This study presents an original contribution to knowledge through investigating
the impact and lived experience of economic recession for intellectually disabled
young people and their families in Ireland, who use services from the disability
sector. This is important because in 2008, Ireland was hit with the greatest period
of economic recession since the great depression of the 1930s. As the longevity of
the recession played out, research evidences that the nation’s children may have
been hardest hit, rendered significantly poorer, and within this, disabled children
and their families were a particularly vulnerable socio-economic group, at
significantly enhanced risk of poverty. Yet, in the context of a relative wealth of
statistical data on the equality impacts of recession, little attention within
research has been given to the lived reality, voices and experiences of disabled
young people and their families in recessionary Ireland (Flynn, 2011; Flynn,
2017b). In this way, this study interjects into a comprehensively investigated
sphere, albeit maintaining exceptionality, by way of focusing on voices and lived
This study used the purest or most classic application of the Biographical
Narrative Interpretative Method (BNIM) from initial interviewing through to
completion of the ten stage data analysis process. BNIM draws on the assumption
that individuals construct meaning in their lives through narrative. Rather than
impose categories for exploration, this method allows themes to be engendered
by way of participant’s preference. Self-biographising narrative accounts were
elicited through BNIM from a sample of 4 intellectually disabled young people
(one constituting a pilot study), 4 of their parent/guardians, and 4 disability social
work staff members. Congruent with the conventions of BNIM, a smaller sample
of 3 cases were chosen for in-depth analysis. The remaining 8 were analysed
through a Framework Method that offered a contextual framework of themes and
subthemes. In terms of theoretical and epistemological concerns, the study takes
up an Affirmative Non- Tragedy Model that situates itself overall within the broad
field of Critical Disability Studies.
Among study findings, evidence is presented that lived reality for intellectually
disabled young people and their families of the impact of recession is a complex
and individualistic amalgam of cultural, material and psycho-social factors. These
factors, rather than simply co-existing within a static matrix; incited, aggravated
and alleviated one another. This interactive process was complex and temporal,
but to an extent was predictable. The combined existential experience (or lived
reality) of these factors was subjectively felt to be misunderstood by those in
positions of power, leading families to seek comfort in the expertise of one
another. Findings were numerous, for instance, insufficient cohesion of view
points between families, and those perceived to be in power, may be alleviated by
better data and a partnership approach that is meaningfully perceptible on the
ground level. Furthermore, austerity appeared in reality to galvanise some backward regression in disability service delivery towards more outdated and
inappropriate models. Overall, it is hoped that findings from this study can be put
to practical usage for disabled young people, their families, and their allies,
through both the increment of academic knowledge, and their application as a
technology of advocacy. Furthermore, recommendations made by this study
outline the specific contribution to knowledge and future practice made by this
study, for instance, related to the development of the existing partnership
approach to practice, or the generation of more qualitative data.