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This survey (N = 224) found that characteristics collectively known as the Dark Triad (i.e. narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism) were correlated with various dimensions of short-term mating but not long-term mating. The link between the Dark Triad and short-term mating was stronger for men than for women. The Dark Triad partially mediated the sex difference in short-term mating behaviour. Findings are consistent with a view that the Dark Triad facilitates an exploitative, short-term mating strategy in men. Possible implications, including that Dark Triad traits represent a bundle of individual differences that promote a reproductively adaptive strategy are discussed. Findings are discussed in the broad context of how an evolutionary approach to personality psychology can enhance our understanding of individual differences. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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... However, the finding that narcissism is the most prominent dark trait associated with sociosexuality aligns with studies such as Lechuga and Jones (2021), where narcissistic men were rated as more attractive by women with higher sociosexuality on Tinder, suggesting a specific link between narcissism and unrestricted sociosexual behaviour. This is further supported by studies showing that narcissism is linked to fast life-history strategies, which include exploitative behaviours and a preference for short-term mating (Jonason et al., 2009;Schmitt et al., 2017;Valentova et al., 2020). Narcissism's association with mating effort and entitlement/exploitativeness (McDonald et al., 2012;Jonason et al., 2017) may explain why individuals with higher narcissistic traits, but not necessarily other dark traits, engage more frequently in sociosexual behaviours. ...
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Given the widespread use of dating apps, it is essential to understand the reasons for their use. Dark Tetrad predict motives for Tinder usage in different ways, but it seems that sexual motives are one of the main reasons why “dark” people use Tinder. So, both dark traits and sociosexual orientation seem to play a relevant role. This study aimed to identify profiles of individuals in terms of their Dark Tetrad traits and their orientation towards unrestricted sex and analyse the differences between them based on the Tinder usage reasons. In 200 participants (Mage = 30.78; 67.50% female), an online survey was administered including the Tinder Motives Scale (TMS; validated in Spanish in this study), the Tinder use and outcomes, the Short Dark Triad, the Assessment of Sadistic Personality, and the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory were administered. Results offered a shorter version of the TMS, and three-profiles: Non-dark and non-sociosexual (41.30%), Slightly narcissistic and sociosexual (38.60%), and High-dark and slightly sociosexual (20.10%). There were differences between profiles and Tinder motives. People with less dark traits and sociosexual orientation seem to be more motivated to use Tinder for finding romantic partners, and people most interested in using Tinder for sexual purposes are those with moderate Dark Tetrad and not those with the highest scores. Identifying what motivates those with less sexual restriction and undesirable traits to use Tinder is crucial. This knowledge could help design awareness programs on the misuse of these apps.
... Sociosexuality has been associated with several individual difference factors. For example, greater unrestricted sociosexuality is associated with greater self-perceived mate value , more avoidant attachment style (Chen, 2017;Jones & Curtis, 2017), and greater narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism (Jonason et al., 2009). Although generally reliable, sociosexuality varies in response to environmental or contextual changes (Arnocky et al., 2016;Gettler et al., 2019;Marcinkowska et al., 2021). ...
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Engaging in uncommitted sexual relationships increases the risk of pathogen transmission through close contact with novel partners. As such, greater disease avoidance tendencies may be associated with lower sociosexuality. Across three studies, we examined this proposition. In Studies 1a and 1b, we cross-sectionally assessed the associations between individual differences in disease avoidance (i.e., germ aversion, perceived infectability) and sociosexuality dimensions (i.e., behavior, attitude, desire). Greater germ aversion was significantly associated with more restricted sociosexuality across all three dimensions and replicated in both samples. Perceived infectibility was associated with more unrestricted sociosexual attitude and desire, but only in Study 1a. In Study 2, we tested whether sociosexuality levels changed with the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants reported more restricted sociosexuality levels during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-pandemic levels, where a decrease was especially seen in sociosexual desire. Further, this decrease in sociosexual desire was predicted by pre-pandemic germ aversion levels. Overall, the findings indicate that disease avoidance tendencies (i.e., germ aversion) and real-life disease threat are associated with lower tendency to engage in uncommitted sexual relationships. Further research is needed to understand the causal relation of these two constructs, which may help in developing interventions and campaigns to support better sexual health.
... These behaviours include being indifferent to people's suffering and not hesitating to use people for their own benefit. Jonason et al. (2009), on the other hand, state that the concept of social exploitativeness is the basic feature that unites these three topics. Because they have concluded that in all three personality traits, individuals show the behaviours of taking advantage of other people to get what they want. ...
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In toxic workplaces where individuals with dark triad personality traits exist, counterproductive behaviours occur, which negatively affects employee performance and therefore, organizational performance. This article aims to measure the effect of dark triad personality traits and feelings of benign and malicious envy on organizational revenge intention and the effect of all three negative emotions and behaviours on job performance. In this context, a research model and hypotheses were created with the assumption that the dark triad personality traits can affect the feelings of benign and malicious envy, and that the feelings of benign and malicious envy can have an impact on job performance by affecting the intention of organizational revenge. The model was tested on a sample of 313 academicians using structural equation modelling. In this study, where the quantitative method was applied, the dark triad personality, benign and malicious envy, organizational revenge intention and job performance scales were used. As a result of the research, it was found that dark triad positively affects benign and malicious envy, benign and malicious envy significantly and positively affect organizational revenge intention, and they significantly and negatively affect job performance. Additionally, it was seen that organizational revenge intention significantly and positively affects job performance. All the hypotheses considered were accepted. In this context, dark triad personality traits highlight the feelings of benign and malicious envy, and feelings of benign and malicious envy increase employees' job performance by affecting the intention of organizational revenge. In the study, it was seen that the intention of organizational revenge also affects job performance positively with the effect of benign and malicious envy.
... More specifically, the Dark Triad refers to a group of three distinct but related personality traits: narcissism [71] characterized by grandiosity and a need for admiration; Machiavellianism [72], marked by manipulation and exploitation of others; and psychopathy [73], which involves impulsivity, a lack of empathy, and antisocial behavior. Research has shown that individuals with high levels of Dark Triad traits often exhibit socially dominant, manipulative, and risk-taking behaviors, which can paradoxically lead to greater social success in certain contexts [74][75][76]. Despite emotional instability and impulsiveness, people with these traits may be more adept at navigating social environments and exerting influence over others. ...
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Background: Adolescence is a period of significant psychological, physical, and social changes. During this time, adolescents face increasing responsibilities, such as making educational and career decisions, managing peer relationships, and becoming more independent from their families. These changes are often accompanied by mood fluctuations and altered sleep patterns. This study aimed to explore the relationships between bright- and dark-side hypomania, insomnia, and various dimensions of health-related quality of life (HRQOL), such as self-esteem, family and peer relationships, social acceptance, and autonomy. Methods: A total of 1475 participants in mid-adolescence (mean age: 13.4 years; range: 11–16 years; 48.8% males) completed a series of self-reported questionnaires covering sociodemographic information, hypomania, including dark and bright-side hypomania, insomnia, and HRQOL. Results: Compared to participants with no or dark-side hypomania, participants with bright-side hypomania reported better HRQOL. Bright-side hypomania was significantly associated with favorable relationships with parents and home, peer relationships, and the school environment and with less insomnia. In contrast, dark-side hypomania showed significant associations with lower scores for self-esteem, moods and emotional states, peer relationships, social acceptance, the school environment, and more insomnia. Conclusions: Among a larger sample of adolescents, bright- and dark-side hypomania were associated with a broad, though specific variety of aspects of HRQOL and insomnia. Given that standardized programs are available to improve insomnia and resilience as a proxy of psychological well-being, such interventions may have the potential to improve adolescents’ psychological well-being and sleep quality concomitantly.
... That is, people express two primary mating strategies: short-term and long-term. Those more oriented toward short-term mating strategies prefer less commitment between partners in favor of brief sexual encounters (Jonason et al., 2009;Schmitt et al., 2001). Such a reproductive strategy would necessarily lead individuals to prioritize traits in prospective mates connoting heritable fitness (i.e., health), oftentimes inferred through physical attractiveness. ...
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Limbal rings are dark bands in the eyes that circle the iris. Previous research suggests that the presence of limbal rings augments perceptions of male faces as healthy and attractive, particularly among female perceivers. Nonetheless, a degree of heterogeneity exists in attractiveness effects across different stimulus sets. One possibility of this discrepancy could be previously undetected differences in attractiveness across different social targets that impede a clearer understanding for the signal value of limbal rings. Namely, it could be possible that the attractiveness advantage of faces with limbal rings is most apparent among highly attractive stimuli. This study sought to reconcile this discrepancy by developing a novel stimulus set that systematically varies the attractiveness of social targets in addition to the presence of limbal rings in male faces. Women evaluated these targets based on perceptions of their health and attractiveness. Although limbal rings continued to augment perceptions of health in male faces, no differences emerged in the attractiveness of faces with and without limbal rings.
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This study investigates the personality traits of students at the Police Academy in Niedersachsen in conjunction with possible influencing variables and correlations with other personality constructs as narcissism. The everyday exposure to highstress situations while serving in the police requires a competency profile including a stable personality and the honing of other traits essential for maintaining strong mental and physical health. In a study on generational personnel development measures carried out by the PFH Göttingen and the Police Academy in Niedersachsen, socio-demographic information and personality characteristics were collected. Tools employed include a condensed German version of the Big Five inventory according to Rammstedt & John (2005) as well as the German Short Dark Triad according to Jones & Paulhus (2013). A total of 544 cases were included in the analysis. Compared to a general sample taken from the German population, the students of the Police Academy exhibited significantly higher mean values for the factors Openness, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness, as well as significantly lower mean values for Neuroticism. Gender could be determined as a significant predictor for all five factors, since female participants had significant higher scores in all of them. Additionally, significant but low correlations between Narcissism and the factors Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Neuroticism could be observed. In the final discussion, the relevance of the inclusion of survey instruments on stress resistance and stress management was discussed and present work was proposed as the basis for a long-term study carried out at the police academy. The implementation of personality interventions as part of the studies at the police academy could be derived as a practical implication. Keywords: Personality traits, five factor model, narcissism, police profession, police academy Niedersachsen, personality interventions
Bu araştırmanın amacı, demografik özelliklere göre futbol seyircilerinin Karanlık Üçlü (Makyavelizm, Narsisizm ve Psikopati) kişilik özellikleri ile saldırganlık türleri (Fiziksel Saldırganlık, Sözel Saldırganlık ve Tahrik) arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Araştırmaya 113 erkek 133 kadın olmak üzere toplamda 246 futbol seyircisi katılmıştır. Veriler çevrimiçi olarak Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Karanlık Üçlü Ölçeği ve Spor Seyircisi Saldırganlık Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Bulgular, erkeklerin kadınlara göre daha yüksek Narsisizm, Psikopati, Fiziksel Saldırganlık, Sözel Saldırganlık ve Tahrik davranışlarını sergilediğini göstermektedir. Eğitim durumuna göre anlamlı bir fark bulunmazken, maç seyretmek için tribüne gidenler daha yüksek Narsisizm puanları almıştır. Aktif spor yapanlar, yapmayanlara kıyasla daha yüksek Makyavelizm, Narsisizm, Sözel Saldırganlık ve Tahrik davranışları sergilemiştir. Korelasyonel değerlerde; Makyavelizm ile fiziksel saldırganlık arasında anlamsız ilişki, sözel saldırganlık ve tahrik arasında ise anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Narsisizm, fiziksel saldırganlık, sözel saldırganlık ve tahrik ile anlamlı ilişkiler göstermiştir. Psikopati, fiziksel saldırganlık, sözel saldırganlık ve tahrik ile anlamlı ilişkiler sergilemiştir. Araştırma, Karanlık Üçlü kişilik özellikleri ile saldırganlık türleri arasındaki ilişkilerin demografik faktörlere göre farklılık gösterebileceğini, Karanlık Üçlü kişilik özelliklerinin bazı türleri ile saldırganlık türleri arasında anlamlı korelasyonlar olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu faktörlerin daha iyi anlaşılması, spor ortamlarındaki olumsuz davranışların önlenmesine ve seyirci deneyiminin iyileştirilmesine katkı sağlayabilir.
Objective The aim of this study was to uncover patterns of parental postseparation conflict and to investigate possible links to the personality factors of the Dark Triad (i.e., Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy). Background Studies revealed different postseparation coparenting patterns that explain why some parents face long‐lasting conflicts after separation. However, the role of legal disputes and links to parental personality traits have mostly been neglected so far. Method The analyses included 486 separated parents from the German Family Panel “pairfam” in year 2020–2021. We aimed to identify postseparation patterns of conflict, including coparenting and legal conflict, by using latent profile analysis. Possible links between latent profiles and the Dark Triad were assessed. Results Three postseparation conflict profiles were found: a cooperative, a parallel‐derogating, and a conflictual profile. Links between these profiles and the Dark Triad could be found for narcissism, with membership to the conflictual profile being more likely with higher narcissism values. Conclusion The findings show that a significant proportion of separated families is affected by postseparation conflict and that parents' personality plays a role here. Implications The results indicate that interventions targeting families affected by postseparation conflict should take parental personality traits into account.
Objective The current study assessed how individuals evaluate potential romantic partners who display either low, medium, or high levels of DT traits for short‐term (STR) and long‐term (LTR) relationships. Methods Nine fictitious persons in the form of vignettes (description of behavior and facial image) were presented to every participant. The sex of the fictitious persons was determined by sexual orientation of each participant, while the displayed faces were selected from an existing image bank and matched for physical attractiveness. Study 1 ( n = 475) used a fixed composition for face and trait description, while the composition for Study 2 ( n = 794) was randomized. Mixed‐effects modeling was implemented for both studies. Results Study 1 demonstrated people with a male preference (mostly women) perceived medium levels of the three traits as the most attractive STR. For Study 2, both men and women found the low levels the most attractive for both STRs and LTRs. Conclusions Findings from Study 1 were mostly consistent across previous DT attractiveness literature, while findings from Study 2 contradicted them. This could suggest that the concept of DT is not as attractive even for STRs unless it is accompanied by physical attractiveness.
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Spanish-language measures of the Big Five personality dimensions are needed for research on Hispanic minority populations. Three studies were conducted to evaluate a Spanish version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) (O. P. John et al., 1991) and explore the generalizability of the Big Five factor structure in Latin cultural groups. In Study 1, a cross-cultural design was used to compare the Spanish and English BFI in college students from Spain and the United States, to assess factor congruence across languages, and to test convergence with indigenous Spanish Big Five markers. In Study 2, a bilingual design was used to compare the Spanish and English BFI in a college-educated sample of bilingual Hispanics and to test convergent and discriminant validity across the two languages as well as with the NEO Five Factor Inventory in both English and Spanish. Study 3 replicated the BFI findings from Study 2 in a working-class Hispanic bilingual sample. Results show that (a) the Spanish BFI may serve as an efficient, reliable, and factorially valid measure of the Big Five for research on Spanish-speaking individuals and (b) there is little evidence for substantial cultural differences in personality structure at the broad level of abstraction represented by the Big Five dimensions.
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Patterns of covariation among personality traits in English-speaking populations can be summarized by the five-factor model (FFM). To assess the cross-cultural generalizability of the FFM, data from studies using 6 translations of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992) were compared with the American factor structure. German, Portuguese, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese samples (N = 7,134) showed similar structures after varimax rotation of 5 factors. When targeted rotations were used, the American factor structure was closely reproduced, even at the level of secondary loadings. Because the samples studied represented highly diverse cultures with languages from 5 distinct language families, these data strongly suggest that personality trait structure is universal.
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Manipulative strategies of social conduct (Machiavellianism) have been studied by both psychologists and evolutionary biologists. The authors use the psychological literature as a database to test evolutionary hypotheses about the adaptive advantages of manipulative social behavior. Machiavellianism does not correlate with general intelligence and does not consistently lead to real-world success. It is best regarded as 1 of several social strategies, broadly similar to the “defect” strategy of evolutionary game theory, which is successful in some situations but not others. In general, human evolutionary psychology and evolutionary game theory provide useful frameworks for thinking about behavioral strategies, such as Machiavellianism, and identify a large number of specific hypotheses that have not yet been tested by personality and social psychologists.
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This chapter reviews several major current evolutionary psychological theories of personality. Evolutionary psychology helps to clarify the role of personality by separating evolved mechanisms from actual behavior. The chapter covers empirical evidence for these theories in human and nonhuman animal personality research. A chronic omission of evolutionary-based models of human personality from nonhuman personality theory limits the ability to test evolutionary theories of personality. The chapter explains the empirical evidence supporting evolutionary theories of personality in humans with specific emphasis on evidence for natural, sexual, and frequency dependent selection of personality traits. It also reviews the methodological merits and limitations of the research with a focus on methodological approaches that might best test evolutionary theories of personality explicitly. The chapter offers a template of a systematic approach needed to bring theory and data in evolutionary personality psychology together.
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Reactions to trait self-enhancers were investigated in 2 longitudinal studies of person.perception in discussion groups. Groups of 4-6 participants met 7 times for 20 rain. After Meetings 1 and 7, group members rated their perceptions of one another. In Study 1, trait self-enhancement was indexed by measures of narcissism and self-deceptive enhancement. At the first meeting, self-enhancers made positive impressions: They were seen as agreeable, well adjusted, and competent. After 7 weeks, however, they were rated negatively and gave self-evaluations discrepant with peer evaluations they received. In Study 2, an independent sample of observers (close acquaintances) enabled a pretest index of discrepancy self-enhancement: It predicted the same deteriorating pattern of interpersonal perceptions as the other three trait measures. Nonetheless, all self-enhancement measures correlated positively with self-esteem.
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology provides an overview of the latest developments in this fast-growing area of research. In addition to well-studied areas of investigation, such as mate choice and reproduction, the book also includes articles on the philosophical underpinnings of evolutionary psychology, comparative perspectives from other species, recent neurobiological findings, and it gets to grips with the issue of cultural evolution in relation to human psychology. All the articles combine a review of the relevant literature with well-reasoned arguments and discussions of the major findings, as well as insights and suggestions for future work. The book provides an assessment of current research, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.