... 580-593), the earlier studies of post-war society show that without institutions, it is hard to offer individual forgiveness (Applegate, 2012;Basic, 2015;Cehajic et al., 2008;Cordeiro-Rodrigues, 2018;Hatzfeld, 2005aHatzfeld, , 2005bHatzfeld, , 2008Sampson, 2003). Earlier studies of post-war communities have pointed out the structural violence and accompanying processes of reconciliation, including in South Africa (Cordeiro-Rodrigues, 2018;Sampson, 2003), Rwanda (Applegate, 2012;Hatzfeld, 2005aHatzfeld, , 2005bHatzfeld, , 2008, and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Basic, 2013;Cehajic et al., 2008). However, in reality, participants and structures overlap (Simmel, 1908(Simmel, -[1955; Basic, 2013, pp. ...