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Abstract and Figures

Blue Baby Syndrome or Methemoglobinemia is caused by decreased ability of blood to carry oxygen, resulting in oxygen deficiency in different body parts. Infants are more susceptible than adults. The disease can be caused by intake of water and vegetables high in nitrate, exposure to chemicals containing nitrate, or can even be hereditary. Groundwater gets contaminated by leaching of nitrate generated from fertilizer used in agricultural lands and waste dumps in rural and urban areas. Prevention of water contamination, abstention from drinking contaminated water and controlling nitrate levels in drinking water by water treatment are effective preventive measures against nitrate poisoning.
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20 RESONANCE October 2003
Blue Baby Syndrome or Methemoglobinemia is caused by
decreased ability of blood to carry oxygen, resulting in
oxygen deficiency in different body parts. Infants are more
susceptible than adults. The disease can be caused by in-
take of water and vegetables high in nitrate, exposure to
chemicals containing nitrate, or can even be hereditary.
Groundwater gets contaminated by leaching of nitrate gen-
erated from fertilizer used in agricultural lands and waste
dumps in rural and urban areas. Prevention of water con-
tamination, abstention from drinking contaminated water
and controlling nitrate levels in drinking water by water
treatment are effective preventive measures against nitrate
Intake of drinking water containing nitrate (as NO
) > 45 mg
(or > 10 mg L
–N), vegetables rich in nitrate, or
exposure to some drugs and chemicals may cause methemoglo-
binemia in infants and adults. The toxicity of nitrate in humans
is an end result of the reduction of nitrate (NO
) to nitrite
) in the intestine. Nitrate reacts with hemoglobin to form
methemoglobin (MHb), a substance that does not bind and
transport oxygen to tissues, thereby causing asphyxia (lack of
oxygen), resulting in cyanosis of body tissues. Methemoglobin-
emia may be accentuated by an inherited enzyme deficiency,
structural defects in the hemoglobin molecule, or by any toxic
substance, which either oxidizes hemoglobin directly, or facili-
tates its oxidation by oxygen (Box 1).
Nitrate itself is not toxic to humans. Nitrate becomes a problem
only when it is converted to nitrite in the human body, resulting
The Blue Baby Syndrome
Nitrate Poisoning in Humans
Deepanjan Majumdar
Cyanosis, hemoglobin, infants,
methemoglobinemia, nitrate.
Deepanjan Majumdar is
presently working as a
lecturer in the Depart-
ment of Environmental
Science at the Institute of
Science and Technology
for Advanced Studies and
Research (ISTAR),
affiliated to Sardar Patel
University, Vallabh
Vidyanagar, Gujarat,
India. His present
research interests include
global warming and
climate change, water and
soil pollution, environ-
mental impacts of
wastewater irrigation and
soil nutrient management.
RESONANCE October 2003
in methemoglobinemia. Much of the ingested nitrate is usually
absorbed before reaching the nitrate-reducing bacteria, which
reside in the intestinal tract. Most of the ingested nitrate is
excreted within 24 hours mainly through urine, as well as
through feces and sweat. If nitrate is introduced directly into the
colon, methemoglobinemia is readily produced. Nitrite pro-
duced from nitrate enters the bloodstream mainly through the
upper gastrointestinal tract. Nitrate is converted to nitrite by
intestinal bacteria, and nitrite acts as the oxidizing agent to form
MHb in the red blood cells.
Box 1. Agents Implicated in Acquired Methemoglobinemia
Direct Oxidants
Therapeutic Agents Domestic & Industrial Agents
Amyl nitrite Well water high in nitrates
Ethyl nitrite Food high in nitrates
Sodium nitrite Nitrous gases
Ammonium nitrate Corning extract
Silver nitrate Potassium chlorate
Bismuth subnitrate
Indirect Agents
Sulfonamides Miscellaneous Compounds
Sulfamethazole Acetanilid
Sulfanilamide Aminobenzenes
Sulfapyridine Aminophenol
Sulfathiazole Benzocaine
Prontosil Nitrobenzene
Aniline Dyes Phenacetin
Diaper marking ink Phenazopyridine
Dyed blankets Phenylenediamine
Laundry markings Prilocaine
Freshly dyed shoes Resorcin
Red wax crayons Toluenediamine
Nitrate itself is not
toxic to humans.
Nitrate becomes a
problem only when
it is converted to
nitrite in the human
body, resulting in
22 RESONANCE October 2003
Oxygen is required for all human tissues to enable them to
combust food materials carried to them by blood and other body
fluids. Hemoglobin in red blood cells carries oxygen to tissues
from lungs by forming oxyhemoglobin. Oxygen is released in
the tissues and deoxyhemoglobin is left behind to return to
lungs for reoxygenation. For hemoglobin to act as a carrier, iron
atom in the molecule has to be in the reduced (Fe
) state.
When nitrite is absorbed in bloodstream, it oxidizes hemoglo-
bin to MHb, a Fe
compound with reduced oxygen transport
capacity, as this compound contains iron in its highest oxida-
tion state which is incapable of binding oxygen. Thus, nitrate
reduces the total oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. As
different parts of the body get deprived of oxygen, clinical
symptoms of oxygen starvation start to appear, the main being
cyanosis (derived from ‘cyano’, meaning dark blue; from Greek,
kyanos). The lips or even the skin start to take on a blue
colouration, hence the common name, the blue baby syndrome/
disease. Although persons of any age can suffer from methemo-
globinemia, infants are particularly susceptible during the first
four months of their life, as their total fluid intake per unit body
weight is approximately three times more than that of adults.
The pH of the stomach fluids in infants is also higher (5-7) than
in adults (<4), which allows nitrate-reducing bacteria to grow
in the upper gastrointestinal tract from which nitrite is rela-
tively easily absorbed. In adults, as the stomach fluid is more
acidic, the nitrate reducing bacteria live in the lower intestine,
from which absorption of nitrite to the bloodstream does not
occur. Gastrointestinal illness and diarrhoea in adults may allow
the bacteria responsible for conversion of nitrate to nitrite to
migrate from lower intestine to upper intestine and stomach,
and increase the chances of nitrite formation prior to absorption
in small intestine. Another reason why this disease is not
commonly seen in adults is the presence of an enzyme, MHb
reductase (erythrocyte cytochrome 5b-reductase), in the red
blood cells of adults. This enzyme reduces MHb, and thus helps
avoid the danger of methemoglobinemia in adults.
Although persons of
any age can suffer
from methemo-
globinemia, infants
are particularly
susceptible during
the first four months
of their life, as their
total fluid intake per
unit body weight is
approximately three
times more than that
of adults.
RESONANCE October 2003
Since hemoglobin is constantly exposed to oxidative stresses,
small amounts of MHb are naturally formed all the time in the
human body. MHb is produced at a slow, predictable rate in vivo
by the escape of an electron from heme. Following loss of an
electron, binding of oxygen by the oxidized heme cannot occur
unless an electron is regained by means of reducing mechanisms
within the cell. Because the capacity of red cells to reduce
oxidized heme exceeds the spontaneous rate of heme oxidation
by several hundredfold, only 0.5-2.0% of the total hemoglobin is
in MHb form at given time. In normal adults, MHb are effi-
ciently reduced again in a reaction catalyzed by MHb reductase.
The most important pathway of MHb reduction utilizes NADH-
MHb reductase for the transfer of an electron from NADH to
heme. The reaction appears to proceed in two steps: (i) enzy-
matic reduction of cytochrome b5, followed by (ii) nonenzy-
matic transfer of an electron from reduced cytochrome b5 to
MHb (Figure 1a). Another pathway for MHb reduction involves
the direct transfer of electrons from ascorbic acid and glu-
tathione to heme. The NADPH-dependent MHb reductase lacks
an endogenous electron acceptor and is, therefore, physiologi-
cally inert. It may be ‘activated’, however, by an exogenous
electron acceptor, such as methylene blue. The NADPH-depen-
dent enzyme reduces methylene blue to leukomethylene blue,
which rapidly reduces MHb nonenzymatically (Figure 1b). Re-
duction of methylene blue to leukomethylene blue requires an
Cytochrome b5
Cytochrome b5
Methylene Blue
Figure 1. Metabolic path-
ways for the reduction of
MHb to hemoglobin.
a. NADH-dependent MHb
reductase pathway
b. NADPH-dependent MHb
reductase pathway, requir-
ing an exogenous electron
acceptor (methylene blue).
(a) (b)
24 RESONANCE October 2003
intact pentose phosphate pathway for regeneration of NADPH.
Consequently, methylene blue is without effect on MHb levels
in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
deficiency. Unfortunately, newborn infants have a very low
concentration of the enzyme MHb reductase. This concentra-
tion remains low until the age of 4 years. Apart from this, fetal
hemoglobin, present in infants, is highly susceptible to oxida-
tion to form MHb. Moreover, poor excretory power of imma-
ture kidney in infants may favour retention of nitrite ion, which
may aggravate the situation.
Clinical Features
Infected infants show blueness around the mouth, hands, and
feet and hence the common name ‘blue baby syndrome’ has
come into being. At approximately 10% MHb levels, the body
starts to take on a slaty gray appearance of cyanosis, and the
disorder becomes clinically detectable. Diagnosis can confirm
methemoglobinemia by eliminating other causes of cyanosis,
and by spectrophotometric analysis of blood, which gives a
characteristic absorption peak at 634 nm. Patients may show
asthenia (loss of muscular strength), dizziness, headache, drowsi-
ness, dyspnoea (lack of O
supply and difficult respiration),
chest pain, nausea, diarrhoea and troubled breathing. Other
symptoms, like renal or liver injury, and hemolysis (lysis of
blood cells) may occur. In extreme cases, there is marked leth-
argy, stupor, an increase in the production of saliva, loss of
consciousness and seizures. If and when MHb levels reach 40%
or more of the total haemoglobin, the patient may collapse and
become comatose, or die.
Any patient with evidence of toxicity and/or methemoglobin-
emia levels > 30% should be treated. Mild cases do not require
active treatment other than avoiding the contaminated source of
drinking water and these patients usually recover within 24 to
72 hours, since MHb level automatically goes down to harmless
At approximately
10% MHb levels,
the body starts to
take on a slaty gray
appearance of
cyanosis, and the
disorder becomes
clinically detectable.
When MHb levels
reach 40% or more
of the total
haemoglobin, the
patient may collapse
and become
comatose, or die.
RESONANCE October 2003
levels. A severely affected person requires a therapy of methyl-
ene blue, which is optimum at 1-2 mg kg
body wt., through a
1% solution of the same intravenously for a ten-minute period.
This converts MHb to haemoglobin and gives immediate relief.
Ascorbic acid, given orally in divided doses of 300 to 500 mg
daily, also effects a slow, nonenzymatic reduction of MHb.
Dietary intake of vitamin C has been found to help maintain
lower levels of MHb by reducing nitrite to nitric oxide (NO).
Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and some unsaturated acids e.g. feru-
lic acid, also act as nitrite scavengers. Emergency exchange
blood transfusion is indicated when levels of MHb exceed 60-
70%, or if massive hemolysis occurs. Occasionally, in very severe
cases, administration of high flow oxygen (100%) is done, which
allows saturation of normal hemoglobin and increases dissolved
Hereditary Methemoglobinemia
In contrast to acquired methemoglobinemia, the hereditary
forms are rare. An autosomal recessive mode of transmission
characterizes familial methemoglobinemia due to NADH-MHb
reductase deficiency, and an autosomal dominant mode is char-
acteristic of certain hemoglobin variants, which stabilize iron in
the oxidized state.
Hereditary methemoglobinemia responsive to the administra-
tion of methylene blue or ascorbic acid was initially described in
persons of European descent. Following the demonstration that
these individuals were deficient in NADH-dependent MHb
reductase, a near-global distribution of the disorder was recog-
nized. Congenital deficiency of NADH-MHb reductase has
been recognized as the cause of methemoglobinemia among
Navajo and Alaskan Indians, Cubans, Indians, Chinese, and
Japanese. Affected subjects are presumably homozygous for a
rare, functionally abnormal allele of the enzyme, although double
heterozygosity for two different variants has also been docu-
mented. The carrier or heterozygous state is characterized by
intermediate levels of enzyme activity together with a greater
26 RESONANCE October 2003
than normal susceptibility to MHb formation following expo-
sure to oxidants, drugs, and chemicals.
The sole clinical expression of enzyme deficiency is cyanosis,
often dating from birth, in the absence of associated signs or
symptoms, and with no evidence of cardiopulmonary disease.
The hue may be slaty gray, gray-brown or violet. It is generalized
over the whole body but is particularly noticeable in the lips, the
mucous membranes of the mouth, the tongue, the palate, the
nose, over the cheekbones, on the ears and in the nail beds.
Untreated individuals generally maintain levels of MHb be-
tween 15 and 30%. Most of the MHb is segregated in a popula-
tion of older cells. Methylene blue taken orally in doses of 100 to
300 mg daily, or ascorbic acid in doses of 500 mg daily is usually
sufficient to maintain the level of MHb below 10%.
Sources of Nitrate Entering the Human Body
Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater
Nitrogen accumulates in the soil naturally from rainfall, plant
debris, animal residues and microbial fixation of N
from atmo-
sphere. Anthropogenic nitrate (NO
) comes to groundwater
through nitrogenous fertilizers, organic manures, and human
and industrial wastes (Figure 2). When nitrate-nitrogen supply
exceeds plant demand, the groundwater gets contaminated by
leaching which is the downward movement of NO
–N with
water through the soil. The potential for NO
–N leaching is
greater in sandy soils, but can occur on finer textured soils (e.g.
clayey soils) also, albeit at a slower rate. In India, groundwater in
many areas has been found to contain more than 45 mg L
which is potentially dangerous to health, although concentra-
tion seems to vary with time, depending on season, farming
practice, etc.
Nitrate in Leafy Vegetables
Leafy vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, and cabbage gen-
erally have relatively high nitrate concentrations, which may be
Leafy vegetables
such as spinach,
cauliflower, and
cabbage generally
have relatively high
which may be even
higher because of
fertilization practices.
RESONANCE October 2003
even higher because of fertilization practices. There have been
several reports of methemoglobinemia following the consump-
tion of spinach, but the conversion of nitrates to nitrites during
storage, rather than the nitrates themselves was responsible for
methemoglobinemia. Moreover, it has been suggested that other
compounds, possibly ascorbic acid, present in leafy vegetables,
may provide protection against in vivo reduction of nitrates to
Figure 2. Formation and
cycling of nitrate in the en-
vironment and its arrival in
human and animal bodies
[M: Mineralization; N: Nitri-
fication; U: Uptake; D: Deni-
trification; E: Exudation; IF:
Industrial fixation; B: Bio-
mass addition to soil on
28 RESONANCE October 2003
Nitrate Incorporation during Food Preparation
Addition of high nitrate- or nitrite-containing water to a food
product during preparation will increase the nitrate/nitrite con-
tent of the final product. Heating of the water either before its
addition or as part of the preparation procedure will increase the
nitrate/nitrite concentration. Since methemoglobinemia is
caused by nitrites, rather than nitrates, conversion of nitrates to
nitrites in food preparation procedures should be avoided. Dis-
carding the cooking liquid of high-nitrate vegetables would
lower nitrate content of the diet, but some other water-soluble
nutrients, including vitamin C, also would be lost. Conventional
home canning and freezing practices will minimize nitrate/
nitrite conversion by eliminating or limiting the microbial
action responsible for the change.
Nitrate from Chemicals
Various chemical compounds used in home or industry as well
as several therapeutic agents (Box 1) are capable of increasing
the rate of heme oxidation 100 to 1000-fold, thereby overwhelm-
ing the capacity of erythrocytes to maintain hemoglobin in the
reduced state. An indirect effect is postulated for certain aro-
matic amino and nitro compounds including acetanilid, phen-
acetin (Empirin, Anacin, Stanback), sulfonamides, phenazo-
pyridine (Pyridium) and aniline dyes. Since most of these agents
do not produce MHb in vitro, active intermediate compounds
are presumed responsible. The ingestion of deodorant contain-
ing naphthalene and aniline or red wax crayons containing p-
nitroaniline, contact with marking ink, dyed blankets or laun-
dry marks on diapers and benzocaine prilocaine, resorcin, aniline
dyes or other aromatic compounds absorbed orally, rectally or
percutaneously have been shown to lead to methemoglobinemia.
Testing recommendations
The only way to know if drinking water is contaminated with
nitrates is to have it tested. It is recommended that water should
be tested once every three years for nitrates, more often in an
The only way to know
if drinking water is
contaminated with
nitrates is to have it
tested. It is
recommended that
water should be
tested once every
three years for
nitrates, more often in
an area with a history
of high nitrate levels.
RESONANCE October 2003
area with a history of high nitrate levels, or if someone at home
is at risk from nitrate contamination. Field tests for nitrate
include diphenylamine blue (1% DPB in concentrated sulfuric
acid) and nitrate dipsticks. The DPB test is more suitable to
determine presence or absence of nitrate in suspected forages: a
drop or two are applied on a cross-section of plant stalk material,
then any dark blue color change is noted as an indicator of
excessive nitrate content in the sample. Nitrate dipsticks are
used primarily for testing water supplies. The dipstick method
is rapid and gives indications of both nitrite and nitrate con-
centrations over a relatively wide range. Field tests are presump-
tive and should be confirmed by standard analytical methods at
a recognized laboratory.
Water Treatment Methods to Produce Low-nitrate
Drinking Water
1. Distillation
The distillation process involves heating water to boiling, re-
sulting in evaporation, after which the resulting steam is col-
lected and condensed using a cooled metal coil. Up to 99% of the
nitrate-nitrogen can be removed by this process. Merely boiling
water will increase rather than decrease the nitrate concentra-
tion. Some distillers use activated carbon filters to assist in
removing any organic contaminants, whereas others any pre-
heat the water before it enters the boiling chamber in order to
help remove volatile organic contaminants.
2. Reverse Osmosis
In reverse osmosis, pressure is applied to the impure water
forcing the more concentrated water in a reverse direction
through a semi-permeable membrane. As the water passes
through, the membrane filters out most of the impurities. Ac-
cording to manufacturers’ literature, from 85 to 95% of the
nitrate can be removed by this process. A disadvantage of this
method is that only about 30% of the water entering the reverse
osmosis unit is recovered as treated water. The remaining 70% is
Nitrate dipsticks
are used primarily
for testing water
supplies. The
dipstick method is
rapid and gives
indications of both
nitrite and nitrate
over a relatively
wide range.
30 RESONANCE October 2003
discharged as waste along with the impurities, which have been
removed from the product water.
3. Ion Exchange
The ion exchange process removes contaminant ions in water
when the water is passed through a treatment tank filled with a
bead-like resin. For nitrate removal, special anion exchange
resins are used that will exchange chloride ions for the nitrate
and sulfate ions in the water as it passes through the resin. Most
anion exchange resins have a higher selectivity for removing
sulfate than nitrate. Thus, the level of sulfate in the water is an
important factor in the efficiency of an ion exchange system.
Another concern with nitrate ion exchange systems occurs when
the resin becomes saturated with nitrate in which case the
treated water may have a higher nitrate content than the un-
treated water. Thus, an ion exchange resin should be regener-
ated frequently. Ion exchange is not commonly used for house-
hold water treatment. It is more applicable for large commercial
or community water system installations.
Although nitrate content in water may not cross the upper safe
limit in many areas, people should be aware of the quality of
drinking water available for them, especially in agricultural and
industrial areas. Special care should be taken to monitor the
water and food given to babies. In India, methemoglobinemia is
not very common, which may be due to lack of awareness or lack
of epidemiological studies on the disease. It seems rather sur-
prising that in a country where agriculture is the livelihood of a
major portion of population, and where general sanitation is
poor in many areas, reported cases of methemoglobinemia are
rare. Groundwater nitrate content in many areas of India has
been found to be at dangerous levels, but in these areas little or
no epidemiological studies have been carried out to find out the
prevalence of the disease.
Suggested Reading
[ 1 ] T M Addiscott, A P Whitmore
and D S Powlson, Farming,
Fertilizers and the Nitrate
Problem, CAB International
Wallingford, Oxon.,1991.
[2] O C Bockman and T Granli,
Human health aspects of ni-
trate intake from food and
water In Chemistry, Agricul-
ture and the Environment (ed
M L Richardson), The Royal
Society of Chemistry, Cam-
bridge, p. 373, 1991.
[3] D D Weisenberger, Potential
health consequences of
groundwater contamination
by nitrates in Nebraska. In
Nitrate Contamination : Ex-
posure, consequence and con-
trol, eds I Bogardi and RD
Kuzella, NATO ASI Ser. G:
Ecological Sciences 30,
Springer Verlag, Berlin,
pp. 309-315, 1991.
Address for Correspondence
Deepanjan Majumdar
Department of Environmental
Institute of Science and
Technology for Advanced
Studies and Research (ISTAR)
Vallabh Vidyanagar
Gujarat 388120, India.
... Excess nitrate concentration in groundwater causes significant effects on human health and the environment (Addiscott & Benjamin, 2004;Karunanidhi et al., 2021). These include respiratory problems (Fewtrell, 2004), hypertension (Malberg et al., 1978), goiter (Morris et al., 2011), thyroid cancer (Tariqi & Naughton, 2021), genetic mutations, gastrointestinal cancer (Hameed et al., 2021), congenital disabilities, and Blue Baby syndrome (Majumdar, 2003). The main reason for the rising nitrate concentration is the excessive use of nitrogenous chemical fertilisers for agricultural activity (Singh & Craswell, 2021). ...
There are significant reasons for nitrate contamination in groundwater (Delhi, India): sewage, runoff from landfill sites, nitrogenous chemical fertilisers, and pesticides from agricultural lands. The highest recorded concentration of nitrate in Delhi’s groundwater is reported to be 1500 mg/l. Consumption of high nitrate through water may pose serious health problems in humans, especially children (below five years). The study’s primary objective was to isolate and identify nitrate-remediating microbes from the nitrate-contaminated site Okhla Barrage, located on the Yamuna River in Delhi, India. A total of 11 different strains were isolated from this site. Among these four strains exhibited 40%–50% remediation efficiency at a nitrate concentration of 1000 mg/l. Molecular characterisation revealed that these four strains, Enterobacter aerogenes, E. coli K12, Klebsiella oxytoca and Lelliottia amnigena , belong to the Enterobacteriaceae family. This study assessed the nitrate remediation potential of isolated microbes in groundwater with 1000 and 1500 mg/l nitrate concentrations. By using a 2% inoculum, the microbes were incubated anaerobically at room temperature for ten days. Nitrate concentrations were monitored every 48 hours. Lelliottia , E. coli , and Enterobacter reduced nitrate (1500 mg/l) by approximately 42%, 24%, and 29%, respectively, while K. oxytoca showed minimal reduction. L. amnigena exhibited superior nitrate removal efficiency compared to other strains. According to the reported data, these strains are known to reduce nitrate concentrations of 620 mg/l. However, our findings demonstrate a remarkable nitrate remediation capacity of 1500 mg/l, showcasing a novel contribution to this study. Further detailed analysis for condition optimisation and association of microbe-microbe could be more helpful.
... The excess nitrogen compounds leach into surface water and groundwater, stimulating the primary production of plankton communities and causing eutrophication [11,12]. High concentrations of nitrogen compounds impact human health, increasing the risk of blood methemoglobinemia, recognized as "blue baby syndrome", cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes [13][14][15]. Moreover, NH 4 + -NH 3 can be converted into nitrite and nitrate by nitrification reactions, involving further toxic effects. ...
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Wastewater from livestock farms contains high concentrations of suspended solids, organic contaminants, and nitrogen compounds, such as ammoniacal nitrogen. Discharging livestock effluents into water bodies without appropriate treatment leads to severe environmental pollution. Compared to conventional treatment methods, electrochemical oxidation exhibits higher nitrogen removal efficiencies. In the present work, the electrochemical removal of ammoniacal nitrogen from real livestock wastewater was investigated through a lab-scale reactor. Preliminary experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of different anode materials, including boron-doped diamond and iridium/ruthenium-coated titanium, on the total nitrogen removal efficiency using synthetic wastewater. Boron-doped diamond, a well-known non-active electrode, allowed to obtain 63.7 ± 1.21 % of total nitrogen degradation efficiency. However, the iridium/ruthenium-coated titanium electrode, belonging to the class of active anodes, showed a higher performance, achieving 78.8 ± 0.76 % contaminant degradation. Coupling iridium/ruthenium-coated titanium anode with a stainless-steel cathode improved the performance of the system, achieving even 96.2 ± 2.73 % of total nitrogen removal. The optimized cell configuration was used to treat livestock wastewater, resulting in the degradation of 67.0 ± 2.25 % of total nitrogen and 37.3 ± 0.68 % of total organic carbon when sodium chloride was added. At the end of the process, the ammonium content was completely removed, and only 17.7 ± 0.51 % of the initial nitrogen turned into nitrate. The results show that the proposed system is a promising approach to treating livestock wastewater by coupling high contaminant removal efficiencies with low operational costs. Anyway, further studies on process optimization with an emphasis on power requirements and electrode costs need to be carried out.
... NO 3 -N contamination is thought to be caused by fertilizer application to agriculture fields [12][13][14][15] or to originate from sewage from swine and cattle barns, as well as from livestock manure 16 . Continued exposure to groundwaters containing high levels of NO 3 -N is harmful to the human body 17 . Measures have been taken to reduce the amount of NO 3 -N in groundwater, and drinking water standards have been established in every country. ...
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While microbial biogeochemical activities such as those involving denitrification and sulfate reduction have been considered to play important roles in material cycling in various aquatic ecosystems, our current understanding of the microbial community in groundwater ecosystems is remarkably insufficient. To assess the groundwater in the Ryukyu limestone aquifer of Okinawa Island, which is located in the southernmost region of Japan, we performed metagenomic analysis on the microbial communities at the three sites and screened for functional genes associated with nitrogen metabolism. 16S rRNA amplicon analysis showed that bacteria accounted for 94–98% of the microbial communities, which included archaea at all three sites. The bacterial communities associated with nitrogen metabolism shifted by month at each site, indicating that this metabolism was accomplished by the bacterial community as a whole. Interestingly, site 3 contained much higher levels of the denitrification genes such as narG and napA than the other two sites. This site was thought to have undergone denitrification that was driven by high quantities of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In contrast, site 2 was characterized by a high nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) content and a low amount of DOC, and this site yielded a moderate amount of denitrification genes. Site 1 showed markedly low amounts of all nitrogen metabolism genes. Overall, nitrogen metabolism in the Ryukyu limestone aquifer was found to change based on environmental factors.
... Nitrogen pollution can contribute towards nutrient loading and the exponential proliferation of plankton and algae, leading to eutrophication (Romanelli et al. 2020). High nitrogen in drinking water can also directly harm young animals and humans through restricting the transportation of oxygen in the blood (Majumdar 2003;Ozmen et al. 2005). ...
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Freshwater systems are disproportionately adversely affected by the ongoing, global environmental crisis. The effective and efficient water resource conservation and management necessary to mitigate the crisis requires monitoring data, especially on water quality. This is recognized by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, particularly indicator 6.3.2., which requires all UN member states to measure and report the ‘proportion of water bodies with good ambient water quality’. However, gathering sufficient data on water quality is reliant on data collection at spatial and temporal scales that are generally outside the capacity of institutions using conventional methods. Digital technologies, such as wireless sensor networks and remote sensing, have come to the fore as promising avenues to increase the scope of data collection and reporting. Citizen science (which goes by many names, e.g., participatory science or community-based monitoring) has also been earmarked as a powerful mechanism to improve monitoring. However, both avenues have drawbacks and limitations. The synergy between the strengths of modern technologies and citizen science presents an opportunity to use the best features of each to mitigate the shortcomings of the other. This paper briefly synthesizes recent research illustrating how smartphones, sometimes in conjunction with other sensors, present a nexus point method for citizen scientists to engage with and use sophisticated modern technology for water quality monitoring. This paper also presents a brief, non-exhaustive research synthesis of some examples of current technological upgrades or innovations regarding smartphones in citizen science water quality monitoring in developing countries and how these can assist in objective, comprehensive, and improved data collection, management and reporting. While digital innovations are being rapidly developed worldwide, there remains a paucity of scientific and socioeconomic validation of their suitability and usefulness within citizen science. This perhaps contributes to the fact that the uptake and upscaling of smartphone-assisted citizen science continues to underperform compared to its potential within water resource management and SDG reporting. Ultimately, we recommend that more rigorous scientific research efforts be dedicated to exploring the suitability of digital innovations in citizen science in the context of developing countries and SDG reporting.
... It's crucial to note that consuming water tainted with nitrates can lead to severe illnesses, as pointed out by Barakat et al. (2020), and Rao et al. (2021). Elevated NO 3 presence in the bloodstream impedes proper oxygen binding by hemoglobin, a key contributor to "blue infant disease," also known as "methemoglobinemia" (Majumdar, 2003). Nitrite is classified as a potential carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an organization established in 1965 under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations. ...
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has gained significant attention for its ability to detect environmental contaminants with high sensitivity and specificity. The cost-effectiveness and potential portability of the technique further enhance its appeal for widespread application. However, challenges such as the management of voluminous quantities of high-dimensional data, its capacity to detect low-concentration targets in the presence of environmental interferents, and the navigation of the complex relationships arising from overlapping spectral peaks have emerged. In response, there is a growing trend toward the use of machine learning (ML) approaches that encompass multivariate tools for effective SERS data analysis. This comprehensive review delves into the detailed steps needed to be considered when applying ML techniques for SERS analysis. Additionally, we explored a range of environmental applications where different ML tools were integrated with SERS for the detection of pathogens and (in)organic pollutants in environmental samples. We sought to comprehend the intricate considerations and benefits associated with ML in these contexts. Additionally, the review explores the future potential of synergizing SERS with ML for real-world applications.
Phytoremediation is a technology that uses plants to break down, remove, and immobilize contaminants in surface water, shallow groundwater, and sediment to achieve cost savings compared with conventional treatments. This study describes a marshy land on an explosives manufacturing site in India that consistently reported elevated concentrations of nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, perchlorate, and lead (contaminants of potential concern—CoPC). The study also illustrates the potential for addressing the human health and environmental risks associated with the explosives manufacturing industrsy in India using innovative, sustainable, and carbon-neutral techniques. This work focuses on reconstructed marshy lands, desedimentation, microwatershed management, and phytoremediation using Phragmites and Vetiveria species (also known as vetiver) to reduce contaminants in surface water and groundwater, improve stormwater management and carbon capture, and increase natural capital like biodiversity. The results obtained during the trial indicate that the selected indigenous species are effective and can be used to remediate sediment and shallow groundwater for many CoPC in tropical climates. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2024;20:1987–2002. © 2024 SETAC Key Points The results obtained during the trial indicate that the selected indigenous species are effective and can be used to remediate sediment and shallow groundwater for many CoPC in tropical climates. If we drew a life cycle based on this study, it would be as follows: contaminants deposited to nature (soil) are extracted by plants (natural, no chemical intervention), and as the plants uptake the contaminants, they are harvested and turned into compost, which can again return to the soil (nature). This approach can reduce contaminants in both sediment and water, and is a low-cost and environmentally friendly remediation alternative to more traditional methods.
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The study evaluated contamination levels of some rivers in Nwangele, Southeastern, Nigeria using pollution and health risk indices as well as irrigation quality assessment. Samples were analyzed using standard methods. The result revealed pH values ranging from 4.59 ± 0.33 to 5.41 ± 0.31 in wet and dry seasons. Levels of Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn at 5.30 ± 4.16, 0.94 ± 0.38, 0.61 ± 0.15, and 7.45 ± 6.45 mg/L, respectively, were observed. A high pollution load index (PLI) (1.46) was observed at Nwangele River, while a low PLI (0.81) was recorded at Obiaraedu River. There is a major health risk if the water samples are not suitable for drinking, as shown by the water quality index values (> 300). The Hazard quotient and the total non-carcinogenic health hazard index through the dermal adsorption and ingestion of the surface water were < 1. However, chronic daily intake value > 1 was observed for children in both seasons due to high levels of some heavy metals, suggesting that intake of these surface waters may threaten the health of the inhabitants. Carcinogenic risk values were above 10−6 and 10−4 due to Pb levels in the surface water. This might seriously endanger the local population, particularly the kids. Irrigation quality analysis revealed that the water sources were suitable except for the increased magnesium level. The results suggested the need for appropriate treatment of the surface water sources before usage to prevent unforeseen health challenges. This could arise due to the possibility of bioaccumulation of the metallic contaminants which might take place over time.
Ground water serves as the primary source of drinking water for nearly all of rural Nebraska. However, ground-water contamination by nitrates, largely due to the use of fertilizers, is an increasing problem. In an ecologic study, the author found that counties characterized by high fertilizer usage and significant ground-water contamination by nitrates also had a high incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Other potential health effects of nitrates in drinking water are also discussed.
Potential health consequences of groundwater contamination by nitrates in Nebraska InNitrate Contamination: Exposure, consequence and control, eds I Bogardi and RD Kuzella
  • D Weisenberger
Human health aspects of nitrate intake from food and water In Chemistry,Agriculture and the Environment
  • O Bocktnan
  • T Granli
Potential health consequences of groundwater contamination by nitrates in Nebraska InNitrate Contamination: Exposure, consequence and control
  • D Weisenberger
  • I Bogardi
  • Rd Kuzella
  • Nato
  • Ser
Human health aspects of nitrate intake from food and water In Chemistry
  • O C Bocktnan
Human health aspects of nitrate intake from food and water
  • T O C Bocktnan
  • Granli
  • O C Bocktnan