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Shortest Path Problems with Resource Constraints


Abstract and Figures

In most vehicle routing and crew scheduling applications solved by column generation, the subproblem corresponds to a shortest path problem with resource constraints (SPPRC) or one of its variants. This chapter proposes a classification and a generic formulation for the SPPRCs, briefly discusses complex modeling issues involving resources, and presents the most commonly used SPPRC solution methods. First and foremost, it provides a comprehensive survey on the subject.
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... They consider set partitioning formulations where columns are possible pairings. These methods hide the non-linearity in the pricing subproblem, which can be efficiently solved using resource constrained shortest path approaches [24]. As a large part of the working rules apply to duties, i.e., subsequences of a pairing formed by the flight legs operated on a ...
... We now describe an enumeration algorithm for the Monoid Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem. It follows the standard labeling scheme [24] for resource constrained shortest paths. The specificity of our algorithm is that it uses, for each v in V , a set B v of bounds such that, ...
... Not only these bounds are used to discard more paths, but they are also used to improve the order in which the paths are considered by the algorithm. The two main resource constrained shortest path algorithms in the literature [24] differ by the order in which they consider paths. The label correcting algorithm is obtained from our one by using c(q P ) as key(P ) and removing the test of Step 14. ...
Aircraft routing and crew pairing problems aims at building the sequences of flight legs operated respectively by airplanes and by crews of an airline. Given their impact on airlines operating costs, both have been extensively studied for decades. Our goal is to provide reliable and easy to maintain frameworks for both problems at Air France. We propose simple approaches to deal with Air France current setting. For routing, we introduce a compact MIP formulation that can be solved by current MIP solvers in at most a few minutes even on Air France largest instances. Regarding crew pairing, we provide a standard methodology to model the column generation pricing subproblem within a new resource constrained shortest path framework recently introduced by the first author. This new framework, which can be used as a black-box, leverages on bounds on paths' resource to discard partial solutions and speed-up the resolution. The resulting approach enables to solve to optimality Air France largest instances. Recent literature has focused on integrating aircraft routing and crew pairing problems. As a side result, we have been able to solve to near optimality large industrial instances of the integrated problem by combining the aforementioned algorithms within a simple cut generating method.
... The authors developed three heuristics for the problem that were tested on randomly generated and real data. The first exact approach for the m-CTP was proposed by Lopes et al. (2013), that is a branch-and-price (BP) algorithm, in which the pricing subproblem reduced to the elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints (ESPPRC), Irnich and Desaulniers (2006), and solved by a dynamic programming algorithm. The authors also proposed a column generation heuristic based on a set partitioning formulation. ...
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The multi-vehicle covering tour problem (m-CTP) involves a graph in which the set of vertices is partitioned into a depot and three distinct subsets representing customers, mandatory facilities, and optional facilities. Each customer is linked to a specific subset of optional facilities that define its coverage set. The goal is to determine a set of routes with minimal cost that satisfy the following constraints: each route begins and ends at the depot; every mandatory facility is visited exactly once on a single route; each route visits not more than p facilities and have a maximum cost of q; for each customer, at least one optional facility from its coverage set must be visited by one of the routes. In this paper, we present the following contributions for the m-CTP: an exact branch-cut-and-price algorithm; a new family of capacity-like cuts; and a new set of benchmark instances. We report several experiments that prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and cuts. The results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the best exact method from the literature and that the proposed cuts further improve its performance by one order of magnitude. The proposed algorithm and cuts allow us to effectively solve 287 out of 288 lature instances.
... Our proposed heuristic ARASP reduces the problem of SFC placement to the Resource Constrained Shortest Path (RCSP) problem [38]. When placing an SFC the basic idea is to search for the paths with the highest availability between s i and d i which also adhere to the end-to-end latency requirement and try to map VNFs on them recursively. ...
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In 5G networks, the deployment of network slices enabled by Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is becoming a critical component for delivering tailored services to meet diverse application needs. However, this introduces challenges in network management, particularly in efficiently allocating resources to ensure that each network slice meets its specific Quality of Service (QoS) and availability requirements. Simultaneously, it must optimize overall network performance and network operator’s profit, which is linked to the Quality of Experience (QoE) of the end-users. Existing works offer either an availability-based solution or a QoE-aware solution to this problem, but not both. This paper addresses the end-to-end network slice resource allocation problem by simultaneously considering QoS and availability requirements in slice placement, while employing a QoE-aware strategy for resource allocation. We propose a framework that optimizes the network operator profit i.e. the highest QoE with the least resource usage, and can be flexibly configured to model realistic scenarios. Arbitrary network slice requirements can be defined using slice-specific QoS/QoE mapping, resource requirements, end-to-end latency and availability. For solving the formulated problem a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) formulation and efficient heuristic methods are proposed. Our solution accounts for the non-linear QoS/QoE relationship, utilizes redundantly placed Service Function Chains (SFCs) to increase availability, and supports the sharing of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) among SFCs to optimize resource usage. Through extensive simulations on realistic network topologies and slice requests, we demonstrate the framework’s effectiveness in offering flexible and efficient network slice placement and resource allocation, utilizing a baseline heuristic from related studies. The results indicate that while the exact method delivers an optimal solution, heuristic approaches are suitable for time-sensitive tasks, such as dynamic slice configuration.
In this chapter, we describe the combination of column generation and Lagrangian relaxation to solve a large-scale optimization problem. In the setting of a minimization problem, Lagrangian relaxation is used to compute lower bounds. Column generation is applied to deal with the huge number of columns. We apply these techniques to the crew scheduling and the crew rescheduling problem. Crew scheduling is an important planning problem for public transport companies and airlines. It has been studied by many Operations Researchers over the last few decades. The most complex problems arise at large public transport companies where 10000s of tasks have to be assigned to 1000s of crew members. Usually, the crew scheduling problem is solved once a year. During the year and in particular on the day of operations when disruptions occur, duties are rescheduled. We look at both the tactical planning phase as well as real-time crew rescheduling on the day of operations. In the tactical planning phase, a computation time of several hours is acceptable and it is important to find near-optimal solutions. We discuss the combination of Lagrangian relaxation and column generation to find a lower bound on the optimal objective value, and a Lagrangian heuristic to find good feasible solutions. When a disruption occurs, it is important to react quickly. Therefore, computation times should be in the order of a few minutes. Thus, heuristic approaches are often used for the real-time crew rescheduling problem. We discuss the combination of large neighborhood search with column generation and Lagrangian relaxation to solve a real-world crew rescheduling problem.
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Constraint programming based column generation is a hybrid optimization framework recently proposed (Junker et al., 1999) that uses constraint programming to solve column generation subproblems. In the past, this framework has been used to solve scheduling problems where the associated graph is naturally acyclic and has done so very efficiently. This paper attempts to solve problems whose graph is cyclic by nature, such as routing problems, by solving the elementary shortest path problem with constraint programming. We also introduce new redundant constraints which can be useful in the general framework. The experimental results are comparable to those of the similar method in the literature (Desrochers, Desrosiers, and Solomon, 1992) but the proposed method yields a much more flexible approach.
The shortest path problem with time windows (SPPTW) consists of finding the least cost route between a source and a sink in a network G = (N, A) while respecting specified time windows [ai, bi] at each visited node. The duration dij of each arc is restricted to positive values while the cost Cij of each arc (i, j) Є A is unrestricted.This article presents an efficient generalized permanent labelling algorithm to solve this problem. This new algorithm is based on the definition of the concept of a generalized bucket and on a specific order of handling the labels. The algorithm runs in pseudo-polynomial time. Problems with up to 2500 nodes and 250,000 arcs have heen solved.RésuméLe problème du plus court chemin avec contraintes d’horaires (PPCCCH) se pose lors de la fabrication d’horaires de vehicules devant respecter des fenêtres de temps. La solution étant composée du chemins disjoints visitant tous les clients, le PPCCCH permet de produire de tels chemins.Cet article présente un algorithme de marquage permanent généralisé des étiquettes efficaces. Ce nouvel algorithme est basé sur la définition d’un concept de seau généralisé et d’un ordre de traitement des étiquettes et il fonctionne en un temps pseudo-polynomial. Des problèmes comportant jusqu’à 2500 noeuds et 250 000 arcs on été résolus.
In this paper, we present a new labeling algorithm for the shortest path problem with time windows (SPPTW). It is generalized from the threshold algorithm for the unconstrained shortest path prob-lem. Our computational experiments show that this generalized thresh-old algorithm outperforms a label setting algorithm for the SPPTW on a set of randomly generated test problems. The average running time of the new algorithm is about 40% less than the label setting algorithm, which i s t o d a y the best algorithm based on published experimental ev-idence.
We prove that the relaxation approach in designing the subproblem of pricing out only the feasible routes for the set partition formulation of the VRPTW is justified on complexity grounds. That is, the first dynamic programming model presented in M. Desrochers, J. Desrosiers and M. Solomon (1992), that is able to price out all feasible routes, is NP-hard in the strong sense.