
3D multi-scale modelling of the interior of the Real Villa of Monza (ITALY)

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Real Villa in Monza (ITALY) was founded as a symbol of the prestige and the greatness of the Asburgic family. Maria Teresa decided to build it when she named his third-born child Ferdinand General Governor of the Austrian Reign of Lombardy. The work started in 1777 and was directed by the court architect Giuseppe Piermarini. This work takes place inside the “International Design Competition for the Refurbishment and Enhancement of the Real Villa in Monza and its Gardens” ( The aim is to generate materials to support the restoration and the representation for the Villa under different levels of detail. The work implies the realization of a multi-scale modelling. A little scale to represent the whole complexity of the building with its global constructive structure (1:20 – 1:50) and for virtual navigation or web presentation. It is also necessary a big scale to model little details, useful for restoration and reproduction of particulars. Laser Scanner Leica HDS 3000 is used to create fast 3D models; topographic and digital photogrammetric survey are used to create detailed DTMs of vaults and walls. Leica Laser Trackers LTD706 is used for reverse engineering and rapid prototyping of little pieces of decorations or parts of ornaments.

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... Using two mobile laser scanners is required for achieving good localization results (Kaijaluoto et al., 2015). Point clouds can help in generation of the building models at different level of details (Achille and Fassi, 2006). Sometimes it may be hard to find 3D CAD models of buildings. ...
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Indoor modeling and mapping has been an active area of research in last 20 years in order to tackle the problems related to positioning and tracking of people and objects indoors, and provides many opportunities for several domains ranging from emergency response to logistics in micro urban spaces. The outputs of recent research in the field have been presented in several scientific publications and events primarily related to spatial information science and technology. This paper summarizes the outputs of last 10 years of research on indoor modeling and mapping within a proper classification which covers 7 areas, i.e. Information Acquisition by Sensors, Model Definition, Model Integration, Indoor Positioning and LBS, Routing & Navigation Methods, Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications, and Ethical Issues. Finally, the paper outlines the current and future research directions and concluding remarks.
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3D-models can aid to investigate and than to comunicate how a structure is shaped and built up; this is the reason why architectural studies often use models to integrate 2D representations and drawings In the last few years our group, directed by. prof. Bruno Astori, has carried out a large and complex survey of "Palazzo Reale" in Turin and its Gardens. Several different nets of verteces, hierarchicaly connected each other, have been arranged gaining every room of the palace; the general goal of the topographic survey was to obtain a detailed geometric description of every part of the building located at different levels. The project result is the basic tool to organize the global preservation of the royal palace, to support restoration activities or historical analyses. Moreover 2D representations, at architectural scale, are one of the main devices to found the renewed arrangement of museum system of Savoia Residences. In the Royal Palace of Turin, the intricate setting up of main rooms and stairs related to back ones, often required many differently oriented sections to describe single complex structures. These problems suggested to carry out 3D metric models made up according to previous spatial data acquisition metodologies. Moreover, since the Palace is a museum (most places but not all), particular kind of models can establish a virtual visit for rooms not included in guided visit. This work is even a bargain to think about aims and capability of metric models to show Architecture. Architectural studies and other investigations examining historic buildings or part of them, certainly could need models, but it's necessary to ask oneself what kind of details or information we expect that a model is able to reveal (different models can reveal different topics). Some of these themes and observations about models suggest in what chances could be useful to perform laser scanner applications, in spite of others in wich these methods wouldn't be so helpful.
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Digital photogrammetry offers an easy and economical approach to the metric survey of cultural heritage. New software able to manage all photogrammetric procedures (orientation and plotting) are now offered at low cost. They run on standard PC and offer user-friendly interfaces allowing them to be used even by unskilled operators. Photogrammetric survey of cultural heritage can be managed by two different specialists: a photogrammetric expert who plans and executes the image acquisitions, the control point survey and the orientation of the images and an architectural surveyor who interprets the 3D model in order to extract all the necessary information considering the goals of the survey. The paper describes a standard metric survey organisation considering the two different skills with wich to build the 3D model and to extract the traditional representations required to understand the object and to plan a correct restoration procedure.
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Three-dimensional digital modeling of Heritage works of art through optical scanners, has been demonstrated in recent years with results of exceptional interest. However, the routine application of three-dimensional (3-D) modeling to Heritage conservation still requires the systematic investigation of a number of technical problems. In this paper, the acquisition process of the 3-D digital model of the Maddalena by Donatello, a wooden statue representing one of the major masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance which was swept away by the Florence flood of 1966 and successively restored, is described. The paper reports all the steps of the acquisition procedure, from the project planning to the solution of the various problems due to range camera calibration and to material non optically cooperative. Since the scientific focus is centered on the 3-D model overall dimensional accuracy, a methodology for its quality control is described. Such control has demonstrated how, in some situations, the ICP-based alignment can lead to incorrect results. To circumvent this difficulty we propose an alignment technique based on the fusion of ICP with close-range digital photogrammetry and a non-invasive procedure in order to generate a final accurate model. In the end detailed results are presented, demonstrating the improvement of the final model, and how the proposed sensor fusion ensure a pre-specified level of accuracy.
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archiettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano (2006) I quaderni della Villa Reale di Monza
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From points clouds to surface analysis. Case studies, problems and perspectives. Italy-Canada 2005 Workshop on 3D digital Imaging and Modeling applications of: heritage, industry, medicine & land
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From points clouds to surface analysis. Case studies, problems and perspectives. Italy-Canada
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  • R Brumana
  • L Fregonese
  • C Achille
  • F Fassi
  • C. Monti
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archiettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano (2003) I quaderni della Villa Reale di Monza
  • Ministero
  • Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archiettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archiettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano (2006) I quaderni della Villa Reale di Monza
  • Ministero
  • Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archiettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano
3D metric-modelling for knowledge and documentation of architectural structures (Royal Palace in Tu-rin). International Archives of the Photogrammetry
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  • A Chieli
  • A Spanò
  • G Tucci
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