ‘analogies can be computation-
ally powerful in situations when conceptual and
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 693
rule-based knowledge is not available.’ Analogies
allow actors to take the insight developed in one
context and apply it to a new setting.
In this paper, we examine how managers can use
analogy to tackle the twin challenges of complexity
and novelty. The managers we consider discover
new positions neither by reasoning from first prin-
ciples of economics nor by undertaking unguided
local search. Rather, when faced with a new and
complex setting, managers identify the features of
the setting that seem most pertinent, think back
through their experiences in other settings with
similar features, and recall the broad policies that
worked well in those settings. These broad policies
then form the starting point for a local search pro-
cess. Analogies to other settings, drawn from direct
or vicarious experience, guide the strategy-making
process. The image of the strategist here is that of a
wizened trail guide who might not know the details
of the local landscape, but can recognize types of
terrain well enough to give some general guidance.
Analogical reasoning gives managerial cognition a
significant hand in strategy making, and it empha-
sizes aspects of strategy making like pattern recog-
nition, judgment, and even wisdom —aspects that,
in our view, are prominent among practicing strate-
gists but are understated in the academic literature
on strategy.
To begin to address this gap, we develop an
analytical structure with which we can explore
both the power and limits of analogical reason-
ing in discovering strategic positions. We do so
by first describing qualitatively what we view as
the basic features of analogical reasoning in strat-
egy making. We next formalize this argument in
an agent-based simulation of firms that struggle to
find superior competitive positions in unfamiliar
industries. The simulation clarifies our depiction
of analogical reasoning. Results of the simulation
identify the managerial and structural characteris-
tics that make analogical reasoning more or less
powerful. Our analysis highlights the critical role
played by a manager’s mental representations, the
conditions that make breadth and depth of man-
agerial experience valuable, the dangers of holding
too closely to the guidance offered by an analogy,
and the power of analogy in the face of poorly
decomposed decision problems.
In our concluding discussion, we suggest that the
approach taken here helps to bridge two perspec-
tives on strategy making: behavioral approaches
that emphasize limits to cognition and the impor-
tance of search processes, and the positioning
approach, with its emphasis on conscious, apri-
ori strategic choice. Each approach encompasses
important elements of reality. The strategy field, at
an aggregate level, has recognized the importance
of pluralism, but we often lack individual analyt-
ical frameworks that embrace and meld multiple
perspectives. We suggest that our analytical struc-
ture has this property and therefore, beyond the
value of the particular results we offer, we view
the conceptual framework as a useful contribution
that may facilitate a more integrated analysis of
strategic decision making.
Reasoning by analogy is a common form of logic
among business strategists. Facing a novel oppor-
tunity or predicament, strategists think back to
some similar situation they have faced or heard
about, and they apply the lessons from that previ-
ous experience. Analogies —to the past, to other
firms or industries, and to other competitive set-
tings like sports or war —come up frequently in
strategy discussions. Popular management writers
hail pattern recognition and associated analogical
thinking as the best way for managers to cope
with rapid change (e.g., Slywotzky and Morrison,
1999). The case method, perhaps the most popular
form of management education, is designed in part
to give students a rich base from which to draw
analogies. Through the case method, students ‘are
led to active consideration of a tremendous num-
ber of diverse and related real situations, which
it would take them at least a lifetime of experi-
ence to encounter, and they are thus given a basis
for comparison and analysis when they enter upon
their careers of business action’ (Gragg, 1940).
In this section, we lay out the key elements
of analogical reasoning. A few examples illustrate
how analogies are commonly used and give us con-
crete instances in which we ground the following
conceptual discussion:
•The supermarket has served repeatedly as the
basis for analogical reasoning. Charlie Merrill
fashioned Merrill Lynch’s distinctive approach
to retail brokerage after the practices he witness-
ed as a long-time manager in the supermarket
industry. ‘Although I am supposed to be an
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
694 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
investment banker,’ he confessed, ‘I think I am
really and truly a grocery man at heart’ (Perkins,
1999). Likewise, when Charles Lazarus founded
the toy superstore Toys ‘R’ Us in the 1950s, he
relied explicitly on an analogy to supermarket
retailing. Indeed, he called his retail outlet the
Baby Furniture and Toy Supermarket until the
signage at a new site demanded a shorter name
(Hast, 1992). And when Thomas Stemberg, a
former supermarket executive, established the
office supply superstore Staples, he posed the
initial strategic insight as an analogical question:
‘Could we create a Toys ‘R’ Us for office sup-
plies?’ (Stemberg, 1996). The basic supermarket
formula—exhaustive selection, low prices and
margins, and high volume—has been applied
in a wide range of retail categories.
•Starting in the 1970s, Circuit City thrived by
selling consumer electronics in large super-
stores. A wide selection of products, profes-
sional sales help, and a policy of not hag-
gling with customers distinguished the com-
pany’s stores. In 1993, Circuit City surprised
investors by announcing that it would open Car-
Max, a chain of used car outlets. The com-
pany argued that the used car industry of the
1990s bore a close resemblance to the elec-
tronics retailing environment of the 1970s. The
industry was dominated, for instance, by small
Mom & Pop dealers with questionable reputa-
tions. The company hoped that its success for-
mula from electronics retailing would work well
in an apparently analogous setting.
•In 1997, the Board of the Internet portal Lycos
decided to grow rapidly and become a full-
fledged new-media company, in part by means
of acquisition. After making its first acqui-
sition—of homepage builder Tripod —Lycos’s
managers faced a decision that they later identi-
fied as the pivotal choice in the company’s his-
tory: should Lycos maintain Tripod as a separate
operation with its own brand name or integrate
Tripod more fully into Lycos-branded opera-
tions? The management team argued the issue
for weeks, and ultimately an analogy proved
decisive in the debate. Traditional media compa-
nies, the managers observed, tended to maintain
multiple divisions with separate brands but to
coordinate back-office operations. Since Lycos
wanted to become a large media company,
the managers reasoned, the company should do
likewise. Accordingly, the company kept alive
the brands of Tripod and subsequent acquisi-
tions, but integrated the back offices (Gavetti
and Rivkin, 2004).
•Many factors contributed to Enron’s startling
failure, but headlong diversification based on
loose analogies played an important role. After
apparent success in trading natural gas and elec-
tric power, Enron executives moved rapidly to
create markets for other goods ranging from
coal, steel, and pulp and paper to weather deriva-
tives and broadband telecom capacity. Ana-
logical reasoning seemed to drive the expan-
sion. Executives looked for markets with cer-
tain characteristics: fragmented demand, rapid
change due to deregulation or technological
progress, complex and capital intensive distribu-
tion systems, lengthy sales cycles, opaque pric-
ing, and mismatches between long-term supply
contracts and short-term fluctuations in customer
demand (Salter, Levesque, and Ciampa, 2002).
On the broadband opportunity, for instance,
Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay said: ‘[Broad-
band]’s going to start off as a very inefficient
market. It’s going to settle down to a business
model that looks very much like our business
model on [gas and electricity] wholesale, which
obviously has been very profitable with rapid
growth’ (Gas Daily, 2000). However, the ana-
logical reasoning failed to appreciate important,
deeper differences between the market for nat-
ural gas and the market for bandwidth. The
broadband market was based on unproven tech-
nology and was dominated by telecom compa-
nies that largely resented Enron’s encroachment.
The underlying good, bandwidth, did not lend
itself to the kinds of standard contracts that made
efficient trading possible in gas and electricity.
Perhaps worst, in broadband trading Enron had
to deliver capacity the ‘last mile’ to a customer’s
site, an expensive chllenge that gas wholesalers
did not face. Even according to Enron’s mis-
leadingly rosy financial reports, the broadband
venture was disastrous (Salter et al., 2002).
In each of these cases, a management team borrow-
ed a broad set of related choices from one industry
and applied the system to a new industry that it
believed to be similar on some crucial dimensions.
In some instances (e.g., Merrill Lynch, Lycos), the
team was motivated by a problem that required a
solution. In other cases (e.g., Enron), the analogy
took the form of a solution seeking a problem. In
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 695
the following discussion, we focus on the problem-
requiring-a-solution type of analogy, though we
suggest that the solution-seeking-a-problem form
of analogical reasoning is important as well, par-
ticularly as a source on entrepreneurial activity.
Well beyond the context of business, the use
of analogical reasoning has been of long-standing
interest among cognitive scientists (Gick and
Holyoak, 1980; Holyoak and Thagard, 1995; Tha-
gard, 1996). When reasoning by analogy, an indi-
vidual starts with a situation to be handled —the
target problem. The actor develops a mental
representation of the target problem, a lower-
dimensional sketch that, in the actor’s view, cap-
tures the salient characteristics of the situation. She
then uses some computational procedure to scour
other settings with which she is familiar, due to
either direct or vicarious experience, and identifies
a setting that displays similar salient characteris-
tics. This setting serves as a source of a candidate
solution. The individual then transfers the candi-
date solution and applies it to the target problem.
Clearly the power of analogy depends on the valid-
ity of the similarity mapping between source and
target contexts as well as the quality of the solution
suggested by the source context.
The danger of ‘superficial mappings’ between
the source and the target is a widely studied phe-
nomenon in cognitive psychology. Experimental
work and field evidence strongly suggest that poor
analogies are typically based on representations
that capture only superficial features of the prob-
lems (Holyoak and Thagard, 1995). Indeed, re-
search in this field shows that superficial similarity
can readily induce experimental subjects, even
well-educated individuals, to adopt poor analo-
gies.2We suspect the same is true of practicing
2In one study (Gilovich, 1981), for example, students of
international conflict at Stanford were told of a hypothetical
foreign policy crisis: a small democratic nation was being
threatened by an aggressive, totalitarian neighbor. Each student
was asked to play the role of a State Department official and to
recommend a course of action. The descriptions of the situation
were manipulated slightly. Some of the students heard versions
with cues that were intended to make them think of the crises
that preceded World War II. The President at the time, they were
told for example, was ‘from New York, like Franklin Roosevelt,’
refugees were fleeing in boxcars, and the briefing was held in
‘Winston Churchill Hall.’ Other students heard versions that
might have reminded them of Vietnam. The President was
‘from Texas, the same state as Lyndon Johnson,’ refugees were
escaping in small boats, and the briefing took place in ‘Dean
Rusk Hall.’ Clearly, there is little reason that the home state
of the President, the vehicles used by refugees, or a briefing
In the context of business strategy, the
observable characteristics of an industry may
constitute the dimensions of a representation.
Three features of any industry, for instance, are
the size of economies of scale, the size of customer
switching costs, and the heterogeneity of customer
tastes. Suppose a manager in a novel setting
opts to represent her target problem along these
dimensions. On the basis of an initial assessment
of the target, the manager judges that the target
industry is characterized by modest economies of
scale, large switching costs, and diverse customer
tastes. The manager then engages in a simple
computational procedure: where has she seen
modest economies of scale, large switching costs,
and diverse tastes before, in other industries?
The manager reviews her experience and realizes
that, in a specific industry that was similar
along these three dimensions, a particular niche
provider of high-end, premium products was
highly successful. She then transfers this solution
to the target industry, adopting a small-scale
manufacturing policy, a cream-skimming pricing
policy, a targeted sales policy, and so forth. If the
dimensions she chose to focus on are the ones that
best summarize the true drivers of performance,
the firm improves its odds of success.
The difficulty that faces the analogizing manager
is that there are innumerable dimensions along
which one can form a representation and some
dimensions may be misleading. Suppose, for
instance, that a different manager facing the
same target industry ignores economies of scale,
switching costs, and customer heterogeneity.
Instead he pays attention only to the prevalence
of Internet technology in the industry. He notes
that the target industry relies heavily on the
Internet for sales, marketing, and distribution.
room name should influence one’s recommendation. Yet the
surface features caused the two groups to reach very different
conclusions. Students in the first group were significantly more
likely to apply the lessons of World War II— that aggression
must be met with force—than were students in the second group,
which veered toward a hands-off policy inspired by Vietnam.
Not only were the subjects of the experiment lured by
superficial likeness, but —perhaps more disturbing —they were
not even aware that they had been lured. After making a
recommendation, each student was asked, ‘How similar is the
situation to World War II?’ and ‘How similar is the situation
to Vietnam?’ The two groups gave identical answers. Small,
superficial, irrelevant features led well-educated students to draw
their analogies from different sources. This caused them to
recommend very different candidate solutions. Yet the students
seemed unaware that they were drawing from different sources.
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
696 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
In his experience with Internet-based industries,
successful companies in such settings spend
aggressively in order to get big fast. He deploys
this candidate solution in the target industry. If
the prevalence of Internet technology does not
truly shape the target landscape, he may find
that his mass-market product is far less appealing
to diverse customers than the offerings of niche
competitors and that his large-scale manufacturing
operations do not lower his costs. By focusing on
an irrelevant dimension and ignoring three other,
more pertinent characteristics, he has been led to
a poor analogy.
Analogical reasoning and strategic positioning
The target problem is the business situation the
strategist hopes to resolve. In our particular setting,
the challenge of interest is how to position a firm
in an industry that is novel—novel either for the
managers of the firm itself (e.g., the used car
business for Circuit City’s managers) or for all
managers (e.g., the Internet portal industry). To
position itself, the company must make a vast array
of detailed choices about how to develop, design,
produce, sell, deliver, and service products (Porter,
1985). These choices incur costs and generate
buyer value, and therefore they shape the economic
success of the firm.
We find it useful to conceive of the target prob-
lem in terms of a high-dimensional performance
landscape (Kauffman, 1995; Levinthal, 1997;
McKelvey, 1999, and references therein). Each
detailed choice constitutes a horizontal dimen-
sion on this landscape, and the vertical dimension
records the economic success associated with each
combination of choices, thereby creating a surface.
The task of management is to discover a com-
bination of choices that, together, produce high
performance; in graphical terms, the challenge is
to find a high peak on the performance land-
scape. Because the decisions may interact with one
another (that is, the choice made on each may alter
the marginal costs and benefits associated with the
others), the performance landscape may contain
numerous local peaks. A local peak is a config-
uration of choices from which one cannot improve
performance by altering any single choice, even
though simultaneous change in many choices may
reposition a firm to higher ground.
In many business settings, detailed choices clus-
ter together to form policy domains. Choices about
automation, lot sizes, work flow, factory scale,
and so forth may aggregate into a manufacturing
policy, for example, with combinations of these
detailed choices taking on labels that summarize
the policies (e.g., mass production, job shop oper-
ations, cell manufacturing, or batch production).
Obviously, the choice of a particular approach
for higher-order policies typically has an influence
on detailed choices. Three aspects of these pol-
icy domains shape the modeling choices we make
below. First, the interactions within the decisions
that make up a policy domain may be more intense
than the interactions across domains. This creates
a type of interdependence that Simon (1962) has
labeled near-decomposability. In our subsequent
analysis, we consider the effect of decomposability
on the efficacy of analogy.
Second, the effect of one policy domain on
the efficacy of another may depend not on the
detailed choices made in the first domain, but on
the net effect of those choices. Take, for instance,
the example of Circuit City’s original success
in consumer electronics. Circuit City’s success
in marketing and selling consumer electronics
clearly had an effect on its policy for procuring
electronics. When the marketing and sales policy
produced strong demand among consumers in
the 1970s, the marginal value of large-scale
procurement increased dramatically. The effect of
marketing and sales on procurement depended
not on detailed marketing and sales choices such
as pricing, sales tactics, and sales compensation,
but only on the total demand that those choices
generated in aggregate.
Third, the high-level policies adopted by a com-
pany are often more visible to outsiders and per-
haps more memorable to insiders than the detailed
decisions that underpin them. In Circuit City’s
case, the consumer-friendly marketing and sales
policy that it created in the electronics retailing
market was highly visible, but the compensation
schemes and information technology that enabled
that policy remained more obscure. We assume
below that analogies provide guidance about high-
level policies, not detailed decisions per se.
Quality of analogically based solutions
On the basis of representational similarity, the
analogizing manager chooses a source industry
from her library of experience. Beyond the
choice of representation, we see three factors that
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 697
influence the quality of the guidance provided
by an analogy. First, there is the breadth of
the manager’s experience. The larger the number
of other industries the manager has experienced,
personally or vicariously, the greater is the
chance that the manager will be familiar with
an industry that matches the target well along
the representational dimensions. It is this kind of
breadth that strategy consultants often purport to
bring to a client.
A second factor that affects the quality of an
analogy’s guidance is the depth of the manager’s
experience in the source industry. If the manager
has spent a great deal of time in the source
industry and understands deeply what distinguishes
a good position from a poor one in that setting,
it is more likely that the analogy will accurately
guide the manager’s firm to a favorable set of
policies. On the other hand, deep experience in
a source setting might be a double-edged sword
(Levinthal and March, 1993). If a manager couples
deep experience with a poorly chosen source, the
result can be disastrous: profoundly convinced that
she knows exactly what to do, the manager may
persist in applying the policies that succeeded
in a prior, but very different, setting and may
ignore negative feedback from the environment.
In this sense, Enron’s extensive experience with
gas and electricity trading may have impeded its
ability to adapt in its broadband venture. More
generally, it is useful to consider how seriously
managers take their analogies and how closely
they abide by the candidate solutions. In the
formal model we develop below, we consider both
orthodox analogizers, who consistently hold to the
set of policies recommended by their analogy, and
heterodox analogizers, who use the recommended
set only as a starting point for further exploration.
Analogies typically give high-level guidance
whose details must be worked out at the ground
level of the target industry. This points to a third
factor that influences the quality of the guidance
provided by an analogy: the degree to which a
high-level policy choice constrains the detailed
choices that comprise it. In some settings, a policy
choice may tightly constrain detailed choices,
while in others a policy choice may leave wide
latitude for what goes on below. Since candidate
solutions are transferred at the level of policies,
not detailed choices, an analogy provides sharper
guidance in the former setting than in the latter.
When an analogy is chosen well, we expect clearer
guidance to produce higher performance.
The subtlety of analogizing and its implications
for the establishment of effective competitive
positions suggest that a formal model of the
process may generate valuable insights. In the
following section, we describe such a model,
built as an agent-based simulation. The model
incorporates the features we have described here:
representations of variable quality; the possibility
of analogies based on superficial similarity; target
and source industries of variable complexity; a
distinction between broad policies and detailed
choices; interactions across choices within policies
and interactions across policies; and managers
who differ in the breadth and depth of their
experience and in the orthodoxy with which
they follow their candidate solutions. The model
allows us to confirm some of the relatively
straightforward arguments we have made here
(e.g., that better representations make analogical
reasoning more effective). It also reveals some less
obvious factors, such as the role of the underlying
interaction structure among policy choices, that
make analogical reasoning a more or less powerful
tool for discovering effective competitive positions
in novel and complex settings.
The simulation model undertakes two basic sets
of operations. First, it generates a family of
performance landscapes—a target landscape and
a set of potential sources —in which the modeler
can tune the relationship between the sources and
the target. The performance landscape itself can
be tuned with respect to the degree to which firm
choices on these landscapes are decomposable.
Second, the model permits firms to search for
effective positions on the target landscape in a
variety of ways. Firms may differ, for example,
in terms of the mapping between targets and
sources that each firm uses, the way in which
attractive candidate solutions are identified on each
source landscape, and the manner in which each
firm couples analogical reasoning with incremental
search. We discuss the generation of families of
landscapes and the search for effective positions in
turn. (Table 1 summarizes the model’s parameters
and symbols.)
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
698 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
Table 1. Parameters and symbols
Parameters related to generation
of families of landscapes
PThe number of high-level policy decisions that each firm faces on a
target or source landscape.
DThe number of detailed decisions each firm must make within each
high-level policy. P×Dis the total number of decisions each
firm makes. Each decision is binary so there are 2P×Dpossible
configurations of detailed decisions.
XThe total number of observable industry characteristics. Each
characteristic is binary, so there are 2Xindustries or landscapes in
a family: one target and 2X−1 potential sources.
KwThe probability that the performance contribution of a focal detailed
decision is affected by the resolution of each of the other D−1
detailed decisions within the focal decision’s policy. The ‘w’in
Kwsignifies ‘within’.
KbThe probability that the performance contribution of a focal detailed
decision is affected by the resolution of each of the other P−1
high-level policies. ‘b’ signifies ‘between’.
XPROB An X-digit vector of probabilities. The first element is the probability
that the first observable characteristic affects the performance
contribution of each detailed decision. Likewise for elements 2, 3,
Parameters related to firm search DEPTH The portion of each source landscape that is evaluated in order to
generate the library of most promising policy configurations. The
higher this value is, the more likely it is that the library truly
identifies the best policies for each source.
BREADTH The portion of the library of most promising policy configurations
that is available to a particular analogizing firm.
###Numbers within angle brackets refer to the representation of each
analogizing firm. The first number is the observable characteristic
the firm’s managers deem the most important; the second number
is the second most important; and so forth.
Orthodoxy Each analogizing firm is set to be orthodox or heterodox. During
incremental search, orthodox firms never violate the policy
guidance provided by the analogical source, while heterodox firms
may ignore that guidance.
Symbols used to describe the
dA particular configuration of detailed decisions; a P×Dstring of
zeros and ones.
diThe resolution, zero or one, of a specific detailed decision. iis
between 1 and P×D.
{###}Numbers within braces consistently refer to lists of P×Ddetailed
decisions. Within a list, vertical lines separate the Ppolicy
[# # #] Numbers within square brackets refer to lists of Phigh-level policy
(# # #) Numbers within parentheses refer to lists of Xobservable industry
Families of performance landscapes
We generate families of landscapes using an
adaptation of Kauffman’s (1993) NK model.3
3Developed in the biological sciences, Kauffman’s model
has now been used to explore a variety of issues related
to organizational and technological search. See, for instance,
Kauffman (1995), Westhoff, Yarbrough, and Yarbrough (1996),
Levinthal (1997), McKelvey (1999), Rivkin (2000), Gavetti and
Levinthal (2000), Rivkin (2001), and Rivkin and Siggelkow
(2002, 2003). Fleming and Sorenson (2001, 2004) have found
The NK structure highlights the interdependency
among choices. Settings in which choices are
more interdependent (a higher Kvalue in the
standard structure) result in more rugged, multi-
peak performance surfaces because a change in
one choice will have repercussions for many of
the Nchoices.
that subtle predictions of the NK model concerning patterns in
technological search are borne out in patent data.
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 699
In our elaboration of Kauffman’s basic
framework, we introduce a hierarchy of choices.
Each firm is assumed to face Phigh-level policy
decisions, each of which includes Ddetailed
choices. A competitive position, then, is defined by
P×Ddetailed choices. For simplicity, we assume
that each choice offers two options. A strategic
position can then be represented as a P×D-digit
string of zeros and ones: d={d1d2...d
di=0or1foralli. Therefore, a firm has 2P×D
positions available to it in the target industry.
Likewise, in each source industry, there are 2P×D
possible configurations of choices.
Policy choices are related to detailed choices by
a simple majority rule. Suppose, for instance, that
D=3. We say that a particular policy choice is
1 if the detailed decisions within the policy are
configured such that the majority of them are 1:
the detailed decisions are 0: {000},{001},{010},
or {100}. Each configuration of detailed choices
gives a unique configuration of policies, but each
configuration of policies is consistent with many
configurations of detailed choices.4
In order to explore analogical reasoning and
possible similarity between source and target
contexts, we also need to characterize and be
able to tune the degree to which one business
context is like another. We postulate that associated
with all industries, including the target industry
and each potential source industry, is a set of
observable characteristics. These are the possible
dimensions along which representations can be
drawn. In particular, we assume that there are X
observable characteristics, each of which offers
two options. As a result, there are 2Xcombinations
of observable characteristics. Given a particular
specification of the Xcharacteristics for the target
industry, there are 2X−1 possible combinations
of characteristics for potential source industries.5
4Suppose, for instance, that P=3andD=3. Then the detailed
configuration {011|111|001}implies the policy choice [1 1 0].
But [1 1 0] is also consistent with {101|011|000},aswellas
many other configurations of detailed choices. For clarity, we
place policy configurations in square brackets and detailed
configurations in braces. Within detailed configurations, we will
separate policy domains by vertical bars. We require Dto be an
odd number so that the majority rule provides a unique policy
choice for each configuration of detailed decisions.
5There are 2Xpossible combinations of characteristics; however,
one of them signifies the target landscape itself.
Thus each industry has an X-digit ‘tag.’ Recall,
for instance, the hypothetical situation we de-
scribed earlier in which industries had four
observable characteristics: the size of economies
of scale (large or small), the size of customer
switching costs (large or small), the heterogeneity
of customer tastes (high or low), and the
prevalence of Internet technology (high or low).
The particular industry our two managers faced,
with small economies of scale, high switching
costs, diverse customers, and prevalent Internet
technology, might be represented as (0 1 1 1). In
choosing an analogical source, each manager paid
attention to only part of this vector; we return to
this consideration below.
Our goal is to create families of landscapes
in which (a) we control the pattern of interac-
tion among detailed choices within and across
policy domains, (b) pairs of landscapes with sim-
ilar observable characteristics—similar tags—are
more alike than are pairs with very different char-
acteristics, and (c) some observable characteris-
tics have more influence than others on landscape
To meet this goal, we assume that the
contribution to performance of each detailed
decision on each landscape depends not only on
the resolution of that decision (0 or 1), but also,
possibly, on the resolutions of other decisions
within the focal decision’s policy, the resolutions
of other policies, and the states of observable
characteristics. The pattern of dependence is
influenced by three parameters. Kw, a number
between 0 and 1, is the probability that each
detailed choice’s contribution depends on the
resolution of each other choice within the focal
choice’s policy domain. Kb, a number between 0
and 1, controls interdependence between policy
domains. Specifically, it is the probability that
the focal choice’s contribution depends on the
resolution of each other policy. XPROB , a vector
of Xnumbers each between 0 and 1, controls
the probability that each observable characteristic
influences the contribution of the focal choice. An
observable characteristic with a large component in
XPROB has a large impact on landscape topography.
For a given set of values for P,D,X,Kw,
Kb,andXPROB , the simulating computer generates
an influence matrix—a matrix that records which
choices, policies, and observable characteristics
influence the contribution of each detailed choice.
(See Figure 1 for an example.) This influence
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700 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
Figure 1. Example of an influence matrix
matrix is then used to generate target and source
landscapes. We lay out the details of this procedure
in an Appendix, and we describe the upshot of the
procedure in intuitive terms in the following two
•First consider observable characteristics. Each
of the 2Xcombinations of characteristics defines
a particular business context. In the example we
used above, the target context was characterized
by the vector (0111). There are 15 possible
source settings with profiles of characteristics
such as (0001), (0010), (0011), and so
forth. Suppose the influence matrix looks like
Figure 1. The fourth observable characteristic
does not influence the contribution of any
choice. Therefore, on source landscape (0110),
the contribution of every decision is the same
as it is on the target landscape (0111); the
difference in the fourth characteristic alters
nothing. Source landscape (0110) is identical
to the target landscape in every way and
is therefore an excellent source for analogy.
In contrast, the first observable characteristic
influences the contribution of every choice.
On source landscape (1111), which differs
from the target (0111) only along the first
characteristic, the contribution of every decision
is different from what it is on the target.
The difference in the first characteristic shifts
each contribution altogether so that (1111)
bears no resemblance whatsoever to the
target (0111). More generally, the larger is
an element of XPROB, the more profoundly
does a difference in that characteristic alter
the landscape. In choosing a source for an
analogy, it is crucial to pay attention to
observable dimensions with high values of
XPROB. Our procedure for constructing families
of landscapes ensures that landscapes with
similar observable characteristics have similar
shapes. Moreover, it allows us to control which
characteristics strongly delineate groups of
landscapes with similar topographies and which
characteristics are weak, or even irrelevant,
•Next consider the effects of Kwand Kb.When
Kw=Kb=0, the contribution of each choice
depends only on the resolution of that choice
and the state of observable characteristics. On
any given landscape, i.e., for any particular
set of observable characteristics, the decision
problem facing a firm is easy to address; a
change in any choice alters the contribution of
no other choice so a firm can find the optimal
configuration of choices simply by adjusting
each choice to the resolution, 0 or 1, that
makes the greater contribution in isolation. The
landscape is smooth, single peaked, and easy to
scale. When Kwis high and Kbremains low, the
system is nearly decomposable (Simon, 1962).
A change in any choice alters the contributions
of other choices within the same policy, but it
is possible for the firm to tackle its decision
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 701
problem policy by policy. As Kbrises, however,
decomposition becomes more difficult because a
change that alters a policy now has ramifications
for choices in other domains. Graphically, we
find it useful to think of Kwand Kbin terms of
plateaus. When Kwand Kbare low, landscapes
are smooth. As Kbrises, they develop distinct
plateaus, with the edges of plateaus defined by
changes in policies. As Kwrises, the surfaces of
individual plateaus become internally rugged.
Having generated a family of landscapes—target
and potential sources—whose relations to one
another are well controlled, the computer pinpoints
an attractive candidate solution on each of the
(2X−1)potential sources. Specifically, for a
given source landscape, the computer considers
each of the 2Pcombinations of policies, surveys
a fraction DEPTH of the detailed configurations
consistent with each policy configuration, assesses
the performance of each detailed configuration
it surveys, and remembers the policy that
produces the best results on average for the
detailed configurations considered. The result is
an exhaustive library of the most promising policy
configurations on each and every potential source
landscape. Table 2 shows what the library might
Table 2. Example of a library of source landscapes and
promising policies
Most promising
Average performance
within most promising
(0 0 0 0) [1 0 0] 0.65
(0 0 0 1) [1 0 0] 0.65
(0 0 1 0) [0 1 1] 0.62
(0 0 1 1) [0 1 1] 0.62
(0 1 0 0) [0 0 0] 0.55
(0 1 0 1) [0 0 0] 0.55
(0 1 1 0) [0 1 0] 0.74
(1 0 0 0) [1 0 0] 0.61
(1 0 0 1) [1 0 0] 0.61
(1 0 1 0) [1 1 0] 0.65
(1 0 1 1) [1 1 0] 0.65
(1 1 0 0) [0 1 0] 0.73
(1 1 0 1) [0 1 0] 0.73
(1 1 1 0) [1 1 0] 0.70
(1 1 1 1) [1 1 0] 0.70
Note that in this example, pairs of source landscapes that
differ only in the last characteristic, which has no influence on
performance levels, always have the same most promising policy
configuration and the same average performance within the most
promising policy configuration (assuming DEPTH =1).
look like for the example used above. The library
includes the information, for instance, that the
policy [1 0 0] produced the best results on the
source landscape with observable characteristics
(0001). The promising policy configurations
will later serve as candidate solutions. DEPTH
parameterizes the depth of experience on which
candidate solutions are based.
Search for effective positions
The stage is now set for a discussion of how
firms search the target landscape. We consider
two basic classes of search strategies: local search
and analogical reasoning. Local searchers rely
on simple hill-climbing and make no use of
analogy. Each is given an initial configuration of
detailed choices and a corresponding set of policy
choices by chance. That is, each is released at a
random location on the target landscape. In each
subsequent period, each local searcher considers
the P×Dalternatives to its current configuration
that involve a change in a single detailed choice.
If it spots opportunities for improvement, the
local searcher pursues one of the opportunities.
Otherwise, it has arrived atop a local peak and
remains there for the duration of the simulation.
Analogizers, in contrast, base their initial
configurations on the library that was generated
earlier. Each analogizer has access to a fraction
BREADTH of the full library of potential source
landscapes. The particular source landscapes to
which an analogizer has access are chosen
at random. In the example above with 15
possible sources, an analogizer with BREADTH =
0.33 might be familiar with landscapes whose
observable characteristics are (1110), (1101),
(1010), (0100), and (1100). A less experienced
firm with BREADTH =0.2 might know only the
landscapes with the observable characteristics
(0110), (1001), and (101 0).
Each analogizing firm also has an ordered list
of the representational dimensions, or observable
characteristics, that it considers to be important.
We consider this list to be the firm’s represen-
tation of its problem context. The representation
321, for instance, implies that the firm consid-
ers the third observable characteristic to be most
important, the second characteristic to be second-
most important, the first characteristic to be third-
most important, and the fourth characteristic alto-
gether irrelevant. The representation 4reflects
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702 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
a belief that only the fourth characteristic mat-
ters. The first manager we described before—who
considered scale economies, switching costs, and
customer heterogeneity—might have representa-
tion 321while the second manager—who paid
attention only to the prevalence of Internet tech-
nology—might have representation 4.
The analogizer uses its representation to choose
among source landscapes within its breadth of
experience. It does so in a lexicographic manner.
Take, for instance, a firm familiar with source
landscapes (1110), (1101), (1010), (0100),
and (1100). Assume that the firm has the
representation 321, and the target landscape is
(0111), as in our earlier example. The firm first
looks for a source landscape that matches the
target perfectly on characteristics 3, 2, and 1. It
finds none. It then disregards the characteristic
it considers least important, characteristic 1, and
looks for a source landscape that matches the
target on characteristics 3 and 2. It finds one such
landscape, (1110), and chooses to focus on that
Having chosen a source, the analogizer transfers
the candidate solution—in this example and in
line with Table 2, [1 1 0] —back to the target.
Consistent with our discussion in the previous
section, candidate solutions carry only high-level
policy guidance. The firm chooses, at random, a
set of detailed choices that abide by the policy
guidance. In the example, the firm may choose
{110|111|010}. This configuration serves as the
firm’s starting point for subsequent search. In
following periods, the analogizing firm engages in
incremental improvement just as a local searcher
would. If we force the firm to abide by its
analogy in an orthodox manner, it never considers
incremental improvements that violate the initial
policy guidance. From {110|111|010}, for instance,
an orthodox analogizer would never consider
{010|111|010}because to do so would switch the
first policy from 1 to 0. On the other hand, if
we allow the firm to be heterodox in its use of
analogy, its incremental improvement efforts are
not constrained in this manner.
Note the crucial role that the firm’s represen-
tation plays in this process. If the representation
matches XPROB closely, in the sense that observ-
able characteristics with high influence are early
in the firm’s list, the firm is likely to focus on a
source landscape that closely resembles the target.
The candidate solution will then guide the firm
to a promising starting point. On the other hand,
if the representation causes the firm to pay atten-
tion to industry characteristics that are secondary
or irrelevant, the source will typically bear little
resemblance to the target, and the candidate solu-
tion will likely provide poor guidance.
Our simulation results identify factors that
make analogical reasoning especially powerful
as well as relationships among those factors.
We start by looking at factors related to the
analogizing management teams: the quality of
their representations, the breadth and depth of
their experience, and the orthodoxy with which
they use the candidate solution. We then turn to
structural characteristics of the industries they face,
especially the decomposability of the problem
space and the breadth of each policy domain.
Throughout this section, we examine families of
landscapes in which there are four observable
characteristics (X=4), three of which truly affect
landscape structure and one of which is irrelevant
(i.e., XPROB =(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0)).
We compare the position-seeking success of
five types of firms: a local searcher and four
analogizers that differ in their representations.
The first analogizer, with representation 123,
correctly surmises that the first three observable
characteristics affect the choice/payoff mapping.
The second, with 1, heeds only one of the three
relevant characteristics. The third, with 432,
gives primacy to the irrelevant characteristic,
but also heeds some relevant factors. The final
analogizer, with 4, heeds only the characteristic
that has no bearing on the landscapes. Among
representations that include a subset of observable
characteristics, these four cover the spectrum from
the longest (123and 432) to the shortest
(1and 4) as well as the range from the most
accurate given length (123and 1) to the least
accurate (432and 4).6Results for firms with
other representations fall between results for these
four firms in an intuitive way; the performance
of a firm with representation 12, for instance,
lies between that of the firm with 1and that of
6Our premise is that boundedly rational managers cannot attend
to all aspects of their environment. For this reason, we do not
examine firms that consider all four observable characteristics.
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 703
Figure 2. Firm performance over time
the firm with 123. Results for firms with other
representations are available from the authors on
We report firm performance as a portion of
the highest performance attainable on the target
landscapes that were explored. By this measure,
a type of firm that always attains the global
maximum will achieve a performance of 1.00.
Unless otherwise noted, each result is an average
over 1,000 families of landscapes, each explored
by 10 firms of each type. Each of the 1,000 families
of landscapes shares the same structural parameters
but constitutes an independent draw from the same
underlying distribution.
Management characteristics
We first examine a situation in which P=3
and D=3. To highlight the effect of choosing
the correct observable characteristics on which
to base one’s representation, we choose a set
of baseline parameter settings in which cognition
is most powerful. DEPTH =BREADTH =1forall
firms, and all analogizing firms use candidate
solutions in an orthodox manner. In addition, we
set the probability of interaction across policy
choices, Kb, equal to one and the probability of
interaction among decisions within a policy, Kw,
to zero.7For the sake of comparability, we model
7The results we obtain from this first set of analyses are robust to
different specifications for the interaction structure. We explore
a local searcher that abides by its initial, randomly
assigned policy choices in an orthodox manner.
Figure 2 shows the average performance of each
type of firm over the course of the simulation.
On average, firms with better representations
achieve higher performance in the initial period
than do firms with worse representations because
their initial policy choices are guided by a
source that more closely resembles the target.
Within the constraints of these initial policy
choices, the sets of detailed decision choices
are randomly specified in the initial period. As
a result, there is considerable room for each
firm to adapt and improve its performance over
subsequent time periods, even while it maintains
its set of overarching policies. Higher-quality
representations place firms in more opportune
locales, as measured by their initial superior fitness
as well as by their higher asymptotic value.
While all firms search the landscape to identify
more favorable sets of decisions, firms with better
representations carry out this search in more
favorable regions of the landscape.
An intriguing aspect of Figure 2 is that the
firm with representation 4, the firm that heeds
only an irrelevant dimension, fares substantially
better than the local searcher. Even a ‘false’
the impact of the interaction structure in the next set of analyses.
We choose this particular combination of structural parameters
because it yields the greatest power of cognition. Below we
explore how the power of cognition depends on the structure of
the decision problem.
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704 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
analogy has power. This result arises because, in
choosing a source landscape on the basis of an
irrelevant characteristic, the firm may, by chance,
focus on a source landscape that happens to share
relevant characteristics with the target as well.
Suppose, for instance, that the target landscape
has characteristics (0111), as in the example in
the previous section. The firm with representation
4might choose as its source a landscape such
as (1111) or (0011) or (0101)—a landscape
that does overlap with the target on some relevant
dimensions. Based on this ‘false’ analogy, the
firm identifies a set of choices coherent with this
representation which, purely by chance, may prove
useful in the target problem. In the discussion
section below, we return to the virtues of false
We turn next to the effects of experience
on the power of analogy. Table 3 shows the
long-run differential between the performance
of each analogizer and the performance of the
local searcher for various levels of BREADTH,the
portion of the source library to which the firm
has access. Table 4 presents similar results for
DEPTH, the portion of each policy domain that
is explored to generate the library of candidate
solutions. There are at least two striking features
of these results. First, while greater BREADTH
of experience steadily improves performance, the
marginal returns to DEPTH of experience diminish
rapidly; a management team with very limited
experience on each source landscape fares nearly
as well on the target as does a team with extensive
experience.8This result suggests that it is far more
important to identify an analogical source that
shares the structure of the target problem than
to pinpoint the absolute best solution within the
source problem context. Second, greater breadth
and depth of experience boost performance more
when a firm has a high-quality representation.
Put differently, broader and deeper experience
does not improve a firm’s lot if it draws from
that experience on the basis of less relevant
Tables 3 and 4 obscure a hazard of experience
we discussed above: broad and especially deep
experience may motivate a management team to
abide by its candidate solution even though the
subsequent local search process identifies superior
8In each row, the results for firms with DEPTH =0.25, DEPTH =
0.50, and DEPTH =1.00 are statistically indistinguishable.
Table 3. Effect of breadth of experience on analogizer’s long-run performance advantage
Long-run performance
advantage over a local
searcher for an analogizer
with representation ... 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
1230.069 (0.002) 0.086 (0.002) 0.111 (0.001) 0.132 (0.001) 0.146 (0.001)
10.065 (0.002) 0.074 (0.002) 0.081 (0.002) 0.086 (0.002) 0.090 (0.002)
4320.055 (0.002) 0.055 (0.002) 0.066 (0.002) 0.069 (0.002) 0.073 (0.002)
40.054 (0.002) 0.053 (0.002) 0.056 (0.002) 0.057 (0.002) 0.059 (0.002)
Kb=1, Kw=0, DEPTH =1, all firms are orthodox. Each figure is an average over 10,000 firms on 1,000 families of landscapes.
Each number in parentheses is the standard deviation of the average figure to the left of it.
Table 4. Effect of depth of experience on analogizer’s long-run performance advantage
Long-run performance advantage DEPTH =
over a local searcher for an
analogizer with representation ... 0.01 0.10 0.25 0.50 1.00
1230.119 (0.001) 0.141 (0.001) 0.146 (0.001) 0.146 (0.001) 0.146 (0.001)
10.083 (0.001) 0.090 (0.001) 0.093 (0.001) 0.093 (0.001) 0.092 (0.001)
4320.060 (0.001) 0.072 (0.001) 0.072 (0.001) 0.071 (0.001) 0.072 (0.001)
40.054 (0.001) 0.059 (0.001) 0.062 (0.001) 0.061 (0.001) 0.060 (0.001)
Kb=1, Kw=0, BREADTH =1, all firms are orthodox. Each figure is an average over 20,000 firms on 2,000 families of landscapes.
Each number in parentheses is the standard deviation of the average figure to the left of it.
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 705
Figure 3. Performance differential due to orthodoxy
solutions. To size up this danger, we repeat the
experiment shown in Figure 2, but now allow
firms to be heterodox; that is, when improving
incrementally, firms are permitted to make changes
in detailed decisions that alter high-level policies.
We then plot in Figure 3 the difference between
the performance of the orthodox firm and the
performance of the corresponding heterodox firm.
One can think of this difference as the hidden cost
a firm bears if it takes its candidate solution too
seriously. The figure shows that this cost depends
sensitively on the quality of a firm’s representation.
Firms with very good representations incur no
costs of orthodoxy; they are in such promising
parts of the target landscapes that they can perform
well without crossing policy borders. Heterodox
firms have little incentive to cross policy borders,
so the search behaviors of orthodox and heterodox
firms are effectively the same. Firms with poorer
representations, in contrast, pay a heavy price for
holding on too firmly to their analogies. Indeed,
in results not reported here, we find that firms
that take poor analogies seriously typically fare
worse than heterodox local searchers; the penalty
of orthodoxy outweighs the benefit of analogical
Structural characteristics
The power of analogy depends not only on the
representations, experience, and orthodoxy of the
management team, but also on the structure of
the target landscape. We explore the effect of
both ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’ structural changes
on our results. By vertical structure, we mean
the relationship between the number of detailed
decisions per policy (D) relative to the number of
higher-order policies (P). By horizontal structure,
we mean the intensity of interaction within each
policy domain (Kw) and the intensity of interaction
across domains (Kb).
To explore vertical structure, we compare the
performance of analogizing firms to that of local
searchers in two settings: P=5, D=3vs.P=3,
D=5. The total number of detailed decisions
is 15 in both cases, but the high-level guidance
given by analogy is more thorough when policy
domains are numerous and narrow (P=5, D=
3). Analogical reasoning is more powerful in
this situation, as the results in Table 5 show.
Comparing across rows in Table 5, we see that
the differential created by more thorough guidance
diminishes as the quality of the representation
deteriorates. Detailed guidance is less valuable if
it is based on misleading keys.
To explore horizontal structure, we first examine
the effects of Kband Kwon landscape topography
and then turn to their effects on the performance
of analogizing firms. One can think of each
landscape as consisting of 2Ppolicy domains,
with 2Dconfigurations of detailed decisions within
each domain. Tables 6a and 6b reveal typical
topography within and across policy domains, as
a function of Kband Kw. To construct the tables,
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706 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
Table 5. Effect of policy breadth on analogizer’s long-
run performance advantage
Long-run performance
advantage over a local
searcher for an analogizer
with representation ...
1230.162 0.109 0.053∗
(0.002) (0.002)
10.102 0.073 0.029∗
(0.002) (0.002)
4320.085 0.054 0.031∗
(0.002) (0.002)
40.066 0.048 0.018∗
(0.002) (0.002)
Kb=1, Kw=0, BREADTH =DEPTH =1; all firms are orthodox.
Each figure is an average over 3000 firms on 300 families of
landscapes. Each number in parentheses is the standard deviation
of the average figure above it. ∗Indicates that a differential is
statistically significant at the 0.1% level.
Table 6a. Absolute change in performance associated
with a within-policy change in a detailed decision
Kb=0 0.056 0.074 0.087
Kb=0.5 0.051 0.069 0.085
Kb=1 0.050 0.068 0.083
P=3, D=3; each figure an average over 40 firms walking at
random for 125 periods on 100 landscapes.
Table 6b. Standard deviation across average per-
formance in each policy domain for a typical landscape
Kb=0 0.069 0.060 0.055
Kb=0.5 0.092 0.081 0.061
Kb=1 0.110 0.088 0.071
P=3, D=3; each figure an average over 40 firms walking at
random for 125 periods on 100 landscapes.
we release firms in each policy domain on a large
number of landscapes, let each walk at random
within a domain, and record performance during
the random walk. Table 6a shows the average
absolute value of the performance change caused
by altering one detailed decision within a policy
domain; this reflects within-policy ruggedness.
Table 6b reports the standard deviation across the
average level of performance within each domain
for the typical landscape; this captures across-
policy ruggedness. Within-policy ruggedness is
driven upward by increases in Kw, while across-
policy ruggedness is boosted by Kband mitigated
by Kw.
Together, Tables 6a and 6b paint a clear picture
of landscape topography. When Kb=Kw=0,
there are no interactions among decisions and the
landscape is relatively smooth, with changes in
individual decisions having relatively little impact
on overall performance. As Kbrises with Kwstill
0, the surface becomes more rugged. In particular,
plateaus defined by policy configurations arise.
Within a policy configuration, the surface is
relatively smooth; a change in a detailed choice
that does not change a policy alters only the
contribution of that decision in isolation. In
contrast, a change in a detailed choice that does
alter a policy—a step over the edge of the
plateau—causes many contributions to change.
The result is a surface with internally smooth
plateaus of quite different elevations. In contrast,
as Kwrises with Kbfixed, each plateau becomes
internally rugged.
This sets the stage for understanding the effects
of Kband Kwon analogical reasoning. The surface
plot in Figure 4 shows, for various combinations of
Kband Kw, the long-run performance differential
between an analogizing firm with representation
123and a local searcher. (P=3, D=3, and
DEPTH =BREADTH =1.) When Kb=Kw=0, the
landscape is smooth, both the analogizer and
the local searcher fare well, and as a result the
differential is modest. Indeed, a differential exists
only because firms are constrained to abide by their
original policies. If firms were heterodox, both
would attain the global peak, and the differential
would be precisely zero.9As Kbrises with Kw
9While it is true that analogy offers no long-run advantage
when target landscapes are smooth (Kb=Kw=0) and firms
are heterodox, this outcome masks important dynamics. Though
all firms eventually scale the global peak in such a situation,
analogical reasoning helps firms with good representations to
do so quickly. As a result, analogizing firms enjoy a transient
advantage. The better is the firm’s representation, the bigger
is this advantage. (Simulation results that illustrate this effect
are available from the authors on request.) There are numerous,
unmodeled reasons to believe that, in reality, such an advantage
might be of lasting importance. Discovering a strong competitive
position first (Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988) may be
especially important if the first firm to arrive at the position
can deter others from copying its configuration of choices; if
customers are loyal and reluctant to switch once others reproduce
the position; if the selection environment is so vigorous that slow
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 707
Figure 4. Long-run advantage of analogizer with representation 123as a function of Kwand Kb
low, internally smooth plateaus of different heights
emerge on the target landscape. In such a setting,
it is quite valuable to start one’s local search
in a favorable policy domain—on a promising
plateau. Accordingly, analogy is very powerful for
high Kband low Kw. In contrast, an increase in
Kwundermines the power of analogy: interactions
within policy domains make each plateau rugged,
and even a firm with a good representation,
which begins its local search in a favorable policy
domain, is likely to get stuck on a low local
peak. Good analogies in our model give policy-
level guidance, but if guidance at that level is not
sufficiently specific to lead a firm to success, then
analogical reasoning loses much of its force.
Overall, we find that analogy is least powerful
in fully decomposed settings (Kb=0,K
w=1) or
nearly decomposed settings (Kblow, Kwhigh);
in such settings, the primary challenge facing
management is to achieve success within each of
several, fairly independent policy domains, and
analogy—at least as we have modeled it —offers
little toward this end. Analogical reasoning is also
of limited use in situations of full independence
(Kb=Kw=0), where incremental logic alone
will deliver a good configuration of choices,
movers don’t survive their temporary disadvantage; or if the
environment changes so rapidly that one must reap the benefits
of an advantage quickly. We speculate that analogical reasoning
might be especially valuable in such settings, even in the absence
of interactions among decisions.
and in situations of very high interdependence of
detailed decisions (Kw=1), where proliferating
local peaks trap analogizers and local searchers
alike. Analogy is most powerful when cross-policy
interactions dominate (Kbhigh, Kwlow)—that is,
when the plateaus defined by policy configurations
are internally smooth, but heights are sufficiently
varied across plateaus that there is a danger
of being stranded on a low plateau. A number
of scholars have argued that piece-by-piece,
subsystem-by-subsystem learning is most effective
in nearly decomposable systems (Simon, 1962;
Baldwin and Clark, 2000; Frenken, Marengo,
and Valente, 1999). Our results suggest that
analogical reasoning offers its greatest relative
benefit precisely where these approaches fail, in
systems that are not nearly decomposable.
Discovering an effective competitive position is
a difficult endeavor. It is difficult because the
mapping from strategic decisions to performance
is typically complex and, especially in novel
settings, unknown to the decision-makers. Though
cognizant of such difficulties, positioning scholars
emphasize the role of deductive reasoning and
rational choice in the origin of positions (Porter,
1996; Ghemawat, 1999). In contrast, evolutionary
theorists highlight the bounds of individual
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
708 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
rationality and posit that effective positions emerge
through a mix of luck and experiential, local
search, thus leaving little space for the cognition
of managers (Nelson and Winter, 1982). Although
recognizing the merits of both such perspectives,
we hesitate to ascribe all effective positions
to either the omniscience assumed in economic
analysis or the myopia of experiential learning.
We put forth a model of the origin of strategies
that, while recognizing the limits of managerial
rationality and the intelligence of local search,
also respects the power of managerial cognition.
Indeed, the notion of bounded rationality, which
we take as a cornerstone of our conceptual
apparatus, does not rule out the possibility of
intendedly rational choice (March and Simon,
1958). Bounded rationality suggests that thinking
is typically premised on simplified cognitive
representations of the world (Simon, 1991).
As boundedly rational actors, managers create
cognitive simplifications of their decision problems
and come up with solutions on the basis of
such simplifications. These solutions, in turn, may
imprint subsequent efforts at local search, thus
playing a central role in the discovery of strategic
positions (Gavetti and Levinthal, 2000). This
perspective, which represents a middle ground
between positioning and evolutionary arguments,
suggests that the roots of superior competitive
positions may lie in the cognition of managers,
particularly in the way they represent the world.
The effect of cognition on managerial action
is an enormous area of inquiry. We cut into this
topic by looking at a particular, important type of
action: the creation of a competitive position in an
unfamiliar industry. This type of action confronts
managers with daunting complexity so it is natural
to expect cognition—a fundamental instrument to
handle complexity—to play a major role. It also
forces decision-makers to cope with novelty. In
novel situations, wisdom from prior experience in
other contexts can be particularly powerful. For
this reason, we focus on a particular vehicle for
transporting experience across contexts: analogy.
Our conceptual model of analogical reasoning
is straightforward. We surmise that, in any set
of industries, a large number of underlying
characteristics drive the relationship between firm
action and performance. There are so many
characteristics and their effects are so difficult
to discern that boundedly rational actors focus
their reasoning efforts on a subset of the
characteristics. These subsets form representations.
Some representations are more effective bases of
reasoning than are others. A good representation
distinguishes sets of similar payoff functions
from one another, while a poor representation
leaves very different payoff functions in the same
category. In other words, a representation is a
classification scheme. An effective scheme puts
similar objects in the same class and different
objects in distinct classes.
Armed with a good representation and adequate
experience, a firm is well prepared to draw a can-
didate solution from a germane source and apply
it to a target industry. Accordingly, our simulation
model shows the best performance among firms
with high-quality representations—good classifi-
cation schemes. That said, we also find it better to
take guidance from some source, even one based
on a poor representation, than to start one’s local
search at a randomly assigned configuration. There
is some chance that, purely by luck, the source will
prove to be a good one even though it is based
on a poor representation. This power of ‘false’
analogies is reminiscent of Weick’s (1990) tale of
a Hungarian military reconnaissance unit. Lost in
the snowy Alps, the troops prepare for the worst.
Then one soldier discovers a map in his pocket.
Once equipped with the map, the unit outlasts the
storm, finds its bearings, and returns to safety.
Only later does a commanding officer realize that
the map is of the Pyrenees, not the Alps. The tale
is often interpreted in terms of presence of mind
and motivation: the map calmed the troops and
moved them to take coordinated action. We would
suggest a second possibility: perhaps parts of the
Pyrenees and parts of the Alps truly do resem-
ble one another. The soldiers may have received
a good candidate solution, though only by chance,
just as do some (though not all) of our firms with
poor representations. In business also, it is pos-
sible to have a poor representation yet obtain a
good candidate solution. For instance, Lycos’s par-
tial integration of Tripod worked out well, but even
some supporters of the decision felt the analogical
reasoning itself was dubious (Gavetti and Rivkin,
2004). An intriguing avenue for future research is
to examine what makes some analogies useful even
if based on similarity along irrelevant dimensions.
We suspect the key is to focus on dimensions that,
even if irrelevant, are correlated with true drivers
of success.
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
The Power of Analogy 709
Our results also shed light on the roles of
broad and deep experience. We find breadth
and depth of experience to be valuable only
if a manager has a good representation —a
valid system for categorizing environments and
classifying lessons learned. In addition, beyond
a modest level of depth, performance is not
sensitive to depth. As a result, if top management
of a diversified firm believes that business unit
managers have a good grasp of what factors
drive the choice–performance relationship in their
particular business, they should be more willing to
rotate managers across divisions, to invest in and
exploit breadth of experience. Otherwise, it may
be better to keep each business unit manager in
a single business for a longer period, to develop
A possibility we do not model, worthy of
future research, is that experience in a wide
range of industries may help a manager to build
an understanding of what drives the relationship
between choice and performance. Put simply,
breadth may improve representations. As business
school instructors who teach by the case method,
we are sympathetic to this perspective. Much of
what goes on in business strategy courses, we
believe, is representation building. We aim to focus
student attention on dimensions of environments
that shape the relationship between action and
outcome, and we do so in part by exposing
students to a broad variety of cases. A framework
such as the Five Forces (Porter, 1980) is helpful
because it synthesizes across cases and identifies
the dimensions that are most salient across the
range of particulars. In doing so, the framework
enhances pattern recognition. Frameworks that
classify environments and firms along different
dimensions—say, by the durability of underlying
resources (Williams, 1992) or by the character of
capabilities (Teece, Pisano, and Shuen 1997) rather
than by the nature of competitive forces—might
lead managers to see very different patterns.
More broadly, the pervasive impact of repre-
sentations in our findings affirms the importance
of research that examines the mental models of
strategists (e.g., Porac, Thomas, and Baden-Fuller,
1989; Huff, 1990; Huff and Jenkins, 2002). Espe-
cially intriguing is the question of where repre-
sentations come from (other than business school
curricula). Future empirical efforts might exam-
ine the processes by which management teams
develop, track, and alter their beliefs about what
characteristics distinguish similar settings from dif-
ferent ones. Modeling efforts might expose simu-
lated firms to a series of decision problems, not the
single problem we model here, and allow manage-
ment teams to alter their representations as they
update their beliefs about the true XPROB . Models
might also incorporate shocks to XPROB . Our spec-
ulation is that established teams with solid beliefs
about XPROB will find such shocks especially haz-
ardous. Such a team may very well persist in pay-
ing attention to observable characteristics that used
to be relevant but are no longer. As a result, they
may draw analogies based on similarities that have
become superficial.
Assessing the role and performance implications
of analogies also requires analyzing how analogies
are used. In the context of our model, we
distinguish between orthodox and heterodox uses
of analogy. Not surprisingly, orthodoxy is most
costly for firms with poor representations. More
surprisingly, orthodoxy provides no advantage
over heterodoxy even when the analogy is based on
a good representation. Good representations seed
subsequent search efforts on such promising areas
of the landscape that heterodox analogizers are
not motivated to violate the policies identified by
the analogy. This result suggests that analogy is
more effective as an instrument to seed search
efforts than as a means to constrain them. The
psychological literature on analogy focuses on
representations and experience as central elements
underlying the quality of analogies (Holyoak and
Thagard, 1995). Particularly in the context of
organizational search efforts, we believe, that in
addition to these fundamental elements, managers
should pay explicit attention to the orthodoxy with
which analogies are used.
Our final set of results shows that analogical
reasoning produces the greatest long-run advantage
over incremental local search in settings that
are poorly decomposed. In these contexts,
the high-level policy guidance offered by
analogy is necessary to identify consistent policy
configurations—policy configurations that cannot
be recreated via incremental search at the level of
detailed choices. Others have touted the virtues of
decomposable or nearly decomposable systems of
choices (Simon, 1962; Baldwin and Clark, 2000).
In nearly decomposable or modular systems, one
can learn by means of parallel experiments at
the subsystem level (Baldwin and Clark, 2000).
Moreover, boundedly rational managers might be
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
710 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
able to apply deductive reasoning at the subsystem
level even if the system as a whole outstrips
their processing abilities. However, not all systems
of choices are neatly decomposable. We suggest
that, for dealing with systems of choices that
are inherently non-decomposable or have not
yet been decomposed, reasoning by analogy
is particularly powerful. Good representations
underlie the transfer of powerful strategic solutions
from managers’ past experience. These solutions,
in turn, allow a rich appreciation of the architecture
of the strategic problem (Henderson and Clark,
1990). It is in poorly decomposed systems that
this kind of architectural wisdom, and therefore the
quality of the cognitive representations underlying
the analogy, play a particularly important role.
These results emphasize that analogy and, more
generally, cognition are especially powerful in
settings where parallel local search fails to guide
organizational adaptation effectively.
More broadly, our analyses may help us better
understand observed variation in the processes
that underlie the origins of successful strategic
positions. Our findings lead us to hypothesize,
for instance, that cases in which local search is
the main process guiding firms toward successful
positions may well reflect some select structural
characteristics of the industries where such
companies succeed. In particular, such settings are
likely to have intense interactions among decisions
within policies. Rich sets of interactions among
the detailed decisions lying below the surface of
higher-level policies limit the power of apriori
cognition in these settings. We believe that this
linkage between the structural characteristics of
the context and the mechanisms underlying the
development of successful positions is a crucial
one—one that future empirical studies should
consider carefully.
Cognition in complex worlds inevitably involves
simplification. The precise basis of simplification,
however, is not inevitable. As academics and
practitioners, we are often apologetic about
operating in the space of such simplifications—the
commonly ridiculed ‘two-by-twos’ of the strategy
field. But as boundedly rational individuals, we
cannot think in high-dimensional spaces. The
relevant question is not whether we conceive
of complex strategic problems in terms of a
few overarching variables, but rather what those
variables will be. The choice of variables can
have a major impact on performance, both directly
and by altering the influence of other factors
such as managerial experience and orthodoxy.
Our findings support this perspective in the
case of analogical reasoning, and we speculate
that it will also hold true for other forms of
managerial cognition. Our hope is that rigorous
analysis of cognition will help bridge the
chasm between rational, positional perspectives on
strategy and behavioral, evolutionary approaches.
Understanding how firms identify effective
competitive positions requires both perspectives.
With the current work, we try to provide some
substantiation of that link and a platform on which
others can build.
For helpful comments, we are grateful to Nicolaj
Siggelkow, anonymous referees, and seminar
audiences at Babson, Harvard Business School,
MIT’s Sloan School, the University of Calgary,
UCLA, the University of Toronto, and the Wharton
School. We also thank Howard Brenner for
computer programming efforts, Simona Giorgi and
Elizabeth Johnson for research assistance, and the
Division of Research of Harvard Business School
for generous funding. Errors remain our own.
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For a given set of values for P,D,X,Kw,Kb,
and XPROB, the computer generates an influence
matrix—a matrix that records which choices,
policies, and observable characteristics influence
the contribution of each detailed choice. Figure 1
shows what the matrix might look like for a case
in which P=3, D=3, X=4, Kw=1, Kb=
0.33, and XPROB =(1,0.5,0.5,0). A bullet (•)in
the matrix indicates that the column element of
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)
712 G. Gavetti, D. A. Levinthal and J. W. Rivkin
the matrix influences the contribution of the row
element. The second row, for instance, indicates
that the contribution of the second detailed choice
is affected by the resolutions of choices 1, 2, and 3,
the resolution of policy 3, and the states of the first
and third observable characteristics. Because Kw=
1, there is thorough interaction within each policy
domain. Because Kb=0.33, the typical decision
is affected by one-third of the other policies. The
first observable characteristic is highly influential,
affecting the contributions of all detailed decisions
because the first element of XPROB is 1. The fourth
observable characteristic is altogether irrelevant
since the fourth element of XPROB is 0.
Once the influence matrix is set, the computer
generates target and source landscapes. That
is, it assigns a pay-off to each of the 2P×D
possible configurations of choices on each of
the 2Xlandscapes. The contribution of each
detailed choice depends on the resolution of
that choice, the resolution of other choices and
policies, and the state of observable characteristics.
For each possible combination of the influential
factors, the computer draws a contribution at
random from a uniform U[0, 1] distribution.
In Figure 1, for instance, the second choice is
affected by six factors (as indicated by the
six bullets in the second row). Each of these
factors can be resolved in two ways, so the
computer draws 26possible contributions for the
second choice: one corresponding to each of the
possible configurations of the six factors. The
overall performance associated with a particular
configuration of detailed choices and observable
characteristics is then the average over the P×D
Performance(dgiven a set of observable
contribution of decision i
given dand observable characteristics(P ×D).
Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J.,26: 691– 712 (2005)