... Studies on exploratory innovation in the literature are limited. Studies demonstrate that there is an association between this type of innovation and organizational antecedents (Jansen, Van Den Bosch, and Volberda, 2006), environmental moderators (Jansen, Van Den Bosch, and Volberda, 2006), environmental antecedents (Jansen, Van Den Bosch, and Volberda, 2005), alliance network structure (Phelps, 2010), knowledge and collaboration networks (Wang et al., 2014), external and internal advice seeking (Alexiev et al., 2010), firm performance (Li, Zhou, and Si, 2010;Jian-li, 2009), organization's knowledge elements (Guan and Liu, 2016), relational, cognitive, and structural social capital (Li, Zhang, and Zheng, 2016), geographic network diversity (Bahlmann, 2014), workforce aging (Park and Kim, 2015), geographic and network ties (Ozer and Zhang, 2015). Huang, Ding, and Chen (2014) determined that environmental dynamism had a moderation effect on the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and exploratory innovation. ...