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Characterisation of polymorphic microsatellite markers
in the widespread Australian seagrass, Posidonia australis
Hook. f. (Posidoniaceae), with cross-amplification
in the sympatric P. sinuosa
E. A. Sinclair ÆJ. Anthony ÆG. T. Coupland ÆM. Waycott ÆM. D. Barrett Æ
R. L. Barrett ÆM. L. Cambridge ÆM. J. Wallace ÆK. W. Dixon Æ
S. L. Krauss ÆG. A. Kendrick
Received: 17 July 2009 / Accepted: 31 July 2009 / Published online: 26 August 2009
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
Abstract We developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite
markers in the Australian seagrass Posidonia australis
Hook. f. Markers were screened for their ability to detect
within- and among-population genetic structure and vari-
ation. The markers showed a range in levels of polymor-
phism from fixed differences between the two sampled
seagrass meadows to high levels of heterozygosity. These
markers will be used to estimate gene flow across the
species range, characterise the mating system through
paternity analysis and pollen dispersal, characterise the
nature and extent of clonality, and determine the genetic
differentiation of local seagrass meadows to provide
information on where to source local genetic provenance
material for seagrass restoration projects. Seven of the 10
loci also amplified in the sympatric P. sinuosa and will be
useful in future studies in population genetics and
Keywords Posidonia australis Microsatellites
Clonal diversity Restoration Cross-species
amplification Posidonia sinuosa
Seagrasses are important to the health and productivity of
temperate and tropical coastal marine environments and
occur in greatest abundance in sheltered coastal embay-
ments and estuaries (Orth et al. 2006). Significant decline
in seagrass communities has been recorded in many parts
of the world (Walker and McComb 1992; Kendrick et al.
2002; Waycott et al. 2009) and this loss has been correlated
with human development and eutrophication (Orth et al.
2006). Aside from the obvious long-term ecological
impacts, there is a very real and large commercial loss to
the fishing industry associated with seagrass decline
(Costanza et al. 1997; Bjork et al. 2008). The restoration of
seagrass meadows following their disturbance or removal
from coastal marine environments is a global priority
(Fonseca et al.2000), with research focused on developing
methods of transplanting vegetative units (sprigs, plugs,
sods) and seedlings (e.g., Kirkman 1998; Paling et al. 2001;
Bastyan and Cambridge 2008).
Seagrasses are angiosperms, producing pollen and seeds
that disperse through the water column as well as spreading
vegetatively through rhizome extension (Edgar 2000). An
understanding of the extent of seed and pollen dispersal,
genetic composition of individual meadows, within and
among population genetic structure, and the mating system,
will have important implications for sourcing propagules
for restoration of damaged meadows. The Australian sea-
grass Posidonia australis Hook. f. is widespread along the
Australian coastline, occurring from Shark Bay in northern
Western Australia around the southern coast to Lake
Macquarie in central New South Wales, and along the
northern coast of Tasmania (Gobert et al. 2006). Population
differentiation at a broad geographic scale has been
reported in P. australis, but these results were based on a
low number of weakly polymorphic markers e.g., five
polymorphic allozyme loci (Waycott et al. 1997) and 28
E. A. Sinclair (&)J. Anthony M. D. Barrett
R. L. Barrett M. J. Wallace K. W. Dixon S. L. Krauss
Botanic Gardens & Parks Authority, Fraser Avenue,
West Perth, WA 6005, Australia
E. A. Sinclair G. T. Coupland M. D. Barrett
R. L. Barrett M. L. Cambridge M. J. Wallace
K. W. Dixon S. L. Krauss G. A. Kendrick
School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia,
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
M. Waycott
School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University,
Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia
Conservation Genet Resour (2009) 1:273–276
DOI 10.1007/s12686-009-9067-y
Table 1 Characteristics of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from Posidonia australis
Locus ID Repeat motif Primer sequence (50–30) Dye
temp (°C)
range (bp)
accession number
PaA1-F (TG)16 CCA CCA ATG AAA CCA TAA GG D4 240 59 1.5 242–256 8 GQ397100
PaA105-F (AC)15 GCC TCA TCT AAG GAA TCT TTT G D2 201 58 2.0 200–237 8 GQ397101
PaA120-F (CA)37 TGC CAC TAT GAT TTA TCT CCC D2 205 59 1.75 172–198 8 GQ397102
PaB6-F (TG)9 CCC AAC AAT TTG AAG AAA ACA C D4 243 57 2.0 203–245 3 GQ397103
PaB8-F (GA)23 CCA AAG AGT GTA GGA AGA GTG C D3 212 60 2.0 188–340 8 GQ397104
PaB112-F (CT)16 GCC CTC TCT TAC TCT CTC TCG D4 179 61 2.0 184–190 5 GQ397105
PaD12-F (TGA)2C(TGA)5 TGA TTC TCG CTT CCT TAC TTA C D3 278 57 2.0 269–288 2 GQ397106
PaD113-F (CAT)11 CCT GAT ACC TGC TGT GAT ACC D3 198 60 2.0 189–207 5 GQ397107
PaD114-F (GA)8 (GT)7 CAC CAC GAA CAA AAG TCA TAC C D2 228 57 2.0 209–245 2 GQ397108
Pa118/9F (CT)12 GAA GAC CAG ATG TTG ACA D2 125 48 2.0 125–143 6 GQ397109
274 Conservation Genet Resour (2009) 1:273–276
polymorphic RAPD DNA bands (Waycott 1998). Allo-
zyme markers indicated significant differentiation between
western and eastern Australian populations, while RAPDs
indicated a pattern of isolation by distance. However, the
pattern in allozymes was driven largely by a single locus.
Here, we present a suite of polymorphic microsatellite
DNA markers for P. australis to improve the resolution of
population genetic structure.
DNA was extracted using a PVP-SDS method (Waycott
and Barnes 2001) from fresh frozen leaf material collected
from Cockburn Sound, Western Australia. A microsatellite
repeat enriched DNA library was constructed using the
Hamilton linker system to prevent and identify concate-
nated genomic fragments in the final products (Hamilton
et al. 1999). Genomic library enrichment protocols,
screening, and primer design were conducted according to
Fox et al. (2007) using 5 lg total genomic DNA extracted
using a Qiagen Plant DNA extraction kit. A total of
424 clones were screened; 32 contained repeated DNA
sequences and primers were synthesized for 14 of these.
DNA was also sent to Genetic Identification Services Inc.
( for the development
of four enriched microsatellite libraries: CA, GA, AAC,
and ATG. A total of 71 microsatellite-containing clones
were identified. Primers were designed for 56 of these,
using DesignerPCR version 1.03 (Research Genetics, Inc.).
We optimised and screened a total of 34 loci for variation
using seven samples from seven sites across the complete
geographic range of P. australis. Ten loci were polymor-
phic and are reported here.
Variation was assessed in these 10 loci using samples
arbitrarily collected from two P. australis meadows,
Woodman Point, Cockburn Sound (n=20), Western
Australia and from Port Stephens (n=20), New South
Wales. Microsatellite loci were amplified in 10 ll reaction
volumes containing 2.0 ll59PCR buffer containing
dNTPs (Fisher Biotec), 1.5–2.0 mM MgCl
[25 mM],
0.44U Taq (Fisher Biotec), 0.8 ll [1.5–2.0 mM] of each
primer, 2.0 ll of diluted template DNA [5 ng/ll], and
water to 10 ll. The thermal cycling profile consisted of
3 min at 94°C, followed by 30 cycles of 40 s denaturation
at 94°C, 40 s annealing at 48–61°C (Table 1), and 30 s
extension at 72°C, followed by 15 min final extension at
72°C. Improved amplification was obtained using 35
cycles and a 7 min final extension for PaA1, PaB6, and
PaD114. The forward primer from each pair was fluores-
cently end-labeled (Beckman Coulter dyes; Table 1).
Cycling was performed in an MJ 9700 thermal cycler
(Bio-RAD). Multiple PCR products were combined where
possible (pre-determined by size and label) and run on a
CEQ 8800 Genetic Analysis System (Beckman Coulter).
Allele sizes were determined using size standard 400 and
scored using the Beckman Coulter software.
Table 2 Allelic diversity and heterozygosity in P. australis at two different sampling locations, and cross amplification in P. sinuosa
Locus ID Woodman Point, Western Australia Port Stephens, New South Wales P. sinuosa, Western Australia
N Size range
No. alleles Obs. Het. Exp.
N Size range
Obs. Het. Exp. Het. N Size range
Obs. Het. Exp. Het.
PaA1 20 232–275 6 0.550 0.455 20 254–256 2 0.100 0.095 6 241–245 3 0.333 0.486
PaA105 20 192–243 7 0.850 0.783 20 204 1 0.000 0.000 6 –
PaA120 20 184–208 7 0.550 0.573 20 172 1 0.000 0.000 6 –
PaB6 20 243–245 2 0.550 0.439 15 238 1 0.000 0.000 6 245–247 2 0.500 0.375
PaB8 20 200–216 6 0.550 0.624 20 216–340 3 0.250 0.224 6 315–331 5 0.833 0.722
PaB112 20 181–189 5 0.500 0.518 20 187 1 0.000 0.000 6 181–197 5 0.833 0.694
PaD12 16 288 1 0.000 0.000 20 269 1 0.000 0.000 6 –
PaD113 20 192–207 4 0.400 0.344 20 189 1 0.000 0.000 6 191 1 0.000 0.000
PaD114 19 209–233 3 0.368 0.314 20 233–245 2 1.000 0.500 5 228–236 3 0.600 0.460
Pa118/9 20 125–143 5 0.550 0.505 20 131–141 2 0.050 0.049 6 135–147 3 0.500 0.486
Conservation Genet Resour (2009) 1:273–276 275
The 10 microsatellite loci were also screened using six
samples from the sympatric species, P. sinuosa, collected
from Cockburn Sound and up to 25 km north.PCR con-
ditions were the same as those used for P. australis, that is,
no re-optimisation was carried out. Our immediate interest
in cross-species amplification was to determine the utility
of these markers for the detection of hybridisation.
For the 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci, between 2 and
8 alleles/locus were amplified in P. australis (Table 2).
Some loci showed no variation within meadows, (and fixed
differences between meadows), some were polymorphic for
different alleles across meadows (no sharing of alleles),
and four loci shared four alleles across meadows (PaB8-216,
PaB112-187, PaD114-233, Pa118/9-141). Levels of diver-
sity (allelic diversity, heterozygosity, number of multilocus
genotypes) varied greatly between meadows. There were
only five unique multilocus genotypes in the Port Stephens
meadow while all 20 individuals from Woodman Point had
unique multilocus genotypes. Population data were tested
for deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)
and for linkage disequilibrium using GENEPOP 3.4
(; Raymond and Rousset 1995)
for the Woodman Point population only. All loci were in
HWE and there was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium.
It was not possible to do most tests for the Port Stephens
sample due to low allelic diversity. The high level of
diversity at Woodman Point implies a high degree of out-
crossing in P. australis, however, low numbers of genotypes
at Port Stephens suggests extensive clonality is also a strong
feature within the species, (similar to P. oceanica, Procac-
cini et al. 2002). Locus PaB6 and PaB8 did not amplify
(consistently) well in samples from Port Stephens, and
less stringent PCR conditions were required. These results
suggest deeply divergent eastern and western lineages
within P. australis, consistent with earlier allozyme results
(Waycott et al. 1997).Seven of the 10 loci amplified in
P. sinuosa samples, six of which were polymorphic
(Table 2). These markers may be useful for species identi-
fication and hybrid detection.
The polymorphic microsatellite markers characterised
here will enable an extensive examination of population
genetic structure, mating system, clonality, and dispersal of
pollen and seed within and among seagrass meadows.
Ultimately, these investigations will make a significant
contribution to the generation of genetic guidelines for the
sourcing of propagules for seagrass meadow restoration.
Acknowledgements This project was funded jointly by Cockburn
Cement Ltd and the Western Australian Department of State Devel-
opment (previously Department of Industry and Resources), as part of
the Seagrass Research and Rehabilitation Plan (SRRP). Thanks to
T. Glasby (New South Wales Department of Primary Industries) for
providing samples from Port Stephens, M. Todd (Genetic Identifica-
tion Services), and K. Hillman (Oceanica Consulting, Perth).
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