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The shuffling of mathematics problems improves learning


Abstract and Figures

In most mathematics textbooks, each set of practice problems is comprised almost entirely of problems corresponding to the immediately previous lesson. By contrast, in a small number of textbooks, the practice problems are systematically shuffled so that each practice set includes a variety of problems drawn from many previous lessons. The standard and shuffled formats differ in two critical ways, and each was the focus of an experiment reported here. In Experiment 1, college students learned to solve one kind of problem, and subsequent practice problems were either massed in a single session (as in the standard format) or spaced across multiple sessions (as in the shuffled format). When tested 1week later, performance was much greater after spaced practice. In Experiment 2, students first learned to solve multiple types of problems, and practice problems were either blocked by type (as in the standard format) or randomly mixed (as in the shuffled format). When tested 1week later, performance was vastly superior after mixed practice. Thus, the results of both experiments favored the shuffled format over the standard format.
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The shuffling of mathematics problems improves
Doug Rohrer ÆKelli Taylor
Received: 29 August 2006 / Accepted: 3 January 2007 / Published online: 19 April 2007
Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2007
Abstract In most mathematics textbooks, each set of practice problems is comprised
almost entirely of problems corresponding to the immediately previous lesson. By contrast,
in a small number of textbooks, the practice problems are systematically shuffled so that
each practice set includes a variety of problems drawn from many previous lessons. The
standard and shuffled formats differ in two critical ways, and each was the focus of an
experiment reported here. In Experiment 1, college students learned to solve one kind of
problem, and subsequent practice problems were either massed in a single session (as in the
standard format) or spaced across multiple sessions (as in the shuffled format). When tested
1 week later, performance was much greater after spaced practice. In Experiment 2,
students first learned to solve multiple types of problems, and practice problems were
either blocked by type (as in the standard format) or randomly mixed (as in the shuffled
format). When tested 1 week later, performance was vastly superior after mixed practice.
Thus, the results of both experiments favored the shuffled format over the standard format.
Keywords Mathematics Practice Distribute Mass Block Mix
Interleave Spacing
The effort to improve mathematics learning has focused primarily on the manner in which
material is taught, with far less attention given to the role of practice problems. Yet, for
many students, the majority of their mathematics learning effort is devoted to practice
problems (rather than, say, reading). While many aspects of practice are worthy of
investigation, the two experiments presented here focused primarily on the effects of
varying either the temporal distribution of practice problems or the order in which
D. Rohrer (&)K. Taylor
Department of Psychology, PCD 4118G, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA
Instr Sci (2007) 35:481–498
DOI 10.1007/s11251-007-9015-8
problems are solved. Neither manipulation required an increase in the total number of
practice problems, yet both experiments revealed large boosts in subsequent test
performance. That is, merely altering the timing of practice led to large gains in test
The arrangement of practice problems in most mathematics textbooks is one that most
readers will recognize. Each set of practice problems, or practice set, consists almost
entirely of problems corresponding to the immediately preceding lesson (e.g., Glencoe,
2001). For example, a lesson on the addition or subtraction of fractions (e.g., 5/6–4/5) is
followed immediately by perhaps a few dozen problems, all of which require the addition
or subtraction of fractions. In brief, each set of practice problems is devoted to the most
recent lesson. Moreover, problems of the same type are usually in blocks (e.g., 12 fraction
addition problems, followed by 12 fraction subtraction problems). This format also is the
modal format of computer-aided instructional packages, and, therefore, the data reported
herein apply to this instructional medium as well.
The standard practice format has two features that are examined here. First, most or all
of the problems relating to a given lesson are concentrated or massed into the immediately
following practice set instead of being distributed or spaced across multiple practice sets.
For example, in the standard format, virtually all of the quadratic formula problems within
the textbook appear in the practice set that appears immediately after the lesson on the
quadratic formula. The second feature of the standard format is that the problems within
each practice set are usually blocked by topic and not mixed across topics. For example,
after a lesson explaining how to find the least common multiple and the greatest common
factor of two integers, a practice set includes a block of least common multiple problems
followed by a block of greatest common factor problems. Notably, it is possible for a
textbook to use massed practice but not blocked practice, but, in our experience, these two
features usually co-occur.
By contrast, a very small number of mathematics textbooks use what we call a shuffled
format (e.g., Saxon, 1997). A textbook with a shuffled format may have lessons identical to
those in the standard format, and moreover, the two formats need not differ in either the
number of practice sets within the text or the number of practice problems per practice set.
But, with the shuffled format, the practice problems are systematically arranged so that
practice problems are both distributed and mixed. For example, after a lesson on the
quadratic formula, the immediately following practice set would include no more than a
few quadratic formula problems, with other quadratic formula problems appearing in
subsequent practice sets with decreasing frequency. Thus, the practice problems of a given
type are systematically spaced throughout the textbook. This spacing intrinsically ensures
that the problems within each practice set include a mixture of different types, as there are
no more than one or two practice problems of each kind within each practice set. In order
to achieve such variety in the early portion of the textbook, the first several practice sets
can include problems relating to topics covered in previous years.
In summary, virtually all mathematics textbooks use one of two formats that differ with
regard to two variables. First, the problems of a given type are either massed in a single
practice set (as in the standard format) or spaced across multiple practice sets (as in the
shuffled format). Second, problems of different types are either blocked by type (as in the
standard format) or randomly mixed (as in the shuffled format). The massed vs. spaced
variable was examined in Experiment 1, and the blocked vs. mixed variable was examined
in Experiment 2. A third variable—light versus heavy massed practice—was also
examined in Experiment 1, for reasons described below. The remainder of the Introduction
is devoted to the relevant literature.
482 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
Massed versus spaced practice
In an experiment comparing the benefits of massed and spaced practice, a given amount of
practice is either massed into a single session or spaced across multiple sessions. For
example, four practice problems (relating to the same skill or concept) might be assigned in
a single session or divided evenly across two sessions separated by 1 week. The retention
interval equals the period of time between the last practice problem and the test. For
example, if a skill is practiced on Monday and Tuesday and tested on Friday, the retention
interval equals 3 days.
Test performance is generally superior after practice that is spaced rather than massed—
a finding known as the spacing effect (e.g., Bahrick, Bahrick, Bahrick, & Bahrick, 1993;
Bjork, 1979,1988,1994; Bloom & Shuell, 1981; Carpenter & DeLosh, 2005; Reynolds &
Glaser, 1964; Smith & Rothkopf, 1984). Exactly how spacing of practice produces this
benefit is the focus of much unresolved debate (for a review, see Dempster, 1989), but, for
the present purposes, it is sufficient to simply note that spaced practice boosts test per-
formance. For this reason, many previous authors have advocated that learners space their
study (Bahrick et al., 1993; Bjork, 1979,1988,1994; Bloom & Shuell, 1981; Cepeda,
Pashler, Vul, Wixted, & Rohrer, 2006; Dempster, 1989; Pashler, Rohrer, Cepeda, &
Carpenter, 2007; Reynolds & Glaser, 1964; Schmidt & Bjork, 1992; Smith & Rothkopf,
While only a few of the hundreds of spacing experiments have used mathematics tasks,
these few findings have shown benefits of spacing mathematics practice. For instance,
Smith and Rothkopf (1984) observed a spacing effect if several statistics lectures were
spaced across 4 days rather than massed into one session. More recently, Rohrer and
Taylor (2006) found a benefit of spacing mathematics practice for students who were tested
4 weeks after their last practice problem. Finally, Rea and Modigliani (1985) found a
spacing effect with young children who were asked to memorize five multiplication facts
(e.g., 8 ·5 = 40), although this kind of task is better described as verbal memory rather
than mathematical learning (which is not to say that such facts are not sometimes useful).
Incidentally, several mathematics learning experiments that purport to show a spacing
effect were, in fact, confounded in favor of the spacing effect. In Grote (1995), for in-
stance, students either massed their practice on Day 1 or spaced their practice across Days
1 through 22, but every student was tested on Day 36. Thus, the spaced practice condition
benefited from a far shorter retention interval. Nevertheless, the results of the few non-
confounded studies support the view that the long-term retention of mathematical
knowledge is enhanced by distributing the corresponding practice problems across multiple
practice sessions. This effect is revisited in Experiment 1.
Light versus heavy massed practice
One explanation for the preponderance of massed practice within mathematics textbooks is
the oft-cited belief that material is retained longer if study or practice continues imme-
diately after the material is understood. This kind of massed practice is formally known as
an overlearning strategy. For example, after a student has correctly solved one mathe-
matics problem (or perhaps two problems of the same type in order to rule out the
possibility that the first correct answer was due to chance), additional problems of the same
type, if attempted immediately, constitute an overlearning strategy. It must be clarified,
incidentally, that the term overlearning describes a strategy and not the degree of learning.
Shuffling of mathematics problems 483
In fact, one can achieve a very high degree of learning without using an overlearning
strategy. For example, most everyone has mastered the names of the calendar months, but
few did so by the use of an overlearning strategy (i.e., immediate post-criterion practice).
Thus, we are not evaluating the utility of knowing material very well but rather the utility
of learning by the strategy of post-criterion practice.
Overlearning experiments include a condition that ensures overlearning and a condition
in which overlearning is avoided or at least minimized. The great majority of these
experiments have found that the overlearning condition produces greater subsequent test
performance (e.g., Gilbert, 1957; Krueger, 1929; Postman, 1962), and such a benefit was
confirmed by a meta-analysis reported by Driskell et al. (1992). In brief, although a few
studies have found little or no benefit of overlearning (e.g., Reynolds & Glaser, 1964;
Rohrer, Taylor, Pashler, Wixted, & Cepeda, 2005), most results find overlearning to boost
subsequent test performance. These empirical findings perhaps explain the widespread
support for overlearning as a learning strategy (e.g., Fitts, 1965; Foriska, 1993; Hall, 1989;
Jahnke & Nowaczyk, 1998; Radvasky, 2006).
Yet there is reason to be cautious about the utility of overlearning in the mathematics
classroom. Only one previous overlearning experiment has used a mathematics task, and it
found no effect of overlearning on subsequent test performance. In an experiment reported
by Rohrer and Taylor (2006), students learned a single procedure and then immediately
worked either three or nine practice problems. The threefold increase in practice had no
effect on test scores at either the 1-week or 4-week tests.
Thus, this single experiment raises the possibility that mathematics overlearning is a
waste of time, and the implications of this finding are troubling because many mathe-
matics assignments demand a large degree of overlearning. For example, in the standard
(massed-blocked) format described at the outset of this Introduction, practice sets often
include as many as a dozen or more problems of the same kind. Thus, if overlearning is
ineffective, most mathematics students are devoting a sizeable proportion of their
practice to a learning strategy with little or no benefit. The benefits of overlearning are
revisited in Experiment 1.
Blocked versus mixed practice
Practice problems within mathematics textbooks are usually blocked by topic and not
mixed together, as described at the outset of this Introduction, but there appears to be little
direct evidence supporting either strategy for mathematics tasks. For motor tasks, the data
suggest that subsequent test performance is greater after mixed practice (see Bjork, 1994,
for a review). In Carson and Wiegand (1979), for instance, young children learned to throw
bean bags of different weights at a target, and their subsequent test performance was
greater when the practice throws for each particular weight were intermixed and not
blocked by weight.
For mathematics learning, however, we are unaware of any experiments comparing
mixed and blocked practice. Some previous studies have compared practice schedules that
differ with regard to the extent of mixture, but these experimental comparisons have been
confounded. For example, in an experiment reported by Mayfield and Chase (2002), one
group of subjects relied on mixed, spaced practice while another group underwent blocked,
massed practice. Thus, it was impossible to assess the specific effect of mixture. In
Experiment 2 of the present paper, students are randomly assigned to either a mixed or
blocked practice schedule, and the practice problems for both groups are spaced across two
484 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
sessions. This way, we were able to assess whether mixed practice provides benefits above
and beyond the benefit of spaced practice.
There is good reason to expect that a mixture of problem types will benefit subsequent
test performance. If a practice set includes a randomly arranged variety of problem types,
students learn to pair each kind of problem with the appropriate procedure. In other words,
a mixed practice schedule requires that students learn not only how to perform each
procedure but also which procedure is appropriate for each kind of problem (e.g., Kester,
Kirschner, & Van Merrie
¨nboer, 2004). For example, when a lesson on the repeated-
measures t-test is followed immediately by a practice set comprised solely of repeated-
measures t-test problems, the choice of procedure is obvious to students. Thus, they can
complete this block of practice problems without learning why each problem requires this
particular procedure. Consequently, when these students receive a repeated-measures t-test
problem on a later exam that includes a variety of problem types, each requiring that they
‘‘assess statistical significance,’’ they are faced with a task they have not practiced:
knowing which statistical test is appropriate for each type of problem. In fact, knowing
which procedure is appropriate is arguably more important than knowing how to perform
the procedure.
Learning to pair problem types and procedures is especially challenging in mathematics
because different problem types are often superficially similar. For example, the solution of
a single equation with a single variable is a rather narrow subset of problems, but even this
subset of problem types subsumes different procedures. For example, the equation,
2x= 0, is solved by factoring the left-hand expression, but the equation,
x1 = 0, cannot be solved by factoring and instead requires the quadratic formula.
Likewise, integral problems share a similar appearance, but students must learn which
integration technique is appropriate for each of the subtly different kinds. Such superficial
similarity is ubiquitous in mathematics, and this is why students need discrimination
The link between superficial similarity and the importance of this discrimination learning
has been demonstrated by VanderStoep and Seifert (1993). In their first experiment, for
instance, students learned to solve two kinds of mathematics problems that were either
similar or different in appearance. Some students saw a tutorial emphasizing how to solve
each kind of problem, and others saw a tutorial emphasizing which of two procedures was
appropriate for each kind of problem. The learning-which tutorial proved more effective
than the learning-how tutorial when the two kinds of problems were similar, but the tutorials
were equally effective when the kinds of problems did not resemble each other. Thus,
discrimination training proved useful when problems were similar in appearance.
In summary, while the importance of discrimination training provides one reason to
suspect that the mixture or interleaving of problem types will produce better subsequent
test performance, it appears that no prior experiments have directly compared mixed and
blocked practice. This was the aim of Experiment 2. If mixed practice is, in fact, superior
to blocked practice for mathematics learning, it would suggest that the widespread reliance
on blocked practice needs reevaluation.
Experiment 1
The first experiment assessed the effects of temporal distribution (spaced vs. massed
practice) and overlearning (massed practice vs. light massed practice) of mathematics
practice. College students were taught how to calculate the number of permutations of a
Shuffling of mathematics problems 485
letter sequence with at least one repeated letter (e.g., aabccc), and they then practiced this
procedure according to one of three schedules. Spacers worked two practice problems in
each of two sessions separated by 1 week; Massers worked the same four practice problems
in a single session; and Light Massers worked just two practice problems in one session.
All students were tested 1 week after their final practice problem. The procedure is
summarized in Fig. 2a.
Two critical comparisons are made. First, we assessed the effect of spacing practice by
comparing the test performance of Spacers and Massers. Second, we assessed the effect of
overlearning by comparing the test performance of Massers and Light Massers. As detailed
in the Introduction, the standard format relies predominantly on practice sets that are
massed, and the sheer number of problems within these practice sets ensures overlearning.
By contrast, the shuffled format incorporates spaced practice.
All three sessions were completed by 66 undergraduates (51 women) at the University of
South Florida. An additional 14 students completed the first session but failed to attend
either the second or third session.
Students calculated the number of unique orderings (i.e., permutations) of a letter sequence
with at least one repeated letter. For example, the sequence abbccc has 60 permutations,
including abccbc, accbcb, bbaccc, and so forth. Every letter sequence was four to eight
letters in length, and the number of unique letters in each sequence equaled two (aand b)
or three (a,b, and c). No sequence had more than 90 permutations. The number of
permutations for any sequence is given by a formula that is illustrated in the Appendix, but
students were not shown this formula because we believed that it would prove too complex
for some of our students Instead, we taught students with examples that were presented
exactly as shown in Fig. 1.
Base rate survey
Although we were confident that this particular kind of permutation problem was unknown
to our participant pool, we verified this by testing a sample of 50 students (with 43 women)
from the same participant pool, none of whom participated in either Experiments 1 or 2.
Each student was given 3 min to find the number of permutations for three of the practice
problems used in Experiment 1.
None of the surveyed students correctly answered any of the problems, and none of their
written solutions exhibited any evidence of the appropriate procedure. Some attempted to
simply list every permutation, but none succeeded, probably because of the time constraint.
Hence, this survey showed that this task is virtually, if not entirely, unknown to our
participant pool. Furthermore, to the extent that any relevant pre-experimental knowledge
did exist, it would not confound the experiment because of random assignment and the law
of large numbers.
486 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
Each student attended three sessions spaced 1 week apart. At the beginning of the first
session, each student was assigned to the group of Spacers, Massers, or Light Massers. At
no point were students told what to expect in subsequent sessions.
All students simultaneously observed a 3-min tutorial at the beginning of the first
session. The tutorial included a single projected visual slide with some explanatory
information and a sample problem, accompanied by oral explanation. The slide also
included the solution to the sample problem, which was presented exactly as shown in
Fig. 1. Immediately after the tutorial, every student completed the first practice set. The
Light Massers worked only the first practice set. The Massers worked both practice sets in
session one. The Spacers worked the first practice set in session one and the second
practice set in session two.
Each practice set included two examples and two practice problems, all of which were
presented in a test booklet. Students were given 45 s to solve each example, and each
example was followed immediately by a 15-s visual projection of its solution (which, like
the tutorial sample problem, was presented as shown in Fig. 1). The two practice problems
were also allotted 45 s each but were not followed by feedback. The selection and order of
the example and practice problems did not vary across students.
The test was given to the Massers and Light Massers in session two (1 week after their
final practice problem), and the Spacers were tested in session three (1 week after their
final practice problem), as illustrated in Fig. 2a. The test consisted of a single piece of
paper with five novel problems, and all students saw the same five problems in the same
order. Students were asked to solve all five problems in 225 s (which averages to 45 s per
problem). Students were required to sit for the entire time period, and feedback was not
Critically, although the Massers and Light Massers were tested in the second session,
they were required to attend the third session. If they had been allowed to skip the third
In how many ways can the letters abbccc be arranged?
6 letters
skip a, because it
does not repeat b appears 2 times c appears 3 times
23456 =60
Fig. 1 Permutation task. This example illustrates the format of the solutions presented to students during
the tutorial and the feedback after each example
Shuffling of mathematics problems 487
session, the test scores of the Massers and Light Massers would have included subjects
who might have not attended the third session if it had been required. This would have
confounded the experiment because subjects who fail to show for a follow-up session
perform worse, on average, than those who show. Thus, allowing Massers and Light
Massers to skip the third session would have confounded the experiment in favor of the
Spacers. Indeed, the present experiment included three Massers who failed to attend the
third session, and their average test score was, in fact, lower than the average score of the
Massers who attended all three sessions. Thus, by requiring every student to attend the
third session, the observed spacing effect was not exaggerated.
Resultsand discussion
Inclusion criterion
Because one aim of this study was to assess the benefits of overlearning by comparing the
Massers and Light Massers, it was important that Light Massers provide at least one correct
response during practice. This is because overlearning requires that students continue
practice beyond criterion, and, consequently, the benefits of overlearning cannot be as-
sessed unless the control group reaches criterion. Therefore, we restricted our analyses to
those students who correctly answered at least one of the first two practice problems
(which were the only two practice problems attempted by all students). This eliminated six
of the 66 students. The exclusion of these six students slightly increased the mean test
scores of each group, but it had no effect on the findings.
A Practice Procedure
week 1 week 2 week 3
Spacers 2 problems 2 problems test
Massers 4 problems test filler tas
Light Massers 2 problems test filler task
B Test Performance
acers Massers Li
ht Massers
49% 46%
Fig. 2 Experiment 1. aPractice
procedure. Each pair of practice
problems was preceded by two
examples. Students saw a single
tutorial immediately before the
first example. Practice session
performance did not differ
reliably between groups. bTest
performance. Error bars reflect
±1 SE
488 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
Practice performance
Mean accuracy for the first two problems equaled 95% (SE = 2%). Naturally, there were no
reliable differences between the three groups on these first two problems (p> 0.05) because
these two practice problems were completed before the procedures for the three groups
For the second set of two practice problems, the timing was manipulated, as it was
begun immediately after the first practice set (Massers) or 1 week later (Spacers). Yet
despite the delay imposed upon the Spacers, their second practice set mean accuracy of
83% (SE = 6%) was about equal to the Massers’ average of 82% (SE = 7%), t< 1. Thus, a
1-week delay did not impair performance on the second practice set, and this was probably
due to the fact that each practice set began with two solved examples. Notably, though, this
was not a confound because both Massers and Spacers saw the same two examples just
before the second practice set. In summary, practice strategy did not significantly affect
practice performance.
Test performance
Practice strategy affected test performance. As shown in Figure 2a, the Spacers’ mean test
accuracy of 74% (SE = 8%) exceeded both the Massers’ average of 49% (SE = 10%) and
the Light Massers’ average of 46% (SE = 7%). An analysis of variance revealed a reliable
difference between the groups, F(2, 57) = 3.59, p< 0.05, g
= 0.11. Subsequent Holm–
Sidak comparisons revealed that the Spacers outscored both the Massers (p< 0.05) and the
Light Massers (p< 0.05), but the Massers and the Light Massers did not differ reliably
(p= 0.8).
Two key findings were observed. First, despite a twofold different in the amount of massed
practice assigned to Massers and Light Massers, there was not detectable difference in their
test scores. Thus, because the Light Massers correctly answered at least one practice
problem (as all analyses excluded subjects who did not correctly answer any practice
problems), this finding constitutes a null effect of overlearning (i.e., immediate post-
criterion study). Admittedly, overlearning might have significantly boosted test scores if
the number of massed practice problems had varied by a factor of, say, 10 and not just two.
However, any such effect would need to be extremely large before it would justify the
tenfold increase in study time. This is because learners have a finite amount of study time,
and they should invest this time in strategies that provide a good return on their investment.
Thus, while an extremely large amount of overlearning might boost test scores, it would
probably not be efficient. Finally, and as noted in the Introduction, a null effect of
mathematics overlearning was observed previously (Rohrer & Taylor, 2006). However, the
present finding is the first in which the null effect cannot be attributed to an artificial
constraint on test performance. That is, the inability of the Massers to outscore the Light
Massers cannot be attributed to an inherent ceiling effect because the Massers were vastly
outscored by the Spacers. This superiority of Spacers over Massers–a spacing effect—is
the second key finding of this study. Both findings—the null effect of overlearning and the
superiority of spacing over massing—favor the shuffled format, which uses spaced prac-
tice, over the more commonly used standard format, which induces massing and over-
Shuffling of mathematics problems 489
Experiment 2
In the second experiment, students worked a set of practice problems that were either
blocked by problem type or mixed together. College students were taught how to find the
volume of the four obscure geometric solids shown in Fig. 3a and then completed one of
two randomly assigned practice schedules. Each group worked the same practice problems,
but the practice problems were either blocked (e.g., four problems for one solid, then four
problems for another solid) or systematically mixed. Both the Mixers and the Blockers
completed two practice sessions, separated by 1 week, and were tested 1 week after their
second practice session, as shown in Fig. 4a. As detailed in the Introduction, mixed
practice requires that students learn to pair a type of problem with its appropriate proce-
dure, and, for that reason, we suspected that the Mixers would outscore Blockers at test.
Three sessions were completed by 18 undergraduates (13 women) at the University of
South Florida. An additional 15 students completed the first session but failed to attend
either the second or third session. None participated in Experiment 1. Although the sample
size was small, statistical power was not a concern because of effect sizes were large.
The students learned to calculate the volume of four geometric solids. Formal definitions of
the four solids are given in the Appendix, but students instead saw the illustrations and
descriptions shown in Fig. 3a. The volume of each solid depends solely on its radius (r) and
height (h). In every problem presented during practice or test, the radius and height equaled
a positive integer of seven or less. Problems and solutions were presented in the format
shown in Fig. 3b. Of note, students were asked to write the appropriate formula in a
preprinted box and write the volume in a preprinted oval.
Base rate survey
To verify that the volume formulas were virtually unknown to the participant pool used in
Experiment 2, we tested a sample of 25 students (14 women) from the same pool, none of
whom participated in either experiment. Each student was given 8 min to solve the eight
test problems given in Experiment 2, and these included two problems for each of the four
solids. None of the students correctly answered any of the problems. As in Experiment 1,
concerns about pre-experimental knowledge are further tempered by random assignment
and the law of large numbers.
The students attended three sessions spaced 1 week apart. At the beginning of the first
session, each student was randomly assigned to the group of Mixers or Blockers. For both
groups, the first and second sessions were practice sessions, and the third session included
the test.
490 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
Each of the two practice sessions included four tutorials and 16 practice problems. The
Mixers read all four tutorials before beginning the practice problems, and the 16 practice
problems were randomly ordered with the constraint that each set of four practice problems
(e.g., 1-4, 5–8, etc.) included one problem for each of the four solids. For the Blockers,
each tutorial on a given solid was followed immediately by the four problems relating to
that solid (e.g., the wedge tutorial was followed by four wedge problems, the spherical
Awedge is the boldfaced portion of the tube.
Its bottom is a circle, and its top is a slanted oval.
Its volume equals
Aspherical cone is the boldfaced part of the sphere.
Its bottom is at the center of the sphere.
The rim of the cone is on the surface of the sphere.
Its volume equals
Find the volume of a wedge with r = 2 and h = 3.
Write the formula in the box; write the answer in the oval.
= 6
Aspheroid is similar to a sphere.
But its height has been squeezed or stretched.
Its volume equals
Ahalf cone is the bottom half of a cone.
Both its top and bottom are circles.
Its volume equals
Fig. 3 Volume task. aThe illustrations and descriptions are identical to those shown to the students.
Formal definitions of each shape are given in the Appendix. bA sample problem. This example
illustrates the format of the solutions presented during the tutorial and the feedback after each practice
Shuffling of mathematics problems 491
cone tutorial was followed by four spherical cone problems, and so forth). Within each
condition, the order of the problems did not vary across students, and no problem appeared
in both practice sessions. Most importantly, both groups saw the same tutorials and the
same practice problems in each session.
Students were given 45 s to read each tutorial, which consisted of the illustration and
written description in Fig. 3a and one solved example like that shown in Fig. 3b. Students
were allotted 40 s for each practice problem, and each practice problem was followed
immediately by a 10-s visual presentation of the solution. Each practice problem and its
subsequent solution were presented in the format shown in Fig. 3b.
One week after the second session (and their last practice problem), students were
tested. Eight novel problems, with two problems for each solid, were presented simulta-
neously in a random order. All students saw the same problems in the same order. Students
were allotted 8 min and were required to sit for the entire time period. Feedback was not
Results and discussion
Inclusion criterion
Every student correctly answered at least one practice problem in each practice session.
Consequently, every student was included in all further analyses.
Practice performance
Practice session performance was impeded by mixture (Fig. 4b), as the Blockers’ average
of 89% (SE = 4%) statistically exceeded the Mixers’ average of 60% (SE = 7%), t
(16) = 3.14, p< 0.01,d= 1.06. This superiority of Blockers was due primarily to the
difference in their scores during the first session (87 vs. 43%), t(16) = 3.88, p< 0.01, d=
0.53. In the second practice session, the Blockers’ superiority was more moderate and not
statistically significant (91 vs. 78%), t(16) = 1.58, p> 0.05.
Test performance
By contrast, the mean test performance of Mixers (63%, SE = 12%) was far greater than
that of the Blockers (20%, SE = 9%), t(14) = 2.64, p< 0.05, d= 1.34, as shown in Fig. 4c.
Thus, mixed practice produced superior test performance and inferior practice performance
(compared to blocked practice), as evidenced by a statistically significant interaction be-
tween practice strategy (mixed vs. blocked) and experiment phase (practice vs. test), F(1,
16) = 35.08, p< 0.001.
In a secondary analysis of test performance, we tabulated the number of test problems
for which students provided the correct formula but not the correct answer. Across all
students and all test problems, this happened only twice: once for a Mixer and once for a
Blocker. Thus, if the correct formula was recalled, the correct answer was almost always
found. This means that Blockers (and Mixers) knew how to solve each kind of problem at
the time of test, and, consequently, their poor performance was due to their inability to
recall the correct formula for each problem. Thus, as fully detailed in the Introduction, it
appears that students received the necessary discrimination training only when practice
problems were mixed by type.
492 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
Finally, although it might seem that the superior test scores of Mixers could be
attributed to the fact that the test problems were mixed rather than blocked, we believe this
is unlikely for two reasons. First, if it is assumed that the Blockers’ poor test performance
stemmed from their inability to pair each kind of problem with the appropriate formula, as
suggested by the analysis in the paragraph immediately above, the order of the test
problems is logically inconsequential. Second, because the test included only two problems
of each type, the difference between a blocked and mixed format would have been slight.
While blocked practice proved superior to mixed practice during the practice session,
subsequent test scores were much greater when practice was mixed rather than blocked.
The superior test performance after mixed practice is, in our view, attributed to the fact that
students in this condition were required to know not only how to solve each kind of
problem but also which procedure (i.e., formula) was appropriate for each kind of problem
APractice Procedure
week week 3
Mixers Set 1 Set 2 test
interleaved interleaved
Blockers Set 1 Set 2 test
grouped grouped
CTest Performance
Mixers Blockers
BPractice Performance
Mixers Blockers
1week 2
Fig. 4 Experiment 2 aPractice
procedure. bPractice session
performance. Error bars reflect
±1 SE. Data are averaged across
the two practice sessions. See
text for details about performance
on each specific practice session.
cTest performance. Error bars
reflect ±1 SE
Shuffling of mathematics problems 493
(i.e., solid). This possibility is also consistent with the finding that virtually every test error
was due to the selection of the wrong formula.
General discussion
Test performance in both experiments benefited from altering either the timing or the serial
order of practice problems. In Experiment 1, test performance increased sharply if a given
set of practice problems was spaced across two sessions separated by 1 week, as compared
to the massing of these problems within a single session. In addition, there was no dec-
rement in test performance when the number of massed practice problems was reduced by
half, which is to say that there was a null effect of the strategy known as overlearning. In
Experiment 2, test performance improved 250% when practice problems of different types
were mixed together and not blocked by type. In brief, while an increase in the number of
massed practice problems did not reliably affect test scores (Experiment 1), large gains in
test performance were achieved by the use of spacing or mixing, even though neither of
these strategies required additional practice problems.
The two experiments also demonstrated that a learning strategy which provides superior
test performance is not necessarily the one that optimizes practice performance. In
Experiment 1, the spacing of practice, which boosted test performance, had no effect on
practice performance. In Experiment 2, the mixture of problem types, which boosted test
performance, actually impeded practice performance. Bjork and his colleagues have
observed similar dissociations between practice and test performance, leading them to
describe these initially costly but ultimately beneficial strategies as desirable difficul-
ties(e.g., Bjork, 1994; Christina & Bjork, 1991; Schmidt & Bjork, 1992).
Several limitations apply to the generality of these findings. First, our subjects were college
students, and it is possible that the effects observed here might be muted or even absent
with much younger students. Second, the experiments reported here relied on a test that
required students to solve problems exactly like those shown in practice, and it is not
known whether our findings would obtain with measures requiring transfer. Third, our
experiments were laboratory based, and future research will be needed to determine if the
findings will replicate in a classroom setting. Fourth, the tasks used in our experiments are
procedural rather than conceptual (e.g., Rittle-Johnson & Alibali, 1999; Rittle-Johnson,
Siegler, & Alibali, 2001), and it remains unknown whether the benefits of spaced and
mixed practice would hold for more abstract, conceptual tasks. In brief, our results leave
open the possibility that our findings may not generalize to different subjects, tasks, and
settings, yet, at the same time, we know of no reason why they would not.
Practical implications
The present results cast doubt on the utility of the standard practice format used in most
mathematics textbooks because this format is characterized by massed practice and
blocked practice—the very two strategies that proved here to be deficient long-term
learning strategies. Likewise, the present findings suggest that the shuffled format, with its
494 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
reliance on spaced and mixed practice, deserves further consideration by researchers,
teachers, educators, and authors.
We should emphasize that the shuffled format can be adopted without any change in the
nature or the order of the lessons. It does mean, however, that, if a lesson is omitted, one
must be careful to also omit corresponding problems throughout the remainder of the
textbook. Fortunately, this task is made easy if the textbook includes an index listing every
practice problem and its corresponding lesson, allowing the instructor to easily avoid
assigning problems relating to omitted topics. Such an index also means that a student
can find the lesson corresponding to a problem that he or she cannot solve. In fact, the
lesson number for each problem could be provided immediately adjacent to each practice
Perhaps the most well known example of the shuffled format is the Saxon line of
mathematics textbooks (e.g., Saxon, 1997). In these textbooks, no more than two or three
problems within each practice set are drawn from the immediately preceding lesson, and
the remaining one or two dozen problems are drawn from many different lessons. We are
not aware of any published, controlled experiments comparing a Saxon and non-Saxon
textbook, but such an experiment may not be particularly informative because it would be
confounded by the numerous differences between any two such texts. That is, regardless of
the outcome of an experimental comparison of a shuffled textbook and a standard textbook,
any observed differences in, say, final exam performance might reflect differences in the
lessons rather than practice format.
Such confounds would be avoided, however, if two groups of students were presented
with the same lessons and different practice sets. For example, each group of students
could receive a packet that includes the lessons from a traditional textbook, and these
lessons would appear in the same order for both groups. Both groups would also see the
same practice problems, but the problems would be arranged in either a standard format
or shuffled format. By way of disclosure, neither author has an affiliation with a
publishing company or mathematics textbook, although the first author is a former
mathematics teacher who has taught with textbooks from many different publishers,
including Saxon.
Additional advantages of a shuffled format
There may be additional benefits of a shuffled format not addressed by Experiments 1 and
2. For example, when practice problems relating to a given topic are spaced across multiple
practice sets, a student who fails to understand a lesson (or fails to attend a lesson) will still
be able to solve most of the problems within the following practice set, whereas a massed
practice set ensures that this student will have little or no success. Likewise, if that student
achieves better understanding of the topic in a subsequent class meeting (perhaps by
observing other students solve the previously assigned practice problems in class), a
shuffled format provides opportunities to practice these new skills in the future.
Finally, the logistical demands and the financial costs of adopting a shuffled practice
format are relatively small. Instructors can incorporate a shuffled format regardless of
their adopted textbook by merely shuffling practice problems from multiple practice sets.
Ideally, though, the shuffled format would be incorporated by textbooks and instructional
software packages. Notably, the adoption of this new format could be accomplished with
little trouble or expense, as authors and publishers could merely rearrange the practice
problems in the next edition.
Shuffling of mathematics problems 495
Acknowledgments This research was supported by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences, US
Department of Education. We thank Kristina Martinez and Erica Porch for their assistance with data
If a sequence of items includes nitems and kunique items, the number of permutations of
the sequence equals n!/(n
! ... n
!), where n
equals the number of occurrences of item i.
Thus, for the sequence abbccc, the number of permutations equals 6!/(1! 2! 3!), or 60.
A wedge is obtained by the truncation of a cylinder by two planes if exactly one of the
planes is perpendicular to the cylinder and if the linear intersection of the two planes
includes exactly one point on the cylindrical surface. If the latter constraint is relaxed so
that the linear intersection may intersect the cylindrical surface at either one or two points,
the solid is a cylindrical wedge. This is the shape shown in Fig. 3a. We chose the term
wedge for this specific case because we do not know of an accepted term. Its volume
equals r
hp/2, where requals the radius of its circular base and hequals its maximum
Spherical cone
A spherical cone is obtained by removing a conical section of a sphere provided that the
vertex of the cone is at the sphere’s center and the base of the cone is on the sphere’s
surface, as shown in Fig. 3a. Its volume is given by 2r
hp/3, where requals the radius of
the sphere and hequals the difference of the sphere’s radius and the cone’s height
A spheroid is obtained by the rotation of an ellipse about one of its axes. The spheroid in
Fig. 3a, for example, is rotated about its vertical axis. Its volume equals 4r
hp/3, where r
equals the ‘‘equatorial radius’’ and hequals the ‘‘polar radius.’’ The values of rand halso
equal one-half of the major and minor lengths of the rotated ellipse.
Half cone
A half cone is a cone truncated by a plane parallel to its base so that the truncation reduces
the cone’s height by half. Its volume equals 7r
hp/3, where requals the radius of the upper
base and hequals the height of the truncated cone, as illustrated in Fig. 3a. The half cone is
a specific instance of a conical frustum, which has a height equal to any proportion of the
cone’s height. We chose the term ‘‘half cone’’ to describe a conical frustrum with height
equal to exactly half of the cone’s height.
496 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
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498 D. Rohrer, K. Taylor
... An advantage for interleaved over blocked practice has since been replicated with the same type of materials (Kang & Pashler, 2012;Kornell et al., 2010;Metcalfe & Xu, 2016;Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester, 2014;Zulkiply, 2015;Zulkiply & Burt, 2013a, 2013b but has also been found using other materials and tasks, in particular for mathematical problems (Rohrer et al., 2015;Rohrer & Taylor, 2007;Taylor & Rohrer, 2010). In a seminal study, Rohrer and Taylor (2007) had college students learn the formulas for calculating the volume of four geometric solids. ...
... An advantage for interleaved over blocked practice has since been replicated with the same type of materials (Kang & Pashler, 2012;Kornell et al., 2010;Metcalfe & Xu, 2016;Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester, 2014;Zulkiply, 2015;Zulkiply & Burt, 2013a, 2013b but has also been found using other materials and tasks, in particular for mathematical problems (Rohrer et al., 2015;Rohrer & Taylor, 2007;Taylor & Rohrer, 2010). In a seminal study, Rohrer and Taylor (2007) had college students learn the formulas for calculating the volume of four geometric solids. Problems were either blocked by the type of solid (i.e., students first worked on all calculations on one type before moving on to the next) or interleaved (i.e., the problems on all four solids were mixed). ...
... In a few studies, the assumption that interleaved practice improves learning has also been tested in foreign language learning (e.g., Carpenter & Mueller, 2013;Finkbeiner & Nicol, 2003;Schneider et al., 1998Schneider et al., , 2002, a learning content and setting that is more similar to the mathematical tasks used by Rohrer and Taylor (2007) and Taylor and Rohrer (2010) than to the inductive learning tasks (e.g., Kornell & Bjork, 2008). However, contrary to expectations, no interleaving effect was found in these studies. ...
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Interleaving is an effective strategy to improve lasting learning. The idea is to practice related, but distinct concepts in combination rather than separately. According to the discriminative contrast hypothesis, a prerequisite for its effectiveness is that the to-be-learned concepts are highly similar and thus hard to distinguish. This prerequisite may explain mixed evidence for interleaving in foreign language learning, as it may not apply to all areas of language learning. We investigated the effect of interleaved practice in foreign language grammar learning. In three field experiments in introductory Spanish classes, learners had to learn to distinguish the contexts in which the two verbs “ser” and “estar,” which both translate to “to be,” are used. In the blocked condition, participants worked on separate fill-in-the-blank practice tests on “ser” and “estar,” while in the interleaved condition, participants worked on a combined fill-in-the-blank practice test. The final test was a new fill-in-the-blank test combining “ser” and “estar.” Experiment 1 manipulated learning condition and time of final test (immediate vs. after 1 week) between classes. No interleaving effect was found. In Experiment 2, we added correct answer feedback and used a delayed final test only. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 2 but varied learning condition within class (random allocation). A significant medium-sized advantage of interleaved practice was found in both experiments with feedback after the practice tests. Our results thus corroborate previous evidence from the laboratory that interleaving can be effective for foreign language learning if the to-be-learned concepts are hard to distinguish.
... Numerous articles suggest that learners may underestimate (make poor JOL of) spaced practice due to its costly strategic and attentional demands [3,40,47]. Carvalho and Goldstone demonstrate that attentional bias affects significantly how learners judge the benefits of study schedules when learners are adapted to unsupervised learning that promotes automatic and passive rule-based categorizations of study items, which encourages learners to focus on similarities rather than update attention to distinguish between items [48]. On a positive note, Was et al. found that high JOLs are associated with less mind-wandering, indicating that learners are aware of the negative effects of ceasing attention [49]. ...
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The benefit of the spacing effect is inherently hindered by perception bias in making judgments of learning (JOLs), but more insights might be found in the context of executive functions (EF), where it correlates with metacognitive strategies and cognitive loads. Thus, this article attempts to address the dilemma of the spacing effect by synthesizing both existing JOL and EF perspectives. This paper yields various mechanisms related to memory performance in spaced learning: delayed JOLs, JOL reactivity, overt retrieval, inhibition control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. All of these factors associate with the theory of mind, an important yet understudied social-cognitive skill in spaced learning which could shift our ways of thinking about spacing.
... The moderate superb correlation (r = 0.506) between AI and interleaved practice indicates that as AI-driven gear come to be more established in gaining knowledge of environments, college students can be increasingly more likely to adopt interleaved exercise strategies. Interleaved exercise, which involves mixing unique forms of problems or subjects instead of specializing in separately, has been shown to improve lengthy-term retention and adaptability in hassle-solving (Rohrer & Taylor, 2007). AI systems often assist interleaved learning through dynamically adjusting hassle kinds primarily based on pupil performance, assisting rookies to increase bendy understanding systems and avoid rote memorization (Ritter et al., 2016). ...
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The objective of the study was to identify the level of AI and students’ learning strategies, and to find the relationship between AI and students’ learning strategies at secondary level. Artificial Intelligence is reshaping students' learning strategies by providing personalized content, immediate feedback, and data-driven insights that enhance engagement and comprehension. However, while AI promotes self-regulated learning and collaboration, it also requires careful balance to preserve essential human interaction in education. A quantitative and descriptive method is used in the study. The majority of participants were in the secondary school district of Sheikhupura. A questionnaire served as this study's primary research tool. The validity of the questionnaire was found through experts’ opinions and reliability through pilot testing. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used. The findings of the study revealed that there was highly significant relationship between AI and students’ learning strategies at secondary level.
... The interleaving effect has been successfully replicated by dozens of studies which have further extended it to learning of animal species (Birnbaum et al., 2013;Kornell & Vaughn, 2018;Wahlheim et al., 2011), chemical compounds (Eglington & Kang, 2017), mathematical volume calculations (Foster et al., 2019;Rohrer & Taylor, 2007), cognitive and social concepts (Rawson et al., 2015;Sana et al., 2017), musical styles and intervals (S. S. H. Wong et al., 2020Wong et al., , 2021, second-language syntax (Nakata & Suzuki, 2019;Suzuki et al., 2020), and other complex materials in educational settings (Mielicki & Wiley, 2022). Interleaving-enhanced inductive learning also persists across a span of study-test intervals ranging from seconds (Kornell & Bjork, 2008;Kornell et al., 2010;Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester, 2014;Wahlheim et al., 2011), days (Pan et al., 2019;Taylor & Rohrer, 2010), and weeks (Zulkiply, 2013;Zulkiply & Burt, 2013b), to months (Rohrer et al., 2015). ...
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Interleaving (intermixing exemplars from different categories) is more effective in promoting inductive learning than blocking (massing exemplars from a given category together). Yet learners typically prefer blocking over interleaving during self-regulated inductive learning, highlighting the need to develop effective interventions to overcome this metacognitive illusion and promote learners’ practical use of the interleaving strategy. Drawing on a sample of university students, three experiments examined the effects of an instructional intervention on (a) correction of metacognitive fallacies regarding the superiority of blocking over interleaving for inductive learning, (b) adoption of the interleaving strategy during self-regulated learning when learners are allowed to make study choices exemplar-by-exemplar, (c) classification performance, and (d) transfer of category learning across diverse domains. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that instructions about the benefits of interleaving over blocking improved metacognitive awareness of the efficacy of interleaving and enhanced self-usage of the interleaving strategy during learning of new categories. However, this intervention had negligible influence on interleaving distance and did not improve classification performance. Experiment 3 found that informing learners about the benefits of extensive interleaving, as compared to minimal interleaving or no interleaving, successfully increased interleaving distance and boosted classification performance, and the intervention effects transferred to learning categories in a different domain. These findings support the practical use of the instructional intervention in promoting self-usage of the interleaving strategy and highlight the important role of enlarging interleaving distance in facilitating inductive learning.
... This method involves interspersing different types of problems to enhance learning and retention. Unlike problems organized in blocks, algorithmic repetition is emphasized to a lesser extent with an interleaved organization, thus requiring students to evaluate problems holistically and develop problem-solving strategies that extend beyond surface features (Persky & Robinson, 2017;Rohrer & Taylor, 2007). The end-of-the-chapter problems in general chemistry textbooks (Brown et al., 2018;Ebbing & Gammon, 2009;Tro, 2011;Zumdahl & DeCoste, 2012) feature both block and interleaved general chemistry problems, but the emphasis is greatly placed on the former structure. ...
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The study reports a comparison of two first-semester general chemistry cohorts who were provided with the same instruction and course materials, but the format for their online homework assignments differed. One cohort had homework assignments organized using a block or categorized format, in which the concepts (e.g., limiting reagents) being assessed were identified for each problem. The second cohort had homework assignments organized using an uncategorized or interleaved format in which the assessed concepts were not provided. The two cohorts completed the same tests and a standardized American Chemical Society (ACS) final exam. Students who completed the uncategorized or interleaved homework assignments scored higher than the block or categorized cohort on each of the four tests and the final exam. Statistical differences, using a 95 % confidence level, were observed on the first test and final exam.
... Despite extending the length of the present study over the pilot, it still lasted only two-and-a-half weeks (with a trial taking place every 3 days until completed). A longer trial incorporating the freedom to adjust focus, pace, and intensity to each individual's rate of progress would provide a more authentic test of the DP framework (Agarwal & Bain, 2019;Rohrer & Taylor, 2007). It would also make it possible to determine if any improvements in therapeutic skills associated with engagement in DP endure and also translate into improvements in clinical effectiveness with real clients. ...
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In the last decade, deliberate practice (DP)—a process of formally and systematically training for performance objectives just beyond an individual’s current ability—has emerged as a promising approach for enhancing therapeutic effectiveness. In view of the paucity of prospective studies, an experimental design with a series of challenging clinical vignettes was developed to test whether DP could improve, as well as generalize therapist ability to manage challenging encounters in therapy. When results from a pilot study showed promise for increasing participants’ skills, a multicenter, unblinded randomized controlled trial was conducted to assess the use of DP as a training framework. Seventy-two participants (39 in experimental group, 33 in control group) were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group, with the former receiving ongoing feedback to guide DP and the latter limited to engaging in self-reflection. On average, participants in the DP condition not only improved, but were also able to generalize newly acquired knowledge and skills to novel, challenging clinical scenarios. By contrast, no change was observed among participants in the control condition. A review of the extant literature shows this to be the first study to include all four components of DP in psychotherapy training: (1) individualized learning objectives based on an assessment of the performer’s baseline ability, (2) targeted feedback, (3) successive refinement, and (4) guidance from a coach. Caveats and implications for training are discussed and explored.
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Clinical Thinking in Psychotherapy: What it is, how it works, and why and how to teach it integrates the latest research from the learning sciences and cognitive science to show how to improve the quality of clinical thinking in psychotherapy and supervision. Why is that important? Research shows that, on average, graduate school does not make therapists more effective. 38% of therapists are consistently unhelpful. 20% of therapists get 80% of good results. 93% of the supervision offered is inadequate, and 35% is harmful. And on average, therapists become less effective over their careers. Clearly, we must reconsider what we teach and how we teach in graduate and post-graduate psychotherapy training. This book offers some solutions to these problems. Since good clinical thinking leads to effective interventions, training should teach students how to engage in good clinical thinking. I first define clinical thinking and its relationship to theory. If we understand the hierarchical structure of concepts in a theory, we know the order to teach them to students, building the complexity of their thinking step by step. Then I show how to analyze students’ thinking. Every student enters psychotherapy training with unconscious assumptions about people and listening: a folk psychology. While those assumptions work to a degree in everyday life, they usually do not in therapy. If we can identify students’ unconscious assumptions, we can help them let go of misconceptions that lead to unscientific thinking. Then they can use clinical concepts for psychological thinking. As students let go of their preconceptions, this changes how they listen, think, and intervene. They changes as persons. And this triggers anxiety. A chapter describes how to identify and regulate anxiety and address learning obstacles. Then students will continue to face what makes them anxious while learning rather than revert to old habits. Now that the student has let go of misconceptions and can bear the anxiety of change, we focus on the new knowledge we will teach. The following four chapters focus on the four kinds of knowledge we teach students: • Declarative knowledge (the concepts and theory we use for clinical thinking) • Procedural knowledge (how we put theory into practice) • Conditional knowledge (knowing when, where, and why we use a particular intervention) • Metacognitive knowledge (what we learn by thinking about our thinking). Students must learn to think about their thinking to improve it. And they must learn how to analyze patient responses to receive the supervision patients offer them. Research shows that declarative, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge require three different kinds of teaching: retrieval strategies, experiential strategies, and metacognitive strategies. Vignettes from psychotherapy classes and supervision illustrate how to teach each type of knowledge. Of course, there are many books on the supervision of psychotherapy, though none on the teaching of it. This book shows how to teach clinical thinking, incorporating research from the learning sciences. As such, it will help therapists learn about clinical thinking and how to do it. And it will help teachers and supervisors learn how to teach it more effectively.
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Metacognition offers an up-to-date compendium of major scientific issues involved in metacognition. The twelve original contributions provide a concise statement of theoretical and empirical research on self-reflective processes or knowing about what we know. Self-reflective processes are often thought to be central to what we mean by consciousness and the personal self. Without such processes, one would presumably respond to stimuli in an automatized and environmentally bound manner—that is, without the characteristic patterns of behavior and introspection that are manifested as plans, strategies, reflections, self-control, self-monitoring, and intelligence. Bradford Books imprint
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This study examined relations between children's conceptual understanding of mathematical equivalence and their procedures for solving equivalence problems (e.g., 3 + 4 + 5 = 3 + 9). Students in 4th and 5th grades completed assessments of their conceptual and procedural knowledge of equivalence, both before and after a brief lesson. The instruction focused either on the concept of equivalence or on a correct procedure for solving equivalence problems. Conceptual instruction led to increased conceptual understanding and to generation and transfer of a correct procedure. Procedural instruction led to increased conceptual understanding and to adoption, but only limited transfer, of the instructed procedure. These findings highlight the causal relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge and suggest that conceptual knowledge may have a greater influence on procedural knowledge than the reverse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The authors propose that conceptual and procedural knowledge develop in an iterative fashion and that improved problem representation is 1 mechanism underlying the relations between them. Two experiments were conducted with 5th- and 6th-grade students learning about decimal fractions. In Experiment 1, children's initial conceptual knowledge predicted gains in procedural knowledge, and gains in procedural knowledge predicted improvements in conceptual knowledge. Correct problem representations mediated the relation between initial conceptual knowledge and improved procedural knowledge. In Experiment 2, amount of support for correct problem representation was experimentally manipulated, and the manipulations led to gains in procedural knowledge. Thus, conceptual and procedural knowledge develop iteratively, and improved problem representation is 1 mechanism in this process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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This article constitutes an optimistic argument that basic research on human cognitive processes has yielded principles and phenomena that have considerable promise in guiding the design and execution of college instruction. To illustrate that point, four somewhat interrelated principles and phenomena arc outlined and some possible implications and applications of those principles and phenomena are put forward.
The authors propose that conceptual and procedural knowledge develop in an iterative fashion and that improved problem representation is 1 mechanism underlying the relations between them. Two experiments were conducted with 5th- and 6th-grade students learning about decimal fractions. In Experiment 1, children's initial conceptual knowledge predicted gains in procedural knowledge, and gains in procedural knowledge predicted improvements in conceptual knowledge. Correct problem representations mediated the relation between initial conceptual knowledge and improved procedural knowledge. In Experiment 2, amount of support for correct problem representation was experimentally manipulated, and the manipulations led to gains in procedural knowledge. Thus, conceptual and procedural knowledge develop iteratively, and improved problem representation is 1 mechanism in this process.
This study examined relations between children's conceptual understanding of mathematical equivalence and their procedures for solving equivalence problems (e.g., 3 + 4 + 5 = 3 + -). Students in 4th and 5th grades completed assessments of their conceptual and procedural knowledge of equivalence, both before and after a brief lesson. The instruction focused either on the concept of equivalence or on a correct procedure for solving equivalence problems. Conceptual instruction led to increased conceptual understanding and to generation and transfer of a correct procedure. Procedural instruction led to increased conceptual understanding and to adoption, but only limited transfer, of the instructed procedure. These findings highlight the causal relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge and suggest that conceptual knowledge may have a greater influence on procedural knowledge than the reverse.
High school students enrolled in a French course learned vocabulary words under conditions of either massed or distributed practice as part of their regular class activities. Distributed practice consisted of three 10-minute units on each of three successive days; massed practice consisted of all three units being completed during a 30-minute period on a single day. Though performance of the two groups was virtually identical on a test given immediately after completion of study, the students who had learned the words by distributed practice did substantially better (35%) than the massed- practice students on a second test given 4 days later. The implications of the findings for classroom instruction and the need to distinguish between learning and memory are discussed.
In a 9-year longitudinal investigation, 4 subjects learned and relearned 300 English-foreign language word pairs. Either 13 or 26 relearning sessions were administered at intervals of 14, 28, or 56 days. Retention was tested for 1.2.3. or 5 years after training terminated. The longer intersession intervals slowed down acquisition slightly, but this disadvantage during training was offset by substantially higher retention. Thirteen retraining sessions spaced at 56 days yielded retention comparable to 26 sessions spaced at 14 days. The retention benefit due to additional sessions was independent of the benefit due to spacing, and both variables facilitated retention of words regardless of difficulty level and of the consistency of retrieval during training. The benefits of spaced retrieval practice to long-term maintenance of access to academic knowledge areas are discussed.
The variability-of-practice hypothesis, a major prediction of Schmidt's (1975) motor schema theory, was tested in an attempt to investigate motor-schema formation. In addition, schema retention was observed after a 2-week retention interval. The task involved preschool children in tossing a bean bag for appropriate distance. Four treatment groups received 100 practice trials equally divided over five days. Variation was provided by varying the weights of the bean bags. The testing situations involved tossing a criterion weighted bean bag as well as a novel weighted bean bag which none of the groups had experienced previously. In addition, all groups were tested on a new but similar task. The results supported the variability-of-practice hypothesis in terms of schema formation and transfer to novel tasks in the same movement class. After a two-week retention interval, loss in performance was significantly less for the group with variability of practice than all other groups.