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Detecting a genetic bottleneck in Gilbert's Potoroo (Potorous gilbertii) (Marsupialia: Potoroidae), inferred from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA sequence data


Abstract and Figures

Gilbert's Potoroo isAustralia's most critically endangeredmarsupial, known from a single population inthe Two Peoples Bay National Park in WesternAustralia. We present results from a study ofgenetic variation in microsatellite andmitochondrial DNA. Mean heterozygosity at fivemicrosatellite loci was 49.3%, and the amountof mtDNA variation was extremely low (π =0.0004). There was evidence for a bottleneckin both sets of markers, and this wasconsistent with a demographic decline. Effective population size was estimated usingtwo different models of mutation formicrosatellites (N e = 243 and 362). The results from this study highlight theconcern for the long-term survival of thisspecies.
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Conservation Genetics 3: 191–196, 2002.
© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 191
Detecting a genetic bottleneck in Gilbert’s Potoroo (Potorous gilbertii)
(Marsupialia: Potoroidae), inferred from microsatellite and mitochondrial
DNA sequence data
Elizabeth A. Sinclair1,2, Brian Costello3, Jacqueline M. Courtenay4& Keith A. Crandall2
1Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, W.A. 6907, Australia; 2Department of
Zoology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UTAH 84602, USA; 3School of Biological Sciences, University of New
South Wales, Sydney, N.S.W. 2052, Australia; 4School of Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Mt Hawley,
W.A. 6050, Australia (Corresponding author: E-mail:
Received 26 June 2001; accepted 20 August 2001
Key words: bottleneck, effective population size, microsatellites, mtDNA, Potorous gilbertii
Gilbert’s Potoroo is Australia’s most critically endangered marsupial, known from a single population in the
Two Peoples Bay National Park in Western Australia. We present results from a study of genetic variation in
microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA. Mean heterozygosity at five microsatellite loci was 49.3%, and the amount
of mtDNA variation was extremely low (π= 0.0004). There was evidence for a bottleneck in both sets of markers,
and this was consistent with a demographic decline. Effective population size was estimated using two different
models of mutation for microsatellites (Ne= 243 and 362). The results from this study highlight the concern for
the long-term survival of this species.
Gilbert’s Potoroo, Potorous gilbertii, is considered
to be the most critically endangered marsupial in
Australia (Maxwell et al. 1996). This species was
regarded as ‘presumed extinct’ (Seebeck et al. 1989),
until December 1994, when it was rediscovered in the
Two Peoples Bay National Park, Western Australia
(Sinclair et al. 1996). A study of phylogeneticrelation-
ships among extant congenerics indicated Gilbert’s
Potoroo should be given full species status (Sinclair
and Westerman 1997), and may be more closely
related to P. tridactylus, based on karyotype (Sinclair
et al. 2000).
P. gilbertii has probably survived at Two Peoples
Bay for similar reasons as the noisy scrub-bird (Atrich-
ornis clamosus), a species that was also rediscovered
in this area after being believed extinct (Webster
1962). Since 1970, management of the park has
focused on exclusion of fire from the noisy scrub-bird
areas. The successful implementation of this policy
has seen A. clamosus thrive in the last twenty years
(see Orr et al. 1994), and this may have helped P.
gilbertii. The very thick unburned vegetation has prob-
ably also provided some protection from introduced
predators. Heinsohn (1966) suggested that the absence
of the European fox, Vulpes vulpes, was a major
contributing factor to the continuing high numbers of
P. tridactylus in Tasmania. Regular fox baiting began
within the park in 1988. The subsequent reduction in
fox numbers may have allowed the wild population to
partially recover, but the impact of feral cats in the
area is unknown. The extremely small number of P.
gilbertii (10 captive, 17 wild) presently known from
the park suggests that this population may have been
through a recent demographic, and possibly a genetic
bottleneck. We collected data from microsatellite and
mitochondrial DNA to examine levels of variation, test
for evidence of a genetic bottleneck, and estimate the
effective population size in P. gilbertii. The presence
of a bottleneck is inferred from a significant deviation
from equilibrium expectations for microsatellite gene
diversity, the effective population size, structure of the
mtDNA cladogram, and genetic diversity estimates.
Methods and analyses
Tissue samples were collected from 17 wild caught
and 8 captive individuals, some of which were born
in captivity (n = 3, Table 1). DNA was extracted from
ear tissue samples using standard phenol/chloroform
extraction and isopropanol precipitation (Sambrook et
al. 1989). Genotypes were scored from 25 individuals
for five microsatellite loci originally isolated from P.
longipes (Luikart et al. 1997). Reverse primers in four
loci (P2, P3, P13, P22) were fluorescently labelled and
the remaining locus (P10) was end-labelled with γ33P-
ATP. PCR reactions contained 1×Geneamp PCR
buffer II, 2 pmol each primer, 1.25–2.5 mM mgCl2,
0.5 units AmpliTaq Gold (Perkin Elmer), 2 µlof1/10
dilution of template DNA, and water to 10 µl. Tth
plus (Biotech) was used for the end-labelled γ33P-
ATP primers. Reactions were performed in a PTC-100
thermal cycler (MJ Research Inc) at 94 C3min,
followed by 94 C 20 s, 50–54 C 60 s (except P22,
55–52 C touchdown, 0.5 C/cycle), 72 C45s,for
40 cycles, and 72 C 10 min. For those reactions that
incorporated fluorescently labelled primer, products
were run on an ABI 377, and scored using the program
ABI GenotyperTM. 550bp of mtDNA control region
were PCR amplified and sequenced in both directions
from 23 individuals using Mt15996L (Campbell et al.
1995) and macTDKD (Pope et al. 1996). PCR reac-
tions were identical to those published in Sinclair (in
press). Sequence alignment was made using ClustalX
(Thompson et al. 1997), with some adjustment by eye.
Allele frequencies and heterozygosities were
generated using GENEPOP version 3.1a (Raymond
and Rousset 1995). Exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium were performed for each locus (Rousset
and Raymond 1995), using the algorithm of Louis
and Dempster (1987), as there were four or fewer
alleles at each locus. For the nucleotide sequence
data, genetic diversity was estimated using π
(Tajima 1983) and θ(Kuhner et al. 1995, 1998). π
was estimated using Matrix 2.0 (D. Posada, program
available at
programs.htm). The computer program Fluctuate 1.3
was used to estimate theta, where θ=Neµ,Neis
the inbreeding effective population size and µis the
mutation rate per site per generation.
Detection of a bottleneck, using microsatellite
data, was an estimate of effective population size
(Ne) from heterozygosity (H) and the mutation rate
(µ), given that the heterozygosity was estimated for
P. gilbertii, and we used a mutation rate of 103
(Weber and Wong 1993). Estimates were made under
an infinite allele model (IAM, Crow and Kimura
1970) and a stepwise mutation model (SMM, Ohta
and Kimura 1973). The computer program Bottleneck
(Cornuet and Luikart 1996) was used to detect whether
there was a recent reduction in effective population
size. In a bottlenecked population, gene diversity will
be higher than that expected at equilibrium. Gene
diversity was estimated under three models, SMM,
IAM, and the two-phase model (TPM) of Di Rienzo
et al. (1994), which may be closer to the true model
of mutation for most loci. The proportion of alleles
attributed to SMM under the TPM was 90%, with
a variance of 4 (equal to the maximum number of
repeat differences among alleles). Ten thousand simu-
lation replicates were conducted under each model of
Microsatellite polymorphism was low (Table 2),
varying between two to four alleles per locus with
observed heterozygosities between 8.3 and 78.3%
(overall H = 49.3%). Exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium showed no significant excesses or defi-
cits of heterozygotes. The generally lower hetero-
zygosities in P. gilbertii than P. longipes may be the
result of using heterologous primers, as P. gilbertii has
considerably more variation at nuclear allozyme loci
(Seebeck and Johnston 1980; Sinclair and Westerman
1997). The effective population size was estimated
as 243 (IAM) and 362 (SMM). For the Bottleneck
analysis, Wilcoxon sign-rank tests were significant,
indicating a slight excess in gene diversity under all
three models: SMM, TPM, and IAM (p= 0.03125,
0.04688, 0.04688, respectively). These p-values did
not change with alternative proportions of alleles
attributed to the SMM (range 80–95%) or variance
(2–10) under the TPM.
Unambiguous sequence data were obtained for
521bp of control region from 23 P. gilbertii indi-
viduals. Ambiguity codes were required for some
samples at 29 positions. No further tests were
undertaken to assess if these ambiguous sites may
reflect heteroplasmy or nuclear copy. Complete
Table 1. Mitochondrial haplotypes and microsatellite genotypes for P. gilbertii. Animals currently in the wild (W) or
in captivity (C). Trap locations are given
Individual Sex Captive/ Mother Microsatellite loci MtDNA
ID wild P2 P3 P13 P22 P10 haplotype
1 F C 144/144 130/130 99/101 127/127 163/163 PgH1
2 M W 142/144 130/130 95/97 127/127 163/163 –
3 M C 142/142 130/130 95/97 125/127 163/163 PgH1
4 F C 142/144 130/130 97/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
6 M C 142/144 130/138 99/99 127/127 155/155 PgH1
7 M C 4 142/142 130/130 97/97 127/127 153/163 PgH1
8 (20) M W 142/144 130/130 99/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
9 M W 142/144 130/130 95/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
10 F C 144/144 130/130 97/99 127/127 153/155 PgH1
11 M C 10 142/144 130/130 97/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
12 F W 144/144 138/138 99/99 127/127 153/155 –
13 M W 144/144 130/138 95/97 127/127 153/155 PgH1
14 M W––––––
15 F W––––––
16 M W––––––
17 F W 142/144 130/130 99/99 127/127 – PgH1
18 F C (born) 1 142/144 130/138 99/101 127/127 155/163 PgH2
19 F C (born) 10 142/144 130/130 95/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
21 F W 144/144 130/138 95/99 127/127 155/163 PgH1
22 M W 144/144 130/138 95/99 127/127 155/163 PgH1
23 F W 144/144 138/138 97/99 PgH1
24 M W 142/144 130/138 95/97 127/127 155/163 PgH1
25 F W 144/144 130/138 95/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
26 M W 142/144 130/138 95/99 127/127 153/163 PgH3
27 F C 144/144 138/138 97/99 127/127 153/153 PgH1
28 M C (born) 10 142/144 130/130 97/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
29 F C (born) 17 144/144 130/138 95/99 127/127 153/163 PgH1
30 F W 144/144 138/138 99/99 125/127 153/163 PgH2
W= trapped, but no tissue sample collected.
sequences have been submitted to Genbank (accession
numbers AF421774–AF421788). Overall nucleotide
diversity among unambiguous sequence positions was
extremely low (π= 0.0004, range = 0.0000–0.0021).
The Fluctuate estimate of θwas considerably higher
(θ= 0.016), indicating higher diversity in the past or
a biased estimate due to small sample sizes. Three
unique haplotypes were identified that differed by a
single base, one of which was very common (PgH1,
frequency = 20).
Genetic evidence for a bottleneck was observed in
both the microsatellite and mitochondrial data sets.
Significant evidence for a bottleneck at the microsatel-
lite loci was based on the estimates for effective
population size and the Bottleneck analysis. Estimates
of effective population size were close to an order of
magnitude larger than the number of currently known
individuals. This pattern is typical of a recent bottle-
neck, where the census population is considerably
lower than the inbreeding effective population size
(Crandall et al. 1999 e.g. Gerber and Templeton 1996).
This result may also be observed when an incorrect
mutation rate is used or when the true population is
larger than the number of individuals that have been
trapped so far. However, given that their distribution
is very patchy within the National Park, and that a
large portion has been surveyed, it is unlikely that
Table 2. Allele frequencies, observed heterozygosities, and
expected heterozygosities under Hardy Weinberg equilibrium for
P. gilbertii. Sample sizes are given in parentheses
Locus Alleles (named by size in bp) HeHo
and their frequencies
P2 142 144
(25) 0.320 0.680 0.444 0.480
P3 130 138
(25) 0.660 0.340 0.458 0.360
(25) 0.220 0.240 0.500 0.040 0.656 0.760
P22 125 127
(24) 0.042 0.958 0.082 0.083
P10 153 155 163
(23) 0.348 0.196 0.457 0.646 0.783
Mean 0.457 0.493
±SE 0.104 0.131
there is a large undetected population. The models
used to calculate Neboth assume neutrality of loci,
and that populations are at equilibrium. In P. gilbertii,
it is likely that at least the second of these assump-
tions has been violated. However, we suggest that the
higher effective population size estimate is consistent
with a recent demographic bottleneck: that is, gene
diversity measures are elevated relative to the equi-
librium expectations due to a loss of rare alleles.
Explicit testing for a bottleneck (significant result)
also supports this conclusion.
Effects of a recent bottleneck are more likely
observed in the mitochondrial DNA due to its haploid
nature and maternal inheritance (e.g. Snowbank and
Krajewski 1995; Mundy et al. 1997). The number of
unique P. gilbertii haplotypes (n = 3) and variable sites
was extremely low (n = 2/550; although it is not known
if further variation may be indicated at those sequence
positions that could not be fully resolved). This
level of variation is comparable to other Australian
marsupials which have been through extreme demo-
graphic declines (e.g., the numbat, Myrmecobius
fasciatus; n = 9/663bp, 1.4%; Fumagali et al. 1999).
Similar patterns are seen in island populations relative
to mainland populations (e.g., the Thevenard Island
mouse, Leggadina lakedownensis, which has no vari-
ation among 16 control region sequences; Moro et al.
1998). It is difficult, however, to distinguish between
a species having naturally low levels of variation
and a significant loss in variation as the result of a
bottleneck, particularly when there is no large extant
population (or suitable museum material) with which
to make comparisons. An alternative approach is to
compare estimates of πand θto gain insight into the
species’ population history (see Templeton 1993). The
coalescent estimator of genetic diversity (θ= 0.016)
was considerably larger than the Tajima estimator (π
= 0.0004), implying historically higher diversity for
P. gilbertii. This estimate likely reflects a time when
this species had a wider distribution and larger popula-
tion size. Given Ne=θ/4µ, if we use the estimates
for historical and present genetic diversity, and a µof
2%/Myr (Wilson et al. 1985), then Neis estimated as
2000 and 50 respectively, also consistent with a recent
Here, we have presented multiple lines of evidence
for a genetic bottleneck in P. gilbertii. Although it is
difficult to determine the census size, it has no doubt
suffered a significant demographic decline since the
arrival of Europeans in the early nineteenth century.
The effects of this bottleneck are fairly extreme in
the mitochondrial DNA, and occur to a lesser (but
significant) extent in the nuclear microsatellite loci.
This pattern is expected under conditions of a recent
bottleneck (as illustrated in Figure 9, Wilson et al.
Implications for conservation
Estimating effective population size is important
for conservation of endangered species since small
populations may lose variation very quickly (Lande
and Barrowclough 1987; Nunney and Elam 1994).
Our estimates of inbreeding effective population
size from microsatellite data are higher than the
minimum recommended for short-term viable popula-
tions (effective population size of 50; Franklin 1980).
Given this, our higher estimates of Neindicate that this
species still has considerable variation at nuclear loci
relative to the census population. Therefore, our goal
should be to increase the census population to main-
tain a variance effective population size of at least 500,
thus preventing further erosion of genetic variation.
For this to be achieved, a successful captive breeding
program is required that incorporates assessments of
genetic variation on mating pairs.
Potorous gilbertii is essentially showing a pattern
of that observed in island populations (also see
Eldridge et al. 1999; Sinclair, in press). However, the
major advantage of islands as refuges for threatened
or endangered species is that many of the processes
that cause declines or extinctions on the mainland are
usually absent from them (Dickman 1992). Here, we
have a species that shows similar genetic effects to
island populations (a small, geographically isolated
population), but with the added pressures associ-
ated with extinctions on the mainland. Long-term
survival of P. gilbertii in the wild is not promis-
ing. It will be dependent on an integrated approach
involving continued preservation of the Two Peoples
Bay National Park as a conservation area, continued
control of non-native predators, success of the captive
breeding program, surveying for new populations,
maintenance of remaining genetic diversity, and
possible translocation of animals into formerly occu-
pied habitats.
Thank you to Bridget Hyder, Adrian Wayne, Leigh
Whisson, Wes Manson, Jeff Middleton, Sarah Vetten,
and Alan Danks for their help in the field; Bill
Sherwin for the use of his laboratory at the Univer-
sity of New South Wales; David Posada for advice
on analyses; members of the Potoroo Recovery Team;
Mike Johnson, Jack Sites, and Bill Sherwin for
their constructive comments on earlier drafts of this
manuscript. The Gilbert’s Potoroo Recovery Program
is funded by Environment Australia, Edith Cowan
University, and the Department of Conservation and
Land Management (CALM). Funding for this project
was provided by the University of Western Australia,
ALCOA of Australia, and an Australian Post-graduate
Research Award to EAS.
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... The burrowing bettong (Bettongia lesueur) and rufous hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes hirsutus) are now restricted to populations on Barrow Island and the islands of Shark Bay, and the spectacled hare-wallaby (L. conspicillatus: Figure 1d) is reduced in range, while Gilbert's potoroo (Potorous gilbertii) on the south coast is among the most critically endangered of all mammals (Sinclair et al. 2002). The tammar wallaby (M. ...
... Fewer than 50 individuals remained and a management programme was established in order to conserve the population by habitat preservation, predator control and captive breeding (Courtenay & Friend 2004). Genetic studies of the population indicated a substantial genetic bottleneck consistent with significant population decline (Sinclair et al. 2002). Captive-breeding attempts have been unsuccessful and faecal hormonal measurements demonstrated a lack of reproductive hormonal activity in captive females (Stead-Richardson et al. 2010). ...
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Marsupials, the quintessential Australian animals, have attracted considerable interest from the scientific community, both at home and abroad. Nowhere is this more evident than in Western Australia. The following review provides an overview of the history of marsupial research in Western Australia, outlining major contributors and findings along the way. Most research can be grouped within one or more of three major study streams; taxonomy and natural history (‘relicts’); reproductive biology and physiology (‘reproduction’) and conservation ecology (‘reintroductions’). Four Australidelphian marsupial orders are represented among the WA fauna; Dasyuromorphia, Peramelemorphia, Diprotodontia and Notoryctemorphia. Many of these species are endemic to WA, some of which represent isolated relicts of ancient phylogenetic lines. Contemporary threatening processes, including habitat change or loss, changes in fire regime and introduced predators, have led to ‘modern’ relicts; many of which exist in very small, disjointed remnants of their former geographical range. The experimental study of Australian marsupials was pioneered by H. ‘Harry’ Waring, who saw the potential for the application of classical physiological techniques to the unstudied marsupial fauna. The establishment of the field research station at Rottnest Island in WA led to an array of studies of the ecology and physiology of the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) from the 1950s to the early 1970s. These became a platform for our understanding of marsupial reproductive biology. More recently, research on the ecophysiology, genetics and immunology of WA marsupials has been strongly tied to conservation. A major management tool has been to use these studies to guide threatened species translocations and similar conservation attempts. Keywords Marsupialia; diversity; reproductive biology; conservation; Western Australia
... A further relevant question to ask is should the reproductively isolated and morphologically divergent entities be labelled as subspecies, full species, or potentially higher level again. Key literature relevant to the taxonomic and nomenclatural conclusions within this paper include Abbott (2008), Amos (1982), Bannister et al. (1988), Bee and Close (1993), Bennett (1993), Bensley (1903), Bougher and Friend (2009), Browning et al. (2001), Bryant and Krosch (2016), Burbidge and Manly (2002), Butler and Merrilees (1970), Byrne et al. (2008Byrne et al. ( , 2011, Claridge et al. (2007Claridge et al. ( , 2010, Courtney (1963), Desmarest (1804), Dexter and Murray (2009), Eldridge (1997), Eldridge and Close (1992), Eldridge and Potter (2020), Eldridge et al. (2001), Finlayson (1938), Ford (2014), Frankham et al. (2011Frankham et al. ( , 2012, Friend (2003), Groves et al. (2005), Guiler (1958, 1960, Guiler and Kitchener (1967, Gould (1841Gould ( , 1844Gould ( , 1851, Gray (1837), Heinsohn (1936), Hoke (1990), Hope (1969), Hoser (1991), Iredale and Troughton (1934), Jackson (2008), Johnson (2003), Johnston (1973), Sharman (1976, 1977), Johnston et al. (1984), Kerr (1792), Kitchener (1973), Lawlor (1979), Linné et al. (1792, Long (2001), Mahoney (1964), Mason (1997), Matschie (1916), Maxwell et al. (1996) Potter et al. (2012aPotter et al. ( , 2012bPotter et al. ( , 2012cPotter et al. ( , 2014, Ride (1970), Ride et al. (1999), Rounsevell et al. (1991), Seebeck (1991), Seebeck and Johnston (1980), Shaw (1800), Short (1998), Shortridge (1910), Sinclair and Westerman (1997), Sinclair et al. (1996Sinclair et al. ( , 2000Sinclair et al. ( , 2002, Spencer (1991), Stead-Richardson et al. (2010), Strahan (1988), Tate (1948), Thomas (1888Thomas ( , 1909, Vaughan et al. (2007), Vaughan (1986), Vaughan-Higgins et al. (2011), Vernes and Jarman (2014), Westerman et ...
ABSTRACT Potoroos within the family Potoroidae are small marsupials which were abundant at the time Europeans first came to Australia (White and Stone 1790). They have severely declined in number since. Three main species groups, all currently placed in the genus Potorous Desmarest, 1804 (type species Didelphis tridactyla Kerr, 1792) have been formally described and named, containing one putative species each based on most recently published classifications. One of these, the Long-nosed Potoroo Potorous tridactylus (Kerr, 1792) was recently subdivided into two species, namely P. gilberti (Gould, 1841) from Western Australia and P. tridactylus from eastern Australia, treated as consisting three subspecies, being the nominate form from the Central Coast of New South Wales, P. tridactylus apicalis (Gould, 1851) from Tasmania and P. tridactylus trisulcatus (McCoy, 1865) from Victoria (Frankham et al. 2012). Molecular studies have shown east Australian P. tridactylus to consist of four main divergent clades and so the unnamed one is formally named in this paper as P. waddahyamin sp. nov. based on well-known morphological divergences. Each of the four clades are also formally elevated to full species based on known dates of divergence being 1.32 and 2.45 MYA from nearest common ancestor. Of the three main species groups within the putative genus Potorous two have generic names available being Potorous and Potoroops Matschie, 1916 for the type species Hypsiprymnus platyops Gould, 1844. The third species group does not. As the molecular studies of Westerman et al. (2004) and Frankham et al. (2012) showed genus-level divergences between the groups, the unnamed one is formally named for the first time. The species Potorous longipes Seebeck and Johnston, 1980 is formally placed in the new genus Rossignolius gen. nov.. Keywords: Taxonomy; nomenclature; classification; Potoroo; Marsupials; Potoroidae; Potorous; Potoroops; Hypsiprymnus; platyops; tridactylus; trisulcatus; gilberti; apicalis; longipes; New genus; Rossignolius; new species; waddahyamin.
... If successful, this procedure would have several benefits. It would (i) increase the genetic variability in the captive colony (as far as possible, given the limited variability in the wild population reported by Sinclair et al., 2002), (ii) accelerate overall reproduction of young by the wild population by enabling a female to produce more than the estimated maximum of three young per year, and (iii) increase the reproductive potential of the captive breeding colony so that it could fulfil both of its original purposes of insurance and provision of animals for translocation. ...
... In Bennett's wallaby, another species introduced to New Zealand in the 1870's, the number of founders of the New Zealand population and a post-translocation bottleneck were investigated by analysis of microsatellites and mtDNA (Le Page et al. 2000). A number of other studies have also investigated bottlenecks and inbreeding in various macropod species using combinations of microsatellite markers and mtDNA (Eldridge et al. 1999;Bowyer, Newell, and Eldridge 2002;Sinclair et al. 2002;Eldridge et al. 2004). In future macropod studies it is now possible to investigate the sex-specific components of genetic diversity with the incorporation of X and Y chromosome microsatellites into population genetic analyses. ...
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Microsatellites are simple repetitive DNA sequences that are used as genetic markers throughout the biological sciences. The high levels of variation observed at microsatellite loci contribute to their utility in studies at the population and individual levels. This variation is a consequence of mutations that change the length of microsatellite repeat tracts. Current understanding suggests that most mutations are caused by polymerase slippage during DNA replication and lead to changes of a single repeat unit in length, but some changes involving multiple repeats can also occur. Despite this simplistic overview, there is evidence for considerable heterogeneity in mutation processes between species, loci and alleles. Such complex patterns suggest that other mechanisms, including those associated with DNA recombination, are also involved in the generation of microsatellite mutations. Understanding which mutational mechanisms are responsible for variation at microsatellite markers is essential to enable accurate data interpretation in genotyping projects, as many commonly used statistics assume specific mutation models. I developed microsatellite markers specific to the X and Y chromosomes and an autosome in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, and investigated their evolutionary properties using two approaches: indirectly, as inferred from population data, and directly, from observation of mutation events. First, I found that allelic richness increased with repeat length and that two popular mutation models, the stepwise mutation model and the infinite allele model, were poor at predicting the number of alleles per locus, particularly when gene diversity was high. These results suggest that neither model can account for all mutations at tammar wallaby microsatellites and hint at the involvement of more complex mechanisms than replication slippage. I also determined levels of variation at each locus in two tammar wallaby populations. I found that allelic richness was highest for chromosome 2, intermediate for the X chromosome and lowest for the Y chromosome in both populations. Thus, allelic richness varied between chromosomes in the manner predicted by their relative exposure to recombination, although these results may also be explained by the relative effective population sizes of the chromosomes studied. Second, I used small-pool PCR from sperm DNA to observe de novo mutation events at three of the most polymorphic autosomal markers. To determine the reliability of my observations I developed and applied strict criteria for scoring alleles and mutations at microsatellite loci. I observed mutations at all three markers, with rate variation between loci. Single step mutations could not be distinguished because of the limitations of the approach, but 24 multi-step mutations, involving changes of up to 35 repeat units, were recorded. Many of these mutations involved changes that could not be explained by the gain or loss of whole repeat units. These results imply that a large number of mutations at tammar wallaby microsatellites are caused by mechanisms other than replication slippage and are consistent with a role for recombination in the mutation process. Taken as a whole, my results provide evidence for complex mutation processes at tammar wallaby microsatellites. I conclude that careful characterisation of microsatellite mutation properties should be conducted on a case-by-case basis to determine the most appropriate mutation models and analysis tools for each locus. In addition, my work has provided a set of chromosome-specific markers for use in macropod genetic studies, which includes the first marsupial Y chromosome microsatellites. Sex chromosome microsatellites open a new range of possibilities for population studies, as they provide opportunities to investigate gene flow in a male context, to complement data from autosomal and maternally-inherited mitochondrial markers.
... The estimate of effective population size should not be considered a census of the total population of the species, as it only estimates the number of breeding individuals contributing to the gene pool. Interestingly, the recent historical diversity estimates (y w ) are almost double those of the current diversity estimates (y p ) (Table 5), showing a sharp decline, nearly 50% loss, in the recent history of the species (Sinclair et al., 2002;Yu et al., 2003;Buhay & Crandall, 2005). Clade (D c ) and nested clade (D n ) distances are given. ...
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Cambarus tenebrosus is a unique freshwater crayfish species, inhabiting both subterranean and surface habitats in southeastern United States. This facultative cave-dweller is found in all aquatic karst areas within its range, including deep pits, massive underground rivers, springs, and surface streams, which makes this species ideal for a phylogeographic study. The objectives of our research are to: 1.) determine if C. tenebrosus is a single lineage or represents multiple cryptic species using phylogenetic methods, 2.) evaluate the evolutionary history and current gene flow patterns of C. tenebrosus using Nested Clade Analysis, and 3.) assess genetic diversity and conservation status of the species. We have gathered molecular genetic data from over 300 individuals from cave and surface environments across the entire range, with focus on the Cumberland Plateau from Kentucky to Alabama. Preliminary findings suggest that there are several clades of C. tenebrosus, but these clades geographically overlap in many areas. There is also no association between genetics and habitat (surface vs. subsurface), suggesting that there is gene flow between the two environment types. The origin of the species appears to be around Western Kentucky and Indiana, which then expanded southward down the Cumberland Plateau.
... McEachern et al., 2011;Mock et al., 2004) even though it was successful in other cases (e.g. Sinclair et al., 2002). Furthermore, a number of studies reported that its results were dependent on parameter settings (Busch et al., 2007;Le Page et al., 2000). ...
Translocations are an important conservation strategy for many species. However simply observing demographic growth of a translocated population is not sufficient to infer species recovery. Adequate genetic representation of the source population(s) and their long-term viability should also be considered. The woylie Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi has been subject to more formal translocations for conservation than any other marsupial that, up until recently, has resulted in one of the most successful species recoveries in Australia. We used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers to assess the genetic outcomes of translocated woylie populations. These populations have lost genetic variability, differentiated from their source population and the supplementation program on two island populations appears to have failed. We discuss the conservation implications that our results have for managing threatened species, outline some general recommendations for the management of present and future translocations and discuss the appropriate sampling design for the establishment of new populations or captive breeding programs that may mitigate the genetic 'erosion' seen in our study species. This research provides some practical outcomes and a pragmatic understanding of translocation biology. The findings are directly applicable to other translocation programs.
... The possibility of an increased probability of extinction because of decreased genetic variance is a significant concern of conservation biology as evidenced by the number of papers focused on this phenomenon in journals such as Conservation Genetics, Conservation Biology and Animal Conservation: a search using the term ''bottleneck*'' under the division of Biodiversity Conservation in web of science produced 402 papers, 342 of which were published in the last 10 years. Analysis of genetic variation using molecular markers in populations passing through such population bottlenecks has shown significant loss of genetic variation: examples include eutherian mammals (Bonnell and Selander 1974;Neumann et al. 2004;Culver et al. 2008;Durrant et al. 2009;Haanes et al. 2010;Corti et al. 2011;Fenderson et al. 2011;Ricanova et al. 2011;Sastre et al. 2011), marsupials (Sinclair et al. 2002;Cardoso et al. 2009), birds (Bellinger et al. 2003;Munoz-Fuentes et al. 2005;Funk et al. 2010;Kuro-o et al. 2010), amphibians (Schoville et al. 2011), fish (Consuegra et al. 2005;Earl et al. 2010;Swatdipong et al. 2010) and plants (Jacquemyn et al. 2010). Despite the loss of molecular variation after passing through a bottleneck numerous species (but not all-see, for example, Heber and Briskie 2010) have shown few ill effects and their populations have expanded and persisted: for example, the Northern elephant seal (Hoelzel 1999;Weber et al. 2000;Hoelzel et al. 2002), the kakerori, an endemic bird of the Cook Islands (Chan et al. 2011), the Seychelles kestrel (Groombridge et al. 2009), the skink, Oligosoma suteri (Miller et al. 2011), the butterfly, Parnassius apollo (Habel et al. 2009) and the stingless bee Melipona scutellus (Alves et al. 2011). ...
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Because of anthropogenic factors many populations have been at least temporarily reduced to a very small population size. Such reductions could potentially decrease genetic variation and increase the probability of extinction. Analysis of molecular markers has shown a decrease in genetic variation but in many cases this has not reduced the ability of the population to recover from the bottleneck. This apparent paradox is resolved by a consideration of how population bottlenecks can affect additive genetic variance, the relevant measure of ability to respond to selective factors. A bottleneck has the potential to increase additive genetic variance in a population. This may result in an increase in fitness, particularly in populations of conservation concern that are small and lack genetic variation. Here we present a meta-analysis of experimental tests of this prediction using models designed to fit data that is strictly additive and data that has non-additive components. This analysis shows that additive genetic variance in a dataset dominated by morphological traits increases, on average, after a bottleneck event when the inbreeding coefficient is less than 0.3, but neither of the theoretical models alone can adequately explain this result. Because of our inability at present to predict the results of a population bottleneck in a specific case and the probability of extinction associated with small population size we caution against using bottlenecks to increase genetic variance, and thus the fitness, of endangered populations.
... If successful, this procedure would have several benefits. It would (i) increase the genetic variability in the captive colony (as far as possible, given the limited variability in the wild population reported by Sinclair et al., 2002), (ii) accelerate overall reproduction of young by the wild population by enabling a female to produce more than the estimated maximum of three young per year, and (iii) increase the reproductive potential of the captive breeding colony so that it could fulfil both of its original purposes of insurance and provision of animals for translocation. Initial studies examining the feasibility of cross-fostering amongst potoroids are using young from Potorous tridactylus and trial Potorous tridactylus, Bettongia penicillata and Bettongia lesueur as potential surrogates. ...
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Genetic rescue is now a serious management consideration for protecting small and isolated populations from the negative effects of inbreeding and genetic drift on genetic diversity and population viability. However, such populations might be already vulnerable to random fluctuations in growth rates (demographic stochasticity). Therefore, the success of genetic rescue depends not only on the genetic composition of the source and target populations, but also on the emergent outcome of interacting demographic processes and other stochastic events. Developing predictive models that account for feedback between demographic and genetic processes ('demo-genetic feedback') is therefore necessary to guide genetic-rescue interventions that potentially minimise the risk of extinction of threatened populations. We review the available software and explore how they could be used to develop practical simulations that incorporate demo-genetic feedback to plan and implement scenarios of genetic rescue. We then present a summary of a literature search of available genetic data using Australian threatened marsupials as a case study. We conclude with a guided approach for making model-based decisions on implementing genetic rescue.
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Predation by cats, and land clearance, have been major causes of extinction on Australian offshore islands, while hunting and land clearance have probably been most important in the New Guinea region. Some relict populations on 'sensitive' islands are at known or potential risk from these and other extinction-causing factors. These should be surveyed to determine their current status, and steps taken to remove the risk factors. Populations on other sensitive islands should also be monitored. Except for Tasmania, with eight relict species, many of the most important islands for mammals are in Western Australia (e.g. Bernier, Dorre, Barrow Islands). This has been recognised by the W.A. Department of Conservation and Land Management, which has established a program of survey and management that could serve as a model for island conservation elsewhere in the Australasian region. The Future The extraordinary loss of mammals in Australasia over the last 200 years is a small but important part of the global environmental crisis. Already 20 species are extinct, and many more stand on the brink. No ready solution is at hand to stem this extinction cascade. However, there is hope that losses can be slowed by captive breeding programs, by control of introduced species, and by an increased public awareness of the biodiversity crisis that may translate into more funding for research and a more sympathetic treatment of the environment. Islands in the Australasian region are extremely important refuges and repositories for species that are extinct or declining on the mainland. The existence of island faunas, however, should not be a recipe for complacency, or seen as a solution to the extinction problem. Rather, we should view islands as staging posts that, for some mammals at least, provide us with more time to grapple with the factors that are causing their demise in more extensive mainland areas elsewhere.
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The level of mitochondrial differentiation between Thevenard Island and mainland populations of the short-tailed mice Leggadina lakedownensis was determined using DNA sequencing of the Control Region. Using temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, outgroup heteroduplex analysis detected eight haplotypes. These were sequenced for 362 base-pairs. Our results show that the Thevenard Island Short-tailed Mouse is indeed L. lakedownensis, and is most closely related to L. lakedownensis in the Pilbara in Western Australia. Together, Thevenard Island and adjacent mainland populations are sufficiently divergent from those in northern Australia as to be recognized as two clearly distinct mitochondrial DNA lineages. Conservation and taxonomic implications arising from a phylogeny of haplotypes suggest that two Management Units exist within L. lakedownensis - a northern unit that includes individuals from the Kimberley (Western Australia) to Kakadu National Park (Northern Territory), and a western unit comprising individuals from Thevenard Island and the Pilbara (Western Australia). These conservation units should be managed as separate subspecies of L. lakedownensis, and a high conservation priority should be given to the Thevenard Island population because it provides an important refugium for L. lakedownensis not just in the Pilbara, but in Australia.
It has been argued that demographic and environmental factors will cause small, isolated populations to become extinct before genetic factors have a significant negative impact. Islands provide an ideal opportunity to test this hypothesis because they often support small, isolated populations that are highly vulnerable to extinction. To assess the potential negative impact of isolation and small population size, we compared levels of genetic variation and fitness in island and mainland populations of the black-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale lateralis[Marsupialia: Macropodidae]). Our results indicate that the Barrow Island population of P. lateralis has unprecedented low levels of genetic variation ( He= 0.053, from 10 microsatellite loci) and suffers from inbreeding depression (reduced female fecundity, skewed sex ratio, increased levels of fluctuating asymmetry). Despite a long period of isolation (∼1600 generations) and small effective population size ( Ne∼15), demographic and environmental factors have not yet driven this population to extinction. Nevertheless, it has been affected significantly by genetic factors. It has lost most of its genetic variation and become highly inbred ( Fe= 0.91), and it exhibits reduced fitness. Because several other island populations of P. lateralis also exhibit exceptionally low levels of genetic variation, this phenomenon may be widespread. Inbreeding in these populations is at a level associated with high rates of extinction in populations of domestic and laboratory species. Genetic factors cannot then be excluded as contributing to the extinction proneness of small, isolated populations.
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Potorous longipes, sp. nov., is described from east Gippsland, Vic. It is distinguished from P. tridactylus on the basis of cranial and pedal morphology, the presence of 24 chromosomes in both sexes (cf. P. tridactylus, 12 males, 13 females ) and electrophoretic differences in blood proteins. Descriptions of its open forest habitat are provided and its distribution relative to P. tridactylus in eastern Victoria is mapped. Brief notes on maintenance of the species in captivity are given.