... The negative effect of transient information has been observed in experiments that show poorer learning outcomes after receiving long verbal passages in auditory rather than in textual forms (e.g., Leahy & Sweller, 2011;Singh, Marcus, & Ayres, 2012). As discussed by Leahy and Sweller Study Discipline Content S T E A M Dorethy, 1973 x Visual analysis of space Shipley, Butt, Horwitz, & Farbry, 1978 x Patient getting an endoscopy Rieber, 1990 x Newton's laws of motion Mayer & Sims, 1994 x Human respiratory apparatus Harris & Fenner, 1995 x Choreographic dancing Williamson & Abraham, 1995 x Chemistry reactions Lowe, 2003 x Weather map sequences Yang, Andre, Greenbowe, & Tibell, 2003 x Electrochemistry in a flashlight Stith, 2004 x Cell apoptosis Mayer, Hegarty, Mayer, & Campbell, 2005 x Brakes and flushing systems Cooley, 2007 x Audiovisual poetry Boucheix, 2008 x Gear systems Kalyuga, 2008 x Linear and quadratic functions Fischer, Lowe, & Schwan, 2008 x Mechanism of pendulum clock Marbach-Ad, Rotbain, & Stavy, 2008 x Protein synthesis Nadaner, 2008 x Perception of movement Boucheix & Lowe, 2010 x Piano elements kinematics Huk, Steinke, & Floto, 2010 x Enzyme ATP-synthase Linek, Gerjets, & Scheiter, 2010 x Probability calculations Meyer, Rasch, & Schnotz, 2010 x Internal combustion engine Scheiter, Gerjets, & Schuh, 2010 x Algebraic worked-out examples Yarden & Yarden, 2010 x PCR method in biotechnology Höffler & Schwartz, 2011 x Surfactants and washing Lin & Atkinson, 2011 x The rock cycle Ryoo & Linn, 2012 x Energy flow in photosynthesis Brucker, Scheiter, & Gerjets, 2014 x Fish swimming patterns Sánchez & Wiley, 2014 x Plate tectonics ...