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Deduction in the Verification Support Environment (VSE)

  • University of Saarbruecken


The reliability of complex software systems is becoming increasingly important for the technical systems they are embedded in. In order to assure the highest levels of trustworthiness of software formal methods for the development of software are required. The VSE-tool was developed by a consortium of German universities and industry to make a tool available which supports this formal development process. VSE is based on a particular method for programming in the large. This method is embodied in an administration system to edit and maintain formal developments. A deduction component is integrated into this administration system in order to provide proof support for the formed concepts. In parallel to the development of the system itself, two large case studies were conducted in close collaboration with an industrial partner. In both cases components of systems previously developed by the industry were re-developed from scratch, starting with a formal specification derived from the original documents. This paper focuses on the deduction component and its integration. We use a part of one of the industrial case studies in order to illustrate the important aspects of the deduction component: We argue that a close integration which makes the structure of developments visible for the theorem prover is necessary for an efficient treatment of changes and an indispensable structuring of the deduction process itself. Also we commend an architecture for interactive strategic theorem proving which has turned out to be adequate for applications in the context of formal program development. The last one of the three main sections addresses the important point of detecting bugs in implementations and specifications.
Deduction in the
Verification Support Environment (VSE)
Dieter Hutter, Bruno Langenstein, Claus Sengler,
JSrg H. Siekmann, Werner Stephan, Andreas Wolpers
Deutsches Forschungszentrum f/Jr K/instliche Intelligenz GmbH
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbr/icken, Germany
( name )
Abstract. The reliability of complex software systems is becoming in-
creasingly important for the technical systems they are embedded in. In
order to assure the highest levels of trustworthiness of software formal
methods for the development of software are required. The VSE-tool was
developed by a consortium of German universities and industry to make
a tool available which supports this formal development process.
VSE is based on a particular method for programming in the large. This
method is embodied in an administration system to edit and maintain
formal developments. A deduction component is integrated into this ad-
ministration system in order to provide proof support for the formal
In parallel to the development of the system itself, two large case studies
were conducted in close collaboration with an industrial partner. In both
cases components of systems previously developed by the industry were
re-developed from scratch, starting with a formal specification derived
from the original documents.
This paper focuses on the deduction component and its integration. We
use a part of one of the industrial case studies in order to illustrate
the important aspects of the deduction component: We argue that a
close integration which makes the structure of developments visible for
the theorem prover is necessary for an efficient treatment of changes
and an indispensable structuring of the deduction process itself. Also
we commend an architecture for interactive strategic theorem proving
which has turned out to be adequate for applications in the context of
formal program development. The last one of the three main sections
addresses the important point of detecting bugs in implementations and
1 Introduction
The reliability of complex software systems is becoming increasingly important
for the technical systems they are embedded in. Malfunctioning of software sys-
tems caused by design flaws or faulty implementations may lead to loss or gar-
bling of data, breach of security, danger to life and limb, and, in almost all cases,
severe economic losses.
Led by the
German Information Security Agency
(Bundesamt ffir Sicher-
heit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) a catalog of criteria for the evaluation of
the security of information technology systems has been developed in Germany
[IT-89]. In the assessment of a system's trustworthiness, the
development process
plays a major role. Requirements to the development process break down into
aspects of (the formulation of) security and/or safety requirements, the overall
structure of the system, and the implementation. The highest levels of quality
require, to a varying extent, the use
of formal methods.
The BSI thus decided on
the development of a tool to support the use of formal methods during all stages
of the design process. Starting in 1991 the VSE system [BCC+92] was developed
by a consortium consisting of Dornier/DASA, Friedrichshafen, the German Re-
search Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrficken, the Gesellschaft
ffir Prozet~rechner-Programmierung (GPP), Miinchen, the University of Karl-
sruhe, and the University of Ulm.
In August 1994 the first prototype was delivered, tested, and finally accepted
by the BSI.
VSE is based on a particular method for
programming in the large.
method is embodied in an
administration system
to edit and maintain formal
developments. A
deduction component
is integrated into this administration sys-
tem in order to provide proof support for the formal concepts.
This paper focuses on the deduction component and its integration. A part
of an industrial case study called PERSEUS is used to illustrate the main ideas.
The case study is part of an access control system for nuclear power plants. The
task was to guarantee that only authorized staff is present in each area of the
plant. The part we wilt be looking at is concerned with the manipulation of the
rights of persons to enter different areas of the plant.
The paper is organized as follows. In the following section we give a survey
of the VSE system and its underlying formal concepts. In section three we give
a more detailed description of the part of the case study which is used in the
following. We then discuss the integration of the deduction component into the
administration system. We argue that a close integration which makes the struc-
ture of developments visible for the theorem prover is necessary for an efficient
treatment of changes and an indispensable structuring of the deduction process
itself. The next section describes what could be called interactive strategic the-
orem proving. This architecture has turned out to be adequate for applications
in the context of formal program development. The last one of the three main
sections addresses the important point of detecting bugs in implementations and
2 The VSE System
We begin with a survey of the VSE system introducing some underlying formal
notions as well as the basic constituents of the systems in its technical realization.
We will also mention the two industrial case studies that were carried out in the
2.1 The General Method
VSE is based on a method for the top-down development of
structured, for-
mal specifications
and their
stepwise implementation
(refinement) using abstract
intermediate layers represented by specifications.
safety conditions ~
+t,,iK e
"T" sa ..... s
.p.o..o..o~ \
T correctness of ~.
~"~ ~ Implementation 9
abstract programs ~J ~ Im
set of proof obligations
Fig. 1. The VSE Method
I g=;'rs ~
| first-order
L proofs
Refinement steps are specified by means of
abstract p,vgrams
that use con-
cepts from the lower (import) level in order to implement the more abstract ones
on the export level. The bottom layer is given by a collection of predefined con-
cepts that can directly be realized in a target programming language.
in this context means that sub-specifications can be implemented separately.
At each level, additional safety and/or security requirements can be formu-
lated in addition to the system specification. These requirements are formalized
in a separate specification which can be mapped onto the systems specification,
such a connection is called a
between the two.
Most of the development steps lead to so-called
proof obligations.
These for-
malized assertions are handed over to the deduction component where the actual
verification takes place.
Figure 1 shows the general method for formal software development in VSE.
The concrete instance of this general method depends on the formal con-
cepts used for modeling the desired system. Specification concepts covered in
the current (first) version of the VSE system include
abstract data types
state transition systems.
Abstract Data Types Abstract Data Types (ADTs) provide a view on a sys-
tem as an
given by a (typed) collection of sets of data objects and a
(typed) collection of operations which manipulate these data.
Elementary specifications (of algebras), so-called
are made up of a
and a set of
The signature part introduces the vocabulary
of the data type. It consists of a set of types and a set of typed function and
predicate symbols. VSE-SL allows full first-order logic to describe the semantics
of these symbols in the axiom part.
In general there will be many (non-isomorphic) algebras that satisfy a given
specification. VSE-SL allows to restrict the class of models to (term)
or even to
freely generated
models. These restrictions lead to
induction principles
that are used in the verification process.
An example of a theory is given below:
TYPES : AccessRel =
grant(Person,Area,AccessRel) I
PREDICATES : hasAccess : Person,Area,AccessRel;
inRel : Person,Area,AccessRel
VARS : p, pO, pl : Person;
b, bO, bl : Area;
m : AccessRel
AXIOMS : NOT inRel(pO, bO, emptyRel);
inRel(pO,bO,grant(pO, bO, m));
NOT inRel(p0, bO, refuse(p0, bO, m));
bO /= bl OR pO /= pl
-> (inRel(p0, bO, m) <->
inRel(pO, b0, grant(pl, bl, m)));
bO /= bl OR pO /= pl
-> (inRel(pO, bO, m) <->
inRel(pO, b0, refuse(pl, bl, m)));
hasAccess(p, b, m) <->
(b = extern
OR visitor(p) AND inRel(leader(p), b, m)
OR NOT visitor (p) AND
(inRel(p, b, m) OR hasAccess(p, next(b), m)))
The theory
corresponds to representation of the rights of persons to
enter different areas of the plant. It refers to the (sub-) theories Topology (e.g.
using the function next) which represents the topology of the plant and Persons
(e.g. using the predicate visitor) modelling the different (types of) persons like
staff members or visitors. Among other operations this kind of
rise to a (horizontal) structure of abstract data type specifications.
In the refinement process functions and predicates from the export specifica-
tion are implemented by (recursive) procedures that use function and predicate
symbols from a given import specification. The relation between concepts from
the export specification and parts of the implementation is given by a
The theory underlying these concepts has been described in [Rei92b], [Rei92a].
Specification of State Transition Systems State transition systems are used
to describe systems where the history of operations executed has an effect on
the results produced. Here the operations cause
side effects
on a global system
State transition systems in VSE-SL are given by so-cMled
As an
example, we present below a simple specification of a state transition system
which is, like the theory presented in the last section, taken from the case study
PERSEUS conducted in the VSE project.
OBJECT PlantAccess
USING : Rights
Matrix : AccessRel
VARS : p, q : person;
: area
PROC access(p : Person,b : Area) : bool
ENSURES IF hasAccess (p, b, Matrix)
PROC setaccess(p : Person,b : Area,z : bool)
z = T
THEN Matrix = grant(p, b, Matrix')
ELSE Matrix = refuse(p, b, Matrix')
INITIAL : leader(p) = leader(q) ->
(hasAccess(p, b, Matrix) <->
hasAccess (q, b, Matrix))
state space
is given implicitly through the items in the DATA-slot. The
variables declared here are state-dependent and may be changed by the opera-
tions. Their types (sorts) are taken from the
mentioned in the USING-slot.
Additional local variables may be declared in a VtRS-slot. The behavior of
is described by
pre- and postconditions.
In the postcondition a variable
x' denotes the value of x prior to the execution of an operation. The precondi-
tions form a complete case-distinction. In the RESULT-slot the value returned by
an operation is specified. By an additional REQUIRES-slot one might restrict the
situations in which the operations may be executed. These requirements have to
be respected if an operation is used for example as an import operation in some
Consider the example of the procedure setaccess. Matrix ' denotes the value
of Matrix prior to the execution of the operation Setaccess. Thus, in case the
operation is called with z equal to T the new value of Matrix is computed from
its current value by applying grant with additional parameters p and b on it.
The set of
states (and perhaps also a global
of the system) is
specified by first-order formulae. As with ADTs there are also
state tran-
sition systems, and
of such systems. Export operations of state transition
systems are
in the VSE system by pieces of abstract programs that
use operations from some import specification.
An introduction to state transition systems of this kind can be found in
[RvHO91] while a comprehensive description of the syntax and semantics of
state transition systems is given in [VSE94].
2.2 System Support
VSE is an integrated system that supports the user at all stages of the develop-
ment process following the method outlined above. Basically there are two kinds
of activities,
that are in fact interleaved. This means that
the user might edit (some part of) a specification, prove certain safety proper-
ties, edit an import specification and a refinement, prove the refinement correct,
and then continue his work for example by a further refinement step.
The work is organized via a so-called
development graph
that displays the
representation of a (partial) development to the user and allows him to continue
his work at a node he wants to expand. The development graph also gives the user
access to
status information
that is maintained by the administration system.
correctness management
controls the work in the various development units
and their proof obligations. It keeps track of dependencies between a proof and
those parts of the specification which are used during the proof. Changing these
parts of the specification will invalidate the related proofs while other proofs
may not be affected.
The main system support w.r.t, editing specifications and implementations is
syntactical analysis
including type-checking. If a development step is completely
edited and successfully checked, a
logical database
related to this step is created
by the system. It is initialized by the axioms computed from the specifications
involved and the proof obligations that correspond to the development step.
The verification process then takes place in the context of this database where
all kinds of logical information, like axioms, lemmata, and proofs are stored.
When a branch of the development is completed, the actual code of the target
language is generated by the system.
Case Studies
In parallel to the development of the system itself, two large case studies were
conducted in close collaboration with Dornier. In both cases components of sys-
terns previously developed by Dornier were
from scratch, starting
with a formal specification derived from the original documents. The selection
of the case studies was oriented along the specification paradigms supported by
the VSE system.
The first case study deals with a system that controls the exchange of pro-
grams between radio stations, including the booking of leased communication
lines. Within this case study, the kernel of the booking system was re-developed.
It contains a complicated algorithm to re-schedule already booked transmis-
sions in the case of conflicts. The booking system was modeled as an abstract
data type, i.e. the booking system can be viewed as a structured collection of
operations. The entire case study consists of about 5000 lines of specifications
(including the security model), and 8000 lines of implemented source code.
The second case study named PERSEUS demonstrates the use of state tran-
sition systems. It is (part of) an
access control system
for nuclear power plants.
Again the safety relevant kernel of the system, which supports the tracking and
control of movements within a plant, was re-developed. This case study, which
begun later, comprises currently about 3000 lines of specifications, which were
partially implemented in 2000 lines of code.
2.4 Deduction
A distinguishing feature of the VSE system isthat it offers deductive support for
all formal concepts. This takes into account the experience that one of the main
limiting factors for the application of formal methods in an industrial context is
machine assistance for the construction of proofs.
Apart from
actualizations of generic
specifications, there are two major kinds
of links in development graphs that lead to
proof obligations, satisfies-links
tween systems specifications and additional
safety and/or security properties
refinement steps.
Safety and/or security properties lead to assertions in first-
order predicate logic while in the case of refinements we have to prove assertions
about programs. These are formulated in a variant of Dynamic Logic (DL), see
The deduction component is made up of two closely integrated provers: the
KIV system (Karlsruhe Interactive Verifier) and the INKA system (INduction-
prover KArlsruhe), see [HRS90] and [BHHW86]. KIV is mainly used for proofs
in DL while INKA provides strategies for first-order assertions, in particular
for inductive proofs. Both systems follow the paradigm of
interactive, strategic
theorem proving.
As mentioned before we will use a part of the second case study PERSEUS to
demonstrate the main features of the deductive component and its integration
into the administration system. While in the first case study the safety require-
ments were concerned with the problem of exclusive use on lines, here the task
was to guarantee that only authorized staff is present in each area of a nuclear
power plant. A small part of the development graph concerning the access rights
is given in Figure 2.
The part we will be looking at is concerned with the manipulation of an
access matrix that encodes the rights of persons to enter different areas of the
plant. Persons are either member of the staff or parts of visitor groups who
are always escorted by a member of the staff (the so-called leader of a group).
Visitors have same access rights to the areas as their leader (but may only enter
an area together with their leader). In order to simplify matters staff members
are always their own leader regardless whether they escort a visitor group or
AccessLis~s Ar Lists ~
Fig. 2. A Development Graph
On the top-level we have the specification of an object PlantAccess which
provides operations for looking up (access) and changing entries (setaccess) in
the access matrix (Matrix). It uses abstract data types for matrixes (AccessRel),
persons (person), and areas (area) given by the structured theory Rights.
In a typical refinement step we re-specify the theory PlantAccess on a lower
specification level making some implementation decisions. For instance, we im-
plement the access relation by a property list and define procedures
which operate on property lists and correspond to the functions
and setaccess specified in the theory Rights.
Next, we implement the access matrix in the theory
A datatype
is specified as a property list with persons as items and areas as
values. An entry of a person p with value a denotes that p has access to a.
Persons may occur several times in the property list specifying access rights to
different areas.
THEORY AccessLists
USING : Persons;
nil ]
blst(getPerson : Person,getArea : area,rest : AccessList)
FUNCTIONS : DEL : Person,Area,AccessList -> AccessList
PREDICATES : in_list : Person,Area,AccessList
VARS : b : area; p : person; 1 : AccessList
ALGORITHMS : DEFPRED in_list(p, b, I) <->
CASE blst : IF getPerson(1) = p
THEN IF getArea(1) = b
ELSE in_list(p, b, rest (i))
ELSE in_list(p, b, rest(l))
List of areas are defined in tile theory
Especially, the theory
provides a function higherAreas of an area, a which provides a list of all areas
with higher security level than a.
THEORY AreaLists
USING : Topology
TYPES : areaList =
add area(first:area, rest:areaList)
FUNCTIONS : higherAreas : area -> areaList
PREDICATES : elem : area, areaList;
_<_ : areaList, areaList
VARS : b, bl, b2 : area;
I, Ii : areaList
ALGORITHMS : DEFPKE/) elem(b, I) <->
CASE no_area : FALSE
CASE add_area : IF first(l) = b THEN TRUE
ELSE elem(b, rest(l)) FI
DEFPRED 1 < 11 <->
CASE no_area : Ii /= no_area
CASE add_area : IF 11 = no_area THEN FALSE
ELSE rest(l) < rest(ll) FI
b2 elem higherAreas(bl) <-> (b2 > bl OR b2 = bl)
Based on the theories AccessLists and AreaLists the procedures Get_Access
and Set_Access are defined which implement the functions access and setaccess.
Thus, Get_Access implements the lookup whether a person is allowed to enter
a specific area. It takes into consideration the access rights of visitors and an
additional requirement that persons who have access to a specific area have also
access to less secure areas, extern denotes the area outside the plant which is
accessible by all persons.
PARAMS : p_person : IN Person;
p_area : IN Area
v_res: Bool:=F;
IF p_area = extern THEN v_res := T
ELSE IF visitor(p_person)
THEN IF AccessToArea(leader(p_person),
higherAreas(p_area)) = t
THEN v_res := T ELSE v_res := F FI
ELSE IF AccessToArea(p_person,
higherAreas(p_area)) = t
THEN v_res := T ELSE v_res := F FI
RETURN v_res
The procedure Set_Access grants or refuses (depending on the value ofp_entry)
a person access to a specific area..
PARAMS : p_person : IN person;
p_area : IN area;
p_entry : IN B00L
BODY: IF p_entry = t
THEN IF NOT in_list(p_person, p_area, List)
THEN List := blst(p_person, p_area, List)
ELSE DelAccessToAreas(p_person, higherAreas(p_area))
In a next step we have to link both specifications, the theory PlantAccess
and its implementation. This is done by so-called Refinement steps as it is shown
in Figure 2. It consist of a mapping and a module. Modules, as the module
i_PlantAccess below, contain slots for the import specifications, e.g. Map or
AreaLists, the state dependent variables, e.g. list, and (references to) proce-
dures that implement the abstract operations, e.g. Get_Access or Set_Access.
MODULE i_PlantAr
IMPORTSPEC : Map;AreaLists
DATA : list : AccessList
ELEMENTS : Get_Access, Set_Access, AccessToArea, DelAccessToAreas
The theory Map provides the relation between the access relations and its im-
plementation as a property list. Based on AccessLists the algorithm list2rel
maps each access list into an access matrix:
USING : AccessLists;
FUNCTIONS : list2rel : AccessList -> AccessRel
VAKS : 1 : AccessList
DEFFUNC list2rel(1) =
IF 1 = nil
THEN emptyRel
ELSE grant (getPerson(1), getArea(1),
The actual correspondence between the a.bove procedures and the operations
of the specification in PlantAccess is given by the mapping m_PlantAccess. In
our case the access matrix is implemented by an access list while the operations
access and setaccess are ilnplemented by the procedures Get_Access and
MAPPING m_PlantAccess
EXPORTSPEC : PlantAccess
MAPS : Get_Access IMPLEMENTS access;
Set_Access IMPLEMENTS setaccess;
list2rel(List) IMPLEMENTS matrix
4 Structural Deduction
Applying fonnM methods to industrial case studies results in thousands of lines
of specifications which represent the logic database with the help of which var-
ious proof obligations have to be established. As mentioned above this speci-
fication is structured within a development graph (e.g. refer Figure 2 showing
the development-graph of
and thus, the development graph rep-
resents also an structuring of the axiomatization. In Figure 2 doubled arrows
indicate that the target theory of an arrow is (virtually) part of the specification
of the source theory. This so-called theory-graph (the subgraph of the develop-
ment graph wrt. double arrows) specifies which axiomatizations are part within
a theory. E.g. PlantAccess uses the specification of Rights and thus, the axioms
of Rights are visible within the theory of PlantAccess.
Proof obligations are always located at elements - e.g. mappings - of the
development graph. They have to be established wrt. the specifications of the-
ories accessible from this element via. the arrows of the theory-graph. In case
of m_PlantAccess the proof of some obligation may use the specifications of
i_PlantAccess, PlantAccess, and the sub-theories visible in both. Hence, be-
sides being a notion for structured specification the development graph repre-
sents also a structured database for the deduction system. Depending on the
location of the proof obligation the corresponding subgraph of the development
graph specify the axiomatization to be used for the proof.
Also each theory contains a set of lemmata formalizing properties on func-
tions or operations which have been proven within the denoted subgraph. E.g.
may contain lemmata proven with the help of the theories
4.1 Correctness Management
Verifying proof obligations with respect to the actual theories ensures the sound-
ness of the corresponding development step. Since in general specifications con-
tain errors which are usually detected during establishing the proof obligations
there is an interleaved process of adapting the specification and proving theo-
rems. In general changing the specification would invalid all proofs but with the
help of the development graph the impacts of changing the specification can be
restricted to specific parts of the graph while the soundness of proofs in other
parts remains unaffected.
In general changing the axiomatization of a theory 7" will invalid the proofs
(and thus also the lemmata) of all theories using T while underlying theories
used by 7" are not affected. This work can be done without knowing a single
proof just by a static analysis of the development graph. A more elaborated
correctness management can be achieved by a dynamic analysis if we save for
each lemma and proof obligation the set of axioms and lemmata used during the
proof and build up a more elaborated dependency graph of lemmata and proof
Changing the implementation of a procedure (e.g. Get_Access in module
has no impacts to other parts of the theory-graph (e.g. the theo-
ries PlantAccess or Map) but will invalid lemmatain the implementation module
i_P:[antAccess and cause new proof obligations in the mapping ra_P:[antAccess.
In order to reduce the amount of new proof obligations which occur after chang-
ing a procedure we use the implementation dependencies of the procedures in
order to determine the subset of proof obligations which are affected by the
change of the procedure.
4.2 Guiding Proofs
The first benefit of development graphs to the guidance of proofs is the reduction
of search space by reducing the number of axioms and lemmata available during
the proof. According to the theory-graph only a subset of the overall specification
is available while establishing a proof obligation attached to an element of the
Second, the development graph defines a partial ordering on theories and
thus, also a partial ordering on functions and predicates defined within these
theories which is used as a skeleton for a simplification ordering on formulas.
E.g. hasAr is defined within the theory 1~ights while visitor is specified
within Persons. Thus, the system will orient appropriate equivalences as rewrite
rules in order to replace occurrences of hasAccess in favor of visitor whenever
Besides the explicit structure given by the development graph each axioma-
tization of a theory is structured again by itself. The a xiomatization is build up
by type declarations, specification of algorithms or procedures, arbitrary first-
order formulas etc. Each of these types of specification result in a set of formulas
which are part of the theory axiom. They differ in the way the deduction system
uses them in order to guide a proof. E.g. algorithms (which are proved to be
terminating) and type declarations are used to create induction schemes. Addi-
tionally, algorithms are used to refine the simplification ordering and to generate
new simplification rules in order to enable symbolic evaluation.
Consider the freely generated datatype areaList inside the theory AreaLists.
Its definition introduces a new (structural) induction scheme:
A Vx:
areaList x no_area -+ ~P(rest(x)) --+ ~(x)
-+ Vx : areaListqS(x)
Also the definitions of elem and < of the theory AreaLists which are proved
to be terminating suggest (using their recursion orderings) induction schemes
which are (in these cases) identical to the previous structural induction scheme.
The algorithm of list2rel creates the simplification rules
list2rel( nil) --+ emptyRel
list2rel( blst (p, a, tl ) ) -+ grant(p, a, l ist 2rel ( tl ) )
5 Automation
Passive proof assistance where the system only controls the user (proof-checking)
is not sufficient in situations where we are faced with proofs of thousands of de-
duction steps. On the other hand conventional fully automated theorem proving
systems that carry out an exhaustive search following some complete (and there-
fore problem independent) strategy also turned out to be inadequate for our kind
of applications. One reason for this is the limited possibility for user interaction
where the activities of the user are restricted to certain preparations (format-
ting the input, choosing the search strategy and additional parameters) before
the system is run.
Proof construction in VSE therefore follows the paradigm of interactive strate-
gic theorem proving. A suitable representation of problem-specific knowledge
which often is available in this context enables the system to exhibit an active
behavior. It is this way that a routine generation of large and often technically
complex proofs becomes possible. The main prerequisite for a strategic user in-
teraction is an architecture that allows the user (and of course also the system)
to analyze the state of a proof. In our architecture a proof state is given by a
partial proof tree. The leaves of such a tree are open subgoals, lemmata or ax-
ioms. The basic activity is to refine a given subgoal by applying (backwards)
proof steps thereby generating new subgoals. These proof steps are given by the
general formalism and by local axioms. The user may also give more precise hints
for a proof plan, which includes directives to apply a certain rule as the next
step if the system gets stuck or he may replace hints. Backtracking, initialized
either by the user or the system itself, allows proof steps to be undone and a
previous situation to be restored. Thus, at each stage of the proof synthesis, the
human user can revise the proof attempt specified so far or to give advice how
to fill in the gaps of the proof tree.
Specifying, for instance, the mapping m~lanttccess the system comes up
with a proof obligation
which states that the procedure Get.Access terminates on all inputs p, b, and
res. Get_Access uses a procedure
which is defined as follows:
p_person : IN person;
p_areaList : IN areaList
v res2: bool:=f;
p_areaList = no_area) AND v_res2 = f DO
IF in_list(p_person, first(p_areaList), List)
v_res2 := t
p_areaList := rest(p_areaList) FI
The deduction system reduces the proof obligation and comes up with a partial
proof tree which contains a single open goal concerning the termination of the
in AccessToArea (called by Get_hccess). Now, it is up to the user to
select an appropriate induction rule. After that the system continues and finish
the proof automatically. During the proof several first order subgoals have to be
proven like for instance,
Vx : areaList x ~ no_area -+ rest(x) < x
This goal is proven automatically by induction. The system uses the knowledge of
the termination ordering of < in the theory AreaLists in order to synthesize an
appropriate induction scheme which results in this case in a structural induction.
In case of
rest(x) = add_area(first(rest(x)), rest(rest(x)))
we obtain an induction step. The system analyses the syntactical differences
between the induction hypothesis
rest(x) ~ no_area--+ rest(rest(x)) < rest(x)
and the induction conclusion
x # no_area -+ rest(x) < x.
These differences (which are underlined above) guide the prover in order to
enable the use of the hypothesis [Hut90]. In this case the prover uses an axiom
Vu, v: areaList = a d_area(frst(u), rest(u)) A v = add_area(f t(v), rest(v))
-+ (u < v) ++ (rest(u) < rest(v))
derived from the algorithm defined in the theory treaLists to minimize the
syntactical differences and we obtain:
x # no_area --+ rest(rest(x)) < rest(x).
Using the above precondition of the induction step the proof of the induction
step is finished.
6 Fixing Bugs
So far, we have looked at the question of how to create proofs for
orems. In general, however, we will be confronted with errors in specifications,
implementations, or both. Unless we have introduced "corresponding" errors in
specifications and implementations, such errors will result in proof obligations
which are not provable, i.e. we will reach open premises in the proof tree which
can't be closed. As opposed to e.g. resolution based proofs, one can derive infor-
mation about the potential problem by investigating the open premise and the
path from the root of the proof tree to that premise.
As an example, consider the proof obligation for the Set_Access operation:
I = l' F- (Set_Access(p,
b, z))(z = t -4 list2rel(l) = grant(p, b, list2rel(l')))
A (z # t --4 list2rel(l) = refuse(p, b, list2rel(l'))) ,
As mentioned before,
maps access lists to the access matrix. This asserts
that Set_Access will terminate, and afterwards the new value of the access
will correspond to the old value,
with p granted
or refused access to b according to the flag z.
While working on the proof, we will encounter an open goal
in_list(p, a, l) F- list2rel(l) = grant(p, a, list2rel(l) ) ,
since the implementation will add an entry only if it is not yet there (i.e. if
"-~in_list(p, a, l)
is true), while the specification does not treat that case separately.
The goal is true if granting p access to a a second time (since if it is already
in l, it will be in
as well) has no effect. To prove this goal, we need
axioms for the equality on relations. A quick look at the theory Rights reveals
that such axioms have been forgotten.
Here, a sophisticated correctness management pays off. If we add the missing
axioms to the theory Rights, the validity of the proofs for m__Planttccess is not
affected (since we only enlarge the axiom base, and our logic is monotonic). The
change does, however, influence the correctness of an implementation of Rights.
As a whole, it becomes invalid. The actual consequence of the change is a larger
set of proof obligations, so that the existing proofs can remain valid. If we have
to change the implementation as well to satisfy the additional proof obligations,
even (some of) the proofs have to become invalid.
In general, an unprovable premise like the one above may hint at an error in
any of the involved procedures or specifications, and a careful analysis is needed
to find out the true reason for the problem.
A large number of bugs were uncovered during the verification process, in
specifications as well as in implementations. In both case studies, bugs in specifi-
cations were more common, and were discovered when proving the security model
or the correctness of an implementation. Also, aspects which were only vaguely
described in the original documents and also difficult to formalize, proved to be
those which significantly delayed the original projects. For the PERSEUS case
study, for example, this included the treatment of visitor groups, the reaction to
messages which are inconsistent with the current system state (e.g. staff mem-
bers being detected in areas to which they have no access), and combinations
of these problems (e.g. members of a visitor group who 'got lost'). The formal
treatment of these parts uncovered intricate problems which had been overlooked
in the original design.
7 Related Work, Current Research
In order to compare VSE to other methods and systems we recall the most
important features of the system. The VSE methodology combines data type
specifications with an abstract machine notation. Abstract machines are based
on a notion of persistent states. The current version of VSE allows to specify
operations causing state transitions as shown in section 2.1. In that aspect VSE
is similar to Z [Spi92] and systems like EHDM [RvHO91], VDM [Jon90], and
the B Tool [ALN+91].
The methodology for developing abstract machines in B corresponds to that
for state based systems in VSE. In VSE there is, however, a distinction between
the problem of proving the
of a state based system correct,
for which dynamic logic proof obligations are generated, and proving that one
specification of a state based systems entails another. The latter is reduced to
predicate logic proof obligations, and used to verify safety conditions and/or
security models developed separately from a specification.
Reasoning about state based systems in the current version of VSE is re-
stricted to invariance properties (given by a separate safety/security model) and
the proof of refinements. However, the approach is compatible for example with
Lamport's TLA, [Lam94]. Current work is concerned with an embedding of the
specification technique into a temporal framework in order to cover for example
eventuality properties and provide more general refinement concepts.
The data type part of VSE is based on abstract data types as compared
to model based techniques like Z and VDM. Here and also in the case of ab-
stract machines VSE supports algorithmic elements. In particular this concerns
recursive definitions in constructive specifications and refinements. The correct-
ness proof for an implementation, which usually involves assertions about the
interplay between recursive procedures, also guarantees the consistency of the
implemented data types relative to the consistency of the data types used for
the implementation.
The algorithmic constructs allow for bridging the gap between concepts in
abstract specifications and the concepts available in real programming languages.
Proof support heavily relies on techniques for proving program properties and for
guiding inductive proofs. In these aspects there is a different emphasis compared
to Z-based systems.
From a more technical point of view considerable effort was made with respect
to the integration of different proof techniques and the integration of the entire
deduction component into a system for editing and storing formal developments.
Powerful proof support relies on specia] tailor-made calculi and an adequate
representation of domain specific knowledge. The deduction component of the
VSE system offers extensive proof support beyond the level of experimental or
ad hoc systems. Up to now it is a heterogeneous system in that it combines two
separated theorem proving systems. In the next version the various strategies will
share a common deductive mechanism but still use different additional structures
that allow for an efficient and highly automated proof generation.
VSE differs from systems with a loose integration of the deduction compo-
nent or stands-alone deduction systems, like HOL, [GM93], or the Boyer-Moore
prover, IBM79], not only by an automatic generation of proof obligations but
also by offering a correctness management that maintains a consistent state
of the development including the databases of logical objects. This correctness
management is indispensable for an efficient treatment of changes. [BTo94]
With respect to both quantitative as well as qualitative aspects VSE is ad-
equate for many industrial applications. However, this does not mean that no
improvements are necessary. The VSE consortium is currently working on an en-
hanced version of the system to take notions like object orientation, concurrency,
and real time into account.
Research at the DFKI is concerned with the extension of the formal basis of
VSE and a further development of the deduction component. State transition
systems as used in VSE are extended to cover concurrent and embedded systems
based on an interleaving semantics. Temporal logics will be used in order to
reason about these execution sequences.
With respect to the deduction component, we are working on a closer inte-
gration of KIV and INKA and a fl'amework for proof planning which provides
generic concepts and a more explicit representation of proof plans.
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Maritta Heisel, Wolfgang Reif, and Werner Stephan. Tactical Theorem
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Conference on Automated Deduction, volume 449 of Lecture Notes in Artifi-
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Sprachbeschreibung VSE-SL, 1994. Version 1.
... Of course, powerful systems exist and may be used, e.g. NQTHM[2], ACL2[9], PVS[11], Isabelle[12], VSE[5], KIV[13], HOL[3], only to mention a few, which are beyond in their abilities and the verification and reasoning problems they can handle as compared to a small system like X eriFun. However, the performance of these systems also comes with the price of highly elaborated logics, complicated user {chr.walther,schweitz}@informatik.tu-darmstadt ...
Technical Report
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We demonstrate the use of the VeriFun system with a verification of the Binary Search method. We present the challenges encoun- tered when working on this problem, illustrate the operation and performance of the system and finally discuss technical improvements as well as subjects of further research, which are not specific to our approach.
... Deduction in DL is based on symbolic program execution and simple program transformations and is, thus, close to a programmer's understanding of JAVA. DL is used in the software verification systems KIV [9] and VSE [34] for (artificial) imperative programming languages. More recently, the KIV system supports also a fragment of the JAVA language [52]. ...
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KeY is a tool that provides facilities for formal specification and verification of programs within a commercial platform for UML based software development. Using the KeY tool, formal methods and object-oriented development techniques are applied in an integrated manner. Formal specification is performed using the Object Constraint Language (OCL), which is part of the UML standard. KeY provides support for the authoring and formal analysis of OCL constraints. The target language of KeY based development is Java Card DL, a proper subset of Java for smart card applications and embedded systems. KeY uses a dynamic logic for Java Card DL to express proof obligations, and provides a state-of-the-art theorem prover for interactive and automated verification. Apart from its integration into UML based software development, a characteristic feature of KeY is that formal specification and verification can be introduced incrementally.
Hybrid systems are models for complex physical systems and are defined as dynamical systems with interacting discrete transitions and continuous evolutions along differential equations. With the goal of developing a theoretical and practical foundation for deductive verification of hybrid systems, we introduce a dynamic logic for hybrid programs, which is a program notation for hybrid systems. As a verification technique that is suitable for automation, we introduce a free-variable proof calculus with a novel combination of real-valued free variables and Skolemisation for lifting quantifier elimination for real arithmetic to dynamic logic. The calculus is compositional, i.e., it reduces properties of hybrid programs to properties of their parts. Our main result proves that this calculus axiomatises the transition behaviour of hybrid systems completely relative to differential equations. In a study with cooperating traffic agents of the European Train Control System, we further show that our calculus is well suited for verifying realistic hybrid systems with parametric system dynamics.
Computergraphik hat sich als Basistechnologie bei der Gestaltung von Mensch- Maschine-Schnittstellen etabliert. Während die neunziger Jahre noch durch die Entwicklung immersiver Ein- und Ausgabegeräte geprägt waren („Virtuelle Realität“), verschmilzt in der „Augmented-Reality“ Computergraphik mit Technologien aus den Bereichen „Mobile Computing“ und „Computer Vision“, um neue Formen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zu schaffen. Mit dieser Technologie werden digitale Informationen in Überlagerung mit unserer realen Umgebung dargestellt. Dazu beinhaltet das Augmented-Reality-System die folgenden drei Hardwarekomponenten (siehe Abb. 4.1): • die tragbare Computereinheit, die etwa am Gürtel des Anwenders befestigt wird, • die Videokamera, mit der die reale Umgebung des Anwenders erfasst wird, • die Datenbrille (Head Mounted Display), mit der die digitalen Informationen in Überlagerung mit der Realität dargestellt werden.
Within the Verisoft project, we aim at the pervasive modeling, implementation, and verification of a complete computer system, from gate-level hardware to applications running on top of an operating system. As an adequate representative for such a system we choose a system for writing, signing, and sending emails. The starting point of our work was a processor together with its assembly language, a compiler for a type safe C variant and a micro kernel. The goal of our work was to develop a (user-mode) operating system that bridges the gap between micro kernel and user applications. That is, formally specify and implement a system that, on the one hand, is built right on top of our micro kernel and, on the other hand, provides everything necessary for user applications such as an SMTP server, a signing server, and an email client. Furthermore, the design of this system should support its verification in a pervasive context. Within this thesis, we present the formal specification of such an operating system. Along with this specification, we (i) discuss the current state-of-the-art in formal methods applied to operating-systems design, (ii) justify our approach and distinguish it from other people's work, (iii) detail our implementation and verification stack, (iv) describe the realization of our operating system, and (v) outline the verification of this system.
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Hybrid systems are models for complex physical systems and are defined as dynamical systems with interacting discrete transitions and continuous evolutions along differential equations. With the goal of developing a theoretical and practical foundation for deductive verification of hybrid systems, we introduce a dynamic logic for hybrid programs, which is a program notation for hybrid systems. As a verification technique that is suitable for automation, we introduce a free variable proof calculus with a novel combination of real-valued free variables and Skolemisation for lifting quantifier elimination for real arithmetic to dynamic logic. The calculus is compositional, i.e., it reduces properties of hybrid programs to properties of their parts. Our main result proves that this calculus axiomatises the transition behaviour of hybrid systems completely relative to differential equations. In a case study with cooperating traffic agents of the European Train Control System, we further show that our calculus is well-suited for verifying realistic hybrid systems with parametric system dynamics.
The Verisoft project is a long–term research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It aims at verifying the correctness of concrete application tasks, one from academic and up to four from industrial backgrounds. This paper gives an introduction to one of the industrial applications, subproject 4 “Chipcard Based Biometric Identification System (CBI system)”. Firstly, biometric systems in general are discussed in order to define security requirements of a more secure system. Then the security functions and the overall design of the CBI system as well as verification task are identified. Finally a more detailed view of the implemented function is provided.
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Casl is an expressive specification language that has been designed to supersede many existing algebraic specification languages and provide a standard. Casl consists of several layers, including basic (unstructured) specifications, structured specifications and architectural specifications; the latter are used to prescribe the modular structure of implementations. We describe a simplified version of the Casl syntax, semantics and proof calculus for each of these three layers and state the corresponding soundness and completeness theorems. The layers are orthogonal in the sense that the semantics of a given layer uses that of the previous layer as a “black box”, and similarly for the proof calculi. In particular, this means that Casl can easily be adapted to other logical systems. We conclude with a detailed example specification of a warehouse, which serves to illustrate the application of both Casl and the proof calculi for the various layers.
Conference Paper
Safety and security guarantees for individual applications in almost all cases depend on assumptions on the given context provided by distributed instances of operating systems, hardware platforms, and other application level programs running on these. In particular for formal approaches the problem is to formalize these assumptions without looking at the (formal) model of the operating system (including the machines that execute applications) in all detail. The work described in the paper proposes a modular approach which uses histories of observable events to specify runs of distributed instances of the system. The overall verification approach decomposes the given verification problem into local tasks along the lines of assume-guarantee reasoning. As an example the paper discusses the specification and implementation of the SMTP scenario. It shows in detail how this methodology is utilized within the Verification Support Environment (VSE) to verify the SMTP server part.
Conference Paper
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Without Abstract
This document describes Ehdm Version 5.0; see [6] for informal descriptionsof the changes in Version 5.2.[28] R. Alan Whitehurst and T. F. Lunt. The SeaView verification. In Proceedings ofthe Computer Security Foundations Workshop II, pages 125--132, Franconia, NH,June 1989. IEEE Computer Society.90 Bibliography[11] Cliff B. Jones. Software Development: A Rigorous Approach. Prentice Hall InternationalSeries in Computer Science. Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 1986.[12] Cliff B....
The temporal logic of actions (TLA) is a logic for specifying and reasoning about concurrent systems. Systems and their properties are represented in the same logic, so the assertion that a system meets its specification and the assertion that one system implements another are both expressed by logical implication. TLA is very simple; its syntax and complete formal semantics are summarized in about a page. Yet, TLA is not just a logician's toy; it is extremely powerful, both in principle and in practice. This report introduces TLA and describes how it is used to specify and verify concurrent algorithms. The use of TLA to specify and reason about open systems will be described elsewhere.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a formal approach to the specification, construction and automated verification of large software systems. We describe the design methodology, the theory of correctness, the proof strategy for the resulting proof obligations, and the experiences from case studies carried out using the Karlsruhe Interactive Verifier (KIV). The design methodology supports the top-down development of structured algebraic first-order specifications and stepwise implementation of its parts by program modules. The correctness of the resulting modular systems is proved to be compositional. For the correctness of single program modules we give a characterization in terms of Dynamic Logic. This provides a general solution to the correctness problem for implementations of full first-order specifications.
Conference Paper
This paper deals with logics of programs. The objective is to formalize a notion of program description, and to give both plausible (semantic) and effective (syntactic) critera for the notion of truth of a description. A novel feature of this treatment is the development of the mathematics underlying Floyd-Hoare axiom systems independently of such systems. Other directions that such research might take are also considered. This paper grew out of, and is intended to be usable as, class notes...
Conference Paper
A "shell" for program verification and development is presented which is obtained by using a variant of Dynamic Logic in combination with tactical theorem proving. This shell (Karlsruhe Interactive Verifier) allows easy implementations of various strategies which are guaranteed to be correct with respect to the basic logic. It is shown how tactical theorem proving is adapted for the above purposes.
Conference Paper
A crucial point in proving theorems by induction is to manipulate the induction conclusion to enable the use of the induction hypothesis. We propose a technique to control such a deduction in a goal directed way: Comparing conclusion and hypothesis we obtain a syntactical pattern which has to be satisfied by each intermediate result of the deduction. To maintain this restriction we present a notion of terms and equations called C-terms resp. C-equations which we use as well to extend existing tactics for proof plans as to introduce new tactics.