... A major approach to study the development of cosmic consciousness is to assess longitudinal changes in physiological and psychological parameters among adults who start the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program. Among the general predictions of the developmental model supported by empirical research on the Transcendental Meditation technique are greater neurophysiological integration and development and improved health, such as increased EEG coherence, greater lateralization of EEG, reduced hypertension, reduced medical care utilization, and increased longevity in the elderly (Alexander, Langer et al., in press;Bennett and Trinder, 1976;Cooper and Aygen, 1979;Dillbeck and Bronson, 1981;Orme-Johnson, 1987). Measured effects on mental functioning include broader comprehension along with finer focus of cognitive and perceptual processes, as indicated by improvements in perceptual and cognitive flexibility, field independence, memory, fluid intelligence, concept learning, academic achievement, moral reasoning, and figural creativity (Alexander, Langer et al., in press, Cranson, in press;Dillbeck, 1982;Dillbeck, Assimakis, Raimondi, Orme-Johnson, and Rowe, 1986;Dillbeck, Orme-Johnson, and Wallace, 1981;Kember, 1985;Miskiman, 1976;Pelletier, 1974;Shecter, 1978;Travis, 1979). ...