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Operational Research Methods for Efficient Warehousing



The design and operation of a warehouse entail many challenging decision problems. We begin by providing definitions as well as qualitative descriptions of two actual warehouses. This will then set the stage for an overview of representative operational research models and solution methods for efficient warehousing. Problems which will be exposed can be classified into three major categories: throughput capacity models, storage capacity models, and warehouse design models. We conclude by identifying future research opportunities.
Warehousing literature
version 9 (November 5, 2007)
This list attempts to give an overview of all books, Ph.D theses, and scientic articles on ware-
housing. Excluded from the list are conference proceedings and book chapters. Furthermore,
literature on subjects such as automated guided vehicles (AGV), facility layout (other than
directly applied to warehousing), facility location and inventory models, is not included.
Please, do not contact me to obtain a copy of any of these books or articles. First of all, I do
not have every article or book myself. Secondly, this would violate international copyright laws.
If you know of any books or articles missing on this list, please send your suggestions to me
through the webform at
K.J. Roodbergen
1 Journal articles
[1] Abdel-Malek, L., and Tang, C. (1994), A heuristic for cyclic stochastic sequencing of tasks
on a drum-like storage system, Computers & Operations Research 21(4), 385-396.
[2] Abdou, G., and Lee, E. (1992), Contribution to the development of robotics palletization
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letization problem, International Journal of Production Research 32(10), 2381-2394.
[4] Abdou, G., and Yang, M. (1995), Multi-layer palletisation of multi-size boxes, Interna-
tional Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 10, 292-297.
[5] Acaccia, G.M., Marelli, A., Michelini, R.C., and Zuccotti, A. (2003), Automatic fabric
storing and feeding in quality clothing manufacture, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Sys-
tems 37(4), 443-465.
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Business Review, March-April, 94-102.
[7] Agrawal, G.K., and Heragu, S.S. (2006),A survey of automated material handling sys-
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[8] Amato, F., Basile, F., Carbone, C., and Chiacchio, P. (2005), An approach to control
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[9] Amirhosseini, M.M., and Sharp, G.P. (1996), Simultaneous analysis of products and orders
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[10] Apple, J.M. (1968), Criteria for investment in handling systems, Journal of Industrial
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[15] Ascheuer, N., Fischetti, M., and Grötschel, M. (2001), Solving the Asymmetric Travelling
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[22] Azadivar, F. (1986), Maximization of the throughput of a computerized automated ware-
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24(3), 551-566.
[23] Azadivar, F. (1987), Minimum-cost modular design of automated warehousing systems,
Material Flow 4, 177-188.
[24] Azadivar, F. (1989), Optimum allocation of resources between the random access and rack
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[25] Bachers, R., Dangelmaier, W., and Warnecke, H.J. (1988), Selection and use of order-
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[28] Ballou, R.H. (1967), Improving the physical layout of merchandise in warehouses, Journal
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[29] Banks, J. (1990), The simulation of material handling systems, Simulation 55(5), 261-270.
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[31] Bartholdi, J.J. (1993), Balancing two-sided assembly lines: a case study, International
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[35] Bartholdi, J.J., and Gue, K.R. (2000), Reducing labor costs in an LTL crossdocking ter-
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[36] Bartholdi, J.J., and Platzman, L.K. (1986), Retrieval strategies for a carousel conveyor,
IIE Transactions 18(2), 166-173.
[37] Bartholdi, J.J., and Platzman, L.K. (1988), Design of ecient bin-numbering schemes for
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[38] Bartholdi, J.J., Vande Vate, J.H., and Zhang, J. (1989), Expected performance of the shelf
heuristic for 2-dimensional packing, Operations Research Letters 8(1), 11-16.
[39] Bassan, Y., Roll, Y., and Rosenblatt, M.J. (1980), Internal layout design of a warehouse,
AIIE Transactions 12(4), 317-322.
[40] Bastani, A. (1988), Analytical solution of closed-loop conveyor systems with discrete and
deterministic material ow, European Journal of Operational Research 35(2), 187-192.
[41] Bastani, A.S. (1990), Closed-loop conveyor systems with breakdown and repair of unload-
ing stations, IIE Transactions 22(4), 351-360.
[42] Beamon, B.M. (1999), System reliability and congestion in a material handling system,
Computers & Industrial Engineering 36, 673-684.
[43] Bellman, R. (1956), On the theory of dynamic programming - a warehousing problem,
Management Science 2(3), 272-275.
[44] Bengü, G. (1995), An optimal storage assignment for automated rotating carousels, IIE
Transact i o ns 27(1), 105-107.
[45] Berger, S.M., and Ludwig, T.D. (2007), Reducing warehouse employee errors using voice-
assisted technology that provided immediate feedback, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Management 27(1), 1-31.
[46] Berry, J.R. (1968), Elements of warehouse layout, International Journal of Production
Research 7(2), 105-121.
[47] Bhaskaran, K., and Malmborg, C.J. (1989), Modelling the service process in a multi-
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[48] Bhaskaran, K., and Malmborg, C.J. (1990), Economic tradeos in sizing warehouse reserve
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[49] Bischo, E.E. (1991), Stability aspects of pallet loading, OR Spektrum 13, 189-197.
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[51] Bischo,E.E.andRatcli, M.S.W. (1995), Loading multiple pallets, Journal of the Op-
eraional Research Society 46(11), 1322-1336.
[52] Bishu, R.R., Donohue, B., and Murphy, P. (1991), Cognitive ergonomics of a mail order
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[53] Bishu, R.R., Donohue, B., and Murphy, P. (1992), Cognitive ergonomics of a mail order
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time, Applied Ergonomics 23(2), 115-120.
[54] Bozarth, C., and Vilarinho, P.M. (2006), Analyzing the impact of space utilization and
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national Journal of Industrial Engineering 13(1), 81-89.
[55] Bozer, Y.A., and Cho, M. (2005), Throughput performance of automated storage/retrieval
systems under stochastic demand, IIE Transactions 37(4), 367-378.
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[57] Bozer, Y.A., Quiroz, M.A., and Sharp, G.P. (1988), An evaluation of alternative control
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[58] Bozer, Y.A., Schorn, E.C., and Sharp, G.P. (1990), Geometric approaches to solve the
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[59] Bozer, Y.A., and Sharp, G.P. (1985), An empirical evaluation of general purpose auto-
mated order accumulation and sortation system used in batch picking, Material Flow 2(2),
[60] Bozer, Y.A., and White, J.A. (1984), Travel-time models for automated storage/retrieval
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[61] Bozer, Y.A., and White, J.A. (1990), Design and performance models for end-of-aisle order
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[62] Bozer, Y.A., and White, J.A. (1996), A generalized design and performance analysis model
for end-of-aisle order-picking systems, IIE Transactions 28(4), 271-280.
[63] Braam, I.Th.J., Van Dormolen, M., and Frings-Dresen, M.H.W. (1996), The work load of
warehouse workers in three dierent working systems, International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics 17(6), 469-480.
[64] Brady, W. (1973), A comparison of the eect of work-time variation in two types of
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[65] Broekmeulen, R.A.C.M. (1998), Operations management of distribution centers for veg-
etables and fruits, International Transactions in Operational Research 5(6), 501-508.
[66] Brynzér, H., and Johansson, M.I. (1995), Design and performance of kitting and order
picking systems, International Journal of Production Economics 41, 115-125.
[67] Brynzér, H., and Johansson, M.I. (1996), Storage location assignment: Using the product
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[68] Brynzér, H., Johansson, M.I., and Medbo, L. (1994), A methodology for evaluation of
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Jour nal o f Operations & Production Manage ment 14(3), 126-139.
[69] Burkard, R.E., Fruhwirth, B., and Rote, G. (1995), Vehicle routing in an automated
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[70] Cahn, A.S. (1948), The warehouse problem, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
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[72] Carlo, H., Hodgson, T.J., Martin-Vega, L.A., and Stern, E.R. (1985), Micro-IPLS: Pallet
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[73] Carlson J.G. (1989), JIT applications to warehousing operations, Engineering Costs and
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[74] Carlson, J.G., and Yao, A.C. (1996), A visually interactive expert system for a distribution
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[75] Caron, F., Marchet, G., and Perego, A. (1998) Routing policies and COI-based storage
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a simulation approach, Integrated Manufacturing Systems 11(2), 94-104.
[78] Carpenter, H., and Dowsland, W.B. (1985), Practical considerations of the pallet- loading
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[79] Castillo, I., and Peters, B.A. (2002), Unit load and material-handling considerations in
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[80] Chakraborty, P.S., Majumder, G., and Sarkar, B. (2007), Performance evaluation of ma-
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[81] Chang, D.T., and Wen, U.P. (1997), The impact on rack conguration on the speed prole
of the storage and retrieval machine, IIE Transactions 29, 525-531.
[82] Chang, D.T., Wen, U.P., and Lin, J.T. (1993), Picking strategies to the two-carousel-single-
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[83] Chang, D.T., Wen, U.P., and Lin, J.T. (1995), The impact of acceleration/deceleration
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[84] Chang, S.H., and Egbelu, P.J. (1997), Relative pre-positioning of storage/retrieval ma-
chines in automated storage/retrieval systems to minimize maximum system response
time, IIE Transactions 29(4), 303-312.
[85] Chang, S.H., and Egbelu, P.J. (1997), Relative pre-positioning of storage/retrieval ma-
chines in automated storage/retrieval systems to minimize expected system response time,
IIE Transactions 29(4), 313-322.
[86] Chang, T.S., Fu, H.P., Hsu, R.C. (2006), The innovative conveying device application for
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Advanced Manufacturing Technology 28, 197-204.
[87] Chang, T.H., Fu, H.P., and Hu, K.Y. (2007), A two-sided picking model of M-AS/RS
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[93] Chew, E.P., and Tang, L.C. (1999), Travel time analysis for general item location assign-
ment in a rectangular warehouse, European Journal of Operational Research 112, 582-597.
[94] Chiang, F.C., Wen, U.P., Lin, J.T., and Chang, D.T. (1994), Travel time estimation for the
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of Engineers 17(2), 205-211.
[95] Chincholkar, A.K., and Krishnaiah Chetty, O.V. (1996), Simultaneous optimisation of con-
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[98] Chow W.M. (1986), An analysis of automated storage and retrieval systems in manufac-
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[99] Christmansson, M., Medbo, L., Hansson, G.A., Ohlsson, K., Unge Byström, J., Möller,
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[108] Daboub„ J.J., Trevino, J.„ Liao„ H.H., and Wang, J. (1989), Computer aided design of
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[110] Dangelmeier, W., and Bachers, R. (1986), SIMULAP - A simulation system for material
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[111] Daniels, R.L., Rummel, J.L. and Schantz, R. (1998) A model for warehouse order picking,
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[112] De Jong, M.J., and Anderson, E.J. (1995), The setting of shelf heights and the distribution
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[113] Dekker, R., De Koster, M.B.M., Roodbergen, K.J., and Van Kalleveen, H. (2004), Im-
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[118] De Koster, R., Van der Poort, E., and Roodbergen, K.J. (1998), When to apply optimal
or heuristic routing of orderpickers, in: Advances in Distribution Logistics, B. Fleischmann
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... Başlığında "Sipariş Gruplama (Order Batching)" içeren çalışmalar Tablo 4.1'de gösterildiği üzere ilgili veri tabanlarında taranmaktadır. Konu ile ilgili derleme makalelerinin pek çoğunda sipariş toplama ya da depo yönetimi başlıkları altında yalnızca alt başlık olarak sipariş gruplama problemi verilmektedir (Cormier, 2005;Gu vd., 2007;Koster vd., 2007;Ong ve Joseph, 2014). Yalnızca sipariş gruplama probleminin literatürüne odaklanan çalışmalar ise; Cergibozan ve Tasan'ın (2019) Sonuç olarak, yayın araştırması sonucunda elde edilen bulgular izleyen şekildedir: ...
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Customers nowadays expect to receive their orders within a specified time window. The process of reaching customers on time is especially challenging for businesses to handle. Because effective management of this process demands the integration of in- warehouse and out-of-warehouse operations. The relevant process begins as soon as the customer order arrives at the company, and the "Order Picking/Batching" process inside the warehouse follows the "Vehicle Routing" process outside the warehouse. These processes become more crucial for companies, especially following the living conditions demanded by causes such as the pandemic, and are a very common problem in real life. The literature refers to this integrated process as the "Order Batching and Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window." By reviewing the available literature for the related problem, a new mixed integer linear mathematical model was built in light of limitations and assumptions in this study. Small, medium, and large data sets were constructed for the developed issue, and a solution was attempted using the CPLEX solver. However, only a portion of a small data set could be solved with this solver, and no solution could be found for medium or large data sets. As a result, the Genetic Algorithm, a metaheuristic search algorithm, is suggested, and the related problem is solved using various picker routing heuristics for small, medium, and large data samples, with good outcomes. The results were successful, and the best acceptable picker routing heuristic was proposed, based on real and hypothetical data tested on the proposed mathematical model.
... Enterprises have many ways to solve routing problems, including route creation, two-phase, and route improvement algorithms (Cormier, 2005). Several classic methods will be introduced below. ...
The flows of data and methods for their revision are different and depend on the needs of the transport business. Various parameters are communicated and regularly transmitted during cargo delivery. The set of data is compiled for each point in time and includes all the information and review of big data for making decisions about the transportation of goods.The author divided the description into two parts. The beginning of the chapter is devoted to the collection of data from various sources, and the second part is devoted to the revision of data sets. Finally, the chapter ends with issues of trust and confidentiality in cases of data analysis.KeywordsData collectionData analysisGrubb testBig dataOperational data revisionConflicts resolutionDecision hierarchyTrust and privacy data review
... Studies titled "Order Batching" were viewed in the databases listed in the section on material processing, as shown in Table 2. In most of the literature studies on the subject, the OBP is found under order-picking or warehouse management titles only as subtitles [20,[29][30][31]. Selected studies focus solely on the OBP literature. ...
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The Order Batching Problem (OBP) has received a lot of attention from researchers in recent years. Until now, this problem has been considered as a whole with different problems or it has been studied on its own, with different solution methods, in different warehouse layouts, with different data structures. The aim of this study is to provide the researchers with a general analysis for studies using the OBP. In accordance with this purpose; the OBP is analyzed by an extensive literature review that includes all relevant studies to date. This literature review is based on a specific method and the studies are grouped into specific classes. Accordingly, the most studied problem with the OBP is the Picker Routing Problem (PRP) with 17% and 51% of the studies were solved by metaheuristic algorithms. The most widely used metaheuristic algorithms are Neighborhood Search and Genetic Algorithms.
... Traditionally in the warehouse management literature including the literature for OBP, the travel distance/time of pickers are either assumed given or computed using a travel time model (Cormier 2005). Kouvelis and Papanicolaou (1995), Pan and Wang (1996), Malmborg and Al-Tassan (2000), ...
Optimizing warehouse processes has direct impact on supply chain responsiveness, timely order fulfillment, and customer satisfaction. In this work, we focus on the picking process in warehouse management and study it from a data perspective. Using historical data from an industrial partner, we introduce, model, and study the robust order batching problem (ROBP) that groups orders into batches to minimize total order processing time accounting for uncertainty caused by system congestion and human behavior. We provide a generalizable, data-driven approach that overcomes warehouse-specific assumptions characterizing most of the work in the literature. We analyze historical data to understand the processes in the warehouse, to predict processing times, and to improve order processing. We introduce the ROBP and develop an efficient learning-based branch-and-price algorithm based on simultaneous column and row generation, embedded with alternative prediction models such as linear regression and random forest that predict processing time of a batch. We conduct extensive computational experiments to test the performance of the proposed approach and to derive managerial insights based on real data. The data-driven prescriptive analytics tool we propose achieves savings of seven to eight minutes per order, which translates into a 14.8% increase in daily picking operations capacity of the warehouse.
... The storage capacity models and warehouse design models are two key areas of warehousing decision models that exist in the literature [1]. Such decisions are mostly at the tactical level where design parameters such as internal arrangement, storage assignment policies, and more are studied. ...
... Van den Berg and Zijm (1999) studied warehouse systems by classifying warehouse management problems such as issues related to justification, design, planning, and control. Cormier (2005) studied warehouse systems' problems related to design and operations. They identified three main groups for problems in the warehouse systems as throughput capacity, storage capacity, and warehouse design. ...
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Decisions made for designing and operating a warehouse system are of great significance. These operational decisions are strongly affected by total logistics costs, including investment and direct operating costs. The number of orders made by customers in the logistics section of warehouse management is very high because the number, type of products and items ordered by different customers vary broadly. However, machines layout for picking up products at logistics centres is minimal, inflexible, and, in some cases, inconclusive. In this study, we address joint order batching procedures of orders considering picker routing problem as a mixed-integer programming model. Extensive numerical experiments were generated in small, medium, and large sizes. In order to consider the uncertainty of parameters, we applied robust possibilistic programming for this problem. Three different meta-heuristic algorithms; genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimisation algorithm, and honey artificial bee colony algorithms are used as solution approaches to solve the formulated model. The performance of solution approaches over the problem was analysed using several test indexes. In all three group examples, there was no significant difference among mean values of the objective function, while there was a remarkable difference among computing times.
... Different factors can be analysed with the travel-time models, such as trip speeds and the amount of equipment driving in the warehouse. Some of these models estimate the time aimed to complete tasks, also including the non-efficient time (Cormier, 2005). Finally, the aggregated travel time of all movers is analysed in order to minimise the influence of inefficiency factors. ...
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The revolution of information brought new possibilities for the business organisations: new management methods for managing supply chains, logistic processes and warehouses appear as well as innovative process management methods in the sense of knowledge management. The order picking process in the warehouse should be emphasised as one of the most laborious activities, since it consumes 55% of the warehouse labour activities. This study pays special attention to the order picking process in a very-narrow-aisle (V.N.A.) warehouse, with the aim to identify solutions for the reduction of total travel distance and costs. The methods of the scientific literature analysis and synthesis simulation were applied. The results of the simulation confirmed the application of a pick-by-article strategy that is implemented with ‘seed’ sorting by order solution in low-income countries.
... [21] A warehouse is a facility in the supply chain to consolidate products to reduce transportation cost, achieve economies of scale in manufacturing or in purchasing. [22] Warehouses typically comprise a reserve storage area, where product is usually stored on pallets, as well as a picking area, where it is more common to place items on shelves or some other form of storage device. As open case stock in the picking area is depleted, new product is transferred from reserve storage to the picking area. ...
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This research aims to identify Critical Success Factors (CSF) for warehousing performance improvement in Moroccan companies. Firstly, the paper defines through a literature review the warehousing performance and explains the reasons to introduce the concept of critical success factors in this study. Next, on the basis of an action research and a survey, the importance of the warehousing function and obstacles of its performance are presented. Then, CSF for warehousing performance improvement in Moroccan companies found in this research are shown. The results may be useful for managers and specialists in warehousing as well as researchers and scholars interested in developing studies on warehousing performance improvement.
The advance of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the development of sensors have allowed transport services to apply the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The use of object-to-object communications has led to large amounts of contextual data sets generated for ITS. This basic information must be handled to obtain context and to suggest services that can communicate with various types of trucks about traffic, accidents, forecasting, etc. Since 2014 researchers are paying more attention to the transport systems. It covers processes including routing, clients clustering, backhauling management, and scheduling. The author targets in this chapter to revise the use of context in ITS.KeywordsTransport systemRouting algorithmsClusteringCosts metricsBackhaulingSchedulingIntelligent Transport System
This book focuses on guidelines for reducing the energy consumption in warehousing processes. It presents a model of formal assessment for energy consumption in the context of storage-system logistics, as well as a computational model consisting of three sub-models: energy consumption models for forklifts and stacker cranes, respectively, and an energy intensity model for roller conveyors. The concept model is based on the assumption that the unit load is received at a zero-energy warehouse. Subsequent handling, transport and storage processes, in which the unit load is moved vertically and horizontally through the system, equate to changes in energy intensity within the logistics warehouse management system. Energy recovery based on the handling equipment used can be collected in batteries. The evaluation method takes into account the intensity of the energy supplied to the logistics system and reduces the storage of the recovered energy - this figure represents the energy needed to pass through the logistics unit load storage system, and can be expressed in an energy intensity map.
Conference Paper
A pick-and-sort (PAS) system consists of a picking system (PS) and an accumulation/sorting system (A/SS). In a PAS, picking and order accumulation are highly interdependent. In general, the more orders that are being processed simultaneously, the greater the potential efficiency of picking as the motion required to move between successive storage locations can be decreased. Conversely, a larger number of orders being processed simultaneously increases the order accumulation cost. An automated storage/retrieval system (AS/RS) may be used for accumulating and sorting a large number of orders. In terms of the total cost of a PAS system, an AS/RS is a potentially low cost alternative to a conveyor system for order accumulation/Sorting. An approximate analytical performance model for rotary rack A/SS has been developed, as well as a cost model for a PS, in terms of the number of orders in process. A numerical example for a warehouse is presented.
This paper presents two heuristic algorithms for handling orders within a warehouse. It is assumed that the number of items per order will not be greater than the capacity of the order picking vehicle. The algorithms select the orders that will be picked in one tour in order to minimize the total traveled distance of the vehicle within the warehouse. Computer programs were developed for both algorithms and the optimal tours were found by using the traveling salesman algorithm. The programs were run for several problems where optimum or near-optimum solutions were obtained.
We study an end-of-aisle order picking system with inbound and outbound buffer positions. The system is referred to as a miniload system with a horse-shoe front-end configuration, and is modeled as a two-stage cyclic queueing system with limited capacity. We analyze the system by utilizing known queueing results. Closed form expressions are developed for system performance measures, including the steady-state probability and system throughput. To provide some decision criteria in the design of buffer capacity, we examine the effect of the buffer size on system throughput. We give examples to illustrate how the results developed can be applied to solving real world problems. It is also shown that under heavy retrieval system demand, the system naturally achieves its optimal operating condition in the long run and it always performs dual command cycles.
Part I: Background of the warehouse industry. The evolving role of warehousing. The functions of warehousing. The pros and cons of contract warehousing. Warehousing and corporate strategy. Part II: The elements of warehouse management. Communications and electronic data interchange. Packaging and identification. Transportation. Accountability. Starting-Up or moving a warehouse operation. Auditing warehouse performance. Part III: Real estate aspects of warehousing. Finding the right location. Building or rehabilitating your warehouse. The 21st century warehouse. Part IV: Planning warehouse operations. Planning for future uses. Space planning. Planning for people and equipment. Contingency planning. Postponement. Picking public warehouses. Selecting a third-party operator. Part V: Protecting the warehouse operation. Preventing casualty losses. Mysterious disappearance. Safety, sanitation and housekeeping. Verification of invetories and cycle counting. Part VI: The human element. Orientation and training. Labor relations. Motivation. Improving people performance. Part VII: Productivity and quality control. Making warehousing more efficient. Monitoring productivity. Scheduling warehouse operations. Customer satisfaction - the role of the warehouse. Improving asset utilization. Just in time and its variations. Warehousing costs. Management productivity. Reducing errors. Part VIII: The handling of materials. Receiving at the warehouse. Shipping. Cross-docking in the warehouse. Specialized warehousing. Order-picking. Storage equipment. Mobile equipment. Approaching warehouse automation. Pallets and unit loads. Dealing with damage. Reverse logistics in the warehouse. Part IX: Handling of information. Clerical procedures. Computers and warehouse Management. Electronic identification.
We analyse the performance of a material handling system consisting of two carousels and one picker. We derive expressions for the system throughput and picker utilization. We work out the throughput and picker utilization for two different pick-time distributions: deterministic, which might be a reasonable model when a robot is picking, and exponential, which might be a reasonable model when a person is picking.