
Ueber den KieselsÄuregehalt menschlicher und thierischer Gewebe

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In human atherosclerosis, the concentration of silicon in the aortic wall decreases and this decrease precedes the appearence of lipid deposits. This stimulated study of the antiatheroma action of silicon in atherosclerosis experimentally produced by cholesterol. Silicon partially inhibits lipid deposition by maintaining the normal caliber of elastic fibres, with occasional thickening and proliferation of these fibres. It also conserves the integrity of mucopolysaccharides and heightens the impermeability of the endothelium, resulting in a reduced penetration of lipids.
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The nutritional recommendations of energy and nutrients, which are the basic working tool of nutrionists and health and economy workers and planners were updated. Documents setting the guidelines on the amount of nutrients the population should receive to meet its requirements have been published at the international level since 1943. The nutritional recommendation refers to the amount of a certain nutrient capable of facilitating the normal functioning of the human metabolism in almost the totality of the population.The recommendations have practical ends and a merely population approach.They are regularly updated by international bodies in accordance with the results of the nutritional research. The recommendations made by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board, 2002, the FAO/WHO/UNO Expert Committees of Energy and Proteins, and the Nutritional Recommendations and Food Guides for the Cuban Population, 1996, were used as reference documents.
Bio-silica represents the main mineral component of the sponge skeletal elements (siliceous spicules), while bio-polyphosphate (polyP), a multifunctional polymer existing in microorganisms and animals, acts, among others, as reinforcement for pores in cell membranes. These natural inorganic bio-polymers, which can be readily prepared, either by recombinant enzymes (bio-silica and polyP) or chemically (polyP), are promising materials/substances for the amelioration and/or treatment of human bone diseases and dysfunctions. Bone defects in human, caused by fractures/nonunions or trauma, have an increasing impact and have become a medical challenge in the present-day aging population. Frequently, those fractures require surgical intervention which ideally relies on autografts or suboptimally on allografts. Therefore, it is pressing and likewise challenging to develop bone substitution materials to heal bone defects. During the differentiation of osteoblasts from their mesenchymal progenitor/stem cells and of osteoclasts from their hemopoietic precursor cells, a lineage-specific release of growth factors and a trans-lineage homeostatic cross-talk via signaling molecules take place. Hence, the major hurdle is to fabricate a template that functions in a way mimicking the morphogenetic, inductive role(s) of the native extracellular matrix. In the last few years, two naturally occurring polymers that are produced by deep-sea sponges, the biogenic polyphosphate (polyP) and biogenic silica (bio-silica), have also been identified as promoting morphogenetic agents on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. These polymers elicit cytokines which affect bone mineralization (hydroxyapatite (HA) formation). In this manner, bio-silica and polyP cause an increased release of BMP-2, the key mediator activating the anabolic arm of the HA-forming cells, and of RANKL. In addition, polyP inhibits the progression of the pre-osteoclasts to functionally active osteoclasts. Based on these findings, new bioinspired strategies for the fabrication of bone biomimetic templates have been developed applying 3D-printing techniques.
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The nutritional recommendations of energy and nutrients, which are the basic working tool of nutrionists and health and economy workers and planners were updated . Documents setting the guidelines on the amount of nutrients the population should receive to meet its requirements have been published at the international level since 1943. The nutritional recommendation refers to the amount of a certain nutrient capable of facilitating the normal functioning of the human metabolism in almost the totality of the population.The recommendations have practical ends and a merely population approach.They are regularly updated by international bodies in accordance with the results of the nutritional research. The recommendations made by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board, 2002, the FAO/WHO/UNO Expert Committees of Energy and Proteins, and the Nutritional Recommendations and Food Guides for the Cuban Population, 1996, were used as reference documents.
Bio-silica represents the main mineral component of the sponge skeletal elements (siliceous spicules), while bio-polyphosphate (bio-polyP), a multifunctional polymer existing in microorganisms and animals acts, among others, as reinforcement for pores in cell membranes. These natural inorganic bio-polymers, which can be readily prepared, either by recombinant enzymes (bio-silica and bio-polyP) or chemically (polyP), are promising materials/substances for the amelioration and/or treatment of human bone diseases and dysfunctions. It has been demonstrated that bio-silica causes in vitro a differential effect on the expression of the genes OPG and RANKL, encoding two mediators that control the tuned interaction of the anabolic (osteoblasts) and catabolic (osteoclasts) pathways in human bone cells. Since bio-silica and bio-polyP also induce the expression of the key mediator BMP2 which directs the differentiation of bone-forming progenitor cells to mature osteoblasts and in parallel inhibits the function of osteoclasts, they are promising candidates for treatment of osteoporosis.
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Silicon is a constituent of connective and elastic tissues. Administered intravenously or per os in rabbits, it inhibits experimental atheromas normally induced by an atheromatous diet, making atheromatous plaques much rarer and lipid deposits more superficial. Though the mechanism of silicon's antiatheromatous action remains shadowy, the impermeability's rise of the arterial wall is probably not the only influencing factor, because the arterial walls of animals under silicon do show a higher lipid concentration with respect to control animals. The preservation of the structure of elastic fibers, as well as of ground substance, and the absence of an increase in oleic acid in the aortic wall may also explain the rareness of atheromatous plaques.
Wie in der vorigen so wurden auch in dieser Analyse 400 Augen verarbeitet, diesmal abet ausschliesslich solche yon Rindern (vgl. Nr. 2). a) Aschenbestimmung: 1,1780 g Bulbuskapsel gaben 0,0492 g Asche -~-4
  • Bulbuskapsel
Bulbuskapsel. Wie in der vorigen so wurden auch in dieser Analyse 400 Augen verarbeitet, diesmal abet ausschliesslich solche yon Rindern (vgl. Nr. 2). a) Aschenbestimmung: 1,1780 g Bulbuskapsel gaben 0,0492 g Asche -~-4,1766 %, 1,1069 g,,, 0,0455 g, -----4,1106o/o.
Kieselsi~ureb estim mung: 2,1995 g Asche gaben 0,0120 g SiO~
  • Mittel
Mittel: 0,2102 %. b) Kieselsi~ureb estim mung: 2,1995 g Asche gaben 0,0120 g SiO~ ~--0,5456~ 2,9285 g,,, 0,0173 g,, : 0,59070/0.
a) hschenbestimmung: b) Ki 2,7774 g Milzpulpa gaben 0,2472 g hsche ~ 8,9004%. 2,7979 g
  • Milzpulpa
Milzpulpa. a) hschenbestimmung: b) Ki 2,7774 g Milzpulpa gaben 0,2472 g hsche ~ 8,9004%. 2,7979 g,, 0,2454 g, ~ 8,77090/o.
4668~ Mittel: 3,4781%, b) Kieselsi~urebestimmung: 1,4172 g hsche gaben 0,0073 g SiOe -~-0,5151%. 1,6466 g
  • Milzkapsel
Milzkapsel. a) Aschenbestimmung: 1,3584 g Milzkapsel gaben 0,0474 g hsche ~ 3,4894%. 1,0442 g,,,, 0,0362 g,, ~ 3,4668~ Mittel: 3,4781%, b) Kieselsi~urebestimmung: 1,4172 g hsche gaben 0,0073 g SiOe -~-0,5151%. 1,6466 g,,, 0,0078 g,, ~ 0,47370/0. ~: Mittel : 0,4944 ~ 1 kg Trockensubstanz enthalt 0,1720 g Kieselsaure.
Verkohlen und Veraschen desselben blieben 0,7540 g Asche. Nach Abzug yon Kohle und Sand restirten 0,7514 g reine Asche
  • Eiter
Eiter: Aus der chirurgischen Klinik erhielt ich 88 ccm Eiter aus einem kalten Abscess, der vom Trochanter ausging. Nach dem Eintrocknen, Verkohlen und Veraschen desselben blieben 0,7540 g Asche. Nach Abzug yon Kohle und Sand restirten 0,7514 g reine Asche. Diese lieferte 0i0004 g SiO~, entsprechend 0,0532 % SiO~. Ein Liter Eiter enthielt mithin 0,0046 g Kieselsii, ure, eine Menge, die in Anbetracht des hohen, aber bei der geringen Menge diesmal nicht festzustellenden Wassergehalts des Eiters nicht gerade gering zu nennen ist.