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Environmental impact assessment of open pit mining in Iran
M. Monjezi ÆK. Shahriar ÆH. Dehghani Æ
F. Samimi Namin
Received: 10 November 2007 / Accepted: 4 August 2008 / Published online: 26 August 2008
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2008
Abstract Mining is widely regarded as having adverse
effects on environment of both magnitude and diversity.
Some of these effects include erosion, formation of sink-
hole, biodiversity loss and contamination of groundwater
by chemical from the mining process in general and open-
pit mining in particular. As such, a repeatable process to
evaluate these effects primarily aims to diminish them.
This paper applies Folchi method to evaluate the impact of
open-pit mining in four Iranian mines that lacked previous
geo-environmental assessment. Having key geologic
resources, these mines are: Mouteh gold mine, Gol-e-
Gohar and Chogart iron mines, and Sarcheshmeh copper
mine. The environmental components can be defined as
public health and safety, social relationships, air and water
quality, flora and fauna hence, various impacting factors
from the mining activities were estimated for each envi-
ronmental component. For this purpose, each impacting
factor was first given a magnitude, based solely on the
range of possible scenarios. Thereafter, a matrix of
weighted factors was derived to systematically quantify
and normalize the effects of each impacting factor. The
overall impact upon each individual environmental com-
ponent was then calculated by summing the weighted rates.
Here, Folchi method was applied to evaluate those envi-
ronmental conditions. Based on the acquired results, the
present paper finally concludes that amongst four case
histories in Iran, Sarcheshmeh copper mine significantly
affects the environment, with critical level of air pollution
Keywords Environmental effects Open pit mines
Folchi method Gol-e-Gohar mine Chogart mine
Sarcheshmeh mine Mouteh mine
The rapid growth of population along with the increased
capacity of extracting natural resources around the globe
has contributed in endangering the environment. As a
matter of fact, due to growing mining activities, attention
to the environmental problems and controlling pollution
becomes unavoidable. Environmental protection therefore,
is one of the most important issues in the sustainable
development of a country. Currently, there are no limita-
tions to the capacity of mine production but it is, however,
necessary to maintain a suitable condition for miners
as well as the general public (Chakraborty et al. 2002;
Tadesse 2000).
Mining and related industries have a long recorded
history in Iran. A variety of mines exists in the country,
some of which date back several thousand years. Mining in
Iran can be divided into two periods: unscientific and sci-
entific. In this regard, the year 1847 can be regarded as a
turning point from unscientific to scientific and systematic
M. Monjezi (&)
Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran
K. Shahriar H. Dehghani
Faculty of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer,
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
H. Dehghani
F. Samimi Namin
Faculty of Engineering, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216
DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1509-4
extraction of ore (Pezeshkan et al. 2005). Recently, much
attention has been paid on the mine engineering in Iran due
to diversity and abundance of minerals such as, iron, lead,
zinc, chromites and variety of building stones across the
At present, Iranian mines are owned by both the private
and the public (governmental) sectors. Generally, the pri-
vate sector-controlled mines are smaller in size and pose
little environmental hazards compared to the government-
controlled mines, which are much larger and often require
a processing plant especially for copper, gold, lead, zinc
etc. The ore processing could prove more harmful to the
environment than ore extraction itself (Sare et al. 2001;
Driussi and Jansz 2006; Bozkurt et al. 2008; Hansen et al.
2008). Therefore, scientific and engineering studies are
essential to assess the environmental impacts and develop
methods to reduce or control them.
Various studies have been conducted so far on the
devastating effects of mining on the environment and the
ways to assess them. Some of those researcher are: White
(1991), Pain et al. (1998), Tadesse (2000), Gobling (2001),
Haupt et al. (2001), Blodgett and Kuipers (2002), Folchi
(2003). In due course, Gobling used an entropy method to
evaluate the environmental impact of a copper mill plant.
Blodgett and Kuipers studied the effect of mining on both
surface and groundwater reservoirs. By examining the
clay-rich mine tailings, Krekeler et al. (2007) explored the
environmental and economic impact of the phosphate ore
processing. According to Younger et al. (2005), in envi-
ronmental management, socio-economic issues in the form
of improving public perceptions are just as important as
scientific investigations. Hamilton (2000) used a database
to identify the unusual and unexpected concentrations of
elements in the mine tailings. His procedure for environ-
mental assessment was based on identification of exposure
levels of elements which are considered safe as well as
those known to be hazardous to the environment. Hancock
and Turley (2006) used numerical modeling to design a
proposed waste-rock dump. Marescotti et al. (2008) cal-
culated active acid mine drainage (AMD) of open-air
tailing and waste-rock dumps from the Libiola mine, using
the Maximum Potential Acidity, the Acid Neutralizing
Capacity and the Net Acid Producing Potential. Smith and
Williams (1996a,b; parts I & II) concluded that Geosta-
tistical and Indicator Kriging (IK) techniques can be used
effectively to identify metal concentrations in mine waste
sites. Assessment of the amount of pollutants in soil
drainage can be made by estimating the amount of drainage
passing through the soil bottom during a given a time
period. This estimation can be a stochastic model (Fern-
´lvez et al. 2007). The pseudo-total metal
concentrations and the potential mobile fractions of metals
may serve as a preliminary evaluation of risks posed by
contaminated soil from an abandoned uranium mine
(Pereira et al. 2008). Antunes et al. (2008) performed an
environmental risk assessment by categorizing soils based
on their toxicity profiles. The above investigations are very
useful however often approach through limited aspects of
environmental impact.
With the exception of the Folchi technique, existing
evaluation methods are limited in scope, with just one or
two aspects of environmental impacts of mining and ore
processing. Folchi method simultaneously evaluate many
environmental impacts of mining operations i.e. ground
vibration, fly rock, air blast (Jimeno et al. 1995), water/air
pollution etc. Collection and monitoring of data is also
simple for this method.
The Folchi method is being widely used in Italy. Some
recent examples include its use at a limestone quarry close
to Paitone in Brescia in 2004, a limestone quarry of Sos-
sana in Vicenza in 2001, and a basalt quarry in Orvieto,
Terni in 2003. In the 1990s, the technique was applied to a
dam excavation inside a park of Orgosolo in Sardinia, a
1,000 m deep mineral water reservoir and related thermal
bath complex of Capoportiere in Latina and the construc-
tion of a 1,000 m long viaduct in Matera. Additional work
in the 1990s included the demolition of a radiation con-
taminated 100 m high chimney in the decommissioning of
a nuclear power plant of Garigliano in Caserta, and con-
struction of two urban waste composting plants as well as
an urban waste dump in Latina.
So far, a comprehensive study using the Folchi method
has not been conducted for the Iranian mines. Conse-
quently, the present paper tries to apply the Folchi method
in order to assess the environmental impacts of four
important Iranian mines i.e. Sarcheshmeh copper mine,
Chogart iron mine, Mouteh gold mine and Gol-e-Gohar
iron mine. The criteria for selecting these mines include
their proximity to the residential areas, placement in
environmentally and ecologically protected areas, number
of people employed, economic importance, mine size and
The environmental impact of mining operations
The effects of open-pit mining and mineral processing
plants on the environment include land degradation, noise,
dust, poisonous gases, pollution of water, etc. (Dudka and
Adriano 1997). Figure 1shows typical pathways of com-
mon pollutant transfer from a tailing dam or from a
processing plant to a river if the waste management is not
efficient. If there is no impermeable layer, below the
deposit, the infiltration of meteoric precipitation through
deposit can transfer the pollutant(s) via groundwater flow.
The extraction process could itself modify the water flow
206 Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216
and accelerate this transfer. Infiltration may also occur
below a decantation basin (Charbonnier 2001).
The above activities may change the topography and
vegetation, as well. From the noise and vibration point of
view, drilling and blasting operations as well as application
of heavy vehicles, crushers, and mills are very important
(Ashtiani 2005).
Blasting, haulage and transportation are the main rea-
sons for the dust however, it may be produced in nearly all
the phases of the processing plant, from the beginning point
(crusher) to the end (drying of ore concentration) (Rawat
2003; Shu et al. 2001).
Water pollution is another aspect of mine operations
greatly impacting the environment (Ferna
et al. 2007; Jordanov et al. 2007; Casiot et al. 2007; Shi-
kazono et al. 2008; Chalupnik and Wysocka 2008). If a
springhead is situated in the mine area, the pollution
endangers springs existed in the area (Blodgett and Kuipers
2002). Similarly, the contaminated water in the mining
operation has vital impacts on the rivers, agriculture, fresh
drinking waters and ecosystems, because of abundance of
heavy metals, suspended solid particles and decreasing
level of pH. Decreasing water level in the mines due to
drainage not only causes undesirable changes in the nearby
lakes but it can also threat the aquatics (Ritcy 1989; Baker
and Amacher 1982). The main reason of environment
pollution of the fresh water is acidic water, draining from
mines (Shu et al. 2001).
Mining operations with degradation of the land largely
contribute to the corrosion of soil—a phenomenon that can
be seen more in the surface mining activities (Sengupta
Mine waste can be defined as part of the materials
resulting from the exploration, mining and processing of
substances governed by legislation on mines and quarries.
It may consist of natural materials without any modifica-
tion other than crushing (ordinary mining waste, unusable
mineralized materials), processed to varying degrees dur-
ing the ore-dressing and enrichment phases, and possibly
containing chemical, inorganic and organic additives. As
overburden and topsoil are classified as waste (Charbonnier
2001), the characteristics of such spoil could be variable
and are influenced by the minerals and process methods
involved the specific environmental situation, and the type
of dumping and alteration.
Much of the mine wastes has high concentration of
heavy metals and toxic materials like lead, copper, zinc,
aluminum, mercury, marcasite and pyrite (FeS
), which are
harmful for the environment (Gang and Langmuir 1974;
Barnes 1979; Daskalakis and Helz 1999). Specifically,
wastes containing pyrite have the potentials of creating
dangerous AMD.
Pyrite is a common sulfide, often associated with valu-
able minerals in the mines. At the same time, in non-ferrous
metal mines, pyrite is separated as a gangue mineral from
the valuable metals through physical separation techniques
like froth flotation, and then disposed into tailing ponds or
dams as a waste (Petruk 2000; Wills 2006). As a matter of
fact, the air-oxidation of pyrite in the tailing pond creates
acid mine.
A few minerals including pyrite can be described as salts
with weak bases and strong acids. They chiefly result from
the oxidation of pyrite or marcasite (FeS
) exposed in the
mining of mineral deposits and coal. Such acid minerals,
which are dominantly Fe
sulfates and to a minor extent
sulfates, typically appear from the evaporation of
pooled acid-mine waters or of the moisture in unsaturated
mine wastes or spoils that contain the sulfides (Langmuir
1997; Berner and Berner 1987). Acid mine drainage
(AMD) from mine wastes can interact with natural car-
bonates, salts, and induce variation in the pH levels in
natural waters (Granger and Warren 1969; Holland 1978;
Boulegue and Michard 1979; Faure 1991; Shahriar and
Samimi Namin 2007). Jha et al. (2008) proposed carrier-
micro encapsulation (CME) as a method to suppress both
the floatability and oxidation of pyrite. In this method,
pyrite is coated with a thin layer of metal oxide or
hydroxide using catechol solution as a carrier combined
with metal ions. The layer converts the pyrite surface from
hydrophobic to hydrophilic and thus, acts as a protective
coating against oxidation. Shin et al. (2008) used activated
carbon to absorbent AMD. Anoxic limestone drains
(ALDs) represent a well-established low cost passive
treatment alternative for neutralizing AMD (Hedin and
Watzlaf 1994; Taylor and Waters 2003; Cravotta 2003;
Kalin et al. 2006). Such drains, in their simplest form, are
merely basins or trenches filled with limestone through
which, the AMD is pumped or drained. The anoxic (i.e.
reducing) state of the ALDs is required to prevent dis-
solved ferrous iron from oxidizing and subsequently
precipitating within the bed as ferric hydroxide. Reducing
conditions are usually ensured by isolating the system from
the atmosphere and incorporating a reducing agent, e.g.
organic material or scrap iron (Kleiv and Thornhill 2008).
Fig. 1 Pollutant transfer (Charbonnier 2001)
Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216 207
Compare to the underground mining, it can be said that
open-pit mining has more of a negative impact (Zhong
1998). Therefore, it is necessary to study the pollution
mechanism and develop technologies to address problems
affecting the environment.
Folchi method for open-pit mining
The Folchi method (2003) was first applied for a mining
project in the Italian city of Sardina. It is the numerical
expression of environmental effect of open pits. This
method consists of the following seven stages:
(1) Characterizing the pre-existing environmental con-
text in terms of geology, geotechnics, hydrology, weather,
economy, etc., (2) Identifying the impacting factors, which
could modify the pre-existing environmental conditions in
the mine life, (3) Defining the possible ranges for the
magnitude of the variation caused by each impacting fac-
tor, (4) Singling out the environmental components whose
pre-existing condition could be modified as a result of
mining, (5) Correlating each impacting factor and each
environmental component, (6) Estimating the specific
magnitude for each impacting factor, using the already
defined ranges, (7) Calculating the weighted sum of the
environmental impact on each environmental component.
In this method, some parameters such as general health
and safety, social relationships, weather and climate con-
ditions, vegetation and, animals are defined first, for an
area affected by a mining operation. Then, consequences of
effective (directly or indirectly) mining indexes on the each
of the environmental parameters are determined, by
applying a rating system for each parameter, based on
various concerned scenarios. The sum of all the ratings of
effective parameters determines overall effect on each of
the environmental indexes. According to this method,
impacting factors are as follows (Folchi 2003):
I. Alteration of area’s potential resources; II. Exposition,
visibility of the pit; III. Interference with surface water; IV.
Interference with underground water; V. Increase in
vehicular traffic; VI. Atmospheric release of gas and dust;
VII. Fly rock; VIII. Noise; IX. Ground vibration; and X.
Employment of local work force.
The possible scenarios for each impacting factor are
then considered and a magnitude is given to each of them.
Table 1shows various scenarios and their related magni-
tudes for each impacting factor.
Site descriptions
The Folchi method was first applied in four important
open-pits of Iran namely Sarcheshmeh copper mine,
Chogart iron mine, Gol-e-Gohar iron mine and Moutehh
gold mine (Fig. 2).
Mouteh gold mine
The Mouteh gold mine is located 295 km Southwest of
Tehran, 7 km northwest of Mouteh village in Mimeh town
of Isfahan province. The ore deposit is distributed in nine
distinct parts, i.e. Chah Khatoun, Senjedeh, Chah Bagh,
Tangeh Zar, Seh Calap, Darreh Ashki, Cheshmeh Gohar,
Ghorom Ghorom and Chah-e-Allameh, covering a total
area of about 150 sq. km. The Mouteh gold deposit
belongs to the Precambrian era and is a metamorphic
region with mica schist, quartzite, gneiss, biotite, and
amphibolite as common lithologies.
The mine is being exploited by open-pit mining. It has
mine reserves of approximately 3.5 Mt with an average
grade of 2.71 gr/t. The height of benches is 5 m, whereas
the angle of overall slopes and slope of working benches
are 528and 658, respectively. The distance of mine to mill
plant is 2–5 km. Figure 3a shows an exterior view of the
Mill plant recovery is 60% with a capacity of 600 t/d. It
has four stages of processing, i.e. crushing, grinding,
leaching and the gold room. Gold is being processed with
cyanide, which is recognized as extremely toxic and
damaging pollutant. The tailing dam can be extremely
hazardous. As the mine is situated in an environmentally
protected area, monitoring and controlling of pollution
indexes is a vital task. Figure 3b and c show the process-
ing plant and tailing dam of the Mouteh gold mine,
Sarcheshmeh copper mine
This mine is situated at 160 km southwest of Kerman,
about 50 km south of the city of Rafsanjan in Kerman
province and is the largest copper mine in Iran (Fig. 4a).
The area belongs to the central part of an elongated NW-SE
mountain belt, which is principally composed of folded
volcano-sedimentary rocks. The geology of Sarcheshmeh
porphyry deposit is very complicated and various rock
types can be found there. Mineralization in this deposit is
associated with the Late Tertiary, with main minerals being
chalcocite, chalcopyrite, covellite, bornite and molybde-
nite. However, other minerals are also seen in the deposit,
which includes molybdenum, gold and silver. The oxide
zone of deposit consists mainly of cuprite, tenorite, mala-
chite and azurite. Pyrite is the gangue mineral, which
causes acidity of mine sewage. The proven reserve of
deposit is approximately 826 Mt with an average grade of
0.7%. This mine is also exploited by open-pit mining,
where the height and slope of working benches are 12.5 m
208 Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216
and 62.58, respectively. The angle of overall slope ranges
from 328to 348. The distance of crusher to mine is 3 km.
The annual capacity of the mill plant is 51,000 tons con-
centrate with an average grade of 30% and a recovery of
65%. Figure 4b and c illustrate the mill plant and tailing
dam in Sarcheshmeh copper mine, respectively.
Chogart iron ore mine
Chogart iron ore mine is situated 12 km northeast of Bafgh,
125 km southeast of the city of Yazd in the Yazd province.
The deposit belongs to Cambrian era. There is a large
quantity of valuable minerals such as iron, manganese,
apatite, lead and zinc in this region. Mine design was ini-
tially carried out in 1970, and was based on approximately
134 Mt of mineable ore reserve. This mine is an open pit
operation where the height of benches is 12.5 m while the
overall pit slope and angle of individual working benches
are 508and 698, respectively. Mill plant recovery is 70%
and the amount of annual concentrate and waste production
is 3 and 1.3 Mt, respectively. Electric power consumption
of the mill plant is 40 kwh per tone of concentrate. Fig-
ure 5shows an exterior view of the mine site and mill plant
in Chogart iron mine.
Gol-E-Gohar iron ore mine
Gol-e-Gohar iron ore mine is located some 55 km south-
west of Sirjan in Kerman province. This area is a
combination of metamorphic (Paleozoic) and sedimentary
Table 1 Ranges of magnitude
for impacting factors Impacting factors Scenario Magnitude
I. Alteration of area’s
potential resources
Parks, protected areas 8–10
Urban area 6–8
Agricultural area, wood 3–6
Industrial area 1–3
II. Exposition, Visibility
of the pit
Can be seen from inhabited areas 6–10
Can be seen from main roads 2–6
Not visible 1–2
III. Interference with
above ground water
Interference with lakes and rivers 6–10
Interferences with non relevant water system 3–6
No interference 1–3
IV. Interference with
underground water
Water table superficial and permeable grounds 5–10
Water table deep and permeable grounds 2–5
Water table deep and un-permeable grounds 1–2
V. Increase in vehicular
Increase of 200% 6–10
Increase of 100% 3–6
No interference 1–3
VI. Atmospheric release
of gas and dust
Free emissions in the atmosphere 7–10
Emission around the given reference values 2–7
Emission well below the given reference values 1–2
VII. Fly rock No blast design and no clearance procedures 9–10
Blast design and no clearance procedures 4–9
Blast design and clearance procedures 1–4
Peak air overpressure at 1 km distance
VIII. Noise \141 db 8–10
\131 db 4–8
\121 db 1–4
IX. Ground vibration Cosmetic damage, above threshold 7–10
Tolerability threshold 3–7
Values under tolerability threshold 1–3
X. Employment of local
work force
Job opportunities
High 7–10
Medium 3–6
Low 1–2
Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216 209
(Mesozoic) rocks, consisting mostly of gneiss, mica schist,
amphibolite, quartz schist and calcite types of rocks. The
operation in this mine is also an open pit facility. Here, the
height of benches is 15 m, whereas the angle of overall
slope and the angle of each working bench are 508and 708,
respectively. Mill plant recovery is 68%. The capacity of
the mill plant is 5 Mt concentrate per year while yearly
production of tailings is 1.35 Mt. The electricity con-
sumption for the production of one ton concentrate is
20 kwh. Figure 6a and b show the mine site and mill plant
of Gol-e-Gohar iron mine, respectively.
In the present research, the environmental data related to
the above four case studies were collected and then using
the Folchi method each of the open-pit activities which
affect the environment was evaluated. Further, using the
magnitude ranges defined in Table 1, each impacting factor
of the proposed mining activity was assessed (Table 3).
Final scoring for each environmental component can be
acquired by multiplying Table 2into Table 3. For each
case study, the overall effect on each environmental com-
ponent is calculated by summing the weighted magnitudes
of all the impacting factors (Tables 4,5,6,7).
The Folchi method indicates that specific aspects of
environmental impact can be quantified. The most signifi-
cant impacts in the Sarcheshmeh copper mine are air
quality, above ground and flora and fauna with score values
of 100, 80 and 77.6, respectively. In the Mouteh gold mine,
environmental components of air quality, economy and use
of territory had score values of 80, 70 and 70, respectively.
The most affected environmental components in the Gol-e-
Gohar iron mine are underground, economy and social
relationships with scores of 76.7, 70 and 61.6, respectively.
Finally, the most affected environmental components for
the Chogart iron mine are economy, social relationships
and use of territory with 80, 66.2 and 65.7 score values,
respectively (Fig. 7).
To compare all the above cases, the sum of scores for all
the environmental components can be calculated and then
evaluated for each case. The sum of component scores for
Sarcheshmeh, Chogart, Gol-e-Gohar and Mouteh mines are
766.5, 625.8, 570.3 and 528.2, respectively. Through this
calculation, it can be said that the Sarcheshmeh mine is the
most harmful for the environment while the Mouteh mine
Fig. 2 Location of case study mines in Iran
Fig. 3 Mouteh gold mine
210 Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216
is the least one. As a matter of fact, some remedial mea-
sures must be taken for the affected environmental
components (e.g. air quality, water condition, etc.), which
are essential for the living creatures. Recently, a plant
converting SO
to H
has been constructed for the
Sarcheshmeh mine which has been seriously affecting the
air quality, however, the air pollution is still higher than
the standard level. Also, the Sarcheshmeh mine has seri-
ously affected the water quality in the area (Table 5)
however; this component is marginal for the other cases. In
this regard, the Gol-e-Gohar mine is the least harmful
project in the short term consideration. Table 4shows high
ground vibration for Sarcheshmeh, Chogart and Gol-e-
Gohar mines for which reducing charge per delay is a
logical solution. Precautions should be made to improve air
quality at the Mouteh gold mine, which is placed in a
protected area.
The Folchi method has accounted many environmental
parameters not recognized by other approaches; hence it is
the best approach for evaluating mine operations in Iran.
This is the first such analysis performed in Iran. With due
attention to its usefulness and prevalent environment, the
approach could be used for all mines in Iran in particular
and the mines in neighboring countries in general.
Accordingly, the Folchi method can potentially be used as
an environmental regulation tool for Iran. There are several
benefits to apply this method e.g. it makes it possible to
simplify complex analysis by splitting it in a number of
easily quantified components, which can then be handled
one by one at a time, being reconstituted in a standardized
matrix to give a total magnitude value. This value can then
be used to compare mining operations of different types in
a consistent manner. This is a key requirement for use as a
regulatory tool.
One area of improvement for the Folchi method
relates to that fact that the method is a snap shot of
Fig. 4 Sarcheshmeh copper mine
Fig. 5 Mine and mill plant of Chogart iron mine
Fig. 6 Gol-e-Gohar iron mine
Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216 211
conditions and thus is temporally limited. Several issues
arise as the impacts are to be assessed in a predefined
temporal window. Here, only those environmental prob-
lems are assessed that are evident at the time of
the evaluation. Operators can potentially take action to
skew assessment prior to a single evaluation. Incipient
environmental issues or issues which have been
improved but not fully rectified may be missed. Repeated
evaluations over a period of time would make the
approach more meaningful. Both scheduled and unan-
nounced site assessments should ideally be made quarterly
and annually.
The method in its present form however is not suitable
for major accident or catastrophic scenarios in the mines.
Moreover, the Flochi method is potential for storage
facilities of explosives and agro-chemical facilities, as
well. Efforts are also being made to refine and adapt the
method to address wider scenarios (R. Folchi, Personal
Table 2 Correlation matrix with values of the weighted influence of each impacting factor on each environ component
Impacting factors Environmental Components
health and
Use of
Underground Landscape Noise Economy
I. Alteration of area’s
potential resources
Med Min Nil Nil Max Min Nil Nil Max Nil Nil
0.80 0.77 0 0 5.71 0.63 0 0 2.86 0 0
II. Exposition, Visibility
of the pit
Nil Min Nil Nil Med Nil Nil Nil Max Min Nil
0 0.77 0 0 2.86 0 0 0 2.86 2.00 0
III. Interference with
above ground water
Max Nil Max Nil Nil Max Med Nil Max Nil Nil
1.60 0 4.44 0 0 2.50 6.67 0 2.86 0 0
IV. Interference with
underground water
Min Nil Max Nil Nil Nil Nil Med Nil Nil Nil
0.40 0 4.44 0 0 0 0 6.67 0 0 0
V. Increase in vehicular
Max Max Nil Nil Min Max Nil Nil Min Nil Nil
1.60 3.08 0 0 1.43 2.50 0 0 0.71 0 0
VI. Atmospheric release
of gas and dust
Max Min Min Max Nil Max Min Nil Min Nil Nil
1.60 0.77 1.11 10.00 0 2.50 3.33 0 0.71 0 0
VII. Fly rock Max Nil Nil Nil Nil Med Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
1.60 0 0 0 0 1.25 0 0 0 0 0
VIII. Noise Med Max Nil Nil Nil Min Nil Nil Nil Max Nil
0.80 3.08 0 0 0 0.63 0 0 0 8.00 0
IX. Ground vibration Max Med Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Min Nil Nil Nil
1.60 1.54 0 0 0 0 0 3.33 0 0 0
X. Employment of local
work force
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Max
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.00
Total 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Table 3 Rating of
environmental parameters
in the case study of mines
Impacting factors Mouteh Sarcheshmeh Chogart Gol-E-Gohar
I. Alteration of area’s potential resources 9 3 7 3
II. Exposition, Visibility of the pit 5 3 5 2
III. Interference with above ground water 3 7 2 3
IV. Interference with underground water 4 7 6 7
V. Increase in vehicular traffic 3 9 8 6
VI. Atmospheric release of gas and dust 8 10 6 5
VII. Fly rock 4 5 5 5
VIII. Noise 1 7 6 7
IX. Ground vibration 1 7 6 9
X. Employment of local work force 7 7 8 7
212 Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216
Communications, 2008). Broadly speaking, the method
seems potential for a number of settings and could be
involved in the extraction of various geological resources
including petroleum operations.
The Folchi method allows for quantitative analysis of
mining activities especially to highlight the environmental
Table 4 Final scoring for each environmental component in Mouteh gold mine
Impacting factors Environmental Components
health and
Use of
Underground Landscape Noise Economy
I. Alteration of area’s
potential resources
7.2 6.9 0 0 51.4 5.7 0 0 25.7 0 0
II. Exposition, Visibility
of the pit
0 3.9 0 0 14.3 0 0 0 14.3 10 0
III. Interference with
above ground water
4.8 0 13.3 0 0 7.5 20 0 8.6 0 0
IV. Interference with
underground water
1.6 0 17.8 0 0 0 0 26.7 0 0 0
V. Increase in vehicular
4.8 9.2 0 0 4.3 7.5 0 0 2.1 0 0
VI. Atmospheric release
of gas and dust
12.8 6.2 8.9 80 0 20 26.6 0 5.7 0 0
VII. Fly rock 6.4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
VIII. Noise 0.8 3.1 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 8 0
IX. Ground vibration 1.6 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 3.3 0 0 0
X. Employment of local
work force
00000000 0070
Total 40 30.8 40 80 70 46.3 46.7 30 56.4 18 70
Table 5 Final scoring for each environmental component in Sarcheshmeh copper mine
Impacting factors Environmental Components
health and
Use of
Underground Landscape Noise Economy
I. Alteration of area’s
potential resources
2.4 2.3 0 0 17.1 1.9 0 0 8.6 0 0
II. Exposition, Visibility
of the pit
0 2.3 0 0 8.6 0 0 0 8.6 6 0
III. Interference with
above ground water
11.2 0 31.3 0 0 17.5 46.7 0 20 0 0
IV. Interference with
underground water
2.8 0 31.3 0 0 0 0 46.7 0 0 0
V. Increase in vehicular
14.4 27.7 0 0 12.9 22.5 0 0 6.4 0 0
VI. Atmospheric release
of gas and dust
16 7.7 11.1 100 0 25 33.3 0 7.1 0 0
VII. Fly rock 8 0 0 0 0 6.3 0 0 0 0 0
VIII. Noise 5.6 21.6 0 0 0 4.4 0 0 0 56 0
IX. Ground vibration 11.2 10.8 0 0 0 0 0 23.3 0 0 0
X. Employment of local
work force
00000000 0070
Total 71.6 72.4 73.3 100 38.6 77.6 80 70 50.7 62 70
Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216 213
effects of the mining. Going through the four existing
mines of Iran, it thus indicates that the Gol-e-Gohar iron
mine is the least destructive for the environment while the
Sarcheshmeh copper mine is the most one. The method
applied in the current research may be an important tool for
future environmental regulation development in Iran. The
Table 6 Final scoring for each environmental component in Chogart iron mine
Impacting factors Environmental Components
health and
Use of
Underground Landscape Noise Economy
I. Alteration of area’s
potential resources
5.6 5.4 0 0 40 4.4 0 0 20 0 0
II. Exposition, Visibility
of the pit
0 3.9 0 0 14.3 0 0 0 14.3 10 0
III. Interference with
above ground water
3.2 0 8.9 0 0 5 13.3 0 5.7 0 0
IV. Interference with
underground water
2.4 0 26.6 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0
V. Increase in vehicular
12.8 24.6 0 0 11.4 20 0 0 5.7 0 0
VI. Atmospheric release
of gas and dust
9.6 4.6 6.7 60 0 15 20 0 4.3 0 0
VII. Fly rock 8 0 0 0 0 6.3 0 0 0 0 0
VIII. Noise 4.8 18.5 0 0 0 3.8 0 0 0 0 0
IX. Ground vibration 9.6 9.2 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 48 0
X. Employment of local
work force
00000000 0080
Total 56 66.2 42.2 60 65.7 54.4 33.3 60 50 58 80
Table 7 Final scoring for each environmental component in Gole-e-Gohar iron mine
Impacting factors Environmental Components
health and
Use of
Underground Landscape Noise Economy
I. Alteration of area’s
potential resources
2.4 2.3 0 0 17.1 1.9 0 0 8.6 0 0
II. Exposition, Visibility
of the pit
0 1.5 0 0 5.7 0 0 0 5.7 4 0
III. Interference with
above ground water
4.8 0 13.3 0 0 7.5 20 0 8.6 0 0
IV. Interference with
underground water
2.8 0 31.3 0 0 0 0 46.7 0 0 0
V. Increase in vehicular
9.6 18.5 0 0 8.6 15 0 0 4.3 0 0
VI. Atmospheric release
of gas and dust
8 3.9 5.6 50 0 12.5 16.7 0 3.6 0 0
VII. Fly rock 8 0 0 0 0 6.3 0 0 0 0 0
VIII. Noise 5.6 21.6 0 0 0 4.4 0 0 0 56 0
IX. Ground vibration 14.4 13.9 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0
X. Employment of local
work force
00000000 0070
Total 55.6 61.6 50 50 31.4 47.6 36.7 76.7 30.7 60 70
214 Environ Geol (2009) 58:205–216
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