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Mentoring programs for youth have grown tremendously in popularity in recent years and in many important respects reflect core principles of community psychology. Mentoring of youth is a complex phenomenon, however, with a range of significant processes occurring at the levels of individual youth and their mentors, youth–mentor relationships and other interpersonal systems, programs, and the larger policy context. The research methods used to study youth mentoring need to be well suited to capturing this complexity. In this article, we argue, furthermore, that investigations of youth mentoring relationships and programs should be tailored to address concerns associated with each major phase of the intervention research cycle (i.e., preintervention, intervention, and preventive service systems research). Existing research pertinent to these differing phases frequently has not employed state-of-the-art methodology in the areas of sampling, design, assessment, and analysis. We also find that there are important gaps in the types of research conducted, and that in many instances, needed linkages across phases of the research cycle are lacking. Recommendations for strengthening future research on youth mentoring are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 34, No. 6, 657–676 (2006)
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.20122
David L. DuBois
University of Illinois at Chicago
Fred Doolittle
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC)
Brian T. Yates
American University
Naida Silverthorn
University of Illinois at Chicago
Jacob Kraemer Tebes
Yale University School of Medicine
Mentoring programs for youth have grown tremendously in popularity in recent
years and in many important respects reflect core principles of community
psychology. Mentoring of youth is a complex phenomenon, however, with a range
of significant processes occurring at the levels of individual youth and their
mentors, youth–mentor relationships and other interpersonal systems, programs,
and the larger policy context. The research methods used to study youth mentoring
need to be well suited to capturing this complexity. In this article, we argue,
furthermore, that investigations of youth mentoring relationships and programs
should be tailored to address concerns associated with each major phase of the
intervention research cycle (i.e., preintervention, intervention, and preventive
service systems research). Existing research pertinent to these differing phases
frequently has not employed state-of-the-art methodology in the areas of sampling,
design, assessment, and analysis. We also find that there are important gaps in
the types of research conducted, and that in many instances, needed linkages
across phases of the research cycle are lacking. Recommendations for strengthening
future research on youth mentoring are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The writing of this article was supported in part by a grant to the first author from the National Institute of
Mental Health (1 R21 MH069564).
Correspondence to: David L. DuBois, Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago,
1747 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, IL 60608. E-mail:
Historically, mentoring programs for youth emerged from grassroots efforts of social
activists (Baker & Maguire, 2005). Today, it continues to be the case that the vast major-
ity of mentoring programs for young people originate in community settings and are
operated by practitioners (DuBois & Karcher, 2005). These programs tend to reflect
many of the values that are embraced most closely by the field of community psychology
(Dalton, Elias, & Wandersman, 2001), including citizen participation (via use of commu-
nity volunteers as mentors), respect for human diversity (via cultural tailoring of pro-
grams to minority and other diverse youth populations), and an emphasis on community
strengths (via utilization of existing youth-serving agencies and organizations as sites for
program development and implementation). Few existing programs, however, have ben-
efited from development and evaluation within empirically driven frameworks (DuBois
& Silverthorn, 2005a. Consequently, although mentoring initiatives for youth have soared
in popularity in recent years and now number in the thousands (Rhodes, 2002), the
advancement of a strong empirical grounding for these initiatives has lagged significant-
ly behind (DuBois & Karcher, 2005).
Mentoring of youth is a complex phenomenon with a range of important processes
occurring at the levels of individual youth and their mentors, youth–mentor relationships
and other interpersonal systems, programs, and the larger policy context. The methods
used to study mentoring of youth need to be well suited to capturing this complexity
(DuBois & Silverthorn, 2005a). In this article, we argue, furthermore, that research efforts
should be distributed and integrated across the different phases of activity that have been
viewed as essential for ultimately achieving large-scale, community- and population-level
impacts on targeted outcomes (Flay, 1986; Institute of Medicine [IOM], 1994; National
Advisory Mental Health Council Workgroup on Mental Disorders Prevention Research
[NAMHC], 2001). These phases, drawn from the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH, 1998), include preintervention research, preventive intervention research, and
preventive service systems research (see Figure 1). Preintervention research may help to
identify fundamental mechanisms influencing the development and maintenance of men-
toring relationships and their consequences for health and well-being. It also provides an
opportunity to conduct research focused on development and preliminary analysis of new
intervention strategies. Building on this foundation of knowledge, intervention research
then can investigate the efficacy and effectiveness of promising mentoring programs and
initiatives. Finally, for those approaches found to be beneficial in well-controlled studies,
research can assume an integral role in identifying effective approaches to their dissemi-
nation within the broader preventive service systems and policy context. As illustrated in
Figure 1, the research cycle is assumed also to include reciprocal linkages.
This article reviews methodology in the study of mentoring with respect to ways it may
be used to advance state-of-the-art research in each of the major phases of an empirically
driven framework for intervention development, evaluation, and dissemination (i.e., prein-
tervention research, intervention research, and preventive service systems research). In
accordance with an action research perspective (Dalton et al., 2001), we emphasize the
importance of collaboration with community partners at each stage of the research process.
Preintervention research is widely regarded as an essential step in the development of
any preventive intervention (Flay, 1986; IOM, 1994; NAMHC, 2001; NIMH, 1998). In the
context of mentoring research, preintervention investigations can be conceptualized as
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serving two primary purposes. First, they offer an opportunity to conduct basic research
that helps to delineate those conditions and processes that serve both to maximize the
potential for youth to accrue positive developmental gains from their involvement in
mentoring relationships and programs and to minimize the risk for youth to be harmed
by these experiences (DuBois & Karcher, 2005). These insights then can be incorporat-
ed into the design of intervention strategies, improving the odds that they will yield pos-
itive and substantial benefits for youth when subjected to rigorous testing in the next
phase of the research cycle. Second, preintervention studies provide an opportunity to
design, pilot, refine, and conduct preliminary analyses of new intervention strategies
within the mentoring field. These studies can be thought of as a bridge of sorts in the
process of translating findings from basic research into actual strategies for intervention.
Again, the assumption is that this work will pay dividends when interventions are subse-
quently evaluated for impact and cost-effectiveness in efficacy and effectiveness trials.
Basic Research
Theoretically, a wide range of conditions and processes should be important in mediating
and moderating the impact of mentoring relationships on youth outcomes (Rhodes, 2002,
2005; see also Keller, 2005; Sipe, 2005; Spencer & Rhodes, 2005). These include, but are not
limited to, (1) attributes that the mentor and youth each take to the relationship, such as
the mentor’s skills and confidence and the youth’s relationship history and current level of
Research Methodology and Youth Mentoring 659
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Figure 1. Comprehensive prevention research cycle.
functioning; (2) characteristics of the relationship, such as the extent to which mentor and
youth form an emotional bond characterized by feelings of trust, empathy, and positive
regard; the frequency and pattern of their contacts; the types of activities and discussions in
which they engage; the ways in which needs for attention to both relationship development
and instrumental, goal-focused concerns are integrated and balanced; the degree to which
the mentor serves as a role model and advocate for the youth; and the relationship’s dura-
tion; and (3) contextual factors, such as the preexisting network linkages to other important
persons and relationships in the lives of both the youth and mentor and the characteristics
of the program or other settings in which mentoring takes place. Likewise, although largely
neglected to date, the types and value of resources used to provide mentoring are also mul-
tidetermined and must be elucidated in order to conduct cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit
analyses and accurately gauge the potential cost-saving benefits of mentoring to social and
health service (Yates, 2005). Creating order and understanding in the complex array of
potential influences on both the benefits and costs of mentoring is no small task. The
inroads made thus far, although noteworthy in several respects, are limited and incomplete.
Methodological considerations relating to sampling, study design, assessment, and data
analysis need to be addressed to begin to fill existing gaps.
Sampling. To date, most studies of mentoring relationships for youth have been based on
relatively small samples of convenience. The size of the samples poses at least two signif-
icant problems. First, investigations have tended to lack adequate statistical power for
detecting what often may be relatively subtle dynamics of mentoring relationships and
their effects on youth outcomes (Keller, 2005; Rhodes, 2002, 2005). Second, it has not
been possible to generalize findings to larger populations of interest with confidence.
There have been a few noteworthy exceptions to this trend. Two surveys of national-
ly representative samples of adults have asked them about their mentoring relationships
with youth (AOL Time Warner Foundation, 2002; McLearn, Colasanto, & Schoen, 1998).
These studies, however, failed to assess mentoring relationships from the perspective of
youth. In the most recent wave of the Add Health Study (Bearman, Jones, & Udry, 2003),
a longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of adolescents, respondents
(aged 18–26) were asked questions about mentoring relationships they had experienced
since the age of 14 (for studies reporting on these data, see DuBois & Silverthorn, 2005b,
2005c). These data are limited, however, by their retrospective nature and the reliance
on a single occasion of assessment (see the discussion of study design issues later). It also
is noteworthy that none of the studies based on large, nationally representative samples
has used a well-validated instrument to assess the features of mentoring relationships (see
the discussion of measurement issues).
Design. From a design standpoint, studies of mentoring relationships for youth have been
predominantly cross-sectional. Most investigations thus have not been well suited to
addressing patterns of development and change in relationships over time that may have
important implications for youth outcomes (Keller, 2005). Those longitudinal studies
conducted, furthermore, typically have included only a limited number of assessments,
which occurred over a relatively brief interval. Such designs lack the repeated observa-
tions necessary for refined assessment of the growth and evolution of relationships over
their entire life course. Because of the time frames involved, the longer-term conse-
quences of mentoring relationships also remain largely unexplored. Testimonials on
behalf of mentoring frequently allude to its capacity to have enduring and transforma-
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tive effects on youth that reach well into adulthood. There is a need, however, for empir-
ical data that would allow for a rigorous evaluation of this assumption and the conditions
under which it is most likely to hold true (Rhodes & DuBois, 2004).
Assessment. Paper-and-pencil questionnaire measures completed by youth and, in some
instances, also by mentors have been the predominant approach to assessing relation-
ships. Several instruments have been developed within the context of different research
projects (for a review, see Nakkula & Harris, 2005). These measures are only beginning to
be the focus of programmatic validation research. As a result, neither the psychometric
properties of proposed instruments nor their appropriateness for use with different pop-
ulations and types of mentoring is well established. Because of sampling issues discussed
earlier, population-based normative data that would facilitate interpretation of relation-
ship assessments and allow for meaningful comparisons across studies are not available.
A multimethod approach is essential both for validating measurements and for taking
optimal advantage of state-of-the-art, multivariate data analytic procedures when investigat-
ing how mentoring relationships develop or influence youth (see the discussion of data
analysis issues). It is thus noteworthy that few studies have incorporated the perspectives of
both mentors and youth on relationships (for exceptions, see Parra, DuBois, Neville, Pugh-
Lilly, & Povinelli, 2002; Karcher, Nakkula, & Harris, 2005). Nor have alternatives to ques-
tionnaire-based methods of assessing mentoring relationships, such as direct observation,
received much attention (for an exception, see Newman, Morris, & Streetman, 1999).
It is of further note that most research has focused on the characteristics of a single
mentoring relationship that has been either identified by the youth (in the case of studies
of naturally occurring mentoring ties) or established by a program (in the case of studies
of mentoring relationships within formal programs). Many youth, however, may experi-
ence a network of significant mentoring ties with multiple persons. Very little attention has
been given to study of either the size or other potentially significant characteristics of these
networks (e.g., linkages between mentors). Linkages of the mentoring relationship with
other persons in the social networks of the youth and mentor (e.g., the youth’s parent and
teachers, members of the mentor’s family) also are theoretically important but rarely have
been investigated. Finally, assessment of the costs and potential monetary benefits entailed
in mentoring relationships clearly would be valuable but has been exceptionally rare.
Data analysis. Data analyses in investigations of mentoring relationships often have been
limited to bivariate procedures, such as zero-order correlations or ttests that compare
measures across groups. More sophisticated, multivariate analyses, however, may be
essential for addressing a variety of important concerns. Procedures, such as factor analy-
sis and cluster analysis, are well suited to the task of identifying salient dimensions or
typologies of mentoring relationships (Sipe, in press), for example, but have been
employed only to a limited extent (e.g., Darling, Hamilton, Toyokawa, & Matsuda, 2002;
Langhout, Rhodes, & Osborne, 2004; Liang, Tracy, Taylor, & Williams, 2002). Similarly,
structural equation modeling provides a valuable, but underutilized technique for test-
ing theories of mentoring and its effects on youth outcomes (e.g., DuBois, Neville, Parra,
& Pugh-Lilly, 2002; Parra et al., 2002; Rhodes, Grossman, & Resch, 2000).
Because of the dyadic nature of relationships, and hence the contributions of both
mentor and youth to their development, it also is important that data analytic techniques
address processes that occur at this level. Few, if any, studies, however, have made use of
relevant procedures that have been developed for the analysis of dyadic data (DuBois &
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Silverthorn, 2005a). Likewise, there is growing interest in mentoring that occurs in a
group context (Herrera, Vang, & Gale, 2002), as well as within particular types of settings,
such as schools (Portwood & Ayers, 2005), the workplace (Hamilton & Hamilton, 2005),
and after-school programs (Hirsch, 2005; Hirsch & Wong, 2005). Along with the consid-
erations related to social networks, these developments underscore a need for analytic
approaches that are sensitive to detecting how mentoring relationships may both be
shaped by and shape features of the settings and environments in which they occur.
Multilevel modeling procedures (e.g., hierarchical linear modeling) could be especially
useful in this regard but apparently have not yet been employed for this purpose in the
mentoring literature. Finally, analyses of costs and benefits of mentoring from the per-
spectives of participants in relationships and relevant others (e.g., parents) are concep-
tually feasible within naturalistic (preintervention) studies and could prove highly
informative but, to our knowledge, have not been attempted.
Intervention Development
The process of translating findings from basic research into intervention strategies and
preparing for evaluation of these strategies within controlled trials requires attention to
several different concerns (Bartholomew, Parcel, Kok, & Gottlieb, 2001; Flay, 1986; Green
& Kreuter, 1999; IOM, 1994; NAMHC, 2001; NIMH, 1998). These include (1) utilizing the
preferences and insights of stakeholder groups to inform the design of proposed interven-
tion strategies, (2) piloting and refining intervention strategies before implementation of
the intervention as part of a full-scale efficacy trial, and (3) developing a methodological-
ly sound set of procedures for evaluating the intervention in terms of its effectiveness, ben-
efits, costs, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefit ratio. By addressing these concerns,
preintervention research can enhance both the quality of mentoring interventions and
the methodological rigor of the procedures that are used to evaluate them.
Stakeholders in mentoring interventions include the targeted population of youth and
their caregivers, prospective volunteer mentors, staff and administrators of the mentoring
agencies that will implement the intervention, and representatives of broader concerned
entities, such as community coalitions, governmental agencies, and policy-making or advo-
cacy organizations (Coyne, Duffy, & Wandersman, 2005). Input from these groups may be
obtained through a variety of methodologies, including key informant interviews, focus
groups, and surveys. As an illustration, the first author currently is obtaining input from mul-
tiple stakeholder groups as part of the process of further developing a mentoring program
for young adolescent girls in collaboration with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan
Chicago. Key informant interviews are being conducted with girls and mentors who partici-
pated in an earlier version of the program, girls’ parents, and staff and administrators of sev-
eral Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) agencies. To provide a mechanism for ongoing
stakeholder input throughout the intervention development process, individuals from each
stakeholder group are being recruited to serve on an advisory council.
Piloting the proposed components of interventions provides a further opportunity to
assess their acceptability to stakeholders and, importantly, to refine components on the
basis of lessons learned in the implementation process (Bartholomew et al., 2001; Flay,
1986). For mentoring programs, this could entail piloting procedures for key compo-
nents of programs, such as mentor recruitment and screening, matching of youth with
mentors, training and orientation, supervision, any special activities or services to be pro-
vided for mentors and youth, and procedures for monitoring the quality of program
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implementation (MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership, 2003; Weinberger, 2005).
A core feature of the program referred to previously is the joint participation of mentors
and girls in a series of psychoeducational workshops. Components of the intervention
that will undergo piloting include the workshops, program orientation and training pro-
cedures, between-session activities to be completed by mentors and youth that are keyed
to workshop content, and protocol used for supervision of relationships. Other compo-
nents of the program (e.g., matching of youth with mentors) will make use of well-
established procedures within BBBS agencies and thus will not require piloting. This
latter consideration highlights the value that can accrue from utilizing existing program
models as a foundation for intervention development efforts (DuBois & Silverthorn,
2005a), especially for programs such as BBBS that have been indicated to have a positive
impact on youth outcomes within a controlled evaluation trial (Grossman & Tierney,
1998). Such possibilities illustrate one avenue through which there can be a positive feed-
back loop between intervention research and preintervention research.
For piloting efforts to be of maximal usefulness in guiding the refinement of differ-
ent components of programs, it is essential that all aspects of the implementation process
be evaluated using appropriate measures, which include the types of assessments of pro-
gram fidelity and dosage that are described in the following section. Indeed, the piloting
process provides a valuable opportunity to refine such measures on the basis of both pre-
liminary examination of their psychometric properties and more practical considera-
tions, such as their acceptability to respondents and the costs involved in administration
and implementation.
The intervention phase of the research cycle, as applied to youth mentoring, is con-
cerned primarily with establishing the impact of mentoring interventions on participat-
ing youth. Evaluations need to be informed by a careful assessment of both intervention
strength and fidelity. Evaluations, furthermore, ideally should incorporate data on pro-
gram costs and on potential cost offsets associated with reduced use of social, health, and
criminal justice services by mentored youth, as well as by mentors, and should make use
of these to conduct cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses. The following sections
address each of these concerns: evaluation of program impact, assessment of program
fidelity and dosage, and cost-effectiveness/cost-benefit analysis.
Evaluation of Program Impact
Our focus with regard to evaluating program impact is on issues involved in conducting
randomized experimental trials to evaluate the efficacy or effectiveness of mentoring
interventions (the interested reader is referred to Grossman, 2005, for a discussion of
alternatives to random assignment in the evaluation of mentoring programs). The
unique benefits of randomized controlled designs for evaluating program efficacy and
effectiveness are emphasized in frameworks for prevention research (Flay, 1986; IOM,
1994; NAMHC, 2001) and in the Standards of Evidence adopted in 2004 by the Society for
Prevention Research (n.d.).
Several aspects of existing research on mentoring programs, furthermore, point
toward a need for experimental designs to advance understanding of their impacts on
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youth (DuBois, Holloway, Valentine, & Cooper, 2002; Jekielek et al., 2002; Rhodes, 2002).
These include evidence that the salutary effects of mentoring programs as currently con-
stituted, although not necessarily lacking in public health or policy significance, are rel-
atively small in magnitude according to conventional metrics (DuBois et al., 2002;
Rhodes, 2002). It is thus difficult to make the case that the likely program impacts are so
substantial that the research method used to estimate impacts does not really matter;
rather, the sensitivity afforded by a controlled experimental design may be essential for
detecting and accurately gauging impacts. Further noteworthy trends include (1) evi-
dence that effects tend to vary by subgroups, including stronger effects for youth facing
environmental risk and fewer benefits, and even adverse effects, for youth with substan-
tial personal problems, who perhaps are in need for more intensive services and support
than are made available through mentoring programs, at least as currently configured;
(2) findings indicating that a range of program design features and implementation
practices are correlated with mentoring interventions that have more substantial positive
impact on youth; and (3) a lack of evidence on longer-term effects of mentoring, with
most research restricted to the period of program participation. The implications of
these trends for use of experimental designs in intervention research on mentoring are
addressed later.
First, however, challenging research design issues that need to be confronted on a
case-by-case basis when using random assignment within evaluations of mentoring pro-
grams merit consideration. Among the most salient are the need for excess demand for
available program slots and the implications of this need for program operations and the
proper point in the program application and selection process at which to place the ran-
dom assignment lottery. As illustrated later, these issues are likely to be resolved most
effectively through collaborative decision making and negotiation between researchers
and those in community settings responsible for implementing the program.
Excess demand for program slots is essential for random assignment studies.
Program operators must either already have more appropriate applicants than can be
served or be able to generate additional applicants through more outreach to produce
this surplus. Making this happen can require added resources for recruitment (which
must be compensated), because programs often devote just enough effort to recruit-
ment to fill available slots. Furthermore, program operators often find it difficult to tell
appropriate applicants, “No, we cannot serve you,” preferring to put excess applicants
on waiting lists or admitting them for a later period. Referral to waiting lists, if done
on a randomized basis, can provide the basis for implementing an experimental evalu-
ation (e.g., Grossman & Tierney, 1998). It has the significant limitation, however, of
restricting the opportunities for assessment of longer-term impact because those in the
control group (i.e., waiting list) will become eligible for program services within a
defined period (e.g., 18 months in the Public/Private Ventures evaluation of the Big
Brothers Big Sisters program).
The placement of random assignment in the application/selection process relates to
three issues: the administrative burden on programs arising from the study, the compo-
sition of the research sample, and the likely difference in services between the program
group (given access to the services under study) and the control group (who will look
elsewhere for services). Before random assignment, program staff members have to
process applications for more people than they will actually serve because they need to
assure an applicant pool sufficient to allow for creation of the control group through the
lottery. For example, if the random assignment ratio is 50% for the program group and
50% for the control group, then at least twice as many applicants as can be served must
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reach the point of random assignment. As the point of random assignment is made later
in the application process, program staff will need to process this larger-than-normal
group of applicants through more stages of the process. This necessity increases the
administrative burden on program staff and makes it more difficult to tell members of
the control group (who invest time and energy at each step of the process) that they will
not be served.
Placement of the lottery also affects who is in the research sample. In a typical ran-
dom assignment study, random assignment occurs after staff have recruited a pool of
interested applicants, made their usual assessment of the appropriateness of the program
services for individuals, and confirmed their interest in participating in the program.
Thus, the study will generate estimates of the program’s impact for the type of clients usu-
ally served. However, at times, random assignment occurs earlier in the application
process, for example, because the study is designed to estimate program impacts for a
group that includes those less motivated (to follow through on all the steps to apply) or
less screened to see whether they meet the usual program requirements than is ordinar-
ily the case. This question could be important if funders wish to understand whether a
mentoring program could be effective if it recruited and served a harder-to-serve clien-
tele. In this case, once applicants are randomly assigned to the program group, program
staff would make special efforts to encourage participation, especially among the harder-
to-serve subgroup. In an extreme case, random assignment could take place even earli-
er, in order to see whether the program could recruit youth who would not ordinarily be
referred or apply on their own initiative for the program and, if they were recruited,
whether the program generated positive impacts. At the other end of the spectrum, if
random assignment is delayed until late in the application process, only those applicants
motivated enough to persist through all the steps will be in the research sample.
Scheduling of the lottery also affects the likely difference in services between the pro-
gram and control group, and this difference is what “generates” any program impacts:
The greater the difference in services, the more likely impacts will be found. In a random
assignment impact study, a positive program impact is produced if the service being test-
ed is effective and the program group receives more of it than the control group does.
So the likelihood of finding a statistically significant program impact if the service is
effective depends on the “service contrast” between the program and control group.
Even if a service is amazingly effective, if the program group and control group partici-
pate in similar amounts in similar services, the impact estimate is likely to be zero.1
At times, researchers who design random assignment studies and program staff
think about the question of where to position the point of random assignment from dif-
ferent perspectives. Program staff may want the program group to have a very high par-
ticipation rate in the service being tested, seeing this rate as an important part of
designing a fair test, so they push for late random assignment to increase the chances
people in the program group will actually participate. But designers of the study may be
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1 In addition to placement of the lottery, the size of the service contrast can be influenced by youth in the control
group receiving mentoring services. This may occur because youth in the control group enroll in an alternative
mentoring program and, in some cases, because they inadvertently are permitted to participate in the program
being evaluated (i.e., the integrity of the random-assignment design is compromised). These considerations
underscore the importance of assessing the mentoring services received by youth not only in the intervention
group, but also in the control group. The service contrast derived from these data may, in fact, be a better predic-
tor of outcomes in some instances than the fidelity of implementation. In places where it is hard to organize and
do things, fidelity may not look great, but the difference between the mentoring services that the program and
control group receive could be large because the controls have so little access to other sources of mentoring.
focused on the need for a strong service contrast and know that the participation rates
of both the program and control group are likely to increase as the point of random
assignment is moved to occur later in the application process. (With late random assign-
ment, the sample will be made up of motivated applicants, and those who end up in the
control group are more likely to seek alternative services.) Thus, those designing the
research will be trying to pick the best way to balance this tradeoff in light of the
research question to be addressed.
In sum, although the perceived need for random assignment does build support at
the top of organizations for experimental research, many tough questions remain to be
addressed and random assignment will not turn out to be feasible everywhere. To date,
random assignment studies of mentoring typically have not described their rationale for
where to position the point of random assignment (for an exception, see Grossman &
Tierney, 1998); nor have syntheses of this research couched interpretation of findings
within the context of a consideration of decisions made in this regard.
As mentioned earlier, the existing research suggests that mentoring programs have
different effects for young people that depend on the environmental risk factors they
face and the extent of their own personal problems. These trends suggest that it is impor-
tant for evaluations of mentoring programs to include a diverse sample of youth, one that
encompasses the full range of different levels and configurations of risk that are typical
of the youth who are intended to be served by the program. This emphasis can be con-
trary to the instincts of program operators who—when faced with an evaluation—may
want the research sample to include youngsters who are likely to show good outcomes
during and after their participation in the program. Although such a sample would show
the program in a good light if the focus were on the outcomes of youngsters served (e.g.,
the percentage who attend school regularly), it could cause problems when the research
question was the program’s impact—the difference it made in outcomes. Therefore,
researchers need to help program operators see this counterintuitive lesson from the
previous research.
As noted, existing research also suggests different “best practices” that may enhance
the impact of mentoring programs for youth. These practices have been identified
almost exclusively through the nonexperimental analysis of findings across different
evaluations (see, in particular, DuBois, Holloway, et al., 2002). Direct experimental stud-
ies of variations in program design and practice clearly would be preferable and could
significantly advance knowledge in this area. Experimental tests could be structured, for
example, to compare different strategies for recruiting and matching mentors and
youngsters or different durations of relationships. Applicants could be randomly
assigned to two or even three different program groups (which vary on key aspects of
program design) or to a control group. Conclusions about the relative effectiveness of
different programmatic approaches then could be drawn more reliably because the
youngsters served in each would be truly comparable (Grossman, 2005). It is important
to note, however, that these differential impact tests do require substantially larger sam-
ples than simple two-way comparisons.
Extending follow-up past the point of participation in mentoring, even into adult-
hood, will provide valuable new insights into the effects of programs. This type of recom-
mendation is made frequently when considering potential areas of improvement for
evaluations of youth programs. But with mentoring, there is reason to believe the pro-
grams could make a real long-term difference on the basis of the short-term findings. A
sound basis thus exists to argue for the investment in evaluations that afford the oppor-
tunity to evaluate long-term effects of mentoring.
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Finally, as pivotal as random assignment is widely held to be for establishing program
efficacy or effectiveness, it is nonetheless equally important for those conducting
research on mentoring interventions to keep in mind that random assignment is best
regarded as a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for supporting claims of program
impact. The Standards of Evidence referred to previously include numerous additional cri-
teria that must be met to support conclusions of program efficacy or effectiveness (SPR,
n.d.). These include, but are not limited to, such considerations as utilizing multiple
sources of data when “demand characteristics” are plausible for measures, ensuring that
analyses are carried out at the same level as randomization, correcting for increases in
type I error rate adjustment when analyzing multiple outcomes, conducting analyses that
take into account potential bias caused by differential attrition, demonstrating practical
significance of program effects in terms of public health impact, and, for outcomes that
may decay over time (and this category arguably applies to nearly all outcomes of con-
cern to mentoring programs), establishing maintenance of significant effects at one or
more long-term follow-up assessments. It does not appear that any of the existing random
assignment studies of mentoring programs have met the full complement of these crite-
ria. It is even more certain that none has met the further criterion that consistent find-
ings be reported across at least two different high-quality studies that meet all other
criteria (SPR, n.d.). Clearly, there is much work ahead for those who seek to establish
claims of efficacy or effectiveness for mentoring programs that will be embraced by the
larger scientific prevention community.
Assessing Intervention Strength and Fidelity
All evaluations of youth mentoring programs need to be informed by careful assessments
of intervention strength and fidelity. Intervention strength, also known as treatment or
intervention exposure (Rohrbach, Graham, & Hansen, 1993), is defined as the “dose, dura-
tion, specificity, and intensity” of a given intervention (Summerfeldt, 2003, p. 56), which
may vary across different participants in an intervention. In contrast, intervention fidelity
refers to the extent to which an intervention is actually implemented as planned
(Gottfredson, Gottfredson, & Skroban, 1998; Summerfeldt, 2003). Also described as
“program adherence” (Center for Substance Abuse Prevention [CSAP], 2002) or “pro-
gram integrity” (Orwin, 2000), fidelity is sometimes used as an overarching term to refer
to both strength and fidelity as defined here (CSAP, 2002). In this article, as in most
other discussions of the topic (Sechrest, Phillips, Redner, & Yeaton, 1979), however, each
construct is assumed to be a distinct component of program implementation.
Although there are many reasons why a social or preventive intervention is effective, one
critical factor is the quality of a program’s implementation (Tebes, Kaufman, & Connell,
2003). This finding has been observed repeatedly in a variety of studies (Blakely et al., 1987;
CSAP, 2002), including in the youth mentoring literature (DuBois, Holloway et al., 2002).
Despite these findings, attention to intervention strength and fidelity is frequently neglect-
ed when designing and evaluating social and preventive interventions (Summerfeldt, 2003).
Under the best of circumstances, evaluators of prevention programs complete several steps
to assess intervention strength and fidelity. These include: conducting a component analy-
sis, establishing implementation standards, measuring intervention strength and fidelity,
and examining reasons for failing to implement the program as designed (Gottfredson et
al., 1998; Scheirer, 1994; Tebes et al., 2003). The sections that follow briefly discuss each of
these processes with particular attention to youth mentoring programs.
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Conducting a Component Analysis. The core components of a program are drawn direct-
ly from the overarching program theory and the program’s logic model. What experi-
ences, behaviors, and events are expected to result from specific program activities,
and how are they related to short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes? One may
conduct a core component analysis through the use of primary or secondary analysis
of program materials, observations of the program as it is implemented, or interviews
with key program stakeholders about the program (McGrew, Bond, Dietzen, & Salyers,
1994). What guides such an analysis, however, is the program logic model. Thus far,
there have been few component analyses conducted in the youth mentoring field, per-
haps because few mentoring programs have adequately specified a program logic
model. The absence of clearly specified logic models that describe how, and under
what conditions, the program and mentor–protégé relationships established within the
program are expected to lead to positive change among youth is undoubtedly related
to the lack of formal theory underlying most efforts to develop mentoring programs
(DuBois & Karcher, 2005). Theories that have begun to appear and be tested in the
mentoring research literature (e.g., DuBois, Neville, et al., 2002; Rhodes, 2002, 2005)
could be used to inform the development and evaluation of mentoring programs, but,
to date, there is little evidence of this process.
Establishing Implementation Standards. Investigators intent on measuring intervention
strength and fidelity usually establish standards for each component of their prevention
program model (Gottfredson et al., 1998; Orwin, 2000). Standards represent levels at
which the investigator believes that the intervention will have an impact on its intended
targets,, such as youth. For example, an investigator may identify minimal levels of dosage
a youth should receive for the program to be effective and/or the duration of time spe-
cific intervention activities should be delivered to have some likelihood of being effec-
tive. The investigator may also describe the specific activities that should happen at
specific times and at a specific intensity in order for the intervention to be effective. To
the extent possible, these standards are derived from previous related research, the pro-
gram developer’s experience in implementing similar programs, and the opinions of key
stakeholders involved with the program, such as the youth who are intended targets of
the intervention, their parents, mentors, or other key individuals (such as school person-
nel or community members) whose support for the program may be crucial to its success.
For the most part, specification of implementation standards for youth mentoring
programs that have been evaluated in the literature has been centered on program crite-
ria for minimally acceptable levels of the frequency of mentor–youth contact and the
duration of relationships (Rhodes, 2002). Whether or not program standards are met in
these areas has been demonstrated to have important implications for youth outcomes
(e.g., DuBois, Neville, et al., 2002; Grossman & Rhodes, 2002). Much less attention has
been given to specification of implementation standards that pertain to other potentially
important dimensions of mentoring relationships, such as the content of mentor–youth
activities and discussions together and the mentor’s use of different types of strategies for
promoting youth outcomes (e.g., goal setting). The practice and research literatures also
highlight program implementation processes in several areas that may be important for
both (1) establishing and supporting effective relationships, such as mentor recruitment
and screening, matching of youth and mentors, training, and supervision (MENTOR/
National Mentoring Partnership, 2003; Rhodes, 2002), and (2) ensuring appropriate link-
ages and coordination between mentoring and other components or services offered
within multicomponent interventions (Kuperminc et al., 2005). With notable exceptions
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(e.g., Taylor, LoSciuto, Fox, & Hilbert, 1999), implementation standards for these latter
types of relationship and program elements have not been articulated by either program
developers or evaluators.
Measuring Intervention Strength and Fidelity. Intervention strength and fidelity may be meas-
ured by using a variety of data sources (Gottfredson et al., 1998; McGrew et al., 1994), such
as reviews of contact logs, interviews with program implementers and recipients, observa-
tions and ratings of program activities, and examination of archival program data, includ-
ing budgets (McGrew et al., 1994; Orwin, 2000). In the case of youth mentoring programs,
assessments of intervention strength and fidelity, for example, may include the number of
meetings between a mentor and protégé that take place within a given period. This type
of assessment allows for calculation of a ratio, or score, that depicts the number of meet-
ings held as a proportion of those prescribed. Similar scores are possible, in principle, for
any of the other relationship and program factors described previously for which imple-
mentation standards have been established (for program factors, associations with varia-
tions in outcome may be most feasible to examine in the context of evaluations of
programs implemented across multiple sites). These scores can then be examined for
their relationships to various program outcomes. To the extent that the program’s logic
model describes the influence of several core components (as is expected in the case of
mentoring programs), such scores also can be examined in combination for their rela-
tionship to outcome (Gottfredson et al., 1998). Examination of these types of associations
provides a valuable mechanism for generating hypotheses about the relative and collec-
tive importance of different intervention components in producing desired outcomes.
Several studies in the youth mentoring field have used fidelity instruments to assess
program implementation and examined associations with youth outcomes. For the most
part, these studies have focused on variability in relationship factors. In their meta-
analysis, DuBois, Holloway, et al. (2002) synthesized findings from nine of these types of
investigations and found that, on average, youth who experienced mentoring relation-
ships of greater intensity or quality in programs scored between one quarter and one
third of a standard deviation higher in a favorable direction on outcome measures. In
part because of the rarity of multisite evaluations in the mentoring literature, there has
been comparatively little corresponding examination of how fidelity of implementation
in program-level factors (e.g., training) relates to youth outcomes.
Examining Reasons for Failing to Implement the Program as Designed. Investigators who develop
a specified program theory and logic model give themselves the best opportunity to imple-
ment a program with success and know why it worked. However, they must also accept the
possibility that they may be wrong. When a program is not implemented as designed,
assessing the veracity of the program theory or logic model becomes virtually impossible.
That is why careful implementation of prevention programs and the measurement of
intervention strength and fidelity are essential. There are an infinite number of reasons
for failing to implement a program as designed. One of the most common, however, is
that the program design was too complex for successful implementation, or relatedly,
insufficient training, supervision, and monitoring were provided to the program imple-
menters (Tebes et al., 2003). In relation to youth mentoring programs, it is widely accept-
ed that orientation and training for mentors, as well as ongoing supervision and support,
are critical to a program’s success (Sipe, 1996). Equally important, however, may be train-
ing and technical assistance provided to administrators and staff responsible for imple-
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menting mentoring programs. This need may be heightened when mentoring is made
available within a broader, multifaceted intervention, and there are demands to integrate
and coordinate mentoring with other programs and services (Kuperminc et al., 2005).
Both quantitative and qualitative data that are gathered on the fidelity of the implemen-
tation process may offer important insights about factors responsible for failures in imple-
mentation for mentoring programs. To date, however, these have received limited
attention in the literature (for a noteworthy exception, see Hamilton & Hamilton, 1992).
Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analyses
Measuring, understanding, and improving the costs, benefits, cost-effectiveness, and cost-
benefit ratio of youth mentoring programs are central to building a strong case for the
dissemination of mentoring to wider audiences of professionals and funders (SPR, n.d.).
A full treatment of the issues involved in assessing the cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit
ratio of youth mentoring programs is beyond the scope of this article (for an in-depth
examination, see Yates, 2005). Our focus here is to frame a few of the conceptual issues
involved with these types of analyses and to comment briefly on existing efforts to con-
duct cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses of youth mentoring programs.
There is a view among youth mentoring program propagators that the key advan-
tages of mentoring programs over other programs include (1) the relatively low cost of
using mentors; (2) the benefits of reduced use of social, health, educational, and crimi-
nal justice services by mentored youth; (3) the equivalency, or superiority, of the effective-
ness of mentors in providing some or all services, relative to professionals; and hence, (4)
the cost-effectiveness of using mentors as opposed to professional staff for some or all serv-
ices—and, given the perceived low cost or lack of cost of mentors, (5) the near guaran-
tee that the benefits of mentors will exceed the costs of mentors, that is, that mentors must
be cost-beneficial. Each of these perceived advantages can be criticized; because each is
measurable, each also can be examined through quantitative assessment. For example,
from the perspective of community representatives and funders, paid and volunteer
mentors may be thought of as costing less than paid staff—or even nothing—for a pro-
gram. However, paid staff of some programs spend considerable time recruiting, con-
ducting background checks for, matching, training, assigning, and monitoring mentors
and the youth with whom they work. Similarly, mentors are often thought of as providing
services that either are unique or may substitute for some services that professionals
might otherwise have to provide, but the effectiveness of mentors’ services can be chal-
lenged (e.g., Blechman & Bopp, 2005).
The only viable strategy for resolving questions about the costs and effectiveness
(or benefits) of mentoring programs is to measure each. To do so, it is important to
consider costs, effects, and benefits comprehensively from the perspectives of different
interest groups, including program managers, community members, mentors, and
youth (Yates, 2005). Aside from being important from the standpoint of conducting a
thorough cost-effectiveness or cost-benefit analysis, consideration of each of these
groups may yield valuable insights that can inform the further development of mentor-
ing programs. For instance, why do mentors work so hard for so little? One answer is
that they actually work hard for a great deal. Mentors may receive benefits that typical-
ly exceed the costs of time not spent working or being with family and friends, trans-
portation to and from protégés’ locations, and incidental expenses, such as supplies
and admission to museums or parks. Mentors can be thought of as a particular type of
670 Journal of Community Psychology, November 2006
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volunteer. It has been recognized for some time that the benefits received by volun-
teers (e.g., training, education, personal insight, gratification from helping others) can
equal or exceed the costs borne by volunteers (e.g., earnings forgone because of time
spent volunteering rather than working, transportation expenses paid by volunteers)
(see, e.g., Yates, 1980). In traditional exchange theory, benefits can exceed costs in a
social interaction for only a subset of participants, with the other participants experi-
encing more costs than benefits. When benefits and costs are measured from the per-
spective of each party in the interaction, however, costs can diminish and benefits can
increase so that all parties experience benefits that exceed their costs.
To date, there has been very limited attention to cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit
analyses in evaluations of youth mentoring programs (for a review, see Yates, 2005).
Methodological limitations of existing efforts include both a failure to consider costs and
effects/benefits from the multiple perspectives referred to earlier (e.g., both mentor and
youth; Blechman, Maurice, Buecker, & Helberg, 2000), as well as the inherent difficulties
associated with attempting to estimate cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit ratios from eval-
uations that were not necessarily originally designed with this aim in mind (Aos, Lieb,
Mayfield, Miller, & Pennucci, 2004). In view of these considerations and the small size of
the available literature, Yates (2005) concluded that reliable data on cost-effectiveness
and cost-benefit ratio for mentoring programs are not currently available.
As noted in Figure 1, dissemination and implementation studies are a major focus of pre-
ventive service systems research on programs that have been found to be efficacious and
effective in intervention. Dissemination studies typically are based on data collected from
representative samples of potential host organizations and agencies and may utilize both
nonexperimental and experimental designs (Oldenburg & Parcel, 2002). The youth
mentoring literature currently lacks studies of dissemination and the other types of relat-
ed research referred to in Figure 1 as being encompassed under the category of preven-
tive service systems research. As effective mentoring programs are identified through
research at the intervention stage, however, these types of investigations have the poten-
tial to serve a variety of important purposes. Nonexperimental studies could collect quan-
titative and qualitative data to investigate predictors of differences in the adoption,
implementation, and institutionalization of effective programs by host organizations and
systems, as well as to increase understanding of specific barriers and facilitators of effec-
tive dissemination. Experimentally designed studies (as well as those utilizing well-
controlled quasi-experimental designs), furthermore, could be used rigorously to
evaluate the effectiveness of differing approaches to the dissemination of effective men-
toring programs to youth-serving organizations. Dissemination studies also may be linked
in useful ways with outcome-based evaluation research, such as large-scale effectiveness
or demonstration projects. When combined with outcome data, for example, dissemina-
tion data may be helpful in deriving population-based estimates of the likely impact of
selected programs or practices. These types of investigations, furthermore, could permit
the examination of how organizational processes that occur at multiple levels influence
the ultimate effects of mentoring programs and practices on youth outcomes. In this way,
youth mentoring research may serve as an exemplar for studies in the emerging field of
community science in which multilevel processes are examined in individual, interper-
sonal, and community contexts (Tebes, 2005).
Research Methodology and Youth Mentoring 671
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Research on youth mentoring, despite many noteworthy accomplishments to date,
remains in an early stage of development (DuBois & Karcher, 2005). Our examination of
the current state of research methodology in the field within the framework of the differ-
ent recommended phases of preventive intervention research highlights several impor-
tant issues and approaches that merit greater attention at the preintervention,
intervention, and systems phases of investigation. Future work that addresses these gaps
and limitations holds promise of significantly advancing the field’s knowledge base and,
ultimately, the capacity of mentoring interventions to have a substantial and lasting impact
on youth outcomes. Even more noteworthy to us, however, is the relative absence of pro-
grammatic research that reflects an integrated progression across the different phases of
research in development, evaluation, and dissemination. Our recommendations for
future research thus focus not only on methodological issues specific to each phase, but
also on the need for increased linkage and coordination of work across phases.
Recommendations for Research
Preintervention Research. Basic research on youth mentoring relationships will benefit from
utilizing, whenever possible, (1) large, representative samples so as to maximize sensitivi-
ty to relationship dynamics and generalizability of findings; (2) longitudinal designs that
include both numbers and time frames of assessments that are most suitable to address-
ing questions of interest; (3) multiple sources and methods for assessing mentoring rela-
tionships to triangulate more accurately their most influential characteristics and
processes; and (4) sophisticated multivariate data analytic procedures, particularly those
that are appropriate for model testing and examination of phenomena that occur at the
dyadic level in relationships. Basic research needs to be complemented by initial research
on the development of mentoring interventions focused on obtaining and utilizing stake-
holder input, piloting intervention strategies, and development of psychometrically sound
evaluation protocols.
Intervention Research. Intervention research should give priority to conducting (1) experi-
mental trials of efficacy and effectiveness that satisfy the most methodologically stringent
criteria of acceptability (SPR, n.d.) and that are structured, when possible, to allow exper-
imental tests of the impacts associated with specific practices and procedures within pro-
grams; (2) theoretically informed assessments of intervention strength and fidelity and
their implications for program effectiveness that incorporate attention to each of the spe-
cific steps discussed earlier (i.e., conducting a component analysis, establishing implemen-
tation standards, measuring intervention strength and fidelity, and examining reasons for
implementation failures); and (3) proactively designed cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness
analyses that incorporate assessments of costs and benefits for multiple groups, including
both youth and mentors.
Preventive Service Systems Research. Factors that affect the adoption, implementation, and
institutionalization of effective mentoring programs within larger systems should be
672 Journal of Community Psychology, November 2006
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investigated by using both (1) nonexperimental methods to study rates and predictors of
naturally occurring variations in dissemination and (2) experimental designs that allow
innovations in approaches to dissemination to be rigorously tested and examined for
potential population-level impacts.
Linking Phases of Research. The highest priority should be given to conducting programmat-
ic research that addresses a critical need for stronger linkages among the different phases
of investigation of youth mentoring interventions. To date, many of the most widely dissem-
inated programs lack a well-articulated foundation in the field’s empirical knowledge base.
This may, in part, reflect the fact that research typically is university based, whereas mentor-
ing programs for youth most often have been developed by community-based, grass-roots
organizations, the efforts of many of which predate some of the most noteworthy empiri-
cal advances in the field. Desirable linkages are also lacking between the phases focused on
evaluation and on dissemination. As a result, some of the programs with the most promis-
ing evaluation data have had only limited dissemination. Conversely, several programs have
been the focus of noteworthy dissemination efforts in the absence of well-designed evalua-
tion research. To address these concerns, future research on youth mentoring will need to
be supported by strong networks of communication that link the efforts of different inves-
tigators not only with each other, but also with practitioners and policy makers.
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... Furthermore, the findings point to the need to probe the dynamics involved in mentoring and, in particular, the reciprocal influences between mentors and mentees, as well as processes of moderation and mediation. Moreover, to identify the mediating variables that shape the transactional nature of the mentor-mentee relationship more longitudinal data are needed from randomized control research designs that employ dyadic analyses, process models that take into account multiple individual and environmental characteristics in the same model [187]. Experimental research [40] is needed to examine whether the mediators that have been identified can be altered by manipulating the mentor, mentee, or context variables involved in mentoring. ...
... The use of multiple informants (parents, mentors, and mentees) and multi-methods in future research would help avoid problems associated with shared method variance. Specifically, it would be useful to examine the similarities and differences in informants' perceptions and investigate their origins [26,187]. To disentangle what mentors actually say and do from how mentees perceive it, it is essential to use subjective measures of the mentoring relationship (diaries, projective measures, such as drawings and photographs, and interviews). ...
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Formal community-based youth mentoring relationships (CBM) are a popular form of intervention worldwide in which caring, non-parental adult figures are matched with at-risk children (i.e., children who experience an intense and/or chronic risk factor, or a combination of risk factors in personal, environmental and/or relational domains that prevent them from pursuing and fulfilling their potential) to promote development and health. Common models suggest that a close mentoring relationship is needed for the success of the intervention. However, it remains unclear which key relational processes and variables promote relationship quality to generate the most significant benefits. Using the PRISMA framework, 123 articles were identified as relevant for this review which explores the state of the literature on CBM relationships describing the main findings regarding the characteristics of the relationship and the mediating and moderating variables. An essential ingredient that consistently emerged for generating mentoring outcomes is characterized by feelings of support, sensitivity, and trust and accompanied by a purposeful approach to shaping the goals of the relationship. A balanced approach comprised of recreational, emotional, and catalyzing aspects has been reported as essential for mentoring success. Mentors’ positive attitudes toward underprivileged youth, maturity in terms of age and experience are essential in forging positive relationships. Mentees who have better relational histories and more positive personality traits exhibited higher relationship quality. However, data imply the possibility of addressing mentees from moderate risk status. Preliminary evidence on thriving as a mediating variable was found. Program practices, such as training, parental involvement, and matching based on perceived similarities and similar interests, emerged as important factors. Generating many research suggestions, the review identifies research questions and uncharted territories that require inquiry.
... Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, penting bagi penyelidik untuk mendapatkan pementoran berkaitan metodologi penyelidikan (DuBois et al. 2006). Ini termasuk pemahaman yang baik tentang model dan teori yang relevan (Fried, 2020). ...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRAK We4u merupakan organisasi sukarela yang menyediakan sokongan kepada pelajar pascasiswazah, pemohon HLP, dan pensyarah untuk menggalakkan perkongsian pengetahuan penyelidikan secara kolaboratif dalam penyelidikan Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan (DDR). Program-program yang dilaksanakan adalah berdasarkan kandungan Modul We4u, yang telah direka bentuk dan dibangunkan berdasarkan konsensus pakar. Pada tahun 2022, sebanyak 73 bengkel atas talian dan bersemuka berjaya dilaksanakan. Hasilnya, daripada 237 pemohon, sebanyak 166 (70%) orang berjaya ditawarkan HLP/HLPS/CBBPTB peringkat sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah. Pada tahun 2023 pula, 186 (77.20%) orang daripada 241 ahli We4u lulus tapisan dan dipanggil temu duga. Kesimpulannya, Modul We4u telah berjaya menyokong pencapaian PPPM 2015-2025 dalam usaha meningkatkan akademik pendidik bagi memperhebatkan kualiti pendidikan dan membentuk masa depan negara. Kata kunci: We4u, Penyelidikan Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan (DDR), Konsensus pakar, HLP/HLPS/CBBPTB, PPPM 2015-2025 PENGENALAN Malaysia amat mengutamakan pencapaian pendidikan sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju. Komitmen yang tidak berbelah bahagi ini adalah selaras dengan visi menyeluruh yang ditetapkan dalam Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM 2013-2025)(KPM 2013). Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) secara konsisten menyediakan insentif Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP) sebagai sokongan padu bagi membuka ruang kepada pendidik untuk meningkatkan tahap kesarjanaan mereka. Selain merealisasikan PPPM 2013-2025, insentif ini penting bagi memperkukuhkan Standard Guru Malaysia (SGM 2.0) dan agenda "Pendidikan Berkualiti" SDG 2030. Melalui pemerolehan pendidikan lanjutan, pemahaman dan pegangan kepada prinsip Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK) akan kekal utuh walaupun pendidikan negara perlu seiring dengan kemajuan IR 4.0 dan arus pendidikan global. Keutamaan diberikan kepada usaha membangunkan pendidik sebagai seorang penyelidik yang berkemahiran tinggi juga memiliki kecekapan yang diperlukan ke arah pendidikan "futuristic" dalam era IR4.0. Pendidikan "futuristic" ialah konsep pendidikan yang menggabungkan teknologi dan inovasi terkini untuk mencipta pengalaman pembelajaran yang unik dan berkesan. Ia berfokus pada pengembangan kemahiran yang relevan dengan masa depan. Hal ini dapat disesuaikan dengan keperluan IR4.0, di mana kemahiran seperti pemikiran kritis, kreatif, kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dan mahir dalam literasi digital perlu dipertingkatkan.
... Previously proposed models have attempted to explicate the relationships between mentorship and health outcomes [25][26][27], but overall, the science of mentoring as prevention and its effects on adolescent and young adult health outcomes (particularly HIV-related outcomes) is limited [28][29][30]. Specifically, the health-related relationships in these models are rarely empirically tested, leaving a gap in the literature regarding the specific processes by which mentoring's interpersonal nature can serve as an effective intervention and health promotion tool. ...
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Background Mentoring can promote positive youth development. Owing to social and structural factors, young people in underresourced communities often lack adequate access to mentors, and naturally occurring mentors are more common than formal, programmatic mentors. There is little information on the impact of naturally occurring mentors on youth in general and even less on the role that mentors may play in promoting healthy outcomes in sexual and gender minority youth. African American young men who have sex with men (YMSM) are more likely to reside in communities with limited access to formalized mentorship programs and may benefit from naturally occurring mentoring relationships that address health outcomes, specifically related to HIV. Objective This study is a usability test of a mobile app designed for the mentors of African American YMSM to increase mentors’ knowledge of and confidence in talking about HIV prevention and related topics with mentees. Methods Following consent, eligible and naturally occurring mentoring pairs involving African American YMSM in Baltimore; Philadelphia; and Washington, District of Columbia, tested the app, UrbanMentorHub, for usability. Participants downloaded the app and used it for 1 month, completed pre- and postintervention surveys, and participated in a follow-up focus group discussion. Participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and HIV- and mentorship-related measures were characterized using descriptive statistics. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to test for pre- and postintervention differences in knowledge, confidence, and outcome expectancy measures. Focus group discussions were audio recorded and transcribed. Transcripts were thematically coded and analyzed to identify ways that UrbanMentorHub could be improved in the mentoring context. Results Nine mentorship pairs participated in this usability study (N=18). Mentors obtained high scores on knowledge, confidence, outcome expectancies, skills, and intentions related to HIV and mentoring. No pre- or postintervention changes were observed in these measures. Mentors reported usually initiating conversations around HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis; mentees and mentors equally initiated conversations on sexual practices and same-sex relationships. Mentors reported sexual practices as the most frequently discussed topic in the past month and pre-exposure prophylaxis being the least discussed. Mentees reported high comfort with HIV-related conversations. No pre- or postintervention change was observed regarding HIV knowledge. Most mentees reported having discussed most HIV-related topics with their mentor in the past month. Mentor feedback on the app was mostly neutral, although they reported positive perceptions of the idea of the app, indicating the potential for addressing a need in their communities. Mentors suggested ways to improve the app content and design elements. Conclusions Although there was no observed statistical change in measured outcomes, and qualitative feedback was overall neutral, the results of this usability study can inform future work to design and promote interventions and resources that support mentoring relationships for African American YMSM.
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This research explores the impact of mentoring relationships on student mentors at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). More specifically, it looks at student experiences, personal and professional development from mentoring in the community over one academic year. This interpretive, methodological approach incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods in order to draw comparisons and detailed insight into the interactions of all parties involved in the mentoring programme, including the mentor, the mentee and the community organisation. The findings revealed that mentors receive an 'invisible gift' that is not formally acknowledged. The 'gift' is manifested as key skills for lifelong learning and employability. Also, the findings highlighted that mentoring has a significant impact on the mentee regarding enhancing confidence, self esteem, skill development and engagement in pro-social behavior; thus, identifying 'hard' and 'soft' outcomes from UCLan Students engaging with the community in a mentoring capacity. This research concludes that the mentoring process utilises a 'mentee-centred approach.' A balance of both 'instrumental and 'expressive' processes in order to support, encourage and guide mentees to achieve their full potential.
We used meta‐analysis to review 55 evaluations of the effects of mentoring programs on youth. Overall, findings provide evidence of only a modest or small benefit of program participation for the average youth. Program effects are enhanced significantly, however, when greater numbers of both theory‐based and empirically based “best practices” are utilized and when strong relationships are formed between mentors and youth. Youth from backgrounds of environmental risk and disadvantage appear most likely to benefit from participation in mentoring programs. Outcomes for youth at‐risk due to personal vulnerabilities have varied substantially in relation to program characteristics, with a noteworthy potential evident for poorly implemented programs to actually have an adverse effect on such youth. Recommendations include greater adherence to guidelines for the design and implementation of effective mentoring programs as well as more in‐depth assessment of relationship and contextual factors in the evaluation of programs.
The Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation provides tools for managers and evaluators to address questions about the performance of public and nonprofit programs. Neatly integrating authoritative, high-level information with practicality and readability, this guide gives you the tools and processes you need to analyze your program's operations and outcomes more accurately. This new fourth edition has been thoroughly updated and revised, with new coverage of the latest evaluation methods, including: Culturally responsive evaluation Adopting designs and tools to evaluate multi-service community change programs Using role playing to collect data Using cognitive interviewing to pre-test surveys Coding qualitative data You'll discover robust analysis methods that produce a more accurate picture of program results, and learn how to trace causality back to the source to see how much of the outcome can be directly attributed to the program. Written by award-winning experts at the top of the field, this book also contains contributions from the leading evaluation authorities among academics and practitioners to provide the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference on the topic. Valid and reliable data constitute the bedrock of accurate analysis, and since funding relies more heavily on program analysis than ever before, you cannot afford to rely on weak or outdated methods. This book gives you expert insight and leading edge tools that help you paint a more accurate picture of your program's processes and results, including: Obtaining valid, reliable, and credible performance data Engaging and working with stakeholders to design valuable evaluations and performance monitoring systems Assessing program outcomes and tracing desired outcomes to program activities Providing robust analyses of both quantitative and qualitative data Governmental bodies, foundations, individual donors, and other funding bodies are increasingly demanding information on the use of program funds and program results. The Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation shows you how to collect and present valid and reliable data about programs. © 2015 by Kathryn E. Newcomer and Harry P. Hatry, and Joseph S. Wholey. All rights reserved.
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) are used increasingly in both clinical trials of health and human services, and in evaluations of programs to determine their future funding. Definitions of CBA and CEA are given and contrasted with each other and with requests for ‘cost analyses’ and ‘efficiency’ studies. The emerging importance of cost-utility analysis is noted as well. Emerging directions in cost-inclusive assessment are noted, including evaluating costs of using different services to add Quality-Adjusted Life Years and Disability-Adjusted Life Years – nonmonetary measures that can be almost as useful for comparing outcomes of diverse programs as monetary measures, i.e., program benefits. Advantages of conceptualizing ‘costs’ more broadly as the value of the specific types and amounts of resources used to provide services are explained. Ethical problems in cost-inclusive evaluation are highlighted, and possible solutions suggested. Viewing CBA and CEA as crucial parts of improvement-oriented operations research is recommended. Links for manuals and Web sites for cost-inclusive evaluation in health and human services are provided.