The comparison of human birth and death dates with a rhythm of solar activity shows, that in most cases, if the birth date is close to a maximum of solar activity in a 11 year cycle, the natural death comes during the minimal solar activity. And on the contrary, if the human was born in the period close to minimum of solar activity, his natural death is necessary for the period connected to a
... [Show full abstract] maximum of solar activity. This phenomenon can be explained using a helio-physical imprinting hypothesis of V.P.Kaznacheev [1985]. The concrete combination of physical, magnetic and other fields influencing on embryo, makes a certain significant influence on its further development and life. We assume, that helio-physical imprinting is the adaptation, tuning in of developing organism cells to concrete helio-cosmic conditions. Organism is an extremely nonequilibrium system with huge quantity of phase transitions. The process of adaptation is connected to adjustment of phases and rhythms of biological oscillators. But then organism is constrained to act with the large expenses and efforts at the contrary phase to initial conditions of solar activity. In later life the efficiency of adaptation mechanisms reduces and noncompensatory homeostatic disbalance takes place, when helio-physical conditions considerably differ from existing during the imprinting. It results in organism function disbalance, its separate subsystems and organs, that brings to diseases and finally in one of cycles results in death.
Possibly the detailed analysis of helio-cosmic weather, solar activity spectrum from the conception up to the birth in comparison with helio-physical parameters during diseases exacerbation or death would give a complete and exact picture of process. Then the found correlation would allow to establish human helio-physical imprinting formation time and cogently to develop methods on a mitigation of contrary phase desadaptive processes with the purpose of human life expectancy increase.