
Climate Change and the Hydrogeologic Framework in Constanta City, South Dobrogea, Romania

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Constanta city is located on the Black Sea coast in the eastern part of the Romanian South Dobrogea region. Global warming in the Dobrogea region promotes drought conditions that decrease groundwater levels and increase abstraction rates in the shallow unconfined aquifers (loess deposits and karstified Sarmatian limestones) being used for public supply. This study advocates using an alternative confined and high quality groundwater source in the zone adjacent to the tectonic blocks 5 and 10, where the Senonian aquitard ensures delays to climate change and provides protection from potential anthropogenic contaminants. Our review of the hydrogeologic and technical conditions further suggest that abstraction wells need to be developed within the Constanţa city limits and Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous aquifer (400–1,200 m thick). Suggested optimal exploitation characteristics are proposed. KeywordsClimate change-Global warming-Aquifer-Coastal area-Tectonic block-Abstraction well

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... Dobrogea is characterized by a predominantly semi-arid climate, with annual precipitation levels often below 400 mm, and an average temperature of 10-11°C, rising to 22-23°C during the summer months. This region is particularly susceptible to drought and desertification, especially in the southern parts, due to low rainfall and high evapotranspiration [17]. Elevations in Dobrogea are generally below 150 meters, except for the Măcin Mountains in the north, where peaks reach up to 467 meters, receiving higher precipitation totals [15]. ...
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This study provides a detailed framework for applying clustering algorithms to analyze precipitation data from the Dobrogea region in Romania, covering 46 meteorological stations from 1965 to 2005. Three clustering methods—K-means, K-medoids, and DBSCAN—were employed to partition the stations based on their monthly precipitation patterns. The primary goal was to outline the implementation process, highlight the use of specific R packages, and demonstrate parameter tuning to optimize clustering performance. Validation measures, including internal and stability indices, were used to assess the quality of each clustering method. While initial results indicated that K-medoids offer stable clusters and DBSCAN effectively handles noise, further comparative analysis with additional methods is necessary to determine the most suitable clustering technique for precipitation data. This work serves as a practical guide for selecting, implementing, and validating clustering algorithms in environmental data analysis.
... This region is bordered by the Danube in north and west, by the Black Sea in the east, by Danube's Delta in north-east and by the Bulgarian border in south. The area conserves some of the country's oldest relief forms and structures formed on old rocks (green schists, granite), calcar, slate and loess (Popescu N., and Ielenicz M., 2003;Caraivan, G et al., 2011;Prăvălie, R., at al. 2014a). From a morphologic point of view, the studied area is characterized by low altitudes in the center and south-west parts (89% are under 200 m), with altitudes over 400 m located in the north-part, namely in Măcin Mountains. ...
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Dobrudjea Plateau, located in south-east Romania, is characterized by low altitudes, old rocks, a temperate-continental climate and a silvosteppe and steppe vegetation. Pubescent oak is one of the tree species characteristic for this area. With average dimensions, this tree fulfils numerous ecosystem functions. The concept of “Climate-Smart Forestry – CSF” is recent and was adapted in this article for the pubescent oak characteristic for this area; clear and measurable criterions were also identified and applies for this species in order to identify the smart stands. Smart pubescent oak forests represent 3% of all this specie’s stands and are more common in the north part of Dobrudjea Plateau. They are characterized by advanced ages (61-70 years), 20%-30% compositions and even-aged structures. The forests are located on relatively small distances from forest roads, at altitudes of 100m - 250 m, and on west and east expositions. The present study has showed that smart pubescent oak forests can be established by taking into account 14 site (flora, soil or forest type) and stand conditions (pruning, vitality, average diameter and height, functional group and category, litter). The identification of these stands is extremely important for their protection as well as for applying the appropriate silvicultural measures.
... Therefore, the semi-arid oscillations determined an important impact upon some of the environmental components which are highly dependent on climatic variability. A relevant example can be found in the changes (decrease) of groundwater level in certain parts of Dobrogea region (Caraivan et al., 2011), as a result of the increasing potential evapotranspiration. This parameter is one of the climatic components that has the greatest influence on groundwater dynamics (Hü bener et al., 2005). ...
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The present study constitutes a climatic approach of aridity trend analysis in the south-eastern part of Romania (Dobrogea region), over the past five decades. The analysis is based on a series of investigations on the temporal trends of certain climatic parameters that play a key role in a territory's climatic variability, such as temperature, precipitation, and potential evapotranspiration. In this respect, a series of aridity index trends (De Martonne Index, UNEP Index, and Water Deficit Index), recorded between 1961 and 2009, was analyzed, using climatic parameters provided by eight weather stations in the Dobrogea region. While the results showed that the last five decades were generally characterized by an upward climatic aridity trend (increasing temperatures and potential evapotranspiration in all considered instances), there are certain regional differences due to precipitation regime variations (higher rainfall values were recorded at four weather stations). In terms of maximum aridity conditions, the study reveals that the most critical aridity index values were reported in 1990, 2000, 2001, 2003, and 200854. The Climate of Romania. 2008. National meteorology administration. Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest.View all references, especially at the weather stations located in the northern part of the Dobrogea region. The situation is slightly different in the central-southern part, where the results indicated an aridity trend decline coupled with an increase of annual precipitation amounts, especially between 1995 and 2009.
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This study reveals the climatic characteristics of the coastal zone with examples on Constanta city. In this sense, it is revealed that Constanta, through physical and geographical position, soil and biogeographical characteristics shows attributes different from other cities. Throughout littoral the temperature values are positive throughout the year.
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