... The OLI framework, on the other hand, is excellent for explaining and analysing the economics of offshoring, as well as its impact on the activities of a firm involved in the process, yet it has limited power to explain or predict the behaviour of individual firms due to its generic nature (Dunning, 1988 (Williamson, 1975) RBV (Wernerfelt, 1984 andBarney, 1991) The OLI framework (Dunning, 1980(Dunning, , 1988 The viable systems model (Beer, 1972(Beer, , 1984(Beer, , 2007 Focus of theory Transaction properties are the basis for governance (Williamson, 1979(Williamson, , 1998Tate et al., 2009) A firm is a collection of resources and assets, if "well employed can lead to competitive advantage" (Wernerfelt, 1984;Barney, 1991;Kotabe et al., 2008) Organisations tend to consider three variables when taking international expansion decisions: ownership advantages, location advantages and internalisation advantages (Dunning, 1988(Dunning, , 1980 A firm needs five specific subsystems to remain viable. VSM specifies the general role of each subsystem and their interrelationships (Beer, 1984(Beer, , 2007Hoverstadt, 2010) Why theory is important for an offshoring organisation? The offshoring firm must to maintain control of transactions in which difficulties are likely to arise (Mudambi and Venzin, 2010). ...