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Impact of drought on wildland fires in Greece: Implications of climatic change?

  • Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency

Abstract and Figures

An increasing trend and a statistically significant positive correlation between wildfire occurrence, area burned and drought (as expressed by the Standardized Precipitation Index, SPI) have been observed all over Greece, during the period 1961–1997. In the more humid and colder regions (Northern and Western Greece) the number of fires and area burned were positively correlated to both summer (SPI6_October) and annual drought (SPI12_September), whereas in the relatively more dry and hot regions (Southern and Central Greece) the number of fires and area burned were correlated only to summer drought. In 1978, Greece entered a period of prolonged drought, possibly as a result of the global climatic change. Data analysis of the period 1978–1997 revealed a statistically significant increase in the mean annual number of fires, the area burned and the summer and annual drought episodes in the relatively more humid and colder regions (Northern and Western) of Greece (which in the past were characterized by less fires and area burned) compared to the more dry and hot regions (Southern and Eastern Greece), which always presented high fire activity. Additionally, analyzing the two sub-periods (1961–1977, 1978–1997) separately, drought was significantly correlated only to fire occurrence during the years 1961–1977, whereas during 1978–1997 drought was significantly correlated mainly to area burned. It became obvious that drought episodes, although they are not solely responsible for fire occurrence and area burned, they exert an increasingly significant impact on wildfire activity in Greece.
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Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0026-8
Impact of drought on wildland fires in Greece:
implications of climatic change?
Alexandros P. Dimitrakopoulos ·M. Vlahou ·
Ch. G. Anagnostopoulou ·I. D. Mitsopoulos
Received: 24 June 2008 / Accepted: 21 January 2011 / Published online: 17 February 2011
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Abstract An increasing trend and a statistically significant positive correlation
between wildfire occurrence, area burned and drought (as expressed by the Stan-
dardized Precipitation Index, SPI) have been observed all over Greece, during the
period 1961–1997. In the more humid and colder regions (Northern and Western
Greece) the number of fires and area burned were positively correlated to both
summer (SPI6_October) and annual drought (SPI12_September), whereas in the
relatively more dry and hot regions (Southern and Central Greece) the number of
fires and area burned were correlated only to summer drought. In 1978, Greece
entered a period of prolonged drought, possibly as a result of the global climatic
change. Data analysis of the period 1978–1997 revealed a statistically significant
increase in the mean annual number of fires, the area burned and the summer
and annual drought episodes in the relatively more humid and colder regions
(Northern and Western) of Greece (which in the past were characterized by less
fires and area burned) compared to the more dry and hot regions (Southern and
Eastern Greece), which always presented high fire activity. Additionally, analyzing
the two sub-periods (1961–1977, 1978–1997) separately, drought was significantly
correlated only to fire occurrence during the years 1961–1977, whereas during 1978–
1997 drought was significantly correlated mainly to area burned. It became obvious
To the memory of my beloved father Panagiotis A. Dimitrakopoulos (1926–2011).
A. P. Dimitrakopoulos ·M. Vlahou ·I. D. Mitsopoulos
Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
A. P. Dimitrakopoulos (B)
Laboratory of Forest Protection, School of Forestry and Natural Environment,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 228, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Ch. G. Anagnostopoulou
Department of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
332 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
that drought episodes, although they are not solely responsible for fire occurrence
and area burned, they exert an increasingly significant impact on wildfire activity
in Greece.
1 Introduction
An increase in the number of wildfires and area burned has been reported during
the last decades in many parts of the world by several authors (Stocks et al. 1998;
Flannigan et al. 2003; Brown et al. 2004; European Commission 2004). Many factors
are considered to influence wildland fire activity in a region, including weather
conditions (Balling et al. 1992b), human activities (Vélez 1993), fuel characteristics
(Schoenberg et al. 1991;DeLuísetal.2001; Mouillot et al. 2002), fire management
activities (Badia et al. 2002; Fried et al. 2008), land use changes (Rego 1992)and
climatic change (Davis and Michaelsen 1995; Flannigan et al. 2000; Fried et al.
2004). Recently, there is much consideration about the relationship between cli-
matic change and fire occurrence, globally. One way to analyze this relationship
is by using raw meteorological data (Vázquez and Moreno 1993;Pausas2004).
Moreover, drought indices (Schlobohm and Brown 2001; Hall and Brown 2003;
Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzuk 2003; Collins et al. 2006; Maingi and Henry 2007),
fire weather index systems (Piñol et al. 1998) and Global Circulation Models (GCMs)
(Flannigan and Van Wagner 1991; Torn and Fried 1992; Wotton and Flannigan 1993;
Flannigan et al. 2000; Flannigan and Wotton 2001; De Groot et al. 2003; Brown et al.
2004) have also been used for this purpose.
In 1978, Greece entered a prolonged period of drought as a result of a change in at-
mospheric circulation or possible climatic change (Dalezios et al. 2000; Maheras et al.
2004; Pnevmatikos and Katsoulis 2006;Baltas2007; Livada and Assimakopoulos
2007; Repapis et al. 2007). Maheras et al. (2000,2004) analyzed the rainfall variability
in relation to 500 hPa atmospheric circulation, and concluded that the increased
drought could be attributed to an abrupt change in the frequency of cyclonic and
anticyclonic circulation types in Greece after 1976–1977. The cyclonic types induce
rainfall events, whereas the anticyclonic types are connected with the absence of
rainfall events. Collacino and Conte (1993) attributed the phenomenon to the
greenhouse effect, as a part of the progressive climate change in the Mediterranean
Basin (Bolle 2003).
During the same period, fire statistics show a significant increase in both the
number of wildfires and area burned in Greece. The number of fires doubled and
the area burned tripled during the period 1978–1997, compared to the period 1961–
1977. Several reasons have been speculated for this augmentation in wildfire activity
such as changes in population activities, socioeconomic conditions, land use, fuel
accumulation, drought frequency and duration, etc. (Dimitrakopoulos 1995,2005;
Dimitrakopoulos and Mitsopoulos 2006).
The main scope of this study was to investigate the impact of drought on wildland
fire occurrence and area burned in Greece. The objectives were: (a) to examine the
correlation between drought (as expressed by the Standardized Precipitation Index,
SPI) and wildfire occurrence and area burned, and, (b) to investigate the hypothesis
that the increased fire activity in Greece after 1977 could be a consequence of the
Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347 333
increased frequency of the drought episodes that have been observed during the
same period, in the context of a possible climatic change.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Study area
The study area covers the whole Greece and is comprised of 17 prefectures grouped
in five geographical districts (Northern, Western, Central, Eastern and Southern),
which correspond roughly to the climatic variety of Greece (Fig. 1). The Northern
and Western regions are characterized by continental-type climate with higher
annual precipitation and lower temperatures, as opposed to the drier and warmer
Southern regions (Mediterranean-type climate). Regarding the fire regime, the
Southern and Central regions are more fire-stricken (both in terms of fire occurrence
and area burned) than the more humid, colder and less populated Northern and
Western districts. The prefectures used in this study were chosen according to the
spatial distribution of the official (class A) meteorological stations in Greece and the
availability of meteorological data in each station. Table 1shows the specific climatic
type of each prefecture (meteorological station), based on annual precipitation
(Flokas 1994).
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Fig. 1 Geographical distribution of the meteorological stations of Greece, used in this study
334 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
Table 1 Districts, prefectures and climatic types of the meteorological stations in Greece
Districts Prefectures Meteorological Mean annual Climatic
stations precipitation (mm) type
Northern Greece Evros Alexandroupolis 553.2 Semi-wet
Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 448.3 Semi-dry
Kozani Kozani 507.6 Semi-wet
Central Greece Larissa Larissa 423.2 Semi-dry
Southern Greece Attiki Athens 364.8 Semi-dry
Arkadia Tripolis 780.6 Semi-wet
Messinia Kalamata 780.3 Semi-wet
Chania Chania 621.5 Semi-wet
Heraklion Heraklion 483.2 Semi-dry
Lasithi Ierapetra 661.8 Semi-wet
Western Greece Ioannina Ioannina 1081.5 Wet
Kefalonia Argostoli 820.0 Semi-wet
Corfu Corfu 1017.3 Wet
Aitoloakarnania Agrinio 931.2 Semi-wet
Eastern Greece Lesvos Mitilini 648.1 Semi-wet
Rhodes Rhodes 703.0 Semi-wet
Samos Samos 709.0 Semi-wet
2.2 Climate and fire data
In this study, the drought was expressed as SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index)
values, calculated from the precipitation data taken from the 17 official meteorologi-
cal stations (one for every prefecture) of the Greek National Meteorological Service,
during the period 1961–1997 (37 years, the longest time series available in Greece). In
addition, the annual number of wildland fires and area burned data for each of the 17
prefectures were used as measures of wildfire activity. During the period 1961–1997,
in total 17,926 wildland fires occurred in Greece which burned 603,615 ha.
Standardized precipitation is simply the difference of precipitation from the mean
for a specified time period divided by the standard deviation, where the mean and
standard deviation are determined from past records. Since precipitation is not
normally distributed for accumulation periods of 12 months or less, a transformation
is first applied, so that the transformed precipitation values (namely SPI values)
follow a normal distribution. SPI is normalized by transforming the cumulative
probability of a given rainfall into a normalized variant z. Hence, SPI values for a
given region and a given period have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. For
a region where monthly precipitation is given, SPI can be calculated for any month
considering the precipitation during i previous months, where i =1, 2, 3, . . . 12, . . . 24,
. . . 48, etc. For example, the 6-month SPI (SPI6) for October 1961 is calculated using
the precipitation total of May 1961 through October 1961.
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is calculated in the following se-
quence. A monthly precipitation data is prepared for a period of mmonths, ideally
a continuous period of at least 30 years. A set of averaging periods are selected to
determine a set of time classes of period imonths where iis 3, 6, 12, 24, or 48 months.
These represent arbitrary but typical time scales for precipitation deficits. The data
set is moving in the sense that each month a new value is determined from the
previous imonths. Each of the data sets is fitted to the Gamma function to define the
Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347 335
relationship of probability to precipitation. Once the relationship of probability to
precipitation is established from the historic records, the probability of any observed
precipitation data point is calculated and used along with an estimate of the inverse
normal to calculate the precipitation deviation for a normally distributed probability
density. This value is the SPI for the particular precipitation data point (McKee et al.
1993). McKee et al. (1993) assigned the criteria of a drought event at any time-scale
according to the range of the SPI values: >2.0 Extremely wet, 1.5 to1.99 Very wet,
1.0 to1.49 Moderately wet, 0.99 to 0.99 Near normal, 1.0 to 1.49 Moderately dry,
1.5 to 1.99 Severely dry, <2.0 Extremely dry.
In this study, the SPI6_October and the SPI12_September time series for the
period 1961–1997, were calculated for every year (Anagnostopoulou 2003). SPI6 of
October values were calculated using the cumulative monthly rainfall data of May
through October and they represent the summer drought (Briffa et al. 1994). SPI12
of September values were calculated using the cumulative monthly rainfall data of
October (previous year) through September (present year), thus representing the
annual drought (Wilhite and Glantz 1985; Estrela et al. 2000).
2.3 Data analysis
Wildfire activity in Greece presents a non-stationary time series whose variation
increases as time progresses (Shatfield 1995). In order to detect a possible fire
regime shift and to identify a threshold change in the fire statistics (number of
fires and area burnt) of Greece, the change point analysis was used as a method
of statistical analysis. Change point analysis is a method for identifying thresholds
in relationships between variables and attempts to find a point along a distribution
of values where the characteristics of the values before and after the point are
different (Andersen et al. 2009; Radionov 2004; Chen and Gupta 2000; Csörgö and
Horváth 1997; Bhattacharya 1994). The analysis was performed by using the Change
Point Analyzer software (Taylor 2000). Change Point Analyzer iteratively uses a
combination of cumulative sum charts and bootstrapping to detect the regime shifts.
Simple linear regression on the fire parameters (annual number of fires and
annual area burned) and SPI values of each district was applied for the whole period
1961–1997, and the two sub-periods 1961–1977 and 1978–1997, separately. Possible
differences in the rate of increase of fire statistics among the five different districts
was investigated by testing the assumption of homogeneity of the regression slopes
with Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) (Milliken and Johnson 2001). Mann–
Whitney Utest at p<0.05 was applied to fire and meteorological data, to investigate
the hypothesis that fire occurrence, area burned and drought have significantly
increased from 1978 and after, compared to the previous years. F-test was used
as criterion for the significance of the trends at significance levels of p<0.05 and
p<0.01, with 184 df. The two sub-periods were analyzed separately in order to test
the hypothesis that after 1977, the increased drought episodes are correlated to the
increased fire activity that was observed all over in Greece during this period.
The number of fires and area burned were correlated to the SPI drought index
values (SPI6 and SPI12) by using a non-parametric correlation test (Spearman’s
coefficient). The statistical analysis was conducted with the SPSS 12.0 statistical
software package (Norusis 1997).
336 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
3.1 Fire occurrence and area burned changes
Figure 2shows the results of the change point analysis for the fire statistics in Greece,
during the period 1961–1997. The shaded areas denote a regime shift in the data. It
was detected a threshold change for both the number of fires and area burned in
Greece beyond the year 1977.
The number of fires showed an increasing trend during the period 1961–1997, all
over Greece (Fig. 3). Specifically, fire occurrence increased in Northern (F=22.8,
p<0.001, R2=0.39), Southern (F=39.3, p<0.001, R2=0.52) and in Western
Greece (F=54.2, p<0.001, R2=0.60). A weaker but also clear increase was
observed in Eastern (F=3.9, p=0.05, R2=0.10) and Central Greece (F=5.6,
p<0.05, R2=0.13).
The number of fires showed an important increase during the sub-period 1978–
1997 compared to the previous sub-period 1961–1977, in almost all Greece (except
for the Central region). Specifically, during the sub-period 1978–1997, the mean
annual number of fires in Northern Greece was significantly higher than the sub-
period 1961–1977. In Southern Greece, during the sub-period 1978–1997, there was
also a significant increase in the annual number of fires, compared to the sub-period
1961–1977. Similar trends were observed also in Western Greece and in Eastern
Greece (Table 2).
Area burned also followed an increasing trend all over Greece during the period
1961–1997 (Fig. 4). Area burned increased in Northern Greece (F=8.9, p<0.05,
R2=0.20), in Southern Greece (F=6.9, p<0.05, R2=0.16), in Western Greece
(F=5, p<0.05, R2=0.12), in Eastern Greece (F=5.3, p<0.05, R2=0.13) and in
Fig. 2 Change point analysis
of the number of fires and area
burned in Greece during the
period 1961–1997. Shaded
areas denote regime shifts.
A threshold change was
determined in 1977.
Horizontal lines denote the
control limits for the values
used in the analysis. Points
outside the control limits
indicate that a change has
occurred. (Confidence level
for candidate changes =50%,
Confidence level for inclusion
in table =90%, Confidence
interval =95%, Bootstraps =
1000, without replacement,
MSE estimates)
Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347 337
Northern Greece
y = 1.9898x - 3886.3
R2 = 0.39
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Number of fires
Western Greece
y = 9.0019x - 17665
R2 = 0.60
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Number of fires
Central Greece
y = 0.7933x - 1537.9
R2 = 0.13
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Number of fires
Southern Greece
y = 5.2295x - 10139
R2 = 0.52
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Number of fires
Eastern Greece
y = 0.4137x - 776.85
R2 = 0.10
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Number of fires
Fig. 3 The increasing trend of the number of fires for each district of Greece, for the period 1961–
Central Greece (F=5.15, p<0.05, R2=0.12). Additionally, the mean area burned
was significantly higher during the sub-period 1978–1997 compared with the period
1961–1997 in almost all Greece (except for the Eastern region; Table 2).
Table 2 Mann–Whitney Utest for the number of fires and area burned in Greece during the two
sub-periods (1961–1977, 1978–1997)
Number of fires Northern Greece Western Greece Southern Greece Eastern Greece
Period 1961–1977 29.11 (17.46)a64.6 (39.9) 154 (47.5) 36.7 (7.8)
Period 1978–1997 70.6 (33.72) 221.3 (128) 257.2 (66.4) 46.2 (16.6)
Change of mean (%) +142.5 +242.6 +67 +25.9
U33.5 18 35.5 92.5
Significance level p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 p=0.017
Area burned (ha) Northern Greece Western Greece Southern Greece Central Greece
Period 1961–1977 4784.6 (17.4)a13866.7 (13681.7) 35411.12 (26405.3) 9665 (11743)
Period 1978–1997 20211.8 (21341.7) 50127.4 (56457.1) 100433.23 (85579.1) 28928 (37799)
Change of mean (%) +322.43 +261.49 +183.62 +199.31
U56 57 57 81
Significance level p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 p=0.011
aStandard Deviation in parenthesis
338 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
Northern Greece
y = 766x - 2E+06
R2 = 0.20
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Burned area
Western Greece
y = 1509.3x - 3E+06
R2 = 0.12
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Burned area
Central Greece y = 998.96x - 2E+06
R2 = 0.12
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Burned area
Southern Greece
y = 2720.3x - 5E+06
R2 = 0.16
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Burned area
Eastern Greece y = 983.05x - 2E+06
R2 = 0.13
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Burned area
Fig. 4 The increasing trend of the area burned for each district of Greece, for the period 1961–1997.
(1 stremma =0.1 ha)
The rate of increase was significantly different among the five districts for the
number of fires (F=13.9, p=0.001, 184 df) but not for the area burned (F=1.59,
p=0.178, 184 df). Southern and Western Greece regarding the number of fires and
only Southern Greece regarding the area burned had a higher increase rate than the
other districts.
3.2 Drought change
The SPI12 (September) values followed a decreasing trend in almost the whole
Greece (except for the Central region), which means that there was an increase
in the annual drought episodes during the period 1961–1997. Specifically, SPI12
(September) values showed a decreasing trend in Northern Greece (F=13.8, p<
0.001, R2=0.28), in Southern Greece (F=7.04, p<0.05, R2=0.16), in Western
Greece (F=12, p<0.01, R2=0.25) and in Eastern Greece (F=7.01, p<0.05,
R2=0.16), during the study period (Fig. 5). The SPI6 (October) values did not show
any statistically significant trend for the same period.
Comparing the two sub-periods, the SPI6 (October) values and the SPI12
(September) values decreased significantly only in Northern and Western Greece
during the sub-period 1978–1997 (M0.25, SD =0.73), as compared to the sub-
period 1961–1977 (M =0.29, SD =0.89; Table 3). This indicates that both the
Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347 339
Western Greece
y = -0.0427x + 84.522
R2 = 0.25
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Southern Greece
y = -0.0283x + 55.938
R2 = 0.16
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Eastern Greece
y = -0.0317x + 62.748
R2 = 0.16
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Northern Greece
y = -0.0407x + 80.649
R2 = 0.28
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Fig. 5 The trend of the annual drought episodes (SPI12 – September) in Greece, for the period
summer and annual drought episodes increased significantly in Northern and West-
ern Greece after the 1977.
3.3 Correlation of drought and fire occurrence
The correlation between drought and number of wildland fires was statistically
significant and positive all over Greece, except for the Eastern region, during the
period 1961–1997. In Northern Greece, both SPI6 and SPI12 values were significantly
correlated with the number of fires during the period 1961–1997. The same was
observed in Western Greece, where both SPI6 and SPI12 were also significantly
correlated with fire occurrence during the same period. On the contrary, in Southern
and Central Greece only the summer drought (SPI6) was correlated significantly with
the number of fires for the period 1961–1997 (Table 4).
Table 3 Mann–Whitney Utest for the SPI of Northern and Western Greece during the study periods
Mann–Whitney Utest for SPI Northern Greece Western Greece
Period 1961–1977 SPI6 0.29 (0.8962)a
SPI12 0.4 (0.64) 0.33 (0.76)
Period 1978–1997 SPI6 0.257 (0.7395)
SPI12 0.33 (0,82) 0.38 (0.91)
Change of mean (%) SPI6 212.8
SPI12 221.2215.15
USPI6 243
SPI12 255 242.5
Significance level SPI6 p=0.026 –
SPI12 p=0.009 p=0.028
aStandard Deviation in parenthesis
340 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
Table 4 Spearman’s correlation coefficient between number of fires, area burned and SPI values for
each district in Greece, during the period 1961–1997
Number of fires Area burned
Northern Greece 1961–1997 SPI6_October 0.611a(p=0.000) 0.535a(p=0.001)
SPI12_September 0.648a(p=0.000) 0.510a(p=0.001)
Southern Greece 1961–1997 SPI6_October 0.377b(p=0.021) 0.514a(p=0.001)
SPI12_September 0.319 (p=0.055) 0.154 (p=0.362)
Western Greece 1961–1997 SPI6_October 0.436a(p=0.007) 0.358b(p=0.029)
SPI12_September 0.519a(p=0.001) 0.602a(p=0.000)
Eastern Greece 1961–1997 SPI6_October 0.212 (p=0.208) 0.168 (p=0.321)
SPI12_September 0.251 (p=0.134) 0.586a(p=0.000)
Central Greece 1961–1997 SPI6_October 0.358b(p=0.029) 0.474a(p=0.003)
SPI12_September 0.193 (p=0.254) 0.156 (p=0.355)
aCorrelation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed)
bCorrelation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed)
Analyzing the two sub-periods separately, the results suggest a significant corre-
lation in Southern and Western Greece between SPI6 and fire occurrence during
the sub-period 1961–1977 (Table 5). In Northern Greece, there was a statistically
significant correlation between both SPI6 and SPI12 and fire occurrence during the
same sub-period. During the sub-period 1978–1997 (Table 6), in Northern Greece
there was a significant correlation between SPI12 values and fire occurrence and in
Western Greece the same was true with the SPI6 values. No significant correlations
were found for the other districts.
3.4 Correlation of drought and area burned
The correlation between drought and area burned was statistically significant and
positive for all Greece during the period 1961–1997 (Table 4). Specifically, in
Northern and Western Greece there was a significant correlation between area
burned and both SPI6 and SPI12 values, for the period 1961–1997. In Southern and
Central Greece the correlation was significant only between the SPI6 values and the
area burned. In Eastern Greece the correlation was significant only with the SPI12
Table 5 Spearman’s correlation coefficient between number of fires, area burned and SPI values for
each district in Greece, during the period 1961–1977
Number of fires Area burned
Northern Greece 1961–1977 SPI6_October 0.683a(p=0.003) 0.417 (p=0.096)
SPI12_September 0.612a(p=0.009) 0.299 (p=0.243)
Southern Greece 1961–1977 SPI6_October 0.499b(p=0.042) 0.326 (p=0.202)
SPI12_September 0.313 (p=0.221) 0.064 (p=0.808)
Western Greece 1961–1977 SPI6_October 0.632a(p=0.007) 0.459 (p=0.064)
SPI12_September 0.424 (p=0.090) 0.326 (p=0.202)
Central Greece 1961–1977 SPI6_October 0.445 (p=0.073) 0.529b(p=0.029)
SPI12_September 0.224 (p=0.388) 0.211 (p=0.417)
aCorrelation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
bCorrelation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347 341
Table 6 Spearman’s correlation coefficient between number of fires, area burned and SPI values for
each district in Greece, during the period 1978–1997
Number of fires Area burned
Northern Greece 1978–1997 SPI6_October 0.394 (p=0.086) 0.421 (p=0.064)
SPI12_September 0.582a(p=0.007) 0.451b(p=0.046)
Southern Greece 1978–1997 SPI6_October 0.074 (p=0.757) 0.598a(p=0.005)
SPI12_September 0.138 (p=0.560) 0.098 ( p=0.682)
Western Greece 1978–1997 SPI6_October 0.632a(p=0.007) 0.459 (p=0.064)
SPI12_September 0.424 (p=0.090) 0.326 (p=0.202)
Eastern Greece 1978–1997 SPI6_October 0.147 (p=0.536) 0.233 (p=0.323)
SPI12_September 0.198 (p=0.402) 0.623a(p=0.003)
Central Greece 1978–1997 SPI6_October 0.382 (p=0.096) 0.555b(p=0.011)
SPI12_September 0.263 (p=0.262) 0.227 (p=0.335)
aCorrelation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
bCorrelation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Considering the two sub-periods separately, the correlation was significant only
during 1978–1997 (Table 6). Specifically, during this sub-period there was a sig-
nificant correlation between annual drought (SPI12 values) and area burned in
Northern and Eastern Greece. In Southern Greece, the correlation was significant
only between the summer drought (SPI6) and area burned. In Central Greece there
was a significant correlation between SPI6 and area burned for both sub-periods
1961–1977 and 1978–1997. No other significant correlation for the first sub-period
(1961–1977) was found.
4 Discussion
Wildfire occurrence and area burned show a significant increasing trend in Greece
during the last decades (1961–1997). During 1978–1997 both the area burned and
the number of fires increased in comparison to the period 1961–1977: the mean
area burned almost quadrupled in Northern Greece and almost tripled in the other
districts, whereas the number of fires almost doubled in Northern and Western
Greece. An increase in the number of wildfires was also reported in Spain (European
Commission 2004;Pausas2004) and in the USA (Brown et al. 2004). Piñol et al.
(1998) did not find an increasing trend in area burned in the eastern coast of Spain,
during the period 1968–1994. Pausas (2004) reported that during the last three
decades area burned did not show a clear trend in the Valencia region (Spain).
Although there was a clearly increasing trend in annual drought episodes in
Greece during the period 1961–1997, the same was not true for the summer drought.
This suggests that the overall increase in drought was derived from the deficiency
of precipitation during the whole year and not only the summer months. This is in
accordance with Dalezios et al. (2000) who concluded that the rate of precipitation
decrease in Greece was higher during the rainy period (October to March),especially
in Northern Greece. Piñol et al. (1998) did not find a remarkable change in annual
precipitation in the eastern coast of Spain and suggest that the increase in drought
was caused by an increase in mean temperature and diurnal temperature range
which, in turn, resulted in a higher estimated potential evapotransiration. De Luís
342 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
et al. (2001) report a decreasing trend in mean annual rainfall in Valencia, during
the period 1961–1990. For the same area, Pausas (2004) report a decreasing trend in
summer rainfall, whereas annual rainfall did not show a clear trend with time.
Comparing the two sub-periods, a significant increase in both annual (SPI12) and
summer (SPI6) drought episodes was observed in Northern and Western Greece,
during the sub-period 1978–1997. These districts are characterized by higher annual
precipitation and the lower mean temperatures, compared to the other districts of
Greece. Southern and Central Greece (with less annual precipitation and higher
mean temperatures) did not show any significant change in drought events during
the same period. Dalezios et al. (2000) concluded that the observed decrease in
precipitation in Greece during the period 1951–1990, was higher in regions which
are characterized by the highest amounts of precipitation and, gradually, reduced
southwards at the more arid regions.
There was a significant positive correlation between drought, wildfire occurrence
and area burned all over Greece, during the period 1961–1997. However, the number
of fires and area burned at Northern and Western Greece were significantly corre-
lated both to summer (SPI6 of October) and annual drought (SPI12 of September),
whereas at Southern and Central Greece they were correlated only to the summer
drought. This could be explained by the duration of the dry period required to cure
the forest fuels in order to lose sufficient moisture content and become ignitable.
It is expected that in the more humid and colder environments of Northern and
Western Greece, longer drought periods are needed in order to reduce the fuel
moisture content to ignitable levels (Castro et al. 2003; Pellizzaro et al. 2007). Thus, at
Southern and Central districts (that present the highest fire activity in Greece) only
the summer drought is a determinant factor for fire occurrence and severity. On the
other hand, in the more humid and less fire prone districts of Northern and Western
Greece, the annual drought becomes a determining factor for the fire load as well
(Clark 1989; Veblen et al. 2002; McKenzie et al. 2004; Verbesselt et al. 2007;Yebra
et al. 2008). Carvalho et al. (2010) also projected larger increases in fire activity in
the more humid and cold Northern and Central regions of Portugal as compared
to the drier Southern regions. Pausas (2004) found a weak correlation between the
number of fires and rainfall in Valencia and a stronger relation between area burned
and annual, but mostly summer, rainfall. He suggests that fire ignition in the region
is determined mainly by human activity. Piñol et al. (1998) reported a significant
correlation between the number of very high-risk days and the number of wildfires
and area burned in coastal Eastern Spain and attributed the increased fire activity
to the climatic change. A significant correlation between drought (as expressed by
SPI and PDSI Palmer-z indexes) and the number of fires and area burned was also
reported in the USA (Hall and Brown 2003).
Comparing the two sub-periods, drought was significantly correlated only to fire
occurrence during 1961–1977 (except Northern Greece, where the correlation was
significant during 1978–1997 too). On the contrary, during 1978–1997, drought was
significantly correlated only to the burned area (except Central Greece where the
correlation was significant during the period 1961–1977 as well). These apparently
contradictory results could be explained by analyzing the main fire causes, which
differ during the two sub-periods. During 1961–1977, the rural population of Greece
was high and most wildland fires were caused by negligence. The situation changed
after the late 1970s, when the urbanization of a large part of the rural population
Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347 343
created pressure for forest land use change for urban development. This, in combi-
nation with other socioeconomic changes, resulted in a dramatic increase of arson
fires after 1977 (Dimitrakopoulos 1995).
Drought is a determinant factor of wildfire occurrence (Keetch and Byram 1968;
Balling et al. 1992a; Hall and Brown 2003). Considering that forest fuel ignition
mainly depends on the moisture content, it is expected that during drought periods
fuels become drier, more ignitable, and hence, more fires occur by negligence. Var-
ious predictive models of people-caused fire occurrence have found strong relation-
ships between dead fine fuel moisture and wildfire occurrence by negligence (Martell
et al. 1989; Todd and Kourtz 1992; Vega-Garcia et al. 1995; Wotton et al. 2003).
Although drought severely deteriorates burning conditions, wind velocity is the
environmental factor that primarily influences area burned by wildfires (Schroeder
and Buck 1970; Rothermel 1983; Balling et al. 1992a; Cheney et al. 1993; Millan
et al. 1998; Johnson and Miyanishi 2001;Nelson2002; Collins et al. 2006; Anderson
et al. 2007; Maingi and Henry 2007; Moritz et al. 2010). In the Mediterranean
countries, most large fires (and area burned) burn under a combination of strong
winds with drought and are caused by arsons (European Commission 2004;Moritz
et al. 2010). Hence, while drought significantly influences the incidence of fires
caused by negligence, arson fires and strong winds cause the most area burned in
the Mediterranean Basin (Millan et al. 1998; Dimitrakopoulos and Mitsopoulos 2006;
Leone et al. 2009).
In Northern Greece, where negligence remained the main cause of wildfires dur-
ing the sub-period 1978–1997, the correlation between drought and fire occurrence
was significant during this period too. On the other hand, in Central Greece where
most fires were traditionally set deliberately by shepherds for pasture management,
there was a strong correlation between drought and area burned during the first sub-
period (1961–1977), as well.
The future climatic scenarios, based on GCMs (Global Circulation Models),
predict increased fire occurrence, area burned, fire severity and fire danger in
general, as a result of the changing climatic conditions in several areas around the
world (Wotton and Flannigan 1993; Davis and Michaelsen 1995;Stocksetal.1998;
Flannigan et al. 2000; De Groot et al. 2003; Brown et al. 2004; Fried et al. 2004,2008).
On the other hand, many authors suggest that the increasing trend in fire incidence
and area burned constitutes not only the result of the climatic change, but also of
social, economic and land management changes (Vélez 1993;Pausas1999;Badia
et al. 2002). In Portugal and Spain after 1960, the industrial development resulted
in the decrease of rural population and the abandonment of pasture and forest
exploitation. This caused unnatural fuel accumulation in the wildlands (Rego 1992).
Pausas (2004) suggests that this can partly explain the increasing fire occurrence and
area burned during the 1970s. Badia et al. (2002) claim that this increase cannot be
attributed only to climatic conditions and individual human activity, but to land use
changes as well.
5 Conclusions
1. There was a statistically significant increasing trend and a positive correlation
between the measures of fire activity (number of fires and area burned) and
344 Climatic Change (2011) 109:331–347
the annual drought episodes in Greece, during the period 1961–1997 (37 years).
Summer drought episodes did not show any particular trend for the same period.
2. In the more humid and cold Northern and Western Greece fire activity was
influenced by both the annual and the summer drought events, whereas in the
drier and more hot Southern and Central Greece only the summer drought was
a determinant factor.
3. The average number of fires and area burned were significantly higher in Greece
during the sub-period 1978–1997 (when Greece entered a prolonged period of
drought, possibly due to climate change) compared to the previous sub-period
1961–1977. However, during 1978–1997, only in Northern and Western Greece
there was a significant increase in both the annual and summer drought episodes.
4. Comparing the two sub-periods, drought mostly affected fire occurrence during
the sub-period 1961–1977 and area burned during the sub-period 1978–1997.
Exceptionally, in Northern Greece there was a significant correlation between
summer and annual drought and fire occurrence during both sub-periods.
Conclusively, annual and summer drought had a significant impact on the number
of fires and area burned in Greece during 1961–1997. Climate change (in this case,
increased annual drought episodes) that is observed globally and, possibly, also in
Greece after 1977, seems to have increased the area burned by wildfires. This is
more profound in wet and cold regions (Northern and Western Greece), which
traditionally were characterized by fewer fire events and less area burned. It also
became obvious that drought has a progressively increasing impact on wildfire
activity in Greece. Thus, in the context of climatic change scenarios, more frequent
drought episodes are expected to deteriorate the wildland fire problem of Greece in
the future.
The incorporation of drought conditions into a predictive model of wildland fire
activity could be the subject of future research.
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... BA is negatively correlated with relative humidity, while reduced precipitation may contribute to the expansion of wildfires. Weather is considered as an important factor controlling fire occurrence in Greece [37,38], especially in the years with extreme drought conditions [39,40]. The climate of Attica is characterized by an extended xerothermic period of approximately five months. ...
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(1) Background: Forest fires are widespread in Mediterranean-climate regions and are becoming very common in urban and peri-urban areas. (2) Methods: Wildfires in Attica since 1977 are mapped and types of vegetation burned are reported. (3) Results: Fires are becoming larger. During the period of study (1977–2024), 45% of the burned area was covered with Pinus halepensis forests, 1.4% with Abies cephalonica forests, and 18.5% with shrublands. A relatively high percentage of the burned area (BA) affected more than once consisted of pine forests (65%). Ten percent of the total BA lies within the boundaries of the Natura 2000 network, Europe’s most important network of protected areas, of which 38.9% was burned. At the interannual scale, the BA in Attica is negatively correlated with relative humidity, while reduced precipitation may contribute to the expansion of wildfires. (4) Conclusions: Fires are becoming larger over time, with low humidity increasing the higher fire risk. Since the changing climate is expected to create more severe and uncontrollable conditions, mitigation and adaptation measures should be planned and be introduced immediately.
... Regarding the vegetation, a higher number of warmer and drier summers results in greater fuel availability and low moisture content, resulting in an increased fuel flammability and thereby increasing the number of fires [7]. Annual drought periods are strictly correlated to fire occurrence since a direct correlation was found, for instance, in Greece, where two 30-year periods were compared within the second half of the 1900s [8]. Additionally, the CC-related rainfall events with anomalous patterns can result in a lethal mix that boosts the impact of soil erosion phenomena [9]. ...
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The Massarosa wildfire, which occurred in July 2022 in Northwestern Tuscany (Italy), burned over 800 hectares, leading to significant environmental and geomorphological issues, including an increase in soil erosion rates. This study applied the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model to estimate soil erosion rates with a multi-temporal approach, investigating three main scenarios: before, immediately after, and one-year post-fire. All the analyses were carried out using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform with free-access geospatial data and satellite images in order to exploit the cloud computing potentialities. The results indicate a differentiated impact of the fire across the study area, whereby the central parts suffered the highest damages, both in terms of fire-related RUSLE factors and soil loss rates. A sharp increase in erosion rates immediately after the fire was detected, with an increase in maximum soil loss rate from 0.11 ton × ha−1 × yr−1 to 1.29 ton × ha−1 × yr−1, exceeding the precautionary threshold for sustainable soil erosion. In contrast, in the mid-term analysis, the maximum soil loss rate decreased to 0.74 ton × ha−1 × yr−1, although the behavior of the fire-related factors caused an increase in soil erosion variability. The results suggest the need to plan mitigation strategies towards reducing soil erodibility, directly and indirectly, with a continuous monitoring of erosion rates and the application of machine learning algorithms to thoroughly understand the relationships between variables.
... Concerning wildfires in Greece, most studies have focused on the relationship and trend analysis of burned areas, the fire weather index (FWI), and the number of fire events based on historical records [13][14][15]. Overall, research findings indicate a favourable correlation between drought severity and fire occurrence or severity. On the other hand, few studies have examined the relationship between wildfires or fire occurrences and drought as expressed by their related indices. ...
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As warmer and drier conditions associated with global warming are projected to increase in southern Europe, the Mediterranean countries are currently the most prone to wildfire danger. In the present study, we investigated the statistical relationship between drought and fire weather risks in the context of climate change using drought index and fire weather-related indicators. We focused on the vulnerable and long-suffering area of the Attica region using high-resolution gridded climate datasets. Concerning fire weather components and fire hazard days, the majority of Attica consistently produced values that were moderately to highly anti-correlated (−0.5 to −0.9). This suggests that drier circumstances raise the risk of fires. Additionally, it was shown that the spatial dependence of each variable on the 6-months scale Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI6), varied based on the period and climate scenario. Under both scenarios, an increasing rate of change between the drought index and fire indicators was calculated over future periods versus the historical period. In the case of mean and 95th percentiles of FWI with SPEI6, abrupt changes in linear regression slope values were observed, shifting from lower in the past to higher values in the future periods. Finally, the fire indicators’ future projections demonstrated a tendency towards an increasing fire weather risk for the region’s non-urban (forested and agricultural) areas. This increase was evident from the probability distributions shifting to higher mean and even more extreme values in future periods and scenarios. The study demonstrated the region’s growing vulnerability to future fire incidents in the context of climate change.
... Several studies have focused on the behaviour of wildfires in the Mediterranean region, linking the occurrence of heatwaves and the different fire danger indices (Bedia et al., 2012;Calheiros et al., 2020;Dimitrakopoulos, Vlahou, et al., 2011;Guion et al., 2022;Turco et al., 2017;Turco et al., 2019), or to the role played by atmospheric circulations in a large-scale context (Rodrigues et al., 2019;Ruffault et al., 2017;Trigo et al., 2016;Viceto et al., 2019). In parallel to the large-scale circulation, the behaviour of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) during the development of wildfires is a research area that is still not fully explored. ...
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The fire danger is particularly sensitive to meteorological conditions. The present study discusses the atmospheric conditions during three periods to evaluate how they can increase fire danger. A set of three convection‐permitting simulations was configured at 2.5 km resolution using the Meso‐NH model. In the first period, the intense surface heating induced by a heatwave favoured the development of the Iberian thermal low in July 2019, leading to the formation of precipitating systems and resulting in convective outflows that affected the central Iberian Peninsula. The outflows were shown to be an important feature in evaluating fire danger during the period; however, the simulation also highlighted the orographic effect as another phenomenon playing an important role in fire development and consequently enhancing the fire danger in some regions such as in the extreme southwest of Portugal. The orographic effect in this specific region was identified and analyzed in detail for two megafire events that occurred in Monchique in August 2003 and 2018. The Monchique Mountain's shape and orientation interacting with the airflow induced upslope and downslope winds that favoured the rapid propagation of the fire fronts in August 2018. The third experiment showed that the circulation of a sea breeze from the southern coast of Portugal may act as an enhancer for fire danger in the region when interacting with the regional mountain, such as verified in the 2003 megafire. The study shows that the fire danger over specific regions can be increased by different atmospheric phenomena and explored from atmospheric modelling. The convective outflows were an important factor enhancing fire danger; however, the orographic effect was confirmed as the main factor producing two megafires events in the extreme southwest of Portugal.
... When the dry season is longer, especially in periods when the air temperature is extremely high, the risk of fire is higher (Živanović et al., 2020b;Živanović, 2017Živanović, , Tošić et al., 2020. By contrast, the danger of fire is lower during extremely wet periods (Chandler et al., 1983;Dimitrakopoulos et al., 2011;Ćurić and Živanović, 2013;Tošić et al., 2019;Živanović, 2021;Živanović et al., 2020). ...
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National parks in Serbia are sensitive to various types of natural hazards that are becoming more frequent and having a significant negative impact on the environment. The present study examines the effects of weather conditions on wildfires in the national parks (NPs) Tara, Djerdap, and Kopaonik using data from meteorological stations and applying climate indices based on air temperatures and precipitation. It examines the variability of fire occurrence dynamics, which depend on changes in the forest aridity index (FAI), the De Martonne aridity index (I DM), and the Lang's rain factor (AI Lang) during the period 2005−2021. The highest number of fire occurrences was recorded in NP Tara and NP Djerdap, and the lowest in NP Kopaonik. The risk of fire was greatest during September (27.5%) and August (18.1%), when air temperatures were high and precipitation was low. The fire season was longest in NP Djerdap (February−December) and NP Tara (March−November), and shortest in NP Kopaonik (April−August). Due to the weak correlation between the annual number of fires and individual values of climate variables and climate indices, multiple linear regression (MLR) models were developed. The highest correlation and coefficient of determination were obtained using temperature, precipitation, I DM , and AI Lang as predictors for NP Tara and NP Djerdap but not NP Kopaonik, where only three wildfires were recorded.
Air pollution from multiple sources causes various short-term health effects, primarily affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The main pollutants causing these effects are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide. Short-term exposure to elevated levels of particulate matter consists of tiny particles in the air that can penetrate the respiratory system, causing health problems include eye and throat irritation, exacerbation of respiratory conditions, and cardiovascular abnormalities. Nitrogen dioxide can lead to lung and respiratory irritation, exacerbating bronchoconstriction and increasing respiratory symptoms, particularly in individuals with pre-existing conditions. Sulfur dioxide exposure can lead to respiratory problems such as eye and throat irritation and exacerbate asthma symptoms. Exposure to ozone can cause respiratory discomfort, exacerbate asthma symptoms, and contribute to respiratory infections, especially during outdoor activities. Carbon monoxide impairs the body’s ability to transport oxygen, leading to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Elevated levels can lead to severe health complications, including loss of consciousness and fatality. Immediate strategies to tackle these impacts involve stringent regulations for emission control, public education campaigns to raise awareness about pollution sources and self-protection measures, urban development schemes to reduce traffic congestion and enhance green spaces, and swift emergency procedures for high pollution periods. Collaboration among governments, companies, and communities is necessary to ensure adherence to air quality rules. This will aid in safeguarding public health and advocating for sustainable approaches to mitigate the direct impacts of air pollution.
Turkish pine (Pinus brutia) is a widely distributed species in fire-prone regions of the eastern Mediterranean, where it is of economic and ecological importance. After wildfires, damaged trees are usually salvage logged out of concern that fire-injured individuals will eventually die. While fire is a major cause of Turkish pine mortality, the species has traits, such as thick bark, that should confer some resistance to low-intensity fire. The aim of this study is to develop post-fire tree mortality models for Turkish pine to support post-fire management decisions. We selected 510 Turkish pine trees from four wildfires that occurred in the Mediterranean region of Türkiye in 2018 and 2019. Only fire-damaged trees that had initially survived the fires were selected. We measured tree diameter, height, and bark thickness and fire-caused injuries (crown volume scorched, bark char height, bark char index, cambium kill rating, and ground char index) within two months after fire. Stem-related variables were measured at three different heights (0, 50, and 130 cm). We then quantified delayed mortality for two years after each fire and developed mixed effects logistic regression models to predict probability of mortality. Most Turkish pines (84 %) survived, with the majority of mortality occurring during the first year post-fire. Crown volume scorched and stem damage variables were the most important predictors of mortality. Models were selected based on their explanatory power and practical use in the field. Among these, the most explanatory model includes crown volume scorched and bark char index measured at 0 cm stem height. The suggested model for use in forestry includes crown volume scorched and diameter at breast height. Some trees were able to survive and flush new foliage during the first season after fire despite 100 % crown scorch due to low bud kill. Our results show that Turkish pine can survive fire when stem injury is low. The mortality models can assist managers in making more evidence-based decisions for post-fire management and developing more ecologically sustainable post-fire management operations.
Nowadays, wildfires have become a common natural disaster as a result of climate change, closely related to uncontrolled anthropogenic interventions, causing multiple socio-economic impacts on modern economies. In Greece, the remarkable extent of burned rural areas caused by wildfires has a significant economic impact in terms of farms and a national perspective. The present research aims to assess the impacts of wildfire on the agricultural sector on the basis of farmers’ perception with the tool of a questionnaire for the wildfire in Thassos island in north Greece recorded in 2016, and to unveil potential practices adopted for wildfire mitigation or prevention. On the basis of logit methodology, three models were estimated to identify and quantify the determinants of three dependent variables, namely, Burned cultivation replacement, Annual costs for fire mitigation, and Future actions-wait for re-sprouting for grafting. The findings of our analysis confirmed that the majority of farmers cannot assess the extent of the disaster, they are not willing to undertake further actions regarding the future of their burned cultivations, and they are not willing to undertake any further costs. Disappointment and resignation is confirmed and functions as an impediment to initiatives for present and future actions, especially for those who practice agriculture as a secondary source of income. The scientific value of the objective and subjective economic assessment stands on the provision of a useful tool in decision-making to conserve and improve rural life, food production and regional economic development.
Prediction, prevention, and control of forest fires are crucial on at all scales. Developing effective fire detection systems can aid in their control. This study proposes a novel CNN (convolutional neural network) using an attention blocks module which combines an attention module with numerous input layers to enhance the performance of neural networks. The suggested model focuses on predicting the damage affected/burned areas due to possible wildfires and evaluating the multilateral interactions between the pertinent factors. The results show the impacts of CNN using attention blocks for feature extraction and to better understand how ecosystems are affected by meteorological factors. For selected meteorological data, RMSE 12.08 and MAE 7.45 values provide higher predictive power for selecting relevant and necessary features to provide optimal performance with less operational and computational costs. These findings show that the suggested strategy is reliable and effective for planning and managing fire-prone regions as well as for predicting forest fire damage.
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In the early 1990s, the Valencia region suffered a severe drought episode that led the scientific community to suspect that the Iberian Peninsula was heading towards generalized desertification. However, an analysis of the last 40 years shows that the Valencia region has experienced several drought episodes of different intensities, but always with important economic and social consequences. This paper studies the episodes occurring since 1950, with regard to their intensity, duration and spatial distribution. By using recurrence analysis, four such episodes have been identified: 1952–1955, 1963–1964, 1978–1985, 1993–1995. Despite Valencia being a relatively small region, intra-regional variations in the intensity and spatial and temporal distribution of drought episodes can be observed. Copyright © 2000 Royal Meteorological Society
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In this article we argue that the growing occurrence and impacts of forest fires in Catalonia can be mainly attributed not to climate change or individual misbehavior but to the decline of the landscape mosaic that has historically characterized Mediterranean rural areas. Recent socio-economic change has resulted in an uncontrolled growth of the forest masses in turn facilitating the propagation of large fires. Forest fire policy has reacted compulsively after the great fire waves of the last decades overemphasizing extinction to the detriment of prevention, and individual education to the detriment of a more comprehensive rural development planning. This option reflects a biased analysis of causality, which we examine in the context of the hazard chain developed by researchers at Clark University. Using the example of the Bages County in central Catalonia we outline the problems associated with the conventional approach to forest fire management and also the difficulties faced by alternative choices.
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The Mediterranean region accounts the larger proportion of human caused fires in the world (95%) followed by South Asia (90%), South America (85%) and Northeast Asia (80%) (FAO 2007). Socio-economic changes which are occurring in Europe along with global warming result in an augment of fire risk. Systematic and reliable information on fire causes is necessary in order to improve wildland fire management. However, collection of information on forest fire causes and motivations is still quite restricted in most countries around the world. The unknown cause is still too frequent in many wildfire statistics. A promising technique to overcome this shortcoming is the Delphi technique which uses a panel of carefully selected experts to improve the knowledge on fire motivations in a specific area. Understanding more about why people start fires would help to reduce the impacts of deliberate fire lighting. Spatial and temporal analysis of wildland fire occurrence data and the interaction with explanatory geographical variables is a critical part of fire management activities. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are appropriate tools to create, transform, combine and integrate variables related to fire risk in order to find geographical and analytical relationships which help to discriminate areas where risk factors are most severe in order to adopt the appropriate preventive actions
Analysis of covariance is a very useful but often misunderstood methodology for analyzing data where important characteristics of the experimental units are measured but not included as factors in the design. Analysis of Messy Data, Volume 3: Analysis of Covariance takes the unique approach of treating the analysis of covariance problem by looking at a set of regression models, one for each of the treatments or treatment combinations. Using this strategy, analysts can use their knowledge of regression analysis and analysis of variance to help attack the problem. The authors describe the strategy for one- and two-way treatment structures with one and multiple covariates in a completely randomized design structure. They present new methods for comparing models and sets of parameters, including beta-hat models. They carefully investigate the effect of blocking, explore mixed models, and present a new methodology for using covariates to analyze data from nonreplicated experiments. Analysis of covariance provides an invaluable set of strategies for analyzing data. With its careful balance of theory and examples, Analysis of Messy Data: Volume 3 provides a unique and outstanding guide to the strategy's techniques, theory, and application.
Mohamed Larbi Selassi Deputy Director of the National Meteorology, Morocco Welcome address (translated from French) WMO, WCRP, Medias-France and scientific institutions representatives, ladies and gentlemen, to thank WMO and MEDIAS-France, who have honoured us by I want first organizing the two workshops, climate indices in Africa and data assessment for global change research in the Mediterranean region, in Casablanca and I welcome all of you here in Morocco. It is with great pleasure that I open these two workshops on behalf of myself and on behalf of the Direction of the Meteorologie N ationale of Morocco. Climate change is becoming the focus of the international community because of its global scale and unpredictable effects, the numerous impacts it causes, its global feature and the complexity of the solutions that can mitigate its impacts. Global warming and the greenhouse effect became a subject of study at the international level since the United Nations Conference on the human environment that was held in Stockholm in 1972. The research and coordination efforts that have been made in this area have led to an "International Scientific consensus". High level meetings like those held in Toronto in 1988, in Lahaye in 1989 and in Geneva in 1990, did confirm the greenhouse threat and the emergency to treat it.
Wildfires are threatening lives and property in large areas f the world, and particularly in the Mediterranean Basin. On the other hand, fires have always played a significant role in Mediterranean ecosystems in various ways, depending upon man’s actions. Inter-relationships between man, fire, and the other components of the ecosystem are complex in nature, but their knowledge is of extreme importance for an adequate policy of fire management. These inter-relationships are discussed together with the analysis of spatial and temporal changes of land uses and management practices and related changes in wildfire patterns in Portugal. Resulting changes in energy and organic matter cycles are also analyzed. Future trends of fire management policies are discussed in terms of their economical and ecological aspects.
Numerous definitions of drought are reviewed to determine those characteristics scientists consider most essential for a description and an understanding of the phenomenon. Discusses the far-reaching impacts of drought on society, and suggests that definitions of drought are typically simplistic, and, in that way, often lead to a rather poor understanding of the dimensions of the concept.-from Authors