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Abstract and Figures

This article describes the new meta-analysis command metaan, which can be used to perform fixed- or random-effects meta-analysis. Besides the stan- dard DerSimonian and Laird approach, metaan offers a wide choice of available models: maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, restricted maximum likelihood, and a permutation model. The command reports a variety of heterogeneity mea- sures, including Cochran’s Q, I2, HM2 , and the between-studies variance estimate τb2. A forest plot and a graph of the maximum likelihood function can also be generated.
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The Stata Journal (yyyy) vv, Number ii, pp. 111
metaan: random effects meta-analysis
Evangelos Kontopantelis
National Primary Care
Research & Development Centre
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
David Reeves
Health Sciences Primary Care
Research Group
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
Abstract. This article describes a new meta-analysis command, metaan, which can
be used to perform fixed- or random-effects meta-analysis, offering a wide choice
of available models: maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, restricted maximum
likelihood and a permutation method, besides the standard DerSimonian and Laird
approach. The command reports a variety of heterogeneity measures including
Cochran’s Q, I
, H
and the between-study variance estimate ˆτ
. A forest plot
and a graph of the maximum likelihood function can also be generated.
Keywords: st0001, metaan, meta-analysis, random-effect(s), effect size(s), maxi-
mum likelihood, profile likelihood, restricted maximum likelihood, REML, permu-
tation(s) method, forest plot
1 Introduction
Meta-analysis is a statistical methodology that combines or integrates the results of
several independent clinical trials, or studies in general, considered by the analyst to
be ‘combinable’ (Huque 1988). Usually, this is a two-stage process: in the first stage
the appropriate summary statistic for each study is estimated, then at the second stage
these are combined into a weighted average. Methods also exist for combining and
meta-analysing data across studies at the individual patient level (IPD methods). An
IPD analysis provides advantages such as standardization (of marker values, outcome
definitions etc), follow-up information updating, detailed data-checking, subgroup anal-
yses and the ability to include participant-level covariates (Stewart and Clarke 1995;
Lambert et al. 2002). However, individual observations are rarely available; addition-
ally, if the main interest is in mean effects then the two-stage and the IPD approaches
can provide equivalent results (Olkin and Sampson 1998).
This paper concerns itself with the second stage of the two-stage approach to meta-
analysis. At this stage, researchers can select between two main approaches, the fixed-
or the random-effects model, in their effort to combine the study-level summary esti-
mates and calculate an overall average effect. The fixed-effect model is simpler and
assumes the true effect to be the same (homogeneous) across studies. However, homo-
geneity has been found to be the exception rather than the rule and some degree of
true effect variability between studies is to be expected (Thompson and Pocock 1991).
This between-study heterogeneity stems from differences in populations, interventions,
outcomes or follow-up times (clinical heterogeneity), or differences in trial design and
yyyy StataCorp LP st0001
2 metaan
quality (methodological heterogeneity) (Higgins and Green 2008; Thompson 1994). The
most common approach to modelling the between study variance is the method proposed
by DerSimonian and Laird (1986), which is widely used in generic and specialist meta-
analysis statistical packages alike. In Stata the DerSimonian and Laird (DL) model is
used in the most popular meta-analysis commands, the recently updated metan and
the older but still useful meta (Harris et al. 2008). However, the between-study vari-
ance component can be estimated using more advanced iterative (and computationally
expensive) techniques: maximum likelihood, profile likelihood and restricted maximum
likelihood(Hardy and Thompson 1996; Thompson and Sharp 1999). Alternatively, the
estimate can be obtained using non-parametric approaches, such as the ‘permutations’
method proposed by Follmann and Proschan (1999).
We have implemented these methods in metaan, which performs the second stage
of a two-stage meta-analysis, offering alternatives to the DerSimonian-Laird random-
effects model. The command requires the study effect estimates and standard errors as
input. We have also created metaeff - not discussed in the present paper - a command
which provides support in the first stage of the two-stage process and which compliments
metaan. The metaeff command calculates the effect size (standardised mean difference)
and its standard error from the input parameters supplied by the user, for each study,
using one of the methods described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of
Interventions (Higgins and Green 2006). For more details type ssc describe metaeff
in Stata, or see Kontopantelis and Reeves (2009).
The metaan command does not offer the plethora of options metan does for inputting
various types of binary or continuous data. Other useful features in metan (and not
available in metaan) include: stratified meta-analysis, user-input study weights, vaccine
efficacy calculations, Mantel-Haenszel fixed-effect method, L’Abbe and funnel plots.
The REML model, assumed to be the best method to fit a random-effects meta-analysis
model even though this assumption has not been thoroughly investigated (Thompson
and Sharp 1999), has recently been coded in the updated meta-regression command
metareg (Harbord and Higgins 2008) and the new multivariate random-effects meta-
analysis command mvmeta (White 2009). However, the output and options provided by
metaan can be more useful in the univariate meta-analysis context.
2 The metaan command
2.1 Syntax
metaan varname1 varname2
, fe dl ml reml pl pe varc
label(varname) forest forestw(#) plplot(string )
varname1 the study effect sizes.
varname2 the study effect variation, with standard error used as default.
E. Kontopantelis and D. Reeves 3
2.2 Options
fe Fixed-effect (FE) model that assumes there is no heterogeneity between the studies.
The model assumes that within-study variances may differ, but that there is homo-
geneity of effect size across studies. Often the homogeneity assumption is unlikely
and variation in the true effect across studies is to be expected. Therefore, caution
is required when using this model. Reported heterogeneity measures are estimated
using the dl model.
dl DerSimonian-Laird (DL), the most commonly used random-effects model. Models
heterogeneity between the studies i.e. assumes that the true effect can be differ-
ent for each study. The method assumes that the individual study true effects are
distributed with a variance τ
, around an ‘overall’ true effect, but makes no as-
sumptions about the form of the distribution of either the within- or between-study
effects. Reported heterogeneity measures are estimated using the dl model.
ml Maximum-likelihood (ML) random-effects model. Makes the additional assump-
tion (necessary to derive the log-likelihood function, and also true for reml and pl
below) that both the within-study and between-study effects have Normal distribu-
tions. The log-likelihood function is solved iteratively to produce an estimate of the
between-study variance. However, the method does not always converge while in
some cases the between-study variance estimate is negative and set to zero (in which
case the model is reduced to the fe model). Estimates are reported as missing in
the event of non-convergence. Reported heterogeneity measures are estimated using
the ml model.
reml Restricted maximum-likelihood (REML) random-effects model. Similar method
to ml and using the same assumptions. The log-likelihood function is maximized
iteratively to provide estimates as in ml. However, under reml only the part of
the likelihood function which is location invariant is maximized (i.e. maximizing
the portion of the likelihood that does not involve µ, if estimating τ
, and vice
versa). The method does not always converge while in some cases the between-study
variance estimate is negative and set to zero (in which case the model is reduced to
the fe model). Estimates are reported as missing in the event of non-convergence.
Reported heterogeneity measures are estimated using the reml model.
pl Profile-likelihood (PL) random-effects model. Profile likelihood uses the same like-
lihood function as ml, but takes into account the uncertainty associated with the
between-study variance estimate when calculating an overall effect, by using nested
iterations to converge to a maximum. The confidence intervals provided by the
method are asymmetric and hence so is the diamond in the forest plot. However,
the method does not always converge. Values that were not computed are reported
as missing. Reported heterogeneity measures are estimated using the ml model,
since ˆµ and ˆτ
, the effect and between-study variance estimates, are the same (only
their confidence intervals are re-estimated). The method also provides a confidence
interval for the between-study variance estimate.
pe Permutations (PE) random-effects model. A non-parametric random-effects method
4 metaan
which utilises dl and does not assume a normal distribution for the random effects.
The confidence interval provided by the method is asymmetric and hence so is the
diamond in the forest plot. Reported heterogeneity measures are estimated using
the dl model.
varc Informs the program that the study effect variation variable varname2 holds vari-
ance values. If this option is omitted the program assumes the variable contains
standard error values (the default).
label(varname) Selects labels for the studies. Up to two variables can be selected and
converted to strings. If two variables are selected they will be separated by a comma.
Usually, the author names and the year of study are selected as labels. The final
string is truncated to 20 characters.
forest Requests a forest plot. The weights from the specified analysis are used for
plotting symbol sizes (PE uses DL weights).
forestw(#) Requests a forest plot with adjusted weight ratios for better display. The
value can be in the [1,50] range. For example if the largest to smallest weight ratio
is 60 and the graph looks awkward the user can use this command to improve the
appearance, by requesting the weight to be rescaled to a largest/smallest weight
ratio of 30. It should be noted that only the weight squares in the plot are affected
and not the model. The confidence intervals in the plot are unaffected.
plplot(string) Requests a plot of the likelihood function for the average effect or
between-study variance estimate of the ml, pl or reml models. Option plplot(mu)
fixes the average effect parameter to its model estimate, in the likelihood function,
and creates a two way plot of τ
vs the likelihood function. Option plplot(tsq)
fixes the between-study variance to its model estimate, in the likelihood function,
and creates a two way plot of µ vs the likelihood function.
2.3 Saved results
metaan saves the following scalar results (some varying by selected method) in r():
All methods
r(Hsq) Heterogeneity measure H
r(Isq) Heterogeneity measure I
r(Q) Cochran’s Q value r(Qpval) p-value for Cochran’s Q
r(df) Degrees of freedom
r(effvar) effect variance r(eff) effect size
r(efflo) effect size, lower 95% CI r(effup) effect size, upper 95% CI
fe, dl methods
r(tausq dl) ˆτ
, from the DL method
ml method
r(tausq dl) ˆτ
, from the DL method r(tausq ml) ˆτ
, from the ML method
r(conv ml) ML convergence information
reml method
r(tausq dl) ˆτ
, from the DL method r(tausq reml) ˆτ
, from the REML method
r(conv reml) REML convergence information
E. Kontopantelis and D. Reeves 5
pl method
r(tausq dl) ˆτ
, from the DL method r(tausq pl) ˆτ
, from the PL method
r(tausqlo pl) ˆτ
(PL), lower 95% CI r(tausqup pl) ˆτ
(PL), upper 95% CI
r(cloeff pl) convergence information, PL
effect size (lower CI)
r(cupeff pl) convergence info, PL effect size
(upper CI)
r(ctausqlo pl) convergence information, PL
(lower CI)
r(ctausqup pl) convergence information, PL ˆτ
(upper CI)
r(conv ml) ML convergence information
pe method
r(tausq dl) ˆτ
, from the DL method r(exec pe) Information on PE execution
In each case, heterogeneity measures H
and I
are computed using the returned
between-variance estimate ˆτ
. Convergence (and PE execution) information is returned
as 1 if succesful and as 0 otherwise. r(effvar) cannot be computed for PE. r(effvar)
is the same for ML and PL, but for PL the confidence intervals are ‘amended’ to take
into account the ˆτ
2.4 Methods
The metaan command offers six meta-analysis methods for calculating a mean effect
estimate and its confidence intervals: fixed-effect model (FE), random-effects DerSimo-
nian & Laird method (DL), maximum-likelihood random-effects model (ML), restricted
maximum-likelihood random-effects model (REML), profile-likelihood random-effects
model (PL) and permutations method utilising a DL random-effects model (PE). Mod-
els of the random-effects family take into account the identified between-study variation,
estimate it and usually produce wider confidence intervals for the overall effect than a
fixed-effect analysis. Brief descriptions of the methods have been provided in section 2.2.
In this section, we will provide a few more details and practical advice in selecting be-
tween the methods. Their complexity prohibits complete descriptions in this paper and
users wishing to look into method details are encouranged to refer to the original papers
which have described them (DerSimonian and Laird 1986; Hardy and Thompson 1996;
Follmann and Proschan 1999; Brockwell and Gordon 2001).
The three maximum likelihood methods are iterative and usually computationally
expensive. ML and PL derive the µ (overall effect) and τ
estimates by maximizing the
log-likelihood function in (1), under different conditions. REML estimates τ
and µ by
maximizing the restricted log-likelihood function in (2).
log L(µ, τ
) =
+ τ
)) +
( ˆy
+ τ
, µ < & τ
0 (1)
log L
(µ, τ
) =
+ τ
)) +
( ˆy
+ τ
+ τ
, ˆµ < & τ
0 (2)
6 metaan
where k is the number of studies to be meta-analysed, ˆy
and ˆσ
are the effect and
variance estimates for study i and ˆµ is the overall effect estimate.
Maximum likelihood follows the simplest approach, maximizing (1) in a single itera-
tion loop. A criticism of ML is that it takes no account of the loss in degrees of freedom
that results from estimating the overall effect. Restricted Maximum Likelihood derives
the likelihood function in a way that adjusts for this and removes downward bias in
the between-studies variance estimator. A useful description for REML, in the meta-
analysis context, has been provided by Normand (1999). Profile likelihood uses the
same likelihood function as ML, but takes into account the uncertainty associated with
the between-study variance estimate when calculating an overall effect, through the use
of use nested iterations to converge to a maximum. By incorporating this extra factor
of uncertainty, PL yields confidence intervals that are usually wider than for DL and
also asymmetric. PL has been shown to outperform DL in various scenarios (Brockwell
and Gordon 2001).
The PE method (Follmann and Proschan 1999) can be described as follows: First, in
line with a Null hypothesis that all true study effects are zero and observed effects are due
to random variation, a dataset of all possible combinations of observed study outcomes
is created by permuting the sign of each observed effect. Next, the dl method is used
to compute an overall effect for each combination. Finally, the resulting distribution of
overall effect sizes is used to derive a confidence interval for the observed overall effect.
Method performance is known to be affected by three factors: the number of studies
in the meta-analysis, the degree of heterogeneity in true effects and - provided there is
heterogeneity present - the distribution of the true effects (Brockwell and Gordon 2001).
Heterogeneity is a major problem researchers have to face, when combining study re-
sults in a meta-analysis, which is attributed to clinical and/or methodological diver-
sity (Higgins and Green 2006). The variability that arises from different interventions,
populations, outcomes or follow-up times is described by clinical heterogeneity, while
differences in trial design and quality are accounted for by methodological heterogene-
ity (Thompson 1994). Traditionally, heterogeneity is tested with Cochran’s Q which
provides a p-value for the test of homogeneity, when compared with a χ
(Brockwell and Gordon 2001) (where k is the number of studies). However the test is
known to be poor at detecting heterogeneity since its power is low when the number of
studies is small (Hardy and Thompson 1998). An alternative measure is I
, which is
thought to be more informative in assessing inconsistency between studies, with values
of 25%, 50% and 75% corresponding to low, moderate and high heterogeneity respec-
tively (Higgins et al. 2003). Another measure is H
, the measure least affected by the
value of k, taking values in the [0, +) range with 0 indicating perfect homogeneity
(Mittlbock and Heinzl 2006). Obviously, the between-study variance estimate ˆτ
also be informative about the presence or not of heterogeneity.
The test for heterogeneity is often used as the basis for applying a fixed-effect or
a random-effects model. However, the often low power of the Q test makes it unwise
to base a decision on the result of the test alone. Research studies, even on the same
topic, can vary on a large number of factors, hence homogeneity is often an unlikely
E. Kontopantelis and D. Reeves 7
assumption and some degree of variability between studies is to be expected (Thompson
and Pocock 1991). Some authors recommend the adoption of a random-effects model,
unless there are compelling reasons for doing otherwise, irrespective of the outcome of
the test for heterogeneity (Brockwell and Gordon 2001).
However, even though random-effects methods model heterogeneity, the performance
of the maximum likelihood methods (ML, REML and PL) in situations where the true
effects violate the assumptions of a Normal distribution may not be optimal (Brockwell
and Gordon 2001; Hardy and Thompson 1998; Bohning et al. 2002; Sidik and Jonkman
2007). The number of studies in the analysis is also an issue, since most meta-analysis
methods (including DL, ML, REML, PL, but not PE) are only asymptotically correct:
i.e. they provide the theoretical 95% coverage only as the number of studies increases
(approaches infinity). Method performance is therefore affected when the number of
studies is small, but the extent depends on the method (some are more susceptible),
along with the degree of heterogeneity and the distribution of the true effects (Brockwell
and Gordon 2001).
2.5 Example
As an example, we apply the metaan command to health risk outcome data from seven
studies. The information was collected for an unpublished meta-analysis and the data
is available from the authors. Using describe and list commands we provide details
of the dataset and proceed to perform a univariate meta-analysis with metaan.
. use metaan_example.dta,
. describe
Contains data from metaan_example.dta
obs: 7
vars: 4 19 Apr 2010 12:19
size: 532 (99.9% of memory free)
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
study str16 %16s First author and year
outcome str48 %35s Outcome description
effsize float %9.0g effect sizes
se float %9.0g SE of the effect sizes
Sorted by: study outcome
. list study outcome effsize se, noobs clean
study outcome effsize se
Bakx A, 1985 Serum cholesterol (mmol/L) -.3041526 .0958199
Campbell A, 1998 Diet .2124063 .0812414
Cupples, 1994 BMI .0444239 .090661
Eckerlund SBP -.3991309 .12079
Moher, 2001 Cholesterol (mmol/l) -.9374746 .0691572
Woolard A, 1995 Alcohol intake (g/week) -.3098185 .206331
Woolard B, 1995 Alcohol intake (g/week) -.4898825 .2001602
8 metaan
. metaan effsize se, pl label(study) forest
Profile Likelihood method selected
Study Effect [95% Conf. Interval] % Weight
Bakx A, 1985 -0.304 -0.492 -0.116 15.09
Campbell A, 1998 0.212 0.053 0.372 15.40
Cupples, 1994 0.044 -0.133 0.222 15.20
Eckerlund -0.399 -0.636 -0.162 14.49
Moher, 2001 -0.937 -1.073 -0.802 15.62
Woolard A, 1995 -0.310 -0.714 0.095 12.01
Woolard B, 1995 -0.490 -0.882 -0.098 12.19
Overall effect (pl) -0.308 -0.622 0.004 100.00
ML method succesfully converged
PL method succesfully converged for both upper and lower CI limits
Heterogeneity Measures
value df p-value
Cochrane Q 139.81 6 0.000
I^2 (%) 91.96
H^2 11.44
value [95% Conf. Interval]
tau^2 est 0.121 0.000 0.449
Estimate obtained with Maximum likelihood - Profile likelihood provides the CI
PL method succesfully converged for both upper and lower CI limits of the tau
> estimate
The PL method used in the example converged successfuly, as did ML whose convergence
is a prerequisite. The overall effect is not found to be significant at the 95% level
and there is considerable heterogeneity across studies, according to the measures. The
method also displays a 95% confidence interval for the between-study variance estimate
(provided convergence is achieved, as is the case in this example). The forest plot
created by the command is displayed in Figure 1.
(Continued on next page)
E. Kontopantelis and D. Reeves 9
Overall effect (pl)
Woolard B, 1995
Woolard A, 1995
Moher, 2001
Cupples, 1994
Campbell A, 1998
Bakx A, 1985
−1 −.5 0 .5
Effect sizes and CIs
Original weights (squares) displayed. Largest to smallest ratio: 1.30
Figure 1: Forest plot displaying profile-likelihood meta-analysis.
Re-executing the analysis with the plplot(mu) and plplot(tsq) options we obtain
the log-likelihood function plots (Figures 2 & 3).
0 .05 .1 .15 .2
tau² values
for mu fixed to the ML/PL estimate
Likelihood plot
Figure 2: Log-likelihood function plot, µ fixed to the model estimate.
10 metaan
−1.5 −1 −.5 0 .5
mu values
for tau² fixed to the ML/PL estimate
Likelihood plot
Figure 3: Log-likelihood function plot, τ
fixed to the model estimate.
3 Discussion
The metaan command can be a useful meta-analysis tool which includes newer and, in
certain circumstances, better performing methods than the standard Dersimonian-Laird
random-effects model. Unpublished results exploring method performance in various
scenarios are available from the authors. Future work will involve implementing more
methods in the metaan command and embellishing the forest plot.
4 Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the authors of meta and metan for all their work and the
anonymous reviewer whose useful comments improved the paper considerably.
5 References
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About the authors
Evangelos (Evan) Kontopantelis is a research fellow in statistics at the National Primary Care
Research and Development Centre, University of Manchester, England. His research interests
include statistical methods in health sciences with a focus on meta-analysis, longitudinal data
modeling and large clinical database management.
David Reeves is a senior research fellow in statistics at the Health Sciences Primary Care
Research Group, University of Manchester, England. David has worked as a statistician in
health services research for nearly three decades, mainly in the fields of learning disability
and primary care. His methodological research interests include the robustness of statistical
methods, the analysis of observational studies, and applications of social network analysis
methods to health systems.
... This is the approximate likelihood framework where the the normal distribution approximates the distribution of a binomial parameter. Stata packages developed within this framework include metaprop [8], metan [9], metaan [10] and mvmeta [11]. As from Stata 16, the CE and RE models can be fitted using the command meta [12]. ...
... Conventionally, the δ j is assumed to be normally distributed Rewriting equations (10) and (11) as implies that the expected study means (µ 1 , . . . , µ J ) are normal random variables from a population of studies with mean µ 0 and variance τ 2 . ...
... τ 2 represents the variability between the study means. The two random components ξ j and δ j in equation (10) are uncorrelated. It is automatic then that There are different methods to obtain an estimate of τ 2 including the method of moments (MOM), ML and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) [24]. ...
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Background Despite the widespread interest in meta-analysis of proportions, its rationale, certain theoretical and methodological concepts are poorly understood. The generalized linear models framework is well-established and provides a natural and optimal model for meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, and meta-regression of proportions. Nonetheless, generic methods for meta-analysis of proportions based on the approximation to the normal distribution continue to dominate. Methods We developed , a tool with advanced statistical procedures to perform a meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, and meta-regression of binomial proportions in Stata using binomial, logistic and logistic-normal models. First, we explain the rationale and concepts essential in understanding statistical methods for meta-analysis of binomial proportions and describe the models implemented in . We then describe and demonstrate the models in using data from seven published meta-analyses. We also conducted a simulation study to compare the performance of estimators with the existing estimators of the population-averaged proportion in and under a broad range of conditions including, high over-dispersion and small meta-analysis. Conclusion is a flexible, robust and user-friendly tool employing a rigorous approach to evidence synthesis of binomial data that makes the most efficient use of all available data and does not require ad-hoc continuity correction or data imputation. We expect its use to yield higher-quality meta-analysis of binomial proportions.
... In the primary analysis, we evaluated the association between placebo-adjusted changes in each cognition outcome with placebo-adjusted changes in CSF Aβ 42 and Aβ-PET levels using a restricted maximum likelihood (REML) random effects meta-regression analyses. 13,14 The REML method computes the pooled association after weighting each study according to the inverse variance of the outcome estimate for each study. The overall variance is the sum of variances estimated within each study and across studies for each outcome separately. ...
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Positive effects of new anti-amyloid-β (Aβ) monoclonal antibodies in Alzheimer's disease (AD) have been attributed to brain amyloid reduction. However, most anti-Aβ antibodies also increase the CSF levels of the 42-amino acid isoform (Aβ42). We evaluated the associations of changes in CSF Aβ42 and brain Aβ-PET with cognitive and clinical end points in randomized trials of anti-Aβ drugs that lowered (β- and γ-secretase inhibitors) or increased CSF Aβ42 levels (anti-Aβ monoclonal antibodies) to test the hypothesis that post-treatment increases in CSF Aβ42 levels are independently associated with cognitive and clinical outcomes. From long-term (≥12 months) randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials of anti-Aβ drugs published until November 2023, we calculated the post-treatment versus baseline difference in ADAS-Cog (cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale) and CDR-SB (Clinical Dementia Rate-Sum of Boxes) and z-standardized changes in CSF Aβ42 and Aβ-PET Centiloids (CL). We estimated the effect size [regression coefficients (RCs) and confidence intervals (CIs)] and the heterogeneity (I2) of the associations between AD biomarkers and cognitive and clinical end points using random-effects meta-regression models. We included 25 966 subjects with AD from 24 trials. In random-effects analysis, increases in CSF Aβ42 were associated with slower decline in ADAS-Cog (RC: -0.55; 95% CI: -0.89, -0.21, P = 0.003, I2 = 61.4%) and CDR-SB (RC: -0.16; 95% CI: -0.26, -0.06, P = 0.002, I2 = 34.5%). Similarly, decreases in Aβ-PET were associated with slower decline in ADAS-Cog (RC: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.48, 0.89, P < 0.001, I2 = 0%) and CDR-SB (RC: 0.26; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.33, P < 0.001, I2 = 0%). Sensitivity analyses yielded similar results. Higher CSF Aβ42 levels after exposure to anti-Aβ drugs are independently associated with slowing cognitive impairment and clinical decline. Increases in Aβ42 may represent a mechanism of potential benefit of anti-Aβ monoclonal antibodies in AD
... We conducted the meta-analysis in STATA 17 using the metan and robumeta package (Kontopantelis & Reeves, 2010), as well as the examination of the heterogeneity of effect sizes within and between studies. Based on our results from tests of heterogeneity, we decided whether a fixed effect or random effect meta-analysis should be used. ...
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Purpose: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the overall effects of self-regulation interventions for children living in poverty. Methods: The initial search identified 473 publications of randomized controlled trials, including 25 that met the inclusion criteria. We used a random effect meta-analysis with robust variance estimation to calculate the overall and subgroup effects. Meta-regression was used to examine the moderating effects of intervention approach, outcome category , measurement approach, and participant age. Results: A small to medium but significant overall impact was found (g = 0.35, 95% confidence interval = [0.29, 0.41]). Behavioral interventions had the greatest overall effect and greatest subgroup effects on behavioral outcomes and emotional outcomes. Age and measurement approach were found to have significant moderating effects. Conclusions: Behavioral interventions should be put more attention to during the self-regulation intervention on children living in poverty. In addition, inducing the intervention for children at younger ages might be more efficient.
Background: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ACVD) is worsened by chronic inflammatory diseases. Interleukin receptor antagonists (IL-RAs) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) inhibitors have been studied to see if they can prevent cardiovascular events. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical benefits and harms of IL-RAs and TNF inhibitors in the primary and secondary prevention of ACVD. Search methods: The Cochrane Heart Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Ovid MEDLINE (including In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations), Ovid Embase, EBSCO CINAHL plus, and clinical trial registries for ongoing and unpublished studies were searched in February 2024. The reference lists of relevant studies, reviews, meta-analyses and health technology reports were searched to identify additional studies. No limitations on language, date of publication or study type were set. Selection criteria: RCTs that recruited people with and without pre-existing ACVD, comparing IL-RAs or TNF inhibitors versus placebo or usual care, were selected. The primary outcomes considered were all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, and adverse events. Data collection and analysis: Two or more review authors, working independently at each step, selected studies, extracted data, assessed the risk of bias and used GRADE to judge the certainty of evidence. Main results: We included 58 RCTs (22,053 participants; 21,308 analysed), comparing medication efficacy with placebo or usual care. Thirty-four trials focused on primary prevention and 24 on secondary prevention. The interventions included IL-1 RAs (anakinra, canakinumab), IL-6 RA (tocilizumab), TNF-inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab) compared with placebo or usual care. The certainty of evidence was low to very low due to biases and imprecision; all trials had a high risk of bias. Primary prevention: IL-1 RAs The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of the intervention on all-cause mortality(RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.01 to 7.58, 1 trial), myocardial infarction (RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.04 to 12.48, I² = 39%, 2 trials), unstable angina (RR 0.24, 95% CI 0.03 to 2.11, I² = 0%, 2 trials), stroke (RR 2.42, 95% CI 0.12 to 50.15; 1 trial), adverse events (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.59 to 1.22, I² = 54%, 3 trials), or infection (rate ratio 0.84, 95% 0.55 to 1.29, I² = 0%, 4 trials). Evidence is very uncertain about whether anakinra and cankinumab may reduce heart failure (RR 0.21, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.94, I² = 0%, 3 trials). Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) was not reported as an outcome. IL-6 RAs The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of the intervention on all-cause mortality (RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.12 to 3.74, I² = 30%, 3 trials), myocardial infarction (RR 0.27, 95% CI 0.04 to1.68, I² = 0%, 3 trials), heart failure (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.11 to 9.63, I² = 0%, 2 trials), PVD (RR 2.94, 95% CI 0.12 to 71.47, 1 trial), stroke (RR 0.34, 95% CI 0.01 to 8.14, 1 trial), or any infection (rate ratio 1.10, 95% CI: 0.88 to 1.37, I2 = 18%, 5 trials). Adverse events may increase (RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.23, I² = 33%, 5 trials). No trial assessed unstable angina. TNF inhibitors The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of the intervention on all-cause mortality (RR 1.78, 95% CI 0.63 to 4.99, I² = 10%, 3 trials), myocardial infarction (RR 2.61, 95% CI 0.11 to 62.26, 1 trial), stroke (RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.08 to 2.80, I² = 0%; 3 trials), heart failure (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.06 to 12.76, 1 trial). Adverse events may increase (RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.25, I² = 51%, 13 trials). No trial assessed unstable angina or PVD. Secondary prevention: IL-1 RAs The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of the intervention on all-cause mortality (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.06, I² = 0%, 8 trials), unstable angina (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.65 to 1.19, I² = 0%, 3 trials), PVD (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.19 to 3.73, I² = 38%, 3 trials), stroke (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.2, I² = 0%; 7 trials), heart failure (RR 0.91, 95% 0.5 to 1.65, I² = 0%; 7 trials), or adverse events (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.09, I² = 3%, 4 trials). There may be little to no difference between the groups in myocardial infarction (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.0.75 to 1.04, I² = 0%, 6 trials). IL6-RAs The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of the intervention on all-cause mortality (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.96, I² = 0%, 2 trials), myocardial infarction (RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.07 to 3.04, I² = 45%, 3 trials), unstable angina (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.01 to 8.02, 1 trial), stroke (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.07 to 16.25, 1 trial), adverse events (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.05, I² = 0%, 2 trials), or any infection (rate ratio 0.66, 95% CI 0.32 to 1.36, I² = 0%, 4 trials). No trial assessed PVD or heart failure. TNF inhibitors The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of the intervention on all-cause mortality (RR 1.16, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.95, I² = 47%, 5 trials), heart failure (RR 0.92, 95% 0.75 to 1.14, I² = 0%, 4 trials), or adverse events (RR 1.15, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.56, I² = 32%, 2 trials). No trial assessed myocardial infarction, unstable angina, PVD or stroke. Adverse events may be underestimated and benefits inflated due to inadequate reporting. Authors' conclusions: This Cochrane review assessed the benefits and harms of using interleukin-receptor antagonists and tumour necrosis factor inhibitors for primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic diseases compared with placebo or usual care. However, the evidence for the predetermined outcomes was deemed low or very low certainty, so there is still a need to determine whether these interventions provide clinical benefits or cause harm from this perspective. In summary, the different biases and imprecision in the included studies limit their external validity and represent a limitation to determining the effectiveness of the intervention for both primary and secondary prevention of ACVD.
Importance A comprehensive review of the evidence exploring the outcomes of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) guidelines has not been completed. Objective To evaluate if ERAS guidelines are associated with improved hospital length of stay, hospital readmission, complications, and mortality compared with usual surgical care, and to understand differences in estimates based on study and patient factors. Data Sources MEDLINE, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Cochrane Central were searched from inception until June 2021. Study Selection Titles, abstracts, and full-text articles were screened by 2 independent reviewers. Eligible studies were randomized clinical trials that examined ERAS-guided surgery compared with a control group and reported on at least 1 of the outcomes. Data Extraction and Synthesis Data were abstracted in duplicate using a standardized data abstraction form. The study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Risk of bias was assessed in duplicate using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Random-effects meta-analysis was used to pool estimates for each outcome, and meta-regression identified sources of heterogeneity within each outcome. Main Outcome and Measures The primary outcomes were hospital length of stay, hospital readmission within 30 days of index discharge, 30-day postoperative complications, and 30-day postoperative mortality. Results Of the 12 047 references identified, 1493 full texts were screened for eligibility, 495 were included in the systematic review, and 74 RCTs with 9076 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Included studies presented data from 21 countries and 9 ERAS-guided surgical procedures with 15 (20.3%) having a low risk of bias. The mean (SD) Reporting on ERAS Compliance, Outcomes, and Elements Research checklist score was 13.5 (2.3). Hospital length of stay decreased by 1.88 days (95% CI, 0.95-2.81 days; I ² = 86.5%; P < .001) and the risk of complications decreased (risk ratio, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.59-0.87; I ² = 78.6%; P < .001) in the ERAS group. Risk of readmission and mortality were not significant. Conclusions and Relevance In this meta-analysis, ERAS guidelines were associated with decreased hospital length of stay and complications. Future studies should aim to improve implementation of ERAS and increase the reach of the guidelines.
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Background Electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) are commonly used in oncology clinical practice and have shown benefits for patients and health resource use. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the isolated effect of administering ePROs to patients with cancer versus a control condition. Methods The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines were followed. Randomized controlled trials evaluating ePRO interventions that aimed to improve health-related outcomes among patients with cancer were included. The primary outcome was health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and the secondary outcomes were symptoms, hospital admissions, unplanned visits, chemotherapy completion, survival, and satisfaction with care. The effect sizes of ePROs on health-related outcomes were analyzed as standardized mean differences (SMDs) with 95% CIs using a random effects model. Results The search identified 10,965 papers, of which 19 (0.17%) from 15 studies were included. The meta-analysis showed an improvement in HRQOL at 3 months, measured by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–General (SMD 0.28, 95% CI –1.22 to 1.78), and at 6 months, assessed using various HRQOL measures (SMD 0.07, 95% CI –1.24 to 1.39). The results should be interpreted with caution, given the wide 95% CIs. Of the 15 studies, 9 (60%) reported a positive signal on HRQOL, with two-thirds of the studies (n=6, 67%) including tailored patient advice and two-thirds (n=6, 67%) using clinician alert systems. Conclusions The meta-analysis showed a potential improvement in HRQOL at 6 months and in Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–General scores at 3 months for studies that included tailored advice and clinician alerts, suggesting that these elements may improve ePRO effectiveness. The findings will provide guidance for future use and help health care professionals choose the most suitable ePRO features for their patients. Trial Registration PROSPERO CRD42020175007;
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Mayer (2017, 2020) proposed three major design features of computer-assisted instructions (CAI) within the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning: reducing extraneous processing (i.e., excluding irrelevant content), managing essential processing (i.e., focusing on the complex but essential learning materials), and fostering generative processing (i.e., maximizing learner motivation with multimedia features). No study so far has systematically evaluated each design feature, or their combinations for students with reading difficulties. The present study is the first meta- analysis to investigate the optimal design features of CAIs for students with reading difficulties on their decoding/word reading and reading comprehension performance. A total of 49 experimental studies were reviewed with Bayesian network meta-analysis. Results showed that CAI programs with features that reduced extraneous processing were the most effective (g = 0.65) followed by programs that combined reducing extraneous processing, managing essential processing, and fostering generative processing (g = 0.29) as well as programs that combined reducing extraneous processing and managing essential processing (g = 0.27). CAI programs yielded larger effects when they were designed for younger learners with reading difficulties compared to older learners. No significant moderation effects were observed for students’ reading difficulty status, reading content, reading outcomes, instruction dosages, control group types, measures, and fidelity checks. These findings suggest that different combinations of design features of CAI programs may generate different effects. Lowering students’ cognitive loads by excluding irrelevant content may be the foundation for designing effective computer instructions for students with reading difficulties.
The volume and complexity of biological and biomedical research continues to grow exponentially with cutting-edge technologies such as high-throughput sequencing. Unfortunately, bioinformatics analysis is often considered only after data have been generated, which significantly limits the ability to make sense of complex big data. This unique book introduces the idea of No-Boundary Thinking (NBT) in biological and biomedical research, which aims to access, integrate, and synthesize data, information, and knowledge from bioinformatics to define important problems and articulate impactful research questions. This interdisciplinary volume brings together a team of bioinformatics specialists who draw on their own experiences with NBT to illustrate the importance of collaborative science. It will help stimulate discussion and application of NBT, and will appeal to all biomedical researchers looking to maximize their use of bioinformatics for making scientific discoveries.
Exploring the possible reasons for heterogeneity between studies is an important aspect of conducting a meta-analysis. This paper compares a number of methods which can be used to investigate whether a particular covariate, with a value defined for each study in the meta-analysis, explains any heterogeneity. The main example is from a meta-analysis of randomized trials of serum cholesterol reduction, in which the log-odds ratio for coronary events is related to the average extent of cholesterol reduction achieved in each trial. Different forms of weighted normal errors regression and random effects logistic regression are compared. These analyses quantify the extent to which heterogeneity is explained, as well as the effect of cholesterol reduction on the risk of coronary events. In a second example, the relationship between treatment effect estimates and their precision is examined, in order to assess the evidence for publication bias. We conclude that methods which allow for an additive component of residual heterogeneity should be used. In weighted regression, a restricted maximum likelihood estimator is appropriate, although a number of other estimators are also available. Methods which use the original form of the data explicitly, for example the binomial model for observed proportions rather than assuming normality of the log-odds ratios, are now computationally feasible. Although such methods are preferable in principle, they often give similar results in practice. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article describes updates of the meta-analysis command metan and options that have been added since the command's original publication (Bradburn, Deeks, and Altman, metan – an alternative meta-analysis command, Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 8, pp. 86–100). These include version 9 graphics with flexible display options, the ability to meta-analyze precalculated effect estimates, and the ability to analyze subgroups by using the by() option. Changes to the output, saved variables, and saved results are also described.
Meta-analysis involves combining summary information from related but independent studies. The objectives of a meta-analysis include increasing power to detect an overall treatment effect, estimation of the degree of benefit associated with a particular study treatment, assessment of the amount of variability between studies, or identification of study characteristics associated with particularly effective treatments. This article presents a tutorial on meta-analysis intended for anyone with a mathematical statistics background. Search strategies and review methods of the literature are discussed. Emphasis is focused on analytic methods for estimation of the parameters of interest. Three modes of inference are discussed: maximum likelihood; restricted maximum likelihood, and Bayesian. Finally, software for performing inference using restricted maximum likelihood and fully Bayesian methods are demonstrated. Methods are illustrated using two examples: an evaluation of mortality from prophylactic use of lidocaine after a heart attack, and a comparison of length of hospital stay for stroke patients under two different management protocols. Copyright
Exploring the possible reasons for heterogeneity between studies is an important aspect of conducting a meta-analysis. This paper compares a number of methods which can be used to investigate whether a particular covariate, with a value defined for each study in the meta-analysis, explains any heterogeneity. The main example is from a meta-analysis of randomized trials of serum cholesterol reduction, in which the log-odds ratio for coronary events is related to the average extent of cholesterol reduction achieved in each trial. Different forms of weighted normal errors regression and random effects logistic regression are compared. These analyses quantify the extent to which heterogeneity is explained, as well as the effect of cholesterol reduction on the risk of coronary events. In a second example, the relationship between treatment effect estimates and their precision is examined, in order to assess the evidence for publication bias. We conclude that methods which allow for an additive component of residual heterogeneity should be used. In weighted regression, a restricted maximum likelihood estimator is appropriate, although a number of other estimators are also available. Methods which use the original form of the data explicitly, for example the binomial model for observed proportions rather than assuming normality of the log-odds ratios, are now computationally feasible. Although such methods are preferable in principle, they often give similar results in practice. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (the Handbook) has undergone a substantial update, and Version 5 of the Handbook is now available online at and in RevMan 5. In addition, for the first time, the Handbook will soon be available as a printed volume, published by Wiley-Blackwell. We are anticipating release of this at the Colloquium in Freiburg. Version 5 of the Handbook describes the new methods available in RevMan 5, as well as containing extensive guidance on all aspects of Cochrane review methodology. It has a new structure, with 22 chapters divided into three parts. Part 1, relevant to all reviews, introduces Cochrane reviews, covering their planning and preparation, and their maintenance and updating, and ends with a guide to the contents of a Cochrane protocol and review. Part 2, relevant to all reviews, provides general methodological guidance on preparing reviews, covering question development, eligibility criteria, searching, collecting data, within-study bias (including completion of the Risk of Bias table), analysing data, reporting bias, presenting and interpreting results (including Summary of Findings tables). Part 3 addresses special topics that will be relevant to some, but not all, reviews, including particular considerations in addressing adverse effects, meta-analysis with non-standard study designs and using individual participant data. This part has new chapters on incorporating economic evaluations, non-randomized studies, qualitative research, patient-reported outcomes in reviews, prospective meta-analysis, reviews in health promotion and public health, and the new review type of overviews of reviews.
Although meta-analysis is now well established as a method of reviewing evidence, an uncritical use of the technique can be very misleading. One common problem is the failure to investigate appropriately the sources of heterogeneity, in particular the clinical differences between the studies included. This paper distinguishes between the concepts of clinical and statistical heterogeneity and exemplifies the importance of investigating heterogeneity by using published meta-analyses of epidemiological studies of serum cholesterol concentration and clinical trials of its reduction. Although not without some dangers of speculative conclusions, prompted by overzealous inspection of the data to hand, a sensible investigation of sources of heterogeneity should increase both the scientific and the clinical relevance of the results of meta-analyses.* This paper was presented at a meeting on Systematic Reviews organised jointly by the BMJ and the UK Cochrane Centre and held in London in July 1993; it is the last in this seriesThe purpose of a meta-analysis of a set of clinical trials is rather different from the specific aims of an individual trial. For example, a particular clinical trial investigating the effect of serum cholesterol reduction on the risk of ischaemic heart disease tests a particular treatment regimen, given for a specified duration to participants fulfilling certain selection criteria, using a particular definition of outcome measures. The purpose of a meta-analysis of cholesterol lowering trials is broader - that is, to estimate the extent to which serum cholesterol reduction, achieved by a variety of means, generally influences the risk of ischaemic heart disease. A meta- analysis also attempts to gain greater objectivity, generalisability, and precision by including all the available evidence from randomised trials that pertain to the issue.1 Because of the broader aims of a meta- analysis, the trials included usually encompass a substantial variety of specific …
Meta-analyses using updated individual patient data may provide the most reliable means of combining data from similar randomized controlled trials. The benefits of this approach to systematic reviews are described. Guidance, based on the experience of several groups who have undertaken such projects, is given. This includes practical advice on initiating and maintaining collaboration, the time and resources required to undertake these usually international projects and methods of data checking and validation. Example proforma are included.
The investigation of heterogeneity is a crucial part of any meta-analysis. While it has been stated that the test for heterogeneity has low power, this has not been well quantified. Moreover the assumptions of normality implicit in the standard methods of meta-analysis are often not scrutinized in practice. Here we simulate how the power of the test for heterogeneity depends on the number of studies included, the total information (that is total weight or inverse variance) available and the distribution of weights among the different studies. We show that the power increases with the total information available rather than simply the number of studies, and that it is substantially lowered if, as is quite common in practice, one study comprises a large proportion of the total information. We also describe normal plots that are useful in assessing whether the data conform to a fixed effect or random effects model, together with appropriate tests, and give an application to the analysis of a multi-centre trial of blood pressure reduction. We conclude that the test of heterogeneity should not be the sole determinant of model choice in meta-analysis, and inspection of relevant normal plots, as well as clinical insight, may be more relevant to both the investigation and modelling of heterogeneity. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Multivariate meta-analysis combines estimates of several related parameters over several studies. These parameters can, for example, refer to multiple outcomes or comparisons between more than two groups. A new Stata command, mvmeta, performs maximum likelihood, restricted maximum likelihood, or method- of-moments estimation of random-effects multivariate meta-analysis models. A utility command, mvmeta_make, facilitates the preparation of summary datasets from more detailed data. The commands are illustrated with data from the Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration, a meta-analysis of observational studies; I estimate the shape of the association between a quantitative exposure and disease events by grouping the quantitative exposure into several categories. Copyright 2009 by StataCorp LP.