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Green microfinance promoting green enterprise development


Abstract and Figures

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine microcredit and renewable energy programs for green development. Design/methodology/approach – This paper envisions a comparison and contrasting of Grameen Bank and credit systems (Bangladesh) with Alterna Savings credit programs (Canada) and its impact on Toronto's local living economics and environmental development. Findings – The findings are positive to environmental sustainable development. Originality/value – Green micro financing and green micro business development have been underserved, less attention to the subject has been given by various public, private and non‐governmental organizations (financial and non‐financial) agencies through policies, strategies, and programs. This research examines the possibility of introducing market‐based green business development in Canada that would model that of Grameen Bank and its sister organizations.
Content may be subject to copyright.
International Journal of Research Studies in Management
2012 April, Volume 1 Number 1, 85-96
© The Author
Green microfinance promoting green enterprise
Rouf, Kazi Abdur
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada (
Received: 8 September 2011 Revised: 23 September 2011 Accepted: 7 November 2011
Available Online: 13 November 2011 DOI: 10.5861/ijrsm.2012.v1i1.32
ISSN: 2243-7770
Online ISSN: 2243-7789
Microcredit is a well known tool to address the issue of poverty that is a condition that affects
the bottom fifty percent of people. Microcredit alleviates poverty by engaging communities in
microloans and micro-businesses so that they may earn income. This new microeconomic
determination program is expanding all over the world to develop economic growth in
people’s lives; however, if microfinance institutions are not controlled and they are provided
to people who practice unsafe and non-eco-friendly businesses, the effect could be a
minimalist microcredit approach that is unable to promote sustainable business development.
To understand microcredit and renewable energy programs for green development, the
researcher visited and studied Grameen Bank of Bangladesh; Grameen Shokti’s Renewable
Energy Project in winter 2008 and had an internship at the Alterna Savings’ Community
Micro-Loan Funds program in Toronto in the summer and fall of 2007 respectively. This
paper envisions a comparison and contrasting of the Grameen Bank and Grameen Shokti
credit systems (Bangladesh) with Alterna Savings credit programs (Canada) and its impact on
Toronto’s local living economics and environmental development. Results show that within
the two sample cases, microcredits are positive to environmental sustainable development.
Keywords: Green microfinance; green enterprise; Grameen Bank; microfinance institutions
(MFIs); solar home system; women empowerment; small and medium enterprises (SME)
Acronyms: Grameen Bank (GB), Grameen Shokti (GS), integrated pest management (IPM),
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), self-employment development initiative (SEDI),
multi-national corporation (MNC), green microfinance institution (GMFI), world center for
environmental development (WCED), non-government organizations (NGOs), energy savings
company (ESCO), Royal Bank corporation (RBC), Trust Bank (TD), Alterna Savings
Community Micro Loan Fund (ACMLF)
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Green microfinance promoting green enterprise development
1. Introduction
Microcredit is a well known tool to address the issue of poverty that is a condition that affects the bottom
fifty percent of people. Microcredit alleviates poverty by engaging communities in microloans and
micro-businesses so that they may earn income. This new microeconomic determination program is expanding
all over the world to develop economic growth in people’s lives; however, if microfinance institutions (MFIs)
are not controlled and they are provided to people who practice unsafe and non-eco-friendly businesses, the
effect could be a minimalist microcredit approach that is unable to promote sustainable business development.
The result will be a microcredit program that not only neglects sustainable development, but destroys the earth
and those who are more closely dependent on it rural communities. Therefore, recent, varied literature is urging
for an integrated micro-financing program that has a central, socially responsible investment component. The
components key feature would be the promotion of socio-cultural, environmental and business development
while advancing social capital, human capital, and natural capital with economic growth. The matter of
sustainable, people-centered environmental development is urgent.
To understand microcredit and renewable energy programs for green development, the researcher visited
and studied Grameen Bank (GB) Bangladesh; Grameen Shokti’s (GS) Renewable Energy Project in winter 2008
and had an internship at the Alterna Savings’ Community Micro Loan Funds program in Toronto in the summer
and fall of 2007 respectively. This was to gain valuable experience as it relates their green operational
microcredit strategies, policies and programs. The researcher stayed in the villages and spoke with GB and GS
borrowers. He also read various literatures on green microcredit. This paper envisions a comparison and
contrasting of Grameen Bank and Grameen Shokti credit systems (Bangladesh) with Alterna Savings credit
programs (Canada) and its impact on Toronto’s local living economics and environmental development. The
findings are positive to environmental sustainable development.
Green microcredit programs target micro-business owners in order to assist them in becoming economically
self-sufficient through self-employment. They also help marginalized women entrepreneurs in their
empowerment and promote community-based, local living development. GB Bangladesh has accomplished these
socio-economic, environmental, sustainable green development features by creating its in-house, sector based
institutional collaborative model. Contrarily in Canada, people are looking for public funds for poverty-related
projects and for socially and environmental responsible investment projects. GB, GS Renewable Energy in
Bangladesh and Alterna Savings in Canada are examples of green microcredit schemes that implement green
business development programs. The purpose of the research is to examine the possibility of introducing
market-based green business development in Canada that would model that of GB and its sister organizations.
1.1 Thesis statement
Within a microenterprise development model that has a positive environmental and social focus,
microcredit programs can promote and achieve environmental, social and economic gains that
are needed for the sustainable development of disadvantaged people.
Microcredit is a well known tool to address the issue of poverty that is a condition that affects the bottom
fifty percent of people. Microcredit alleviates poverty by engaging communities in microloans and
micro-businesses so that they may earn income. This new microeconomic determination program is expanding
all over the world to develop economic growth in people’s lives; however, if MFI’s are not controlled and they
are provided to people who practice unsafe and un-eco friendly businesses, the effect could be a minimalist
microcredit approach that is unable to promote sustainable green business development. The result will be a
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microcredit program that not only neglects sustainable development, but destroys the earth and those who are
more closely dependent on it in rural communities. Therefore, recent varied literature is urging for an integrated
green social microfinancing program that has a central, socially green responsible investment component. This
sustainable and people-centered environmental green social development program is urgent. Therefore, the
research seeks to explore how microfinance can be structured to create sustainable development through green
microenterprise while simultaneously achieving economic, social and environmental goals to address the issue of
Green microcredit programs target micro business owners in order to assist them in becoming economically
self-sufficient through self-employment. They also help marginalized women entrepreneurs in their
empowerment and promote community-based, local living development. GB, Bangladesh has accomplished
these socio-economic, environmental, sustainable green development features by creating its in-house, sector
based institutional collaborative model. Grameen Bank, Grameen Shakti Renewable Energy in Bangladesh and
Alterna Savings in Canada are examples of green microcredit schemes that implement green business
development programs. The purpose of the research is to examine the possibility of promoting the small green
businesses through green microfinancing to micro-entrepreneurs in Canada that would model that of GB and its
sister organizations.
1.2 Definitions of microfinance and green microfinance
Microfinance is a program that involves serving the poorest communities in any one area or country, by
providing them with soft loans to develop and maintain businesses. The program seeks to provide hands-on
support to those who are interested in conducting businesses that better the communities in which they reside
without providing harm as a result of their work. Green microfinance is the same sort of program, the difference
is that soft loans are provided to individuals or groups of individuals who work directly to support sustainable
green and social development, create green jobs and environmentally progressive solutions to practices that are
destroying and polluting the earth.
This green microloan service follows the environmental mantra of: recycle, refine and reuse resources.
Green businesses are not harmful to the environment, rather they accelerate green social development that is
people-centered, fosters human health, promotes social justice, generates income, addresses the issue of poverty
and reduces waste in the environment. It not only seeks profit, but it also looks at ecological balance within
businesses, resources, the environment and society. Green microbusiness can increase marginalized people’s
income in order to survive, improve their quality of life as well preserve the environment.
1.3 The importance of green microfinance
Sustainable development and green business development, at the micro-level, need to focus on a goal that
encompasses economic, social and environmental concerns. This view is shared by Allen and Thomas (2000);
Anderson (2000); Chambers and Conway (1992); Colbert (2004); Hick (2004); McDonald and Oates (2006);
Milani (2001); Prahalad and Hamel (2006); Slayter (2003); and Yunus (2002). They all mention that these are
necessary elements for sustainable development; one that is able to contribute to the local economy, green
development and sustainable livelihood at the local and national levels. There are obviously a number of reasons
for the relevance of microfinance to the environment:
1. environmental concerns are very important to increasing the poor’s standard of living and quality of
2. the most transformative green technologies and relationships are ideal for creating sustainable
livelihoods as well as improving quality of life; and
3. microfinance is a decentralized form of investment, totally appropriate for decentralized green forms
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of production.
Of course, the concern is with the fact that conventional microcredit has not yet become green enough; however,
few of them have built-in environmental conservation/development/education programs in their mainstream
activities in addition to their focus on economic development practice.
Corporate waste; their toxic products and factory emissions, are spread in the air and water. Therefore,
corporations hold the major brunt of responsibility for our environmental pollution. As a result, it is very
important to reduce indoor air pollution. GB and GS (the energy arm of GB) are addressing these problems
through the provision of microcredit to poor people and installing solar home systems; biogas produced in biogas
plants and improved cooking stoves (ICS's) for renewable energy to use at the rural household level. Women
cook with biogas instead of using wood, animal dung or other bio-fuels. This helps to save energy, use
renewable energy and encourages environmental development.
In North America, energy consumption is a central issue. Every day, large amounts of waste are created by
individual dwellings, restaurants, hospitals and factories. Packaging waste is also a large problem. Companies
make products that end up as garbage, and tax payers become responsible for waste removal and management.
Therefore, zero-waste, closed-loop protocols and shifting the responsibility for waste management to the
manufacturing industry are vital to environmental protection. This degradable waste economy can be converted
into a potential ecological economy through five stages of closed-loop production, cyclical alternative
economical design, re-use of goods, repair of goods, reconditioning and rebuilding of goods, recycling materials
and the production of life extension strategies. Here small and medium enterprises (SME) can play an important
role in closed-loop ecological economics that can not only strengthen local living economics (LLE), but also
protect the environment.
Integrated pest management (IPM) in agricultural systems reduces pesticide use by giving preference to
non-chemical pest management strategies. Green MFIs can support farmers to initiate IPM services in the
agricultural sector. Moreover, green social microcredit can play a vital role in attaining the United Nations
Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) to eradicate poverty and promote environmental development.
1.4 Problem statement
While microfinance has emerged as a globally recognized development tool, today, there is barely any work
being done that looks at the possibility of green microfinance practice through MFI’s in Canada. Although
several microfinancing domestic initiatives have been established in Canada, there is literature that recognizes
mentions the lack of public policy as it relates to develop and support of a microfinance industry that would
sustain and expand the green action micro lending program for low-income people in Canada (Self-Employment
Development Initiative, 2007). However, the public has limited knowledge on the negative effects of chemicals
on nature and human health, and corporations completely ignore the negative effects of chemicals on the human
body and the environment. Therefore, environmental education on toxic chemicals, petroleum products and
waste recycling management to the public through mass media, printed media, and school curricula are of a
pressing matter in Canada.
Profit-generating, market-based multi-national corporation (MNC) activities create social inequity and
unbalanced social-economic and environmental growth, harming the environment, and affecting climate change
(increasing global warming, air pollution, water pollution and other environmental pollutions). Their businesses
deplete natural resources through deforestation, river erosion, soil erosion and increased waste in the
environment rather than supporting environmental justice. They are over extracting natural resources. They
neither maintain, nor reforest nature.
Moreover, the micro green businesses compete with multinational corporations that are solely driven by
profit; however, green microcredit and green microenterprises are balancing socio-economic and environmental
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need with development within society. For example, GB put “restrictions on giving loans to businesses” that are
harmful to human health and the environment. Its sister organizations, like GS, largely work with soft loan credit.
In addition to activities that supply solar panels, construct bio-gas plants, and improved cooking stoves. These
help to activate rural energy, rural industries create rural employment and promote microenterprise.
1.5 Rationality of the research
Green micro financing and green micro business development, however, have been underserved. Less
attention has been given by various public, private and non-governmental organizations (financial and
non-financial) agencies through policies, strategies, and programs. Clearly many businesses are not serious about
environmentalism because the values of environmental services are not appearing in business balance sheets.
We cannot live without the environment. Moreover, unregulated financial services will undoubtedly result in
greater negative environmental impacts and health hazards unless MFI practitioners ensure that this does not
occur. Therefore, environmental issues are important for microenterprises that are nurtured by MFI’s. In Canada,
MFI's can support green micro businesses by providing business capital for green businesses, business training,
mentoring services, marketing supports, and networking. They can finance environmentally-friendly businesses
that produce solar panels, energy saving bulbs, solar water pumps and repair, recycle and reuse waste materials.
Although microfinance models exist in some regions, they are neither national in scope nor available to all
entrepreneurs in Canada. This researcher explores how both green social and economic components might be
linked up within the context of sustainable development. It is expected that this process will contribute to the
current knowledge base by identifying and seeking to fill the current gap in the literature.
1.6 Objectives of the study:
1. To study the operational practices of Canadian and Bangladeshi microcredit institutions in the area of
gender empowerment, poverty alleviation and community organizing.
2. To compare microfinance programs, strategies, implementation and the relative success/failure of the
programs in these two countries.
3. To explore the extent to which green microfinance is adopted in both countries, and to explore how
lessons in microcredit in each of the two countries can inform improvements in the microfinance
2. Methodology
The research methodology employed in this study is primarily qualitative and quantitative research method,
literature reviews, seminars and field visit experience, interviews and case studies. To understand microcredit
and renewable energy programs for green development, the researcher visited and studied GB Bangladesh, GS
Renewable Energy Project in winter 2008 and had an internship at Alterna Savings’ Community Micro Loan
Funds program in Toronto in summer and fall 2007 respectively. This was to gain valuable experience as it
relates their green operational microcredit strategies, policies and programs. The researcher stayed in the villages
and spoke with GB and GS borrowers. He also read various literatures on green microcredit. This paper
envisions a comparison and contrasting of GB and GS credit systems (Bangladesh) with Alterna Savings credit
programs (Canada) and its impact on Toronto’s local living economics and environmental development. The
findings are positive to environmental sustainable development.
During the researcher’s field visits in Bangladesh and in Toronto, he looked at the following questions to
obtain answers from these organizations:
1. Which types of microcredit products, green products and projects are currently available to clients?
Where are the projects located?
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2. What are the organizational structures, policies, procedures, strategies used to promote green
microenterprise and operations in these organizations?
3. How many of the clients/beneficiaries have received gainful employment and/or social and
environmental benefit through the projects? How are the projects contributing to sustainable
3. Literature review
The Sustainable Development Approach not only encompasses income-generation, but it is also a process
that has people-centered development, green jobs creation, environmental development and poverty reduction
(Allen & Thomas, 2000; Habermas, 2002; Hopwood, Mellor, & O'Brien, 2005; Joan & Lal, 2006; Korten, 2006;
Milani, 2001; Perkins, 2005; Sen, 1999). Cotula (2002) mentions that the sustainable development approach
rests on core principles that are people-centered; multi-level; responsive and participatory, socially,
environmentally and economically sustainable business practices, promotion mentorship and stewardship of the
social economy. Therefore, it is necessary to examine current scholarly thoughts in the two areas which are
currently treated separately.
GS is a renewable energy company established in 1996 with a view of promoting, developing and extending
renewable energy technologies in the remote rural areas of Bangladesh. Its market-based renewable energy
products are solar power, biogas, organic fertilizer, improved stoves and wind energy for the improvement of the
quality life of rural communities. It provides necessary credit facilities for rural communities to access renewable
energy technology. In addition, GS builds awareness and motivates rural communities towards adopting
environmentally-friendly renewable energy (RE) technology. Its RE services are available all over Bangladesh
through providing soft loans to renewable energy users.
Green micro business could be popular in Canada too, but it requires favorable legal frameworks, policies,
strategies and a regulatory environment that has strong institutions with strong apex leadership to provide
financial and non-financial services (Otero & Rhyne, 1994). The Grameen Bank and Shore Bank USA have
created millions of self-employment jobs in society. Green social microfinance for self-employment creation,
green microenterprise development and for environmental innovations is of an urgent need in Canada, as its
scope is broad and has massive demand.
Self-employment, in particular microenterprise development, has been rated by Statistics Canada as the
fastest growing segment of the economy, which reduces social expenditures by governments and increases local
economic transactions. The federal government has three programs to support self-employed Canadians: the
Self-Employment Benefit (SEB), Program in Human Resource and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), and
the Community Futures (CF) Program in Industry Canada. In the absence of a national self-employment
framework, these programs are not as effective or accessible as they should be. Although some organizations
like Alterna Savings, Vancity, and the Coady International Institute in Canada have started micro financing for
micro business funding, they do not focus on green business financing for green micro business promotion.
In Toronto, Riverdale Business Development Corporation and Alterna Savings are centers of excellence
within community-based development initiatives that help to create local jobs, develop local enterprises, and
provide essential services to low-income people. As a starting point, these organizations could extend their loan
services to recycling and waste management businesses. Alterna Savings Community Micro-loan Funds has just
started its journey in 2000 as a carry forwarded from Calmeadow Foundation. It has now realized and extends its
vision and mission to a socio-economic and environmental paradigm in collaboration with other stakeholders to
minimize its costs.
4. Green micro business, sustainable development and self-employment
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Sustainable development mostly concerns the environment and people’s livelihood. Green business is more
than clean-up and environmental protection (Milani, 2000). Green business is an alternative environmentally
friendly oriented program for community-based ecological economics. Sustainable development promotes
people-centered alternative development for social justice, environmental sustainability and is inclusive of
everyone (Esbcobar, 1992; Hopwood et al., 2005; Korten, 2006; Rahman, 1997; Sen, 1999; World Commission
on Environment and Development, 1987).
Grameen Bank provides loans to poor women for the improvement of their household economics as well as
to generate social and human capital among them. In San Francisco, 230 investors have formed the New
Resource Bank with a focus on financing green business and community and sustainable development
(Self-Employment Development Initiative, 2007). Canada has not given this strategy sufficient consideration;
even the non-profit sector has not considered this strategy significantly as a successful alternative.
Small businesses are less harmful to the environment. However, what cause small businesses to fail in
Canada are a lack of to easily accessible credit/bank loans, high interest rates, and a lack of training in marketing,
sales and business management. This poor access and lack of training is more acute for female entrepreneurs.
In 1995, women owned 30.3% of the businesses in Canada, and they employed 1.7 million people which are
more than the country’s 100 largest corporations (Longenceker, Moore, Petty, & Palich, 1998). Nevertheless,
women are having difficulty getting access to credit from banks and other support services. Contrarily GB has
pioneered collateral-free small loan financing for women with enormous success that has created millions of
self-employed in Bangladesh. Therefore, green social small financing programs are essential for the promotion
of entrepreneurship in Canada.
4.1 The practice of microfinance - The Bangladeshi and Canadian context
GB follows the principle of Pancha Chakra. The Pancha Chakra model follows a loan disbursement cycle
(2+2+1) cycle- the neediest person receives a loan first followed by two others. The leader is the last one to
receive the loan as discussed above. It has a weekly loan repayment system that helps clients to repay their loans
in small installments. GB provides loans for activities on the farm, off the farm and non-farm related
micro-enterprise in Bangladesh. It has participatory management with a bottom-up planning strategy where
borrowers are owners of the bank.
The seventy percent energy crisis in Bangladesh hinders rural socio-economic and environmental
development in Bangladesh. In this severe crisis situation, the GB Microcredit Program and GS Renewable
Energy Program have been appropriately placed in Bangladesh to address the issue of poverty and to fill the
energy gap in rural Bangladesh. GB provides loans based on more than 700 hundred items. The top twenty
general loans are: milking cows, the fattening of cows, paddy husking, paddy cultivation, grocery shops,
seasonal agricultural activities, rice trading, land leasing, irrigated agricultural cultivation, bullock, bamboo
works, land management, stationary shops, vegetable cultivation, betel leaf cultivation, vegetable trading,
clothing trading, fish farming, poultry farming, and winter crop cultivation. Here, all loans are
environmentally-friendly and socially-responsible investments for poor people in rural Bangladesh.
The total number of borrowers of GB, up to December 2007, was 7.41 million. Ninety-seven percent of
them were women. It works in 80,678 villages. GB’s success is in high-volume lending, a strong loan
repayment rate and high profit, which is well liked among development practitioners. GB operates nationwide
through 2,185 branches. The repayment rate has been ninety-nine percent since 1979. The savings of current
borrowers is $2.5 billion. One hundred percent of loans are financed through borrowers’ deposits (Grameen
Bank, 2007). It runs on its own internal funds and investment income. This makes it economically sustainable.
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Table 1
Difference between Grameen Bank social credit and conventional credit
Grameen Bank credit Conventional Credit
Targets the bottom poor Not focused on poor people
Greater focus on women No focus on women
No physical collateral Required physical collateral
Loan suitable for poor Loan suitable for rich
Diversified loan portfolios Fixed loan portfolios
Borrowers are owners of the bank Borrowers are only clients
Social development opportunity at the grassroots’ level Opportunity open to rich people
Social development is an integral part of MCS Social development is not first preference
Saving mobilization by members No saving mobilization by clients
Intensive loan supervision Causal supervision
Innovative leadership Stereotypical of conventional leadership
Credit is considered to be a human right Credit is at the mercy of the lender
Easy lending procedures Lengthy and cumbersome method of lending
Builds entrepreneurial skills among the poor
Loans for education, health care No loan for health care, education
Egalitarian system Isolated/rare integration/ elitist system
Humanitarian Nonsensical
Mainly concentrated in rural areas Urbanized
Customized policies and strategies in loan operation,
developed in favor of borrowers
Top-down rigid, standardized policies not suitable for all
Figure 1. GB Successor Factors and Implementation Strategies
Success factor in GB
Exclusive focus on disadvantaged rural people
Manageable size of groups and centers to each worker
Close subversion of loan utilization
Collective loan accountability
Transparency in operation
Decision making decentralized at the field level
Staff dedication and mobility in the working area
Disaster management integrated in the process
Strong support of social development embodied 16 decisions
Practice at implementation level
Loan proposal through mutual decision among members
Borrowers are free to select their activities
Leakage free loan delivery system
Weekly loan instilment with interest
Diversified loan disbursement with housing loan
All transitions held in the Centre meeting
Regular monitoring on loan utilization
Proper documentation at all levels.
Implementation strategies
Extended banking facilities to the poor for self-employment
Provide and support credit and activities
Develop programs, policies and implement them based on
grass roots information and demand
Recruit local staff
Respect local culture and values
Features of Implementation
Priority given to rural women
Credit discipline and close supervision in loan utilization
Bank goes to the borrowers houses
Proper record keeping and transparency of transitions
Peer pressure and peer support in repayment
Collateral free loans for income generating activities
Compulsory regular group savings
Weekly repayment system
GB Implementation Steps
GB works at the door step of the borrowers Projection Meeting
Borrowers form group of five men and women Each group elects a Chair and a Secretary
Each centre selects a Center Chief Peer pressure Group savings and Individual savings
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4.2 Grameen Shokti (GS)
GS is a giant in renewable energy market-based action programs in Bangladesh. Only thirty percent of
Bangladeshi people have access to grid electricity and most of them live in the cities. Many people cannot afford
Solar Home Systems (SHS) individually. This is one of the barriers to scaling up the GS solar program and
revitalizing the rural economy through the use solar PV technology. Sustainable energy is a combination of
renewable energies like solar energy, energy from biomass and other saved energy. GS is an example of success
in the renewable energy market in Bangladesh. Sustainable energy technologies (SETS) contribute to reducing
poverty within a market-based integrated approach and providing energy for the poor in Bangladesh.
GS is also able to invest heavily in training for its field staff to develop their capacity to produce SHS
accessories locally. The locally made accessories reduce costs of the renewable energy products. GS provides
pre-and post-RE services to its clients through its Grameen Technology Centre (GTC) engineers and the trained
local technicians from the GTC. Moreover, 25,000 school children from rural schools will receive exposure to
RE technologies through 20 existing GTC’s. More than 5,000 students have learned about renewable energy
technologies through the existing GTC’s.
GS has developed an integrated model which uses micro-utility innovatively to make renewable energy
technologies affordable for rural people. Instead of being wholly dependable on subsidies, GS emphasizes its
institutional strengths, as well as its commitment to borrowers, income-generation, entrepreneurship
development, local technology transfer and capacity. Shopkeepers are now able to afford pollution-free, efficient
lighting at minimal cost, while keeping their shops open after dusk with reduced health risks and less danger of
fire. Kerosene lamps have now been replaced by SHS’s.
GS statistics show that its total employees are 1800 who are mostly engineers. Within its 12-year span, its
total unit offices are 365. The number of regional offices is 60 and the amount of divisional offices is 7. The total
amount of Grameen Technological Centers is 20. This covers 440 Upzilas (sub-districts) of 64 districts
throughout Bangladesh. GS has expanded its activities to 32,000 villages out of 68,000 villages in Bangladesh.
The GS report (Grameeen Shokti, 2008) indicates that GS has installed 130,000 SHS’s and 5700 ICS’s in
Bangladesh. It has since installed 5000 SHS’s and 700 ICS’s and 250 biogas plants throughout Bangladesh.
There is a large demand for solar energy in the villages, even in the urbanized areas. GS has developed a link
with GB which has more than two million live stock farmers who receive loans from Grameen. These GB
borrowers can construct biogas plants to meet their energy needs and can generate extra income from the
production of biogas.
4.3 Alterna Savings Toronto
MFI’s and different environmental, non-government organizations (NGOs) like energy savings company
(ESCO) in Canada can play a great role in basic ecological and environmental education. The Business Alliance
for Local Living Economics (BALLE) can advocate for related policies, facilitate partnerships between
renewable solar panel suppliers, organic food suppliers, environmental NGO educators and MFI’s. Alterna
Savings, a community microloan program, offers small loans to small entrepreneurs for sustainable
entrepreneurship development. Another objective of this organization is to create a supportive environment for
self-employment among low-income people in the Greater Toronto area. It makes socially responsible
investments in micro-entrepreneurs in Toronto and Ottawa.
As of December 2007, Alterna Savings total active loans were 122 and amounted to $567,574; 95 loans
were from the Toronto office which amounted to $397,000. The loan repayment rate has been more than 91
percent. The Alterna Microloan Fund Program is an excellent program that promotes green economics in Canada.
All of its borrowers invest loans into environmentally-friendly, small businesses. Alterna microloan borrowers
receive loans for various training and business opportunities like computer training courses, webpage designing,
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computer repair, Child care, ESL learning centers, printing, grass cutting and trimming, cleaning services,
restaurants, catering, shoe repair, tailoring, hair cutting and photography. In Bangladesh, microloan borrowers
usually receive loans that serve agricultural and livestock rearing needs and tailoring needs.
4.4 Mentor circle networking for Alterna borrowers
In 2007, the Alterna Savings Micro Loan Fund Unit organized a networking café in its Bay and College
Street office and facilitates workshop for its borrowers in the YMCA Central Hall every month. In the mentor
circle networking Café, micro-entrepreneurs discuss action plans, marketing plans, goal setting and effective
time management. This program facilitates peer support and networking among borrowers for their business
growth. Alterna formed an environmentally-sustainable committee in 2008 that reviewed the credit union’s
footprint, and developed a long–term action plan. Its aim is to continue socially-responsible investing through its
on-going membership education.
4.5 Constraints faced by marginalized entrepreneurs in microenterprise development in Canada
Canada has a strong cooperative and credit union movement and other community development initiatives,
but they largely ignore the economic plight of marginalized Canadians. According to Self-Employment
Development Initiative Canada (2007), the opportunities for green microfinance can be very lucrative to
marginalized entrepreneurs in Canada, especially for women. Although Canada is a disposable society, the repair
of cell phones, televisions, radios and computers is another way for entrepreneurs to participate in using green
micro financing effectively. The opportunities for green micro financing with enough research can be wildly
successful. Traditional financial institutions like Royal Bank (RBC) and Toronto Dominion bank (TD) Canada
claim that they are unable to economically serve small business loans. Bank regulations are so rigid and tough
that they are out of low-income people’s range. These financial institutions do not share business risks with
micro business owners. However, Alterna Savings’ social auditing report 2006-2007 mentions that
microenterprise development has proven to have a significant impact on the larger Canadian economy and
individual households.
Green social micro financing can open the door for micro entrepreneurs graduating towards SME. Here
people can start micro businesses with little money and develop their banking behaviors. The graduation process
to SME is convenient for both financial institutions and clients, when investing more money into growing green
businesses. In Canada, the main setback is the emphasis of MFI’s on profit at the outset of the plan. However,
Alterna Savings Community Micro Loan Fund in Canada is excellent in incorporating the fundamentals of
socially responsible investments (SRI) in their mission and operation. Because they are the SRI green social
businesses who avoid markets that are involved in alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapons and various
environmentally-hazardous businesses.
4.6 Alterna savings and its social capital development activities
The Networking Café-Mentors Circle program of Alterna Savings gives an opportunity to clients to network
monthly. In the workshop, they discuss their business problems, review their performance, share experiences and
get business stewardship training. The attendees of the mentor circle workshop have mentioned that it has helped
them to focus on a task at hand and stay on track of their business. They can gradually ascend from small to
medium to big business through receiving mentoring support services like access to sufficient business capital;
access to public resources; marketing and networking supports from different institutions. Alterna Savings’
community loan funds (ACMLF) provides loans to develop new immigrants’ professional skills through
vocational training to improve employability skills. Alterna supports sustainable and socially responsible goods
and service enterprises. Alterna published its first corporate social responsibility accountability report in 2008,
which contains social, environmental and financial performance records to its members, clients and communities.
However, the Alterna Savings Micro Community Loan Fund and many other MFI’s in Canada and in other
Green microfinance promoting green enterprise development
International Journal of Research Studies in Management 95
countries do not articulate any clear policies in terms of renewable energy and basic environmental training of its
clients. The Young Entrepreneur Financing Program administered by the Business Development Bank of Canada,
whose aim is to give start-up entrepreneurs a foundation to build new businesses, does not yet have programs
that include basic environmental services.
4.7 Social Business Enterprise (SBE)
According to Professor Muhammad Yunus (2008), it is time to move away from the narrow interpretation of
business development through the paradigm of capitalist globalization and broaden the concept to include social
financing, social economy and SBE. In the poverty situations, the GB credit program initiates and promotes
alternative small business facilities in the villages in an effort to the acute environmental problems.
4.8 Grameen as an example of social business
Grameen Bank is a very good example of an integrative approach to the social economy and social business
in Banngladesh. Grameen Danone is a hybrid SBE project in Bangladesh and went into operation in early 2007.
Its shareholders are Group Danone Company, GS, GB, and Grameen Kallayan. Its dividends are not distributed
to its shareholders Group Danone, GB, GS. GD produces Shokti Doi (Energy Yogurt) that is sold at a low price
to rural children. These micro-lending institutions are examples that demonstrate that the concept of
microfinance is rooted in local conditions. Green social microfinance promotes culture, heritage, and traditions
of society, and promotes business and community networks.
5. Conclusions
Green microfinance and green microenterprise development are interrelated with each other. GS has
developed an integrated model that facilitates socio-economic and environmental benefits in society and
develops a financial self-sufficiency model for its renewable energy program, instead of subsidies. The link
between the renewable energy soft financing model and biodiversity conservation helps fill the energy crisis gap
in Bangladesh.
The entire process of a green micro lending program is a very intensive participatory process and requires a
lot of capacity building and links with other implementing organizations. If these aspects are lacking, they create
constraints on the success of the credit program. Although the financial costs for micro financing are high in
Canada, because small amount of loans are given to many people, micro borrowers need more services than
those who receive large commercial loans. However, the government, currently, does not put enough resources
into this MFI program. These are the barriers in micro financing programs in Canada. However, green micro
financing institutions (GMFI’s) can support recycling projects through social enterprise funds. Loans can be
used to reduce and recycle waste, generate local energy, and work with large institutions to implement better
recycling, repairing and reusable projects. NGOs can provide training on recycling waste and renewable energy
with targets to ‘zero waste’. This is the essence of the ecological economy. This would help in the creation of
many good green good jobs, the reduction of waste, and the preservation of our resources.
Metro Credit Unions, the Maytree Foundation and Alterna Savings Community Loan Fund program are
aimed at developing financial capital for micro entrepreneurs; however, they do not streamline enough funds for
micro lending to micro businesses in Canada; hence, Environment Canada can allocate resources and budgets to
green microfinance institutions for implementing environmental social micro financing projects. Environment
Bangladesh could provide supports that are consistent with local ecological demand. Environment Canada and
environment Bangladesh can then help MFI and other environmental organizations in these two countries. With
integrated support from public and private collaboration, GMFI’s together can facilitate people-centered
environmental sustainable development.
Rouf, K. A.
96 Consortia Academia Publishing
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... It helps the person get the best option. In rural area, the business potential can be boosted by microfinance (Abdur Rouf, 2012). The business potential is possible to be encouraged by green microfinance, in the case the idea is eco-friendly. ...
... Accordingly, substantial rural businesses depend much on natural resources (Tabares et al., 2022). Increasing environmental concerns require government to restrain destructing natural environment in doing business and to encourage doing green way (Abdur Rouf, 2012). That situation calls for green microfinance. ...
The aim of this research is to attempt to identify the impact of gender in the relationship between financial literacy and green microfinance practice in rural area. This research was set to add a comprehensive view to existing studies of green microfinance by observing gender. This research employed non-probability purposive sampling to collect samples from women microfinance group in East Sumba, Indonesia. This research used partial least squares-multigroup analysis (PLS-MGA) for analysis. This research presents empirical evidence to support that financial literacy is positively linked to green microfinance. In the meantime, this research shows the impact of gender in the relationship between financial literacy and green microfinance. The findings suggest that a female has a bigger role than a male in the relationship between financial literacy and green microfinance. It is a significant step forward in our understanding of green microfinance.
... This trend has served as momentum for the development of green microfinance (MFIs). The green MFIs are soft loans for individuals or groups whose works promote sustainable economic growth, social development, green jobs, and environmental solutions (Abdur Rouf, 2012). The green strategy of MFIs covers non-hazardous policies, constructive portfolios, and institutional environmental impact initiatives (Forcella et al., 2017). ...
... In this regard, MFIs change their practices into climate-friendly MFIs (Chirambo, 2017;Moser and Gonzalez, 2016). It covers establishing a green office, eliminating paper-based paperwork, and launching a green finance product (Abdur Rouf, 2012). ...
Women empowerment is counted as the fifth sustainable development goal known as gender equality (SDG 5), and it is affected by many factors. In East Sumba, renewable energy development as the seventh sustainable development goal (SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy) provides opportunities and challenges in empowering women. Rural microfinance institutions (MFIs) enable women to increase their empowerment by managing energy. This paper explores the direct and indirect (mediated) effect of renewable energy on women's empowerment via green MFIs. We employed Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) with bootstrapping technique and Sobel test to perform the mediating effect. The findings showed the direct relationship of renewable energy on green MFIs and provided empirical evidence on the mediating effect of green MFIs. It confirms green MFIs sustainably, which operates based on the integration model of gender mainstreaming in the renewable energy sector. The results imply that the pro gender policy of local government in response to the availability of renewable energy supported by developing green MFIs.
... schumpeter's concept of creative destruction, also known as the 'green wave' of gale, is gaining momentum and has impacted entrepreneurship and higher education institutions. Observers are recognizing a rise in green entrepreneurial activities among policymakers, practitioners and scholars, who emphasize the necessity of entrepreneurial endeavors for economic growth in environmental sustainability (abdur Rouf, 2012;ahmad et al., 2013;grinevich et al., 2017). academics worldwide have focused on environmental protection in business and non-business activities, with green entrepreneurship being recognized as a solution to social and environmental challenges (Demirel et al., 2019;Jamison, 2001;Purvis et al., 2019). ...
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This study aims to validate a model on the green entrepreneurial intention (GEI), attitude, subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC) and green entrepreneurial behavior (GEB) among students pursuing higher education in Delhi &NCR. This study also captures the mediating role of GEI between attitude, SN, PBC and GEB. About 327 samples were used for data analysis purposes using Smart-PLS. The result of the study suggests that attitude, SN and PBC have a significant positive relationship with GEB. Whereas, GEI as a mediator has no effect between attitude and GEB, while GEI as a mediator has a significant effect between SN, PBC and GEB. GEB among young professionals has been found a changing paradigm in the area of entrepreneurial practices in India. It has a significant impact on the sustainability aspects of society as well as the organization. Millennials get ignited toward such orientation which improved global environmental dynamics. The result of the study provides a significant source to the policymakers to promote GEBs among professionals.
Economic freedom has central importance among the nations, however, Chinese economic freedom index declining continuously, leading to the several issues. Particularly, economic freedom is low among the Chinese female population. The world average of economic freedom index in 2022 based on 175 countries is 60 index points, but the Chinese index is 48. To address this issue, this study introduced green microfinance institutions based on Mayoux’s Feminist Empowerment Theory. The objective of this study is to examine the role of green microfinance institutions in women economic freedom in China. A survey questionnaire is used to collect data from female clients of microfinance institutions. 315 respondents responded to the survey and data analysis is carried out by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results of the study identified that, green microfinance institution’s services such as credit and insurance can facilitate green micro enterprises. The promotion of green micro enterprises causes to increase women economic security, leading to the economic freedom. Additionally, green microfinance policy is a critical factor to promote the positive relationship between green microfinance institution’s services and women economic freedom. Findings of this are helpful for the practitioners to increase women economic freedom in China by providing various services of green microfinance institutions.
Purpose The paper explores the beliefs and perceptions of microfinance institution (MFI) managers about environmental threats and the role that green microfinance can play in mitigating them, to assess their influence on these institutions' engagement in green activities. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on protection motivation theory, the study follows a qualitative case study approach, focusing on the MFIs of the developing country of Cabo Verde. Findings Findings indicate that MFI managers understand and are aware of the environmental threats and identify their customers as the most vulnerable to them. They seem motivated to increase their green activity in the future as it is generally seen as effective in mitigating the problems. However, their response capacity is hindered by limitations such as a lack of financial conditions and technical environmental knowledge. Social implications MFIs play an important role in promoting self-employment and breaking the poverty cycle, but their funds are also often used to develop environmentally damaging practices. Green microfinance can contribute to targeting a triple bottom line; considering together people, profit and the planet, provided implementation challenges are addressed. Originality/value Although the environmental behaviour of MFIs has been previously studied, the understanding of the core beliefs of MFI managers that can support their environmental actions is still limited. Thus, the study contributes to advancing the knowledge of green microfinance by considering individual-level factors in understanding organisational greening.
Global environmental issues are becoming increasingly prominent, and green finance may play a key role in achieving sustainable development. This study takes the “Green Financial Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone” policy as a quasi‐natural experiment. The Difference‐in‐Difference model and Propensity Score Matching‐Difference in Difference model are applied to examine the direct effect of green finance policy on the green development of enterprises. A mechanism test model is used to investigate its indirect transmission mechanism. Then several heterogeneity analyses are performed from five perspectives. The results show that green finance policy considerably promotes enterprise green development and the conclusion is supported by a series of robustness tests. The mechanism analyses show that financing constraints and green innovation are the two transmission channels for green finance policy affecting enterprise green development. The heterogeneity analyses indicate that the policy effect is more significant among enterprises those are non‐state‐owned, have managers with a financial background, operate in regions with high marketization, belong to industries with low monopoly, and locate in poilt zones of Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Guizhou. Based on the above findings, policy suggestions are made to establish a win‐win scenario for the economy and the environment.
Various debt financing tools are available to finance the scaling up and mainstreaming of nature-based solutions (NBS), including green bonds and environmental impact bonds, green loans and credit lines, and green microfinance. This chapter will first provide an overview of green bonds before discussing their benefits to issuers and investors and a set of recommended principles in their issuance. The chapter will then discuss climate bond certification. Following this, the chapter will review green city bonds and environmental impact bonds. Finally, the chapter will examine green loans, green credit lines, and green microfinance for financing NBS.
Nowadays, the climate change problems are on the international agenda, while increasing attention is paid to the role of green finance and bank activity in developing a climate-neutral future. This paper aims to investigate the scientific background devoted to bank marketing to determine the role of green finance in carbon-free economic growth and identify the potential research directions under this issue. The systematization of scientific publications presented in the Scopus database showed the growing tendency in publication activity concerning bank marketing and carbon-free economic growth. However, the scientific problem is a gap in studies devoted to investigating the role of financial marketing strategies in the bank sector for intensifying carbon-free economic growth. To gain the research goal, the authors conducted the bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer software tools. Methodological tools of the research were the method for visualizing similarities between keywords. This study operates with the scientific articles published in the journals indexed in the Scopus database. The research period is 2000-2020. The research theoretically proved that green finance is one of the main triggers of carbon-free development. The obtained results of the bibliometric analysis identified four main research directions concerning the investigated topic such as 1) financial marketing in sustainable development; 2) financial management in environmental protection; 3) carbon markets; 4) international regulation in emission trading. The authors determined the contribution of scientists in developing the investigated issues. Most productive journals were highlighted. The findings determined the pioneer countries in exploring the analyzed topic. The current study findings are limited by the articles presented only in the Scopus database. Therefore, future research should expand the study sample to compare the articles presented in other reliable scientific databases such as the Web of Science.
There is significant interest among policymakers and academics about whether or not green credit, which is a market-oriented environmental policy tool, has achieved its intended effect in improving the environment in China. This paper addresses this question from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Using panel data from 30 provincial administrative regions of China from 2007 to 2016, we apply the fixed effect model and the gray correlation analysis method to examine the influence and its mechanism of green credit on China's environmental quality. The results show that green credit does improve China's environmental quality overall. Green credit can reduce environmental pollution through three mechanisms: improving enterprise performance, motivating enterprise innovation, and upgrading industrial structure. However, there are regional differences in the emission-reduction effect of green credit. Green credit improves the environmental quality in resource-based regions more than non-resource-based regions; the emission-reduction effect is significant in regions with developed financial markets, but not significant elsewhere. The results indicate that green credit policies should be regionally differentiated to more effectively achieve emission-reduction targets.
Conference Paper
Purpose – to examine the Latvian micro-enterprises having indicated the external financing as an important factor for their development. Research methodology – the results of the ad hoc survey (WAPI) on companies registered in Latvia in nationally defined sectors are used. Valid responses were received from 2.511 companies, of which 1.879 were micro-enterprises, the results were processed by using the SPSS programme. Findings – micro-enterprises that have not received the necessary external financing in previous years were less sustainable in the later period. Of the liquidated micro-enterprises examined, 16% were closed in 2020. Research limitations – the study highlights the impact of the availability of finance factor on the survival of micro-enterprises. Practical implications – the findings are useful for business support policy makers to identify preventative measures to ensure the resilience of micro-enterprises in times of economic turmoil when the spread of the Covid-19 has affected economy. Originality/Value – although scientific research on the need for financial support for companies has already been conducted in recent years, our study emphasizes the importance of access to finance for micro-enterprises.
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The purpose is to provoke discussion by exploring and elaborating the concept of sustainable livelihoods. It is based normatively on the ideas of capability, equity, and sustainability, each of which is both end and means. In the 21st century livelihoods will be needed by perhaps two or three times the present human population. A livelihood comprises people, their capabilities and their means of living, including food, income and assets. A livelihood is environmentally sustainable when it maintains or enhances the local and global assets on which livelihoods depend, and has net beneficial effects on other livelihoods. A livelihood is socially sustainable which can cope with and recover from stress and shocks, and provide for future generations. Current and conventional analysis both undervalues future livelihoods and is pessimistic. Ways can be sought to multiply livelihoods by increasing resource-use intensity and the diversity and complexity of small-farming livelihood systems, and by small- scale economic synergy. The objective of sustainable livelihoods for all provides a focus for anticipating the 21st century, and points to priorities for policy and research. -from Authors
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I consider the implications for research and practice in strategic human resource management (SHRM) of a complex, living-systems extension of the resource-based view (RBV). I do so by demonstrating that concepts from complexity align well with the RBV, and I extend the RBV by considering critical but difficult aspects commonly identified in the RBV strategy literature. An integrated framework for SHRM is pre- sented, allowing an application of complexity principles at the appropriate level of abstraction in the HR system.
Capitalism is interpreted too narrowly Many of the problems in the world remain unresolved because we continue to interpret capitalism too narrowly. In this narrow interpretation, we then create a one-dimensional human being to play the role of entrepreneur. We insulate him from other dimensions of life, such as the religious, the emotional, the political, and the social. He is dedicated to one mission in his business life: maximizing profit. Masses of one-dimensional human beings support him by backing him with their investment money to achieve the same mission. The free-market game, we are told, works out beautifully with one-dimensional investors and entrepreneurs. Have we been so mesmerized by the success of the free market that we don't dare to question it? Have we worked so hard at transforming ourselves absolutely into one-dimensional human beings – as conceptualized in economic theory – to facilitate the smooth functioning of the free-market mechanism? Economic theory postulates that you contribute to society and the world in the best possible manner when you concentrate on squeezing out the maximum for yourself. Once you get your maximum, everybody else will get theirs too. As we follow this policy, we sometimes begin to doubt whether we are doing the right thing by imitating the entrepreneur created by theory. After all, things don't look too good around us.
Interface Inc., a carpet tile manufacturer's goal to become the prototypical company of the 21st century is discussed. The company has saved a cumlative sum of $222 million from its interface,s utility program. Company is using renewable energy resources such as biomass and solar energy to run its industrial processes. The company is following all the faces of mount sustainability such as renewable energy utilization, strong service orientation and all the regyulatory measures to become a prototypical 21st century company.
Studies of green consumer behaviour, in particular purchasing and disposal, have largely focused on demographics and/or socio-demographics, with mixed and frequently contradictory results. To move the debate forward, we investigated a wide range of 40 sustainability activities with 78 consumers, who placed each activity on a matrix according to perceived effort and perceived difference to the environment. Patterns both across respondents and between certain pairs of activities were identified, and we suggest that this model increases our understanding of how consumers view sustainable activities. Marketers can use this information to consider marketing strategies that positively influence consumers' perceptions of such activities. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.