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For a locally convex space with the topology given by a family {p(┬; α)} α ∈ ω of seminorms, we study the existence and uniqueness of fixed points for a mapping defined on some set . We require that there exists a linear and positive operatorK, acting on functions defined on the index set Ω, such that for everyu, Under some additional assumptions, one of which is the existence of a fixed point for the operator , we prove that there exists a fixed point of . For a class of elements satisfyingK n (p)u;┬))(α) → 0 asn → ∞, we show that fixed points are unique. This class includes, in particular, the class for which we prove the existence of fixed points. We consider several applications by proving existence and uniqueness of solutions to first and second order nonlinear differential equations in Banach spaces. We also consider pseudodifferential equations with nonlinear terms.
Collect. Math. 61, 2 (2010), 223–239
2010 Universitat de Barcelona
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces
Vladimir Kozlov, Johan Thim, and Bengt Ove Turesson
Department of Mathematics, Link¨
oping University,
SE-581 83 Link¨
oping, Sweden
Received September 15, 2008. Revised March 4, 2009
For a locally convex space Xwith the topology given by a family {p(·;α)}α
of seminorms, we study the existence and uniqueness of fixed points for a
mapping K:DKDKdefined on some set DKX. We require that
there exists a linear and positive operator K, acting on functions defined on the
index set , such that for every u, v DK
p(K(u)K(v) ; α)K(p(uv;·))(α), αΩ.
Under some additional assumptions, one of which is the existence of a fixed
point for the operator K+p(K(0) ; ·), we prove that there exists a fixed point
of K. For a class of elements satisfying Kn(p(u;·))(α)0as n→ ∞,
we show that fixed points are unique. This class includes, in particular, the class
for which we prove the existence of fixed points.
We consider several applications by proving existence and uniqueness of
solutions to first and second order nonlinear differential equations in Banach
spaces. We also consider pseudo-differential equations with nonlinear terms.
1. Introduction
In this article, we study existence and uniqueness of fixed points for a certain type
of mappings on locally convex spaces. Spaces of this type arise in many applica-
tions, where there is no natural Banach space to work in and the topology is given by
Keywords: Fixed point theorem; Locally convex spaces; Ordinary differential equations; Pseudo-
differential operators.
MSC2000: 47H10; 46N20; 47G30; 34A34.
Collectanea Mathematica (electronic version):
224 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
seminorms. Seminorms may also provide better understanding of local behaviour of
solutions to, e.g., integral and differential equations.
We let Xdenote a locally convex topological space, where the topology is given
by a family {p(·;α)}αof seminorms that separates points. The index set Ω is not
assumed to have any specific structure. We want to solve the equation
K(u) = u,uDK, (1)
where K:DKDKis a mapping defined on a subset DKX. We assume
that 0 DK. The novelty of our approach consists of the use of an auxiliary linear
and positive operator Kthat acts on functions defined on the index set Ω. More
specifically, we assume that K:DKR, where DKRis a linear subspace.
By Rwe denote the set of all real-valued functions on Ω, endowed with the topology
of pointwise convergence.
We suppose that the operator Kis subordinated to K; in particular, we require
p(K(u)K(v) ; α)K(p(uv;·))(α), αΩ.
Under some natural assumptions on the operator K(see (K1)–(K4)) which guarantee,
in particular, the existence of a minimal non-negative solution σin DKto the equation
σ(α) = Kσ(α) + p(K(0) ; α), αΩ, (2)
we prove that equation (1) has a solution in DK; see Theorem 2.4. In other words,
the existence of a fixed point to a “simpler” operator K+p(K(0) ; ·) implies the
existence of a fixed point of the operator K.
If the functions from DKsatisfy limn→∞ Kn(p(u;·))(α) = 0, we also prove that
the fixed point is unique; see Theorem 2.5.
In Section 2.6, we show how Banach’s fixed point principle for contractive map-
pings on Banach spaces may be deduced from our result. For other generalisations
of Banach’s contraction principle, we refer to Dugundji and Granas [1] and references
In Section 3, we then consider some applications, starting with two types of non-
linear differential equations in a Banach space. First, in Section 3.1, we treat a first
order equation, where the right-hand side satisfies a Lipschitz-Carath´eodory condition.
In Section 3.2, we then consider a second order equation of Sturm-Liouville type, where
the nonlinear term satisfies a similar condition. For both of these equations, we prove
existence and uniqueness results. In the last section, we consider a class of nonlinear
pseudo-differential equations on RN. For more examples of applications where the
above fixed point theorems are useful, we refer to Kozlov and Maz’ya [5, 6].
2. Main results
2.1 The operator K
We suppose that K:DKR, where DKRand Kis linear, and require that K
is subject to the following conditions.
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 225
(K1) Positivity of K.The operator Kis positive, i.e., if ηDKis non-negative,
then Kη 0.
(K2) Fixed point inequality. The function k0(·) = p(K(0) ; ·)DK, and there
exists a non-negative function zDKsuch that
z(α)Kz(α) + k0(α), αΩ, (3)
and Kz DK.
(K3) Monotone closedness of K.The operator Kis closed for non-negative,
increasing sequences: if {ηn}is a non-negative sequence in DKsuch that
ηn%η,ηz, and Kηn%ζ, then ηDKand Kη =ζ.
(K4) Invariance property. If η, ζ DKsuch that 0 ηζand Kζ DK,
then Kη DK.
The existence of a non-negative solution zto (3) allows us to prove the existence of a
non-negative solution to the equation
σ(α) = Kσ(α) + k0(α), αΩ, (4)
which is minimal in the sense that if ηDKis another non-negative solution to (4),
then ση.
Lemma 2.1
Suppose that (K1) to (K4) are satisfied. Then there exists a unique minimal
solution σDKto (4) such that σz. This solution is the limit of the iterations
σ0= 0 and σk+1 =Kσk+k0,k= 0,1,2, . . . ,(5)
which are well-defined and converge for all α. Moreover, for n= 1,2, . . .,Knσ
belongs to DKand Knσ0as n→ ∞.
Proof. To see that the iterations are well-defined, we proceed by induction. Obvi-
ously σ0belongs to DK,σ0z, and by (K2), σ1=k0DK. Assume that σkDK
and σkz. Then kbelongs to DKby (K4) and hence, σk+1 belongs to DK
since DKis a linear space. Now, (K1) and (K2) imply that σk+1 Kz +k0z.
Thus, the sequence {σk}is well-defined and σkzfor every k0. Furthermore, this
sequence is increasing. Indeed, σ1σ0. Assume that σkσk1. Then, by (K1),
σk+1 σk=KσkKσk10.
This implies that σk(α) converges to a number σ(α) for every αΩ. Obviously σz.
Moreover, we have k=σk+1 k0, and therefore Kσk%σk0. Hence, by (K3),
we obtain that σDKand =σk0.
Let 0 ηDKbe another solution to (4). The argument above with zreplaced
by ηshows that ση. This proves that σis minimal.
Let us finally show that Knσbelongs to DKand that Knσ0 as n→ ∞. It is
clear that Kσ belongs to DKand that Kσ =σσ1. Assume that KnσDKand
that Knσ=σσn. Then Knσzand (K4) implies that Kn+1 σbelongs to DK. We
also obtain that
Kn+1σ=K(σσn) = σσn+1 . (6)
Thus, Knσis well-defined for all nNand tends to zero as n→ ∞.
226 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
2.2 The operator K
Suppose that the operator Kmaps DKinto DK. We let σbe the minimal solution
to (4), and put
DK=uDK:p(u;α)σ(α) for every α.
We shall require the following properties to hold.
(K1) Subordination to K.If u, v belong to DK , then p(uv;·) belongs to DK,
and we have
p(K(u)K(v) ; α)K(p(uv;·))(α), αΩ. (7)
(K2) Closedness of DK.If {vk}
k=0 is a sequence in DKsuch that v0= 0 and
p(vk+1 vk;α)σ(α), αΩ, (8)
then the limit of vkexists and belongs to DK .
As an example of the condition in (K2), consider the following.
Remark 2.2 Let Xbe a sequentially complete space and suppose that DKis sequen-
tially closed. If a sequence in DKsatisfies (8), then it is clearly a Cauchy sequence.
By completeness it converges to some element vXfor which p(v;α)σ(α), αΩ.
Now, the fact that DKis sequentially closed immediately implies that vDK.
Since 0 DK , (K1) implies that p(u;·)DKfor uDK. We also obtain
the following lemma concerning properties of elements in DK.
Lemma 2.3
Suppose that (K1) holds. Then
(i) the operator Kmaps DKinto itself;
(ii) if uDK, then Kn(p(u;·)) is well-defined for every non-negative integer n
and limn→∞ Kn(p(u;·))(α)=0for every α.
Proof. Let uDK . The assumption (K1) implies that p(u;·)DKand
p(K(u) ; α)p(K(u)K(0) ; α) + k0(α)
K(p(u;·)) + k0(α)
Kσ(α) + k0(α)
This proves (i). To prove (ii), we notice that K(p(u;·)) DKby (K4). Assume
that Kn(p(u;·)) belongs to DK. Since p(u;·)σand (6) holds for every nN, it
follows that
Kn(p(u;·)) Knσ=σσnσz.
Then (K4) implies that Kn+1(p(u;·)) DK. Moreover, by Lemma 2.1 we know
that σnσ, which proves that Kn(p(u;·)) 0 by the previous inequality.
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 227
2.3 Existence of fixed points
We wish to find a fixed point of K. This will be accomplished by the following
u0= 0 DKand uk+1 =K(uk), k= 0,1,2, . . . . (9)
By Lemma 2.3(i), this sequence is well-defined and every element of the sequence
belongs to DK . We will now prove that the iterations converge to a solution to (1).
Theorem 2.4
Suppose that Ksatisfies (K1) to (K4) and that Ksatisfies (K1) and (K2).
Then there exists a fixed point of Kin DK. This fixed point is the limit of the
iterations in (9).
Proof. We have u1=K(0), so
p(u1u0;α) = k0(α) = σ1(α)σ0(α).
We proceed by induction to show that
p(uk+1 uk;α)σk+1(α)σk(α), k= 0,1,2, . . . . (10)
Assume that p(uk+1 uk;α)σk+1(α)σk(α). Then, by (K1),
p(uk+2 uk+1 ;α) = p(K(uk+1)K(uk) ; α)
K(p(uk+1 uk;·))(α)
Hence, (10) holds. Since σkconverges to σ, it follows that
p(uk+1 uk;·)σσ0=σ.
Thus (K2) implies that ukconverges to some element uin DK. We also see that
p(uuk;α)σ(α)σk(α). (11)
By (11), (4) and the definition of σk, we now obtain that
p(K(u)K(uk) ; α)K(p(uuk;·))(α)
Thus, K(uk)K(u). Since we also know that K(uk) = uk+1 u, it is clear that u
is a fixed point of K.
228 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
2.4 Uniqueness of fixed points
We now turn to prove a uniqueness result. Suppose that the operator Kmaps DK
into itself. We shall assume that the following conditions hold.
(I) If uDK, then Kn(p(u;·)) is defined and belongs to DKfor every non-
negative integer n, and limn→∞ Kn(p(u;·)) = 0.
(II) If η, ζ DKsuch that 0 ηζand DK, then Kη DK.
(III) If u, v belong to DK, then the function p(uv;·) belongs to DK, and (7)
Theorem 2.5
Suppose that the operators Kand Ksatisfy (K1) and (I) to (III). Then there
exists at most one fixed point of K.
Proof. Let uand vbe two fixed points of K. Then (III) implies that
p(uv;α) = p(K(u)K(v) ; α)K(p(uv;·))(α), αΩ. (12)
Since 0 DK, it follows from (III) that p(u;·) and p(v;·) belong to DK. We
also have p(uv;α)p(u;α) + p(v;α)DKand, by (I), K(p(u;·) + p(v;·))
also belongs to DK, so it follows from (II) that K(p(uv;·)) DK. Assume
that Kn(p(uv;·)) belongs to DKfor some n1. Then
Kn(p(uv;·)) Kn(p(u;·)) + Kn(p(v;·)) DK.
We also have K(Knp(u;·) + Knp(v;·)) DK, so Kn+1(p(uv;·)) belongs to DK
by (II). Thus, Kn(p(uv;·)) is well-defined for every nN. Now, (12) implies that
p(uv;α)Kn(p(u;·))(α) + Kn(p(v;·))(α), nN,αΩ.
The assumption (I) now implies that p(uv;α) = 0 for every αΩ, which implies
that u=vsince the seminorms separates points.
Let us restrict Kto DK. Suppose that Kand Ksatisfy (K1) to (K4)
and (K1) to (K2), respectively. It is immediate that (K1) implies (III). Since
p(u;·)σfor every uDK, (K4) implies (II). Furthermore, (I) follows from
Lemma 2.3(ii). Theorem 2.5 now shows that the fixed point in Theorem 2.4 is unique
in the set DK.
2.5 Error estimates
In the following theorem, σkare the iterations defined by (5) and σis the limit, which
exists by Lemma 2.1. Let {uk}be the iterations defined by (9) and let ube the limit.
Theorem 2.6
We assume that all assumptions in Theorem 2.4 are valid, that is, that Ksat-
isfy (K1)–(K4) and that Ksatisfy (K1) and (K2). Then we have the following a
priori estimate :
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 229
and the a posteriori estimate :
p(uun+1 ;α)
Ki+1(p(unun+1 ;·))(α),nN,α,(14)
where the series is finite for every α.
Proof. Let m, n N. From (10), it follows that
p(un+mun;α)σn+m(α)σn(α) (15)
If we let m→ ∞ in (15), (13) now follows.
To prove the a posteriori estimate, we observe that as in the proof of (ii) in
Lemma 2.3, we have Ki(p(unum;·)) DKfor every iN. This follows from (K4)
since p(unum;·)σnσmfor mn. Thus,
p(un+1 un+m+1 ;α)
Ki(p(un+1 un;·))(α)
KiK(p(un+1 un;·))(α).
Using the same argument as in the proof of (6), we obtain that Kiσn=σn+iσi, and
Ki(σn+2 σn+1) =
(σn+i+2 σn+i+1)
=σn+m+1 σn+1.
Since K(p(un+1 un;·)) σn+2 σn+1, this shows that if we let m→ ∞ in (16),
then the series in (14) is finite and the a posteriori estimate holds.
2.6 Comparison with Banach’s fixed point theorem
We now demonstrate that our result is indeed a generalisation of Banach’s fixed point
theorem. Let Xbe a Banach space and K:DKDKa Lipschitz mapping, with
constant γ, on a closed non-empty set DKX. We have only one-seminorm, i.e.,
the norm |· | on X. Thus, the index set Ω consists of one point and R=R. Let Kbe
the operator given by multiplication by γ. For a non-negative solution zto (3) to exist
in general, it is necessary that 0 γ < 1, i.e., that Kis a contraction. The unique
solution to (4) is given by σ= (1 γ)1|K(0)| ∈ DK. Thus, if Kis a contraction,
then (K2) holds. Obviously, Kis linear and satisfies (K1), (K3), and (K4). It is also
obvious that (K1) and (K2) hold. Theorem 2.4 now shows that there exists a fixed
point xof K. Furthermore, Kn|y| → 0 for every yin X, so the fixed point is unique
in DKby Theorem 2.5. From the expressions in (13) and (14), we also obtain the
well-known prior and posterior estimates; see Zeidler [11, p. 19].
230 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
3. Applications
3.7 A first order differential equation
To show how to apply the abstract fixed point theorems, we give a new proof of a well-
known solvability result for first order differential equations in a separable Banach
space B, with the norm denoted by |·|. We consider the following equation:
x0(t) = A(x(t), t), t0, (17)
x(0) = aB.
We suppose that A:B×[0,)Bsatisfies the following Lipschitz-Carath´eodory
(A) For every fixed xB,A(x, ·) is measurable1, and there exists a function ω
in L1
loc([0,)) such that for all x, y Band every t0, we have
|A(x, t)A(y, t)| ≤ ω(t)|xy|. (18)
This condition implies, in particular, that the composition A(x(·),·) with a
measurable function x: [0,)Bis again measurable. We also require that
|A(0,·)| ∈ L1
Integrating (17), we obtain
x(t) = a+Zt
A(x(τ), τ ),t0. (19)
We let L1
loc([0,) ; B) denote the linear space of functions on [0,) into Bthat are
locally Bochner integrable (see Hille [3, p. 78]). It is clear that the assumptions above
imply that A(x(·),·)L1
loc([0,) ; B) if xL1
loc([0,) ; B), so equation (19) is
well-defined. Similarly, by L
loc([0,) ; B) we denote the linear space of measurable
functions xmapping [0,) into Bsuch that |x(·)|belongs to L
loc([0,)). If there ex-
ists a solution xL
loc([0,) ; B) to equation (19), xwill be continuous and solves (17)
in the sense of vector distributions; see Lions and Magenes [8, Section 1.3].
Theorem 3.1
There exists a unique solution xin L
loc([0,) ; B)to (19), and this solution
|x(t)| ≤ |a|expZt
Proof. Let Xbe the vector space of all mappings from Ω = [0,) into B. We define
the topology on Xby the seminorms p(x;t) = |x(t)|,xX,t0. Obviously these
seminorms separate points, and it is easy to see that Xis a complete, locally convex
space with this topology.
1Since Bis separable, strong measurability is equivalent with weak measurability (cf. Hille [3],
Theorem 3.5.3).
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 231
We first prove existence of a solution to (19). Let K:DKXbe defined by
the right-hand side in (19), with DKchosen as L
loc([0,) ; B). Define K:DKR
Kη(t) = Zt
with DK=L
loc([0,)). Obviously, if xDK, then K(x) belongs to DK. The
condition (A) implies that (K1) holds. Clearly, Kis linear, positive, and closed for
non-negative increasing sequences (by the monotone convergence theorem), so (K1)
and (K3) hold. Moreover, the function σDK, defined by
σ(t) = |a|expZt
ω(τ),t0, (20)
is the unique solution to σ=Kσ +|a|, so we may choose z=σ, which proves
that (K2) is valid. For ηDK,is continuous, so (K4) is satisfied. Suppose that the
sequence {xn}
n=0 satisfy the condition (8) in (K2). Clearly, this is a Cauchy sequence
in DK. Then xnconverges to some measurable xXsuch that |x| ≤ σ. From this
it follows that xbelongs to L
loc([0,) ; B), which proves that (K2) holds. Thus, all
requirements for Theorem 2.4 are satisfied, so there exists a fixed point xDKof K
such that |x| ≤ σ.
Next, we prove that this fixed point is unique. It is obvious that (II) and (III)
hold. To prove that (I) is valid as well, we will use the following identity:
· · · Zτ2
ω(τ1)12· · · n=1
which holds for every t0 and nN. For continuous ω, this can be checked by
differentiation and for general ω, it follows by density of smooth functions. From this,
we obtain that, for ηDK,
|Knη(t)| ≤ 1
L1([0,t])kηkL([0,t]) (21)
for every t0 and nN. This shows that Kn(p(y;·)) 0 for every yDK, so the
fixed point is unique by Theorem 2.5.
Remark 3.2 If the function ωin (A) instead belongs to L
loc([0,)), one can
choose DK=L1
loc([0,)) and DK=L1
loc([0,) ; B). With small changes to the
proof of Theorem 3.1, we obtain existence and uniqueness of a solution to (19) in the
space L1
loc([0,) ; B).
3.8 A second order differential equation
Let us consider a second order differential equation in the Banach space B:
x00(t) + k2x(t) = A(x(t), t), t R, (22)
where kis a positive constant and A:B×RBsatisfies the following Lipschitz-
Carath`eodory condition:
232 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
(A0) For every fixed xB,A(x, ·) is measurable, and there exists a function ω
in L(R) such that for all x, y Band every tR, (18) holds.
It is easy to verify that the function g(t) = (2k)1exp(k|t|), tR, is a Green’s
function for the operator 2
t+k2. Using this, we can formally rewrite (22) as
x(t) = ZR
g(tτ)A(x(τ), τ ),tR. (23)
One can show that a solution in L1
loc(R;B) to (23) is continuous and satisfies (22) in
the sense of vector distributions.
In order to describe our results for (23), we introduce the auxiliary differential
w00(t) + k2w(t)ω(t)w(t) = h(t), tR, (24)
where h(t) = |A(0, t)|for tR. We will require that
ω(t)< k2. (25)
Under this condition, the operator 2
t+k2ωhas a Green’s function gω(t, τ ), re-
presented by the Neumann series
k=0 ZRk
g(tτ1)ω(τ1)g(τ1τ2)· · · ω(τk)g(τkτ)12· · · k; (26)
see Kozlov and Maz’ya [4, Section 6]. This Green’s function is uniquely defined if we
require that gωis bounded. We also let w±be two positive solutions to the to (24)
corresponding homogeneous equation, such that
(i) w±(t)>0 for tR,w±(t)0 as t→ ±∞,w±(t)→ ∞ as t→ ∓∞,
One can show that w±satisfy
(ii) |w(t)|+|tw(t)| ≤ Ce±kt for t0.
These solutions exist and are unique up to a positive constant factor; see the proof of
Theorem 6.4.1 in Kozlov and Maz’ya [4]. Using these, one can give another represen-
tation for gω:
gω(t, τ ) = (D w+(t)w(τ), tτ,
D w(t)w+(τ), tτ,(27)
where Dis some positive constant.
Theorem 3.3
Suppose that
gω(0, τ )|A(0, τ)| < .(28)
Then there exists a solution xL1
loc(R;B)to (23) that satisfies
|x(t)| ≤ ZR
gω(t, τ )|A(0, τ)| ,tR,(29)
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 233
|x(t)|=o(w±(t)) as t→ ∓∞.(30)
Moreover, a solution in L1
loc(R;B)to (23), that satisfies (30), is unique.
To verify (28) in specific cases, one can employ well-known asymptotic properties of
solutions to ordinary differential equations; see Eastham [2], Kozlov and Maz’ya [4],
and Wasov [10].
Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we let Xbe the vector space of all mappings
from Ω = Rinto B. The topology on Xis given by the seminorms p(x;t) = |x(t)|,x
X,tR. With this topology, Xis locally convex and complete. We define the
operator K:DKRby
Kη(t) = ZR
where the domain DKof Kis the set of measurable functions ηon Rsuch that
g(τ)ω(τ)|η(τ)| < . (31)
Furthermore, let Kbe the right-hand side in (23). It follows from (A0) that, for
example, if xL1
loc(Ω ; B) such that |x| ∈ DK, then K(x) is defined:
|K(x)(t)| ≤ ZR
g(tτ)|A(x(τ), τ )A(0, τ)|+|K(0)(t)|
K|x|(t) + |K(0)(t)|.
The last term is finite since (28) holds.
We will next show that the functions w±both belong to DK. First of all,
eω(τ)w(τ) = τ(e(τ+k)w(τ))
and |(τ+k)w(τ)| ≤ Cefor τ > 0. Thus,
is bounded with respect to M > 0. Moreover, w(τ) is bounded for τ < 0, so
g(τ)ω(τ)w(τ) < .
This shows that wDK. In a similar manner, one can show that w+DK.
We now prove that (K2) is satisfied. Let h(t) = |A(0, t)|,tR. By Theorem 6.5.2
in Kozlov and Maz’ya [4], there exists a solution zto (24), which is given by
z(t) = ZR
gω(t, τ )h(t),tR, (33)
234 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
and this solution satisfies z(t) = o(w±(t)) as t→ ∓∞. It is also clear that zbelongs
to DKsince w±belong to DK. Moreover, the fact that gis a Green’s function for 2
k2implies that zalso solves the equation
Kz(t) + hg(t) = z(t), tR,
and hence, (K2) is satisfied. Let η , ζ DKsuch that 0 ηζand belongs to DK.
Clearly Kη is measurable, so it follows that DKsince Kη Kζ and Kζ DK.
Therefore it is clear that (K4) holds. By monotone convergence, it follows that K
is closed for non-negative, increasing sequences. Hence, (K3) is valid. Thus, (K1)
to (K4) are satisfied, so Lemma 2.1 shows that a unique minimal σDKexists.
Existence. We let DKbe defined as the set of those measurable functions xthat
maps RNinto Bfor which |x| ≤ σ. It follows from (18) that Kis defined on DK
since (A0) holds and σDK; compare with (32). It is clear that K(x) is measurable
for every xin DK, and using the same argument as in the proof of (i) in Lemma 2.3,
we obtain that |K(x)| ≤ σif xDK. Thus, Kmaps DKinto itself. As above, we
also have |K(x)K(y)| ≤ K|xy|for all x, y DK. Hence, (K1) holds.
We next show that (K2) is satisfied. Suppose that {xn}
n=0 satisfies condition (8)
in (K2). Then the sequence is a Cauchy sequence in DK. Since Xis (sequentially)
complete, we have xnxfor some measurable xX. Clearly |x| ≤ σ, so xDK.
Thus, all requirements for Theorem 2.4 are satisfied and there exists a fixed point x
in DKof K. Moreover, it is straightforward to verify, using (27) and the properties
of w±, that the estimate in (29) implies (30).
Uniqueness. Choose DKas the linear space of functions xL1
loc(R;B) such
that (30) holds. If xDK, then |x| ∈ DKsince w±DK, so K(x) is defined;
compare with (32). We next show that the operator Kmaps DKinto itself. To see
that this is true, let xbelong to DKand let ε > 0 be arbitrary. Choose M > 0 such
that |x(t)| ≤ εw(t) for t±M. Since (28) holds, it is sufficient to prove that
g(tτ)ω(τ)|x(τ)|=o(w±(t)) as t→ ∓∞. (34)
It is straightforward to show that
g(tτ)ω(τ)|x(τ)|0 as t→ ∓∞.
Since ω(τ)w±(τ)=(2
t+k2)w±(τ), we also have
and similarly
This implies that (34) is valid. The relation in (34) also shows that (II) holds. The
fact that (III) holds follows from (A0) and the definition of DKand DK.
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 235
We now turn to show that (I) holds. For an arbitrary but fixed function uin DK,
let η(t) = |u(t)|,tR. Then ηDKand η(t) = o(w±(t)) as t→ ∓∞. We prove, for a
fixed t=t0, that Knη(t0)0 as n→ ∞. Let ε > 0. Choose a positive number Mso
that |η(t)| ≤ εw(t) when t±M. Put ηM(t) = |η(t)|when |t| ≤ M,η(t) = |η(t)|
when t < M, and η+(t) = |η(t)|when t > M. All three functions are defined as zero
For ηM, we multiply (26) by ηMand integrate. The monotone convergence theo-
rem implies that
gn(t) = ZR
gω(t, τ )ηM(τ)dτ < ,tR, (35)
gn(t) = ZRn
g(tτ1)ω(τ1)g(τ1τ2)· · · ω(τn1)g(τn1τn)ηM(τn)12· · · n.
Since KnηM(t)k2gn(t) for every t, the convergence of the series in (35) implies
that |KnηM(t0)| ≤ εif nis large enough.
For η±, the fact that Kw±=w±shows that
Knη±(t0)εKnw±(t0) = εw±(t0).
Hence, we obtain that for all large n, we have
|Knη(t0)|<(1 + w(t0) + w+(t0))ε.
This proves that Knη(t0)0 as n→ ∞. Hence, we may apply Theorem 2.5, and find
that the fixed point is indeed unique.
3.9 A pseudo-differential equation
Let 1 <p<and let Sbe a pseudo-differential operator on RNwith an invertible
symbol a(ξ) which is smooth outside the origin and positively homogeneous of order
zero. We consider the equation
Su(x) = Q(u)(x), xRN, (36)
where the mapping Q:Lp
loc(RN\ {0})Lp
loc(RN\ {0}) is assumed to satisfy the
following Lipschitz type condition.
(Q) There exists some qL(0,) such that for all u, v Lp
loc(RN\ {0}):
NpQ(u)Q(v) ; rq(r)Npuv;r,r > 0, (37)
Np(u;r) = 1
,r > 0. (38)
236 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
Equations of this type occur, for example, when one solves boundary value problems
for partial differential equations with nonlinearities in the boundary condition. An
example of such an operator Qis Q(u)(x) = F(u, x), where Fsatisfies a Lipschitz-
Carath´eodory condition: the function F(u, ·) is measurable for every uRand there
exists some lin L(RN) such that
|F(u, x)F(v, x)| ≤ l(x)|uv|,u, v Rand xRN.
We also assume that F(0,·)Lp
loc(RN\ {0}). Then Qmaps Lp
loc(RN\ {0}) into itself
and satisfies (Q) with q(r) = ess supr<|x|<2rl(x).
Since the symbol a(ξ) is invertible, the operator Shas an inverse, which we denote
by T, with symbol 1/a(ξ). Formally applying Tto (36), we arrive at
u(x) = T Q(u)(x), xRN. (39)
Under natural assumptions, we will establish existence and uniqueness of solutions
to (39). The operator Tcan also be represented as a singular integral operator:
T v(x) = (V.P.) ZRN
K(xy)v(y)dy,xRN, (40)
where the kernel Kis positively homogenous of order N, infinitely differentiable
outside the origin, and satisfies a cancellation condition; see Stein [9, p. 26]. We
let µ(ρ) = ρNfor 0 ρ < 1 and µ(ρ) = 1 for ρ1. The operator Tis defined for
functions vLp
loc(RN\ {0}) such that
ρ<. (41)
In fact, the following inequality holds:
Np(T u ;r)CTZ
ρ,r > 0, (42)
where the constant CTonly depends on N,p, and K. In Kozlov, Thim, and Tures-
son [7], this result is proved for the Riesz transform, but it holds with the obvious
modifications for all operators of the type given in (40).
In what follows, we require that
, (43)
and put ω(t) = NCTq(et) for tR. In order to formulate our results for (39), let us
introduce an auxiliary differential equation:
(t+N)tw(t)ω(t)w(t) = h(t), tR, (44)
where h(t) = NCTNp(Q(0) ; et), tR. A Green’s function for the differential op-
erator (t+N)tis given by the function g(t) = N1µ(et), tR. As before,
the Green’s function gω(t, τ ) for the differential operator (t+N)tωmay be
represented as the Neumann series in (26) with gas above. To give another repre-
sentation for gω, we introduce two positive solutions v±to the to (44) corresponding
homogeneous equation such that
A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 237
(i) v±(t)>0 for tR,v±(t) = o(eNt/2) as t→ ±∞,eNt/2v±(t)→ ∞
as t→ ∓∞.
One can show that v±satisfy
(ii) |v(t)|+|tv(t)| ≤ CeNt/2±Nt/2for t0.
Compare (i) and (ii) with w±in Section 3.2. We may then represent gωas
gω(t, τ ) = (D v+(t)ev(τ), tτ,
D v(t)eN τ v+(τ), tτ,(45)
where Dis some positive constant. Observe that eN tv±(t) are solutions to the to (44)
corresponding homogeneous equation for the formal adjoint operator, i.e., the equation
w00(t) + N w0(t)ω(t)w(t) = 0.
Theorem 3.4
Suppose that
gω(0,log ρ)Np(Q(0) ; ρ)
Then there exists a solution uLp
loc(RN\ {0})to (39). This solution satisfies
gω(log r, log ρ)Np(Q(0) ; ρ)
ρ,r > 0,
Np(u;r) = o(v+(log r)) as r0+,
o(v(log r)) as r→ ∞.(46)
A solution in Lp
loc(RN\ {0})to (39) that satisfies (46) is unique.
Proof. Let X=Lp
loc(RN\ {0}) and put Ω = (0,). We let {Np(·;r)}r>0be the
seminorms on this space. We start by defining K:DKRby
Kη(r) = CTZ
rω(log ρ)η(ρ)
ρ,r > 0,
where CTis the constant in (42). The domain DKof Kis the set of functions η
in L1
loc(0,) such that
µ(ρ)ω(log ρ)η(ρ)
ρ<. (47)
Using monotone convergence, it follows that Kis closed for non-negative increasing
sequences. The functions v±(log ρ), ρ > 0, both belong to DK; this follows by the
same kind of argument that was used in the proof of Theorem 3.3, after first making
the substitution ρ=et. Next, we define Kas the right-hand side in (39).
To see that (K2) is satisfied, let h(t) = N CTNp(Q(0) ; et), tR. By Theo-
rem 6.5.2 in Kozlov and Maz’ya [4], there exists a solution wto (44), given by (33)
with gωas in (45), and this solution satisfies
|w(t)|=o(v±(t)) as t→ ∓∞.
238 Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson
The function r7→ w(log r) belongs to DKsince we know that v±log DK. Further-
more, g(t) is a Green’s function for (t+N)t, so after a change of variables, we see
that zsolves the equation
Kz(r)+(hg)(log(r)) = z(r), r > 0,
and hence, (K2) is satisfied. It is also clear that (K4) is valid. Thus, (K1) to (K4)
are all satisfied, so we may apply Lemma 2.1 to obtain a unique minimal σDKthat
solves (4).
Existence. We let DKbe the linear space of those xLp
loc(RN\ {0}) such
that Np(u;r)σ(r), r > 0. Inequality (42) implies that K(u)Lp
loc(RN\ {0})
for uDK. From (4) it now follows that Kmaps DKinto DK. The condition
in (Q) also shows that (K1) holds.
Let {un}be a Cauchy sequence in DK. Since Lp
loc(RN\ {0}) is (sequentially)
complete, we have unufor some uLp
loc(RN\ {0}). Furthermore, from the facts
that σDKand Np(u;·)σwe obtain that Np(u;·)DKby dominated conver-
gence. Hence, uDK. This proves that (K2) is satisfied. Thus, all requirements
for Theorem 2.4 are satisfied and there exists a fixed point uDKof Ksuch that
the inequality Np(u;·)σis holds.
Uniqueness. As in the proof of uniqueness in Theorem 3.3, one can show that
with DKas those functions uLp
loc(RN\ {0}) such that (46) holds, K(u) is defined
and satisfies (46). It is now straightforward to verify that (II) and (III) are valid. After
the substitution t= log rin the proof of uniqueness in Theorem 3.3, and using v±in the
place of w±, we obtain that Knη(r)0 as n→ ∞ for all r > 0. Thus, Theorem 2.5
is applicable, which proves that the solution is unique.
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A fixed point theorem in locally convex spaces 239
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... Appendix C provides a pure currency model where the value function is discontinuous with respect to the shock variable, showing in a simple economic model the well-known fact that Feller continuity 3 This idea is not new. Kozlov, Thim, and Turesson (2010) developed a fixed-point theorem in locally convex spaces whose topology is given by a family of seminorms. However, the results obtained depend on the companion contraction parameter operator being linear, precluding application to the dynamic programming equation, since it genuinely demands a nonlinear companion contraction parameter, due to the presence of a maximization operation in the definition of the Bellman equation. ...
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In this paper, we develop a framework to analyze stochastic dynamic optimization problems in discrete time. We obtain new results about the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation through a notion of Banach contractions that generalizes known results for Banach and local contractions. We apply the results obtained to an endogenous growth model and compare our approach with other well‐known methods, such as the weighted contraction method, countable local contractions, and the Q‐transform.
... We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of pseminorm spaces (E, · p ) p∈P by following a similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [31], Ko and Tasi [71], and Kozlov et al. [72]; see the references therein for more details. ...
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The goal of this paper is to develop new fixed points for quasi upper semicontinuous set-valued mappings and compact continuous (single-valued) mappings, and related applications for useful tools in nonlinear analysis by applying the best approximation approach for classes of semiclosed 1-set contractive set-valued mappings in locally p -convex and p -vector spaces for p(0,1]p \in (0, 1] p ∈ ( 0 , 1 ] . In particular, we first develop general fixed point theorems for quasi upper semicontinuous set-valued and single-valued condensing mappings, which provide answers to the Schauder conjecture in the affirmative way under the setting of locally p -convex spaces and topological vector spaces for p(0,1]p \in (0, 1] p ∈ ( 0 , 1 ] ; then the best approximation results for quasi upper semicontinuous and 1-set contractive set-valued mappings are established, which are used as tools to establish some new fixed points for nonself quasi upper semicontinuous set-valued mappings with either inward or outward set conditions under various boundary situations. The results established in this paper unify or improve corresponding results in the existing literature for nonlinear analysis, and they would be regarded as the continuation of the related work by Yuan (Fixed Point Theory Algorithms Sci. Eng. 2022:20, 2022)–(Fixed Point Theory Algorithms Sci. Eng. 2022:26, 2022) recently.
... We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of pseminorm spaces (E, · p ) p∈P by following a similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [31], Ko and Tasi [71], and Kozlov et al. [72]; see the references therein for more details. ...
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This book provides an updated discussion of fixed point theory using the framework of p-vector spaces, a core component of nonlinear analysis in mathematics. The book covers three main topics: 1) the “best approximation approach” for classes of semiclosed 1-set contractive set-valued mappings in both P-vector space and locally p-spaces; 2) the general principle of Leray-Schauder alternatives; and 3) various forms of fixed point theorems for non-self mappings. Specifically, the book focuses on the development of general fixed point theory for both single and set-valued mappings. It provides affirmative answers to the Schauder conjecture under the general setting of p-vector spaces (including topological vector spaces as a special class), and locally p-convex spaces. The book establishes best approximation results for upper semi-continuous and 1-set contractive set-valued mappings, which are used as tools to establish new fixed point theorems for non-self set-valued mappings with either inward or outward set conditions under various situations. These results improve or unify corresponding results in the existing literature for nonlinear analysis, and allow for the establishment of the fundamental general theory for the development of fixed point theorems in topological vector spaces since Schauder’s conjecture was raised in 1930. This new book is a staple textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students, a reference book for researchers in the field of fixed point theory in nonlinear functional analysis, and easily accessible to general readers in mathematics and related disciplines.
... here diam D i means the diameter of the set D i , and it is well known that b H b K 2b H : We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of p-seminorm spaces ðE, jj Á jj p Þ p2P by following the similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [104], Ko and Tasi [105], Kozlov et al. [106] and references therein for more in details. ...
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The goal of this paper is to develop some new and useful tools for nonlinear analysis by applying the best approximation approach for classes of semiclosed 1-set contractive set-valued mappings in locally p-convex or p-vector spaces for p∈(0,1]. In particular, we first develop general fixed point theorems for both set-valued and single-valued condensing mappings which provide answers to the Schauder conjecture in the affirmative way under the setting of (locally p-convex) p-vector spaces, then the best approximation results for upper semi-continuous and 1-set contractive set-valued are established, which are used as tools to establish some new fixed points for non-self set-valued mappings with either inward or outward set conditions under various situations. These results unify or improve corresponding results in the existing literature for nonlinear analysis.
... Let A 1 , A 2 ⊂ X be bounded of a metric space (X, d), we also recall that the Hausdorff metric d H (A 1 , A 2 ) between A 1 and A 2 is defined by Here diam D i means the diameter of the set D i , and it is well known that β H ≤ β K ≤ 2β H . We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of pseminorm spaces (E, · p ) p∈P by following the similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [26], Ko and Tasi [61], Kozlov et al. [62] (see the references therein for more details). ...
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The goal of this paper is to develop some fundamental and important nonlinear analysis for single-valued mappings under the framework of p -vector spaces, in particular, for locally p -convex spaces for 0<p10 < p \leq 1 0 < p ≤ 1 . More precisely, based on the fixed point theorem of single-valued continuous condensing mappings in locally p -convex spaces as the starting point, we first establish best approximation results for (single-valued) continuous condensing mappings, which are then used to develop new results for three classes of nonlinear mappings consisting of 1) condensing; 2) 1-set contractive; and 3) semiclosed 1-set contractive mappings in locally p -convex spaces. Next they are used to establish the general principle for nonlinear alternative, Leray–Schauder alternative, fixed points for nonself mappings with different boundary conditions for nonlinear mappings from locally p -convex spaces, to nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces, or locally convex spaces with the Opial condition. The results given by this paper not only include the corresponding ones in the existing literature as special cases, but are also expected to be useful tools for the development of new theory in nonlinear functional analysis and applications to the study of related nonlinear problems arising from practice under the general framework of p -vector spaces for 0<p10< p \leq 1 0 < p ≤ 1 . Finally, the work presented by this paper focuses on the development of nonlinear analysis for single-valued (instead of set-valued) mappings for locally p -convex spaces. Essentially, it is indeed the continuation of the associated work given recently by Yuan (Fixed Point Theory Algorithms Sci. Eng. 2022:20, 2022); therein, the attention is given to the study of nonlinear analysis for set-valued mappings in locally p -convex spaces for 0<p10 < p \leq 1 0 < p ≤ 1 .
... here diamD i means the diameter of the set D i , and it is well known that β H ≤ β K ≤ 2β H . We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of p-seminorm spaces (E, · p ) p∈P by following the similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [27], Ko and Tasi [61], Kozlov et al. [62] and references therein for more in details. ...
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The goal of this paper is to develop some fundamental and important nonlinear analysis for single-valued mappings under the framework of p-vector spaces, in particular, for locally p-convex spaces for 0 < p ≤ 1. More precisely, based on the fixed point theorem of single-valued continuous condensing mapping in locally p-convex spaces as the starting point, we first establish best approximation results for (single-valued) continuous condensing mappings which are then used to develop new results for three classes of nonlinear mappings consisting of 1) condensing; 2) 1-set contractive; and 3) semiclosed 1-set contractive mappings in locally p-convex spaces. Next they are used to establish general principle for nonlinear alternative, Leray - Schauder alternative, fixed points for non-self mappings with different boundary conditions for nonlinear mappings from locally p-convex spaces, to nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces, or locally convex spaces with Opial condition. The results given by this paper not only include the corresponding ones in the existing literature as special cases, but also expected to be useful tools for the development of new theory in nonlinear functional analysis and applications to the study of related nonlinear problems arising from practice under the general framework of p-vector spaces for 0 < p ≤ 1. In addition, the work presented by this paper focuses on the development of nonlinear analysis for single-valued (instead of set-valued) mappings for locally p-convex spaces, essentially, is indeed the continuation of the associated work given recently by Yuan [134] therein, the attention is given to the study of nonlinear analysis for set-valued mappings in locally p-convex spaces for 0 < p ≤ 1.
... We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of pseminorm spaces (E, · p ) p∈P by following a similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [28], Ko and Tasi [63], and Kozlov et al. [64] (see the references therein for more details). Let T be a mapping from D ⊂ X to X. Then we have that: 1) T is said to be a k- ...
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It is known that the class of p -vector spaces (0<p1)(0 < p \leq 1) ( 0 < p ≤ 1 ) is an important generalization of the usual norm spaces with rich topological and geometrical structure, but most tools and general principles with nature in nonlinearity have not been developed yet. The goal of this paper is to develop some useful tools in nonlinear analysis by applying the best approximation approach for the classes of 1-set contractive set-valued mappings in p -vector spaces. In particular, we first develop general fixed point theorems of compact (single-valued) continuous mappings for closed p -convex subsets, which also provide an answer to Schauder’s conjecture of 1930s in the affirmative way under the setting of topological vector spaces for 0<p10 < p \leq 1 0 < p ≤ 1 . Then one best approximation result for upper semicontinuous and 1-set contractive set-valued mappings is established, which is used as a useful tool to establish fixed points of nonself set-valued mappings with either inward or outward set conditions and related various boundary conditions under the framework of locally p -convex spaces for 0<p10 < p \leq 1 0 < p ≤ 1 . In addition, based on the framework for the study of nonlinear analysis obtained for set-valued mappings with closed p -convex values in this paper, we conclude that development of nonlinear analysis and related tools for singe-valued mappings in locally p -convex spaces for 0<p10 < p \leq 1 0 < p ≤ 1 seems even more important, and can be done by the approach established in this paper.
... here diamD i means the diameter of the set D i , and it is well known that β H ≤ β K ≤ 2β H . We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of p-seminorm spaces (E, · p ) p∈P by following the similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [27], Ko and Tasi [61], Kozlov et al. [62] and references therein for more in details. ...
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The goal of this paper is to develop some fundamental and important nonlinear analysis for single-valued mappings under the framework of p-vector spaces, in particular, for locally p-convex spaces for p in (0, 1]. More precisely, based on the fixed point theorem of single-valued continuous condensing mapping in locally p-convex spaces as the starting point, we first establish best approximation results for (single-valued) continuous condensing mappings which are then used to develop new results for three classes of nonlinear mappings consisting of 1) condensing; 2) 1-set contractive; and 3) semiclosed 1-set contractive mappings in locally p-convex spaces. Next they are used to establish general principle for nonlinear alternative, Leray - Schauder alternative, fixed points for non-self mappings with different boundary conditions for nonlinear mappings from locally p-convex spaces, to nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces, or locally convex spaces with Opial condition. The results given by this paper not only include the corresponding ones in the existing literature as special cases, but also expected to be useful tools for the development of new theory in nonlinear functional analysis and applications to the study of related nonlinear problems arising from practice under the general framework of p-vector spaces for p in (0, 1]. Finally, the work presented by this paper focuses on the development of nonlinear analysis for single-valued (instead of set-valued) mappings for locally p-convex spaces, essentially, is indeed the continuation of the associated work given recently by Yuan [134] therein, the attention is given to the study of nonlinear analysis for set-valued mappings in locally p-convex spaces for p in (0, 1].
... here diamD i means the diameter of the set D i , and it is well known that β H ≤ β K ≤ 2β H . We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of p-seminorm spaces (E, ∥ · ∥ p ) p∈P by following the similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [29], Ko and Tasi [63], Kozlov et al. [64] and references therein for more in details. ...
Full-text available
It is known that the class of p-vector spaces (0 < p ≤ 1) is an important generalization of usual norm spaceswith rich topological and geometrical structure, but the most tools and general principles with nature in nonlinearity have not been developed yet, the goal of this paper is to develop some useful tools in nonlinear analysisby applying the best approximation approach for the classes of 1-set contractive set-valued mappings in p-vectorspaces. In particular, we first develop the general fixed point theorems of condensing mappings which provideanswer to Schauder conjecture in 1930’s in the affirmative way under the setting of p-vector spaces. Then one bestapproximation result for upper semi-continuous and 1-set contractive set-valued is established, which is used as auseful tool to establish fixed points of non-self set-valued mappings with either inward or outward set conditions,and related various boundary conditions. AMS Classification: 47H04, 47H10, 46A16, 46A55, 49J27, 49J35, 52A07, 54C60, 54H25, 55M20
... here diamD i means the diameter of the set D i , and it is well known that β H ≤ β K ≤ 2β H . We also point out that the notions above can be well defined under the framework of p-seminorm spaces (E, ∥ · ∥ p ) p∈P by following the similar idea and method used by Chen and Singh [29], Ko and Tasi [63], Kozlov et al. [64] and references therein for more in details. ...
Full-text available
It is known that the class of p-vector spaces (0 < p ≤ 1) is an important generalization of usual norm spaces with rich topological and geometrical structure, but the most tools and general principles with nature in nonlinearity have not been developed yet, the goal of this paper is to develop some useful tools in nonlinear analysisby applying the best approximation approach for the classes of 1-set contractive set-valued mappings in p-vectorspaces. In particular, we first develop the general fixed point theorems of condensing mappings which provideanswer to Schauder conjecture in 1930’s in the affirmative way under the setting of p-vector spaces. Then one bestapproximation result for upper semi-continuous and 1-set contractive set-valued is established, which is used as auseful tool to establish fixed points of non-self set-valued mappings with either inward or outward set conditions,and related various boundary conditions.
The aim of this chapter is to give the fundamental results of the theory of trace and interpolation spaces in the Hilbert case. Some indications about the possible generalizations to the non-Hilbert case are given in the Comments and in Section 14 along with the basic literature. Sections 10, 12 (except 12.1), 13–15, although used in the sequel, may be skipped on first reading.
This book develops a detailed theory of a generalized Sturm-Liouville Equation, which includes conditions of solvability, classes of uniqueness, positivity properties of solutions and Green's functions, asymptotic properties of solutions at infinity. Of independent interest, the higher-order Sturm-Liouville equation also proved to have important applications to differential equations with operator coefficients and elliptic boundary value problems for domains with non-smooth boundaries. The book addresses graduate students and researchers in ordinary and partial differential equations, and is accessible with a standard undergraduate course in real analysis.
The spectral theory of operators in a finite-dimensional space first appeared in connection with the description of the frequencies of small vibrations of mechanical systems (see Arnol’d et al. 1985). When the vibrations of a string are considered, there arises a simple eigenvalue problem for a differential operator. In the case of a homogeneous string it suffices to use the classical theory of Fourier series. For an inhomogeneous string it becomes necessary to consider the general Sturm-Liouville problem, which is the eigenvalue problem for a simple one-dimensional differential operator with variable coefficients. Failing to be explicitly soluble, the problem calls for a qualitative and asymptotic study (see Egorov and Shubin 1988a, §9). When considering the vibrations of a membrane or a three-dimensional elastic body, we arrive at the eigenvalue problems for many-dimensional differential operators. Such problems also arise in the theory of shells, hydrodynamics, and other areas of mechanics. One of the richest sources of problems in spectral theory, mostly for Schrödinger operators, is quantum mechanics, in which the eigenvalues of the quantum Hamiltonian, and, more generally, the points of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, are the possible energy values of the system.