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Attenuation modeling of recent earthquakes in Turkey

Springer Nature
Journal of Seismology

Abstract and Figures

This paper deals with the derivation of a consistent set of empiricalattenuation relationships for predicting free-field horizontal components ofpeak ground acceleration (PGA) and 5 percent damped pseudoacceleration response spectra (PSA) from 47 strong ground motion recordsrecorded in Turkey. The relationships for Turkey were derived in similarform to those previously developed by Boore et al. (1997) for shallowearthquakes in western North America. The used database was compiledfor earthquakes in Turkey with moment magnitudes (Mw) = 5 thatoccurred between 1976–1999, and consisted of horizontal peak groundacceleration and 5 percent damped response spectra of accelerogramsrecorded on three different site conditions classified as rock, soil and softsoil. The empirical equations for predicting strong ground motion weretypically fit to the strong motion data set by applying nonlinear regressionanalysis according to both random horizontal components and maximumhorizontal components. Comparisons of the results show that groundmotion relations for earthquakes in one region cannot be simply modifiedfor use in engineering analyses in another region. Our results, patternedafter the Boore et al. expressions and dominated by the Kocaeli andDzce events in 1999, appear to underestimate predictions based ontheir curves for up to about 15 km. For larger distances the reverse holds.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Journal of Seismology 6: 397–409, 2002.
© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 397
Attenuation modeling of recent earthquakes in Turkey
Polat Gülkan & Erol Kalkan
Disaster Management Research Center and Dept. of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
06531, Turkey
Received 14 May 2001; accepted in revised form 23 December 2001
Key words: attenuation relationship, nonlinear regression analysis, peak ground acceleration, response spectra,
spectral acceleration
This paper deals with the derivation of a consistent set of empirical attenuation relationships for predicting free-field
horizontal components of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 5 percent damped pseudo acceleration response
spectra (PSA) from 47 strong ground motion records recorded in Turkey. The relationships for Turkey were
derived in similar form to those previously developed by Boore et al. (1997) for shallow earthquakes in western
North America. The used database was compiled for earthquakes in Turkey with moment magnitudes (Mw)=5
that occurred between 1976–1999, and consisted of horizontal peak ground acceleration and 5 percent damped
response spectra of accelerograms recorded on three different site conditions classified as rock, soil and soft soil.
The empirical equations for predicting strong ground motion were typically fit to the strong motion data set by
applying nonlinear regression analysis according to both random horizontal components and maximum horizontal
components. Comparisons of the results show that ground motion relations for earthquakes in one region cannot
be simply modified for use in engineering analyses in another region. Our results, patterned after the Boore et al.
expressions and dominated by the Kocaeli and Düzce events in 1999, appear to underestimate predictions based on
their curves for up to about 15 km. For larger distances the reverse holds.
Estimation of ground motion, either implicitly through
the use of special earthquake codes or more specific-
ally from site-specific investigations is essential for
the design of engineered structures. The development
of design criteria requires, as a minimum, a strong-
motion attenuation relationship to estimate earthquake
ground motions from specific parameters characteriz-
ing the earthquake source, geologic conditions of the
site, and the length of the propagation path between
the source and the site.
This study describes the best estimates and uncer-
tainties in the ground motion parameters predicted in
a functional form that can be used in probabilistic haz-
ard studies and other earthquake engineering applic-
ations. These models and the values of the predictor
parameters were developed by an extensive analysis of
ground motion data and its relevant information. This
effort was partly motivated by the occurrence of the
1999 Mw= 7.4 Kocaeli and 1999 Mw= 7.1 Düzce
earthquakes. The Kocaeli earthquake was the largest
event that occurred in Turkey within the last 50 years,
and it is the first well-studied and widely recorded
large NAF (North Anatolian Fault) event.
The data includes records from earthquakes of
moment magnitude greater than about 5, and site con-
ditions characterized as soft soil, soil and rock with
closest distance less than about 150 km. This presents
a unique opportunity to study the indigenous atten-
uation characteristics of earthquake ground motions.
Also, the study of the effects of local site on the attenu-
ation of earthquake ground motions becomes possible
since the recording stations are fixed and many stations
have several records.
Finally, this paper describes the procedure for
estimating ground motion at various soil sites by
presenting the tables and equations that describe at-
tenuation functions and associated measures of uncer-
tainty. One of the major purposes of this paper is to
make comparisons between the direct use of atten-
uation relationships developed elsewhere for Turkey,
and to illuminate the reasons for their differences.
Strong motion database
After carefully searching the strong motion database
of Turkey, a total of 93 records from 47 horizontal
components of 19 earthquakes between 1976–1999
were chosen for the analysis. The strong motion data-
base is given in Table 1, and listing of the earthquakes
and the number of recordings for each of the strong
motion parameters are presented in Table 2. Station
names have not been translated so that independent
checks may be run. Recordings from small earth-
quakes were limited to the closer distances than large
earthquakes depending on the magnitude and the geo-
logy of the recording site to minimize the influence
of regional differences in attenuation and to avoid
the complex propagation effects coming from longer
In the data set, earthquake size is characterized by
moment magnitude Mw, as described by Hanks and
Kanamori (1979). When original magnitudes were lis-
ted in other scales, conversion was done according
to Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The magnitudes
are restricted to about Mw5.0 to emphasize those
ground motions having greatest engineering interests,
and to limit the analysis to the more reliably recor-
ded events. In the regression phase, magnitudes of
earthquakes were locked within ±0.25 band inter-
vals centered at halves or full numbers in order to
eliminate the errors coming from the determination
of these magnitude values. Figure 1 shows the dis-
tribution of these earthquakes in terms of magnitude,
station geology (defined below) and source distance
rcl, defined as the closest horizontal distance between
the recording station and a point on the horizontal
projection of the rupture zone on the earth’s surface.
However, for some of the smaller events, rupture
surfaces have not been defined clearly therefore epi-
central distances are used instead. We believe that use
of epicentral distance does not introduce significant
bias because the dimensions of the rupture area for
small earthquakes are usually much smaller than the
distance to the recording stations. Examination of the
peak ground motion data from the small number of
normal-faulting and reverse faulting earthquakes in the
data set showed that they were not significantly differ-
ent from ground motion characteristics of strike-slip
earthquakes. Therefore, normal, reverse or strike-slip
earthquakes were combined into a single fault cat-
egory. Peak horizontal acceleration (PGA) and pseudo
response spectral acceleration (PSA) are represented
considering both maximum and random horizontal
components. These are explained below.
The data used in the analysis constitutes only main
shocks of 19 earthquakes. They were recorded mostly
in small buildings built as meteorological stations up
to three stories tall because the strong motion stations
in Turkey are co-located with institutional facilities
for ease of access, phone hook-up and security. This
causes modified acceleration records. This is one of
the unavoidable causes of uncertainties in this study,
but there are other attributes that must be mentioned.
The first is our omission of aftershock data. Most
of these come from the two major 1999 events, and
contain free-field data that we did not wish to com-
mingle with the rest of the set. We also omitted the
few records for which the peak acceleration caused by
the main shock is less than about 0.04 g. Our entire,
non-discriminated ensemble is shown in Figure 2.
When we consider the effects of geological con-
ditions on ground motion and response spectra, the
widely accepted method of reflecting these effects
is to classify the recording stations according to the
shear-wave velocity profiles of their substrata. Unfor-
tunately, the actual shear-wave velocity and detailed
site description are not available for most stations in
Turkey. For this reason, we estimated the site classific-
ation by analogy with information in similar geologic
materials. The type of geologic material underlying
each recording site was obtained in a number of ways:
consultation with geologists at Earthquake Research
Division of Ministry of Public Works and Settlement,
various geologic maps, past earthquake reports and
geological references prepared for Turkey. In the light
of this information we divided soil groups for Turkey
into three in ascending order for shear velocity: soft
soil, soil, and rock. The average shear-wave velocities
assigned for these groups are 200, 400 and 700 m/s, re-
spectively. The distribution of the records with respect
to magnitude and distance plotted by type of faulting
Table 1. Records used in the development of the attenuation equations for peak horizontal acceleration and spectral accelerations
Date Earthquake MWrcl (km) Recording station Station Station Peak Hor. Acc. (mg)
coordinates site class N-S E-W
19.08.1976 DEN˙
I 5.3 15.20 Denizli: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 37.8140N- 29.1120E Soil 348.53 290.36
05.10.1977 ÇERKE ¸S 5.4 46.00 Çerke¸s: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.8800N- 32.9100E Soft Soil 36.03 38.94
16.12.1977 ˙
IR 5.5 1.20 ˙
Izmir: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 38.4000N- 27.1900E Soft Soil 391.41 125.40
18.07.1979 DURSUNBEY 5.3 10.30 Dursunbey: Kandilli Gözlem ˙
Istasyonu 39.6700N- 28.5300E Rock 232.29 288.25
05.07.1983 B˙
IGA 6.0 57.70 Edincik: Kandilli Gözlem ˙
Istasyonu 40.3600N- 27.8900E Rock 53.44 46.51
05.07.1983 B˙
IGA 6.1 48.70 Gönen: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.0800N- 27.6800E Soft Soil 50.11 46.77
05.07.1983 B˙
IGA 6.2 75.00 Tekirda˘
g: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.9600N- 27.5300E Rock 29.89 34.91
30.10.1983 HORASAN- 6.5 25.00 Horasan: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.0400N- 42.1700E Soft Soil 150.26 173.30
29.03.1984 BALIKES˙
IR 4.5 2.40 Balıkesir: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 39.6600N- 27.8600E Soft Soil 223.89 128.97
12.08.1985 K˙
GI 4.9 80.77 Ki˘
gı: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 39.3400N- 40.2800E Soil 163.06 89.09
05.05.1986 MALATYA 6.0 29.63 Gölba¸sı: Devlet Hastanesi 37.7810N- 37.6410E Rock 114.70 76.04
06.06.1986 SÜRGÜ 6.0 34.70 Gölba¸sı: Devlet Hastanesi 37.7810N- 37.6410E Rock 68.54 34.43
20.04.1988 MURAD˙
IYE 5.0 37.30 Muradiye: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 39.0300N- 43.7000E Rock 49.50 51.18
13.03.1992 ERZ˙
INCAN 6.9 65.00 Refahiye: Kaymakamlık Binası 39.9010N- 38.7690E Soft Soil 67.21 85.93
13.03.1992 ERZ˙
INCAN 6.9 5.00 Erzincan: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 39.7520N- 39.4870E Soil 404.97 470.92
06.11.1992 ˙
IR 6.1 41.00 Ku¸sadası: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 37.8610N- 27.2660E Soft Soil 83.49 71.80
24.05.1994 G˙
IT 5.4 20.10 Foça: Gümrük Müdürlü ˘
38.6400N- 26.7700E Rock 36.06 49.80
13.11.1994 KÖYCE ˘
IZ 5.2 17.41 Köyce ˘
giz: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 36.9700N- 28.6940E Soft Soil 72.79 96.51
01.10.1995 D˙
INAR 6.4 3.00 Dinar: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 38.0600N – 30.1500E Soft Soil 288.30 269.95
01.10.1995 D˙
INAR 6.4 46.20 Çardak: Sa˘
glık Oca˘
37.8250N- 29.6680E Soil 65.07 61.30
27.06.1998 ADANA- 6.3 80.10 Mersin: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 36.8300N- 34.6500E Soft Soil 119.29 132.12
27.06.1998 ADANA- 6.3 28.00 Ceyhan: PTT Müd. 37.0500N 35.8100E Soft Soil 223.42 273.55
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 55.00 Bursa: Sivil Sav. Müd. 40.1830N- 29.1310E Soft Soil 54.32 45.81
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 81.00 Çekmece: Nükleer Santral Bn. 40.9700N- 28.7000E Soil 118.03 89.61
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 11.00 Düzce: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.8500N- 31.1700E Soft Soil 314.88 373.76
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 116.00 Ere ˘
gli: Kaymakamlık Bn. 40.9800N- 27.7900E Soil 90.36 101.36
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 15.00 Gebze: Tübitak Marmara Ara¸s. Mer. 40.8200N- 29.4400E Rock 264.82 141.45
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 32.00 Göynük: Devlet Hastanesi 40.3850N- 30.7340E Rock 137.69 117.9
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 49.00 ˙
Istanbul: Bayındırlık ve ˙
Iskan Müd. 41.0580N- 29.0130E Rock 60.67 42.66
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 8.00 ˙
Izmit: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.7900N- 29.9600E Rock 171.17 224.91
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 30.00 ˙
Iznik: Karayolları ¸Sefli˘
gi 40.4370N- 29.6910E Soft Soil 91.89 123.32
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 140.00 Kütahya: Sivil Savunma Müd. 39.4190N- 29.9970E Soil 50.05 59.66
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 3.20 Sakarya: Bayındırlık ve ˙
Iskan Müd. 40.7370N- 30.3840E Rock 407.04
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 150.00 Tekirda˘
g: Hükümet Kona˘
40.9790N- 27.5150E Rock 129.79 128.33
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 17.00 Darıca: Arçelik Arge Bn. 40.82360N- 29.3607E Soil 211.37 133.68
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 82.50 Ambarlı: Termik Santral 40.9809N- 28.6926E Soft Soil 252.56 186.04
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 116.00 M. Ere˘
glisi: Bota¸s Gas Terminali 40.9919N- 27.9795E Soil 98.88 87.10
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 72.00 Ysilköy: Havalimanı 40.9823N- 28.8199E Soil 90.21 84.47
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 63.00 4. Levent: Yapı Kredi Plaza 41.0811N- 20.0111E Rock 41.08 35.52
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 3.28 Yarımca: Petkim Tesisleri 40.7639N–29.7620E Soil 230.22 322.20
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 63.00 Fatih: Fatih Türbesi 41.0196N–28.9500E Soft Soil 189.39 161.87
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 43.00 Heybeliada: Sanatoryum 40.8688N- 29.0875E Rock 56.15 110.23
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 71.00 Bursa: Tofa¸s Fab. 40.2605N- 29.0680E Soft Soil 100.89 100.04
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I 7.4 81.00 Çekmece: Nükleer Santral Bn. 40.9700N- 28.7000E Soil 177.31 132.08
12.11.1999 DÜZCE 7.1 20.41 Bolu: Bayındırlık ve ˙
Iskan Müd. 40.7450N- 31.6100E Soft Soil 739.56 805.88
12.11.1999 DÜZCE 7.1 8.23 Düzce: Meteoroloji ˙
Istasyonu 40.8500N- 31.1700E Soft Soil 407.69 513.78
12.11.1999 DÜZCE 7.1 30.90 Mudurnu: Kaymakamlık Binası 40.4630N- 31.1820E Soft Soil 120.99 58.34
Figure 1. The distribution of records in the database in terms of magnitude, distance and local geological conditions.
Table 2. Earthquakes used in the analysis
Number of recordings
Date Earthquake Fault type MwSoft soil Soil rock
19.08.1976 DEN˙
INormal5.3 2
05.10.1977 ÇERKE ¸S Strike-Slip 5.4 2
16.12.1977 ˙
IR Normal 5.5 2
18.07.1979 DURSUNBEY Strike-Slip 5.3 2
05.07.1983 B˙
IGA Reverse 6.0 2 4
30.10.1983 HORASAN-NARMAN Strike-Slip 6.5 2
29.03.1984 BALIKES˙
IR Strike-Slip 4.5 2
12.08.1985 K˙
GI Strike-Slip 4.9 2
05.05.1986 MALATYA Strike-Slip 6.0 2
06.06.1986 SÜRGÜ (MALATYA) Strike-Slip 6.0 2
20.04.1988 MURAD˙
IYE Strike-Slip 5.0 2
13.03.1992 ERZ˙
INCAN Strike-Slip 6.9 2 2
06.11.1992 ˙
IR Normal 6.1 2
24.05.1994 G˙
IT Normal 5.4 2
13.11.1994 KÖYCE ˘
IZ Normal 5.2 2
01.10.1995 D˙
INAR Normal 6.4 2 2
27.06.1998 ADANA-CEYHAN Strike-Slip 6.3 4
17.08.1999 KOCAEL˙
I Strike-Slip 7.4 12 16 15
12.11.1999 DÜZCE Strike-Slip 7.1 6
Total 4 0 24 2 9
Figure 2. Distribution of the larger maximum horizontal acceleration of either component versus distance.
Figure 3. The distribution of records in the database in terms of magnitude, distance and type of faulting.
Attenuation relationship development
Attenuation relationships were developed by using the
same general form of the equation proposed by Boore
et al. (1997). The ground motion parameter estimation
equation is as follows:
lnY = b1+b
2(M – 6) + b3(M – 6)2
5ln r + bVln (VS/V
Here Y is the ground motion parameter (peak hori-
zontal acceleration (PGA) or pseudo spectral acceler-
ation (PSA) in g); M is (moment) magnitude; rcl is
closest horizontal distance from the station to a site
of interest in km; VSis the shear wave velocity for
the station in m/s; b1,b
the parameters to be determined. Here h is a fictitious
depth, and VAa fictitious velocity that are determined
by regression. The coefficients in the equations for
predicting ground motion were determined by using
nonlinear regression analysis. Nonlinear regression is
a method of finding a nonlinear model of the rela-
tionship between the dependent variable and a set of
independent variables. Unlike traditional linear regres-
sion, which is restricted to estimating linear models,
nonlinear regression can estimate models with arbit-
rary relationships between independentand dependent
variables. This is accomplished using iterative estim-
ation algorithms. The nonlinear regression procedure
on the database was performed using SPSS statistical
analysis software program (Ver.9.00, 1998). This ex-
ercise was performed separately on PGA and on PSA
data at each oscillator period considered (total of 46
periods from 0.1 to 2.0 s.).
The procedure that we have used to develop the
attenuation curves consists of two stages (Joyner and
Boore, 1993). In the first, attenuation relationships
were developed for PGA and spectral acceleration val-
ues by selecting the acceleration values in the database
as maximum horizontal components of each record-
ing station. Then, a nonlinear regression analysis was
performed. In the next stage, random horizontal com-
ponents were selected for the acceleration values in
the database and regression analyses were applied.
The results were compared for PGA, 0.3 s and 1.0
s PSA cases, and it was concluded that selection of
maximum, rather than of random, horizontal compon-
ents did not yield improvedestimates and smaller error
terms. This issue is taken up again in the section on
comparisons of our results with other relations.
Figure 4. Curves of peak acceleration versus distance for magnitude
5.5, 6.5 and 7.5 earthquakes at rock sites.
Figure 5. Curves of peak acceleration versus distance for magnitude
5.5, 6.5 and 7.5 earthquakes at soil sites.
Table 3. Attenuation relationships of horizontal PGA and response spectral accelerations
(5% damping)
ln(YO = b1 + b2 (M–6) + b3 (M–6)2+b5lnr+b
Vln (VS/VAwith r = (rcl 2+h2)1/2
0 (PGA) –0.682 0.253 0.036 –0.562 –0.297 1381 4.48 0.562
0.10 –0.139 0.200 –0.003 –0.553 –0.167 1063 3.76 0.621
0.11 0.031 0.235 –0.007 –0.573 –0.181 1413 3.89 0.618
0.12 0.123 0.228 –0.031 –0.586 –0.208 1501 4.72 0.615
0.13 0.138 0.216 –0.007 –0.590 –0.237 1591 5.46 0.634
0.14 0.100 0.186 0.014 –0.585 –0.249 1833 4.98 0.635
0.15 0.090 0.210 –0.013 –0.549 –0.196 1810 2.77 0.620
0.16 –0.128 0.214 0.007 –0.519 –0.224 2193 1.32 0.627
0.17 –0.107 0.187 0.037 –0.535 –0.243 2433 1.67 0.621
0.18 0.045 0.168 0.043 –0.556 –0.256 2041 2.44 0.599
0.19 0.053 0.180 0.063 –0.570 –0.288 2086 2.97 0.601
0.20 0.127 0.192 0.065 –0.597 –0.303 2238 3.48 0.611
0.22 –0.081 0.214 0.006 –0.532 –0.319 2198 1.98 0.584
0.24 –0.167 0.265 –0.035 –0.531 –0.382 2198 2.55 0.569
0.26 –0.129 0.345 –0.039 –0.552 –0.395 2160 3.45 0.549
0.28 0.140 0.428 –0.096 –0.616 –0.369 2179 4.95 0.530
0.30 0.296 0.471 –0.140 –0.642 –0.346 2149 6.11 0.540
0.32 0.454 0.476 –0.168 –0.653 –0.290 2144 7.38 0.555
0.34 0.422 0.471 –0.152 –0.651 –0.300 2083 8.30 0.562
0.36 0.554 0.509 –0.114 –0.692 –0.287 2043 9.18 0.563
0.38 0.254 0.499 –0.105 –0.645 –0.341 2009 9.92 0.562
0.40 0.231 0.497 –0.105 –0.647 –0.333 1968 9.92 0.604
0.42 0.120 0.518 –0.135 –0.612 –0.313 1905 9.09 0.634
0.44 0.035 0.544 –0.142 –0.583 –0.286 1899 9.25 0.627
0.46 –0.077 0.580 –0.147 –0.563 –0.285 1863 8.98 0.642
0.48 –0.154 0.611 –0.154 –0.552 –0.293 1801 8.96 0.653
0.50 –0.078 0.638 –0.161 –0.565 –0.259 1768 9.06 0.679
0.55 –0.169 0.707 –0.179 –0.539 –0.216 1724 8.29 0.710
0.60 –0.387 0.698 –0.187 –0.506 –0.259 1629 8.24 0.707
0.65 –0.583 0.689 –0.159 –0.500 –0.304 1607 7.64 0.736
0.70 –0.681 0.698 –0.143 –0.517 –0.360 1530 7.76 0.743
0.75 –0.717 0.730 –0.143 –0.516 –0.331 1492 7.12 0.740
0.80 –0.763 0.757 –0.113 –0.525 –0.302 1491 6.98 0.742
0.85 –0.778 0.810 –0.123 –0.529 –0.283 1438 6.57 0.758
0.90 –0.837 0.856 –0.130 –0.512 –0.252 1446 7.25 0.754
0.95 –0.957 0.870 –0.127 –0.472 –0.163 1384 7.24 0.752
1.00 –1.112 0.904 –0.169 –0.443 –0.200 1391 6.63 0.756
1.10 –1.459 0.898 –0.147 –0.414 –0.252 1380 6.21 0.792
1.20 –1.437 0.962 –0.156 –0.463 –0.267 1415 7.17 0.802
1.30 –1.321 1.000 –0.147 –0.517 –0.219 1429 7.66 0.796
1.40 –1.212 1.000 –0.088 –0.584 –0.178 1454 9.10 0.790
1.50 –1.340 0.997 –0.055 –0.582 –0.165 1490 9.86 0.788
1.60 –1.353 0.999 –0.056 –0.590 –0.135 1513 9.94 0.787
1.70 –1.420 0.996 –0.052 –0.582 –0.097 1569 9.55 0.789
1.80 –1.465 0.995 –0.053 –0.581 –0.058 1653 9.35 0.827
1.90 –1.500 0.999 –0.051 –0.592 –0.047 1707 9.49 0.864
2.00 –1.452 1.020 –0.079 –0.612 –0.019 1787 9.78 0.895
Figure 6. Curves of peak acceleration versus distance for magnitude
5.5, 6.5 and 7.5 earthquakes at soft soil sites.
The coefficients for estimating the maximum
horizontal-component pseudo-acceleration response
by Equation (1) are given in Table 3. The resulting
parameters can be used to produce attenuation rela-
tionships that predict response spectra over the full
range of magnitudes (Mw5 to 7.5) and distances (rcl)
up to 150 km. The results were used to compute er-
rors for PGA and PSA at individual periods. The
standard deviation of the residuals, σ, expressing the
random variability of ground motions, is an important
input parameter in probabilistic hazard analysis. In this
study, the observed value of σ(ln Y) lies generally
within the range of 0.5 to 0.7. The calculated attenu-
ation relationships for PGA for rock, soil and soft soil
sites are shown in Figures 4 through 6.
Comparison with other ground motion
The equations developed in this study for ground
motion estimation were compared to those recently
developed by Boore et al. (1997), Campbell (1997),
Sadigh et al. (1997), Spudich et al. (1997) and finally
Ambraseys et al. (1996). The equations of Boore et
al. and Ambraseys et al. divided site classes into four
groups according to shear wave velocities. Campbell’s
equations pertain to alluvium (or firm soil), soft rock
and hard rock. Sadigh et al. and Spudich et al. state
that their equations are applicable for rock and soil
The attenuation of PGA and PSA at 0.3 and 1.0
w= 7.4 for rock and soil sites are compared
in Figures 7–9, respectively. The measured database
points from the Kocaeli event are also marked on these
curves to illustrate how well they fit the estimates.
The differences in the curves are judged to be reas-
onable because different databases, regression models
and analysis methods, different definitions for source
to site distance and magnitude parameters among the
relationships are contained in each model.
For some parameters and especially for PGA, there
are numerous published attenuation equations for use
in any particular engineering application. Atkinson
and Boore (1997) showed the differences between at-
tenuation characteristics in western and eastern USA
for stable intraplate and interplate regions. Neverthe-
less, differences among attenuation of strong motions
from one region to another have not been definitely
proven. Because of this reason it is preferableto use at-
tenuation equations that are based on the records taken
from the region in which the estimation equations are
to be applied.
Sensors comprising the national or other strong
motion networks in Turkey are oriented so that their
horizontal axes match the N-S and the E-W directions.
Whereas Figure 2 illustrates the larger of these two
components as a function of distance, it may not rep-
resent the largest horizontal acceleration that occurred
before the cessation of the ground motion. The value
of the absolute maximum acceleration in whichever
direction can be determined by monitoring through
a simple book-keeping procedure for the size of the
resultant horizontal component, and then resolving all
pairs to the direction of that largest component once
it is known. At variance with the customary practice,
we call this component the ‘random’ horizontal com-
ponent. In Figure 10, the difference in the predictive
power of the regression equations derived from both
of these definitions is illustrated for Mw=7.4,and
compared against the Kocaeli measurements. We be-
lieve that both sets yield essentially the same results.
With the differences between the mean or the stand-
ard deviation curves substantially less than the value
of σln (Y) itself, an improvement in accuracy does
not appear to be plausible between the definitions of
maximum horizontal acceleration.
Figure 7. Curves of peak acceleration versus distance for magnitude 7.4 earthquake at rock and soil sites.
Figure 8. Curves of spectral acceleration at T = 0.3 s versus distance
for a magnitude – 7.4 earthquake at rock and soil sites. Figure 9. Curves of spectral acceleration at T = 1.0 s versus distance
for a magnitude – 7.4 earthquake at rock and soil sites.
Figure 10. Differences caused by using the larger of the two hori-
zontal components or the component in the direction of the largest
Uncertainty and reliability
Uncertainty is a condition associated with essentially
all aspects of earthquake related science and engin-
eering. The principle sources of uncertainty lie in the
characterization of site geology, calculation of closest
distances, determination of seismic shaking proper-
ties, and in the geotechnical properties of earthquake
motion monitoring sites. The regression analysis is
based on stochastic analysis method, thus the ob-
tained attenuation formula contains unavoidable er-
rors. These uncertainties, for the most part stemming
from the lack of and/or the imperfect reliability of the
specific supporting data available, affect all analytical
methods and procedures applied to the derivation of
all aforementioned parameters.
The attenuation relationships presented in this
study cannot, and do not, eliminate these uncertain-
ties. However through the use of nonlinear regression
analysis, it provides a more sophisticated and direct
approach to address the uncertainties than do tradi-
tional linear analysis procedures. The results we have
presented in tabular and graphical form becomemean-
ingful only in the context of the error distributions that
are associated with each variable. In general, our res-
ults possess larger deviations in comparison with, e.g.,
Boore et al. (1997). This is plausible because of the
smaller number of records from which they have been
derived. In view of the limited number of records util-
ized in this study it may not be appropriate to expect
the distributions to conform to the normal distribution.
We do this only as a vehicle that permits a direct com-
parison to be made between our results and those of
Boore et al. (1997).
Discussion and conclusions
The recommended attenuation relationships presented
in detail in this paper through Table 3 and illustrated
in Figures 4–6 are considered to be appropriate for the
estimation of horizontal components of peak ground
acceleration, and 5 percent damped pseudo accelera-
tion response spectra for earthquakes with magnitude
in the range Mw5to7.5andr
cl<150 km for soft soil,
soil and rock site conditions in active tectonic regions
of Turkey. The database from which these estimates
have been drawn is not pristine. It is handicapped not
only because of the sheer dearth of records but also
because of their poor distribution, arbitrary location,
near-total lack of knowledge of local geology, and
possible interference from the response of buildings
where the sensors have been stationed. We have ex-
cluded aftershock data, and omitted records with peaks
of less than about 0.04 g. It is shown in Table 1 that
more than half of the records have been recovered
from two M 7+ events that occurred in 1999. Inev-
itably, the regression expressions are heavily imbued
with that data proper. A point of generalization is that,
in general, the database causes larger margins of error
in the estimates. This is more noticeable for spectral
accelerations at longer periods.
When we compare our equations with other atten-
uation relationships not developed specifically from
recordings in Turkey, it is concluded that they over-
estimate the peak and spectral acceleration values for
up to about 15–20 km. Trends of our curves are gen-
erally above these curves for larger distances because
for our expressions the fall-off trend is less strong. We
surmise that clipping the minimum peak acceleration
at 0.04 g is the cause of this trend. Among the other
attenuation relationships we have used for comparison
the equations by Ambraseys et al. (1996) for European
earthquakes yields the best match with our equations.
Whether this is caused by the fact that the Ambraseys
study utilized data recorded also in Turkey cannot be
answered except on a conjectural basis. But this com-
parison clearly serves as a reminder that there exists
little support for the carefree import of attenuation
curves from other environments for use in important
engineering applications elsewhere.
It is a truism that, as additional strong motion re-
cords, shear wave velocity profiles for recording sites,
and better determined distance data become available
for Turkey, the attenuation relationships derived in this
study can be progressively modified and improved,
and their uncertainties reduced.
The authors acknowledgewith gratefulness the help of
Sinan Akkar, Altu˘
g Erberik and Tolga Yılmaz in the
Earthquake Engineering Research Center at Middle
East Technical University (METU/EERC). Sincere
thanks are extended also to Zahide Çolako˘
glu, Tülay
gra¸s and Ulubey Çeken of the General Directorate of
Disaster Affairs, Earthquake Research Department for
providing references and necessary data.
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... This work focuses on constructing a local GMM for Turkey, one of the distinguished seismic hazard zones, based on the most recent ground motion data. In the literature, some region-specific empirical GMMs are derived from the dataset of Turkey [1,2,16,58,[69][70][71][72][73][74]. The model developed by Cabalar and Cevik [58] was proposed for predicting PGA, while the other studies were developed for predicting the full spectral ordinates. ...
... The efforts toward seismic hazard characterisation of Turkey gained momentum after ˙I zmit 1999 (M w = 7.4) and Düzce 1999 (M w = 7.1) earthquakes. Consequently, some empirical local GMMs have been proposed for Turkey [69,70,98] to estimate either PGA or PSA values. Moreover, some regional GMMs were proposed for the north-western Turkey [71,99]. ...
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Conventional ground motion models have extensively been established worldwide based on classical regression analysis of records. Alternatively, advanced nonparametric machine-learning (ML) algorithms may capture the complex nonlinear behaviour of earthquake motions. This paper investigates the efficiency of artificial neural network (ANN) and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) in predicting peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV) and pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) (period, T = 0.03-2.0 s) for the Turkish dataset. The dataset involves 1166 records of 383 events with a moment magnitude (M w) of 4.0-7.6, Joyner and Boore distance (R JB) of 0-200 km, focal depth (FD) less than 35 km, and site condition as the averaged shear wave velocity of the soil on the top 30 m (V S30) of 131-1380 m/s. The performance of the models is compared against empirical models in terms of root-mean-square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (R 2), Pearson correlation coefficient (r), and inter-event and intra-event residuals. To perform residual analysis, a likelihood function is developed. Findings reveal that the XGBoost approach gives an unbiased model with a higher correlation and lower residual than ANN. Finally, an online platform is provided for any interested users.
... Boore et al. (1997) carried out their study using 271 records of 20 shallow earthquakes in North America that occurred between 1940 and 1992. Gülkan and Kalkan (2002) utilised 47 hori-zontal components of 19 earthquakes, having M w ranging 5.5-7.5, took place in Türkiye between 1976 and 1999. Kalkan and Gulkan (2004) Here, Y is the PGA; M is the moment magnitude; V s is the shear wave velocity (m/sn); rjb is the shortest distance to the fracture on the surface; h is the depth (km); b 1 , b 2 , b 3 , b 5 , b v and VA are the coefficients. ...
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The earthquake hazard of the wide plateau comprising significant dams around the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) in eastern Türkiye is studied by means of the seismicity assessment and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). The fault segments of the EAFZ in the east of Kahramanmaraş city, which were previously assigned as a seismic gap, are shown to produce an earthquake in the order of at least Mw = 7.4. b values of the frequency–magnitude distribution calculated from the declustered Mw ≥ 3.2 seismicity after 1995 indicate significant temporal (a gradual decrease from 1.6 to 0.8 between 2010 and 2019) and spatial variations (between 0.75 and 2.1), leading to a short recurrence time estimation of as low as 90 years for an earthquake size comparable to the 2020 Sivrice earthquake (Mw = 6.7). No matter which attenuation relationship is used, the PSHA assuming a 475-year recurrence period results in considerably higher PGA values (average 0.25–0.64 g) as compared to the previous local and regional scale studies, suggesting higher seismic hazard than known so far. The presence of the seismic gap, the decreasing b value as an indication of rising ambient crustal stresses, the estimated shortest recurrence time of 90 years and the computed PGA values imply a significant earthquake hazard for the study area. Considering that the study area contains large cities with historic heritages, important industrial capacities and the existence of big crucial dams, requiring to be on alert in terms of seismic safety and preparedness of the population.
... As well as the equations discussed above that have been derived for application across Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, several equations have also been derived specifically for individual countries within these broad regions, or even for smaller regions within individual countries. In terms of response spectral ordinates, there are equations for Greece (Danciu and Tselentis 2007), for Iran (Khademi 2002;Zaré and Sabzali 2006), for Italy (Sabetta and Pugliese 1996;Zonno and Montaldo 2002;Bragato and Slejko 2005), and for Turkey (Gülkan and Kalkan 2002;Schwarz et al. 2002;Özbey et al. 2004;Ulusay et al. 2004). The publication of such 'national' equations raises the very interesting and important question of whether there are genuine and consistent differences in earthquake ground-motions from one country to another that justify the derivation of equations from the limited strong-motion databases available for individual countries instead of using the better constrained equations derived from much larger datasets covering broader geographical regions. ...
... The large number of ground motion acceleration recordings after the 17 August 1999 and 12 November 1999 earthquakes provided an opportunity to study attenuation models for the Marmara Region [14], [19][20][21][22]. Although the attenuation relationships are used in regional seismic studies, they are not sufficient to explain the damage that occurs in a region after an earthquake. ...
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Amplification and predominant periods of soils in Düzce Basin were investigated by analysing the data sets of last two major earthquakes and aftershocks of Kocaeli and Düzce earthquakes occurred in 1999 with a magnitude of Mw:7.4 and Mw:7.2, respectively. Two different methods named horizontal/vertical spectral acceleration ratio (HVSAR) and soil-to-rock Response Spectral Acceleration Ratio (RSAR) were used to determine soil amplifications for various periods in Düzce Basin. The data set includes 31 strong gorund motion records from five strong ground motion stations. It was found that the site amplifications at stations are directly related to the local geology underlying the stations. Averaging the residuals between the predicted and observed PGAs resulted in soil amplification from 1.33 to 2.33. The HVSAR method presented soil amplification values between 2.7 and 10 and predominant period values between 0.4 and 0.7 s. Soil amplification values from 1.5 to 14 and predominant periods from 0.5 to 0.8 s were obtained by the RSAR method. High site amplifications and predominant periods mainly depend on the thickness of lithological variances accompanied by low physical and geotechnical properties of alluvial deposits.
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Several reinforced concrete minarets in Turkey have suffered significant damage during earthquakes, resulting in fatalities and economic losses. These structures might be considered the most frequently built thin structures in Turkey. To improve seismic resistivity, it is necessary to figure out the exact nature of these tall structures. In this way, the existing ones can be strengthened. This study examined the most widely built (traditional) forms of reinforced concrete minarets under two earthquakes, the Mw 7.2 Van on 23 October 2011 and the Mw 7.4 İzmit on 17 August 1999, by considering three types of soils, i.e., stiff, medium and soft, with the viscous boundary method proposed from Burman et al. Moreover, diameter of the soil was selected as ten times the diameter of the foundation of the minarets. After conducting numerous analyses, it was concluded that the RC minarets’ structural behavior was altered by the softening of the earth, leading to a sharp increase in internal forces. Furthermore, it was discovered that the regions of stress accumulation indicated for the representative minarets matched the damage shown in recent earthquakes.
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Dynamic loads such as earthquakes can cause major failure to soil, and the foremost of these failure is soil liquefaction. In engineering studies, liquefaction analyses can be performed by different methods based on the results of field and laboratory experiments. In this study, the liquefaction potential of the soils of the Batman settlement zone, located close to the East Anatolian Fault Zone in Türkiye, was evaluated. In the study area, Meydan site consists of low-medium plasticity clay (CL) at a depth of 1.5–3 m and silty sand (SM) at a depth of 3.5–12.45 m; Bahçelievler site consists of low-medium plasticity clay (CL) at a depth of 1.5–7 m and silty sand (SM) at a depth of 7–15 m. For liquefaction analysis, magnitudes and accelerations of design earthquake were selected as 0.30 g for accelerations, and 7.5 and 6.5 for magnitudes. For this purpose, the effects of soil and earthquake parameters on soil liquefaction were evaluated using the standard penetration test (SPT) and shear wave velocity (Vs) methods with the Microsoft Excel-based SoilEngineering program and the obtained results were correlated and discussed. It is emphasized in this work that liquefaction potential analyses using soil and earthquake parameters provide more reliable results. In addition, the soil strata of locations where the liquefaction risk potential is high were found to have total settlement of approximately 36.87 to 36.2 cm, parallel to the high liquefaction risk, and it was determined that there may be high settlement in the area.
Conference Paper
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Bir baraj yapısının toplam riski, baraj yeri sismik tehlike oranı ile baraj ve yardımcı yapıların risk oranına ba lı olarak tanımlanır. Baraj yeri sismik tehlike oranı, istatistiksel ve deterministik yöntemlerle hesaplanan en büyük yer ivmesi esasında tanımlanır. Baraj ve ilgili yapıların toplam riski ise, baraj yüksekli i, rezervuar kapasitesi, barajın ya ı, potansiyel mansap hasarı ve tahliye gereksinimi esasında belirlenir. Son yıllarda geli tirilen ve yaygın kullanımı olan analiz yöntemlerinde, toplam risk ve baraj yeri sismik tehlike oranı birle tirilerek dikkate alınmaktadır. Bu bildiride, baraj yeri sismik tehlike analizlerinde dikkate alınan birincil faktörler, deprem tanımları ve de erlendirme için gereken parametreler özetlenecek, toplam risk analizi esaslarına de inilecek ve ülkemizin önemli havzalarından biri olan Ceyhan havzasında yer alan barajlar için yapılan uygulamalar de erlendirilecektir. Havza içinde yer alan ve halen planlama, in aat ve i letme a amalarında yer alan Aslanta , Berke, Sır, Klavuzlu, Menzelet, Kalecik, Kartalkaya, Adatepe, Ayvalı, Kozan, Hakkıbeyli, Pa alı ve Karakuz barajları için ayrı ayrı sismik tehlike de erlendirmesi yapılmı ve her baraj için toplam risk de eri hesaplanmı tır. Farklı deprem tanımları esasında hesaplanan en büyük yer ivmesi de erleri dikkate alınarak ve Co rafi Bilgi Sistemi esasında çalı an bir program kullanılarak farklı dönü periyotları için Ceyhan havzasının sismik tehlike haritası olu turulmu tur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Baraj, Ceyhan havzası, sismik tehlike ve toplam risk,
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Geomorphology of the Sakarya Plain and Its Surroundings The geological development of the Eastern Marmara, where the Sakarya Plain is located, is defined in two basic tectonic processes as Paleotectonic (Cambrian-Middle Eocene) and Neotectonic. As a result of the disappearance of the Neo-Tethys ocean and the collision of Sakarya continent and Istanbul-Zonguldak continent, the formation of Samanlı Mountains in this period shows three tectono-stratigraphic units, namely Pontide Zone, Armutlu-Ovacık Zone and Sakarya Zone, in a north-south direction. The neotectonic period of the region starts with the development of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) Zone and includes the Plio-Quaternary (relatively 5 million years) process. The system extending from the Mudurnu Stream valley to the western part of Sapanca Lake in the Marmara Region, which has been divided into branches in this process, creates the only horsttail structure on Anatolia. With the effect of the active NAF system, many basin formations, deformation systems, active fault-controlled sedimentations and sediments in various facies were formed in the area extending from Bingöl-Karlıova to Edirne-Saroz Gulf. During this period, which originated from Northwest Anatolia, due to the tectonic openings across the Sakarya Plain, Sakarya River, proceeding from the deep valleys of the Koroğlu and Samanlı Mountains, passing through Pamukova and Adapazarı Plain, formes the Karasu Delta and reaching the Black Sea; Since the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene period, it has been the source of new formations due to the deposits it has created in the region. The Sakarya River and the prevailing mild climate have contributed to the development of agricultural activities in the region for years. With the activation of the Organized Industrial Zones after the 1990s, the population density in the region has also increased rapidly. During this period, urbanization took place in an uncontrolled manner, and unfortunately a large part of the population continued their lives in buildings constructed in areas not suitable for construction. Since the seismicity of the region is reviewed, medium (4<M<6) and large magnitude (M≥6) earthquakes clustered in the North Anatolian Fault Line occurred in this region and caused great damage. Consideration of the human and natural environment interactions, it is a fact XX Sakarya Ovası ve Çevresi Jeomorfolojisi that the geomorphological examination of the region will be important for scientists, policy makers and city planners. In this study, Sakarya Plain, which is one of the most important basins of the Marmara Region, has been examined in terms of its geomorphological features. In the first chapter, geological features and formation structures are examined, while in the second chapter, soil structure, soil capability classification and land cover/use characteristics are investigated. In the last chapter, the tectonic structure and seismicity of the region are also discussed.
Seismic hazard and building vulnerability are the main components for seismic risk assessment. In this thesis, soil characterization for the urban area of Nador city and surrounding areas has been presented to assess the regional and local seismic hazard, in terms of PGA and amplification respectively. The vulnerability of existing buildings in Nador was also assessed in terms of capacity and performance. The first part deals with the study of the site effects using the H/V experimental method, in terms of fundamental frequency and amplification. The H/V curves show clear single peaks with large amplitudes (> 2), while no amplification is observed in rocky soils, except for some small areas where weathered soils exist. The results obtained from the measurements are compared with the H/V of the 25 January 2016 earthquake recorded in two stations, showing similar results. The seismic vulnerability index has also been estimated, showing that the areas where two different layers exist are the most vulnerable (> 20) due to the high impedance contrast. The ground response analysis was performed taking into account the shear wave velocity (Vs). A seismic hazard map for the area surrounding the city of Nador is derived in terms of PGA for a return period of 475 years for the rocky soil type (Vs30 greater than 760 m/s) giving a PGA value of 0.14g. On the other hand, the seismic hazard map including site effects is obtained by including the Vs30 values. A procedure using the results of the seismic hazard disaggregation for the rocky soil in terms of PGA with a 10% probability of exceedance is developed to derive the envelope function parameters (duration, level and rise time) which are the basis for the generation of the Eurocode 8 artificial accelerogram. The soil response analysis is carried out using a linear equivalent model on three geotechnical profiles. The results obtained from the site response analysis clearly show the amplification in the silty-clay soil as the amplification obtained in the silty-gravelly soil, while there is no significant amplification obtained in the volcanic rocks. The fundamental frequency is in the range of 1.4 to 2.8 Hz while the maximum amplification factor observed in Nador is 3.5. Seismic vulnerability was assessed for reinforced concrete buildings representing a large number of buildings in Nador. The capacity spectra were developed from the Pushover analysis for the building stock of the city. The investigation of the buildings took into account different levels and parameters, such as the age of the building and the type of structure. The designed model is considered for gravity loads and the non-linear analysis was performed for building models according to ATC-40. The building performance is also studied using the capacity spectrum and the demand curve, which is determined according to the site conditions. In general, the results show that buildings in Nador do not have similar stiffness in terms of displacement, even in terms of code levels or height. The capacity curves show that the capacity level increases with increasing building height and on the other hand demonstrate the corresponding safety within a certain plasticity limit. The variation of the performance point shows that buildings for lower codes behave inadequately and need to be strengthened to avoid severe damage in future seismic events. These studies are considered as an asset for the seismic risk of the city, for the planning of urban development in terms of defining appropriate areas for building projects. On the other hand, the availability of these vulnerability models is a powerful tool for urban planners and structural engineers to assess and improve the capacity of buildings.
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It is known that energy needs are increasing all over the world due to the rapid increase in the human population and industrialization. This situation has caused many countries to turn to alternative and renewable energy sources. Today, the most widely used energy source is fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal). Considering that fossil fuels are rapidly depleted and their consumption harms the environment, it is seen that nuclear energy can be preferred as an alternative energy source. The use of nuclear energy as a source of electricity generation has many advantages over other sources such as low operating and fuel costs, low carbon emissions, long runtime and balanced distribution of fuel resources worldwide. Nuclear energy is also a preferred type of energy for reasons such as security of energy supply, reduction of current account deficits by reducing energy costs of countries, its contribution to stability in electricity prices, and reduction of foreign dependency. However, it is of great importance that the location of nuclear power plants be determined correctly and that their construction complies with international standards. As a result of not performing the site determination and construction works in accordance with the desired standards, many negative consequences can be experienced. Similarly, after the nuclear power plants come into operation, it is necessary to be very careful and strictly follow the operating instructions. Otherwise, the release of radioactive material as a result of accidents that may occur can cause extensive damage in the region where the nuclear power plant is located. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- İnsan nüfusundaki hızlı artışa ve sanayileşmeye bağlı olarak tüm dünyada enerji ihtiyaçlarının arttığı bilinmektedir. Bu durum birçok ülkenin alternatif ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yönelmesine neden olmuştur. Günümüzde en çok kullanılan enerji kaynağı fosil yakıtlardır (petrol, doğalgaz, kömür). Fosil yakıtların hızla tükendiği ve tüketiminin çevreye zarar verdiği göz önüne alındığında nükleer enerjinin alternatif bir enerji kaynağı olarak tercih edilebileceği görülmektedir. Nükleer enerjinin bir elektrik üretim kaynağı olarak kullanılması, düşük işletme ve yakıt maliyetleri, düşük karbon emisyonları, uzun çalışma süresi ve dünya çapındaki yakıt kaynaklarının dengeli dağıtımı gibi diğer kaynaklara kıyasla birçok avantaja sahiptir. Nükleer enerji aynı zamanda enerji arz güvenliği, ülkelerin enerji maliyetlerinin düşürülerek cari açıklarının azaltılması, elektrik fiyatlarında istikrara katkısı, dışa bağımlılığın azaltılması gibi nedenlerle de tercih edilen bir enerji türüdür. Bununla birlikte nükleer güç santrallerinin yer tespitinin doğru yapılması ve inşasının uluslararası standartlara uygun olması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Yer tespiti ve inşa çalışmalarının istenilen standartlara uygun yapılmaması sonucunda pek çok olumsuzlar yaşanabilmektedir. Benzer şekilde nükleer santrallerin faaliyete geçmesinden sonra da çok dikkatli olunması ve işletme talimatlarına harfiyen uyulması gerekmektedir. Aksi halde meydana gelebilecek kazalar sonucu oluşan radyoaktif madde salınımı nükleer santralin bulunduğu bölgede geniş çaplı zararlara neden olabilmektedir.
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A consistent set of empirical attenuation relationships is presented for predicting free-field horizontal and vertical components of peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and 5% damped pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra (PSA). The relationships were derived from attenuation relationships previously developed by the author from 1990 through 1994. The relationships were combined in such a way as to emphasize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of each. The new attenuation relationships are considered to be appropriate for predicting free-field amplitudes of horizontal and vertical components of strong ground motion from worldwide earthquakes of moment magnitude (MW) ≥ 5 and sites with distances to seismogenic rupture (RSEIS) ≤ 60 km in active tectonic regions.
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Source parameters for historical earthquakes worldwide are compiled to develop a series of empirical relationships among moment magnitude (M), surface rupture length, subsurface rupture length, downdip rupture width, rupture area, and maximum and average displacement per event. The resulting data base is a significant update of previous compilations and includes the additional source parameters of seismic moment, moment magnitude, subsurface rupture length, downdip rupture width, and average surface displacement. Each source parameter is classified as reliable or unreliable, based on our evaluation of the accuracy of individual values. Only the reliable source parameters are used in the final analyses. In comparing source parameters, we note the following trends: (1) Generally, the length of rupture at the surface is equal to 75% of the subsurface rupture length; however, the ratio of surface rupture length to subsurface rupture length increases with magnitude; (2) the average surface displacement per
A new computational method for implementing Brillinger and Preisler's one-stage maximum-likelihood analysis of strong-motion data is introduced. Analysis by Monte Carlo methods shows that both one-stage and two-stage methods, properly applied, are unbiased and that they have comparable uncertainties. Both give the same correct results when applied to the data that Fukushima and Tanaka (1990) have shown cannot be satisfactorily analysed by ordinary least squares. The two-stage method is more efficient computationally, but for typical problems neither method requires enough time to make efficiency important. Of the two methods, only the two-stage method can readily be used with the techniques described by Toro (1981) and MaLaughlin (1991) for overcoming the bias due to instruments that do not trigger. -from Authors
Attenuation relationships are presented for peak acceleration and response spectral accelerations from shallow crustal earthquakes. The relationships are based on strong motion data primarily from California earthquakes. Relationships are presented for strike-slip and reverse-faulting earthquakes, rock and deep firm soil deposits, earthquakes of moment magnitude M 4 to 8+, and distances up to 100 km.
We present a new predictive relation for horizontal peak ground acceleration and 5% damped pseudo-velocity response spectrum appropriate for predicting earthquake ground motions in extensional tectonic regimes. This new empirical relation, which we denote “Sea96,” was originally derived by Spudich et al. (1996) as part of a project to estimate seismic hazard at the site of a proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Because of the length and relative inaccessibility of that report, we are briefly presenting the Sea96 relation and its derivation here. We developed our relation based on data from extensional regime earthquakes having moment magnitude M > 5.0 recorded at distances less than 105 km. Extensional regions are regions in which the lithosphere is expanding areally. This areal expansion is the result of applied forces that yield a state of stress for which Sv > SHmax > SHmin , where Sv , SHmax , and SHmin represent principal...
In this paper we summarize our recently-published work on estimating horizontal response spectra and peak acceleration for shallow earthquakes in western North America. Although none of the sets of coefficients given here for the equations are new, for the convenience of the reader and in keeping with the style of this special issue, we provide tables for estimating random horizontal-component peak acceleration and 5 percent damped pseudo-acceleration response spectra in terms of the natural, rather than common, logarithm of the ground-motion parameter. The equations give ground motion in terms of moment magnitude, distance, and site conditions for strike-slip, reverse-slip, or unspecified faulting mechanisms. Site conditions are represented by the shear velocity averaged over the upper 30 m, and recommended values of average shear velocity are given for typical rock and soil sites and for site categories used in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program's recommended seismic code provisions. In addition, we stipulate more restrictive ranges of magnitude and distance for the use of our equations than in our previous publications. Finally, we provide tables of input parameters that include a few corrections to site classifications and earthquake magnitude (the corrections made a small enough difference in the ground-motion predictions that we chose not to change the coefficients of the prediction equations).
The nearly conincident forms of the relations between seismic moment Mo and the magnitudes ML, Ms, and Mw imply a moment magnitude scale M=2/3 log Mo-10.7 which is uniformly valid for 3
Equations for the prediction of vertical peak and absolute acceleration spectral ordinates in terms of magnitude, source-distance and site geology are presented. Comparison to similarly derived horizontal equations shows vertical spectral values to be 1/2–1/4 of the horizontal. The influence of site geology on vertical ground motion is reduced with respect to the horizontal. Ratios of peak vertical to peak horizontal ground acceleration in the near-field of thrust faults are magnitude and distance dependent, reaching values in excess of one very near the fault of large magnitude events. For strike-slip faults the ratio exceeds one for moderate events, decreasing for larger events, and is distance independent. Spectral acceleration ratios exceed one at short periods but are less than one at intermediate and long periods, irrespective of the source mechanism.
A large and uniform dataset is used to find equations for the prediction of absolute spectral acceleration ordinates in Europe and adjacent areas, in terms of magnitude, source-distance and site geology. The dataset used is shown to be representative of European strong motion in terms of the attenuation of peak ground acceleration. The equations are recommended for use in the range of magnitudes from MS 4⋅0 to 7⋅5 and for source-distances of up to 200 km.
We provide an overview of new ground-motion relations for eastern North America (ENA) developed over the last five years. The empirical-stochastic relations of Atkinson and Boore (1995) are compared to relations developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 1993; also Toro et a/., 1994), Frankel et al. (1996), and the consensus ENA ground-motion values as reported by SSHAC (1996). The main difference between our relations and those of EPRI or Frankel is in the low-frequency amplitudes (f< 2 Hz, all magnitudes). We predict lower amplitudes (by more than a factor of two) at 1 Hz, largely due to our use of an empirical source model rather than a single-corner-frequency Brune source model; the use of the empirical source model is moti-vated by the desire to match the ENA ground-motion data-base as closely as possible. We also compare our new ENA relations to empirical relations for California. The comparison is complicated by the need to adjust the ENA hard-rock motions to obtain equivalent motions for typical California soil conditions. Two alternative methods of making this correction lead to somewhat different conclusions. One possible conclusion is that our ENA relations predict similar low-frequency ampli-tudes to those predicted by Boore et al. (1993, 1994) and Abrahamson and Silva (1996) for California, but our pre-dicted ENA amplitudes are much higher (factor > 2) than California values at high frequencies. The alternative soil correction leads to the conclusion that our ENA relations are moderately lower (factor<2) than the California relations at low frequencies, and moderately higher at high frequencies. Both of these conclusions imply that ground-motion rela-tions or time series for earthquakes in one region cannot be simply modified for use in engineering analyses in another region.