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Abstract and Figures

Locally prepared tempe that underwent natural fermentation was characterized by the growth of Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus lactis , Bacillus sp., Salmonella sp., Klebsiella sp., Lactococcus lactis , Rhizopus sp. and Staphylococcus sp., while fermentation carried out with the addition of varying levels of baobab pulp powder had mainly lactic acid bacteria (LAB)— Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum , Lactobacillus acidophilus and Rhizopus sp. dominating. Increasing concentrations of baobab pulp powder led to an increase in the population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from 2.3102 to 3.3104 while it reduced the population of inoculated Rhizopus from 102 to only six colonies on malt extract agar (MEA).
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Eur Food Res Technol (2005) 220:187–190
DOI 10.1007/s00217-004-0998-y
O. R. Afolabi · T. O. S. Popoola
The effects of baobab pulp powder on the micro flora involved
in tempe fermentation
Received: 26 September 2003 / Revised: 5 July 2004 / Published online: 8 September 2004
Springer-Verlag 2004
Abstract Locally prepared tempe that underwent natural
fermentation was characterized by the growth of Lacto-
bacillus plantarum,Streptococcus lactis,Bacillus sp.,
Salmonella sp., Klebsiella sp., Lactococcus lactis,Rhi-
zopus sp. and Staphylococcus sp., while fermentation
carried out with the addition of varying levels of baobab
pulp powder had mainly lactic acid bacteria (LAB)—
Lactobacillus plantarum,Lactobacillus fermentum,Lac-
tobacillus acidophilus and Rhizopus sp. dominating. In-
creasing concentrations of baobab pulp powder led to an
increase in the population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
from 2.310
to 3.310
while it reduced the population
of inoculated Rhizopus from 10
to only six colonies on
malt extract agar (MEA).
Keywords Fermentation · Tempe · Baobab
Tempe is a nutritious fermented food obtained by the
fermentation of soybeans using the fungus Rhizopus oli-
gosporus. Although its consumption was initially con-
fined to the Asian countries, recently its consumption has
spread to other parts of the world, particularly developing
countries in Asia and Africa, including Nigeria, where it
plays an important role as a complementary food [1]. In
Nigeria, it is fast becoming popular as a dietary protein
supplement since animal protein is unaffordable by the
majority of the populace. The production of tempe varies
from one locality to another. In Indonesia and other parts
of Southeast Asia, tempe is prepared without the addition
of baobab pulp, but in Nigeria, where its consumption is
still limited, it is fermented with baobab pulp powder in
order to give the characteristic aroma and acidic taste
preferred by the local people. Baobab (Adansonia digi-
tata) pulp is rich in ascorbic acid, calcium, tartaric acid
and potassium bitartrate [2]. Its usage in food fermenta-
tion is a common practice in Nigeria, especially in the
northern part of the country where the Fulani Kraals use it
in the fermentation of cow milk for “nono” production.
The pulp is pounded gently into a powder by using a
pestle and mortar. It is then sieved to separate the seeds
from the powder. This is done to hasten the curdling
process as well as to improve the quality and quantity of
the product, especially during the dry season when cow
lactation is low and “nono” demand is high.
Production of tempe as it is done in Asia by fermen-
tation of soybeans with Rhizopus oligosporus brings about
changes in texture, aroma, and flavor, as well as reducing
anti-nutritional factors. It improves the nutritional quality
and produces an antibiotic effective against some gram-
positive bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus [3, 4].
Local communities in Nigeria are of the belief that the
addition of extracts of baobab to the fermentation medium
assist in achieving the improved sensory qualities desired.
Information on the process, microbiology and bio-
chemistry involved in tempe fermentation has been ex-
tensively reviewed [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Many pathogenic mi-
croorganisms such as Bacillus sp. [10, 11, 12], lactic acid
bacteria [13, 12] and yeasts [12] have been found in
tempe fermentation. The presence of these microorgan-
isms caused Tanaka et al. [14] and Nout et al. [16, 14]
to question the microbiological safety of tempe. They
demonstrated the ability of experimentally inoculated
species of Staphylococcus aureus,Clostridium botulinum,
Salmonella sp., Yersinia enterolitica and Bacillus cereus
to exhibit strong growth in the non-acidified beans during
fungal fermentation. These authors emphasized the im-
portance of acidification of the beans prior to fungal
fermentation for controlling the growth of these patho-
gens, if they are present. Apart from the slight acidity that
occurred during the fermentation of tempe, little infor-
mation is available on the possible ways of controlling the
undesirable microbes that grow during the soaking period.
Thus, the objective of this research is to determine the
O. R. Afolabi · T. O. S. Popoola ())
Department of Microbiology, College of Natural Sciences,
University of Agriculture,
P.M.B. 2240, 110001 Abeokuta, Nigeria
Tel.: +234-803-3280991
effect of the addition of baobab pulp on the pathogens that
develop in the fermentation medium during tempe pro-
Materials and methods
Collection of soybean samples
Soybean ( Glycine max. (L) Merr.) seeds used for the experiments
were obtained from the Department of Agronomy, Ladoke Akintola
University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The seeds were
sorted to remove extraneous materials and kept in a clean polythene
bag in the laboratory until used.
Preparation of tempe
Fifty grams of soybean seeds were weighed into six 1-l conical
flasks. The flasks were labeled A–F. Tempe was prepared from the
soybeans in each of the flasks according to the method of Robert et
al. [16]. The soybeans in each flask were boiled separately for
30 min, dehulled, and soaked in water. In each of the flasks (A–E),
5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 g of baobab pulp powder was added, respec-
tively. Baobab pulp powder was not added to flask F, however, as
this was to serve as the control experiment. Each flask was then
inoculated with 1 ml of Rhizopus oligosporus, obtained from the
University of Ibadan, Nigeria, to give 10
cfu/g. The flasks were
incubated overnight at room temperature (25 C) in a Mini/30/
CLAD/vis incubator.
Isolation procedure
The total viable counts of the microorganisms were determined on
plate count agar (PCA) (Oxoid) while lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
were isolated on MRS agar (pH 5.5) [17]. Yeasts and molds were
enumerated and isolated on malt extract agar (MEA) (Oxoid). The
Klebsiella sp. count was conducted on plates of MacConkey-Ino-
sitol-Potassium tellurite agar as described by Thomas et al. [18]. All
the plates were duplicated. Bacteria incubation was done using a
Mini/30/CLAD/vis incubator at 35 C, while fungi and mold were
incubated at 25 C in a separate incubator of the same model.
Determination of pH and titratable acidity
The pH of each tempe sample was determined using a combined
glass-calomel electrode and a pH meter (pHM61 Radiometer,
Copenhagen, Demark). Titratable acidity was done by titrating
25 ml of fermenting filtrate with 0.1 M NaOH. Three drops of 1%
phenolphthalein indicator were added. The titratable acidity present
in the sample was calculated based on the method of Nout et al.
Identification procedure
Systematic, morphological and biochemical tests were conducted
according to Cowan and Steel [19] with reference to Bergey’s
Manual of Systemic Bacteriology [20, 21]. Lactic acid bacteria
(LAB) were identified using the conventional method of Kandler
and Weiss [17] with complementary fermentation tests on API
50 CH gallery and CH medium (API system, Motalieu-Vercieu,
Data analysis
The data generated from the pH and titratable acidity readings were
subjected to statistical analysis. The linear model procedure method
was used to find out which of the concentrations of baobab pulp
power has a maximum effect on the acidity of the medium during
tempe fermentation at p0.05.
Results and discussion
The dominant microorganisms isolated from the fermen-
tation medium apart from the Rhizopus oligosporus in-
oculum were mainly lactic acid bacteria (LAB). These
were identified as Lactobaccillus plantarum,Lactobacil-
lus fermentum,Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactococ-
cus lactis (Table 1). As the concentration of baobab pulp
powder increased, the acidic medium present in tempe
increased as well. This trend continued until the mold
(Rhizopus oligosporus) could no longer survive in the
medium. The mold was eliminated from the medium in
the flask containing 15 g of baobab powder. Hence, it
Table 1 Microorganisms isolated from tempe samples with baobab pulp
Sample Population (cfu/g) Microbial species
A 3.410
25 1.510
Streptococeus sp., Lactobaccillus plantarum,Klebsiella sp., Bacillus sp.
Staphylococcus sp., Rhizopus sp., Lactococcus lactis
B 2.910
15 - Streptococcus sp., Lactobacillus plantarum,Lactococcus lactis,Lactobacillus
plantarum ,Rhizopus sp.
C 2.010
10 - Lactococcus lactis,Lactobaccillus fermentum,Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus acidophilus,Rhizopus sp.
D 7.910
6- Lactococcus lactis,Lactobacillus fermentum,Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus acidophilus,Rhizopus sp.
E 6.810
-- Lactococcus lactis,Lactobacillus fermentum,Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus acidophilus
F 4.910
30 1.210
Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Lactococcus lactis,
Rhizopus sp., Salmonella sp., Lactobacillus plantarum
MCIK MacConkey-Inositol-potassium tellurite
MEA Malt extract agar
PCA Plate count agar
MRS De Man Rogosa Sharpe agar
could be assumed that the medium containing 15 g of
baobab pulp powder and 50 g of soybeans or a ratio of
3:10, baobab powder and soybean seeds could be ideal for
tempe production involving the addition of baobab pow-
der. A concentration of the pulp powder above this value
would prevent fungal fermentation, while the concentra-
tion below it may not control the growth of pathogenic
microbes that colonize the soybeans during the fermen-
Presently, the preparation of tempe involving the use
of baobab pulp powder is still a traditional art. There is no
form of quantification of the amount of pulp powder or
the soybean seeds. The quantity of the powder used usu-
ally depends on the arbitrary judgment of the consumers,
thus the pH of the final product varies.
The results of the investigation on the isolated mi-
crobes from soybeans in flask F (control) agree with the
work of Nout et al. [13]. These authors implicated L
plantarum (along with other microbes) as the dominant
lactic acid bacteria species in tempe fermentation. In
addition to this organism, other species of lactic acid
bacteria such as Lactobaccillus fermentum,Lactobaccil-
lus acidophilus , and Lactococcus lactic were also iso-
lated form baobab pulp fermented tempe in this study.
This could be due to the acidic environment created by
the baobab powder, which favors their rapid proliferation.
This is beneficial to consumers since most of the lactic
acid bacteria species are nontoxic and have been reported
to produce an enzyme that breaks the oligosaccharides in
soybeans down to their mono and disaccharide con-
stituents [22, 23]. The presence of lactic acid bacteria in
tempe prepared as it’s being done locally in Nigeria will
not only improve the digestibility of tempe, but will also
extend the shelf life of the product because of the pre-
servative attributes of lactic acid bacteria.
Although the possible source of the lactic acid bacteria
encountered in this study was not investigated, the in-
volvement of lactic acid bacteria in a diverse range of
fermentation processes have been reported [24]. The
possibility of baobab pulp powder as the source cannot be
completely ignored. Investigations into this aspect of the
study are on-going.
Titratable acidity (expressed as a percentage of lactic
acid) increased throughout the process of fermentation,
resulting in a gradual decline in pH. However, the pH of
tempe in the control flask indicated the presence of little
acid created by the natural fermentation process, hence,
the highest pH value of 4.6. The pH and titratable acidity
of samples D and E were significantly different from the
pH and titratable acidity of the control. Other treatments
were not significantly different at p0.05 (Table 2).
In conclusion, this study established that an acidic
medium, created by the addition of baobab pulp powder
to tempe fermentation could prevent the growth of
pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella sp., Bacillus sp.,
and Streptococcus sp. Although this process is being done
in the local production of tempe in Nigeria, there seems to
be good scientific basis for this practice, particularly
when aspects of microbiological safety are considered.
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D 20 2.8€1.2
E 25 2.35€1.1
F 0 (control) 4.6€0.80
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... Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit trees are indigenous to Africa which is an income generation for the livelihood of rural population in Africa. Baobabs play an important role in providing a balanced nutrition because of their edible parts supply vitamins, mineral, proteins, and energy that are not commonly obtained from the cereal-dominated diets of drylands of Africa (41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)49). African baobab is a very long-lived tree with multipurpose uses. ...
... Another theory is that the baobab trees in India might be due to the migration of African population to India particularly in Gujarat and Karnataka state (29)(30)(31)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47). The seed pods of Baobab might have been swept by sea currents and reached India. ...
... The seed pods of Baobab might have been swept by sea currents and reached India. Thus, the Baobab trees which love arid zones have been found growing as stragglers in the Indian subcontinent, including Sri Lanka (29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47). This enormous baobab tree supposedly has its origin in the African continent and brought in by sailors who came to establish trade links with India; they thereafter planted them across the Indian subcontinent. ...
Full-text available
This review paper highlights the medicinal properties particularly the immunogenic potentiality of iconic baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) (Kalphavraksha or Wish) tree species belongs to Malvaceae family. During the recent outbreak of second wave of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) mutants, Delta variant (B. 1. 617.2) strain and Delta Plus (AY.1) in India has created a major health issue resulted in more hospitalizations and death. Another problem is fully vaccinated people with "breakthrough" infections is rare but reported. This has created a situation and therefore, promoted herbal medicine, fruit pulp of baobab as an immunity booster for controlling the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The baobab (Kalphavraksha or Wish tree) fruit pulp is very rich in vitamin C (280-350 mg/g of the fruit), zinc, and the source of protein and used as a herbal medicine long time ago by local traditional healers in India, Africa, Madagascar and other Asian countries. In addition to this, the baobab fruit pulp is acidic in nature and also known for protease inhibitors which limits the consumption of fruits. Plant protease inhibitors are directly involved in blocking the viral replication and inhibited the viral synthesis. Therefore, two dose vaccination with additional dietary and medicinal therapy will help to prevent the human body against invading viral antigen and improved the overall health condition of the Covid-19 patients. In India, the oral consumption of baobab (Kalphavraksha or Wish tree) fruit pulp with milk as an immunity booster has improved the Covid-19 patients health condition. However, there are no clinical evidences to support the scientific validation. Therefore, clinical experimental studies should be conducted particularly for the scientific validation of immunogenic potentiality of baobab fruit pulp. This will help in developing a novel drug for controlling the coronavirus infections in future pandemic.
... Baobab pulp contains significant levels of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and antioxidants, as well as ascorbic acid, calcium, tartaric acid, and potassium bitartrate (Afolabi and Popoola, 2005). Lockett et al. (2000) found large amount of carbs (70 %) and crude fiber (11.2 %), as well as a low amount of ash (5.7 %), protein (2.2 %), and very little fat (0.4 %) in fruit pulp. ...
... Interestingly, they concluded that African baobab fruit pulp can be used as a functional food for the natural treatment and prevention of hyperlipidemiarelated health abnormalities by increasing antioxidant enzyme activity. According to Afolabi and Popoola (2005), baobab fruit pulp can be used as a preservative in meals by reducing the oxidation of lipids. The fruit pulp tends to reduce high body temperatures while having no effect on regular body temperatures (Ramadan et al., 1994). ...
Scientific study on non-timber forest products with potential for use by humans has recently experienced a resurgence. Baobab is one of these non-timber forest products, and every part of the baobab has been shown by studies to be useful. Because the fruit products of the baobab tree contain enormous amounts of phytochemicals, these products have found uses in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Hence, this study examined, among other things, the role of the physical and mechanical properties of the baobab seeds in relation to design of equipment for processing as well as the phytochemicals found in the fruit products. It also discussed the traditional and orthodox uses of the baobab product. Along with vitamins and amino-acids found in the pulp, other minerals were also reviewed. High quantities of proteins, lipids, essential amino acids, and fatty acids, including linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acids, as well as Omega 3, 6, and 9, are present in baobab seeds and the seed oil. Antinutrients present in baobab seeds have the potential to be harmful to human health when consumed. The study examined different processing techniques used to lessen these antinutrients present in the seeds. To fully realize the potential of baobab fruit products, areas for further research have been highlighted in this review.
... An acid medium, as created by the addition of baobab pulp powder to tempe fermentation could prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella sp., Bacillus sp. and Streptococcus sp. (Afolabi et al., 2005). Moreover, increasing concentrations of baobab pulp powder led to an increase in the population oflactic acid bacteria. ...
... This is beneficial to consumers since most of the lactic acid bacteria species are nontoxic and have been reported to produce an enzyme that breaks the oligosaccharides in soybean (main component of tempe) down to their mono-and disaccharide constituents. The presence oflactic acid bacteria in tempe prepared as it is being done locally in Nigeria will not only improve the digestibility of tempe, but will also extend the shelf life of the product because of the preservative attributes oflactic acid bacteria (Afolabi et al., 2005). There was some antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium phlei cited in Maso la et al., 2009). ...
Full-text available
Baobab (Adansonia digitata L., Malvaceae) is a multi-purpose tree species native to Africa. Its fruit pulp has very high vitamin C content (ffi ten times that of orange), and can be used in seasoning, as an appetizer and to make juices. Seeds contain appreciable quantities of crude protein, digestible carbohydrates and oil, whereas they have high levels of lysine, thiamine, Ca and Fe. They can be eaten fresh or dried, ground into flour and thus added to soups and stews. Processing eliminates a number of anti-nutritional factors present in the seed. Baobab leaves are superior in nutritional quality to fruit pulp, and contain significant levels of vitamin A. The leaves are a staple for many populations in Africa, and are eaten fresh or dried. Several plant parts have interesting anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and baobab has been used extensively since ancient times in traditional medicine.
... La pulpe constitue la partie du baobab qui a plus de valeur économique sur le marché international De Smedt et al. 2011), suscitant un intérêt croissant et offrant ainsi des opportunités de générer des revenus aux producteurs africains, mais aussi une pression sans précédente sur l'espèce (IPCC 2007). Elle est riche en vitamines B1, B2, B3, en calcium (deux fois plus que dans le lait), en phosphore et surtout en vitamine C (2500 à 3000 mg/kg, soit six fois supérieure à celle contenue dans une orange) (Afolabi and Popoola 2005;Diop et al. 2006;Obizoba and Amaechi 1993;Osman 2004). À Madagascar, elle est très connue pour ses vertus antirides dans la cosmétique à base de plantes. ...
Full-text available
Understanding fruit productivity is crucial to more accurately predicting fruit yields and anticipating market price fluctuations. The present study was carried out in the Sudanese zone of Togo, evaluating the fruit productivity of the baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.), an agroforestry species of high socio-economic value in tropical Africa. The assessment of productivity encompassed: (i) fruit morpho-logical variation; (ii) biomass of various fruit by-products (pulp, seeds, kernel, fiber, seed coat, and pericarp); and (iii) biomasses variability in relation to mor-photypes, tree dendrometric parameters, and management type of the species. The study identified a wide variety of fruit shapes, mainly categorized into ellipsoidal and spherical types. The potential fruit productivity of baobab trees is influenced by stem diameter. It was found that baobab trees with a stem diameter ranging from 45 to 100 cm were the most productive, yielding an average of 4,863 ± 1,370 fruits per tree, in contrast to those with diameters between 100 and 150 cm, which were less productive, averaging 2,399 ± 1,425 fruits per tree. Furthermore, the av-erage weight of the fruits increased with tree diameter, and fruit production was positively correlated with canopy volume. The biomass of fruit by-products, such as pulp and seeds, also varied with the tree’s diameter. Trees under high anthropo-genic pressure showed reduced productivity. These findings offer valuable in-sights for predicting the productivity of baobab trees, particularly under varying anthropogenic pressures.
... Leaves are used to prepare sauces and fruit pulp to make beverages. The pulp constitutes the most valuable product (Chadare et al. 2009); it has a high content of calcium and phosphorus and high levels of vitamin C (Obizoba and Amaechi 1993;Osman 2004;Afolabi and Popoola 2005;Diop et al. 2005;Muthai et al. 2017). The leaves are rich in vitamin C, sugars, potassium tartrate, and calcium (Bosch et al. 2004;Chadare et al. 2008). ...
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The results of a Adansonia digitata provenance and clone trials situated in Sadore (Niger) and Samanko (Mali) indicate genetic variation at both provenance level and among clones. There were significant differences among provenances at Sadore in both survival and height by age 10. Differences in survival were very marked, and suggest that provenances ranged from very poorly- to well-adapted to the Samanko site. However, height was weakly and negatively correlated to survival; possibly the trees may have grown slightly taller because of less competition. West African provenances have a tendency towards faster growth than those of East African origin, and the provenances from drier locations tend to be better adapted. While early variation among 4 year-old clones of leaf development, an important production trait, was indicated, future observations at later ages on fruit traits will be required to make valid selection decisions. The reported 10 year-old provenance variation in tree survival and growth suggest valuable gains could be made by selection of the best provenances. Further trials across a wider range of sites, representative of target planting sites are recommended. Both genebanks contain valuable genetic plant materials worth maintaining for further research and development.
... Stimulation of Lactobacilli by pectin has indeed been reported before [43]. Moreover, when mixing baobab fruit powder with fermented soybeans (Tempeh-traditional Japanese fermented food), an enhancement of lactic acid bacteria was observed [44]. While baobab fruit pulp powder increased lactate levels for all donors at 6 h, lactate was fully consumed at subsequent timepoints, indicating that baobab fruit pulp powder stimulated cross-feeding interactions with lactate-consuming microorganisms, potentially including propionate [45] and/or butyrate-producing [46] Firmicutes members, a phylum that indeed increased for donors A and C. Overall, these findings, even if only based on qPCR analysis (that has low taxonomic resolution as opposed to next-generation sequencing), suggest the involvement of specific host microorganisms in the fermentation of baobab fruit pulp powder, highlighting its prebiotic potential. ...
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Increasing insight into the impact of the gut microbiota on human health has sustained the development of novel prebiotic ingredients. This exploratory study evaluated the prebiotic potential of baobab fruit pulp powder, which consists of pectic polysaccharides with unique composition as compared to other dietary sources, given that it is rich in low methoxylated homogalacturonan (HG). After applying dialysis procedures to remove simple sugars from the product (simulating their absorption along the upper gastrointestinal tract), 48 h fecal batch incubations were performed. Baobab fruit pulp powder boosted colonic acidification across three simulated human adult donors due to the significant stimulation of health-related metabolites acetate (+18.4 mM at 48 h), propionate (+5.5 mM at 48 h), and to a lesser extent butyrate (0.9 mM at 48 h). Further, there was a trend of increased lactate levels (+2.7 mM at 6h) and reduced branched chain fatty acid (bCFA) levels (−0.4 mM at 48 h). While Bacteroidetes levels increased for all donors, donor-dependent increases in Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, and Firmicutes were observed, stressing the potential interindividual differences in microbial composition modulation upon Baobab fruit pulp powder treatment. Overall, Baobab fruit pulp powder fermentation displayed features of selective utilization by host microorganisms and, thus, has promising prebiotic potential (also in comparison with the ‘gold standard’ prebiotic inulin). Further research will be required to better characterize this prebiotic potential, accounting for the interindividual differences, while aiming to unravel the potential resulting health benefits.
The current study aims to review the prospects for baobab domestication and cultivation, nutrient variability, food applications, industrial value and future potentials of the African baobab. The variations in nutrient content of baobab as seen in several studies could have arisen from differences in provenance the sample was obtained, age of the parent plant, as well as differences in soil and climate. Regardless, baobab is a rich source of nutrients, bioactives and functional polysaccharides, representing a huge market potential for food industries. It has garnered widespread interest as a functional ingredient for preventive health care and disease management. Due to approvals given by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Commission (EC), baobab fruit pulp has gained widespread popularity as a novel food ingredient. In addition, baobab fruit pulp offered as a dietary supplement has been used in its naturally dehydrated form or processed into pills. There are huge information gaps on processing and safety of baobab seed oil, use of baobab seeds and leaf powder - a rich source of mucilage, in food systems. An industrially significant product from baobab are the functional polysaccharides which are a rapidly advancing application. Baobab plant parts, fruit pulp, kernels, whole seeds, funicles, leaves, empty fruit shells and roots all inclusive, are of significant value for their key role in nutrition and health, food security and economic welfare of the rural communities in regions where the trees are originally found. Both traditional and novel applications of the various parts of the baobab tree have been explored in this paper. These include use in edible products like gruels, jams, yoghurt, wines, juice etc. Application of extrusion processing as an economical means of value addition to baobab commodities has been reviewed, especially relating to the classification of baobab as a neglected and underutilized species (NUS).
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Powdered stem bark of Adansonia digitata was extracted with chloroform and methanol using percolation method of extraction. The chloroform and methanolic extracts were screened for the presence of secondary metabolite using a standard technique. The result of the phytochemical screening indicated the presence of alkaloid, Flavanoid, tannin, reducing sugar and steroid in one or both the extracts. The extracts were further tested on confirmed clinical isolates of Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus and proteus mirabilis using disc diffusion method and micro-broth dilution technique. Stem bark extracts of adansonia digitata was found to have antimicrobial activity against the clinical isolates used in the study.
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This review paper highlights the medicinal properties particularly the immunogenic potentiality of iconic baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) (Kalphavraksha or Wish)tree species belongs to Malvaceae family. During the recent outbreak of second wave of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) mutants, Delta variant (B. 1. 617.2) strainand Delta Plus (AY.1) in India has created a major health issue resulted in more hospitalizations and death. Another problem is fully vaccinated people with"breakthrough" infections is rare but reported. This has created a situation and therefore, promoted herbal medicine, fruit pulp of baobab as an immunity boosterfor controlling the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The baobab (Kalphavraksha or Wish tree) fruit pulp is very rich in vitamin C (280-350 mg/g of the fruit), zinc, andthe source of protein and used as a herbal medicine long time ago by local traditional healers in India, Africa, Madagascar and other Asian countries. In additionto this, the baobab fruit pulp is acidic in nature and also known for protease inhibitors which limits the consumption of fruits. Plant protease inhibitors are directlyinvolved in blocking the viral replication and inhibited the viral synthesis. Therefore, two dose vaccination with additional dietary and medicinal therapy will helpto prevent the human body against invading viral antigen and improved the overall health condition of the Covid-19 patients. In India, the oral consumption ofbaobab (Kalphavraksha or Wish tree) fruit pulp with milk as an immunity booster has improved the Covid-19 patients health condition. However, there are noclinical evidences to support the scientific validation. Therefore, clinical experimental studies should be conducted particularly for the scientific validation ofimmunogenic potentiality of baobab fruit pulp. This will help in developing a novel drug for controlling the coronavirus infections in future pandemic. (PDF) Role of herbal medicine for controlling coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease (COVID-19). Available from: [accessed Oct 16 2022].
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A survey of the microbiological quality of commercial tempeh was done in The Netherlands. A total of 110 samples were examined. Most (98%) of the samples had an aerobic plate count above 10⁷ CFU/g. Numbers of Enterobacteriaceae exceeded 10⁵ CFU/g in 67% of the samples, whereas numbers of lactic acid bacteria exceeded 10⁷ CFU/g in 81% of the samples. Staphylococcus aureus was found in 13%, Bacillus cereus in 11% and Escherichia coli in 3% of the samples at levels of 10⁵ CFU/g. Yersinia enterocolitica was found in six samples, whereas Salmonella was absent in 25 g of all the samples examined. Many (69%) of the samples had a yeast count above 10⁵ CFU/g. Trichosporon beigelii was the most frequent yeast species. Besides Rhizopus oryzae and Rizopus oligosporus, which obviously represent the mold species responsible for the fermentation, Mucor indicus was often associated with the mycoflora of the tempeh. The reasons for the poor microbiological quality are discussed and some recommendations are proposed.
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Studies were done to evaluate the safety of tempeh made from unacidifed soybeans and inoculated with different bacterial pathogens. Pathogens were added to either the soybeans before fermentation by Rhizopus oligosporus or the tempeh after fermentation and steaming. In the latter method, the inoculated products were incubated at several different temperatures (5, 10, 15 and 25°C). Clostridium botulinum (types A and/or B) toxin was produced in 2 d during the fermentation and within 5 d at 25°C or 4 wk at 15°C in tempeh inoculated and incubated in vacuum packages after fermentation and steaming. Staphylococcus aureus grew very well (>6-log10 CFU/g increase) in 2 d during the fermentation, and grew from ca. 103 CFU/g to 108 CFU/g in 7 d at 25°C and 21 d at 15°C in tempeh inoculated after fermentation and steaming. Staphylococcal enterotoxins were detected in some of these samples. Salmonella typhimurium also grew well during the fermentation (>6-log10 CFU/g increase in 1 d), but grew relatively slowly at 25 and 15°C in tempeh inoculated after fermentation and steaming. Yersinia enterocolitica grew very well (>6-log10 CFU/g increase) in 1 d during the fermentation, and also grew well in tempeh inoculated after fermentation and steaming, with a >6 log10 CFU/g increase in 2 d at 25 or 15°C and 5 d at 10°C. Results of these studies indicate the need for maintaining: (a) a high level of sanitary practices during production and (b) good refrigeration (≤5°C) of the product following fermentation until it is used.
Three phases can be distinguished in the tempeh fermentation of soybeans with Rhizopus oligosporus. During the first phase a rapid increase in free fatty acid (FFA) content, number of bacteria and temperature is observed, along with a copious growth of the mould. The second phase is characterised by little or no change in FFA content, bacterial and mould growth and by a declining temperature. During the third phase the FFA development and bacterial growth recommence. Organoleptically, tempeh scores best at the end of the first phase (30 h at 32° C) and keeps its good quality during the second phase (one additional day at 32° C), but deteriorates rapidly during the third phase. Upon frying in coconut oil, tempeh undergoes a sharp reduction in FFA content with a concomitant increase in the FFA content of the frying oil. While frying alters the percentage composition of the glycerides of tempeh because of coconut oil absorption, the glyceride composition of the frying oil barely changes.
α-Galactosidase activity was observed in six strains of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from fermented cereal products, human intestinal flora and fermented tea. The cultural conditions under which the enzyme activity was detected suggest that the enzyme is inducible. Development of mutants in four out of the six strains was observed and the mutants recorded high enzyme activity than the parent strains. Effect of different carbohydrates on enzyme activity showed glucose and raffinose being repressive in the parent strains. Although all the carbohydrate sources supported growth, highest amount of enzyme activity was recorded on lactose and glucose. The enzymatic potential of L plantarum in reducing flatulence properties of the raw material base of some West African fermented foods is suggested.