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The European Union as a Gated
Community: The Two-faced Border
and Immigration Regime of the EU
Henk van Houtum and Roos Pijpers
Nijmegen Centre for Border Research, Department of Human Geography,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands;,
Abstract: Within the European Union, an internal liberalisation of cross-border labour mobility
for EU citizens is currently being combined with the tightening of control and management efforts
at the external borders. At the same time, attempts are being made to strategically select immi-
grants from new member states as well as from outside the EU who will be of economic value. In
this paper we argue that by implementing such protectionist and selective immigration policy, the
EU has come to resemble a gated community in which the bio-political control and management
of immigration is, to a large extent, the product of fear. Often fear manifests itself in terms of fear
of losing material gain, eg the anxiety of losing economic welfare or public security. More often,
however, this fear relates to the entrance of the immigrant, the stranger and is, as such, associated
with a fear of losing a community’s self-defined identity. These perceived threats to a commu-
nity’s comfort lead to the politicisation of protection, whereby the terra incognita beyond the
border is justifiably neglected due to the indifference and the intentional blindness shown to the
outside. Hiding in a gated community in order to protect this comfort zone and trying to exclude
outsiders, ‘Others’, from the community, is not only in vain since the desire for completion of
the Self can never be fulfilled, but what remains still more troublesome, is that this tendency will
sustain and reproduce global inequality and segregation, both in the material as well as symbolic
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
It’s getting hard to be someone, but it all works out
It doesn’t matter much to me
Let me take you down, cause I’m going to Strawberry fields
Strawberry fields forever.
‘Strawberry Fields’, The Beatles (1967)
Such a pretty house
Such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises
‘No Surprises’ Radiohead (1997)
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Over the course of time, but especially since the opening of the Internal
Market, the European Union has “modernised” its immigration poli-
cies, specifically focussing on containing asylum seekers, aggressively
fighting illegal migration, and extending European migration policy into
countries of origin and transit.1The result of this renewed border policy
has been an intensified closing, fortifying and policing of the external
borders of the European Union.2At the same time, however, in sharp
contrast to this policy of closure for some immigrants from outside the
European Union, the borders of member states in the European Union
are increasingly being selectively opened up for various migrant workers
from third countries in order to bypass a growing scarcity of temporary,
as well as permanent, labour in these member states. This need for more
economic immigration in the immediate future has recently been com-
municated overtly by the European Commission (European Commission
2000, 2003, 2005). These two appearances of European migration pol-
icy, that is the simultaneous attraction of economically valuable and
the rejection of allegedly market-redundant immigrants, are inherently
contrasting and incredibly difficult to sustain in combination, let alone
In this article we argue that the key term that can be used to connect
and enlighten the above-pictured paradoxical and bifurcated EU policy
is “protection” (see also Engelen 2003; Hiebert 2003; Jordan and D¨uvell
2003). In particular, we argue that critically using the concept of protec-
tion, starting from its original economic interpretation, could well prove
insightful in understanding why and how the European Union wishes to
protect itself from “unwanted” immigration of so-called “fortune seek-
ers”, and what really is protected on the inside when these unwanted
immigrants are kept on the outside. To this end, the paper makes the
argument that in understanding the historical and political foundations
of the current protective immigration policies we need to reflect fur-
ther on a fear that runs through the member states; namely the fear of
losing the comfort zone, which entails the fear of losing economic wel-
fare, public security as well as social identity. Against this backdrop of
fear, we state that the well-known image and metaphor of a hermetically
sealed “Fortress Europe” is erroneous as the European Union is in fact
open to strategically selected immigrants who are attracted to increase
the comfort. Instead, we evoke the image and representation of a gated
community. For, as is the case in the current border management of the
European Union, in a gated community the current capitalistic lifestyle
of comfort is protected and propagated at high material and social costs.
It is subsequently argued that whereas harsh realities of a hostile world
outside are imagined to evaporate in gated communities, they continue
to haunt the fears of those inside. Fear of immigrants will not dissolve
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 293
through protection, making the present border politics of the European
Union seriously questionable.
The (Op)pressive Desire to Protect
Within mainstream economics and specifically within the dominant
framework of neo-classical economic trade theory, protection has long
been a central topic of study. In these academic domains, protection is
principally understood as a government policy response to the presumed
harmful effects of open borders on welfare. Allegedly, open borders and
thus, free trade in capital, labour, goods and services, cause a welfare
transfer from the importing country to the exporting countries—to the
detriment of the national economy and its producers. Therefore, states
often wish to issue protective measures to shield their firms, particularly
those in newly emerged, “infant” industries, from harsh export com-
petition (Krugman and Obstfeld 1997). Neo-classical economic trade
theory, however, has time and again demonstrated that protection in
the form of tariff walls and (immigration) quotas instead of open bor-
ders and free trade is inefficient in terms of welfare distribution effects.
Drawing on Ricardo’s and Heckscher-Olin’s seminal ideas regarding the
(re)allocation of production factors according to comparative advantage,
the various neo-classical protection models show that in many cases and
certainly in the case of small economies, which are unable to influence
world prices, loss will exceed gain (Krugman and Obstfeld 1997). It
is for this very reason that by using this mainstream liberal economic
theory as an argument, the European Union in 1988 decided to insti-
tutionalise an Internal Market, which featured the opening of borders
among its members in order to facilitate the free flow of capital, goods,
services, and, most controversially, labour.
Moreover, from a non-economic angle, in political philosophy, es-
pecially in the liberal corners of this academic domain, the stance on
protection through state (b)ordering are increasingly outspoken. Some
liberal political theorists and cosmopolitan thinkers have convincingly
argued that state borders generate contradictions with regard to the
principle of equality amongst individuals and freedom of movement
(Carens 1987, 1996; Dummett 2001; Harris 2002; Hayter 2000, 2001).
By the same token, the liberal philosopher Will Kymlicka (1996, 2001)
has argued that state borders are: “a source of embarrassment for liberals
of all stripes, at least if these boundaries prevent individuals from mov-
ing freely, and living, working and voting in whatever part of the globe
they see fit” (Kymlicka 2001:249). “Any political theory”, he continues,
“which has nothing to say about these questions is seriously flawed.
Moreover, the result, intentional or unintentional, is to tacitly support
the conservative view that existing boundaries and restrictive member-
ship are sacrosanct” (2001:253).
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In critical/radical geography, the openness of state borders has be-
come a topic of debate as well. In a special issue of the international
e-journal for critical geographies, ACME, Harald Bauder (2003) argued
that from the viewpoint of equal economic opportunity and global justice
the idea of international migration controls is not sustainable. He calls
for a more imaginative way of thinking where the regulation of the inter-
national movement of people is concerned. In response to Bauder’s piece
in the same journal, Frank D¨uvell argues that “[i]mmigration regimes
are not only unjust, they also create as many problems as they claim
to solve” (2003:203). Similarly, Michael Samers, in his response to
Bauder’s intervention, provocatively asks whether we are still haunted by
the Hobbesian ghosts of national states. He calls for a non-teleological
imagination of a global society (2003:216). He suggests opening the
borders for the sake of creating equal economic opportunity while at the
same time creating a global central state in order to support those who
are physically or emotionally not able or willing to move. Likewise, in
a recent intervention in Antipode, geographer Nick Megoran called for
the (re)phrasing of arguments supporting the case for ending migration
controls (Megoran 2005). Elsewhere, Jordan and D¨uvell (2003) have
proposed a cosmopolitan economic membership system: new forms of
“global economic nomadism” require a redefinition of citizenship be-
yond national borders which involves shared duties for those who have
access and rights for those who remain on the outside. In addition, radi-
cal activist movements, such as the No Border Network and the No One
Is Illegal movement, which are both growing in size and influence, are
strongly pleading for the abolition of border controls.
Yet, at the same time, as Samers (2003) points out, despite the rise of
these liberal and critical voices which argue for the opening of borders,
there is no existing liberal state, where in effect liberal democracy is
combined with the full freedom of movement. What is more, it could
be argued that policies concerning immigration and asylum have only
become more restrictive as well as “deeply political” in recent years
(Hiebert 2003:189; Preston 2003; Sassen 2002). The new world order
shows a tendency towards more exclusive and authoritarian (migration)
regimes instead of, for example, taking advantage of the historical op-
portunity to extend liberal freedoms (D¨uvell 2003:201). What is illus-
trative is that over the last years, issues of immigration and minority
integration have topped political agendas and media headlines in all
of the member states of the European Union, thereby contributing to
a dominant rhetoric that wishes to oppose the self-made “straw” man
that represents the multicultural society. Current political forces have
expressed a key interest in controlling the numbers of “redundant” and
allegedly difficult to integrate “non-western” immigrants and refugees
in order to preserve social cohesion and protect national labour markets
within European borders. It has reached a point where a decrease in the
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 295
numbers of asylum seekers is now viewed as a success. This has resulted
in a policy that is so focused on a strict border regime and assimilation,
that the migration motives of those who want to enter the EU are merely
being categorised into productive/unproductive, friendly/fiendish and
good/bad, with the direct dichotomous consequence of being allowed
entrance or not. In addition, over the past few years, these debates on
the pros and cons of free (global) labour mobility have increasingly be-
come subordinate in the European sphere to what Huysmans and others
have called the “securitisation” of migration issues (Huysmans 2000).
Although there is no proof whatsoever of a connection between labour
market immigration and terrorism, it can be ascertained that the post-
9/11 (attacks in New York and Washington), 3/11 (attacks in and around
Madrid) and 7/7 (attacks in London) anxieties over global terrorism and
security issues have led to the construction of a very restrictive com-
mon labour and asylum immigration policy. Surely, not all leaders at the
supranational and national levels pursue security-obsessed agendas, yet
it almost goes without saying that perceived bodily danger and physical
harm are among the clearest, and hence politicisable objects fear can
possibly possess. In the words of Falah and Newman:
Leaders are successful in uniting the people around security matters
more than any other issue—essentially because the appeal to national
security is related directly to the issue of protection against a dangerous
enemy and involves the physical survival of one’s family, friends and
nation. The national threat is translated to reality at the micrological
level (Falah and Newman 1995:694).
Another important impetus which accounts for the recent move to a
more protectionist policy under construction at the European level is
the pressing desire to conserve what is seen as pure national identity.
Depending on the circumstances, in individual member states in the Eu-
ropean Union, this identity politics has found new socio-political outlets
and performances, thereby often creating a new, normative vocabulary.
It could be argued that the pressing and even disciplinary discourse
on the need to “communify”, expressed in terms like European Union,
“Europeanisation”, “member states”, “Ring of Friends”, “Wider Eu-
rope”, “Internal Market”, “borderless Europe”, and “European citizen-
ship” has only reinforced this state of abnormality, portrayed by the
people living outside the EU and the non-EU migrants seeking jobs or
looking for shelter inside the Union. By the same token, there has been
a constant search to find the appropriate definition for the non-insiders,
the people from outside. Many terms have been used now, such as guest
workers, strangers, aliens, foreigners, newcomers, fortune seekers, and
in the Dutch context, allochtonen, to name but a few. What is common in
this naming game is that migrants from outside the EU have increasingly
become subjected to protectionist disciplining in the name of welfare,
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296 Antipode
security and identity. In doing so, the European Union is increasingly
following a modernist logic of (b)ordering, much resembling the colo-
nial mind-set, that involves the making of a divisive order between the
self-claimed illuminated, enlightened beacon and an external world of
chaos and darkness. The community thereby defines itself as the good
life, thereby reifying figures of societal difference and danger, such as
the criminal, the terrorist, the invading enemy, the xenos, the migrant
(Huysmans 2000). The “normal” ones are the ones born in the “normal”
fabric of the so-called European culture and believed to be a product of
an imagined and invented European and culturally homogeneous civili-
sation and enlightenment which is placed in contrast to the “deviant”, the
non-native, the immigrant, the one born outside Europe (Benhabib 1996;
Jenkins 1996; Paasi 1996). In the present context, and even more so after
9/11, the “deviant Other” is often the Muslim migrant, who is generally
depicted as a stranger coming from a pre-or even anti-modern society, a
world of darkness (see also Balibar and Wallerstein 1991; Derrida 1998;
Sibley 1995). By attempting to appeal to and invent a uniform Euro-
pean civilisation and identity as opposed to “other” civilisations, and
by dividing the world into members and non-members, which is what
the European Union is doing, exclusivity is not seen as a problem but
as something that is believed to be necessary, logical and something to
be proud of, a political goal worth striving for. The consequences from
having such exclusionary politics is that the “world outside” is con-
structed as a collective identity, be it termed non-members or strangers,
and as different, as something that is potentially threatening the imag-
ined pure and authentic community and tradition. It is this idea of home
and strangeness, order and disorder, and purity and impurity (Bauman
1997; Sibley 1995) that is becoming increasingly evident as well in the
current immigration policies in the EU. The deviants, the immigrants,
are increasingly subjected to modernistic assimilation programmes. To
that end, they are bio-politically counted, listed, disciplined, monitored
and tested.
What is illustrative for such bio-political classification of the origins
of people in the world is the current use of official statistics by some
governments. In the Netherlands, for instance, the official bureau for
statistics, the CBS, is making a remarkable and bothersome distinction
between nationals, aliens, and aliens from non-western countries. An-
other dubious illustrative listing practice can be found in the list that the
EU has made to determine which of the third countries nationals must
be in possession of a visa before entering the European Union (Council
Regulation EC n539/2001, later modified by Regulations n2414/2001
and by Regulation n453/2003). Here many Muslim countries are listed,
thereby singling out these countries as being culturally different. For
immigrants from these countries most western European countries now
have a citizenship and/or national loyalty test, by which the assimilation
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 297
potential of the immigrant is tested before s/he can acquire a residence
The Fear of Becoming Overwhelmed
In a sense, what the European Union is doing, via its modernistic ex-
clusion and fear-invoking politics, is constructing and protecting what
is regarded as the own internal space where one feels at ease. Protection
principally concerns comfort, which is an interpretation and extension
of the concept of “easiness”3(see also Van Houtum 2003). The Other,
the stranger, is seen as confusing the insider by bringing uneasiness
and distorting the feeling of being at home. It is the psycho-analyst
Jacques Lacan who eloquently explained that the fear of discomfort
and uneasiness stems from the perception of being overwhelmed by
nameless but potentially large flows, hordes, masses and streams of the
Other that threaten to negate, delete, and empty the own and known
world (Lacan 2004; see also Harari 2001). This nothingness is per-
ceived as being overwhelming in the sense that it reveals a lack of
space for oneself, a space to realise one’s own desires (in terms of
economic welfare, public security and social identity). According to
Lacan (2004), when le manque vient a manquer, when this lack is lack-
ing, when there is too much presence of the new and the unknown at too
close a range, then there is angustia, anxiety. It is this nothing that tight-
ens, oppresses the Self and the (material) resources of the Self. Here
the Freudian word unheimlich comes in play. One feels endangered,
and not at home. The constructed and imagined Self and the (material)
resources of the Self represent the stronghold of the Self. When the
nothing threatens to replace this unfulfilled Self, blurring the difference
between the inside and outside so that one becomes a nobody amongst
everybody, the counterbalancing strategy will often be a distance cre-
ation, a re-bordering, a strengthening of the imagined unity of the Self,
of the border around the Self and the (material) resources that support it.
Hence, a border is basically saying, “keep your distance”. As a result, a
concrete reality, that is the presence of the Other, the Immigrant, is cre-
ated to symbolise, objectify and to use as a scapegoat for the threatening
unveiling of the emptiness (vide, Lacan 2004). The political imagination
and construction of (hordes and masses of) the Other is, as Sibley calls
it, a “colonisation” of social life (Sibley 1995). Accordingly, the current
spatial imaginative bordering process of the European Union rests upon
the colonisation of friends as members or associated members (Bau-
man 1990), among whom common assets of knowledge and wealth are
constructed and distributed. To the Other residential rights are granted
only if such an extension of rights does not threaten the existing order
(Bauman 1990). The identity of strangers is therefore usually not their
choice (see also Bradley 1997; Miller 1995): they are valued on the
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298 Antipode
basis of their other country of birth, colour, creed, religion or culture
(see also Urry 2000) and must adjust to the new one’s culture if they
wish to be included. European society, as Bauman argued, thereby “pro-
duces its own kind of strangers” (Bauman 1997:17). The consequence
is that an increased anxiety and fear of the Other, or in the words of Sib-
ley “a moral panic” is produced, which in his view concerns “contested
spaces, liminal zones which hostile communities intend on eliminating
by appropriating such spaces for themselves and excluding the offending
other” (Sibley 1995:39). The inhabitants of the imagined terra incognita
surrounding the insulating Union are the politically invoked new bar-
barians from a world outside who are undesirable, the imagined cause
of many societal problems and hence, they are denied access.
Illustratively, after its most recent enlargement in 2004, most of the
“western” European countries feared to be “invaded” by cheaper labour
forces from the new “eastern” European member states and therefore
imposed transitional labour market entry restrictions.4This protection
of the own economy was in sharp contrast to one of the most basic ide-
ological principles of the internal market EU, that is, free movement.
The fear that constituted the protection, and hence the abolition of free
movement, pointed to a fear of becoming overwhelmed by strangers, to
be ¨
uberfremdet. This embracing of fear in which the European Union
currently finds itself trapped has largely been instigated bottom-up, that
is, by the various member states. Just as protection in the realm of foreign
trade is by definition connected to domestic industrial and regional poli-
cies, over the last few years in the EU strong national “elective affinities”
have emerged between immigration policies and those addressing inte-
gration and labour market issues (Engelen 2003:504). There is a strong
political will to retain national sovereignty over immigration and asylum
issues. Despite this unusually powerful and often populist new language
of protection, the fear of immigrants across the European Union is gen-
erally not grounded in a thorough awareness of the global migration
developments throughout the world. For despite the often-used rhetoric
of hordes and masses, the EU is only “receiving” a fraction of the total
population of refugees or people who are on the move. But this has not
lessened the moral panic that is so significant in the current political
landscape of the EU.
Selective Protection through Stratification
The consequences of the above mentioned desire for comfort protec-
tion are increasingly drastic, sometimes even horrific. For over the years
there has been a drastic increase in the militarisation of the external bor-
der of the EU, even to the point where attempts to remain unseen or to
escape from the hunt and chase by border guards has led to the deaths of
would-be immigrants. The member states’ protectionism is apparently
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 299
willing to go as far as making the external border literally a “deadline”
by criminalising the lives of those who are trying to find work or shelter
in the European Union. Hideously, their deaths are implicitly seen as
the “collateral damage” of a combat against illegal migration. These are
the “wasted lives”, as Bauman recently described them (Bauman 2004).
Estimates of “deaths at the border” differ, but many would agree that
it is somewhere in the six or seven thousands now. To the many tragic
stories of “deaths at the border” can be added the recent October 2005
fire in a detention centre for unauthorised immigrants located at Am-
sterdam Schiphol Airport. Eleven unauthorised immigrants who were
on the verge of being deported from the Netherlands died in the flames.
This detention centre is but one of many often hastily built camps for il-
legalised migrants that are present in the current geo-political landscape
of the EU. These are the “spaces of exception” for the homo sacer, the
illegalised migrant, of today (Agamben 2002). The two Dutch minis-
ters responsible for this detention centre accepted that they had failed
in properly protecting the immigrants and resigned from their job.5Al-
though there may not be a consensus over who is to blame for the deaths
of these many thousands migrants, the fact remains that these people
died awaiting access into or deportation from the European Union; they
died in the “waiting room”. Meanwhile, those who manage to survive
the game of Russian roulette at the border enter a dense web of immi-
gration policies which very much lacks clarity and consistency. It is no
wonder, then, that the European Union resembles a fortress to many.
Yet, we would argue that this image of a fortress is increasingly un-
tenable. For the images of people dying at the gates of the EU, which
would indeed fit in with the idea of a fortress, are in sharp contrast to the
acquisition policies which pertain to economically valuable, allegedly
scarce forms of labour. The national economies in the EU anxiously try
to incorporate specific labour market immigrants. In one of her earlier
writings on global capitalism, Saskia Sassen phrases this intrinsically
political nature of economic borders as follows:
National boundaries do not act as barriers so much as mechanisms
reproducing the system through the international division of labor
... Border enforcement is a mechanism facilitating the extraction of
cheap labour by assigning criminal status to a segment of the work-
ing class—illegal immigrants. Foreign workers undermine a nation’s
working class when the state renders foreigners socially and politically
powerless. At the same time, border enforcement meets the demands
of organised labour in the labor-receiving country insofar as it pre-
sumes to protect native workers. Yet selective enforcement of policies
can circumvent general border policies and protect the interests of
economic sectors relying on immigrant labor (Sassen 1988:36–37, our
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The often populist fears and forthcoming measures against unso-
licited, so-called redundant people are at odds with current (business)
pressures to open up the border partially, temporarily, phased or fully.
Many European states are simultaneously coping with structural short-
ages of specific knowledge or skills and an ageing active workforce. Per-
sistent shortages of knowledge and skills and a forthcoming economic
demand for those in possession thereof are made explicit in expansion-
ary visa, work and residence policies that target immigrant workers from
outside the Union. These policies, by all means, have taken on the form
of a race for the fittest, a “battle for gains and brains”, with nationally
different regulations (De Lange et al 2003). Germany, for example, has
put in place a Green Card system directed at information technology
specialists. Less explicitly formulated, but following a similar logic,
the Netherlands relies on a fast-track work permit procedure enabling
highly-skilled foreigners to bypass bureaucracy. Yet, both Germany and
the Netherlands are conservative when extending the length of stay.
Spain, by contrast, uses a quota system to control the entry of migrants
of all skills, but entitles migrant workers freedom of movement on the
domestic labour market after only one year. The United Kingdom re-
cruits managerial and entrepreneurial talent in its Highly Skilled Migrant
Programme.6This programme is exceptional in the sense that it is supply
induced: applicants are assessed on the basis of a point system (De Lange
et al 2003). Common in all recruitment regimes is that top managers, en-
gineers, PhD students, soccer players and the like from “third” countries
are all strategically selected by corporations, universities and/or football
clubs. In addition, under the auspices of bilateral agreements, tempo-
rary labour market access is granted to seasonal workers in agriculture
or construction (European Commission 2004b). Hence, in contrast to
the “anti-redundancy” and “anti-burden” politics which applies to asy-
lum seekers, so-called “fortune seekers” and illegal immigrants, some
immigrants are seen as valuable assets, who are most welcome on na-
tional labour markets in order to gain or sustain national competitive
This development is received positively by the most recent policy
documentation reporting on the implementation of the European Inter-
nal Market strategy. In 2000, the European Commission expressed its
trust in what is called “replacement immigration” (immigrant labour
replacing ageing domestic labour forces) in the nearby future in its strat-
egy paper On a Community Immigration Policy (European Commission
2000). In 2003, the Commission explicitly spoke of an economic and
demographic challenge alongside the challenge of immigrant and mi-
nority integration in the Union (European Commission 2003). And in
2005, the Green Paper On an EU Approach to Managing Economic
Migration, although still circumspectly, argues for a more harmonised
system of fast-track migration and Green Cards for the European Union
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 301
as a whole. In defence of such a system, Franco Frattini, the EU’s Justice
and Security Commissioner argued in an interview with the Financial
Times, that “[f]or the first time Europe is facing not a threat but a possible
opportunity to manage in a coherent manner the important phenomenon
that is economic migration. We need a new strategy”. So, those who fall
in the category “high competence to assimilate” or “high potential for an
added value to a country” will be evaluated according to their economic
need. To that end, the Commission proposes the use of an “economic
needs test” by the member states. Interestingly, this test is to be ap-
plied to “not necessarily only highly qualified” immigrants (European
Commission 2005:5).
In this regard it is not surprising that the borders of the EU have come
to stand for a bifurcated immigration policy. This bifurcation could,
according to Bauman, be taken as a metaphor for a newly emerged
it is now the “access to global mobility” which has been raised to the
topmost rank among the stratifying factors. It also reveals the global
dimension of all privilege and deprivation, however local. Some of us
enjoy the new freedom of movement sans papiers. Some others are
not allowed to stay put for the same reason (Bauman 1998:88).
Stratification, or civic stratification in the words of Lydia Morris, is
a generic term for the range of immigration statuses that is created
by the differentiation of rights in regard to employment, asylum, res-
idence, naturalisation and family reunification (Morris 2002; see also
Joppke 2005). By virtue of these statuses, the chances of strangers be-
ing allowed to play a role in the arena are higher when their estimated
wealth and employment effects are net-positive and/or when they are
perceived as being easy and safely to assimilate in the society. In such
stratified surroundings, market-driven migrant selectivity is irrevoca-
bly becoming a major determinant of migration flows in the European
Union and its Internal Market (Favell and Hansen 2002). Such economi-
sation is an illustration of what could be called a commodification of mi-
grants, by which we imply the tendency to label human beings as human
resources or human capital and accordingly to “scan” immigrants as if
they were a commodity in order to determine the value, worth and the
danger for a community when “importing” them. In this respect, Slavoj
Zi˘zek speaks of a de-politicisation of European politics, wherein a con-
sensus about the need to strive for economic success, efficiency and
efficacy reduces the role of European migration policy to a mere admin-
istrative one, defining and installing procedures and networks of passage
Zi˘zek 1998; see also Deichmann, Reul and ˘
Zi˘zek 2002). Such protec-
tion of the national interest and identity (to be amongst “one’s own”),
and of (the growth of) gained wealth is a clear expression of collective
self-interest of the community of human beings who call each other a
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302 Antipode
“member” of a club, in this case the European Union (Ugur 1995, 2004;
Hiebert 2003). Club membership offers a lifestyle of easiness, securing
the members’ comfortable position on the Internal Market because true
job competitors are denied access and talented outsiders are condition-
ally channelled through or turned a blind eye to in order to make up
for an incompleteness, a lack, an insatiable desire for more unity and
Consequently, what we see happening is that the fortification efforts
engender what they are supposed to control, namely illegal or semi-legal
irregularities. For example, one of the direct consequences of the transi-
tional arrangements with regard to migrant workers from new member
states is, as recently conducted research in the Netherlands has shown,
that specialised labour market intermediaries, subcontractors and legal
advisory firms actually profit from, gain a rent from the transitional
border closing through the application of all kinds of circumvention
strategies in order to recruit scarce low-skilled labour (Pijpers 2005).
The protection wall, the economic border of the Internal Market that
is put up to stop undocumented workers and so-called fortune seekers,
becomes a source of creativity and innovation: it is a stimulus for rent
seekers to find or cross the edges of law in order to let low-rated workers
in, and it also serves as decisive location factor for the highly skilled
and mobile (Jordan and D¨uvell 2003). There are no innocent parties
in the construction of illegality. The people crossing sans papiers, the
consumers buying illegally fabricated goods, the households and firms
hiring illegal workers, the government allowing others to creatively by-
pass the law, all have at least some interest in the maintenance of an
illegalised sector in the economy. In other words, discourses conveying
messages about strict migration policies create institutional borders that
in turn feed (the very notions of) illegal migration and illegal employ-
ment (Samers 2004). In sum, in many ways, the “normative” and even
sometimes deadly Fortress Europe is quite open in “positivist” reality
for economic migrants through (quasi-)legal and illegal rent-seeking
activities (Favell and Hansen 2002).
The Vain Protection of “Easy Living”
So, what is left of the image of Fortress Europe when selective access
of economically desirable immigrants is considered? We would argue
that, much more than like a fortress, the European Union is beginning to
look like a gated community through its selectively protectionist immi-
gration policies (see also Walters 2004). A gated community, a defended
neighbourhood, is a form of real estate development increasingly found
in countries with large internal income differences such as Mexico and
Brazil but also in the United States and the United Kingdom (Blakely
and Snyder 1997). Historically, secured and gated communities were
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 303
built to protect family estates and to contain the leisure world of re-
tirees (Low 2001). The gated community phenomenon then spread to
resorts and country clubs, and finally to middle-class suburban develop-
ments (Low 2001). The common purpose of gated communities is the
creation of a space in which the nation’s affluent wall and gate them-
selves off from the rest of society in an enclave, primarily driven by
fear of crime and the need to be amongst “ourselves”, hence protecting
welfare, security and identity. Gated communities physically restrain ac-
cess to their gated territory, and therefore offer an assumed greater level
of control over a territory and over those who enter it. The newly cre-
ated spaces often are “militarised” through the use of cameras, guards,
surveillance systems, and other security devices. According to Davis,
the panopticon-like screening fits in the larger societal trend of social
control and militarisation of public spaces (Davis 1992). In an excellent
empirical overview, Blandy et al (2003) adopted the following definition
of gated communities:
Walled or fenced housing developments to which public access is re-
stricted, often guarded using CCTV7and/or security personnel, and
usually characterised by legal agreements (tenancy or leasehold) which
tie the residents to a common code of conduct (Blandy et al 2003:2).
Hence, gated communities express a clear-cut form of socio-spatial
insolidarity, of the purification of space, by shutting the gates for the
“outside” world under the flag of privacy, control, comfort and security.
A gated community is made to produce and reproduce segregation and
to pronounce and maintain social homogeneity and wealth inequality.
Non-members, usually the non-white—Davis (1992) defines the gates of
the community even as a “White Wall”—and the non-rich, are excluded
from these spatially bordered contractual associations. Membership is
paid for and non-members are labelled guests. It does not come as a
surprise, then, that the identity of its members is marketed as a lifestyle,
as a status that you buy. In a way, the gated community represents a
commercialisation of fear of the perceived, and also thereby constructed
fear of outside darkness. The gates of the gated community are not only
a result of the desire to produce a space for the outsider, the stranger,
but even more so a purified, enlightened space for the insider.
One of the world’s most widely boasted gated communities is Palm
Island. This artificially constructed island (designed in the shape of a
palm tree) is located just offshore of the city of Dubai, providing a
haven of luxury to those able to afford its exclusive villas and apart-
ments (Palm Island’s website speaks of “a unique island experience”, Striking is that strawberry fields-like gated
unities like Palm Island are remarkably similar to the European Union’s
Internal Market ideology in terms of its accommodation of wealth and
its resistant, antagonistic and hostile practices to the mobile Other, es-
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304 Antipode
Figure 1: Advertising easy living.
Source: Information leaflet of Palm Island (at 2005)
pecially the deprived ones such as fugitives, gypsies, migrants, asylum
seekers, and vagrants (Urry 2000). Much like a gated community, the
European Union promises “easy living”, portraying shiny, happy (white)
people who comfortably relax on beaches and bikes (see the cover pages
of two information booklets in Figures 1 and 2). Private parties play an
important and increasing role in deciding who enters; politics defines
preconditions and facilitates. And much like a gated community, the
European Union has also constructed a bio-politically controlled, moni-
tored and managed external border, thereby safeguarding those who are
in from those who are out. The EU too has retreated behind militarised
gates. The political hysteria concerning assumed hordes of migrants
overwhelming our soil whipped up by opinion leaders in various west-
ern European countries, as well as the shock of the 9/11 events, has
certainly added to the militarisation of these gates. And much like a
gated community, new members of the European club are sought after
if they are attractive enough to upgrade welfare on the internal market,
whereas others are preferably stopped at the gates. Another group of
people, unidentified and largely invisible, yet of considerable size, slips
through the maze, sometimes with the help of human traffickers, some-
times with the help of legal rent-seekers: they are the ones who clean
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 305
Figure 2: Advertising easy living.
Source: Information leaflet of the Internal Market (European Commission 2002)
and cater to the homes inside the community, sustaining the easy living,
the life with “no alarms and no surprises” of its inhabitants.
However, protection does not succeed in reducing fears in gated com-
munities, as is convincingly demonstrated by the Blandy review (2003)
and similar work by Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges (2000). Residents of
high-income gated communities are not “safer”, for actual crime rates
do not differ all that much from those in non-fenced neighbourhoods.
Moreover, the “sense of community” in terms of social engagement is
significantly lower in gated communities whereas, strikingly, fears of
“outsiders in general” are higher (Blandy et al 2003:3; Wilson-Doenges
2000). Apparently, the more borders are closed, the more unknown or
untruthful subjects beyond or inside one’s (knowledge) domain are un-
desired and subject to paranoiac suspicion. Within a gated community,
false perceptions of security are gained (bought) and the social bonds
between the insiders and outsiders, as well as between the highly indi-
vidualised insiders, are lost. Because of the constitutive and increasing
fear of these outside Others, the twisting and turning of the window of
reality that is easy life protection is a vicious circle which is perpetual
and unbounded, yet not priceless. The price is paid by the excluded
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306 Antipode
Other, and by the self-confined, protected but really un-free insiders.
For through distance creation, through denial and withdrawal as Lacan
would call this act of hiding in a gated community, the EU returns to
a state of fundamental exclusion (Lacan 2004; see also Harari 2001).
Comfort protection, hence, is inefficient and ineffective, a conclusion
very much in accordance with the one drawn by neo-classical economic
trade theory when the quantitative notion of welfare is extended into a
quality-inclusive well-being.
Strawberry Fields Forever?
In this article we have argued that the debate on the current border and
immigration policies of the European Union and its member states, the
critical/radical potential of which is so refreshingly disclosed by liberal
philosophers, political scientists, and critical geographers, would benefit
from a profound understanding of why and how borders as mechanisms
of protection are inextricably linked to fear. And conversely, why the
issue of fear cannot be reduced to the (selective) drawing of borders.
Insights from psychoanalysis can help us to further this understanding
(see also Van Houtum 2005). Whilst the EU certainly should not be seen
as hermetically sealed, as it indeed allows for selective entry, the notion
of gated communities speaks to what this bordering practice also does
to those inside and their ever present generalised anxiety and desire for
comfort protection. Looking at the present European geopolitical land-
scape, it can be ascertained that notwithstanding the post-modern calls
for and local celebrations of heterotopia, the making and marking of
borders and thereby processes of social exclusion have not dissolved.
The European Union is writing a new landscape of walls. Walls of con-
servative solidification are being erected that are fierce and terrifying
in their sometimes deathly consequence, yet also contain neo-liberal
mazes and conscious blindness for specific (illegal) labour forces that
help to sustain the ease and comfort. This neo-conservative (b)ordering
practice increasingly fits the description of a gated community, reinforc-
ing a conservative protectionist logic to the disadvantage of local and
individual attempts to transgress the gated containment. It is a kind of
security-obsessed strawberry fields politics inside and cherry-picking
outside the European Union which we believe is highly questionable
from both the global economic welfare and a normative point of view,
as it sustains and reproduces global inequality and segregation, both ma-
terially as well as symbolically. The gated community of the European
Union is a kind of never-neverland, as the dream of purity and easiness is
never ending. Complete fulfilment or satisfaction is impossible—there
will always be a lack, and hence, anxiety (Harari 2001; Lacan 2004). The
Self is never ready, never complete, never one, the desire for wholeness
is intrinsically perpetual. We are and remain strangers to ourselves as
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The European Union as a Gated Community of Fear 307
Julia Kristeva famously has argued (Kristeva 1991). Perhaps the lesson
is that we have to live with le manque of not being a completed and full
Self. From that lack the Other can be engaged with trust, for s/he is not a
category, and s/he also faces a lack of not being fulfilled, not being one.
In doing so, maybe, just maybe we might find a way to live and dream
with our eyes open.
The authors wish to thank three anonymous referees for their helpful
comments on a previous version of this article.
1Moreover, development aid is increasingly tied to agreements obligating these so-
called “third countries” to take back illegal migrants, and non-EU states are being
encouraged to control emigration more strictly. Furthermore, as part of the European
Neighbourhood Program (ENP), practically all third countries bordering the European
Union are financially sponsored to reinforce their border controls.
2In this article we ask that attention be given to the psycho-cultural and economic
“securitisation” of the border. We do not zoom in on the closing off for so-called “high-
risk” immigrants or terrorists.
3Comfortare in Latin means “to strengthen”, “to ease”.
4The April 2003 edition of the so-called Eurobarometer shows that no less than 62% of
the respondents feared an invasion of citizens from new member states. Eurobarometer
public opinion surveys are conducted each spring and autumn by the European Com-
mission and consist of identical sets of questions submitted to representative samples of
the population aged 15 years and older in each member state.
5Hence, the fear is as great as the fear among those who wish to enter the EU illegally,
for it could mean their death.
6The UK joined Ireland and Sweden in 2004 as one of the only three “old” member
states that decided not to restrict the freedom of movement for citizens of new member
7“CCTV” stands for “closed circuit television”.
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