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C.C.Mar – F.C.M.A.– Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas 8000, 810 Faro, Portugal
* Corresponding author’s email:
ABSTRACT. – The present article provides an overview of cuttlefish culture, its
current state of art, and future trends. Present cuttlefish culture related research,
recently developed technologies (like culture systems, maternity/nursery and juve-
nile and adult proceedings) are described. Finally, current problems and prospects
for future research are discussed.
Fisheries and Human Consumption
The increase of the human population has led to
a greater demand for fishery products, and there-
fore intensified diversification of fish catches. Al-
though there has been a decline in fish consump-
tion and production in developed countries, global
fish consumption has doubled since the beginning
of the 1970’s (Delgado et al. 2003). During this pe-
riod, aquaculture production followed this increase
and has risen from 6 to 30% of total fishery pro-
duction (Delgado et al. 2003). Landings from
worldwide aquaculture increased rapidly in the last
decade, to approximately 10–15% per year. Ac-
cording to FAO (2002), total aquaculture in 1996
was 26.7 million tons, and in 2001 increased to
37.5 million tons. Rapid growth was due to the
combined effects of an increasing world popula-
tion, decreasing catches from traditional fisheries
(Caddy & Griffiths 1995), and changing consumer
preferences in developed countries (Lem &
Shehadeh 1997, Tacon 1997). Ultimately, this was
reflected in world fish catches, including cephalo-
pods. Between 1950 and 1970, cephalopod land-
ings increased from 20 million tons (Mt) to 70 Mt
(Amaratunga 1983). At present, cephalopod spe-
cies represent an important seafood supply for hu-
man consumption worldwide. According to FAO
(FAO 2002, 2004), cephalopods contribute approx-
imately 14% of the world fisheries. The fast de-
cline of the worldwide fish stocks, as well as the
technological advances over the last 15 years, and
decreased prices of commonly cultured species,
makes the development of technology for rearing
and culture of new species profitable, indeed nec-
essary (FAO 2004). High commercial value of the
cephalopods, particularly in the Asian and Medi-
terranean markets, and some aspects of cephalopod
biology and physiology make them good candi-
dates for aquaculture (Kunisaki 2000, Ruíz-
Cappillas et al. 2002). It is also known that
cephalopod consumption is increasing in the
American market. Thus, an overall increase in
world cephalopod consumption is predicted, since
an open market with high growing potential is fore-
seen in the future. These facts indicate that increas-
ing efforts to start semi-intensive and intensive cul-
ture of cephalopod species like the European
cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and the common
octopus (Octopus vulgaris) should be made.
The top five countries in fish consumption
(above 40 kg/head/year; Iceland, Japan, Portugal,
Norway and Spain) (European Communities 2004)
are also those searching for greater diversification
of edible fish species. In these countries, there is
an existing market for cephalopod catches. In fact,
Japan is the principal consumer of cephalopods,
with cuttlefish being the most appreciated and val-
ued species (Boucaud-Camou 1990). Therefore,
cephalopod production for human consumption in
these countries is advantageous, since their short
life cycles and fast growth rates imply lower pro-
duction periods and associated costs. Also, the
non-edible parts of cephalopods, which make up
approximately 30% of the animal, can be used for
fish meal or bait. According to Kreuzer (1984), the
conversion of non-edible parts into products of
higher value would also be economically beneficial.
In the case of cuttlefish, there is potential for
further exploitation, particularly with regard to the
production of undersized individuals allowed by
DGPA (Portuguese Fisheries and Agriculture De-
partment), which would reduce the impact of ille-
gal catches on this species from the natural envi-
ronment. For example, the smallest individuals are
considered a delicacy and have the highest com-
mercial value in Portugal. The main reason for this
increasing demand is that cephalopods in general
VIE ET MILIEU – LIFE & ENVIRONMENT, 2006, 56 (2) : 129-137 The cuttle Sepia officinalis
(N. Koueta, J.P. Andrade, S. v. Boletzky, eds)
and cuttlefish in particular, are a good source of
protein and essential lipids (Sinanoglou &
Miniadis-Meimaroglou 2000). According to
Boucaud-Camou (1990), cuttlefish is composed
mainly of water (81%) and protein (16.1%); it has
no carbohydrates and less than 1% lipids. It is also
a source of mineral salts and vitamins, and is
highly digestible. Its nutritional profile, as a high
protein and EPA/DHA lipid source, makes it one of
the most suitable and healthy forms of human food.
Cephalopods can be consumed in a variety of
forms: eaten raw as sashimi or sushi, cooked as
tempura or deep-fried, boiled as nimono,orpro
cessed into delicacies like surume (dried squid),
smoked squid, and saki-ika (shredded dried squid)
(Kunisaki 2000).
The European cuttlefish have been reared in ex-
tensive aquaculture for a number of years. Eggs are
collected and left in ponds for 3 months during
spring-summer, after which grown animals are cap-
tured and sold for human consumption. According
to DGPA data, until 1996, this production did not
exceed 1 ton.year-1 of cuttlefish biomass produced.
According to Rodger & Davies (2000), Tunisia has
also been producing S. officinalis since 1990. Nev-
ertheless, it must be noted that there is a lack of ac-
curate data on this type of production, since most
of these captures are not declared.
Culture related research until present
The introduction of a new species in aquaculture
requires a series of preliminary studies related to
the biology and the ecology of the species. These
studies can be performed in the wild or in the labo-
ratory. For the cuttlefish, both approaches were
conducted simultaneously and allowed not only the
culture technology to be developed but also the
knowledge related to local stock dynamics.
The first reports on experimental culture of
cephalopods are dated from the 1960’s, by the Ko-
rean and Japanese on species of the Sepiidae fam-
ily. These pioneer studies by Choe & Ohshima
(1963) and Choe (1966) were then followed and
complemented by Richard (1971) at the end of the
Richard (1971), Pascual (1978) and Boletzky
(1979) were among the first researchers who suc-
ceeded in culturing European cuttlefish in the labo-
ratory for one or more consecutive generations.
From these works, essential information on growth
and feeding under different culture conditions was
made available. Richard (1971) extended data re-
garding various aspects of culture, but also in-
cluded data on the population inhabiting the
English Channel. Boucaud-Camou (1973) and
Boucaud-Camou & Péquignat (1973) studied the
digestive apparatus and its biochemical processes,
and Yim (1978) addressed the development of the
digestive gland in the post-embryonic phase.
From 1980 onwards, research concerning the
possibility of using cuttlefish as a candidate spe-
cies for aquaculture rapidly expanded. Initial ex-
periments utilizing this species in coastal lagoons
were employed by Italians (see Palmegiano &
Sequi 1984, for a review) and Portuguese
(Gonçalves 1989, Coelho & Martins 1991).
Other contributions on feeding and digestion
were made by Boucaud-Camou et al. (1985),
Nixon (1985), and Guerra et al. (1988); on fecun-
dity by Boletzky (1987); and alternative prey items
by DeRusha et al. (1989).
A review on the laboratory maintenance, rear-
ing, and culture of cephalopod molluscs was pre-
sented by Boletzy & Hanlon (1983). Forsythe et al.
(1987) published the first synopsis of cephalopod
pathology in captivity. Boletzky (1983) also ad-
dressed the biology and ecology of S. officinalis,
while a review on the early stages, life cycle pro-
cesses, trophic relations, and exploitation of cepha-
lopods in general can be found in Boyle (1987). In
the 1990’s, further information was published on
rearing, culture and production of the European
cuttlefish (Forsythe et al. 1991, 1994, Loi &
Tublitz 1998, Warnke 1994).
The first reports on the use of pellet diets and
surimi in cephalopods (Lee et al. 1991) and espe-
cially cuttlefish (Castro 1991, Castro & Lee 1994,
Castro et al. 1993) demonstrated poor results in
growth and survival (e.g. 67.5% and 22.5% sur-
vival rates for pellets and surimi, respectively).
Use of artificial diets promoted cannibalism. An
approach to the nutritional requirements of cepha-
lopods by Lee (1994) revealed high amino acid
(AA) metabolism and the importance of protein/en-
ergy ratio. Complementary data were published re-
garding nutritional characterization of free l-amino
acids (D’Aniello et al. 1995) and lipid changes
during starvation (Castro et al. 1992).
Several articles regarding social and sexual be-
haviour (Adamo & Hanlon 1996, Boal 1996, 1997,
Boal & Marsh 1998, Hanlon et al. 1999) and
crowding (Boal et al. 1999) under culture condi-
tions contributed to increased knowledge of the
sexual behaviour of the cuttlefish in captivity and
spawning methodologies. Furthermore, Hanlon &
Forsythe (1990a, 1990b) described cephalopod dis-
eases, while Forsythe et al. (1990) published a
formulary for disease treatment.
Contributions to development of artificial sur-
faces for egg deposition and collection (Blanc &
Daguzan 1998) and the influence of temperature
(Bouchaud & Daguzan 1990, Bouchaud & Galois
1990), photoperiodicity (Paulij et al. 1991), and
energy consumption (Bouchaud 1991) during em-
bryonic development were published. A report on
the postembryonic predatory behaviour and its
relation to the maturation of the brain was pub-
lished by Dickel et al. (1997).
During recent years, the amount of published in-
formation on cephalopod and especially cuttlefish
culture steadily increased. Growth (IGR) and feed-
ing rates (FR) in hatchlings were studied by Koueta
& Boucaud-Camou (2001), while Domingues et al.
(2001a) extended this knowledge by culturing
hatchlings at the upper end of the biological tem-
perature (30ºC) and salinity range (37±3‰) with
good results. Grigoriou & Richardson (2004) pro-
vided new data on IGR and FR from cultured popu-
lations from the North Atlantic. Domingues et al.
(2002) also studied the effects of temperature in
the life cycle of cuttlefish with respect to growth,
extension of the cycle, and several reproductive as-
pects, while Boyle et al. (2001) described a model
system for partitioning environmental and genetic
effects on development and hatching of cephalopod
eggs. All these reports support the hypothesis of
the existence of different populations, thus
enhancing the probability that sub-species exist.
Several papers were also published regarding
the use of live and dead feeds for hatchlings
(Domingues et al. 2001b, Fuentes & Iglesias 2001,
Koueta et al. 2002; Perrin et al. 2004) and juve-
niles (Domingues et al. 2003b, 2004). Moreover,
Perrin et al. (2004) continued the work on diges-
tive enzymes, but related to alternative feeding of
hatchlings. Culture densities/crowding in hatch-
lings, juveniles, and adults and throughout the life
cycle was studied by Correia et al. (2005),
Domingues et al. (2003a), Forsythe et al. (2002)
and Sykes et al. (2003). The latter authors also
studied the effects of using sand in hatchling tanks
on growth and mortality of newly hatched individ-
uals of cuttlefish. Hunting behaviour and prey pref-
erence were addressed by Cole & Adamo (2005)
and Darmaillac et al. (2004), respectively.
All technology described below has allowed cut-
tlefish culture at the University of the Algarve for
the last 6 years and its use in a first RTD contract
with an aquaculture enterprise. Currently, facilities
have been utilized as hatchery and grow out loca-
tions, while the company is conducting grow out
experiments to determine the viability of introduc-
ing the species as a new product.
Hatchery Technology
Spawners should be captured from the wild
and/or selected from the most fit juvenile individu-
als cultured, which will be those displaying no dis-
ease or skin damage, and achieving the best
growth. After capture and/or selection, animals
should be conditioned in 2000-10000 l round
shaped tanks of a flow-through system. These
tanks should have a bumper system (Hanley et al.
1999) or large soft-plastic wall pools should be
used. Tanks should also be placed in a low distur-
bance zone inside the hatchery. Large bottom areas
should be used, and density should be low (Correia
et al. 2005, Sykes et al. unpublished results).
Eggs can be obtained either by collection from
the wild, possibly using artificial surfaces for eggs
designed by Blanc & Daguzan (1998), or by repro-
duction in captivity. Preferably, eggs should be col-
lected in the laboratory rather than from the wild,
since there will be an advantage in knowing spawn
date and establishing correct incubation condi-
tions. Collection in the laboratory should be made
using a plastic rectangular supportive net (1 cm2
holes), suspended inside the spawners tank. This
net should be checked daily, and if eggs are pres-
ent, they should be carefully removed (since
freshly laid eggs are very soft and gelatinous) and
individualized. Subsequently, eggs should be
counted and weighed (50%, if n<100 or 30% if
n>100). Also, eggs should be separated according
to shape and colour. Black oval eggs are consid-
ered to be viable while eggs of any other shape
should be discarded.
Embryonic development should be completed in
bowl-shaped tanks with clean natural seawater. At
this phase, type of seawater system (open, closed
or semi-closed) can be used as long as it provides
clean water (with low concentrations of ammonia,
nitrites, and nitrates). Nevertheless, the use of
flow-through (open) seawater systems is advisable.
Tank setup should be as follows: 2 airlifts on the
side walls of the tank, and also medium to strong
aeration from the middle of the tank produced by a
wood air bubbler. This procedure ensures a maxi-
mization of hatching efficiency (creating an oxy-
gen-enriched environment), to allow hatchlings to
have a bottom where they may settle before being
removed for experiments or hatchling culture
tanks. It also keeps eggs moving in an elliptical
fashion, thus preventing necrosis by either lack of
oxygen or fungal/bacterial growth (originated by
no movement at all). To ensure normal hatching,
all physical parameters should be kept at a constant
level, including temperature, salinity, pH, nitroge-
nous compounds, daily photoperiod and light in-
tensity (Hanlon 1990, Forsythe et al. 1991). Ac-
cording to Boletzky (1983), water maintenance
limits for the species are as follows: between 9-
30ºC of temperature, 25-38‰ salinity, ammonia,
nitrites below 0.1mg/l and nitrates below 80mg/l.
Light intensity should be lower than 200 lux at the
top of the water column of the hatching tank, and
photoperiod should resemble natural conditions in
spring. A maximum number of 2000 eggs, col-
lected during 5-7 days, can be incubated in a 250 l
tank using this setup. For tanks using higher vol-
umes, the number of eggs still must be determined.
After being placed in the tank, disturbance of the
eggs should be avoided in order to prevent prema-
ture hatching that may result in mass mortality.
Embryonic development is temperature dependant,
but without any linear correlation (Richard 1971,
Sykes et al. unpubl results). Due to the fact that
temperature varies in different geographical areas,
it is suggested that temperature should resemble lo-
cal spring to summer conditions in the culture fa-
cility. This means that cuttlefish eggs from the
Mediterranean and South Portugal should be incu-
bated at temperatures between 18-25ºC (at these
temperatures hatching will occur 30-25 days after
being laid, respectively). Length of time to hatch-
ing can double when temperatures fall to 15ºC (60
days) and hatching will not occur below 12ºC.
Cuttlefish eggs from the North Atlantic are usually
big (they are laid by bigger females) and take
longer to hatch at the same temperatures (15ºC =
87 days)(see Richard 1971 or Boletzky, 1983 for
hatching table and graphics).
After hatching in bowl-shaped tanks, hatchlings
will settle on the bottom of the tank. In this phase,
floating egg cases should be removed daily. Eggs
that do not hatch in the following 10 days should
be removed and considered non viable. The 250 l
tank used for egg incubation will now function as a
grow-out tank for the hatchling stage during the
next 30 DAH. Depending on the size of the eggs,
hatchling mean weight can vary between
0.233±0.050g (English Channel) or 0.090±0.030g
(South Portugal). Densities (500 hatchlings) and
minimal bottom areas (600 cm2) should be taken
into account (Sykes et al. 2003). For instance, a
250 l tank will only suffice for 2000 hatchlings for
about 15 days (T= 22.5±2.5ºC). After that, hatch-
lings are separated into 2 similar 250 l tanks (1000
hatchlings each).
Live food should be supplied ad libitum and wa-
ter quality must be similar to that of the egg stage.
At this phase, growth and feeding rates are the
highest of the whole life cycle, but they are still
temperature dependant.
Until now, high growth rates and low mortality
have been obtained by feeding live mysid shrimp
during the first 10 to 20 days of the life cycle
(Domingues et al. 2001b, 2001c, Koueta et al.
2002). Nevertheless, culture thorugh all phases of
the cuttlefish life cycle has been accomplished by
Sykes (2003) using a diet exclusively based on live
grass shrimp (P. varians). The effects of a single
prey diet are similar to those of using more than
one prey species (Sykes et al. unpubl results). The
use of a sole prey species for cuttlefish culture
drastically reduces costs associated with mysid
shrimp production or catching them from the wild,
and solves the problem of low mysid fecundity
(Domingues et al. 1998, Domingues et al. 2000),
which is considered a bottleneck in the first stage
culture of the species.
Grow out of juveniles and adult stages
After being reared for the first 20-30 DAH in the
250 l tanks, cuttlefish hatchlings should have at-
tained a mean weight of 5g; they are now juveniles,
ready for a transfer to a larger bottom area tank.
This new tank may be a saline pond, research fiber
or plastic tank. At this time, new spawners should
be selected from fast growers. Spawners will now
remain in the hatchery facilities, and those that are
grown and sold should be conditioned to outside
tanks. Nevertheless, densities (120 juveniles) and
minimal bottom areas (1100 cm2) should be taken
into account (Sykes et al. 2003). Since there is no
surimi diet or a dry pellet known to generate simi-
lar growth and survival, live or dead shrimp should
be used to accomplish this stage. If the individuals
are to be cultured in ponds, then extensive culture
should be used. In this case, live prey should be
naturally present or deliberately introduced. De-
pending on the final size needed and the culture
temperature, it can take approximately 50-60 days
to obtain individuals of 50g (T= 25.0±5.0ºC).
Sepia officinalis has several characteristics that
make it one of the most promising species for fu-
ture commercial aquaculture. Among them are:
large eggs, which are easily transported and main-
tained; hatchlings resembling miniature adults in
shape; many habits and behaviour being under-
stood; ability to handle relatively large prey (some-
times twice as big as themselves); high survival
rates of hatchlings, compared to other species of
cephalopods; resistance to crowding, disease and
handling, so they can be easily shipped; fast
growth and short life cycle, in some geographical
regions, allowing more than one generation every
However, S. officinalis culture shows several
problematic factors keeping it out of commercial
culture, so they represent bottlenecks. Those are:
lower fertility and fecundity under culture condi-
tions; semelparous life history, therefore requiring
a new group of breeders for each cycle; hatchlings
requiring live food and juveniles and adult stages
refusing dry pellets; the species is cannibalistic;
production of the live food required is not yet de-
veloped, so the cost of food supply is high; and a
basic immunological system (Forsythe et al. 1987
1990) which may generate problems in intensive
In order to establish correct methodologies for
cuttlefish culture, the determination of Mediterra-
nean and NE Atlantic subspecies is of extreme im-
portance. Published and unpublished data regard-
ing life cycles, reproduction, and initial hatchling
weight seem to indicate that there are, at least, 2
different subspecies. Nevertheless, more compre-
hensive studies elaboring on Pérez-Losada et al.
(1999) will solve this problem. Otherwise, culture
methodologies and their results will inevitably
differ, thus varying in different geographical
The existence of appropriate and inexpensive ar-
tificial diets is a vital requirement for the viability
of commercial aquaculture. The inability to grow
cephalopods on an inexpensive and storable artifi-
cial diet has inhibited cephalopod mariculture on a
commercial basis (Lee et al. 1991). Therefore, for-
mulation of such a diet is one of the primary and
achievable goals for a successful large-scale cul-
ture of cephalopods (Lee 1994). Furthermore, an
artificial diet with known composition can be of
extreme importance to understanding the physio-
logical and especially absorption processes of the
species in question, which contributes to the
knowledge and understanding of the nutrition
physiological processes in cephalopods.
Artificial diets for cephalopods have been tested
over the past few years in order to lower the costs
of mariculture (Lee et al. 1991, Domingues 1999).
The majority of the artificial diets so far used have
been based on shrimp paste (Lee et al. 1991). In
the last few years, feeding experiments have been
conducted with either moist or dry pellets (Lee
et al. 1991, Castro et al. 1993) or surimi (fish
myofibrillar protein concentrate; Castro et al.
1993, Castro & Lee 1994, Domingues 1999), dem-
onstrating that cuttlefish readily accept prepared
diets. S. officinalis has been maintained with artifi-
cial diets (Castro 1991, Hanlon et al. 1991, Castro
et al. 1993, Castro & Lee 1994, Domingues 1999),
yielding very low growth rates (frequently with
negative growth rates). Recently, juvenile Octopus
maya have been maintained with artificial diets
during periods of up to 2 months with significant
growth, although it was lower than growth ob-
tained with natural diets (Domingues et al. unpub-
lished data). Until now, feeding, growth, and sur-
vival of cephalopods fed with artificial diets are
comparable to fish larvae being weaned from natu-
ral to artificial diets (Lindberg & Doroshov 1986).
Despite the moderate acceptance of artificial diets
by cephalopods, the highest growth rates obtained
(<0.5% BW d-1) were at least 7 times lower than
growth rates recorded during normal laboratory
maintenance of this species (>3.5% BW d-1)
(Forsythe et al. 1994, Domingues et al. 2003,
2004). Growth rates higher than 5% BW d-1 for
similar size cuttlefish were obtained by Domingues
et al. (2002) when using live shrimp as food. Even
higher growth rates (> 20% BW d-1) were reported
by Domingues et al. (2001a) for juveniles.
Future research efforts should now be directed
to the knowledge of nutritional profiles of prey,
hatchlings, and eggs. Additionally, studies should
explore whether the production of grass shrimp as
first feed is economically viable. The technology
of producing grass shrimp as an easy and low cost
feeding method is under study. Results obtained
will provide data that will be used to compose a
dry pellet, different from those tried previously
(which gave some disappointing results). More-
over, the study of the number of generations
achievable until eggs become infertile is of ex-
treme importance to determine brood stock re-
newal. Further research regarding the viability of
different eggs in terms of colour and shape
combinations is also needed.
In order to successfully design artificial diets for
cephalopods, their particular metabolism has to be
taken into consideration. Cephalopods are com-
posed mainly of protein (75-85% dry weight)
(Iwasaki & Harada 1985, Boucaud-Camou 1990),
suggesting that this is an extremely important nu-
trient in their development. According to Lee
(1994), cephalopod metabolism is mainly protein
and amino acid driven. Contrary to fish and crusta-
ceans, cephalopods exclusively use protein for
both growth and energy supply. So, total protein
content and AA composition are considered key
factors in the design of artificial diets for this spe-
cies. Besides, higher grow rates (between 3 and
15% BW d-1) imply an elevated AA requirement
for protein synthesis during the life cycle (Lee
1994). Protein digestibility of the diet is also a rel-
evant factor to be considered in diet formulation.
Related to AA composition (D’Aniello et al.
1995), proportions of essential AA (which cannot
be synthesised from their precursors) should cover
requirements in all stages of cuttlefish develop-
ment. Also, levels of proline and alanine (non-es-
sential AA) in the diet must be reinforced, given
that both AA represent one of the most important
energy resources in cephalopods with a production
not sufficient to cover catabolic demands (Lee
Lipids represent less than 2% DW (Boucaud-
Camou 1990) and are considered to be of lower im-
portance in energy metabolism (Lee 1994). Be-
cause of this, research on lipid and fatty acid re-
quirements has been neglected, and there is little
knowledge at present (Navarro & Villanueva
2000). Nevertheless, the importance of lipids for
cephalopod nutrition, especially during early de-
velopment, has been shown by several authors
(Bouchaud & Galois 1990, Boucher-Rodoni et al.
1987, Castro et al. 1992, Domingues et al. 2003b,
2004, Koueta et al. 2002, Navarro & Villanueva
2000, Perrin et al. 2004, Sinanoglou & Miniadis-
Meimaroglou 2000). Cuttlefish hatchlings and ju-
veniles require prey rich in PUFA, phospholipids
and cholesterol, and a moderate content in neutral
lipids. Within PUFA, the fatty acids eicosapentaenoic
acid (20:5n-3, EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3,
DHA) and arachidonic acid (20:4n-6, AA) are very
important for development, growth, reproduction,
and other physiological functions in marine species
(Sargent et al. 1995). These fatty acids are essential
since they cannot be synthesised from their precur-
sors (linolenic acid - 18:3n-3 for EPA and DHA or
linoleic acid - 18:2n-6 for AA) and must be included
in the diet of these species (Sargent et al. 1995, Arts
et al. 2001).
Another important nutrient is carotenoids that
must be incorporated in the diet, since they are not
produced by cephalopods. Carotenoids are widely
distributed in nature and have shown their influ-
ence on growth in marine species. The antioxidant
effect of these pigments is one of the main reasons
for their importance, especially in PUFA- rich tis-
sues, to avoid lipid peroxidation (Liebler 1993). In
cephalopod nutrition, crustacean species are the
main source of carotenoids.
Finally, to formulate an optimal diet, other nutri-
ents and micronutrients such as carbohydrates, vi-
tamins, and minerals must be taken into consider-
ation to satisfy the main nutritional requirements
for the cuttlefish. Experimental design of diets
should not only take nutrient profiles and propor-
tion into consideration, but also nutrient sources
and the protein/energy ratio. Other aspects are also
important, such as different palatability, texture,
colour, form, and moisture content, all of which
can influence the acceptability and performance of
the designed diet.
The development of artificial diets for the Euro-
pean cuttlefish will open the doors to cephalopod
commercial aquaculture, and will be eventually re-
quired with increasing demand of fishery products
and shortage of fish stocks.
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS. – This work was funded by a
FCT PhD grant (SFRH/BD/12409/2003) to António Sy-
kes. The author’s are indebted to Dr A Guerra (CSIC,
Vigo, Spain) for his valuable comments which really im-
proved the manuscript.
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Received October 19, 2005
Accepted November 3, 2005