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Note: First record of the eucalyptus gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli and its parasitoid, Closterocerus chamaeleon , in Turkey


Abstract and Figures

The Eucalyptus gall waspOphelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae: Ophelimini) and its introduced parasitoidClosterocerus chamaeleon (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae: Entedoninae) are recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean and Aegean Regions of Turkey. Some morphological characters of adult and larva ofO. maskelli and larva ofC. chamaeleon are described and illustrated. Distributions of the two wasps collected in Turkey are given. Results indicate that the biological control agent,C. chamaeleon, has spread over 1,300 km in the 16 months since its initial release.
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ENTOMOLOGY M. Doˇganlar and Z. Mendel (2007) Phytoparasitica 35(4):333-335
NOTE:First Record of the Eucalyptus Gall Wasp Ophelimus
maskelli and Its Parasitoid, Closterocerus chamaeleon, in
M. Doˇganlar1and Z. Mendel,2
The Eucalyptus gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eu-
lophidae: Ophelimini) and its introduced parasitoid Closterocerus chamaeleon (Hymenoptera:
Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae: Entedoninae) are recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean
and Aegean Regions of Turkey. Some morphological characters of adult and larva of O.
maskelli and larva of C. chamaeleon are described and illustrated. Distributions of the two
wasps collected in Turkey are given. Results indicate that the biological control agent, C.
chamaeleon, has spread over 1,300 km in the 16 months since its initial release.
KEY WORDS: Biological control; Closterocerus chamaeleon; eucalyptus; Ophelimus maskelli.
The gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli (Ash-
mead) is a pest of eucalypts which has recently
invaded the Mediterranean Basin, where it was
originally reported under the name O. euca-
lypti (Gahan) by several groups of researchers
(1,3,5,8-10). However, at the present stage of
the research, it was shown by Protasov, Blum-
berg, Brand, La Salle and Mendel (submitted for
publication) that the correct name forthis species
in Israel is O. maskelli (Ashmead), based on
the taxonomic history, diagnostic characteristics,
biology and impact on host plants.
An integrated control program on gall-
inducing pests was initiated by M. Doˇganlar
and colleagues in 2005, after the discovery of
Leptocybe invasa Fisher and LaSalle (6) in Hatay
province, Turkey, by Doˇganlar (4), and in other
parts of the Mediterranean region by Aytar (2).
Projects were undertaken to discover natural en-
emies of L. invasa through collecting and cul-
turing samples under laboratory conditions, and
to determine resistant/tolerant varieties of Eu-
calyptus camaldulensis and E. grandis through
collecting seedlings from nature and testing their
tolerance to attack by L. invasa. Up to now
no natural enemies have been found, but some
resistant and tolerant Eucalyptus varieties have
been found. These studies are being continued.
In the second half of December 2006
and in January 2007 many specimens of E.
camaldulensis and E. nigra leaves galled by
O. maskelli were collected from the towns
of Kırıkhan, Kumlu, Antakya and Iskenderun
(Hatay province), Adana city center, the villages
of G¨unyurdu Arıklı and Yenice-Tarsus, the city
center of Tarsus (Mersin province); in Alanya-
Antalya and Muˇgla in July – August 2006; and
from Urla, Gaziemir, C¸ iˇgli, and Izmir city center
in February 2007. Pre-hatched adults of O.
maskelli were removed from the galls, and iden-
tified using the diagnostic characters provided by
Protasov et al. (7). In particular, the forewing
has only a single submarginal seta, the prestig-
mal, marginal and stigmal veins are distinctly
broadened and darkened, and the postmarginal
vein is longer than the marginal vein (Fig. 1A);
there are two funicular segments, both having
distinct linear sensila; the first one being about
Received Feb. 28, 2007; accepted May 8, 2007; posting July 29, 2007.
1Dept. of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Mustafa Kemal University, 31034 Antakya, Hatay, Turkey
2Dept. of Entomology, ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel. *Corresponding author [e-mail:].
Phytoparasitica 35:4, 2007 333
half the length of the second, but clearly larger
than the three anellar segments (Fig. 1B). Other
characteristics are as described by Protasov et al.
(7). Many of the galls harbor overwintering lar-
vae of O. maskelli which have plant material in
their mid-guts. They are very different from
the parasitoid larvae in having very long coni-
cal papillae and a wide opening of the stigma
(Fig. 1C), whereas the larvae of Closterocerus
chamaeleon have much smaller papillae and a
narrower opening of the stigma (Fig. 1D).
Several hundred females of C. chamaeleon
were reared from the galls of O. maskelli col-
lected from Kırıkhan and from Tarsus city cen-
ter since mid-December 2006; no males were
found. Dissection of the galls revealed that
the parasitoids overwinter as last-instar larvae
or pupae. However, they were able to develop
into adults when they were kept under laboratory
conditions at 20–25C and 70–80% r.h. The
population of C. chamaeleon in Hatay province
originated from individuals that were released in
several locations in Israel from September 2005
to March 2006 and dispersed northward. The
parasitoids released in Israel were collected from
E. camaldulensis trees growing on the banks
of the Murrumbidgee River in Wagga Wagga,
NSW, Australia, in 2005. In January 2007,
C. chamaeleon was found in galled E. camal-
dulensis leaves collected in the city of Izmir,
approximately 1,300 km from the release sites in
the central coastal plain of Israel (at Bet Dagan).
This provides evidence that the parasitoid has
already spread some 1,300 km from the release
sites in Israel in only 16 months. Such an
impressive spread for an introduced parasitoid
indicates that it may be capable of providing
substantial biological control in the region.
The work on life history and relationships of
the galler and the parasitoid, and the survey of
their distributions in Turkey, are continuing.
Fig. 1. Ophelimus maskelli female collected in Hatay, Turkey: female (A), fore wing (B), antenna,
cephalic substructure and spiracles of the larvae (C); and cephalic substructure and spiracles of the
larvae of Closterocerus chamaeleon (D).
334 M. Doˇganlar and Z. Mendel
We thank the staff of the Forestry Department of Hatay for their help in collecting the specimens in their
Eucalyptus-growing areas; and Dr. John La Salle for his help in identifying the species of Closterocerus
chamaeleon, and for his valuable comments on the manuscript.
1. Arzone, A. and Alma, A. (2000) A gall eulophid of Eucalyptus in Italy. Inf. Fitopatol. 50:43-46.
2. Aytar, F. (2003) Natural biology, distribution and control method of Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle
(Hym., Eulophidae), eucalyptus gall wasp in Turkey. DOA Dergisi (J. DOA) 9:47-66.
3. Bella, S. and Lo Verde, G. (2002) Presenza nell’Italia continentale e in Sicilia di Ophelimus prope eucalypti
(Gahan) e Aprostocetus sp., galligeni degli Eucalipti (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Nat. Sicil. 26:191-197.
4. Doˇganlar, O. (2005) Occurrence of Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle, 2004 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea:
Eulophidae) on Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Turkey, with description of the male sex. Zool. Middle East
5. Laudonia, S. and Viggiani, G. (2003) Descrizione degli stadi preimmaginali dell’Imenottero galligeno
Ophelimus eucalypti (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). [Description of the preimaginal stages of the
gall-inducing wasp Ophelimus eucalypti (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).] Boll. Lab. Entomol. Agrar.
Filippo Silvestri 59:93-98.
6. Mendel, Z., Protasov, A., Fisher, N. and La Salle, J. (2004) The taxonomy and natural history of Leptocybe
invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) gen. & sp. nov., an invasive gall inducer on Eucalyptus. Aust. J. Entomol.
7. Protasov, A., La Salle, J., Blumberg, D., Brand, D., Saphir, N., Assael, F. et al. (2007) Biology, revised
taxonomy and impact on host plants of Ophelimus maskelli, an invasive gall inducer on Eucalyptus spp. in
the Mediterranean area. Phytoparasitica 35:50-76.
8. Pujade-Villar, J. and Riba-Flinch, J. M. (2004) Dos especies australianas de eulofidos, muy daninas para
Eucalyptus spp., introducidas en el nordeste Iberico (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). [Two Australian eulophids
very harmful to Eucalyptus spp., introduced into the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula.] Boll. Soc. Entomol.
Aragonesa 35:299-301.
9. Viggiani, G., Laudonia, S. and Bernardo, U. (2002) The increase of insect pests in Eucalyptus.Inf. Agrar.
10. Viggiani, G. and Nicotina, M. (2001) The eulophid leaf gall-making of eucalypts Ophelimus eucalypti
(Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Campania. Boll. Zool. Agrar. Bachic. 33:79-82.
Phytoparasitica 35:4, 2007 335
... Bu türlerden her biri konukçu bitkilerinin yaprak, sürgün, çiçek tomurcuk ve hatta tohumlarında gal oluşturmaktadır. Ancak son yıllarda Avustralya'daki gal oluşturan eulophid türlerden bazıları bu ülkede ekonomik anlamda zarar oluşturmazken, dünyanın diğer yörelerinde okaliptüs ağaçlarında salgınlara neden olan zararlılar durumuna gelmiştir (Boucek, 1988;Graham, 1987;Bella and Lo Verde, 2002;La Salle, 2005;Doğanlar, 2005;Doğanlar and Mendel, 2007;Protasov et al.2007;. ...
... Son yıllarda ülkemize girdiği düşünülen ve 2006 yılında varlığı saptanan (Doğanlar and Mendel, 2007), özellikle yaprak ayasında larvalarının beslenmesi sonucunda bazen olgun yaprakları tamamen kapsayacak düzeyde, 1-1,5 mm çapında galler oluşturan Ophelimus maskelli (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) önemli bir zararlı olabilecek durumdadır. Daha sonra Huber et al. (2006)'nın yaptığı çalışmalarda bu zararlının iki doğal düşmanını bularak tanımlamışlar ve İsrail'de biyolojik mücadele amacıyla salımlarını yaparak parazitoitin doğaya yerleştiğini bildirmişlerdir. ...
... 2004, Protasov ve ark. 2007ve Doğanlar 2007'ye göre, Lepidoptera takımı mensubu türlerSpuler 1908, Mazzei ve ark. 1999 ve Anonim 2004'e göre ve Thysanoptera mensubu türler Doğanlar 2007'e göre yapılmıştır. ...
I. National Eucalyptus Symposium, 15-17 April 2008, Tarsus- Turkiye (I. Ulusal Okaliptüs Sempozyumu, 15-17 Nisan 2008, Tarsus- Türkiye) Editors: Mustafa YILMAZ, Abdullah E. AKAY, Alaaddin YÜKSEL (15-17 NİSAN 2008, TARSUS)
... It was first identified in Italy and northeastern Spain as O. maskelli (Pujade-Villar et al., 2004;Rizzo et al., 2006;Viggiani & Nicotina, 2002). In 2003, it was reported in the Middle East and Spain (Protasov et al., 2007;Sánchez, 2003);in 2005, in southern France (EPPO, 2006, in Portugal and Turkey (Branco et al., 2006Doganlar & Mendel, 2007), in 2014 in Syria (Tracy and Fatima, 2014), and in Jordan in 2016 (Ghabeish and Araj, 2016). In Iraq, the wasp-swollen eucalyptus leaves (Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle) was observed in 2012 (Hassan, 2012). ...
Al-Jalal, H.M.M. and W.A. Yahya. 2023. First Record of the Eucalyptus Gall Wasp, Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 41(1): 12-14. Gall wasps ophelimus maskelli were detected for the first time in Nineveh Governorate on the foliage of Eucalyptus tree during June, 2021. Symptoms of infestation were in the form of pus-like swellings on the fresh stems and leaf blade. Leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis were heavily infested with the gall wasp, with leaves infestation rate and severity of infestation reached 42.2% and 5.2 galls/cm², respectively. The results showed that the severity of infestation at the basal and middle leaves was higher than the terminal leaves, and the averages reached 5.38, 2.73 and 1.70 galls/cm², respectively. Keywords: Swelling wasp, Eucalyptus, rate of infestation, severity of infestation.
... Their presence in urban and semi-urban habitats is common in Europe; parks and gardens have been found to hold the largest number of alien arthropods amongst invaded habitats (Lopez-Vaamonde et al. 2010). Closterocerus chamaeleon ( Figure 2C), a parasitoid of O. maskelli, is renowned for its high dispersal potential in many Mediterranean countries utilizing both wind currents and human-mediated transportations (Doğanlar and Mendel 2007;Branco et al. 2009;Lo Verde et al. 2010;Caleca et al. 2011). ...
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A five-month survey on Eucalyptus spp., one of the most commonly planted trees in Cyprus, was undertaken in Limassol and Akrotiri in urban, rural and protected habitats. Two alien gall-inducing Eucalyptus wasps: Leptocybe invasa Fisher and La Salle, 2004 and Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead, 1900) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were recorded for the first time from Cyprus. In addition, three new alien parasitoids: Stethynium ophelimi (Huber, 2006) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault, 1922) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Megastigmus lawsoni Doğanlar and Hassan, 2010 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), were reared from O. maskelli and L. invasa galls. The distribution, introduction and management actions for Eucalyptus spp. and their alien Chalcidoidea associates are discussed.
... Unintentional spread of some of the natural enemies recorded in this study was previously reported from other eucalypt growing regions of the world. For example, C. chamaeleon, since its intentional release in Israel in 2005 (Protasov et al. 2007), has spread to different eucalyptgrowing regions, including the Mediterranean region (Doganlar and Mendel 2007;Borrajo et al. 2008;Branco et al. 2009), Chile and Argentina (Aquino et al. 2014;Bush et al. 2016). Psyllaephagus bliteus was intentionally introduced in California, Mexico and Chile in 2000, 2002respectively (Daane et al. 2005Plascencia-González et al. 2005;Ide et al. 2006) and subsequently spread to Brazil, Colombia, several Mediterranean countries (Caleca et al. 2011;Pérez-Otero et al. 2011;Bella and Rapisarda 2013;Reguia and Peris-Filipo 2013;Karaca et al. 2015) and Portugal (Dhari et al. 2014). ...
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Eucalypt forestry in sub-Saharan Africa is challenged by non-native eucalypt-feeding insects. In recent studies, six invasive eucalypt insect pests, namely Blastopsylla occidentalis, Glycaspis brimblecombei, Gonipterus sp.n.2, Leptocybe invasa, Thaumastocoris peregrinus and Ophelimus maskelli were confirmed present in sub-Saharan Africa. We investigated the diversity and distribution of natural enemies of these pests in six countries in the region. Plant parts (leaves, petioles and stem) infested with the insect pests were sampled from multiple sites in each country. The emerged natural enemies were identified using morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data. Nine species of natural enemies were confirmed present in the surveyed countries, namely Anaphes nitens, Closterocerus chamaeleon, Megastigmus sp., M. pretorianensis, Psyllaephagus blastopsyllae, P. bliteus, Quadrastichus mendeli, Selitrichodes kryceri and S. neseri. No natural enemies were found in Ghana and Sierra Leone despite the presence of L. invasa in both of those countries. Interestingly, most of these natural enemies were unintentionally introduced into the surveyed countries. Results of this study showed that both insect pests and natural enemies introduced into one country are likely to affect many other countries in the region. These findings call for a more coordinated approach to the management of plantation pests in the region.
... References: Anonymous, 2006 (loc.cit. Branco et al., 2016);Flock, 1957;Bain, 1977;Beardsley & Perreira, 2000;Schauff & Garrison, 2000;Berry & Withers, 2002;Kim et al., 2005;Dȏganlar & Mendel, 2007;Kim & La Salle, 2008;Wingfield et al., 2008;La Salle et al., 2009;Branco et al., 2016;Mansfield, 2016;Dittrich-Schröder et al., 2018; (accessed January 2020); ...
• Gall‐forming hymenopterans of Eucalyptus species are highly successful invaders causing significant damage in non‐native plantation forests. To date, at least 16 of these species have been recorded as invasive eucalypt gall formers, of which less than half are known from Australia where they are thought to be native. About 80% of the species have become invasive only in the last two decades, <10%, of which were known from Australia beforehand. • Two species, Leptocybe invasa and Ophelimus maskelli are global invaders that have become established in 43 and 23 countries, respectively, since 2000. They belong to a large number of wasps that cause similar damage and that could become invasive in the future. • The problem of identification is exacerbated by the fact that many species lack taxonomic descriptions; over 80% of the invasive eucalypt gall wasps were first described from their invasive range. The small number of taxonomists able to identify these insects slows accurate diagnoses. Even when initial identifications have been made, these may be confused with morphologically similar but distinct cryptic species, which may differ in their host range and natural enemy interactions. • Furthermore, detailed information regarding their biology and native distribution is typically sparse or unknown. This lack of information delays the initiation of management actions because breeding for resistance and biological control requires accurate identification of the target pest. • The gall‐forming hymenopterans associated with Eucalyptus represent an important group on which to focus the development of pre‐emptive quarantine, monitoring and potential management options. Given the global nature of invasions by these insects, an international and collaborative research approach is required, where knowledge and tools for study can be shared in a more effective manner.
Invasive species pose a threat to ecosystems and humans worldwide, which is exacerbated by climate change, causing the expansion of species distributions. Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) causes leaf drying and shedding in eucalyptus trees, forming blister-like galls that negatively impact the growth of the trees. Closterocerus chamaeleon (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a recognized parasitoid of O. maskelli. This study used the MaxEnt and CLIMEX models to predict the potential distribution under current and future climate scenarios for O. maskelli and its natural enemy, C. chamaeleon. The MaxEnt model result indicated that isothermality was the most critical factor predicting the distribution of O. maskelli, while the mean temperature of the driest quarter was the most critical factor predicting the distribution of C. chamaeleon. Under current climate conditions, the CLIMEX model predicted a wider potential distribution for O. maskelli and a smaller distribution for C. chamaeleon than the MaxEnt model. MaxEnt and CLIMEX prediction results indicated that South America and Africa were suitable for O. maskelli and C. chamaeleon. The MaxEnt model indicated that under SSP245 climate conditions, the potentially suitable regions for these species expanded, while under the SSP126 climate scenario, the region contracted significantly. The CLIMEX model indicated that under the A1B and A2 climate scenarios, the marginally suitable areas increased, while the moderately and highly suitable areas decreased. This study provides a theoretical basis for creating early monitoring, quarantine, and control methods for invasive pests.
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Gall pests have caused seriously damage to eucalyptus in recent years in China. In this study, we collected and identified the invaded eucalyptus gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli and its parasitoid Closterocerus chamaeleon for the first time in China. O. maskelli induced two types of gall shape, i.e., blister- and neoplastic-shaped galls. The blister-shaped galls were most likely induced on leaves rather on petioles and stems, while the neoplastic-shaped galls were more frequently found on petioles rather than on leaves and stems. We find that of the four solar orientations, O. maskelli significantly preferred to colonize Eucalyptus trees in the sunnier areas in south over that in west and north with significantly lower gall infestation rate detected in east. The parasitism rate of C. chamaeleon increased from 23.4% in February to 97.4% in March 2023 when the population of O. maskelli galls was low (236.8–251.4 galls/20 branches); however, when gall population increased to a high level (≈ 450 galls/20 branches), the parasitism rate significantly decreased to 26.5% in April, although it raised to 62.6% again in May. Our findings deliver insigne into development of biological control programs of O. maskelli using C. chamaeleon .
Conference Paper
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Rhamnus prinoides is a wide spread plant species in of Ethiopia, which is used for cash income, local and commercial beverage preparation and medicinal values. This study was therefore conducted to characterize the provenance and assess traditional management practices of R. prinoides in wag-lasta District. The data collection was done through formal household survey, field observation and inventory. The result showed that 39.6 % of the respondents used leaf color, and 50.5 % of the respondents used leaf thickness to differentiate different types of R. prinoides provenances. Only 9.9 % of the participants were used both leaf color and leaf thickness to identify different provenances of R. prinoides. According to 60 % of the respondents, R. prinoides flowers between September and November. To harvest R. prinoides, respondents used different techniques including picking leaves and/or stems with hand or sickle. Regarding, traditional management practice of R. prinoides, the major respondents (81.5%) explained that they were using hoeing, weeding, watering, mulching, manure, organic fertilizer (compost). Only 17.6% of them uses all including inorganic fertilizer (DAP). Extension support is important to enhance the productivity of R. prinoides plant, better knowledge and skill of the management is requiredcompared to the traditional management practiced in the study area. Key words: Harvesting technique, Provenance, Propagation method, Management practice.
Conference Paper
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In Ethiopia, different restoration efforts including exclosures have been implemented to reduce or reverse degraded lands. Exclosure is one of the most common practices used to enhance soil fertility and diversity of degraded areas for centuries. This study aimed to assess the effects of exclosure on woody species diversity in semi-arid region of Sekota. A total of 63 (20 m × 20 m) nested plots were used to collect the necessary data in exclosure and non-exclosures (grazing land). Non-exclosure (grazing land) was used as a control for comparison purpose. In each plot, four replicated quadrats were used to measure the parameters for saplings (5 m × 5 m) and seedlings (2 m × 2 m). The result showed that 35 woody species, which representing 21 families and 29 genera were found in exclosures. However, 19 woody species representing 13 families and 13 genera were recorded in non-exclosures. Acacia etbaica was the most dominant species both in the exclosure and control. The Shannon and Simpson indices were significantly higher (1.77 ± 0.46 and 0.80 ± 0.49) in exclosure than grazing land (1.39 ± 0.46 and 0.74 ± 0.52). Exclosures have shown higher regeneration status than grazing land. The result suggests that exclosures have played a great role for restoration of vegetation diversity in degraded lands. Further techniques should be integrated in exclosures to hasten regeneration thereby to facilitate the restoration. Keywords: Dryland, abundance, diversity, population structure and regeneration
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Ophelimus eucalypti and Ophelimus maskelli are gall wasps that are considered as a threat to the large Eucalyptus commercial plantations in Sumatra, Indonesia. However, they are partially suppressed by parasitoids including Closterocerus chamaeleon. The aim of this study was to evaluate the longevity and daily survival rate of O. eucalypti, O. maskelli and C. chamaeleon adults when receiving or not receiving food sources and also when reared in four different vial types under two environments (one environmentally controlled and another ambient), in a laboratory in Riau, Sumatra. The rearing test of C. chamaeleon as a biocontrol agent would be used for augmentative releases. We also evaluated the duration of the stages and the complete lifespan (egg → larva → pupa → adult) of O. eucalypti in a greenhouse in Porsea, North Sumatra, Indonesia, where this species is aggressive. With few exceptions, the longevity and survival rate of O. eucalypti, O. maskelli and C. chamaeleon adults was similar between the two conditions. The longevity and survival of C. chamaeleon were much greater than those of its gall wasp hosts, and of O. eucalypti greater than that of O. maskelli. Overall, these parameters were greater for gall wasps and the parasitoid reared in the larger vial types. The food source provided to O. maskelli adults did not however benefit the longevity of this gall wasp in the best tube type. The lifespan of O. eucalypti (mean ± SD of the mean) was 44 ± 6 days in a greenhouse. The much greater longevity and survival rate of C. chamaeleon than those of its hosts are facts that trigger the success of this insect as a gall wasp parasitoid. The higher longevity and survival of O. eucalypti compared to O. maskelli contribute to the higher threat status of O. eucalypti to Eucalyptus.
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En este estudio se da cuenta de dos insectos gallícolas, procedentes de Australia, introducidos recientemente en la Península Ibérica, con citas del nordeste peninsular. Se trata de dos eulófidos gallícolas de los eucaliptos: uno de ellos (especie en proceso de descripción) ataca las ramas, el peciolo y la nerviación principal de las hojas de diversas especies de eucaliptos, y el otro, Ophelimus eucalypti (Gahan, 1922), ataca el limbo foliar. Su detección es especialmente relevante, puesto que ambas formas cecidógenas han sido citadas como especies plaga altamente dañinas en los eucaliptales de Nueva Zelanda y Kenia, por ejemplo, y por ello su presencia en la Península Ibérica representa un serio riesgo para las plantaciones de Eucalyptus locales. Two Australian eulophids, very harmful to Eucalyptus spp., introduced into the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Abstract: This paper reports the occurrence of two Australian gall insects introduced recently into the Iberian Peninsula, with records from the north-east of the Peninsula. They are two eulophids which induce galls in eucalyptuses: one of them (a species in the process of being described) attacks the branches, petiole and the main leaf nervures of several Eucalyptus species and the other, Ophelimus eucalypti (Gahan, 1922), attacks the foliar limb. Their detection is particularly important, since both cecidogenic forms have been mentioned as pest species highly harmful, for example, to the eucalyptus ecosystems of New Zealand and Kenya, and therefore their presence in the Iberian Peninsula represents a serious risk for the local Eucalyptus plantations.
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Viene riportata, per la prima volta in Sicilia e in Calabria, la presenza su Eucalyptus spp. degli Hymenoptera Eulophidae galligeni Ophelimus prope eucalypti e Aprostocetus sp.; quest'ultimo è stato rinvenuto anche in Lazio, su alberature stradali della città di Roma. Entrambe le specie provengono dalla regione australiana e sono state recentemente segnalate per altre regioni italiane. In Sicilia Ophelimus prope eucalypti è ancora sporadico mentre Aprostocetus sp. risulta molto più diffuso. La galla di Ophelimus prope eucalypti è rotondeggiante, pustoliforme e localizzata solo sulla lamina fogliare; quella di Aprostocetus sp. è globosa e si rinviene sui germogli, rametti, piccioli fogliari e nella nervatura principale della foglia. Si segnala il ritrovamento di due maschi di Aprostocetus sp., mentre nessun parassitoide è emerso dalle galle di entrambi gli Eulofidi fitofagi. Sulle piante di Eucalyptus, che in Sicilia hanno in genere età comprese tra 30 e 50 anni, non pare che i due galligeni arrechino danni apprezzabili.
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Abstract Leptocybe invasa Fisher & LaSalle, a new genus and species of Eulophidae, displays thelytokous reproduction, forming typical bump-shaped galls on the leaf midribs, petioles and stems of new growth of several Eucalyptus species. Presently, this wasp occurs in large areas in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Africa, and is a serious pest in young plantations. Heavy galling prevents further development of the infested growth. Leptocybe invasa is only known from females. Mean length of a gall containing a single wasp is 2.1 mm, leaves of intensively growing trees may carry over 50 galls per leaf. Mean development time from oviposition to emergence is 132.6 d in room temperature. In Israel the wasp produces two or three overlapping generations annually. Mean survival time for wasps fed with honey and water is 6.5 days. Ten species were found to be suitable hosts in Israel: E. botryoides, E. bridgesiana E. camaldulensis, E. globulus. E. gunii. E. grandis, E. robusta, E. saligna, E. tereticornis, and E. viminalis.
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Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an invasive species in the Mediterranean area that occurs naturally onEucalyptus camaldulensis at Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, was studied in Israel on the same host plant. The most distinctive characteristic ofO. maskelli as compared with other congeners is the presence of only a single seta on the submarginal vein.O. maskelli shows a clear tendency to oviposit in developed, immature leaves, and it prefers to oviposit on an area of the leaf blade near the petiole. The female lays an average of 109 eggs when maintained on water alone. The egglaying distribution tended towards aggregation, and the same tendency has also been observed within and among trees. The wasp prefers to attack the lower canopy. The gall diameter ranged from 1.2 to 0.9 mm, and gall density from 11.5 to 36.0 galls cm−2, respectively. The typical color of the gall appeared as soon as third instar larva developed. Galls on shaded leaves remained green or greenish-yellow, whereas those that were exposed to the sun were reddish.O. maskelli produces three generations per year in Israel. High flight occurs among the spring generations, starting in early March. The wasps were attracted to green sticky plates much more than to the other tested colors. Heavy galling byO. maskelli results in premature shedding of the leaves, soon after the emergence of the wasps. Among the 84 eucalyptus species tested, the following 14 species were found to be suitable hosts:E. botryoides, E. bridgesiana, E. camaldulensis, E. cinerea, E. globulus, E. gunii, E. nicholii, E. pulverulenta, E. robusta, E. rudis, E. saligna, E. tereticornis andE. viminalis. This study focused on morphological and development characters that can clearly distinguishO. maskelli fromOphelimus eucalypti Gahan, and on examining the effect of crossing between eucalyptus species on the development possibilities of the wasps. Also considered were the effect of the food on adult survival, the competition between the eulophid gall makerLeptocybe invasa Fisher & LaSalle andO. maskelli, the heavy damage inflicted on eucalyptus, and the health problems and nuisance to people caused by the wasp near heavily infested trees during the mass emergence of adults.
The increase of insect pests inEucalyptus
  • G Viggiani
  • S Laudonia
  • U Bernardo
  • G. Viggiani
Viggiani, G., Laudonia, S. and Bernardo, U. (2002) The increase of insect pests in Eucalyptus. Inf. Agrar. 58:86-87.