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The farming system and traditional agroforestry systems in the Maya community of San Jose, Belize


Abstract and Figures

Shifting slash-and-burn agriculture is likely one of the main causes of forest degradation in southern Belize. Although many development projects have attempted to reduce the impacts of agriculture on the tropical rainforest, the situation is still a cause for concern. A study of the farming system of the San Jose Maya community was therefore carried out to examine agricultural production in its social, cultural, economic, and political context. Results demonstrate that agricultural production contributes to forest degradation because of the limited availability of agricultural land, the low level of investment in agricultural production, the land tenure system, limited marketing opportunities, and the exclusion of Mayas from the country's political and economic domains. Agroforestry could, however, offer a partial solution to the problem of forest degradation. Three types of traditional agroforestry systems are practised in San Jose: the milpa (a slash-and-burn agriculture system), cacao (Theobroma cacao) cultivation under shade trees, and the homegarden. These traditional agroforestry systems almost entirely meet a family's needs for food and wood, and generate at least 62% of family income. Improving the productivity of these systems could help to reduce pressure on the forest in southern Belize.
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The farming system and traditional agroforestry systems in
the Maya community of San Jose, Belize
Département de phytologie, Faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, Université
Laval, Sainte-Foy (Québec), G1K 7P4, Canada
(*Author for correspondence: E-mail:
Key words: cacoa, homegarden, household perspectives, milpa, participatory observation,
qualitative research
Abstract. Shifting slash-and-burn agriculture is likely one of the main causes of forest degra-
dation in southern Belize. Although many development projects have attempted to reduce the
impacts of agriculture on the tropical rainforest, the situation is still a cause for concern. A study
of the farming system of the San Jose Maya community was therefore carried out to examine
agricultural production in its social, cultural, economic, and political context. Results demon-
strate that agricultural production contributes to forest degradation because of the limited avail-
ability of agricultural land, the low level of investment in agricultural production, the land tenure
system, limited marketing opportunities, and the exclusion of Mayas from the country’s polit-
ical and economic domains. Agroforestry could, however, offer a partial solution to the problem
of forest degradation. Three types of traditional agroforestry systems are practised in San Jose:
the milpa (a slash-and-burn agriculture system), cacao (Theobroma cacao) cultivation under
shade trees, and the homegarden. These traditional agroforestry systems almost entirely meet a
family’s needs for food and wood, and generate at least 62% of family income. Improving the
productivity of these systems could help to reduce pressure on the forest in southern Belize.
The forests of Belize cover slightly more than 85% of its surface area – an
enviable situation when compared to neighbouring countries in Central
America (FAO, 1997). The vast majority of these forests, situated in central
and southern Belize, are tropical rainforests. On a worldwide scale, tropical
rainforests constitute an important reservoir of biodiversity, and play a non-
negligible role in climate regulation and soil protection. Moreover, they are
an important source of wood, medicinal plants, and all kinds of natural
products (Gomez-Pompa et al., 1972; Bruntland, 1989; Boot, 1997).
The rate of deforestation in Belize is relatively low, i.e., approximately
0.25% per year (FAO, 1997). In the Toledo District of southern Belize, the
main cause of this forest degradation is slash-and-burn agriculture, as prac-
tised by the Maya population (Arya and Pulver, 1993). Traditional slash-and-
burn agriculture is a sustainable system as long as there is a balance, within
a given area, between population growth and availability of land (Nye and
Greenland, 1960; Kalpage, 1974; Lambert and Arnason, 1980; Raintree and
Warner, 1986; Palm et al., 1996), so that the number of years that the soil is
Agroforestry Systems 49: 275–288, 2000.
2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
under cultivation is offset by a long enough fallow period for the soil to recu-
perate its original fertility. In Toledo District, a high rate of population growth
(2.7% per year) contributes to the breakdown of this balance, and leads to
the problem of forest degradation. Even though four international develop-
ment projects, within the last 20 years, have proposed several practices to curb
the degradation process, large areas of primary forest are still being converted
into agricultural land.
In order to counteract forest degradation, it is essential, in such a context,
to thoroughly understand the Maya agricultural production system. To this
end, we chose to adopt the ‘farming system’ approach, which considers agri-
cultural production as one significant component of a more complex system
(Dupriez, 1982; Jouve, 1988; Mazoyer and Roudart, 1997). According to
Dupriez (1982), the farming system encompasses a wide range of factors,
rules, social relationships, and production relationships within a community
in which the main activity is agriculture. To discern the connections between
agricultural production and the social environment in which it takes place,
Dupriez (1982) suggests organizing the information gathered on a community
and its agriculture into four subsystems that revolve around a central nucleus
of the families that practice agriculture. First, all the factors that arise from
within the community, which have an influence on agricultural production,
must be identified. These factors are classified into three subsystems: social,
cultural, and agricultural. Second, all the factors that arise from outside the
community, which have an influence on agricultural production, are classified
into a fourth subsystem, the macro social, political, and economic subsystem.
In the present study, the agricultural production of a Maya community in the
Toledo District was investigated in this manner, paying particular attention
to social, cultural, political, and economic factors that have a determining
influence on agricultural production.
Particular attention was also devoted to the agroforestry systems tradi-
tionally used by the Mayas. Many agroforestry systems seem to protect the
soil better than monocultures, while also conserving the area’s tree and shrub
species (Nair, 1993). Therefore, agroforestry could serve as an interesting
starting point for increasing the intensity and diversity of agricultural pro-
duction in a sustainable development context. This study allowed us to
quantify the importance of these systems in the meeting of a family’s needs.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study was carried out in the Maya community of San Jose, in Toledo
District. The community is located inland, at the foot of the Maya Mountains
chain, 25 km from the coastal city of Punta Gorda. The surface relief sur-
rounding the community is rugged, and agriculture is generally carried out
on slopes with 5 to 25
°gradients. The soils contain a large quantity of mont-
morillonite clay, and are prone to compaction and hydric erosion. Average
annual precipitation is 3100 mm and the average temperature is 25.7 °C
(Meteorological Service of Belize, 1996). The village was established in 1954,
when four families started to cultivate a territory then covered by primary rain
forests. In 1997, the community of San Jose had 132 families, which included
about 900 people. Its territory includes the land between nearby villages and
the Columbia Forest Reserve. For this reason, any expansion of the commu-
nity’s agricultural land is made at the expense of the reserve’s tropical rain
Participatory observation
This data collection technique falls into the category of qualitative research
methods. We chose to use an active type of participatory observation because
it allows the researcher, who shares the daily life of the villagers and their
various agricultural production activities, to become the main research instru-
ment. During two visits to the village (from February to April, then in June
and July, 1997), participatory observation was used to gain an understanding
of community functioning and dynamics. Living with families in San Jose
also helped in understanding dynamics within the family. Through participa-
tory observation, data was gathered on family diet, decision-making mecha-
nisms, division of labour, community work, and the functioning and dynamics
of the community.
Semi-structured interviews
The objective of these interviews was to identify different factors influencing
agricultural production. An initial series of interviews was conducted with
20 women and men from the community. The information gathered had to
do with the different social, cultural, economic, and political factors that influ-
ence the type of agricultural production practised by the farmers. Information
on agricultural production itself was also gathered in order to develop a ques-
tionnaire. A second series of interviews was conducted with individuals from
outside the community to obtain data on markets for agricultural products,
agricultural politics, land allocation mechanisms, technical aid available to
farmers, and groups promoting Maya rights.
Following this, interviews based on a questionnaire were conducted with
20 heads of households chosen randomly among the 124 families of the com-
munity whose main activity is farming. A meeting was first held with each
selected family to explain the research objectives, to set up a meeting for the
questionnaire interview, and to respond to any questions raised by the survey.
This step enhanced the willing participation of family members during sub-
sequent visits, and improved the validity of responses obtained. The ques-
tionnaire was about agricultural production as a whole: cultivating operations,
crop yields, livestock, local market prices, family income, family diet, and
different production strategies. Data gathered were used to evaluate the impor-
tance of traditional agroforestry systems in the production system of com-
munity farmers.
A complete inventory was carried out on plant species selected by family
members and found in the space reserved for the homegarden, a traditional
agroforestry system. Species were identified, and their physical placement in
the garden, their frequency, and intended uses were recorded. This inventory
was carried out with 18 of the families who participated in the interviews,
but was done at a later time so as not to interfere with the survey procedure.
Analysis of results
Documentary analysis and descriptive statistical analysis were the main tools
used to compile information gathered during the research. Documentary
analysis was used to classify the field data into different categories, which
were constructed according to the farming system concept. Research results
were presented according to these different categories to facilitate under-
standing of the cultural, socioeconomic, and political factors that influence
families when they make a decision about agricultural production. As for
descriptive statistical analysis, it was used to establish a general picture of
agricultural production and to evaluate the importance of traditional agro-
forestry systems in meeting a family’s needs.
Results and discussion
The macro social, political, and economic subsystem
Economic activity and development programs in Belize are concentrated in
the north, and focus on agricultural production of the country’s main exports:
sugar cane, oranges, and bananas (Government of Belize, 1996). Two indi-
cators of the economic health of Belizeans, unemployment rate and poverty
level, accurately reflect the imbalance that exists between northern and
southern Belize. As a result, the rate of unemployment, and the percentage
of the population that is poor or very poor, is much higher in Toledo District
than in the rest of the country (Government of Belize, 1996; Kairi Consultants
Limited, 1996). In fact, in the community of San Jose, only 6% of the
population has a full-time job. Twenty-five percent of the farmers that we
encountered, however, stated that they have part-time employment. In most
cases, these jobs are located in San Jose itself (school, small store, tourist
related activities, etc.)
Toledo District also has the highest concentration of Mayas, who make up
65% of the population. Although the Mayas represent 11% of the national
population, they had no government representative in 1997. In fact, the inter-
ests and demands of the Mayas tend not to be heard by the decision-makers,
which further accentuates the imbalance between northern and southern
Another factor affecting the Maya population and its agricultural produc-
tion is the way in which land is held. Land in the Toledo District, except for
a few private plots and Indian reserves, is owned by the State, which disposes
of it as it sees fit. These Indian reserves, which only the Mayas have the
right to exploit, were established in 1868 by British authorities, and cover
311.5 km2(Berkey, 1994). However, the population has grown since that time,
and many Maya villages, including San Jose, are not located in the protected
area. Thus, 60% of the families that were interviewed said that they have no
ownership rights to the land that they exploit agriculturally; the other families
have a long-term rental agreement. It should be noted that the rental agree-
ment does not exclude the government from allocating these lands to other
interests, particularly to forestry companies or private individuals.
As far as providing support for agricultural production, there is one
Ministry of Agriculture station in the district where two extension agents and
a veterinarian must cover the entire territory of Toledo. Some experiments are
in progress at this station to find favourable associations between fruit trees
and food crops. The objective of these experiments is to increase the income
of rural families, while assuring the continued presence of woody species
in the agricultural area. However, since there are few human resources
available to promote such practices, traditional crops are still favoured by
the producers.
The choice of crops produced also depends on the marketing potential of
these products. In the Toledo region, there is a Marketing Board for Rice that
allows farmers to sell their products at a relatively good price. Organic cocoa
beans have also found buyers thanks to a fair trade agreement between the
Toledo Cocoa Growers Association (TCGA) and the Green & Black Company.
For other agricultural products, the market is more limited, and consists mainly
of the local market in San Jose and the market in Punta Gorda. Some farmers,
however, said that they go as far as Guatemala to sell their supplies of beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris) and corn (Zea mays). Although their products are sold
there for a lower price than it would be in Belize, the farmers are assured of
selling their entire stock.
The end result of this macroeconomic, political, and social context is that
the Mayas living in Toledo District are excluded from the domain of polit-
ical decision-making, and hence, the domain of economic decision-making.
They have only a few employment possibilities outside of the agricultural
sector, receive only a minimum of technical aid, and have no access to credit
since they do not hold ownership title to their land.
The cultural sub-system
Maya culture is marked by a reciprocal exchange of labour (Lévi-Strauss,
1971). Many activities are carried out in community, such as the bigger
farming tasks (land clearing, sowing, and harvest), construction, food prepa-
ration by women during community work projects, festivals, etc. In San Jose,
80% of the families that were interviewed said that they participate in com-
munity projects, which guarantees a sufficient labour force for agricultural
work when the need arises. Tradition dictates that men who help in agricul-
tural work are not remunerated. However, the family being helped must feed
the workers at midday. A family that does not participate in community work
must hire the necessary labour and pay $5 US per day per person.
The Mayas not only live in community, but seem to live for the general
well-being of the community. This means that a personal initiative or a project
that is geared to the success of only a few individuals will not be immedi-
ately accepted by the community. Individuals that try to differentiate them-
selves, and their families, may find that they become increasingly isolated
from the rest of the community (C. Wright, pers. comm., 1996).
Division of labour according to gender is also determined by Maya culture.
Men claim responsibility for all agricultural production. They make the deci-
sions concerning agricultural planning, and provide most of the labour. We
also observed that they are usually responsible for gathering firewood and
for building houses. Women are not very involved in field work unless there
is a significant labour shortage. They devote themselves above all to the
function of social reproduction, which is entirely their responsibility, taking
charge of children’s education, all household tasks, thereby ensuring the con-
tinuity of family life. They are also involved in the marketing of agricultural
products, and have recently taken up various economic activities to generate
enough income to meet increasing family needs. For example, several women
got together and formed an association that acquired a mill for grinding corn.
This mill generates a little income for that group of women and the ones who
use the mill no longer need to grind the corn themselves, thereby saving a sig-
nificant amount of time.
The social sub-system
Social development of a community depends, among other factors, on access
of its members to education and health care. These two factors are also impor-
tant for the success of agricultural production. Thus, the health of family
members can make the difference between a good or a poor harvest (Vosti and
Witcover, 1996). The village of San Jose has a primary school for all children,
boys and girls. For further schooling, children must go to the city of Punta
Gorda or to the capital. The village also has a small medical clinic that is
lacking in medication and personnel. Complete medical care, which is only
available in the city, is relatively costly for families from San Jose.
From a structural viewpoint, several groups can be noted in the village.
Surrounding the chief (the Alcade), who oversees proper community func-
tioning, the village council originates projects to improve the quality of life
for its inhabitants. Recently, for example, the village council promoted the
complete replacement of local, free-ranging pigs by hybrid pigs in pens. Other
men formed groups to organize, among other things, the bringing of tourists
to the village. Some of the women, for their part, also formed groups for
various handicraft production and marketing activities.
The agricultural sub-system
In San Jose, 124 of the 132 families in the village (94%) depend on agricul-
ture for their subsistence. The types of agricultural activities observed in the
village are traditional. The cornerstone of Maya agriculture is without a doubt
the milpa, a method that allows them to cultivate corn, rice (Oryza sativa),
and beans. Most families also make use of a homegarden and keep some live-
stock. A significant proportion of these families also cultivate cacao under
shade trees, and engage in market gardening.
The milpa
The milpa (meaning ‘corn field’ in the Aztec language) is a traditional type
of slash-and-burn agriculture in which the soil is left in fallow after each crop.
In San Jose, 75% of the farmers said that they leave the soil in fallow for an
average period of five to seven years. The soil is usually cultivated for a period
of one year; only 5.6% of cultivated areas are put back into cultivation for a
second year, usually for production of beans.
In 1996, the area devoted to milpa was about 2.4 ha per producer. Slightly
less than a tenth (8.6%) of the total area cleared by the producers that were
interviewed was taken from the primary forest area. Clearing is carried out
during the dry season (from February to April) with the use of an axe and a
machete. During clearing, any woody species that are of interest to the com-
munity are kept in the field. This is the case for Orbignya cohune which is
quite resistant to fire once the lower leaves are removed.
The burn takes place at the end of April, just before the first rains. Corn
is sown a few days afterwards to take advantage of nutritive elements in the
ashes. The producers do not feel it is necessary to weed the corn, since the
burn controls a good part of the weed seed bank. Harvest takes place between
October and December, and the corn is stored in the field or at the house.
Producers report significant losses during storage, which vary between 10 and
50% of production. These losses are due mainly to insects and birds. Poorer
quality seeds are used to feed the pigs and chickens, or are sold as animal
feed. However, the price obtained is much lower than the price of good quality
corn seeds.
Eighty percent of producers cultivate rice, which is sown just after the corn.
Weeding takes place a month later, usually by means of a chemical herbi-
cide. Harvest and removal of seed hulls takes place between October and the
beginning of December, before the corn harvest. Beans are sown in September
and harvested in November. A second crop of beans is grown between January
and March. Fifty and 80% of producers grow the first and second crop of
beans, respectively.
The producers that we met market about a quarter of their corn production
and half of their rice (Table 1). It is interesting to note that corn, which requires
less work, is mainly consumed by the family, whereas a larger proportion of
rice, which is more demanding in terms of labour, is sold to the Marketing
Board. In fact, more than half of rice producers marketed over 70% of their
For many years it was believed that subsistence farmers did not need to
sell any of their products (Dove, 1983). However, the entry of communities
into the market economy has increased the dependence of subsistence farmers
on monetary resources (Raintree and Warner, 1986). For this reason, a portion
of agricultural production is now marketed in order to generate income. In
San Jose, 95% of the producers that we met confirmed that they sell at least
one product that comes from the milpa, and 25% of them sell up to three or
four such products.
A second corn crop, the matahambre (meaning ‘to kill hunger’), is sown
after the first harvest in November. The matahambre is usually grown in the
same plot year after year. For this reason, the second corn crop is different
from the first crop in the milpa. Producers report that it is possible for them
to grow the matahambre in the same plot because this corn is closely asso-
ciated with leguminous cover plants, such as mucuna (Mucuna spp.) and kudzu
(Pueraria phaseoloides). The legumes are cut before sowing the matahambre,
and left on the soil as a mulch. These legumes provide the soil with a sig-
nificant supply of organic material and nutritive elements, protect it against
erosion, and may help improve its structure (Barreto, 1994; Bunch, 1994;
Buckles, 1995).
Yields observed are, however, definitely lower than those obtained with the
first corn crop. Producers explained to us that this was likely due to damage
Table 1. Median values for surface areas cultivated, yield and work time, and proportion sold
for the various crops in the milpa and matahambre in San Jose, Belize, in 1996.
Crop Area cultivated Yield Work time Proportion sold
(ha) (kg ha–1) (days man ha–1) (%)
Corn 1.62 1238 14.5 25
Rice 0.60 1504 37.7 49
Beans Ia0.08 0910 66.0 16
Beans IIb0.14 0726 33.6 27
Matahambre 1.20 0420 15.3 00
aFirst bean crop (September–November).
bSecond bean crop (January–March).
caused by the wind. Nevertheless, it seems that lower yields obtained with
the cultivation of matahambre limit the possibilities of adopting this more
sedentary cultivation system, as long as there is land available for the milpa.
On the other hand, matahambre associated with leguminous cover plants has
been widely adopted by farmers in a nearby village, who had no more land
available for the milpa.
Cacao under shade trees
The Mayas have cultivated cacao under shade trees since they first domesti-
cated the species (Hammond, 1978). Today, the Mayas of San Jose still cul-
tivate cacao in the same way, which slows down the development of the cacao
plant and hence spaces out its production over time. It is, in fact, an ideal
mode of production for small producers, who do not always have the means
to obtain the very expensive chemical inputs required for higher yields (Mossu,
1990). In Toledo District, cocoa producers are grouped together into the Toledo
Cocoa Growers Association (TCGA). The objective of this association was
to facilitate the sale of cocoa beans after a drastic drop in market prices in
the early 1990s. It now has a fair trade agreement with an English company,
Green & Black Co., which is committed to buying the entire production on
the condition that it is organic. In 1997, producer members of the association
received $2.15 per kg of organic cocoa beans, whereas the market price was
$1.90 per kg. It should be noted that Green and Black Co. was in negotia-
tions with TCGA concerning the purchase of other organic products.
In spite of good marketing potential, we observed a low average produc-
tion from the cacao plantations; the average yield was slightly less than
70 kg of beans per ha. Producers stated that they devote little time (less than
10 days per year for 70% of them) to management of cacao plants, shade trees,
and soil fertility in their cacao plantations because of the low yields obtained.
It is a kind of vicious circle, since the small amount of time devoted to cacao
plantation management is in part responsible for the low yields obtained.
The selection of plant species retained in the homegarden is made in July,
when the area around the house is cleared of brush. In San Jose, we noted
an average surface area of 0.65 ha per homegarden. Each homegarden has
an average of 30 different species and 240 total individuals. In the 18 home-
gardens that we inventoried, 164 different plant species were identified. The
majority of these plants are shrubs or perennials. Table 2 shows the number
of different species inventoried in terms of their intended uses.
In these gardens, there is a clear predominance of plant species whose
intended use is for food, such as guava (Psidium guajava), avocado
(Persea americana), Musa spp., Citrus spp., coconut (Cocos nucifera), mango
(Mangifera indica) and pimento (Capsicum frutescens). This characteristic
indicates the importance of the homegarden for diversifying the family diet.
Next we find species, mostly perennials, which serve as construction material
(Orbignya cohune, Cordia alliodora) or firewood. The producers said that
they were aware of the increasing scarcity of certain species, and thus of the
necessity to keep them in their gardens. The other species present, although
fewer in number, are also important for various reasons such as treating
common ailments, fertilizing the soil (Gliricidia sepium), or because they have
some cultural value, etc. In general, products that come from the homegarden
are intended for family consumption.
Small livestock can also be found around the homegarden, especially
poultry (80% of producers interviewed) and pigs (75% of producers inter-
viewed). Seventy percent of producers also own a horse. Certain market-gar-
dening species are also present in the homegarden, but more intensive
vegetable production is generally found away from the house, near the milpas.
For several years, market gardening has grown in intensity, and villagers who
carry out this practice (40% of producers interviewed) mainly grow tomatoes
(Lycopersicon esculentum), cabbage (Brassica oleracea), peppers (Capsicum
annuum), and cucumbers (Cucumis sativus). It is important to note that the
sale of market-gardening products accounts for more than 50% of these pro-
ducers’ total income.
It is also worth mentioning that hunting and gathering products in the forest
are important activities for the Mayas of San Jose. Wild animals are one of
the main sources of protein in their diet, while forest plants provide wood,
medicinal products and additional food.
The family and its requirements
In San Jose, the basic consumption and production unit consists of an average
family of seven to eight persons, including the parents and children. We
calculated that such a family consumes, on average, 22 kg of corn per week.
It should be noted that corn is the staple food in the Maya diet. According to
the yields observed for corn cultivation (milpa), an area of about 0.92 ha is
Table 2. Uses of different plant species inventoried in 18 homegardens in San Jose, Belize, in
Use Number of species inventoried
Food (fruit trees and shrubs) 036
Food (except fruit) 029
Construction material 029
Firewood 028
Medicinal 008
Fertilizer 007
Ornamental 006
Cultural 004
Others 017
Total 164
needed to meet this requirement. This is in agreement with findings from
previous studies on Maya communities (Cowgill, 1962; Morley, 1975). The
family diet is rounded out by rice, beans (produced in the milpa), other home-
garden products, livestock, and hunting and gathering in the forest. When
a family raises livestock, an additional supply of corn is required to feed
the animals. In San Jose, 60% of the families interviewed told us that they
were meeting their food needs by means of agricultural production. Other
families must be in a position to generate enough income to satisfy their food
It should be noted that all of the families interviewed stated that they needed
money on a weekly basis. On average, they said they required $18 US per
week, in 1997, to cover ordinary household expenses (sugar, flour, soap,
clothing, and school supplies). There are also occasional major expenses for
events such as marriages, deaths, sickness, secondary and higher education,
etc. These expenses are generally not planned for in the family budget. To
meet these expenses, families have to sell part of the agricultural production
normally intended for family consumption, or work as agricultural labour
when that is possible. However, in most cases, they have to borrow money
from other people in the village who have greater financial means. This is in
accordance with the fact that only 10% of families said they have a little
money put aside.
On the other hand, San Jose farmers do not have access to any form of
credit from financial institutions, since they do not hold ownership title to
their land. For this reason, the level of investment in agricultural production
(outside labour, chemical inputs, livestock, agricultural supplies) is low. A
financing system did exist at one time in San Jose for the purchase of chemical
inputs. However, this financing opportunity ended at the same time as the
development project that had promoted it.
Finally, San Jose farmers reported to us that they have increasing needs
for access to good agricultural land. Sixty percent of them stated that the avail-
ability of agricultural land is the most limiting factor in increasing agricul-
tural productivity, whereas 40% claimed a lack of labour was responsible.
However, it is the scarcity of fertile agricultural land, due to the increase in
the number of families in the village, that has pushed 35% of the farmers
that we met to acquire rental agreements for their land. In fact, 70% of the
farmers that were interviewed foresee serious problems 20 years from now
regarding the availability of fertile agricultural land, if current agricultural
practices are not changed.
The importance of agroforestry systems
Family nutrition is primarily based on corn, a food that is found at each
meal in one form or another. As noted before, a family must cultivate an
average of 0.92 ha of corn to meet its dietary needs. This need seems to be
completely satisfied by milpa production, since the average area planted in
corn by a family in San Jose is 1.62 ha. Other important foods in its diet,
such as beans and rice, are also grown in the milpa. The homegarden also
provides an important source of food diversity. In fact, data show that at least
80% of the family diet comes from the three agroforestry systems identified
in San Jose, namely, the milpa, cacao cultivation under shade trees, and the
San Jose families depend mostly on woody plants for firewood and con-
struction material. They stated that they need, on average, 0.25 m3of firewood
per week; 70% of families obtain their supply directly from the milpa, from
trees that were cut down and left on the ground during clearing. For con-
struction material, 75% of families obtain their supply from the secondary
forest (milpa in fallow period), or from both the secondary and primary forest.
On the other hand, many families keep trees for wood production in their
homegardens. The agroforestry systems of San Jose therefore represent an
important source for wood supplies.
Finally, the family sells a portion of its agricultural production to generate
income. Thus, the sale of agroforestry products contributes to the family
income. In fact, 62% of the total income of the 20 producers that were inter-
viewed came from the sale of agroforestry products. Traditional agroforestry
systems therefore have considerable importance for families of the San Jose
The study demonstrates that villagers in the community of San Jose possess
a very thorough understanding of the environment in which they live. This
understanding shows up particularly in the complex composition of the home-
gardens, and in the numerous products that they derive from the primary and
secondary forest to feed themselves, build their houses, treat their ailments,
etc. However, a variety of constraints arising from the social, cultural,
economic, and political environments in which they live have determined
that agriculture, as practised by the Mayas today, contributes to the degrada-
tion of the forests and the environment. The main constraints identified are
limited availability of agricultural land, a low level of investment in agricul-
tural production, the system of land tenure, limited marketing opportunities,
and the exclusion of Mayas from the country’s political and economic
These constraints, when associated with the growing needs of rural families
for monetary resources, are at the heart of an ever-increasing pressure on the
ecosystem. In order to reduce this pressure while at the same time improving
the villagers’ quality of life, it is thus important to take into account all of
the socioeconomic, cultural, political, and environmental factors that have
been highlighted as having an impact on the San Jose Mayas’ agricultural
One of the main limiting aspects of agricultural production in the region
is the availability of good quality agricultural land. However, the results of
the present study show that traditional agroforestry systems constitute the main
source of food, wood supplies, and income for San Jose community members.
It could therefore be worthwhile to intensify the production of these systems
to avoid increasing the size of cultivated areas. Particular attention should also
be paid to establishing permanent farming systems, such as orchards, and
cacao and coffee (Coffea arabica) under shade trees. Training workshops on
cacao plantation management, organic production techniques, the introduc-
tion of new species into homegardens, and improved fallow techniques in
the milpa could be offered to producers. However, it would be essential to
increase available human resources in order to offer high quality technical
support to farmers.
Before being able to make these changes, however, it would be necessary
to know more about the process of adoption of new agroforestry technolo-
gies in Maya communities. In communities in which the reciprocal exchange
of labour is important and where individuals usually try to avoid being isolated
from the rest of the group, this process is likely to be different from what is
encountered in other types of communities. Enlightening this process would
enable development organisations to target people who are more likely to
adopt their new technologies and have an influence on the overall adoption
of these technologies in their own community.
We would like to thank the families of Raymundo Peck and Justino Peck, who
were an indispensable source of support and information during our research.
We also wish to thank the Alcade of San Jose and all the community members
for their invaluable co-operation, as well as Allen Genus of the Belize Ministry
of Agriculture and consultant Jorge Cawish for their support. We also thank
Eduardo Somarriba, researcher at CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza) and instigator of this project. This study was made
possible thanks to the financial support of the International Development
Research Centre.
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... The scale, speed, and scope of global climate change adversely and disproportionately impacts rural poor farmers-including Mayan milpa farmers in southern Belizecreating a higher risk for their food and livelihood insecurity [1][2][3][4]. A sustainable agriculture system for centuries, the milpa has become less reliable in the last 50 years due to accelerating climate change and increasing environmental degradation, population growth, declining markets, poverty, and other factors [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. Increasing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) aspects of existing traditional milpa practices-specifically, no-burn mulching, soil nutrient enrichment, and cover plants-can promote a sustainable milpa agroecosystem [9,15]. ...
... Milpa crop production is used for subsistence and selling at local markets [4,34]. Milpas provide most of a family's need for food, wood, and income [12,37]. Mulching and nutrient enrichment have been a part of the traditional milpa farming practice for centuries [36,38,39]. ...
... Each Community Capital can influence the larger milpa socio-ecological system (SES); the milpa SES is a linked network where an impact to one part of the system-the loss or degradation of soil due to storm erosion, for example-can affect the human system, such as food security and farmer livelihoods [12,58,60]. Reducing barriers (i.e., to one or more capitals) can positively influence the whole milpa system [17,18] and demonstrate how climate adaptive practices can advance an entire system further [61][62][63][64][65]. ...
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Climate change has exacerbated food and livelihood insecurity for Mayan milpa farmers in Central America. For centuries, milpa farming has been sustainable for subsistence; however, in the last 50 years, milpas have become less reliable due to accelerating climate change, resource degradation, declining markets, poverty, and other factors. Increasing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices may be needed. Using interviews with extension leaders and milpa farmers in Belize, this qualitative study examines the capacity for increasing CSA aspects of existing traditional milpa practices, specifically no-burn mulching, soil enrichment, and the use of cover plants. Applying a modified Community Capitals Framework, this study finds four key capitals were perceived by farmers and agriculture extension leaders as barriers for increasing CSA practices. Recommendations to reduce the key barriers include reinstating markets and crop-buying programs and easing border customs restrictions (Governance-Justice and Financial Capitals), improving roads and cellular access for farmers (Infrastructure Capital), and increasing budgets and resources for agriculture extension services and building farmer capacity for CSA practices of mulching, soil enrichment, and cover plants (Human-Capacity Capital). Reducing barriers to these key capitals can facilitate an increase in milpa CSA practices and crop productivity, promote food and livelihood security, and enable climate resilience of Mayan milpa communities in Belize.
... SES is a flexible framework which considers the interrelationships, linkages, and synergies between multiple trans-disciplinary factors (i.e., social, economic, environmental, cultural, governance, health, justice) and community-based partnerships and adaptive management (Olsson, Folke, & Berkes, 2004;Ostrom, 2009;Parrott, Chion, Gonzalés, & Latombe, 2012). A socio-ecological system is a linked network where an impact on one part of the system-climate change impacts from storm erosion, for example-can affect the larger system, such as food security and farmer livelihoods (Lal, 2008;Levasseur & Olivier, 2000;Molnar & Molnar, 2000;Selomane, Reyers, Biggs, & Hamann, 2019). Understanding these system relationships-and how each factor functions in the complex whole of the SES-is important as each decision a farmer makes to adopt CSA practices can advance the entire milpa agriculture system further (Koutsouris, 2008; UC Davis, n.d.). ...
... The milpa is a significant aspect of Maya culture and tradition as Maya identity, ceremony, community, and livelihood are all rooted in the milpa (De Frece & Poole, 2008;Falkowski, Chankin, Diemont, & Pedian, 2019). Milpa crop production is used for subsistence and selling at local markets (Downey, 2009;Emch, 2003;Levasseur & Olivier, 2000;Nigh & Diemont, 2013). Milpa practices include clearing small areas of forest to plant a diversity of crops-primarily corn, beans, and squash-on nutrient-rich soil (Emch, 2003;Mt. ...
... Pleasant, 2016;Shal, 2002). In the last 50 years, however, the slash-and-burn aspect of milpa farming has become less reliable and less sustainable due to hydroclimatic changes (i.e., droughts, flooding, hurricanes), forest loss, pests and crop disease, soil degradation, and social factors such as poverty, population growth, land tenure, marginalization, and other factors (De Frece & Poole, 2008;Downey, 2009;Drexler, 2020;Levasseur & Olivier, 2000;Lozada, 2014;New Agriculturist, 2005;Shal, 2002;Steinberg, 1998). ...
... The farmers, mainly due to the economic benefits and to meet their diverse needs of food, fuel wood, fodder, timber, etc., grow trees around their agricultural fields. Thus, during lean months security can be assured through both perennial and annual components of the agroforestry system in terms of diverse income and livelihood (Levasseur and Oliver 2000). Thus, agroforestry enables building resilience to changing climate and can serve as an option for achieving socio-economic and environmental sustainability through better management of natural resources, and on-farm species diversification (Schroth et al. 2004). ...
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An experiment on aonla-soybean intercropping was conducted at the experimental farm of the Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri–Hamirpur, H.P., India during the year 2020–21 with an objective to determine the effect of aonla trees on growth, yield and quality parameters of soybean crop. The experiment was laid out in randomised complete block design (02 factorial) to determine the effect of the trees on growth and yield parameters of soybean crop in four directions (east, west, north and south) at three distances (1, 2 and 3 m) from the trees. The quality parameters of soybean were estimated at three distances (1, 2 and 3 m) from aonla trees having composite sample from all the directions, distance wise and in open grown crop with total four treatments. The treatments were replicated five times and data were analysed using randomised complete block design. In another experiment, the agroforestry system comprising aonla + soybean was compared with the sole soybean cropping system employing student’s t-test. The results showed that the growth and yield of intercropped soybean increased with an increase in the distance of crop from aonla trees and revealed significantly higher values at 3 m distance from trees as compared to the sole crop. Among directions, the highest yield was obtained in the east direction. The biochemical analysis exhibited that the photosynthetic pigments (total chlorophyll and carotenoids) of soybean leaves were lower under aonla as compared to sole cropping. The contents of total soluble protein and total carbohydrates were significantly higher in the seeds of soybean crop raised underneath aonla over the sole crop. Overall, aonla + soybean system revealed positive interactions between the components, therefore recommended for the farmers from ecological and economical perspective.
... This agricultural system is characterized by the cultivation of annual species (sorghum, peanuts, millet, cotton, voandzou, cowpea, etc.) and the felling of wild trees. However, increasingly local people are becoming aware of protecting appreciated wild pant species in their agrosystems (Levesseur & Olivier, 2000). Beside these seasonal agrosystems, permanent riverside gardens where many introduced woody plants (mango, guava, cashew, lemon, neem, eucalyptus, etc.) (Seignobos, 2014) are observed in this phytogeographic area. ...
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Sudano-Sahelian domain is the poorest in biodiversity because of the climate which is unfavourable compared to the equatorial climate. The unsustainable agricultural practices associated with this climatic roughness are among the main factors of habitat destruction, hence the destruction of biodiversity in this phytogeographic environment. In order to valorize and conserve sudano-sahelian plant resources, a study was carried out in seasonal agrosystems in the Mandara Mountains. The Diversity and the floristic diversity were assessed. Inventories of woody plants were done in 16 plots (100 m x 100 m) grouped in 4 localities/villages. The circumference of the trunk of all the inventoried plants (circonference ≥ 10 cm) was measured. In total, 64 species grouped 45 genera and 27 families were inventoried. The highest FIV was obtained for Mimosaceae (FIV = 104.51) and Combretaceae (FIV = 51.22), the other families had FIV < 30. Diversities in the localities (Shannon index ranging from 2.82 to 2.86 bits) were lower than diversity in whole stand (Shannon index = 3.09 bits). Acacia albida (IVI = 53.52, RI = 6.25), Acacia nilotica (IVI = 9.18, RI = 18.75), Acacia seyal (IVI = 5.19, RI = 43.75), Anogeissus leiocarpus (IVI) = 41.82, RI = 0), Balanites aegyptiaca (IVI = 14.23, RI = 12.50), Diospyros mespiliformis (IVI = 9.91, RI = 37.50), Tamarindus indica (IVI = 16.35, RI = 12.5), and Ziziphus mauritiana (IVI = 9.52, RI = 31.25) were observed in all localities. There were considered as characteristics and represent the floristic background of the stand. Traditional agrosystems can be considered as tools for the conservation of wild species useful to local populations. It would be imperative to conserve in situ wild species, source of genetic diversity for their sustainable use.
... Permanent forest loss in the south is sparse, particularly in Toledo District, aligning with existing literature that suggests forest loss is due to different agricultural practices of Mayan farming populations living in southern regions of the country (Levasseur and Olivier 2000). A coalition of actors and social movements fighting the governments granting of logging concessions were influential in shaping government policy with respect to conservation areas in Southern Belize. ...
The Selva Maya represents the largest expanse of tropical forest in Mesoamerica, encompassing parts of Belize, northern Guatemala, and south-eastern Mexico. Patterns and processes of forest loss in Belize are less comprehensively studied than other regions in the Selva Maya. Hence, this research tracks twenty years of forest loss in relation to Protected Areas (PAs) and transborder activity in the country. Results show that since 2000, Belize lost 11% of its forest cover. In that same period, 39.7% of this loss has seen forest recovery, predominantly in southern portion of the country, and within PAs. Ongoing forest loss in the north has expanded towards central and southern Belize. Forest loss in PAs account for 14.3% of overall loss nationwide, with fires and agricultural expansion playing a prominent role in the encroachment on forestland. A better understanding of forest loss in Belize reinforces distinctions between forest loss in the north and the south of the country and demonstrates the need for enhanced forest protection. This research provides new information to conservation planners to better understand the dynamics and drivers of forest loss and regrowth in the Selva Maya region.
... Des auteurs comme Antonios (2002) pensent que l'établissement et le maintien de l'équilibre écologique de manière durable passe par la gestion intégrée des ressources (l'eau, des animaux et des végétaux). L'agroforesterie se présente comme une des alternatives qui maintient la conservation de la diversité et favorise l'augmentation de la production agricole (Levasseur et Olivier, 2000). Les agroforêts de la région tropicale présentent une grande richesse en arbres et arbustes fruitiers (Le Houérou, 1997). ...
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Les agroforêts qui font partie du système de production agricole dans le département du Mbam-et-Inoubou sont malheureusement en dégradation. L'objectif global de ce travail est d'évaluer le niveau de conservation de la biodiversité des agroforêts Bafia dans la perspective de leur aménagement. Pour se faire, une étude participative et réitérative a été effectuée avec 100 exploitants répartis dans 7 villages. Des inventaires botaniques ont été réalisés dans chacune de ces exploitations. Les données recueillies ont fait l'objet d'analyses diverses (calcul des indices écologiques et de diversité, tests univariés et multivariés). L'analyse ressort que les agroforêts Bafia ont une biodiversité végétale importante. Les agroforêts de plus de 45 ans sont les plus importantes dans la zone (40,92%) et la classe de superficie de 0,5 à 1 ha est majoritaire (54,36%). Sur l'échantillon total, 53% des paysans utilisent une main d'oeuvre familiale, et les cultures les plus fréquentes sont les légumineuses alimentaires et les tubercules. La richesse spécifique est évaluée à 61 espèces réparties en 55 genres et 28 familles. Sur le plan agro-écologique, Elaeis guineensis se révèle plus important avec un IVI (Importance Value Index) global de 25,02 tandis que Ceiba pentandra vient en premier rang des espèces locales avec un IVI de 13,72. Les Palmaceae ont le FIV (Family Importance Value) le plus élevé de la zone avec 34,73. Nyamson 3, Lablé et Nyamson 1 ont les exploitations les plus diversifiées. La Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique (CAH) montre quatre groupes de parcelles agroforestières. Les agroforêts de case Bafia montrent d'une part leur efficacité dans la conservation de la diversité végétale, d'autre part dans la sécurité alimentaire des ménages. Abstract Agroforests which are part of the agricultural production system in Mbam-et-Inoubou division are unfortunately deteriorating. The overall objective of this work is to assess the level of conservation of the biodiversity of the Bafia agroforests in view of their management. To achieve that goal, a participatory and reiterative study was conducted with 100 operators distributed in 7 villages. Botanical inventories were carried out in each of these farms. The data obtained were subjected to various analysis (calculation of ecological indices of diversity, univariate and multivariate tests). The analysis shows that the Bafia agroforests have significant plant diversity. Agroforests of over 45 years are the most important in the area (40.92 %) and size class from 0.5 to 1 ha is the majority (54.36 %). From the total sample, 53 % of the farmers use family labour, and the most common food crops are legumes and tubers. Species richness is estimated at 61 species distributed in 55 genera and 28 families. In the agro-ecological point of view, Elaeis guineensis is most important with an overall IVI (Importance Value Index) of 25.02 while Ceiba pentandra comes first of local species with an IVI of 13.72. The Palmaceae have the greatest FIV (Family Importance Value) in the zone with 34.73. Nyamson 3, Lable and Nyamson 1 have the most diversified farms. The ascending hierarchical clustering (AHC) shows four groups of agroforest plots. The box Agroforests of Mbam-et-Kim and Mbam-et-Inoubou divisions on the one hand shows their effectiveness in conservation of plant diversity and on the other hand in households' food security.
... En el Soconusco el cacao se ha cultivado en bosques manejados o agrobosques. Este tipo de bosques son un componente de los sistemas agroforestales tradicionales que, al igual que en otras partes del mundo, también han incluido la agricultura de roza, tumba y quema, y los huertos familiares (véase Alcorn, 1990;Farrell y Altieri, 1995;Ford y Nigh, 2015;Gómez-Pompa y Kaus, 1990;Levasseur y Olivier, 2000;Peters, 2000). Pasaré ahora a una revisión de lo que sabemos acerca de las prácticas agroforestales tradicionales y el cultivo del cacao en el Soconusco precolombino, colonial, poscolonial y contemporáneo. ...
In the Special Report on Climate Change and Land, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the global potential for removal of carbon from the atmosphere by making biochar and amending it to soils in shifting cultivation systems was estimated to approximately 0.21 – 0.35 Gt C/year, corresponding to 2.1 – 3.6% of current global CO2 emissions. Here we review these estimates and present experiences from pilot field trials making biochar in shifting cultivation fields. Making use of some more recent data, we calculated a revised estimate of 0.17 Gt C/yr as the minimum feasible potential, and 0.32, Gt C/yr for the technical potential. The difference between these is that in order to realize the former, production costs as well as negative environmental impacts are minimal, whereas realizing the latter, on the other hand implies significant, potentially prohibitive, production cost and might also imply significant negative environmental impacts, including the emission of GHGs that in the worst case might offset the climate benefits provided by the biochar it. Taking into account that the addition of biochar to the soil increases tree growth rates, these estimates increase to 0.22 and 0.42 Gt C/yr, respectively. Remaining key challenges are to 1) identify production methods that ensure that emissions of GHGs and other environmental pollutants from biochar production are minimized, 2) reduce production costs, and 3) design procedures for monitoring the storage of biochar in soils under shifting cultivation and mechanisms for payments to shifting cultivators who carry out this work.
In the Biosphere Reserve of the Maya Lowlands, the large‐scale characterisation of the current wetlands ecology and the exploitation and management of their natural resources by the ancient Maya is severely constrained by the forest. This paper presents an integrated geomatic, geoarchaeological and ecological approach, developed to overcome this obstacle in the microregion of the Naachtun Maya city. It is based on the analysis of LiDAR, and field and laboratory data. This approach has revealed the mosaic of current ecological conditions of the wetlands, thanks to the characterisation and spatial modelling of the landforms, hydrology, vegetation and soil cover. It has enabled the characterisation of numerous hydraulic and agricultural structures: 70 large reservoirs, raised fields (the largest over 1.5 km²), canals and ditches (with a cumulative length of over 300 km) and dikes. Eight morphological types of hybrid structures—hydraulic and agricultural—are described. These constructions have enabled the intensive exploitation of water and soil resources, their management and the resulting environmental risks. This study has shown that the agroecosystems of lowland areas were created as early as ~1500 B.C.E. and evolved in a polyphasic way, until a phase of radical decline around 1000 C.E. This study has made it possible to characterise the legacy of the Maya Early Anthropocene on current wetlands, as well as their important natural and cultural heritage. KEYWORDS: agroecosystem, heritage, LiDAR, Maya, natural resources, wetlands
The primary theoretical question addressed in this book focuses on the lingering concern of how the ancient Maya in the northern Petén Basin were able to sustain large populations in the midst of a tropical forest environment during the Late Classic period. This book asks how agricultural intensification was achieved and how essential resources, such as water and forest products, were managed in both upland areas and seasonal wetlands, or bajos. All of these activities were essential components of an initially sustainable land use strategy that eventually failed to meet the demands of an escalating population. This spiraling disconnect with sound ecological principles undoubtedly contributed to the Maya collapse. The book's findings provide insights that broaden the understanding of the rise of social complexity - the expansion of the political economy, specifically - and, in general terms, the trajectory of cultural evolution of the ancient Maya civilization.
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Tropical rain forests are rich in plant and animal species. The sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products has been advocated as a strategy to best conserve this diversity. However, the development and implementation of such exploitation systems, which aim to reconcile conservation and economic development, are still hampered by the lack of information on the biological sustainability of these systems, the impact of these exploitation systems on the biological diversity and the insufficient knowledge of the role of forest products in the house-hold economy of forest dependent people and hence their prospects for economic development. Whether the exploitation of non-timber forest products from tropical rain forests is sustainable or not is still open to question, but data presently available on the biological, social and economic aspects of these extraction systems point at an interesting question: Does diversity come at a price? Namely, low density of conspecifics - and thus products - and hence low productivity for those involved in the collection of forest resources. The paper will further discuss whether domestication of forest species provide an alternative for some of these species? Species are part of a complex ecosystem and their functioning is partly depended on the presence of other species in the system. What are the attributes of the species which have to be taken into account in order to make domestication of forest species successful? Finally, the paper will return to the question: How to reconcile conservation and use of tropical rain forests? It will present a case for domesticating the forest instead of the species. Or in other words changing the forest composition without changing its structure and functioning, and maintaining acceptable levels of biodiversity.
Preface. I: Introduction. 1. The History of Agroforestry. 2. Definition and Concepts of Agroforestry. II: Agroforestry Systems and Practices. 3. Classification of Agroforestry Systems. 4. Distribution of Agroforestry Systems in the Tropics. 5. Shifting Cultivation and Improved Fallows. 6. Taungya. 7. Homegardens. 8. Plantation Crop Combinations. 9. Alley Cropping. 10. Other Agroforestry Systems and Practices. III: Agroforestry Species. 11. General Principles of Plant Productivity. 12. Agroforestry Species: the Multipurpose Trees. 13. Component Interactions. IV: Soil Productivity and Protection. 14. Tropical Soils. 15. Effects of Trees on Soils. 16. Nutrient Cycling and Soil Organic Matter. 17. Nitrogen Fixation. 18. Soil Conservation. V: Design and Evaluation of Agroforestry Systems. 19. The Diagnosis and Design (D&D) Methodology. 20. Field Experiments in Agroforestry. 21. On-Farm Research. 22. Economic Considerations. 23. Sociocultural Considerations. 24. Evaluation of Agroforestry Systems. 25. Agroforestry in the Temperate Zone. Glossary. SI Units and Conversion Factors. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations. Subject Index.
Studies of shifting cultivation and other slash-and-burn systems over the past 30 years have basically confirmed the conceptual model of carbon and nutrient cycling put forth by Nye and Greenland. The model stresses that soil biological processes should not be viewed in isolation but as an integral part of the system. There has been some progress in refining certain aspects of the model but most studies have merely provided more numbers for specific fluxes or pools in the cycle rather than the entire cycle. While these studies have reinforced the model of Nye and Greenland, they have not added much to understanding the controls or improving the predictive capacity that would allow improved management of slash-and-burn systems. Future studies should concentrate on controlling and manipulating certain components in the system and looking at the resulting changes in the other pools and processes in the system. Results from these types of studies can be combined with system models for simulating and comparing different management strategies.