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Theory to reality: A few issues in implementing problem-based learning


Abstract and Figures

The success of an intervention depends not only upon its theoretical soundness, but also on proper implementation that reflects the guidelines derived from its theoretical conception. Debates surrounding the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) have focused on its theoretical conception and students’ learning outcomes, but implementation is seemingly absent from the picture. This paper attempts to describe what research evidence is needed to fill in this missing information and provide a clearer picture of PBL. The author examines current PBL implementation practices and identifies potentially confounding variables that may play a role in inconsistent or conflicting research results in PBL. For example, various models of PBL have been developed and implemented to afford the specific instructional needs of the institution or learner population. These PBL models are in fact quite different in terms of the nature of problem solving and the degrees of self-directed learning, which theoretically, should result in different types of learning outcomes. Without distinguishing the models used, the results of comparative PBL research could have been confounded. Furthermore, human factors are another set of confounding variables that could influence the students’ learning processes and consequently affect PBL implementations and research results. To remedy these problems and reach PBL’s full potential, as well as obtain a more accurate picture of PBL as an instructional method and its effects on students’ learning, some fundamental changes are needed. KeywordsProblem-based learning–Implementation–Problem solving–Self-directed learning–Student learning
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Theory to reality: a few issues in implementing
problem-based learning
Woei Hung
Published online: 17 March 2011
ÓAssociation for Educational Communications and Technology 2011
Abstract The success of an intervention depends not only upon its theoretical soundness,
but also on proper implementation that reflects the guidelines derived from its theoretical
conception. Debates surrounding the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) have
focused on its theoretical conception and students’ learning outcomes, but implementation
is seemingly absent from the picture. This paper attempts to describe what research evi-
dence is needed to fill in this missing information and provide a clearer picture of PBL. The
author examines current PBL implementation practices and identifies potentially con-
founding variables that may play a role in inconsistent or conflicting research results in
PBL. For example, various models of PBL have been developed and implemented to afford
the specific instructional needs of the institution or learner population. These PBL models
are in fact quite different in terms of the nature of problem solving and the degrees of self-
directed learning, which theoretically, should result in different types of learning outcomes.
Without distinguishing the models used, the results of comparative PBL research could
have been confounded. Furthermore, human factors are another set of confounding vari-
ables that could influence the students’ learning processes and consequently affect PBL
implementations and research results. To remedy these problems and reach PBL’s full
potential, as well as obtain a more accurate picture of PBL as an instructional method and
its effects on students’ learning, some fundamental changes are needed.
Keywords Problem-based learning Implementation Problem solving
Self-directed learning Student learning
Despite its popularity in educational settings, problem-based learning (PBL) generates a
great deal of skepticism and speculation among theorists. More than half a dozen meta-
analyses and systematic reviews of PBL studies have been conducted to answer the
question, Is PBL effective? (See, for example, Albanese and Mitchell 1993; Berkson 1993;
W. Hung (&)
Instructional Design & Technology, Department of Teaching & Learning, University of North Dakota,
Dakota Hall, Room 140, STOP 7189, Grand Forks, ND 58202-7189, USA
Education Tech Research Dev (2011) 59:529–552
DOI 10.1007/s11423-011-9198-1
Colliver 2000; Neville 2009; Norman and Schmidt 1992; Vernon and Blake 1993). These
meta-analyses examined the effect of PBL on various aspects of students’ learning out-
comes, such as domain knowledge acquisition, problem solving skills, self-directed
learning, group processing, and social and psychological soft skills. However, the results
from the meta-analyses were not conclusive, even yet, conflicting.
More recently, Kirschner et al. (2006) brought this issue back to the surface by openly
criticizing PBL as an ineffective instructional method because it ignores or contradicts
human cognitive architecture and cognitive load principles. Hmelo-Silver et al. (2007) and
Schmidt et al. (2007) countered the argument by presenting the related cognitive science
principles and empirical evidence that support the soundness of PBLs theoretical foun-
dation. Specifically, some researchers suggested that PBL may not be effective in all
aspects of student learning, but is especially effective in certain aspects of student learning
because of its instructional emphases and characteristics. For example, there has been a
general agreement that PBL is effective in promoting students’ problem solving skills (e.g.,
Albanese and Mitchell 1993; Dabbagh and Denisar 2005; Strobel and van Barneveld
2009). However, Koh et al.’s (2008) systematic review of the long-term effects of PBL
indicated otherwise. Their study compiled 13 studies that surveyed medical school grad-
uates’ competence from 1 to 23 years after graduation, and the results showed a weak level
of evidence supporting the claim that PBL promotes problem solving skills. This debate
In pondering why PBL research persistently produced inconsistent or even conflicting
results, it is noted that previous research efforts, including the works mentioned earlier,
appeared to debate the two ends of the instructional process—the theoretical conception
and students’ learning outcomes—without discussing the processes, that is the imple-
mentation of PBL. Though a limited number of studies started to consider the effects of
processes (e.g. Dabbagh and Williams-Blijd 2010), most existing research on the effec-
tiveness of PBL is largely based on students’ learning outcomes. When an instructional
intervention is implemented with real students in real-world settings, rather than in con-
trolled laboratory conditions, numerous uncontrollable known and unknown variables
could potentially affect students’ final learning outcomes. The assessment of students
learning outcomes provides us with only an end-result depiction of the interactions of all
the variables involved in the implementation process, as well as the interaction between the
theoretical conception and the reality. Thus, attempting to resolve the debate about the
effectiveness of PBL by examining only the end results (i.e., final test scores or board
exams) without scrutinizing the process may portray only half of the picture. Examining
the actual implementations may help illuminate how and why the end results were pro-
duced, and in turn, shed light on how to improve PBL practices to yield desired learning
outcomes that are aligned with the theoretical promises of PBL.
This paper does not attempt to settle the debate but approaches the issue from a less
discussed perspective: the implementation of PBL. In the following, I examine the issue by
first providing a brief description of the PBL theoretical basis, assumption, and promise. In
the second part of the paper, I discuss the reality of PBL by examining a number of
systematic PBL implementation evaluations
and related PBL literature. That is, what
These evaluations were conducted largely in a medical education context because a limited number of
systematic or large-scale PBL curricula have been implemented in nonmedical higher education and K-12
settings (Ertmer and Simons 2006; Hmelo-Silver 2004). Therefore, the number of systematic PBL program
evaluations conducted and published outside of the medical education field is limited. Nevertheless, these
PBL program evaluations could provide useful implications to be applied across different education dis-
ciplines and levels.
530 W. Hung
actually occurred during the PBL implementation in real settings? How faithfully and
precisely were the PBL implementations able to follow and reflect the conception of PBL?
Were the assumptions of PBL true in reality? If the answers to these questions are negative,
what could be the possible sources for the discrepancies? Lastly, I offer some possible long
term solutions as to how these problems can be alleviated to minimize the gap between the
theory and the reality of PBL practice, and ultimately enhance the effects of PBL.
Brief discussion of theoretical basis, assumption, and promise
In his review of PBL research, Neville (2009) remarked that the field of medical education
immediately embraced PBL, even before empirical evidence became available to support
it. This phenomenon does not necessarily imply the suitability, effectiveness, or superiority
of PBL. However, it does suggest that educational psychologists and educators agree that
PBLs theoretical conception fits contemporary understanding of human learning and
instructional theories, as well as the expectations and demands of workplaces.
Many PBL researchers have addressed the theoretical conception of PBL (see, for
example, Barrows and Tamblyn 1980; Schmidt 1983; De Grave et al. 1996), contending
that it is based on the information processing model, cognitive theories, and constructivist
theories. Specific theoretical conceptions include connecting new information with prior
knowledge and schema (Bartlett 1968), elaboration and construction of information
learned (Cermak and Craik 1979; Stillings 1995), collaborative learning (Dillenbourg et al.
1996), and social negotiation and construction (Jonassen 1991,1992). These concepts are
aligned with contemporary learning theories, including cognitivism and constructivism. In
PBL, these concepts are translated into a number of fundamental components, including
(1) problem-driven learning, (2) self-directed learning, and (3) collaborative learning
(Barrows 1996) (please note that these do not reflect a complete list of all fundamental
components of PBL. Only the components that pertain to the discussion in the imple-
mentation section are discussed here). In the following, I will discuss these components in
more detail.
In PBL, the students’ learning is initiated and consequently driven by a need to solve an
authentic, ill-structured, real-world problem. This need affords a motivational function in
that students realize the relevance of the content knowledge to their future professional or
personal context (Barrows 1996). Problem-driven instruction also could motivate students
to learn the subject due to the human nature of curiosity and taking on challenges. Through
the process of solving the problem, students are not only acquiring the domain knowledge
but also constructing a case-based structure in the memory for effective retrievals of the
knowledge in the future (Kolodner et al. 2003). Also, the problems used in PBL are ill-
structured, rather than well-structured. According to Jonassen (1997), ill-structured prob-
lems are characterized as containing vaguely defined goal states, several unknown problem
elements, multiple plausible solutions, and ambiguity about the concepts or principles
needed to solve them, while well-structured problems possess well-defined goal states,
prescriptive arrangement of concepts and principles used, and a single definite solution. In
PBL, the use of ill-structured problems is to help students develop their ability to adap-
tively apply their knowledge to deal with complicated problem situations that are normally
seen in real world settings (Wilkerson and Gijselaers 1996).
Self-directed learning is another critical component in PBL. The main role of the
instructor in PBL is modeling expert-like problem solving and reasoning processes for the
students, instead of disseminating the knowledge. By observing and emulating the
PBL theory to reality 531
facilitator’s reasoning and problem solving processes and being required to solve the
problem independently (with an appropriate amount of guidance from the facilitator), the
students are practicing and developing their own self-directed learning skills and meta-
cognitive skills (Dolmans and Schmidt 1994). Thus, the self-directed learning component
in PBL helps students actively, rather than passively, develop specific problem solving
skills such as identifying the information that is known and needs to be known to solve the
problem, generating and testing hypotheses, and devising solutions (Hmelo-Silver 2004).
Furthermore, the challenge of solving a problem also motivates students to take initiatives
in the problem solving process, as well as the learning process.
Furthermore, collaborative learning is also one of the main components. In PBL, stu-
dents work in small groups. As Vygotsky (1978) argued, an individual’s knowledge is a
function of social, cultural, and historical factors, as well as a result of interacting with
other individuals within the environment. Thus, a small group working format infuses the
social aspect into the students’ learning (Hmelo-Silver 2004). Roschelle and Teasley
(1995) also argued that when a group of individuals gather together to achieve a common
goal, the effect of learning may be accelerated and amplified as a result of being motivated
to achieve the goal and the potential scaffoldings taking place within the group. Through
group discussion and working collaboratively, PBL students decide what the problem is
and collectively generate learning issues/objectives for their self-directed learning. In
addition, the social interaction of working in groups helps students exercise their collab-
oration, cooperation, interpersonal, and communication skills and familiarizes them with
the culture of the profession. In summary, motivated by the challenge of solving authentic
problems, students work collaboratively and engage in necessary cognitive processes that
help them actively self-direct (as opposed to teacher-direct) their own construction,
application, integration, and reflection on the intended content knowledge within the rel-
evant context. Thus, it is safe to suggest that PBL is a conceptually sound instructional
method. Yet, the theoretical conception of PBL is based on ideal, logical assumptions and
conditions. How closely does the PBL implementation in real settings reflect its theoretical
conception? In the following, these questions will be examined from PBL literature and a
number of systematic evaluations of institutional PBL implementations.
Implementation of PBL
In reality, implementation of PBL at both the course and curriculum levels requires facing
a number of challenges that may infuse confounding variables into the process and skew
the end results. When examining the PBL literature, it was found that some probable
confounding variables may derive from how PBL is implemented, how the curriculum or
problems are designed, and other ‘‘human factors.’’ The effects of these factors are likely
manifested in the PBL students’ problem-driven, self-directed, and small group learning
related behaviors or activities.
Issues related to instructional design
Models of PBL
Barrows and Tamblyn (1980, p. 18) originally defined PBL as ‘‘the learning that results
from the process of working toward the understanding or resolution of a problem. The
problem is encountered first in the learning process and serves as a focus or stimulus for the
532 W. Hung
application of problem solving or reasoning skills, as well as for the search for or study of
information or knowledge needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the
problem and how it might be resolved,’’ which we now refer to as ‘‘pure’’ PBL. However,
when it is implemented in different educational settings, a number of factors necessitate
varying some aspects of PBL to meet its specific instructional needs and constraints, for
example, the level of self-directed learning. These factors could include the nature of the
disciplines, the learning goals, and the cognitive readiness or self-directed learning skills of
the students. As a result, many variations of PBL models are generated and practiced in
educational settings (Kaufman 2000; Rothman 2000; Savery 2006). This flourishing
development of PBL model variations has made PBL a flexible and robust pedagogical
approach for affording different and unique instructional needs in specific contexts.
A number of researchers have attempted to classify the PBL models. Barrows (1986)
proposed a taxonomy that classified PBL into six categories using two variables with three
levels. The two variables are the degrees of self-directedness and problem structuredness.
He further defined the three levels for the variable of self-directedness as (1) teacher-
directed, (2) student-directed, and (3) partially student- and teacher-directed. For the
variable of problem structuredness, he defined the three levels as (1) complete case, in
which the problem is presented in complete format with an organized summary of facts, (2)
full problem simulation (free inquiry), in which problems are ill-structured and presented
with incomplete information, and (3) partial problem simulation, which lies between
complete case and full problem simulation.
Hmelo-Silver (2004) also discussed three PBL instructional approaches (PBL, anchored
instruction, and project-based sciences) in terms of their format and the tools used, such as
the role of problems and the role of teachers. Furthermore, Harden and Davis (1998)
devised a comprehensive categorization of 11 steps (or levels) of PBL models that fall into
a spectrum of instructional approaches (ranging from theoretical learning to task-based
learning) with different levels of problem-driven or lecture-driven instruction, as well as
the order of teaching concepts and problems.
This wide spectrum of PBL model variations promotes the applicability of PBL.
However, it might also be one of the confounding factors that accounts for conflicting
results in PBL research. It has been noted that the line between problem-based learning and
project-based learning is blurred in some researchers’ writings (e.g., Blumenfeld et al.
1991). When the term ‘‘PBL’’ is used loosely by researchers and practitioners, the attempts
to examine whether PBL is effective in certain aspects may be difficult. This is because the
learning processes (e.g., content knowledge acquisition or problem solving reasoning) vary
among these PBL models, which could result in varying cognitive demands and psycho-
logical engagement of the learners. Consequently, these varying degrees of cognitive
demand and psychological engagement could produce different degrees of impact on
various aspects of learning outcomes.
In the three categorizations of PBL instruction proposed by Barrows (1986), Hmelo-
Silver (2004), and Harden and Davis’ (1998), some PBL models appeared in all catego-
rization systems while others were unique in their own categorization systems. For the
purpose of analyzing different PBL models’ impact on different aspects of student
learning, Barrows’ taxonomy can be used as a structural framework to synthesize the
models discussed in the three categorization systems. Six representative PBL models (see
Fig. 1) can be identified as a result: pure PBL, hybrid PBL, anchored instruction, project-
based learning, case-based learning, and instruction with problem solving activities (e.g.
problem as a test, example, or integrator, Duffy and Cunningham 1996). The distinctions in
the impact on learning outcomes in these six PBL models become notable when they are
PBL theory to reality 533
analyzed with the cognitive processing requirements in terms of levels of self-directedness
and problem structuredness (see Table 1). For example, the PBL model that requires
learners to use a full degree of self-directed learning and solve highly ill-structured
problems (e.g., pure PBL) is likely to result in better development of self-directed learning
skills and the ability to deal with uncertainty than the PBL models that use partial
instructor and student-led learning (e.g., project-based learning in which content is taught
first, then students are assigned a project using the content, or anchored instruction in
which the students’ problem solving uses prior knowledge and the content knowledge is
provided to the students when needed; Hmelo-Silver 2004).
By using this categorization system, the different models can be judged according to
their degrees of self-directedness and problem structuredness as well as their effectiveness
in different aspects of student learning. For example, PBL implementations that used
project-based learning might not have produced a high impact on the students’ self-
directed learning skills. However, these PBL models could have helped students contex-
tualize the content knowledge and hence promoted knowledge transfer. Moreover, the
implementations that used the PBL models of case-based learning or instruction with
problem solving activities could have produced even lower degrees of impact on the
students’ self-directed learning skills, problem solving/reasoning skills, and abilities to
cope with uncertainty. This could have been due to the low degree of demand on the
students to assume an active role in the problem solving and learning processes. Yet, these
Partially Self/instructor -
Complete case (well-
Partial problem simulation
(between well and ill-
Full problem simulation (ill-
Problem structuredness
Pure PBL
Hybrid PBL
Project-based Learning
Case-based Learning
Lecture-based with
problem solving
Anchored Instruction
Fig. 1 Six representative PBL models in Barrows’ PBL taxonomy
534 W. Hung
Table 1 Comparison of PBL models
Models Format PBL processes Problem
Impact on learning outcomes (theoretically)
led by
Timing of
process is a
Structuredness Efficiency
of content
and transfer
Ability to
cope with
Pure PBL Learning initiated
by a need to
solve a real
world, ill-
problem, no
Learner Learner self-
Simultaneously Inquiry process Very high Highly ill-
Medium to
Very high Very high Very high Very high
Hybrid PBL Pure PBL
with a few
Learner- Learner self-
from the
of content
Simultaneously Inquiry process Very high Highly ill-
Medium to
Very high Very high Very high
to High
Very high
PBL theory to reality 535
Table 1 continued
Models Format PBL processes Problem
Impact on learning outcomes (theoretically)
led by
Timing of
process is a
Structuredness Efficiency
of content
and transfer
Ability to
cope with
Students possess
basic content
before engaging
in the problem
activities, which
comprise the
major portion of
the course
from the
occurs first,
may be
provided when
needed during
the problem
Inquiry process
with a support
of learned
basic content
Very high
to high
Highly to
medium ill-
High Very high Very high
to High
High to
High to
Learning initiated
by lecture or
students possess
basic content
before engaging
in the project;
project activities
comprise the
major portion of
the course
from the
occurs first,
may be
during the
Inquiry process
with a support
of learned
basic content
Very high
to High
Highly to
medium ill-
High Very high Very high Medium Very high
536 W. Hung
Table 1 continued
Models Format PBL processes Problem
Impact on learning outcomes (theoretically)
led by
Timing of
process is a
Structuredness Efficiency
of content
and transfer
Ability to
cope with
Learning initiated
by lecture,
companied with
case analysis/
study (using
solved problem)
Instructor Completely
from the
occurs first,
Realization of
of content
knowledge in
the problem
Medium Medium to
Very high High to
Medium Low Medium to
very low
Learning initiated
by and
comprised with
with a few
problems for
practice at the
end of the
Instructor Completely
from the
occurs first,
Process of
knowledge to
Low to
very low
Highly well-
Very high Low to very
Low to
Very low Very low
PBL theory to reality 537
two PBL models that are geared toward traditional instructional methods could be more
efficient than pure or hybrid PBL in guiding students to acquire intended content knowl-
edge because learners’ cognitive loads are reduced, as Kirschner et al. (2006) claimed. As a
result, they could have produced learning outcomes in the students’ content knowledge
acquisition similar to traditional instruction as shown in the PBL literature. Following this
line of reasoning, if a case-based learning course or even a lecture-based instruction
accompanied with some problem solving activities is being claimed as a PBL course and
compared to a traditional course, then the differences might not be notable because they are
similar in terms of the cognitive requirements imposed upon the students.
Curriculum and PBL problem design
The design of PBL problems and curriculum is another potential area of concern. The
systematic PBL implementations, such as PBL curricula in medical schools, McMaster
University, Maastricht University, Delaware University, Samford University, or Illinois
Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA), might present fewer challenges for the faculty
or those involved in the problem design process than the individual PBL educators who
attempt to implement or incorporate PBL into their courses. The literature reports that
designing effective PBL problems and curriculum is a challenge for individual educators
(Angeli 2002; Goodnough and Hung 2008) because it is a time-consuming and research-
intensive process.
How effective PBL problems have been in guiding students to study intended content
knowledge is another question in the debate about its effectiveness. According to a number
of studies that investigated how well instructor intended learning objectives corresponded
to student interpretations of those objectives based on the problem statement given, the
correspondence rate averaged only approximately 62% (from four studies: Coulson and
Osborne 1984; Dolmans et al. 1993; O’Neill 2000; van Gessel et al. 2003). Though
Dolmans et al. (1993) acknowledged that 47% of the unexpected learning objectives
generated by the students could be rated relevant to the topic under study, more than 50%
of them were irrelevant to the topic and could have caused distraction to the students’
learning. Moreover, these reports were done in medical education contexts, in which the
design of problems might be deemed as relatively more systematic in most cases—because
of the advantages of departmental resources, support, or division of labor—than the
problems used in individual instructors’ PBL implementations. Thus, if the PBL problems
designed by the faculty of a department or a designated instructional team were approx-
imately 62% effective, the concern about the effectiveness of problems designed by
individual instructors, which seems to be common in higher education and K-12 contexts
(Maxwell et al. 2001), may be warranted.
This issue may well be one of the reasons for PBL students’ slightly less desirable
performance on content knowledge acquisition than traditional students as reported in PBL
literature. Since PBL students’ domain knowledge acquisition is derived from the problem
solving process, if students cannot accurately identify intended learning objectives from
the problem, a portion of their study could be devoted to indirectly related domain
knowledge or general knowledge. When this occurs, the students’ performance in the
intended knowledge acquisition could be degraded. One may argue that this is the facil-
itator’s responsibility to guide students to acquire intended content knowledge during
tutorials, instead of investing substantial amounts of time in designing the problems.
However, it was observed in a study of a PBL wildlife management course that, before the
first tutorial meeting, the students in one group had spent more than 10 h researching
538 W. Hung
federal funding agencies, which was relatively irrelevant to that particular problem (Hung
et al. under review). Ineffective PBL problems and curriculum could undermine the
effectiveness of PBL in students’ activation of prior knowledge and their group processing
(Gijselaers and Schmidt 1990; Perrenet et al. 2000), cause difficulty in generating learning
issues that the problems are designed to cover (Dolmans et al. 1993), and affect students’
self-directed learning (Gijselaers and Schmidt 1990). These deficiencies would inevitably
reflect on the students’ learning outcomes and might have distorted the effects of PBL
reported in the literature.
Issues related to human factors
Students’ behaviors
While the assumption that problem-driven instruction would trigger students’ curiosity and
desire to solve the problem, and therefore motivate and sustain students’ self-directed
learning behaviors during PBL processes may be true in some implementation cases, a
number of reports revealed rather disappointing findings. For example, two comprehensive
introspective evaluation reports from Maastricht University provided interesting insights.
In the first report, Dolmans et al. (2001) observed some PBL student behaviors that they
called ‘‘ritual behaviors,’’ which refer to students maintaining superficial and minimum
work to appear active in the learning process (e.g. making insufficient connections between
new information and their prior knowledge). The second report by Moust et al. (2005) was
a campus-level evaluation of the PBL implementations across programs and curricula at
the Maastricht University. The deficiencies they identified in students’ study behaviors in
their PBL programs included insufficient self-study time, minimal preparation prior to
tutorial group sessions, inadequate time devoted to searching literature and information,
skipping brainstorming and elaboration during group discussions, and superficial synthesis
of the investigation of the problem in the final reports.
Similarly, Taylor and Miflin (2008) indicated in their review of PBL implementations
that it was a challenge to maintain students’ interest in pursuing and engaging in the
necessary cognitive processes such as generating learning issues. Rather, the students
preferred to be given learning objectives. This lack of motivation and effort to engage in
the learning process was also the serious issue identified in an external evaluation of the
master’s occupational therapy program at an Australian university (Vardi and Ciccarelli
2008). Moreover, Moust et al. (2005) observed that students would seek to obtain the tutor
guide in advance, which contained pedagogical and content information for the facilitators
to conduct tutorials. With the tutor guide available, the students would only study what was
indicated in the tutor guide, instead of engaging in an inquiry investigation of the problem.
The theoretical assumption that problem-driven instruction motivates students’ active
learning failed the test in these PBL implementations. These ritual behaviors (Dolmans
et al. 2001) not only undermined the students’ learning of content knowledge in depth but
also defeated the instructional objective of developing problem solving and self-directed
learning skills, as Barrows defined (Barrows 1986).
Facilitators’ behaviors
Self-directed learning in PBL does not reduce the role and responsibilities of facilitators in
the learning process. Instead, the facilitators play a pivotal role in the success of PBL
implementation. PBL facilitators have to model problem solving and reasoning processes
PBL theory to reality 539
and guide students’ learning processes, which demands a great amount of time and
preparation. However, while the accusation by Kirschner et al. (2006) that PBL provides
students with minimal to no guidance is a misconception, there were some instances that
did validate this impression.
In his analysis of why PBL failed to deliver what it promises, Glew (2003) attributed
one of the causes to facilitators’ low attendance at the tutorial sessions. He pointed out that,
in some instances, faculty facilitators attended only 20% of the tutorials. Also, some
faculty who were required by the department to adopt a PBL curriculum might not have
followed the tutoring guidelines from the curriculum designers. When this occurred, the
effect of PBL would be confounded. This may shed some light on the rather surprising
finding mentioned earlier from Koh et al. (2008), that PBL did not benefit the students’
problem solving skills in the long term. If the facilitators failed to provide modeling and
guidance for problem solving reasoning during the students’ learning process, it might be
safe to infer that the students might continue to employ intuitive reasoning processes or
¨ve causal reasoning (Perkins and Grotzer 2000), rather than develop scientific reasoning
processes or a discipline-specific reasoning process.
The issue of insufficient guidance from the facilitator may be less of a problem in the
case of individual PBL course implementations (non-departmental implementation)
because the instructors presumably were highly motivated to take on the facilitator role and
responsibilities. However, self-motivated PBL instructors may face the challenges of a lack
of training on conducting a PBL course, limited (or no) support from the administration,
and transitioning to assume the role of facilitators (Spronken-Smith and Harland 2009).
Conversely, there were some instances that were on the opposite end of the continuum
in the amount of facilitation given by facilitators. Moust et al. (2005) reported that the fear
of insufficient content coverage was still prevalent among the facilitators. As a result,
facilitators tended to give more information than intended by the problems and curricula’s
design, or unconsciously reverted back to using lectures. Moust et al. (2005) even found
that some facilitators gave the list of specific learning resources to the students, instead of a
long list of potential resources that would require students to research and evaluate the
relevance of the resources to the problem. They discovered that facilitators changed from
providing general to specific references because of their lack of confidence in students’
abilities to conduct such a task and cover intended content in a self-directed manner. The
uncertainty about sufficiency of content coverage has been documented in the past (see, for
example, Dods 1997; Schultz-Ross and Kline 1999; Lieux 2001; Angeli 2002; Hung 2006,
2009). It is noteworthy that this skepticism and concern is still a common belief, even
among the educators who practice PBL after decades of implementation.
Either insufficient or excessive guidance from instructors presents potential damage to
students’ learning outcomes. Insufficient guidance could result in students deviating from
the intended domain knowledge coverage or continuing to employ intuitive causal rea-
soning in the problem solving process instead of developing effective or discipline-specific
problem solving skills. On the other hand, excessive guidance could undermine not only
students’ development of self-directed learning skills, but also their establishment of such a
Resources and workload
This area may seem to cause fewer difficulties than other troubled areas in PBL imple-
mentation. However, it could largely account for students’ behaviors and facilitators’
behaviors described above. The resource-intensive characteristic of PBL has long been a
540 W. Hung
target of criticism (Farnsworth 1994; Colliver 2000). According to Barrows and Tamblyn
(1980), the ideal group size is 6–8 students per group. To achieve this ideal size for the
group to function effectively and efficiently, the school will inevitably need a much greater
number of facilitators than they had before changing to PBL curricula. However, in reality,
these types of resource increases, such as hiring more faculty members, have usually been
a lower priority in an administration’s resource allocation chart. Therefore, as Moust et al.
(2005) observed, most schools solved these problems by increasing the group size. In Vardi
and Ciccarelli’s (2008) report, the number of students in each tutorial group ranged from
10 to 30 due to the limited number of facilitators and time constraints. Similarly, Moust
et al. (2005) reported an inadequate student-facilitator ratio, with 12–19 students per group
in a number of schools at Maastricht University. When a group reaches a size of 10 or even
30 students, the intended group processing functions such as collaborative learning are
Another issue is workload. Both students and facilitators have complained about the
workload and demand on time (Vardi and Ciccarelli 2008; Hung et al. under review). To
investigate a problem in depth requires a substantial amount of time to complete all the
required tasks. Vardi and Ciccarelli (2008) found that the students spent 10–50 h per week
just searching and filtering through information for their study. Unfortunately, they did not
report sufficient details on some of the issues. For example, was there a correlation between
the students’ self-directed research abilities and the time spent on searching for informa-
tion? How familiar were the students with PBL processes such as self-directed learning
skills? A number of researchers have reported new PBL students’ experiences of discomfort
or anxiety due to unfamiliarity with the PBL process, especially with taking a more active,
self-directed role in their own learning processes (Dabbagh et al. 2000; Fiddler and Knoll
1995; Lieux 2001; Schultz-Ross and Kline 1999). Schmidt et al. (1992) found that the
students’ transition from traditional lecture-based settings to PBL environments is a long
and slow process. The uncertainty about their role in the learning process, what is expected
of them, and which aspect of the problem they should focus on could cause anxiety (Lieux
2001) or result in ineffective research and learning of the topic (e.g. spending too much time
on researching minor issues of the problem, Hung et al. under review). Nevertheless, these
researchers’ observations may imply that such a variable plays a role in students’ PBL
processes and, therefore, the facilitation of developing these skills could be critical.
On the other hand, to provide quality facilitation, facilitators would have to allocate
more time to preparation as well as guiding students and giving feedback than they do in
traditional teaching methods (Simons et al. 2004). As Koh et al. (2008) reported, PBL
facilitators’ student contact hours were 3–4 times greater than for instructors in traditional
methods. Furthermore, Glew (2003) indicated that large amounts of nonteaching related
demands and responsibilities imposed on the faculty inevitably undermined their ability to
provide adequate facilitation to the students. Guiding students’ learning entails much more
time than simply giving students the answers. The administration’s support for the faculty
in this regard tended to be inadequately addressed in many PBL implementations. These
resources and workload issues could have contributed to the negative effects on PBL
students’ and facilitators’ behaviors discussed in the previous section and, consequently,
could have affected students’ learning outcomes.
Small group learning
As discussed earlier, small group learning in PBL provides not only an environment where
students’ learning outcomes and experiences can be enriched with the different
PBL theory to reality 541
perspectives brought in by the individual group members, but also ample opportunities for
the students to develop the social skills they will need in their future personal and pro-
fessional lives. However, small group learning is an aspect very sensitive to the ‘‘human
factor’’ in determining the success of PBL implementation, as shown by the amount of
discussion of dysfunctional groups in PBL literature.
Dysfunctional group interaction could be categorized into three types. The first deals
with personality issues. When one or more group members who have dominating per-
sonalities take over the group’s decision process, tension within the group is likely to occur
(Hitchcock and Anderson 1997). This negative tension is one of the factors that can reduce
the effectiveness of group processing. Conversely, group members with passive or sub-
servient personalities could contribute little to the group problem solving and group
learning process, which could hinder the attainment of positive learning outcomes (Steinert
2004; Wells et al. 2009).
The second type is uneven contribution or participation by group members. Some group
members tend to contribute significantly less than their peers in a variety of ways, such as
by missing meetings, being unprepared prior to the meeting, not completing assigned tasks
on time (or at all), and not contributing in group discussions and decision making pro-
cesses. Kindler et al. (2009, p. 868) characterized these negative behaviors as ‘‘tardy or
absent,’’ while other PBL practitioners referred to these students as ‘‘free riders’’ or
‘slackers’’ (Schwartz et al. 2001). These behaviors generated a sense of resentment from
other group members and could even discourage students from participating in PBL
The third type of group dysfunction results from a lack of social skills. From their
interviews with the teachers who participated in a PBL implementation with 6th to 12th
grade students, Achilles and Hoover (1996) reported some interesting findings. These
teachers were surprised by the lack of proper social communication skills and etiquette the
students exhibited during the PBL processes. These problems included being ‘‘distrustful
of each other, wouldn’t ‘share’ or willingly cooperate, and often displayed a ‘me or them’
attitude of survival’’ (p. 16). One may argue that maturity was responsible for these
behaviors; however, these problems were not exclusive to K-12 settings. Bringing
unsolved personal issues or conflict into the group, poor communication skills, or lack of
support for other group members have also been reported in medical education contexts
(Azer 2001), as well as in educational leadership graduate courses (Rose 2001).
The group dynamics issue is an extremely difficult management problem, as Hitchcock
and Anderson (1997) suggested. It requires sophisticated tutoring and group management
skills, which are often not readily possessed by the first-time instructor. Moreover, the
benefits of small group learning assumed in PBL theoretical conception could be negated
by these group processing issues. Therefore, group processing is an unpredictable variable
in the success of PBL implementations because of its sensitivity to human nature.
In summary, the factors in PBL implementation that might have affected students
learning outcomes could stem from PBL model variations, instructional design, and human
factors. The studies referred to as PBL research or implementation in fact employed
various PBL models that differed significantly in the degrees of self-directedness and
problem structuredness, which could have resulted in very different instructional impacts
on students’ learning. Also, inconsistency in the quality of the PBL problems and cur-
riculum design could have affected the student learning outcomes and in turn contributed
to the inconsistent PBL research results. Furthermore, human factors were a variable that
was unpredictable and very difficult to control in the processes of PBL research and
implementation. Theoretically conceived PBL is based on an assumption of ideal
542 W. Hung
conditions, such as intrinsically motivated students with a desire to solve problems and
proper collaborative and social skills, ideal group size, enthusiastic tutors with sophisti-
cated facilitation skills, and a supportive administration. When any one of these conditions
does not meet the ideal, setbacks in the process will likely result in outcomes that differ
from the theoretical promises. The implementation issues examined in this section con-
firmed this speculation.
Can these problems be fixed?
When theory meets reality, issues and problems emerge as the reality (environment and the
people) infuses numerous variables that could not have been accounted for during the
conception of PBL. Thus, a discrepancy between theoretical promises and actual outcomes
seems inevitable when a theoretically sound instructional method is implemented in real
settings. However, this does not falsify the theoretical soundness of the instructional
method. Instead, the realization of this discrepancy provides us with opportunities to refine
the instructional method in order to achieve its original goal of enhancing students’
learning. The examination in the previous section showed that the inconsistent or con-
flicting PBL research results might have stemmed from two main sources: research
methods (the imprecision in referencing the PBL model) and implementation. Thus, to
address the questions this paper intended to examine (debate about PBL) as well as to start
a conversation for conceptualizing solutions to alleviate the implementation issues iden-
tified in this paper; research methods, instructional interventions, and administrative/
organizational adjustments could be potential target areas. Yet, the complexity and ram-
ifications involved in the discussion of administrative/organizational adjustment, which
could range from the instructor’s mindset and professional development to the depart-
mental or campus administration’s financial and structural support, is beyond the scope of
this paper. Therefore, the following discussion will focus on remedial approaches from the
perspectives of research methods and instructional interventions.
Research methods
Clarification of PBL model employed
As discussed earlier, the existing PBL implementations consisted of a great number of
variations. These variations of PBL could produce different degrees and types of
instructional impact on students’ learning outcomes. Therefore, the inability of previous
research to accurately distinguish these differences might have been partially responsible
for the inconsistent or conflicting results seen in PBL research. The purpose of this paper is
not to advocate a certain PBL model as being superior to others, nor to unify all the
variations into one best model that all PBL practices should follow. Each PBL model has
its merits, strengths, and weaknesses. Perhaps, the research question should not be, ‘‘Is
PBL effective?’’ or ‘‘Is PBL more effective than traditional instructional methods?’
Rather, the question we should seek to answer may be, ‘‘Does each PBL model produce its
desired effects in relation to its respective learner characteristics and instructional needs?’
To achieve this goal, PBL researchers and educators should carefully identify and report
the following when sharing their research results: (1) the instructional needs that the PBL
implementation is trying to fulfill, (2) learners’ characteristics, (3) the PBL model used in
their practice or studies, (4) the rationale for the PBL model selection, (5) the learning
PBL theory to reality 543
outcomes being measured, and (6) the type of assessment used. In terms of research,
providing an operational description of these six aspects of a study is critical to providing a
sound and useful research report (McMillan and Schumacher 2001), and in turn, to make
PBL research sensible and meaningful. The report on the details of the model utilized is
especially important. Without this information, comparative PBL research will not be
possible and the debate about the effectiveness of PBL may never end. The categorization
of the six PBL models discussed earlier in this paper, Barrows’ taxonomy (1986), Hmelo-
Silver (2004), or Harden and Davis’ (1998) PBL model classifications could be used to
identify and report the PBL model being utilized in the study so that this information could
be more precisely conveyed to the researchers. Furthermore, the results from the PBL
research that followed this format could provide educators and practitioners an efficient
instructional guide for what PBL model is best suited for what type of instructional needs,
as well as what type of learner groups.
Assessment is a crucial component in improving PBL research. Unlike the assessment
formats used in early PBL research, which were mainly standardized multiple choice
questions testing for basic factual knowledge acquisition, performance-based, formative,
multiple-source oriented formats have gradually become the mainstream assessment for-
mats used in PBL. These assessments include, for example, the triple jump assessment
(Smith 1993), objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) (van der Vleuten and
Swanson 1990), clinical reasoning exercise (CRE) (Wood et al. 2000), practical portfolios
(PPs) (Oberski et al. 2004), medical independent learning exercise (MILE) (Feletti et al.
1984), Group Assessment Task (Murphy and McPherson 1989), The 4 Step Assessment
Task (4SAT) (Zimitat and Miflin 2003), and reflective journals (Ertmer et al. 2009). The
focus of the PBL assessment formats has shifted to not only assess students’ performance
from multiple and diverse sources but also their learning processes.
These shifts in assessment formats in the PBL field have indicated the need for using
appropriate assessment tools to measure intended learning outcomes. However, this also
implies that each tool has its own specific features and functions for assessing specific
areas of learning outcomes. Unfortunately, in their review of assessment instruments used
in PBL research, Belland et al. (2009) found that the majority of PBL studies reviewed did
not report on the validity (appropriateness) or reliability of their assessment instruments.
Invalid assessment instruments could produce meaningless or even harmful data if these
shortcomings were overlooked by anyone who used the data to conduct PBL research.
Thus, PBL researchers must pay special attention to provide sufficient information on the
validity and reliability of their instruments to avoid frustrating the PBL community and
obscuring future PBL research directions.
Instructional interventions
Among other issues that could be remedied through instructional interventions, students’
mindset and study habits may be the most fundamental. It has been documented that there
is a transitional adjustment for many PBL students, for example, feeling overwhelmed or
unsure about the expectations of them (Dabbagh et al. 2000; Hoffman and Ritchie 1997).
The transition is especially difficult for students who are accustomed to traditional teaching
and learning modes. These students have to not only adjust their study habits and behaviors
from passively being told what to study to actively taking responsibility for deciding what
544 W. Hung
needs to be studied, but they also have to psychologically take on the challenge of com-
mitting to this mindset change. Thus, this transition is not only behavioral but also psy-
chological. Traditional teaching and learning modes have been and still are the dominant
instructional methods in K-12 and college settings. Therefore, as some researchers have
pointed out, it is not realistic to expect students, most of whom have studied under tra-
ditional curricula for approximately 15 years, to shift their study habits and mindset in a
short period of time (Albanese 2000; Hung 2006). This shift in study habits from tradi-
tional to constructivist active learning requires an external behavioral change and an
internal psychological mindset change, and this fundamental internal shift could be a long
and difficult process. For some students who did not voluntarily enter a PBL curriculum,
this supposed shift of mindset might never happen.
To help PBL students change their study behaviors, Moust et al. (2005) and Vardi and
Ciccarelli (2008) have proposed a number of suggestions, such as developing computer-
supported PBL environments or providing online resources, posing key conceptual ques-
tions prior to discussions, recording students’ preparation, explicitly teaching discussion
skills, using criterion-referenced grading, and adopting performance-based assessment;
and, they have produced positive results (Vardi and Ciccarelli 2008). Changing students’
external behaviors is necessary to help them achieve desired learning goals in the short
term. However, this change may not be persistent if their internal mindset toward the
learning shift (i.e., paradigm shift) does not occur. In the following, I will discuss some
areas that may help PBL educators address these issues.
Explicitly teaching PBL philosophy and process
Humans are creatures of habit. Habits are especially difficult to change if there are no
explicit or immediate benefits from the change. Also, students’ old study habits could be
resistant to change even when the instructional format has changed. One way to help PBL
students make an efficient transition from a traditional learning mindset to a PBL mindset
is to explicitly teach them the philosophy of PBL. As Smith and Ragan (2005) suggested,
knowing why and knowing how are the affective and cognitive components that help
individuals effectively change their habits or develop more appropriate attitudes. Knowing
why (that is, the philosophy of PBL and rationale for the employment of PBL as the
instructional method) may help the individual develop a positive attitude toward the
instructional method. This positive attitude would likely promote more active engagement
in the learning process and, in turn, result in effective learning outcomes as well as a
change of mindset. Also, as Schmidt et al. (2007) contended, knowing ‘‘how’’ (that is, the
process of PBL) would help students reduce unnecessary extraneous cognitive load
(Sweller 1999; Van Merrienbo
¨er et al. 2006) and the anxiety from being unfamiliar with
the instructional format; then as a result, they might actively take on their role in the PBL
process and their own learning process. Thus, explicit instruction to orient the student to
PBL could help students start their PBL experiences with a positive attitude and the study
habits that are aligned with the PBL process.
More systemic implementations of PBL in K-12 settings
Explicitly teaching the PBL philosophy and process can be seen as a short-term goal for
cultivating a healthy mindset for studying under the PBL format. In fact, what is more
important, and should be a long-term goal, is to cultivate students’ proactive, self-directed
responsibility for their own learning from an early age. As appears in PBL literature, the
PBL theory to reality 545
systemic implementations of PBL predominately occurred in professional education and
higher education. Though there are a few systematically designed K-12 PBL curricula (e.g.
Buck Institute for Education, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA), Pe-
dersen and Liu 2003), the implementation of PBL in K-12 settings in general is rather
scattered and unsystematic (Ertmer and Simons 2006; Hmelo-Silver 2004). The instruc-
tional philosophy of PBL is a paradigm shift from traditional teaching and learning phi-
losophy. It requires a fundamental restructuring of intellectual thought and growth to make
the paradigm shift occur. It would be illogical and unreasonable to require students who
enter a PBL curriculum to make psychological and behavioral adjustments and transition to
close the philosophical gap in a short period of time. A reasonable solution to this problem
could be promoting employment of PBL (with appropriate models) in early stages of
students’ academic learning careers, which is in K-12 settings. If students were exposed to
PBL at an early age, it would naturally become part of their academic experience by the
time they began their higher education.
Providing appropriate scaffolding
Effective problem solving skills or scientific inquiry skills are not instinctive for many
students, both younger learners and adult learners. Researchers have discussed three main
areas of deficiencies in learners’ problem solving and scientific inquiry skills: initiating the
problem solving process, using scientific causal reasoning, and evaluating the quality of the
solution. First, some researchers have indicated that initiating the problem solving or
inquiry process seemed to be difficult for the learners (e.g., Simons and Ertmer 2005)
because they do not know how to ask the right questions (Kolodner et al. 2003). Second,
most students tend to use a naı
¨ve, rather than scientific, causal reasoning approach during a
problem solving or inquiry process (Perkins and Grotzer 2000), which can result in stu-
dents’ misconceptions. Third, students tend to be unable to see the importance of evalu-
ating their solution to the problem (Krajcik et al. 1998). This may be due to their habits
from the traditional learning environments where taking a final exam means the end of the
learning of that particular subject.
These three issues may not be easily resolved by simply introducing the students to PBL
early in their academic careers. Appropriate scaffolding is necessary for cultivating
learners’ abilities and habits of mind in assuming the role and tasks required in PBL
environments. To provide appropriate scaffolding for PBL students, Simons and Ertmer
(2005) suggested that sparking students’ interest and reducing the tasks to a level deemed
achievable by the students could alleviate their difficulty in initiating the inquiry process;
engaging students in the scientific inquiry process could help students see their miscon-
ceptions; and providing prompts and modeling could promote students’ reflective thinking
about their solutions. While appropriate scaffolding is important during PBL processes, as
Pea (2004) cautioned, fading is also critical and necessary in order to help the students to
become independent, self-directed learners and problem solvers, as well as transfer
knowledge and skills learned to novel contexts.
Motivating students to be responsible active learners
Another critical aspect is helping students develop the mindset of taking responsibility for
their own learning. The theoretical conception of self-directed learning in PBL is described
as ‘‘the preparedness of a student to engage in learning activities defined by himself rather
than by a teacher’’ (Schmidt 2000, p. 243). Some researchers have observed that, even
546 W. Hung
though students were actively engaged in researching solutions to the problems given, they
were trying to detect what learning objectives and solutions the instructor had in mind or
were specified in the tutor guide and then directed their learning toward those objectives
(Schmidt 2000; Moust et al. 2005). This phenomenon is understandable because students’
grades are involved. It also could be a residual effect from students’ old mindset of
traditional criteria-referenced grading systems, in which the principle of getting good
grades means giving a performance that matches the instructor’s specifications for success.
However, in PBL environments, the instructional goal is for the students to learn how to
solve problems independently by conducting a scientifically sound research and reasoning
process. That is, students must identify what the problem is and what needs to be
researched and studied and then devise a solution. Thus, the criteria for evaluating PBL
students should be whether the students can articulate the critical elements of the problem,
their process for solving it, and the solution proposed and defend their proposed solution
and the rationale, rather than whether they match predetermined answers. As Schmidt
(2000) and Dolmans and Schmidt (1994) asserted, the way the students will be assessed
largely dictates how they study. This assessment philosophy should not only be seriously
taken into account when designing assessment in PBL, but also be explicitly conveyed to
the students to reorient their mindset about grading, which would, in turn, reorient their
mindset of the learning process as well as their responsibilities.
Importance of PBL curriculum and problem design
One last aspect that could be remedied through instructional intervention is curriculum and
problem design. Without carefully designed PBL problems and curriculum, the intentions
for cultivating students’ proper mindset of self-directed learning discussed above may be
weakened. As mentioned earlier, in order for students to confidently direct their own
learning, PBL assessment should focus on the students’ abilities to direct their own
learning and defend their own explanations and solutions. However, this assessment phi-
losophy may become problematic if the problem can be reasonably interpreted and solved
using knowledge that is irrelevant to the intended domain content area. Balancing between
the ‘‘freedom to learn’’ (Schmidt 2000, p. 243) and curriculum intended objectives is a
delicate line to draw. Designing appropriate and effective PBL problems and curriculum
requires intensive analyses and design processes that should take a variety of critical
components of a PBL problem into consideration to effectively and appropriately afford
the intended learning goal (Hung 2006,2009). For example, Hung (2006) suggested the
3C3R (content, context, connection, researching, reasoning, and reflecting) PBL problem
design model for guiding instructional designers and educators to systematically consider
the six critical core and processing components of PBL problems. Furthermore, Jonassen
and Hung (2008) argued that all problems are not equal in affording all types of students’
learning. Jonassen (2000) has constructed a comprehensive typology that consists of 11
types of problems, which differ in terms of the degree of structuredness, the problem
solving process, the type of reasoning patterns required and the context. For example, some
types of problems may more likely occur in specific professions than others, such as,
diagnosis problems in medical fields or design problems in engineering. Thus, as Jonassen
and Hung (2008) suggested, utilizing appropriate type of problems to provide the students
with appropriate contexts as well as the unique characteristics of that type of problem is
critical for ensuring the effectiveness of PBL instruction, and in turn, optimizing PBL
students’ learning outcomes.
PBL theory to reality 547
This paper examined the possible explanations for the inconsistent findings reported in
PBL literature. These inconsistent or conflicting research results might have come from
two sources: research methods and implementation. The imprecision in referencing the
PBL model used in research creates a potential for a distortion of the PBL research results.
Also, a variety of student and instructor behaviors that occurred during actual imple-
mentation were contradictory to PBLs theoretical assumption and could have confounded
the PBL research.
The issues related to research methods could be alleviated with collective efforts from
PBL researchers. However, the issues related to PBL implementation have more far-
reaching implications than just an explanation for the unsettled debate. These issues are
directly related to the performance of PBL students. Some issues are administrative, which
are beyond the power of instructional interventions. However, some are instructionally
correctable. The discussion and suggestions provided in this paper focused on the latter. To
remedy students’ undesirable behaviors that arise from the PBL process, students’ fun-
damental mindset toward the instructional method and their own learning habits may be the
key issue, and a number of suggestions were provided. The suggestions proposed in this
paper are by no means ultimate solutions, but hopefully will serve as a starting point for the
discussion of these important issues of utilizing PBL in education.
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Woei Hung is currently an associate professor in the Instructional Design and Technology Program at the
University of North Dakota. His research areas include problem-based learning, problem solving, concept
mapping and formation, and systems thinking and modeling. He is the recipient of the 2006 Junior Faculty
Mentee Award from the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning and co-recipient of 2007
Outstanding Publication Award from AERA Division I.
552 W. Hung
... Among learning methodologies, problem-based learning (PBL) is frequently cited for its potential to foster SDL (Blumberg, 2000;Ge & Chua, 2019;Kivela & Kivela, 2005;Leary et al., 2019;Loyens et al., 2008). Although SDL is often highlighted both as a prerequisite for, and an advantageous learning outcome of, PBL, there is conflicting evidence as to whether this is actually the case (Hung, 2011). Several studies substantiate the idea that students engaged in PBL exhibit an increased propensity for self-directed learning. ...
... Initially, the adoption of case-based PBL methods within medical education set the foundational parameters for PBL as an educational approach, but in subsequent years, more project-oriented methodologies have gained traction, not only in engineering education but also in other disciplines (Chen et al., 2021;Leary, 2012;Servant-Miklos et al., 2019;Walker & Leary, 2009). In the scientific literature it is too often commonplace to conflate between the approaches and implementations although they vary considerably (Hmelo-Silver, 2004;Hung, 2011). As highlighted by past research, efforts have been made to create models or frameworks that can encompass the plethora of approaches to PBL (Barrows, 1986;Savery, 2015;Savin-Baden, 2014), and although they have often instigated discussions on PBL that have encompassed its foundational theoretical assumptions and/or associated student learning outcomes, the discrepancies in the actual implementation of PBL frequently remain under-examined (Hung, 2011). ...
... In the scientific literature it is too often commonplace to conflate between the approaches and implementations although they vary considerably (Hmelo-Silver, 2004;Hung, 2011). As highlighted by past research, efforts have been made to create models or frameworks that can encompass the plethora of approaches to PBL (Barrows, 1986;Savery, 2015;Savin-Baden, 2014), and although they have often instigated discussions on PBL that have encompassed its foundational theoretical assumptions and/or associated student learning outcomes, the discrepancies in the actual implementation of PBL frequently remain under-examined (Hung, 2011). Even when restricting the focus to applications within engineering education, recent reviews have revealed a plethora of diverse models and degrees of implementation, and attempts to establish typologies for PBL practice has similarly indicated considerable variability (Chen et al., 2021). ...
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Many present-day visions for the future of education emphasize the necessity of pedagogical approaches that foster adaptability to evolving competence demands and therefore advocate self-directed learning (SDL). Problem-based learning (PBL) is often heralded as an effective means to enhance SDL, with evidence suggesting that it improves students' autonomous learning, metacognitive regulation, critical thinking, self-reliance, readiness for SDL, and research skills. Central to all models of PBL is the role of student agency in the learning process, a principle consistently applied across different PBL implementations to engender intrinsic motivation. However, the effectiveness of PBL in promoting SDL is not conclusively established, with some studies challenging the strength of this connection. One possible source of the inconclusive results may arise from the diverse implementations of PBL, and the various ways SDL has been conceptualized and assessed. The different implementations and incorporation of PBL across various disciplines, initially in health and later in other fields, has led to a variety of models and practices, highlighting the need for greater scrutiny of the applications and transparency of research into PBL. Previous research has indicated a link between PBL and SDL but has primarily been conducted within case-based approaches in medical education. This study, however, researches SDL in a broader range of disciplines and educational programs within Aalborg University's problem- and project-based model of PBL which is implemented systemically across all educational programs. This PhD thesis sets out to study the development and practices of SDL among students at Aalborg University. The research is disseminated primarily through three articles, and the study was conducted in four phases. The first phase, presented in chapter 2, shares a historical overview that aims to frame the subsequent studies through an exploration of the contemporary assumptions about learning, the seminal studies that defined and delimited SDL, and the prevailing understandings of, and debates about, SDL and its relationship to PBL. The subsequent three phases each comprise a chapter in the thesis and serve to outline and complement the studies also disseminated in the papers: a validation study of a statistical instrument designed to measure students self-direction, the Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory (OCLI), the application of the OCLI on three cohorts of students from two different educational programs at AAU and, lastly, a explorative interview study of students’ self-directed practices in the problem- and project-based participant-directed teamwork of AAU. Paper 1 presents an analysis of the performance of the OCLI when applied on AAU PBL students to answer the first research question of the thesis: “To what extent can a measure such as the Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory (OCLI) give insights into SDL in problem- and project-based learning?” The study utilizes an exploratory application of confirmatory factor analysis and scale purification, adhering to established and often-applied thresholds for fit indices. Moreover, the convergent validity of the scale is assessed through the inclusion of two other instruments, and the new factor structure resulting from the analysis is interpreted. The study concludes that the OCLI, keeping the identified limitations in mind, can be applied to measure the SDL of AAU PBL students and that the methodology applied could be used to revalidate and assess other statistical instruments. Paper 2 disseminates the findings from an application of the OCLI to students from two different study programs at AAU. The students were recruited from three different generations to allow for comparison between students during their first, second, and third year of study to answer the second research question: “Do AAU PBL students become more self-directed in their approach to learning?” The findings indicate that the students become more self-directed as they progress in their studies at AAU, but also that the progression is not linear, but rather encompasses two separate statistically significant developments: a rise in their ability to be self-regulated from the first to the second year, and a rise in their internal locus of control from the second to the third. Paper 3 applies a thematic analysis to semi-structured and open-ended interviews with students from the same population as studied in paper 2, to attempt to answer the third research question, “How do students practice SDL in problem- and project-based teamwork at AAU?” The interview methodology was exploratory in nature, only minimally introducing the structure of the interview protocol to mitigate the potential for inadvertent influence on the informants, using the interview protocol as a thematic checklist. The study adopts an innovative approach in reporting its findings by presenting a select number of extended, contextually rich narratives. The findings show that the informants shape the practices of the participant-directed teamwork primarily through two different forms of negotiations. Initially, at the onset of new team projects, all students partake in aligning expectations, although the methods of this alignment vary substantially. Additionally, the findings indicate that beyond initial discussions, students engage in the renegotiation of practices during episodes of conflict intervention. In summary, the thesis contributes to the understanding of the connection between SDL and the problem- and project-based learning implemented at AAU in several different ways. The findings generally support the notion that students engaged in PBL become more self-directed in their approach to learning, and that the issues often faced by learners transitioning to learning environments that require them to be self-directed are mitigated appropriately at AAU. The findings also advance the understanding of the relationship between SDL and teamwork by examining student experiences of negotiating common practices in project-based teamwork.
... However, project-based learning needed to be well-designed with significant and real-life problems. Furthermore, students also needed time, skills, and motivation to identify the problems, research the issues, and generate solutions (Hung, 2011). ...
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Promoting critical thinking (CT) skills has largely attracted the concern of numerous relevant stakeholders, including teachers, students, and policymakers, with the assumption that CT is a vitally learned skill needed by graduates. This study explores the extent of classroom-based assessment strategies used to promote the CT ability of undergraduate students in Vietnam. Qualitative research approaches were employed through in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and assignment analysis with a curriculum review of the Global Citizens Program at Swinburne Vietnam Alliance Program with FPT Education. The findings show that teachers have widely applied a couple of assessment techniques to increase the CT capability of students, including peer review, reflective writing, case study analysis and evaluation, teamwork projects, research-type assessments, and problem-solving. Furthermore, lecturers who are more aware of the importance of CT and those who are more flexible and skilled in testing self-developing techniques have more strategies for incorporating CT into their assessments. The study reveals that if CT is explicitly stated in the program learning outcomes and incorporated into the course outlines, it is more likely to be implemented.
... [9,10] Meanwhile, in specialized courses, students felt more engaged in the learning process with innovative methods such as problem-based learning (PBL) and project-based learning (PJBL). [11] They have the opportunity to apply concepts they have learned in real-world contexts. However, some students also felt challenged by certain learning methods that required a higher level of effort, such as team-based projects involving intensive coordination. ...
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BACKGROUND Innovative teaching methods are widely used as they provide valuable experiences for students in real-life situations, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Within the scope of public health, these methods appear feasible as a learning approach. This study aimed to determine the implementation of innovative teaching methods for the Faculty of Public Health. MATERIAL AND METHODS This study employed a qualitative exploratory approach and utilized in-depth interviews with six lecturers and focus group discussions (FGDs) with six students from the Faculty of Public Health, University of Muhammadiyah Aceh, conducted between April 10 and May 26, 2023. Data analysis involved interpretive and reflective reading, along with inductive processing. RESULTS Overall, lecturers had never been exposed specifically to pedagogical science, although they have attempted to apply and combine various learning methods to introduce content learning experiences for students. Lecturers found that the application of innovative teaching methods was effective and practical in facilitating a deeper understanding of theory, putting theory into practice, and enhancing students’ skills related to subject courses. Students benefited from this approach and enjoyed attending lectures and activities, which also positively impacted lecturer satisfaction with their achievements in the teaching process. CONCLUSION Through innovative teaching methods, students could grasp theory and improve their skills related to the subject matter, while lecturers also developed better teaching and facilitated skills and maintained their status as qualified and professional educators. Further exploration of lecture’s stress management is needed to have a better understanding of the benefits and challenges of innovative teaching methods.
... PjBL emphasizes the use of real-world relevant projects, which help students relate learning to the context of their daily lives. The study by Hung (2015) highlights that project-based approaches such as PjBL allow students to learn through contextualized and applied experiences, which can enhance their understanding of social studies concepts. PjBL is consistently associated with the development of 21st century skills, such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity . ...
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This study aims to explore the implementation of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model in learning Social Sciences (IPS) at MTs Zainul Hasan 4 Boto Lumbang, Probolinggo Regency. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data were collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews with teachers and students, and document analysis related to the implementation of PjBL. The results showed that the implementation of PjBL at MTs Zainul Hasan 4 had a positive impact on student learning engagement and motivation. Students are more actively participating in the learning process through projects that are relevant to real life, which allows them to develop critical thinking, collaboration and problem-solving skills. In addition, PjBL also helps students connect theory with practice, thus deepening their understanding of social studies concepts
... Strategies aimed at enhancing active student participation, boosting motivation of learners, and encouraging them to become independent and lifelong learners include, but are not limited to flipped classrooms, problem-based learning (PBL), casebased learning (CBL) and peer assisted learning, and reflective learning 13,14 . These strategies overcome the pedagogical challenges inherent to the teacher-centred approach by encouraging learners to gain knowledge through active participation and empowering them with higher-order thinking skills 15,16 . Such instructional techniques are based on the principles of adult learning 17 and are believed to promote synthesis of new knowledge and deeper understanding of concepts by active self-directed learning, collaboration and self-motivation in the adult learners 18,19 . ...
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Introduction Student centric learning approaches have been reported to be effective in introducing higher order cognitive skills required by the health professionals. However, learners’ perceptions must be constructively aligned with new learning interventions to achieve a positive impact on their learning. The aim of this study was to explore the learning experiences of undergraduate dental students with case-based learning in orthodontics. Methods A case-based learning model was introduced on orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning for final year students on a Bachelor of Dentistry programme toward the end of their academic year. A survey was conducted to explore the perceptions and experiences of the participants. The research instrument was based on a previously validated questionnaire and included information on demographics and consisted of 12 items aimed at evaluating the benefits and challenges of cased based learning. Results All 67 students in the final-year cohort participated in study, yielding a response rate of 100 percent. Participants across the board perceived CBL to be an effective strategy to learn the subject content and helpful in improving the students’ skills in orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and team-working. CBL did not pose any significant challenges or barriers to student learning. Conclusion Participants reported high acceptance of CBL in orthodontic teaching and learning and a positive impact on their educational experiences. CBL was perceived to be an appropriate strategy to enhance the diagnostic, treatment planning and team-working skills of dental students.
El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) es una metodología educativa que fomenta el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y el razonamiento en los estudiantes, siendo particularmente eficaz en la enseñanza de lengua y literatura. Este trabajo analiza la relación entre el ABP y el desarrollo del pensamiento literario crítico en estudiantes de educación básica. Se exploran los beneficios del ABP, como la mejora del desempeño académico y la motivación estudiantil, así como los desafíos en su implementación, como la formación docente y la evaluación. Además, se examinan teorías pedagógicas que sustentan el ABP, incluyendo el constructivismo y el aprendizaje colaborativo. Se concluye que el ABP, pese a sus retos, es una herramienta valiosa para transformar la enseñanza de la Lengua y Literatura, promoviendo habilidades esenciales para la resolución de problemas complejos en la vida real.
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According to the extant literature, inquiry-based learning instruction can be an effective pedagogical tool as it frames learning as problem-solving activities. However, considerable debate exists about how to implement inquiry-based instruction. The present study compared the academic performance and engagement (as measured by course learning outcomes) of freshmen exposed to one of two inquiry-based learning modes differing in the volume of load-reducing instruction. The context was a writing-intensive, research-oriented course that enrolled second-language speakers with a didactic past. Thus, the study also examined whether the two modes differentiated freshmen’s second-language writing anxiety, a key emotive negative reaction likely to emerge in a writing-intensive course. At the end of the semester, the condition that involved greater load-reducing instruction before problem-solving activities yielded superior attainment of learning outcomes encompassing knowledge acquisition and use of problem-solving skills. No differences in engagement, withdrawal rates, or writing anxiety were detected. Writing anxiety was only minimally related to students’ performance and engagement as measured by the course learning outcomes. These findings illustrate that ostensibly minimal variations in the implementation of inquiry-based learning can have a selective impact on cognitive rather than emotive processing.
Introduction Student centric learning approaches have been reported to be effective in introducing higher order cognitive skills required by the health professionals. However, learners’ perceptions must be constructively aligned with new learning interventions to achieve a positive impact on their learning. The aim of this study was to explore the learning experiences of undergraduate dental students with case-based learning in orthodontics. Methods A case-based learning model was introduced on orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning for final year students on a Bachelor of Dentistry programme toward the end of their academic year. A survey was conducted to explore the perceptions and experiences of the participants. The research instrument was based on a previously validated questionnaire and included information on demographics and consisted of 12 items aimed at evaluating the benefits and challenges of cased based learning. Results All 67 students in the final-year cohort participated in study, yielding a response rate of 100 percent. Participants across the board perceived CBL to be an effective strategy to learn the subject content and helpful in improving the students’ skills in orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and team-working. CBL did not pose any significant challenges or barriers to student learning. Conclusion Participants reported high acceptance of CBL in orthodontic teaching and learning and a positive impact on their educational experiences. CBL was perceived to be an appropriate strategy to enhance the diagnostic, treatment planning and team-working skills of dental students.
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In traditional education system the focus is on content based learning. There was a shift to outcome-based education as a philosophy of teaching and learning in engineering education. But the, challenge of active student engagement could not be resolved. This study evaluates student engagement and academic outcomes in traditional outcome-based education within the engineering departments Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Civil Engineering. The goal is to determine the necessity of implementing a Project-Based Learning (PBL) system in these disciplines. A comprehensive survey assessed students' learning experiences, engagement levels, and educational outcomes. The results will guide the development of a customized PBL system aimed at improving educational effectiveness and student satisfaction in these evolving fields.
Mathematical problem-solving skills are essential abilities that every student must possess to tackle various challenges in mathematics learning. This article focuses on differentiating, assessing, and drawing conclusions from research findings related to the use of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model and Scratch learning media, as well as their influence on students' problem-solving abilities. The study was conducted using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, aiming to analyze and summarize previous research findings. The literature review was conducted by collecting articles published between 2018 and 2024. To obtain comprehensive data, a survey of 30 national and international journal articles was conducted. These articles were obtained through Google Scholar and SINTA as recognized scientific journal search platforms. Each article was analyzed based on its methodology, findings, and the impact of using the Problem-Based Learning model and Scratch learning media on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. The results of the review show that the use of Problem-Based Learning significantly improves students' critical and analytical thinking skills in solving mathematical problems. Additionally, the integration of interactive learning media such as Scratch also makes a significant contribution by making learning more engaging, facilitating concept understanding, and enhancing student motivation. Scratch media helps students visualize problems and break them down into more manageable steps, making it easier for them to find solutions. Overall, this study indicates that the combination of the Problem-Based Learning model with the assistance of Scratch media not only improves students' mathematical problem-solving skills but also enriches their overall learning experience. Therefore, this approach is recommended as an effective learning strategy to enhance students' cognitive abilities across various subjects, particularly mathematics. This study also makes an important contribution to the development of technology-based learning strategies that are relevant and adaptable to students' needs in the current digital era.
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Despite the challenges inherent in adopting problem-based learning (PBL) in the middle school classroom, successful PBL teachers are able to find suitable solutions. In this exploratory study we examined the perceptions and practices of five successful middle school PBL teachers regarding the specific difficulties encountered with PBL and the strategies they used to address them. Results suggest that while successful PBL teachers faced multiple challenges when implementing PBL, they created and adapted effective strategies to successfully mitigate the obstacles. Planning approaches included adapting previous units, using a backwards-planning process, and starting small. Implementation strategies included using a variety of grouping strategies and providing greater structure through mini-lessons, daily checks, and access to a list of relevant web resources. Assessment methods included using rubrics to outline project requirements and monitoring daily journals to assess progress. Teachers articulated that the use of these techniques enabled them to engage their students in interdisciplinary content and learning processes that met or exceeded required academic standards.
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Many innovative approaches to education such as problem-based learning (PBL) and inquiry learning (IL) situate learning in problem-solving or investigations of complex phenomena. Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)45. Kirschner , P. A. , Sweller , J. and Clark , R. E. 2006. Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist., 41: 75–86. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]View all references grouped these approaches together with unguided discovery learning. However, the problem with their line of argument is that IL and PBL approaches are highly scaffolded. In this article, we first demonstrate that Kirschner et al. have mistakenly conflated PBL and IL with discovery learning. We then present evidence demonstrating that PBL and IL are powerful and effective models of learning. Far from being contrary to many of the principles of guided learning that Kirschner et al. discussed, both PBL and IL employ scaffolding extensively thereby reducing the cognitive load and allowing students to learn in complex domains. Moreover, these approaches to learning address important goals of education that include content knowledge, epistemic practices, and soft skills such as collaboration and self-directed learning.
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Problem-based learning (PBL) is a method of teaching that uses hypothetical clinical cases, individual investigation, and group process. This pilot project used a PBL approach to teach forensic psychiatry to psychiatric residents. The change in the residents’ level of comfort with five major domains of forensic psychiatry were evaluated at pre- and posttraining stages. The residents’ level of comfort with the educational issues of testimony, liability, and competence, as well as subjective ratings of their forensic knowledge base, improved significantly. Postcourse satisfaction with the PBL method was moderately high.
Problem-based learning (PBL) has been recognized as an important educational strategy and has been adopted in many medical schools. There is confusion, however, about what constitutes PBL. In the SPICES model for educational strategies PBL is presented as a continuum. This paper describes II steps in the continuum between problem-based learning and information-orientated learning. Task-based learning is viewed as the final step at the problem-based end of the spectrum. The continuum presented recognizes the two Key variables-the problem and the information or principles derived from a study of the problem. It builds on the rul-eg/eg-rul approaches introduced in programme learning in the 1960s. The continuum offers a useful taxonomy to describe PBL. It emphasizes the range of options and in so doing helps to avoid a polarization of viewpoints between enthusiasts and traditionalists. The continuum can be used as a tool for curriculum evaluation and development.
This action research study compares the efficacies of problem-based learning (PBL), traditional lecture, and a combination of PBL and traditional lecture to promote understanding and retention of the principle content of an elective science course, biochemistry, taught at a school for talented students. The study utilizes a pre- and post-course self-evaluation of student understanding, a measure of depth of understanding, and a questionnaire designed to determine student satisfaction. Lecture tended to widen the content coverage, while understanding and retention was promoted by PBL. Curriculum must be designed to provide a balance between content coverage and depth of understanding. Due to previous training and perceived needs, students sometimes demand more content coverage than is necessary for a complete and adequate education.
Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)14. Kirschner , P. A. , Sweller , J. and Clark , R. E. 2006. Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist., 41: 75–86. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]View all references suggest that unguided or minimally guided instructional approaches are less effective and efficient for novices than guided instructional approaches because they ignore the structures that constitute human cognitive architecture. While we concur with the authors on this point, we do not agree to their equation of problem-based learning with minimally guided instruction. In this commentary, we argue that problem-based learning is an instructional approach that allows for flexible adaptation of guidance, and that, contrary to Kirschner et al.'s conclusions, its underlying principles are very well compatible with the manner in which our cognitive structures are organized.