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Abstract and Figures

5-Heptadec-8-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (HPTT), 4-phenyl-5-undecyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (PUTT), and 5-dec-9-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (DPTT) were synthesized and their influence on the inhibition of corrosion of mild steel in 20% formic acid was investigated by weight loss and potentiodynamic polarization techniques. The inhibition efficiency of these compounds was found to vary with their nature and concentration, temperature and immersion time. The values of activation energy and free energy of adsorption of the triazoles were calculated to investigate the mechanism of corrosion inhibition. Good inhibition efficiency (>90%) was found even at lower concentration (i.e., 25 ppm) in acid solution. The adsorption on mild steel surfaces was found to obey Temkin's adsorption isotherm. Potentiodynamic polarization results revealed that the compounds studied are mixed type inhibitors. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was also used to investigate the mechanism of the corrosion inhibition.
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Corrosion inhibition by fatty acid triazoles for mild steel in formic acid
Corrosion Research Laboratory, Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh 202 002, (U.P.) India
(*author for correspondence, e-mail:
Received 25 August 2002; accepted in revised form 28 January 2003
Key words: fatty acid triazoles, formic acid, inhibition, mild steel
5-Heptadec-8-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (HPTT), 4-phenyl-5-undecyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol
(PUTT), and 5-dec-9-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (DPTT) were synthesized and their influence on
the inhibition of corrosion of mild steel in 20% formic acid was investigated by weight loss and potentiodynamic
polarization techniques. The inhibition efficiency of these compounds was found to vary with their nature and
concentration, temperature and immersion time. The values of activation energy and free energy of adsorption of
the triazoles were calculated to investigate the mechanism of corrosion inhibition. Good inhibition efficiency
(>90%) was found even at lower concentration (i.e., 25 ppm) in acid solution. The adsorption on mild steel surfaces
was found to obey Temkin’s adsorption isotherm. Potentiodynamic polarization results revealed that the
compounds studied are mixed type inhibitors. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was also used to investigate
the mechanism of the corrosion inhibition.
1. Introduction
A variety of organic compounds containing heteroatoms
such as O, N, S and multiple bonds in their molecule are
of particular interest as they give better inhibition
efficiency than those containing N or S alone [1–5].
Most research on corrosion inhibition of metals has
been done in mineral acids. Despite the importance of
organic acids in industry, few corrosion studies involv-
ing these acids [6–9] have been made. However, at high
temperatures, these acids can dissociate, forming more
aggressive ions that can cause faster corrosion than
might otherwise be expected. In the fabrication of
reaction vessels, storage tanks, etc. mild steel is used in
the manufacture and use of formic acid. Formic acid is
the most corrosive of the common organic acids. In
previous work we have studied the effect of a few fatty
acid derivatives on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel
in acidic solution [10–12]. In the present investigation we
report the influence of three fatty acid triazoles: namely,
5-heptadec-8-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol
(HPTT), 4-phenyl-5-undecyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol
(PUTT), 5-dec-9-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-
thiol (DPTT) on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel
in 20% formic acid.
These fatty acid triazoles were chosen because they
are more environmentally benign, have low toxicity and
are more cost effective than petroleum based products.
Further, they possess nonbonding electron pairs on the
nitrogen atoms additional to the p-electrons of the
phenyl and triazole rings and readily polarizable sulfur
atoms that tend to induce greater adsorption of the
compounds on the metal surface leading to higher
2. Experimental details
Weight loss experiments were performed with cold
rolled mild steel strips of size 2 cm ·2.5 cm ·0.25 cm
having composition (wt %): 0.14% C, 0.35% Mn,
0.17% Si, 0.025% S, 0.03% P, balance Fe as per
standard method [13]. Formic acid (Merck) of AR grade
was used for preparing solutions. Double distilled water
was used to prepare 20% solutions. The triazoles of
fatty acid were synthesized as described by Kittur et al.
[14] and characterized by their infrared spectra and the
purities of the compounds were checked by thin layer
chromatography. The names and molecular structure of
the compounds are given in Table 1.
Potentiodynamic polarization studies were carried out
using an EG&G PAR (model 173) potentiostat/galva-
nostat, a model 175 Universal programmer and a model
RE0089 X–Y recorder. A platinum foil was used as the
auxiliary electrode, a saturated calomel electrode as the
reference electrode and mild steel as the working
electrode. All the experiments were carried out at a
constant temperature of 26 ± 2 C and a scan rate of
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33: 233–238, 2003. 233
2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
at o.c.p. The polarization curves were ob-
tained after immersion of the electrode in the solution
until a steady state was reached.
Impedance measurements were performed for the
mild steel in 20% formic acid at 26 ± 2 C in the
absence and presence of 100 and 500 ppm of DPTT at
with the a.c. voltage amplitude 5 mV in the
frequency range 5 Hz–100 kHz. A time interval of a
few minutes was given for the open circuit potential
(o.c.p.) to read a steady value. All the measurements
were carried out with an EG&G PAR (model 273A)
potentiostat/galvanostat, and an EG&G PAR (model
5301A) lock-in amplifier, using an IBM computer.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Weight loss
Figure 1(a) show the variation of inhibition efficiency
with inhibitor concentration. The inhibition efficiency
was obtained from weight loss measurements at different
triazole concentrations at 30 C. The percentage inhibi-
tion efficiency (e
) and surface coverage (h) of each
concentration were calculated using the following equa-
eIE ¼r0r
100 ð1Þ
where r
and rare the corrosion rates in the absence and
presence of inhibitors, respectively. The inhibition effi-
ciency for all the compounds increases with increase in
concentration. The maximum e
of each compound
was achieved at 500 ppm. Schmitt [15] and Quraishi
et al. [16] reported that a mixture of nitrogen and sulfur
containing compounds are better inhibitors than either
type alone. The compounds studied contain both
nitrogen and sulphur atoms; hence they exhibit good
performance (e
>94%) on the corrosion of mild steel
in 20% formic acid, even at low concentration.
The variation of inhibition efficiency with increase in
acid concentration is shown in Figure 1(b). It is clear
that these compounds are good corrosion inhibitors,
providing greater than 90% inhibition efficiency over the
acid range from 10% to 30%.
The variation of inhibition efficiency of all the three
fatty acid triazoles with immersion time is shown in
Figure 1(c). Increase in immersion time from 24 to 96 h
show no significant change in inhibition efficiency.
The influence of temperature at maximum concentra-
tion (i.e., 500 ppm) on e
is shown in Figure 1(d)
inhibition efficiency decreases slightly with increase in
temperature from 30 to 50 C, which may be attributed
to desorption of the inhibitor molecules from the metal
surface at higher temperature.
The values of activation energy (E
) were calculated
using the Arrhenius equation [17, 18]:
ln r2
where r
and r
are corrosion rates at temperature T
and T
, respectively, DT¼T
. The free energy of
adsorption (DG
) at different temperatures was calcu-
lated from the equation [19].
DGads ¼RT ln ð55:5KÞð4Þ
Table 1. Name and structure of fatty acid triazoles used
S. No. Structure Designation and abbreviation
1. 5-heptadec-8-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (HPTT)
2. 4-Phenyl-5-udecyul-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (PUTT)
3. 5-Dec-9-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol (DPTT)
where K¼h/C(1 h), his the degree of surface
coverage on the metal surface, Cis the concentration
of inhibitor (in mol l
) and Kis the equilibrium
constant. The values of E
and DG
are given in
Table 2. E
values for inhibited systems are higher than
those of uninhibited systems, indicating that all the
inhibitors are more effective at room temperature [20].
The low and negative values of free energy of adsorption
) indicate spontaneous adsorption of the inhibitor
on the mild steel surface [21]. The values of DG
for all
the compounds are O40 kJ mol
indicating physical
adsorption of the inhibitor molecules [22], and the
negative values also suggest a strong interaction of the
inhibitor molecules on the mild steel surface [23].
3.2. Adsorption isotherm
The mechanism of corrosion inhibition may be ex-
plained on the basis of adsorption behaviour [4]. The
degrees of surface coverage (h) for different inhibitor
concentrations were evaluated by the weight-loss meth-
od. Data were tested graphically by fitting to various
isotherms. A plot of hagainst log Cwas linear (Fig-
ure 2) suggesting that the adsorption of the com-
pounds on to the mild steel surface follows the
Temkin adsorption isotherm. The Temkin isotherm
equation is
1exp½að1hÞ ð5Þ
where b¼(1/55.5)[exp (DG
/RT)], G
is the free
energy of adsorption, hthe surface coverage, Cthe
Fig. 1. Variation of inhibition efficiency with: (a) inhibitor concentration, (b) acid concentration, (c) immersion time and (d) solution
temperature, in 20% formic acid. (1) HPTT; (2) PUTT; (3) DPTT.
Table 2. Activation energy (E
) and free energy of adsorption (DG
for mild steel in 20% formic acid in the absence and presence of the
inhibitor of 500 ppm of various inhibitors
System E
/kJ mol
/kJ mol
30 C40C50C
20% Formic acid 51.28
HPTT 70.48 36.85 37.28 37.99
PUTT 71.32 36.32 38.87 39.25
DPTT 61.44 38.79 39.62 40.42
concentration of inhibitor, athe molecular interaction
constant, and for a>0 attraction and for a<0=>
3.3. Potentiodynamic polarization
Potentiodynamic anodic and cathodic polarization
scans were carried out in 20% formic acid for different
fatty acid triazoles at 26 ± 2 C. The various electro-
chemical parameters calculated from Tafel plots are
given in Table 3. The lower corrosion current density
) values in the presence of the triazoles, without
causing significant changes in corrosion potential (E
(anodic Tafel slope) and b
(cathodic Tafel slope),
suggest that they are mixed type inhibitors (Figure 3).
The maximum decrease in I
was observed for DPTT
(5-dec-9-enyl-4-phenyl-4H–[1,2,4] triazole-3-thiol).
3.4. Electrochemical impedance
The electrical equivalent circuit for the system is shown
in Figure 4. Impedance diagrams obtained for the
frequency range 5 Hz–100 kHz at E
for mild steel
in 20% formic acid are shown in Figure 5. The
impedance diagrams are not perfect semicircles and this
difference has been attributed to frequency dispersion
[24]. The values of R
and C
were obtained using the
Nyquist and Bode plots, respectively [25]. Percentage e
was calculated using the following:
eIE ¼ð1=Rt0Þð1=RtiÞ
ð1=Rt0Þ100 ð6Þ
where R
and R
are the charge transfer resistance
without and with inhibitor, respectively, and are given in
Table 4. Values of R
increase with increase in inhibitor
concentration (DPTT) and this, in turn, leads to an
increase in e
. The addition of DPTT to 20% formic
acid lowers the C
values, suggesting that the inhibition
can be attributed to surface adsorption [26].
3.5. Mechanism of corrosion inhibition
The corrosion of mild steel in nonaqueous and aqueous
solution may be considered in the following steps [9]:
Fig. 2. Temkin’s adsorption isotherm plot for the adsorption of
various inhibitors in 20% formic acid, on the surface of mild steel.
(1) HPTT; (2) PUTT; (3) DPTT.
Table 3. Electrochemical polarization parameters for the corrosion of mild steel in 20% formic acid in the absence and presence of 500 ppm of
various inhibitors
System E
/mV decade
/mV decade
/mA cm
20% Formic acid )416 68 104 0.350
HPTT )390 60 120 0.160 54.28
PUTT )402 70 120 0.062 82.28
DPTT )420 64 112 0.046 86.85
Fig. 3. Electrochemical polarization curves for the corrosion of mild
steel in 20% formic acid in the absence and presence of 500 ppm
concentration of various inhibitors. (1) 20% formic acid; (2) HPTT; (3)
Fig. 4. Electrical equivalent circuit for the system (R
resistance, R
polarization resistance and C
double layer capaci-
Fe þHCOO! ½ FeðHCOOÞads þeð7Þ
½FeðHCOOÞads! ½ FeðHCOOÞþþeð8Þ
(FeþþHCOOH ð9Þ
The evolution of hydrogen occurs as the cathodic
reaction by the following mechanism:
MþHCOOH þe! MHads þHCOOð10Þ
MHads þMHads! H2þMð11Þ
The adsorption of formate ions on the surface of iron is a
prerequisite for the anodic dissolution to occur; thus the
rate of corrosion should depend on the concentration of
formate ion in the solution. The conductance of formic
acid solution gradually increases in the concentration
range 5%–20%. As a result, the extent of adsorption of
formate ion, as well as the rate of Step 7 increases and,
consequently, the rate of corrosion will also increase.
The triazoles inhibit the corrosion by controlling both
the anodic and cathodic reactions. In acidic solutions
these compounds exist as protonated species. These
protonated species adsorb on the cathodic sites of the
mild steel and decrease the evolution of hydrogen. The
adsorption on anodic sites occurs through the p-elec-
trons of aromatic rings and the lone pair of electrons of
nitrogen and sulfur atoms which decrease the anodic
dissolution. Among the compounds investigated, DPTT
has been found to give the best performance as
corrosion inhibitor. This can be explained on the basis
of the presence of polar groups, as well as through the
p-electrons of the double bond. This leads to greater
surface coverage, thereby giving higher inhibition effi-
ciency. HPTT, containing more than 10 carbon atoms in
the side chain and an internal double bond at position 8,
showed lowest inhibition efficiency, because compounds
containing more than 10 carbon atoms have decreased
solubility and increased steric hindrance to adsorption
4. Conclusions
Fatty acid triazoles show excellent performance as
corrosion inhibitors in formic acid media. All the
triazoles acted as efficient corrosion inhibitors over a
wide acid range, that is, 10% to 30% formic acid
solutions. They inhibit corrosion of mild steel in formic
acid by an adsorption mechanism, which follows the
Temkin adsorption isotherm.
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... Metal objects are also susceptible to organic acid attack just like glass. Corrosion caused by the vapors of these acids on different metals and alloys has been studied for years [25][26][27][28]. Taking this into account, metals could be used as sorbents when acting as sacrificial material. ...
... The other metal option that arises to study it as a sorbent material is steel wool [26,27]. This material is composed of iron, which can react with organic acids to which it is exposed in the environment. ...
... Furthermore, ferrous ions can be oxidized to ferric ions by dissolved oxygen (Reaction 4) [27]. Similarly, adsorption of formate ions on the iron surface may occur [26]. ...
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The most frequent cause of glass degradation is environmental moisture, which is adsorbed on its surface forming a hydration layer that induces the rupture of the glass network. This pathology is accelerated by the accumulation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), like formic acid. Although there is extensive knowledge about their impact, concentrations inside display cases are difficult to reduce efficiently. This study presents the assessment of different materials to reduce the concentration of formic acid to mitigate the degradation produced in unstable glasses. With this objective, copper threads, steel wool, silica gel, and activated carbon were chosen as low-cost materials with good adsorption or reactivity to the VOCs, exposing them in desiccators to an environment of 100% RH and 10 ppm of formic acid. Given that silica gel obtained the best results, its optimization as a sorbent material was evaluated by maintaining, regenerating, or renewing it when exposed next to the same glass. The tests carried out concluded that the hygroscopic capacity of the glasses exposed with silica gel decreased and, therefore, a lower degradation is observed on its surface. In addition, regenerating and renewing weekly the silica gel improved the results.
... Generally, in acidic solution, some reliable factors were highlighted by studies that were analyzed in detail to assess their effects after introducing fatty acid inhibitors. The solution temperature is another attractive factor for researchers to analyze the effect of inhibitors, especially in acidic conditions [120,125,126]. Without exception, by raising the electrolyte temperature the performance showed a remarkable decrease, and this was believed to originate directly from the physical adsorbed structures which detached easily from the substrates, resulting in a higher corrosion rate. ...
... According to the results obtained, a general trend was achieved in all cases. It was shown that by increasing the fatty acids concertation, an ascending trend is observable, confirming that higher surface coverage and protection index are possible in high concentrations [120,126,128,129]. ...
... Metal/metal oxides show a prominent behavior toward metal protection. The corrosion inhibition was shown by variety of compounds ranging from inorganic [6], plant extract [7], amino acids [8], drugs [9], triazole [10], oxadiazole [11] to oleo chemicals [12]. The tendency of corrosion inhibition increases in the presence of heteroatom's (N, O, S), but in the presence of meta/metal oxide it is being used as film or protective coating due to its porosity. ...
... Dipole moment (μ) of an inhibitor is also an important global descriptor to explicate chemical reactivity of an inhibitor. Previous studies exposed that the greater the μ values, the easier the adsorption process, and therefore, it is prompting the transference process through the adsorbed coating [58][59][60]. Furthermore, an inhibitor with a dipole moment higher than that of water can expel water from the metal surface. ...
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The aim of this research paper is comparing the effectiveness of two epoxies compounds (TBA and TEG) against the corrosion carbon steel (CS) in an acidic medium (0.5 M of H2SO4). To perform this study, many techniques and methods are used. Concern, the anti-corrosion tests were performed by weight loss, electrochemical techniques, and surface analysis. In order to confirm the experimental tests, computational calculation was used such as MC, DFT, and so on. The results show that the TBA has great corrosion efficiency than TEG. The SEM/EDS indicates that the surface of CS in the presence of TBA is clearer than TEG. It is crystal clear that these two inhibitors show good anti-corrosion behavior and the TBA inhibits the corrosion more than TEG.
... These oxadiazoles were evaluated for N80 steel and mild steel in 15% HCl, and 2-undecane-5-mercapto-1-oxa-3,4-diazole (UMOD) provided the best results with 98.94% ef iciency [49]. [50][51][52]. They did an extensive study on their corrosion inhibition behavior on mild steel in formic and acetic acid corrosive medium. ...
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The majority of corrosion inhibitors used in industries are harmful to the environment and health. Therefore, demand of nontoxic eco‐friendly corrosion inhibitors has to be developed. Oleochemicals represent an environmentally benign class of organic compounds due to their nontoxic nature. These compounds can easily replace commercial inhibitors as environmentally safe corrosion inhibitors due to their nontoxic nature. Besides this, they can serve as potential corrosion inhibitors due to the existence of heteroatoms. The present book chapter gives a review of oleochemicals and their industrial uses as effective corrosion inhibitors. In the present work, the synthesis, evaluation methods, and structural impact on inhibition behavior have been demonstrated.
... It is noteworthy that inhibitor molecules have a larger size compared to water dipole [59]. The gradual replacement of water dipoles by the inhibitor molecules on the metal surface suppressed the rate of metal dissolution [60]. ...
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Plant extracts are a possible better alternative source of eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors for metallic materials. Herein, methanol extract of Equisetum hyemale (EHE) has been studied as an eco-friendly inhibitor for the corrosion protection of mild steel (MS) in 1.0 M H2SO4. The corrosion inhibition effects of Equisetum hyemale were evaluated by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and surface analyses. The weight loss results divulged a decrease in corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) with temperature. Moreover, IE increased until six hours of immersion, then decreased afterward. Similarly, EIS studies showed an increase in charge transfer resistance together with a decrease in double-layer capacitance. The current density decreased with an increment of the inhibitor concentration without affecting the reaction mechanism. Surface characterization indicated the surface coverage of the MS by the phytochemicals present in the EHE. Thermodynamic parameters such as free energy, enthalpy, entropy of adsorption, and activation energy calculations supported a mixed type of adsorption involving both physical and chemical interactions. The molecular adsorption of the phytochemicals showed a spontaneous and consistent behavior with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model.
... A decrease in CPE may be initiated by a decrease in the dielectric constant or an increase in the thickness of the electric double layer due to the adsorption of berberine molecules of large size (Bentiss et al., 1999). R ct and CPE changes may be ascribed to the gradual replacement of water dipoles by the berberine molecules on the metal surface, which decelerates the rate of metal dissolution (Quraishi and Ansari, 2003). ...
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Background The environmental and economic benefits have been the driving force in search of efficient corrosion inhibitors for iron/steel used in industrial acidic medium. This study reports on berberine isolated from methanol extract of high-altitude (1347 m) shrub Mahonia nepalensis as a highly efficient and thermally stable corrosion inhibitor for mild steel (MS) in 1.0 M H2SO4 simulating acid pickling condition. Methods The weight-loss and electrochemical methods revealed the fast adsorption of berberine. Significant Findings: It achieved above 91% inhibition efficiency (IE) in 0.25 h and reached 94% in 6 h for 1000 ppm berberine. The IE increased with concentration and temperature, giving an IE of 97.2% at 328 K, which makes it a promising candidate for industrial application. It behaved as a mixed type of inhibitor as revealed by open circuit potential and polarization curves. The results indicated suppression of the corrosion by effectively forming an adsorbed berberine layer on the MS surface. Adsorption of the berberine followed a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The thermodynamic parameters such as activation energy (43.19 kJ/mol), free energy (−35.05 kJ/mol), enthalpy (40.55 kJ/mol), and entropy (−97.83 J/molK) of adsorption supported both physical and chemical interactions of berberine with MS surface. The obtained results also revealed that the adsorption process was endothermic and spontaneous in nature.
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Electrochemical methods were used to characterize the inhibition efficacy of the extract of the high-altitude plant Artemisia vulgaris as an environmentally acceptable inhibitor for mild steel in 1.0 M H2SO4. The Artemisia vulgaris was extracted in hexane and methanol separately and applied on mild steel (MS) as an inhibitor. A detailed electrochemical characterization such as potentiodynamic polarization, open circuit potential, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed on the MS surface covered with the extract molecules. The hexane extracts adsorbed slower to the MS surface than the methanol extract, but both molecular extracts showed similar corrosion inhibition efficacies (IE). The IE for 1000 ppm extract in hexane and methanol was 73.10% and 91.99%, respectively, after 0.5 hour immersion of MS, whereas it was 98.79% and 96.73% in hexane and methanol extract after 24 hours of immersion of MS in acidic medium. The IE of the methanol extract increased with concentration. From the EIS analytical analysis, adsorption of inhibitor molecules on the charge transfer kinetics was confirmed. The potentiodynamic polarization showed a decrease in current density with the concentration of methanol extract without affecting the Tafel slopes. ATR-FTIR of the extract indicated the presence of the different functionalities in it. Adsorption of the extract molecules on the metal surface obeyed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The computed value of ΔG* implies that the adsorption is of mixed type. The formation of a protective film of inhibitor molecules on the MS surface was confirmed from EIS and using a scanning electron microscope. The adsorption mechanism based on the experimental data supported by the thermodynamic calculations is highlighted in this article.
Because of their environmental friendly nature and huge availability at relatively low cost, oleochemicals are extensively used as corrosion inhibitors for numerous metal/electrolyte systems. Generally, these compounds become effective by adsorbing on the metallic surface following through the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. Oleochemicals form a hydrophobic surface film at the interface of metal and electrolyte in which polar/hydrophilic site(s) oriented towards the metallic surface and non-polar/ hydrophobic site(s) directed towards electrolyte. A proper combination of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity is essential for effective anticorrosive effectiveness. Obviously, a very high magnitude of hydrophobicity adversely affects the inhibition potential of oleochemicals by reducing their solubility in the polar electrolytes. Outcomes of electrochemical studies suggest the oleochemicals mostly act as mixed- and interface-type corrosion inhibitors and they become effective by adsorbing at the interface of metal and electrolyte. Various suitably modified oleochemicals have also been tested as corrosion inhibitors for different metal/electrolyte systems. Oleochemicals and their derivatives act as mixed-type corrosion inhibitors. Oleochemicals interact with the metallic surface using a donor-acceptor mechanism (DFT) and acquire flat orientation (MDS or MCS).
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The inhibition effect of the surfactants 1,2-hexanediol (HD), 1,2,3-octanetriol (OT); 1,2,3-nonanetriol (NT); and 3,7-dimethyl-1,2,3,6,7-octanepentol (DOP) on the corrosion of iron in 1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was studied. Results obtained from gravimetric methods showed inhibition efficiencies increased with increasing surfactant concentrations and attained a maximum round their critical micellar concentration (cmc). A comparative study of corrosion inhibition of surfactants indicted DOP was the best inhibitor. Polarization measurements showed DOP was a cathodic type-inhibitor and acted on the cathodic reaction without modifying the mechanism of the hydrogen evolution reaction. DOP appeared to function through a general adsorption mode following the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The effect of temperature on the corrosion behavior of iron in both 1 M HCl and 1 M HCl with addition of various concentrations of DOP was studied in the temperature range from 18 C to 48 C. The associated activation corrosion and free adsorption energies were determined.
Developments in the chemical and petrochemical industries, advances in chemical engineering, the introduction of new products, advances in the technology of intermediates, and problems in energy conversion have created new corrosion problems, involving the failure of metallic materials under the influence of aggressive organic solvents. Failures of this type lead not only to a deterioration of the mechanical properties of structural material, but also to discoloration and unwanted changes of the solvent. Since organic solvents in most cases are poisonous, inflammable, and, in the presence of air, explosive, the demands on the corrosion resistance of the materials used are immense. Therefore, in discussing corrosion of metals in organic solvents problems arise which have no parallel in the field of corrosion in aqueous media.
The authors determined which component of Type 304 is primarily responsible for corrosion resistance the time dependence of the corrosion potential and anodic polarization curves of pure Fe, Ni, Cr, and Type 304 stainless steel were measured in formic acid solution of various concentrations. The effect of potassium formate (HCOOK) as a supporting electrolyte was examined by adding HCOOK to the solution and measuring the anodic polarization curves and corrosion weight loss.
Grey relational analysis makes use of relatively simple mathematical procedures to arrive at salient relationships in a complex system. It uses a relatively small amount of data and works with great variability in factors. Grey relational analysis was used to investigate the relationship between inhibitor structure and inhibitor performance for a series of amines of different structures in the corrosion of mild steel in acids. Results showed the molecular weight (MW), the negative of the logarithm of the dissociation constant (pK{sub a}), and the number of nitrogen donor atoms influenced inhibitor effectiveness in the active region. The number of NH bonds was an additional factor for inhibition in the passive region. Trends in these factors were rationalized in terms of adsorptive interactions between the inhibitor molecules and the substrate. Results conformed to findings in the literature and were verified by additional measurements using hexamine as the inhibitor.
The corrosion behaviour of mild steel in formic acid of different concentrations has been studied by weight loss and electrochemical techniques. It was found that the corrosion rate of mild steel in formic acid is a function of acid concentration and temperature. The maximum corrosion rate was observed in 20% formic acid solution by both techniques. The anodic polarization curves show active corrosion behaviour of mild steel over the whole range of potential at each concentration and temperature. Cathodic polarization curves are almost identical irrespective of the concentration of the formic acid. An attempt has been made to throw some light on the possible mechanism for corrosion of mild steel in formic acid solution on the basis of the results of the present investigation.
The corrosion of mild steel in alkaline mine water containing various concentrations of benzotriazole, benzimidazole and imidazole has been studied by weight loss and polarization techniques at 303 K. These azoles inhibit corrosion effectively even in trace concentrations. The degree of corrosion inhibition is a function of temperature, concentration and nature of the inhibitor. The corrosion inhibition is explained by considering the adsorption and/or complex formation by the inhibitors on the corroding mild steel surface. Thermodynamic parameters for adsorption are calculated using the Frumkin adsorption isotherm. The inhibitors acted as anodic inhibitors.
The corrosion of Fe in de-oxygenated non-aqueous formic acid was studied by the impedance method. It was confirmed that the cathodic reaction is a hydrogen evolution reaction (h.e.r.) and that formaldehyde is not formed. The rate-determining step (r.d.s.) of the h.e.r. is the formation of adsorbed hydrogen. The presence of adsorbed hydrogen was confirmed by the appearance of the low frequency capacitive arc obtained in the cathodic Tafel region of the impedance diagram. The inductive arc regarded as being due to the anodic dissolution of Fe was seen in the potential range between Ecorr and cathodic Tafel region.
2-undecane-5-mercapto-1-oxa-3, 4-diazole (UMOD), 2-heptadecene-5-mercapto-1-oxa-3, 4-diazole (HMOD) and 2-decene-5-mercapto-1-oxa-3, 4-diazole (DMOD) were synthesized in the laboratory and their influence on the inhibition of corrosion of mild steel in 1N HCI and 1N H2SO4 was investigated by weight-loss and potentiodynamic polarization techniques. The inhibition efficiency of these compounds was found to vary with concentration, temperature and immersion time. Good inhibition efficiency (IE) was evidenced in both acid solutions, remaining high (> 90 per cent) even at the concentration of 25ppm. The adsorption of these compounds on the steel surface for both acids was found to obey Temkin’s adsorption isotherm. The values of activation energy and free energy of adsorption indicated physical adsorption on mild steel surface. The potentiodynamic polarization data have shown that compounds studied are mixed type inhibitors.