
E-Government — Country Report on Germany

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It is fair to say that the 1990s brought about a revolution comparable to the industrial revolution of the 19th century.1 We have been witnessing a multimedia revolution which has significant social and legal effects on the individual and society as a whole. In the contemporary world we are increasingly accustomed to writing electronic mail instead of handwritten letters. We shop for books at instead of visiting the bookstore. We communicate with our business partners by Internet telephony instead of flying to New York, Singapore or Sydney. The flea market of today is eBay.

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Germany is a federal system in which both legislative and administrative competencies are executed across the federal, state, and municipal levels of government. Although administrative powers are mostly divided between the national and state governments, municipalities enjoy a considerable degree of self-administration based on Article 28 of the Grundgesetz or Basic Law. The nature of Germany’s federal system in terms of sharing administrative powers has important consequences for e-government, as illustrated by BundOn-line 2005—a national initiative that aimed at providing federal services faster and more efficiently via the Internet. Within this context, Fetzer (2006) observes:
Die Besteuerung des Electronic Commerce im Internet, Frankfurt 2000, 1; U.S. Department of Commerce, The emerging digital economy
  • Fetzer
605, 606; Heckmann (note 7) E-Government im Verwaltungsalltag
  • Büllesbach Egovernment - Sackgasse Oder Erfolgsstory
eGovernment - Mode oder Chance zur nachhaltigen Modernisierung der Verwaltung?
  • Hill
For more information see also Trenkelbach, Internetfreiheit. Die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention als “Living Instrument” vor neuen Herausforderungen?
  • Haug
For further information see Dietlein /Heinemann eGovernment und elektronischer Verwaltungsakt
  • Dietlein
Dietlein/Heinemann eGovernment und elektronischer Verwaltungsakt
  • A.A. Dietlein