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This study investigated the effects global communication is having on the formulation and conduct of foreign policy and showed that it both constrains leaders and officials yet provides them with opportunities to advance their goals. The article presents a taxonomy where global communication is viewed as an actor in the policy process with corresponding attributes of type, activity, context, and concept. Four types of actors are identified: controlling, constraining, intervening, and instrumental. The article critically and respectively examines concepts developed to explain each type: the “CNN Effect theory,”“real-time policy,”“international political brokerage,” and “media diplomacy.” Although some of these concepts were found to be useful, major progress in this field requires interdisciplinary research based on joint application of theories and models from both communication and international relations.
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Global Communication and Foreign Policy
Eytan Gilboa
Journal of Communication; Dec 1, 2002; 52, 4; ABI/INFORM Global
pg. 731
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... Para a viabilização desta análise, o marco teórico foi pautado nos conceitos e teorias tanto próprias das correntes de estudo internacionalistanotadamente o Construtivismo e a aplicação do soft power de Nye (2004) no contexto brasileiro -quanto da literatura acadêmica presente na intersecção entre as Relações Internacionais e Comunicaçãoo conceito de Imagem Internacional, assumindo que a posição de um Estado no sistema internacional é altamente relacionada com a forma que sua imagem é percebida nele (CHIDOZIE; IBIETAN; UJARA, 2014); a tese da mídia como ator nas Relações Internacionais por Gilboa (2001Gilboa ( , 2002Gilboa ( , 2005) e a teoria do agenda-setting por McCombs (2002) e McCombs e Shaw (1972) aplicada na investigação da percepção dos países na mídia estrangeira, entre outros aparatos analíticos. ...
... Finalmente, no contexto de intervenções militares e humanitárias, a comunicação global assume o papel de formulação de políticas, controlando a agenda dos tomadores de decisões (controlling actor) (GILBOA, 2002). O conceito se relaciona com a Teoria do Efeito CNN (CNN Effect), que a partir das amplas coberturas realizadas sobre eventos mundiais críticos por este canal no final do século XX, o autor postula que os líderes políticos, nos cenários mencionados, deixam de tomar decisões segundo os interesses do Estado, baseando-se na pressão e/ou comoção exercida pela opinião pública -doméstica e estrangeira -que por sua vez foi influenciada pela cobertura midiática global (GILBOA, 2002(GILBOA, , 2005. ...
... Finalmente, no contexto de intervenções militares e humanitárias, a comunicação global assume o papel de formulação de políticas, controlando a agenda dos tomadores de decisões (controlling actor) (GILBOA, 2002). O conceito se relaciona com a Teoria do Efeito CNN (CNN Effect), que a partir das amplas coberturas realizadas sobre eventos mundiais críticos por este canal no final do século XX, o autor postula que os líderes políticos, nos cenários mencionados, deixam de tomar decisões segundo os interesses do Estado, baseando-se na pressão e/ou comoção exercida pela opinião pública -doméstica e estrangeira -que por sua vez foi influenciada pela cobertura midiática global (GILBOA, 2002(GILBOA, , 2005. Neste sentido, a próxima seção explorará como a noção de mídia enquanto ator controlador, proposta por Gilboa, pode ser revisada a partir de novos estudos que alargam o conceito, sugerindo este ator também como controlador da agenda de notícias no âmbito internacional. ...
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Medir e entender a imagem internacional de um Estado tem crescido tanto na agenda de formuladores de política externa e tomadores de decisões estatais, quanto em estudos interdisciplinares que pesquisam a formação, percepção, projeção e impactos da imagem externa das nações. O Brasil tem despertado ascendente interesse da opinião pública internacional ao emergir como ator de relevância global no século XXI. É necessário, portanto, acompanhar as transformações na percepção externa que o país possui, de forma que o presente trabalho se dedicou a investigar “qual foi a imagem internacional do Brasil - no âmbito político - como transmitida pelas notícias do jornal Euronews durante o período das Eleições Presidenciais de 2018?”. Explorou-se o cenário eleitoral brasileiro enquanto contexto de transformação na imagem recente do país com base no noticiário internacional. O estudo se referiu à corrente teórica do construtivismo como pano de fundo para o campo de estudos da imagem internacional dos países, bem como se utilizou de conceitos e teorias presentes na intersecção teórica entre as relações internacionais e a comunicação como elementos de suporte à abordagem teórica e metodológica. Para isso, a metodologia teve uma abordagem quali-quantitativa ao aplicar a técnica da Análise de Conteúdo – em termos de frequência e valência - em notícias veiculadas pela versão online da emissora pan-europeia para o período delimitado. A análise empírica revelou uma imagem complexa do país: o Brasil tem uma percepção relativamente favorável no exterior, porém constantemente afetada por suas instabilidades internas. Neste sentido, o trabalho valida, sintetiza e discute alguns aspectos sobre o papel da mídia de massa – sobretudo jornalística – nas relações internacionais, sobre a imagem do Brasil na imprensa estrangeira, e provoca reflexões sobre as condições necessárias para a recuperação da percepção favorável do país no exterior.
... Recent studies have shown that the political leaders frequently use the news media channels rather than the traditional means of public diplomacy to deliver the messages intended to influence the public perceptions abroad favorably specially when there are no direct channels of communication between the various actors or parties involved (Seo, 2011) and in a situation where conducting formal negotiation is not possible or desirable for varied reasons (Spare, 2001). Gilboa (2002) further explicates that leaders in the modern public diplomacy efforts use the press particularly the elite press to obtain information and insights about other countries and international affairs and that the modern news and communication coverage have replaced foreign policy making officials as legitimate sources of important information about the happenings occurring in the world. Nevertheless, public diplomacy is a challenging task and may not be as successful as desired by the state and political elites for various reasons. ...
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Using media framing theory and drawing on the lines of public diplomacy, the current study aims to examine how the news media in Pakistan framed and judged the visits of officials of Pakistan to the United States and China. As a public diplomacy instruments, official visits of political leaders highly rely on the news media coverage for their public legitimacy. Using the inductive framing as theoretical and qualitative discourse analysis as methodological approach, it examined the editorial framing of the Pakistani officials' visits to China and the United States in the English press namely The News International and The Nation of Pakistan from 2008 to 2015. Findings reveal that the elite press framed the visits to US and China in strikingly differential frames. The visits to the US were predominantly constructed employing a security frame with an overwhelmingly negative tone towards the United States. In contrast, the visits to China were overwhelmingly framed using development frame with an overall favorable stance towards China. The findings are elaborated for their implications pertinent to public diplomacy of China and US towards Pakistan.
... Because the most logical method to frame is through local media. According to Gilboa's [6] description, the MPD's function is different from public diplomacy and media diplomacy. The use of the media in conjunction with interpersonal, and other means (courses, cultural exchanges) in long term constitutes public diplomacy. ...
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As a result of many years of studying "public diplomacy", the term "mediated public diplomacy" appeared in science. After conducting a survey, we found out that there are very few works on public diplomacy of Kazakhstan in the sphere of media communications, and mediated public diplomacy has not been considered by Kazakhstani researchers. Even in the Western world, MPD began to be seriously studied only in 2008. The world of press and TV channels, as well as the Internet are undoubtedly the first means of increasing popularity abroad. Also the urgency of the work is evidenced by the lack of real expert monitoring of the world media, determining the image of Kazakhstan in foreign publications. Аңдатпа. Ұзақ жылдар бойы «қоғамдық дипломатияны» зерттеудің арқасында Медиалық қоғамдық дипломатия (Mediated Public Diplomacy) термині ғылымда пайда болды. Шолу жасау арқылы медиакоммуникация саласы шеңберінде Қазақстанның қоғамдық дипломатиясы туралы еңбектер өте аз, ал Медиалық қоғамдық дипломатия қазақстандық зерттеушілермен мүлдем қарастырылмағанын анықтадық және оны нық сеніммен айта аламыз. Тіпті батыстың өзінде MPD-ға 2008 жылдан бастап ғана шынайы ден қойып, зерттеле бастаған. Сөзсіз баспасөз әлемі және телеарналар мен ғаламтор шетелде танымалдықты арттыратын бірінші құрал. Сондай-ақ Қазақстанның шетел басылымдарындағы бейнесін анықтайтын әлемдік БАҚ-на шынайы сараптамалық мониторинг жасалған сүбелі еңбектің болмауы жұмыстың өзектілігін көрсетеді. Түйін сөздер: MDP, Қазақстан, имидж, БАҚ, шетел аренасы. ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ТЕКУЩЕГО ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ И БРЕНДИРОВАНИЯ КАЗАХСТАНА НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ АРЕНЕ Айгерим Тасилова, Назия Тасилова, Жарылкасын Жаппасов, Айгерим Усембаева Аннотация. Благодаря многолетнему изучению «публичной дипломатии» в науке появился термин «опосредованная публичная дипломатия». Проведя опрос, мы выяснили, что работ по публичной дипломатии Казахстана в сфере медиакоммуникаций очень мало, а медийная публичная дипломатия не рассма-тривалась казахстанскими исследователями. Даже на западе MPD начали серьез-но изучать только в 2008 году. Несомненно, мир прессы и телеканалов, а также Интернет являются первыми средствами повышения популярности за рубежом. Также об актуальности работы свидетельствует отсутствие реального экспертно-го мониторинга мировых СМИ, определяющего имидж Казахстана в зарубежных изданиях. Ключевые слова: MDP, Казахстан, имидж, СМИ, международная арена. Introduction In a world marked by intricate interconnections and rapid information
This chapter embarks on a critical discussion about the interplay among news networks and owners, and the deployment of public diplomacy tactics in contemporary transnational broadcasting. Looking at the current thinking around public diplomacy and journalism, as well as the three models of international broadcasting in public diplomacy, it puts forth the emerging model for guiding the engagement of broadcasting with mediated public diplomacy within the digital media landscape. The discussion is based upon the seminal work of Philip Seib and others supported by the empirical observation of the journalistic practice of international broadcasters in the virtual space. It specifically discusses the dilemma between public diplomacy and propaganda within international broadcasting in journalistic practice.
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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a cobertura da imprensa brasileira sobre a adesão da Venezuela ao MERCOSUL, em especial os diários Folha de São Paulo e O Estado de São Paulo, dois dos principais jornais do país. Busca-se entender como ambos jornais reportaram o processo e, consequentemente, seu viés diante deste importante acontecimento no âmbito regional. Foram examinadas através do método de análise de conteúdo 295 notícias dentre editoriais, artigos de opinião e notícias informativas publicadas pelos dois jornais. As teorias que expõem a relação entre a mídia e política externa serviram como arcabouço teórico para a realização deste trabalho. Os resultados demonstram que a união de notícias de cunho negativo e a construção de um personagem antidemocrático, aliados a editoriais de posicionamento, expõem as tentativas da Folha e do Estadão de construir um consenso de que a adesão venezuelana não seria benéfica para o país nem para o MERCOSUL.
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PhD., проф. Жеват Өзйурт 1964-жылы Түркиянын Гиресун шаарында туулган. Анкара университетинде бакалавр, Кырыккале университетинде магистр даражасына болгон. Социология багыты боюнча PhD даражасын Стамбул университетинен алган. Автордун "Ааламдашуу процессиндеги иденттүүлүк жана дифференциация", "Заманбап түрк көз карашынын социологиясы", "Эрих Фроммдун адам жана коом түшүнүгү", "Билим социологиясы боюнча эмгектер", "Социологиянын үч маселеси" деген китептери бар. Баалуулуктар социологиясы, дин социологиясы, саясий социология, түрк социологиясынын тарыхы, ааламдашуу, осмондук модерндешүү, улутчулдук, жарандык билим берүү жана адам укуктары боюнча иштеген Өзйурт Анкара Йылдырым Бейазыт университетинин адам жана коомдун илимдери факультетинин жана Кыргыз-Түрк "Манас" университетинин гуманитардык факультетинин социология бөлүмүнүн профессору. PhD., проф.Эртан Өзенсел Түркиядагы Селчук университетинин социология бөлүмүн бүтүргөн. Түркия Республикасынын Өкмөтүнө караштуу Үй-бүлө изилдөө институтунда адистин жардамчысы болуп иштеген. Селчук университетинде магистр даражасына ээ болгон. Социология багыты боюнча PhD доктору даражасын Сакарья университетинен алган. Канадада жана АКШда "Мультикультурализм" маселеси боюнча иштеген. Конья Өнөр жай палатасында жана Түркиянын илимий жана технологиялык изилдөө уюмунда (TÜBİTAK) кеңешчи болуп иштеген. Европа Биримдигине, TÜBİTAK жана түрдүү долбоорлорго катышкан. "Айырмачылыктардын көйгөйү", "Бирге жашоого умтулуу", "Иденттүүлүк жана баалуулуктар социологиясы" темаларында терең илимий изилдөөлөрдү жүргүзүп келет. Автордун түрдүү ата мекендик жана эл аралык илимий макалалардан тышкары, ар түрдүү темада жарык көргөн ар китептери бар. Селчук университетинде жана Кыргыз-Түркия "Манас" университетинде профессор, аны менен катар Кыргыз-Түркия "Манас" университетинин социология бөлүмүнүн башчысы.
This study analyzes news reports on the Taliban conflict published in the daily Dawn newspaper to identify the factors responsible for shifts in press narratives in an environment of diverse and conflicting voices over the period 2001-2015. The study shows different reporting patterns during the governments of the Pakistan Muslim League Quaid-i-Azam, PML (Q) led by President Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), and the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N). Using quantitative content analysis and using the conceptual framework of political contest theory, this study examines how the competing positions of political actors were mediated by the journalistic agency. The results show that the selected newspaper treated the official and dissenting sources differently during different regimes, meaning that press support for official or dissenting sources constantly changed according to the changing political environment. In addition, the results related to the press's treatment of tones in headlines indicate that the positive, negative, and neutral trend toward government policies during the Taliban conflict in different regimes did not remain static and was constantly changing. Keywords: State-Press Relations, War, Taliban Conflict, Newspapers, Content Analysis, Political Contest Theory
This chapter explicates the significance of communication to the promotion and practices of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It highlights how communication could contribute, and is indispensable, to the grand project of (re)setting global agendas for the sustainable goals.Firstly, the dialogue of international and global communications has laid down highly relevant and important conceptual frameworks to apprehend the informational flow of contemporary world. Specifically, this strand of communication literature contemplates the role of states, inter-state relationship, non-state actors such as transborder conglomerates and social media giants, and the networks of news agencies and journalists in the shaping of world opinion. These studies inform us some crucial factors to attain SDGs as prominent global agendas.Secondly, scholarly works on intercultural communication foster our sensitivity when adapting the visions of sustainable goals to various locales. Academic dialogues alike offer lessons on both the prospect and limits of multiculturalism and cultural hybridization when promoting social innovation and policy initiatives in various temporal and spatial contexts.Lastly, in view of the contested discourses arising from varying and conflicting goals, motives, and vested interests in the execution of SDGs, the intellectual insights of the articulation between public opinion, policy agenda, mobilization of resources, social movement, and governance inform us both visionary and pragmatic strategies in such complicated circumstances. Here, the perspective of communication is an integral part of the efforts to help accomplish the SDGs alongside other disciplines.In sum, communication is a much-needed jigsaw puzzle to complete the global momentum to (re)set SDGs as our universal goals. It plugs the strategic gap of shaping the world as well as local opinion, scrutinizes the cultural issues of introducing SDGs to different societies, and ushers in constructive and constitutive dialogues among various disciplines, contributing to social development for all.KeywordsSDGsCommunicationGlobal and international communicationIntercultural communicationPublic opinionSocial movementGovernance
As the liberal international order has been falling, the heteropolar order coupled with politics of uncertainty has been rising. In this context, illiberal regimes of status-seeking powers have realized the value of public diplomacy to promulgate their versions of the “reality.” Those illiberal regimes’ adoption of public diplomacy tools (incl. international public news agencies) has generated discussions on theoretical and practical approaches to the field at the intersection of political science/international relations, media, and communication studies. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to contribute to the emerging literature on public diplomacy of non-Western illiberal democracies. With the assumption that those regimes' illiberal democratic characteristics will be reflected in their public agencies' coverage styles (e.g., monologic, conflictive, and unbalanced), the article raises the following question: How do illiberal democracies utilize international public agencies as public diplomacy channels? To answer this question, it compares framing strategies (peace/war journalism) of the Russian TASS and the Turkish Anatolian Agency public agencies during the Syrian crisis. The findings reveal that those illiberal regimes’ public agencies have reported the crisis as a state-centric monolog in conflict with the West by distrupting the global public good (i.e., peace).
Sitting around one oval table for the first time at the Madrid Conference in 1991, historic Arab and Israeli enemies pledge to work toward regional peace and security. From Madrid onward, Middle East diplomacy has been pursued on two tracks—between Israel and its immediate neighbors, and among all the countries of the region. This book reveals, for the first time, an insider's account of the true significance of the Madrid Conference and how a revolution in Middle Eastern affairs was wrought there. Making Peacedetails the debates, doubts, reversals, and accomplishments that crystallized at the Madrid Peace Conference in October 1991. In the months leading up to this historic event, Eytan Bentsur, today Director-General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, worked closely with his counterparts from other countries to find a formula that might bridge the bitter and seemingly intractable rivalry between Israelis and Arabs. This formula was to become known as the famous two-track approach and is an important source of the incredible progress made toward regional peace and security in recent times. Arguing persuasively that the Middle East peace revolution was triggered by the Madrid gathering, Bentsur sheds new light on the leading personalities and ideas that made the conference a success and a foundation for future progress. An Israeli official who belonged to an avowed peace group within a hesitant government, Bentsur devised new formulas that made the advantages of peace more palpable to a national leadership and public that were sometimes obsessed with the problems of the peace process. The book elucidates the origins, rationale, and impact of the two-track approach. It is a gripping, behind-the-scenes account of diplomatic efforts in the cause of peace in a war-torn part of the globe.
Preface I. A Changing Diplomacy II. What Americans Want in Foreign Policy III. Washington IV. Diplomats and the Congress V. Diplomacy and the Media VI. The Pressure for Information VII. The Third World VIII. The Diplomacy of Human Rights IX. The United States and Political Change X. The Terrorist Threat to Diplomacy XI. The Role Of Intelligence XII. Diplomats and the Military XIII. Diplomacy and Economic Assistance XIV. Telling AmericaOs Story XV. The American Citizen XVI. Diplomacy and American Democracy Index
Over the years the press in the United States has been seen as a major force that influences both the substance of national policy and the process by which it is formulated. This influence helped bring the civil rights issue to the forefront of the nation’s consciousness, helped force an end to the American involvement in the Vietnam War, and helped topple one President in the course of the Watergate scandal. To the extent that the hostage crisis in Iran was a significant cause of President Carter’s failure to be elected to a second term in office, media coverage also played an important role in toppling a second President in November 1980. In 1987–88, only the unprecedented popularity of then-President Reagan overcame the impact of the bitter controversy over the sale of U.S. arms to Iran.