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Chevalley’s theorem with restricted variables



First, a generalization of Chevalley's classical theorem from 1936 on polynomial equations f(x1,…, xN) = 0 over a finite field K is given, where the variables xi are restricted to arbitrary subsets Ai ⊆ K. The proof uses Alon's Nullstellensatz. Next, a theorem on integer polynomial congruences f(x1,…, xN) ≡ 0 (mod pν) with restricted variables is proved, which generalizes a more recent result of Schanuel. Finally, an extension of Olson's theorem on zero-sum sequences in finite Abelian p-groups is derived as a corollary.
Chevalley’s theorem with restricted variables
David Brink
10 May 2010
First, a generalization of Chevalley’s classical theorem from 1936 on
polynomial equations f(x1, . . . , xN) = 0 over a finite field Kis given,
where the variables xiare restricted to arbitrary subsets AiK.
The proof uses Alon’s Nullstellensatz. Next, a theorem on integer
polynomial congruences f(x1, . . . , xN)0 (mod pν) with restricted
variables is proved, which generalizes a more recent result of Schanuel.
Finally, an extension of Olson’s theorem on zero-sum sequences in finite
Abelian p-groups is derived as a corollary.
Chevalley’s theorem states that a set of polynomials fj(X1,...XN) over a
finite field Kwithout constant terms has a non-trivial common zero
(a1, . . . , aN)KNif the number of variables Nexceeds the sum of
total degrees Pjdeg(fj), thereby settling in the affirmative the conjecture
of Artin that finite fields are quasi-algebraically closed [2].
Alon’s Nullstellensatz is the assertion that a polynomial f(X1, . . . , XN)
over an arbitrary field Kcannot vanish on a set QN
i=1 Aiwith AiKif
it has a non-zero term δXt1
1· · · XtN
Nof maximal total degree and such that
|Ai|> tifor all i[1, Theorem 1.2]. This simple principle has become an
all-conquering force in combinatorics with applications in numerous areas.
Interestingly, the special case where Kis finite and Ai=Kfor all iappears
already in Chevalley’s proof.
The first theorem in the present note extends Chevalley’s theorem to
polynomials with restricted variables. The proof follows that of Chevalley,
but uses Alon’s Nullstellensatz rather than the above-mentioned special case
(see also [1, Theorem 3.1]).
Theorem 1. Consider the polynomials f1(X1, . . . , XN), . . . , fR(X1, . . . , XN)
over the finite field Fq. Let A1, . . . , ANbe non-empty subsets of Fqsuch that
(|Ai| − 1) >X
Then the solution set
Ai|fj(a) = 0 for all j}
with the variables restricted to the Aiis not a singleton.
Proof. Assume for a contradiction V={a}with a= (a1, . . . , aN). Then
P(X) = Qj(1 fj(X)q1) satisfies
P(x) = (1 for x=a,
0 for xQiAi\{a}.
Further, Q(X) = QiQbAi\{ai}(Xib) satisfies
Q(x) = (δfor x=a,
0 for xQiAi\{a},
with some (non-zero) δFq. It follows from the theorem’s assumption that
1· · · X|AN|−1
Nis the term of maximal degree in Q(X)δ·P(X). But
this contradicts the Nullstellensatz since this polynomial vanishes on QiAi.
If the polynomials are without constant terms, the trivial solution together
with |V| 6= 1 thus imply the existence of a non-trivial solution. It is worth
noting that in the case where Ai=Fqfor all i, the above proof is easily
modified to show a little more, namely that |V| ≡ 0 (mod p) where pis
the characteristic of Fq. This result, which was shown by Warning with an
entirely different method, is known as the Chevalley-Warning theorem [5].
Schanuel showed that a set of congruences fj(a1, . . . , aN)0 (mod pνj)
with a prime pand polynomials fj(X1, . . . , XN) over Zwithout constant
terms has a non-trivial solution (a1, . . . , aN)ANif Nexceeds the sum
Pjdeg(fj)(pνj1)(p1)1[4]. Here A={xZ/pνZ|xp=x}is the set
of so-called Teichm¨uller representatives modulo pν,ν= maxjνj.
The second theorem given here generalizes Schanuel’s result. The last
part of the proof follows, and at one point simplifies, that of Schanuel.
Theorem 2. Consider the polynomials f1(X1, . . . , XN), . . . , fR(X1, . . . , XN)
over Z. Let ν1, . . . , νRbe positive integers, pa prime, and A1, . . . , ANnon-
empty subsets of Zsuch that, for each i, the elements of Aiare pairwise
incongruent modulo p. Assume further
(|Ai| − 1) >X
Then the solution set
Ai|fj(a)0 (mod pνj)for all j}
with the variables restricted to the Aiis not a singleton.
Proof. First assume that all νj= 1. Then Theorem 2 clearly reduces to
Theorem 1 with q=p.
Now let the νjbe arbitrary. We then define, for each i, a polynomial
τi(X)Q[X] of degree < p such that τi(a)=(aap)/p for every aAi.
Since Aihas at most pelements, such a polynomial can be constructed by
Lagrange interpolation, i.e.
τi(X) = X
Recall that a rational number n/m with (n, m) = 1 is called p-adically integral
if p-m, and that such numbers form a subring of Qdenoted Z(p). Since
(aap)/p is an integer (by Fermat’s little theorem), and aand bare distinct
modulo p(being distinct elements of Ai), the coefficients of τi(X) are p-
adically integral. Then put σi(X) = Xp+p·τi(X) and note σi(X)Z(p)[X],
deg(σi) = p,σi(X)Xp(mod p) and σi(a) = afor all aAi.
Next define an operator ∆ : Z(p)[X1, . . . , XN]Z(p)[X1, . . . , XN] by
(∆f)(X1, . . . , XN)=(f(X1, . . . , XN)pf(σ1(X1), . . . , σN(XN)))/p.
As in [4], one observes that ∆fhas, in fact, coefficients in Z(p); that deg(∆f)
p·deg(f); that ∆c= (cpc)/p for f=cconstant; that c0 (mod pν) if
and only if c, c, . . . , ν1c0 (mod p); and that (∆f)(a) = ∆(f(a)) for
aQiAi. For aQiAiit is concluded that f(a)0 (mod pν) if and only
if (∆if)(a)0 (mod p) for all i= 0, . . . , ν 1. Thus one congruence modulo
pνof degree deg(f) can be replaced by νcongruences modulo p, the sum of
whose degrees is at most deg(f)(1 + p+· · · +pν1) = deg(f)(pν1)(p1)1.
This, together with Theorem 1, finishes the proof.
Theorem 2 is stated only over Z, but it is straightforwardly extended to the
ring of integers in any algebraic number field. The prime pshould then be
replaced by a prime ideal p, and the last assumption by Pi(|Ai| − 1) >
Pjdeg(fj)(qνj1) where q=N(p) is the norm of p.
It is a famous result of Olson, answering in part a question of Daven-
port, that a sequence g1, . . . , gNof elements from a finite Abelian p-group
with cyclic factors Z/pνjZhas a non-empty subsequence with sum zero if
its length Nexceeds Pj(pνj1) [3]. It is remarkable that Olson’s theorem
is equivalent to the special case of Schanuel’s theorem where all fjare of
the form f
1, . . . , Xp1
N) with linear f
j. Using Theorem 2 with linear fj
instead, one obtains the following extension of Olson’s theorem:
Corollary. Let g1, . . . , gNbe a sequence of elements from a finite Abelian p-
group QjZ/pνjZ. Let A1, . . . , ANbe subsets of Zsuch that each Aicontains
0 and has elements pairwise incongruent modulo p. Assume
(|Ai| − 1) >X
Then the equation a1g1+· · ·+aNgN= 0 has a non-trivial solution (a1, . . . , aN)
in QiAi.
[1] N. Alon,Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, Combin. Probab. Comput. 8
(1999), 7–29.
[2] C. Chevalley,emonstration d’une hypoth`ese de M. Artin, Abh.
Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 11 (1936), 73–75.
[3] J. E. Olson,A combinatorial problem on finite abelian groups I, J.
Number Theory 1(1969), 8–10.
[4] S. H. Schanuel,An extension of Chevalley’s theorem to congruences
modulo prime powers, J. Number Theory 6(1974), 284–290.
[5] E. Warning,Bemerkung zur vorstehenden Arbeit von Herrn Chevalley,
Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 11 (1936), 76–83.
... A reduction of the Ax-Katz theorem for a system of equations to Ax's theorem for a single equation has been found by Hou [18]. Besides these, there has been a lot of research work on this topic, including extensions, refinements, variants and alternative proofs (see, for example, [1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,17,22,23,30]). ...
... 3 t 1 ,...,t 5 y t 1 1 · · · y t 5 5 = 0, where y i = x i for i ∈ [1,5] and the sum in the second equation is over all the tuples (t 1 , . . . , t 5 ) satisfying that t 1 + · · · + t 5 = 3 and 0 ≤ t i < 3 for all i. ...
Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q denote the finite field of q elements with characteristic p. Let Zq\mathbb{Z}_q denote the unramified extension of the p-adic integers Zp\mathbb{Z}_p with residue field Fq\mathbb{F}_q. In this paper, we investigate the q-divisibility for the number of solutions of a polynomial system in n variables over the finite Witt ring Zq/pmZq\mathbb{Z}_q/p^m\mathbb{Z}_q, where the n variables of the polynomials are restricted to run through a combinatorial box lifting Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n. The introduction of the combinatorial box makes the problem much more complicated. We prove a q-divisibility theorem for any box of low algebraic complexity, including the simplest Teichm\"uller box.This extends the classical Ax-Katz theorem over finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q (the case m=1). Taking q=p to be a prime, our result extends and improves a recent combinatorial theorem of Grynkiewicz. Our different approach is based on the addition operation of Witt vectors and is conceptually much more transparent.
... A similar argument gives the following result of Schauz [Sc08] and Brink [Br11]. Theorem 1.3. ...
... In fact [CFS17, Thm. 1.6] is a further ring theoretic generalization motivated by work of Brink[Br11], but in the present paper we will only consider polynomials over a field. ...
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We pursue various restricted variable generalizations of the Chevalley-Warning theorem for low degree polynomial systems over a finite field. Our first such result involves variables restricted to Cartesian products of the Vandermonde subsets of \F_q defined by G\'acs-Weiner and Sziklai-Tak\'ats. We then define an invariant \uomega(X) of a nonempty subset of \F_q^n. Our second result involves X-restricted variables when the degrees of the polynomials are small compared to \uomega(X). We end by exploring various classes of subsets for which \uomega(X) can be bounded from below.
... We note that the Theorem by Schauz and Brink [5,Theorem 1], [12,Corollary 3.5] (cf. [2, Theorem 13.1]) has the same conclusion -the solution set in a rectangular domain is not a singleton -under different hypotheses. ...
We consider sparse polynomials in N variables over a finite field, and ask whether they vanish on a set SNS^N, where S is a set of nonzero elements of the field. We see that if for a polynomial f, there is cSN\mathbf{c}\in S^N with f(c)0f (\mathbf{c}) \neq 0, then there is such a c\mathbf{c} in every sphere inside SNS^N, where the radius of the sphere is bounded by a multiple of the logarithm of the number of monomials that appear in f. A similar result holds for the solutions of the equations f1==fr=0f_1 = \cdots = f_r = 0 inside SNS^N.
... Both the Chevalley-Warning and Ax-Katz Theorems have attracted considerable attention in Commutative Algebra, including many extensions, refinements, variants and alternative proofs. See [1] [7] [5] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [27] [31] [32] [43] [44] [47] for a handful of such instances among many more. However, the interest in these results extends much further, also to areas such as Discrete Mathematics, where they form a standard tool in the "Polynomial Method." ...
We begin by explaining how arguments used by R. Wilson to give an elementary proof of the Fp\mathbb F_p case for the Ax-Katz Theorem can also be used to prove the following generalization of the Chevalley-Warning and Ax-Katz Theorems for Fp\mathbb F_p, where we allow varying prime power moduli. Given any box B=I1××In\mathcal B=\mathcal I_1\times\ldots\times\mathcal I_n, with each IjZ\mathcal I_j\subseteq\mathbb Z a complete system of residues modulo p, and a collection of nonzero polynomials f1,,fsZ[X1,,Xn]f_1,\ldots,f_s\in \mathbb Z[X_1,\ldots,X_n], then the set of common zeros inside the box, V={aB:  f1(a)0modpm1,,fs(a)0modpms},V=\{\mathbf a\in \mathcal B:\; f_1(\textbf a)\equiv 0\mod p^{m_1},\ldots,f_s(\textbf a)\equiv 0\mod p^{m_s}\}, satisfies V0modpm|V|\equiv 0\mod p^m, provided n>(m1)maxi[1,s]{pmi1degfi}+i=1spmi1p1degfi.n>(m-1)\max_{i\in [1,s]}\Big\{p^{m_i-1}\mathsf{deg} f_i\Big\}+ \sum_{i=1}^{s}\frac{p^{m_i}-1}{p-1}\mathsf{deg} f_i. The introduction of the box B\mathcal B adds a degree of flexibility, in comparison to prior work of Zhi-Wei Sun. Indeed, incorporating the ideas of Sun, a weighted version of the above result is given. We continue by explaining how the added flexibility, combined with an appropriate use of Hensel's Lemma to choose the complete system of residues Ij\mathcal I_j, effectively allows many combinatorial applications of the Chevalley-Warning and Ax-Katz Theorems, previously only valid for Fpn\mathbb F_p^n, to extend with bare minimal modification to validity for an arbitrary finite abelian p-group G. We illustrate this be giving several examples, including a new proof of the exact value of the Davenport Constant D(G)\mathsf D(G) for finite abelian p-groups, a streamlined proof of the Kemnitz Conjecture, and the resolution of a problem of Xiaoyu He regarding zero-sums of length kexp(G)k\exp(G) related to a conjecture of Kubertin.
... Theorem 11 (U. Schauz [25], D. Brink [7]). Let P 1 (t 1 , . . . ...
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INTEGERS: 22 (2022) A102
Let Fq{\mathbb {F}}_q be a finite field of characteristic p and order q. The Chevalley–Warning Theorem asserts that the set V of common zeros of a collection of polynomials must satisfy V0modp|V|\equiv 0\mod p, provided the number of variables is sufficiently large with respect to the degrees of the polynomials. The Ax–Katz Theorem generalizes this by giving tight bounds for higher order p-divisibility for |V|. Besides the intrinsic algebraic interest of these results, they are also important tools in the Polynomial Method, particularly in the prime field case Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p, where they have been used to prove many results in Combinatorial Number Theory. In this paper, we begin by explaining how arguments used by Wilson to give an elementary proof of the Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p case for the Ax–Katz Theorem can also be used to prove the following generalization of the Ax–Katz Theorem for Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p, and thus also the Chevalley–Warning Theorem, where we allow varying prime power moduli. Given any box B=I1××In{\mathcal {B}}={\mathcal {I}}_1\times \ldots \times {\mathcal {I}}_n, with each IjZ{\mathcal {I}}_j\subseteq {\mathbb {Z}} a complete system of residues modulo p, and a collection of nonzero polynomials f1,,fsZ[X1,,Xn]f_1,\ldots ,f_s\in {\mathbb {Z}}[X_1,\ldots ,X_n], then the set of common zeros inside the box, satisfies V0modpm|V|\equiv 0\mod p^m, provided n>(m1)maxi[1,s]{pmi1degfi}+i=1spmi1p1degfi.n>(m-1)\max _{i\in [1,s]}\Big \{p^{m_i-1}\deg f_i\Big \}+ \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{s}\frac{p^{m_i}-1}{p-1}\deg f_i. The introduction of the box B{\mathcal {B}} adds a degree of flexibility, in comparison to prior work of Sun. Indeed, incorporating the ideas of Sun, a weighted version of the above result is given. We continue by explaining how the added flexibility, combined with an appropriate use of Hensel’s Lemma to choose the complete system of residues Ij{\mathcal {I}}_j, allows many combinatorial applications of the Chevalley–Warning and Ax–Katz Theorems, previously only valid for Fpn{\mathbb {F}}_p^n, to extend with bare minimal modification to validity for an arbitrary finite abelian p-group G. We illustrate this by giving several examples, including a new proof of the exact value of the Davenport Constant D(G){\textsf{D}}(G) for finite abelian p-groups, and a streamlined proof of the Kemnitz Conjecture. We also derive some new results, for a finite abelian p-group G with exponent q, regarding the constant skq(G){\textsf{s}}_{kq}(G), defined as the minimal integer \ell such that any sequence of \ell terms from G must contain a zero-sum subsequence of length kq. Among other results for this constant, we show that skq(G)kq+D(G)1{\textsf{s}}_{kq}(G)\le kq+{\textsf{D}}(G)-1 provided k>d(d1)2k>\frac{d(d-1)}{2} and p>d(d1)p> d(d-1), where , answering a problem of Xiaoyu He in the affirmative by removing all dependence on p from the bound for k.
Let f be a degree d polynomial in n variables defined over a finite field k of characteristic p and let N be the number of zeros of f in kn. The Chevalley-Warning theorem asserts that if d
This paper continues the discussion of the number s(G) defined, for a finite Abelian group G, as the least number s such that an arbitrary sequence of length s of group elements has a subsequence whose product is 1.
Olson determined, for each finite abelian p-group G, the maximal length of a sequence of elements of G such that no subsequence has zero sum, thus settling (at least for these groups) a problem raised by Davenport in connection with factorization in number fields. This problem is equivalent to one on simultaneous linear congruences to which one seeks solutions with the variables restricted to the values 0 and 1. In the present note, the analogous problem for forms of arbitrary degree is settled, again with best possible results. The main tool is an extension of Chevalley's theorem on finite fields to congruences modulo prime powers. This in turn is deduced from Chevalley's theorem by a simple device which circumvents the use of Witt vectors.
If G is a finite Abelian group, for what number s is it true that an arbitrary sequence of length s of group elements has a subsequence whose product is 1? This question is answered for p-groups.
Dé d'une hypoth ese de M
  • C Chevalley
C. Chevalley: Dé d'une hypoth ese de M. Artin, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 11 (1936), 73–75.
  • N Alon
N. Alon, Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, Combin. Probab. Comput. 8 (1999), 7-29.