Maternal diabetes mellitus represents a serious illness threatening both the mother and fetus by serious complications. These complicated are associated with many morphological and histopathological changes in placenta because of the placenta forms the active interface between the fetus and the mother, providing all functions that are essential for fetal survival, growth and development, including regulation of gas exchange, supply of nutrients, production of essential hormones by the uteroplacental tissues, and establishment of immunological defences. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the morphological, histopathological changes and histomatrical measurements as well as to assess glycogen deposition and to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of vascular endothelium growth factor-A in the placental tissues of diabetic compared with non-diabetic women.
A total of 102 cases were included in this study, which includes 34 cases with gestational diabetes, 34 cases with pregestational diabetes and 34 cases with normal pregnancy as a control group. The study was carried out during the period from 2016 to 2018 in the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine/ Al-Nahrain University and Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn-Haitham)/ University of Baghdad. Fresh placentae were obtained from Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Al-Imamain Al-Kadhimiyain (AS) Medical city, Baghdad Teaching Hospital and Al-Karkh Maternity Hospital for the period 1 December 2016 to 1 May 2017 after obtaining the approval from Iraqi Ministry of Health. In this study, the placenta of three groups were compared according to morphological parameters, histopathological features, histometrical measurement, glycogen deposition with periodic acid-Schiff stain, expression of vascular endothelium growth factor-A by using immunohistochemical technique and ultrastructural features by Transmission Electron Microscope as well as registered of some clinical parameters of mothers and neonates.
The results of this study showed an increased incidence of gestational diabetes significantly (p≤0.05) in age group of 30-39 years, with mean age was 29.82±1.09 years. As for parity and gravida, multiparous and gravida were have been found to be more susceptible for diabetes mellitus women in comparison to the primigravida. As well as the occurrence of preterm higher significantly (p≤0.05) in gestational and pregestational diabetes groups in comparison to control group. Caesarean section was a highly significant occurrence (p≤0.001) in the two diabetic groups. Gestational age at ultrasonography showed non-significant differences (p>0.05) among the three groups, but at the last menstrual period was significant differences (p≤0.05).
Neonate weight and BMI (the weight/ length of the baby) have been significant increases (p≤0. 05), but fetal/placental weight ratio was non-significantly increase (p>0.05) among the three groups. As for maternal parameters, mean glucose levels before labour was also non-significantly increase (p>0.05) among the three studied groups, whereas last maternal glycosylated hemoglobin A1c between two diabetic groups showing highly significant increase (p≤0.001) and the pregestational diabetes group recorded elevation in last maternal glycosylated hemoglobin A1c value.
Placental weight and diameter showed non significant increases (p>0.05) among the three groups, while central thickness has been a significant increase (p≤0.05) so as the number of cotyledons were highly significant increase (p≤0.001) among the three studied groups. Magistral vascular pattern of chorionic blood vessels shown a highly significant (p≤0.001) relationship with the two diabetic groups, whilst dispersal pattern was seen in normal women. The umbilical cord long and diameter have been highly significant increases (p≤0.001) among the three groups as well as umbilical cord insertion onto the chorionic plate, its colour and number of veins in umbilical cord recorded highly significant increases (p≤0.001) among control, gestational and pregestational diabetes groups.
Maternal age of the studied groups recorded a highly significant (p≤0.001) in relationship to the first and second trimester miscarriage or stillbirths in the two diabetic groups together, placental weights and umbilical cord types in the three studied groups together and gestational diabetes group separately. Additionally, same highly significant (p≤0.001) relationship was recorded between each of placental weight with neonatal weight in the three studied groups, umbilical cord length with the gender of neonate in three studied groups together and pregestational diabetes group separately and umbilical cord length with the weight of each neonate and placenta in the three studied groups together, last maternal hemoglobin A1c level with the two diabetes groups and method of its treatment, state of the neonate with the method of treatment in diabetic mother. While no significant (p>0.05) relationship was found between maternal age with neonatal gender and umbilical cord lengths.
Immature villi, syncytial knots, villous fibrosis, basement membrane thickening of villi, cytotrophoblast in terminal villi, extravillous fibrinoid, fibrinoid necrosis, Hofbauer cell population in immature intermediate villi, calcification, chorangiosis, thrombosis and thickening of villi vessels, nucleated fetal red blood cells and villous edema have been more occurrence in placenta of the two diabetic groups in comparison to the normal placenta.
Histometrically, terminal villi and their fetal blood vessels of central and peripheral sections of placentae recorded mostly highly significant increases (p≤0.001) in diameters of males neonates as compared with females neonates of diabetic women. Moreover, the terminal villi diameter in central and peripheral sections of placentae appeared highly significant differences (p≤0.001) between pregestational diabetes type 1 and type 2, but the diameter of fetal blood vessels in this terminal villous did not record any significant difference (p>0.05).
The results of the histochemical study by of periodic acid-Schiff stain showed an increase in glycogen deposition with high significance (p≤0.001) in the placentae of diabetic women within intravillous core, around the fetal vessels and basement membranes. As well as central and peripheral sections of placenta were registered difference in frequency of histochemical features.
Vascular endothelium growth factor-A in the trophoblastic cells, villous stroma and fetal vessel endothelial cells in the central section of placentae in the two diabetic women groups have been significantly increased (p≤0.001) compared to the normal women in both manual microscopic analyses and digital quantification.
As well as ultrastructural study of the central section in the placentae of two diabetic women groups revealed a decreased in the thickness of vascular-syncytial membrane and density of syncytiotrophoblast apical microvilli and increased thickness of trophoblastic basement membrane, glycogen deposits and edema.
The study concluded that the morphological, histopathological and histomatrical changed were observed more frequently in the diabetic placentas compared to the controls in both light and electron transmission microscopes. As well as increased glycogen deposition by using Periodic acid-Schiff stain and the expression of vascular endothelium growth factor-A in the placental tissues of diabetic compared with non-diabetic women.