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Influence of Colored Light on Growth rate of Juveniles of Fish


Abstract and Figures

The main aim of our experiments was to study the influence of colored light on juveniles of Carassius carassius, Perccottus glenii and Poecilia reticulata. The species of fish used for studies differ in their biotopes and feeding behavior. The results of experiments demonstrated that different species of fish can have different response to light quality. Thus crucian carp developed better by green light, rotan-by blue and green, guppy - by blue light. By red light the growth rate in all species decreased. The response in different species of fish to the light environment appears to be governed by changes in energy metabolism and hormone disproportionation.
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Influence of colored light on growth rate of juveniles of fish
A.B. Ruchin
Department of Biology, Mordovian State University, Bolshevistskaya str. 68, 430000, Saransk, Russia
(Phone: +7-8342-322637 Fax: +7-8342-324554; E-mail:
Accepted: January 24, 2005
Key words: colored light, growth rate, juveniles of fish
The main aim of our experiments was to study the influence of colored light on juveniles of Carassius
carassius, Perccottus glenii and Poecilia reticulata. The species of fish used for studies differ in their biotopes
and feeding behavior. The results of experiments demonstrated that different species of fish can have
different response to light quality. Thus crucian carp developed better by green light, rotan-by blue and
green, guppy - by blue light. By red light the growth rate in all species decreased. The response in different
species of fish to the light environment appears to be governed by changes in energy metabolism and
hormone disproportionation.
Spectral composition is a main characteristic of
light. In water light rays of different wavelength
pass to different depths depending on light
absorption and diffusion as well as on avail-
ability of admixtures and small organisms in a
water body. Most species of fish have
well-developed color sight, and are therefore
very sensi tive to colored light . For instant, the
survival rate of haddock larvae (Mellanogram-
mus aeglefinus L.) is higher with blu e and green
light (Downing 2002). The growth rate of silver
carp larvae (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.)
and young carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) increased
with green light (Radenko and Alimov 1991;
Ruchin et al. 2002). Gaignon and co-workers
(Gaignon et al. 1993) revealed a negative effect
of yellow light on Na
-ATPase activity in
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. However, no
difference was detected in the growth rate of
Altantic salmon and haddock treated with col-
ored light (Stefansson, Hansen, 1989; Downing,
Materials and methods
During this study juveniles of three fish species were
maintained under different light conditions in 20 1
aquariums with water temperature (21±1°C), aer-
ation (oxygen content 7.0–7.5 mg/l) and flowage
(2 l/h). We studied species with biological and eco-
logical differences: (i) Crucian carps (Carassius
carassius L) living in benthonic layers of lentic
ponds, and mainly feeding on benthonic organism
(Olygochaeta, Chinomedae larvae etc.); (ii) rotans
(Perccottus glenii Dybowsky) living in middl e layers
of lentic ponds among thickets of water vegetation,
feeding omnivorously mainly on planktonic
organisms (Anostraca, Copepoda, Phyllopoda) and
perifiton (Gas-tropoda, Hemiptera, Coleoptera lar-
vae), as well as any other moving objects, juveniles
and amphibian larvae (Baklanov 2001); (iii) guppies
(Poecilia reticulata Peters) living in upper layers
of water bodies and eat feeding on organisms
(Insecta) which fall in the water and plankton
(Copepoda, Phyllopoda).
In our in vivo experiments we used juveniles
of crucian carp and rotan with an initial weight of
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (2004) 30: 175–178 Ó Springer 2005
DOI 10.1007/s10695-005-1263-4
0.7–3 g and 0.065–1.0 g, respectively. They were
caught in a bottomo land pond. Guppy fry with an
initial weigh t of 12–50 mg were obtained from one
female fish for each series of experiments. In all cases
fish were acclimated to laboratory conditions for
15 days. We used luminescent lamps LB (Lisma
Ltd., Russia), and their spectrum was taken as the
control. During the experiment we scattered light
with the help of standard glass (Figure 1). In the
figure one can see that 80–85% of the light falls in a
narrow zone of spectrum; this zone is a symbol for
glass. Light intensity measured on water surface
after the passing of light through color filter was
100 lx in all modes. In our experiments light fell at a
vertical angle. In this case only 2% of light reflects
independently of wave length (Yavorsky and Detlaff
1981). After passing into water depths light was
absorbed and diffused, resulting in the reduction of
light intensity depending on spectral structure.
Taking into account reflection, absorption and
scattering, light intensity on the bottoms of experi-
mental aquariums was: under control lamp
(lamp LB) ) 63.2 lx; by red light ) 66.8 lx; by
yellow ) 64.0 lx; by green ) 62.7 lx; by blue
) 58.3 lx. Due to the small depths of the aquariums
the decrease of light intensity was insignificant and
therefore we can claim that differences in the data we
obtained may be explained by spectral structure but
not by light intensity.
To study the effect of colored light on juveniles,
15–20 fishes were taken arbitrarily from four initial
groups. Every initial group included 150–200 fishes
of identical weight. Chosen fish were placed into
special aquariums. We carried out concurrent
experiments in two aquariums. In every set
experiments were replicated four times for fish
from four initial groups. At the beginning and at
the end of the experiment fishes were weighted to
within of 1 mg. Fish were fed with live feed
(Tubifex tubifex, Olygochaeta: Annelida) before
saturation 3 times daily.
Specific growth rates (SGR) in weight were
then calculated (Ricker 1979). Data were analyzed
by one-way ANOVA and t-test (P < 0.05). Data
are expressed as mean (SE) (Lakin 1990).
Results and discussion
During the study in the aquarium no death was
registered. It was revealed that the optimum mode
for cultivating juveniles of species is the shortwave
light mode (blue and/or green light). The response
of fish species to colored light was different
(Figure 2). For instant, with green light the growth
rate in crucian carp increased 42% compared to
the control group (P < 0.05). The growth rate was
slightly lower with yellow light. No pronounced
difference in growth was noticed with green and
yellow light, while with red light the growth rate
decreased 33 % compared to the control group.
As with crucian carp the maximal growth rate
in rotan occurred in both green and blue light
(Figure 2). On average, growth rate exceeded the
control by 21–23% with red and yellow light the
growth rate decreased 9% and 21% respectively,
and therefore is the effect of yellow light is more
negative. Blue spectral rays were optimum for the
cultivation of guppies, but with red light their
growth rate decreased 10%. There was no pro-
nounced difference in the growth rate of guppies
with green and blue light.
Thus the results of our studies demonstrate that
there are differences in response to different colored
zones in different species of fish. Some species such
as carp, crucian carp and silver carp grow well with
blue and green light (Radenko and Alimov 1991;
Ruchin et al. 2002 our data), the growth rate of
other species (guppy, whitefish) increases with blue
light (Radenko and Terent’ev 1998, our data), the
third (rotan) grow equally well with both green and
blue light. In spite of biological and ecological
differences, the study species have an almost iden-
tical response to colored light: i.e., they grow better
with blue-green light. However, there-are some
Figure 1. Light passing ratio of white luminescent lamp (LW-40)
and light filters, which were used for experiments.
exceptions. For instance, the growth rate in some
species (Atlantic salmon, haddock) is independent
of light wavelength (Stefanson and Hansen 1998;
Downing 2002).
What is the mechanism by which colored light
effects growth rate? The main role in this process is
played by the eyes and pineal organ, because only
they can detect colors (Levin and McNicol 1982;
Ekstrom and Meissl 1997). For instance, crucian
carps are able to detect colors at an early stage of
development. However, it is more difficult to dis-
tinguish blue and green colors than green and red,
i.e. if colors are more contrasting their detection is
more effective. Some authors (Rajaserkharan and
Chowdiah 1972; Reddy and Kote 1975) reported
that adult gambusias Gambusia affinis (Baird et
Gir.) eat mosquito larvae because they are golden
against a red and black background. In our
experiments it was noticed that carp juveniles eat
food more actively with green light than with red.
Proceeding from these facts the increase in growth
rate of some species may be explained by their
ability to detect colored feed and therefore their
increasing consumption.
However, the daily ratio of other fish is inde-
pendent of monochromatic light (Ruchin 2004). So
the results of our study may be explained by changes
in energy metabolism, hormone disproportionation
or by other biochemical an d physiological changes.
Detailed studies on influence of colored light are
lacking and at present we only have a hypothesis.
For instance, a negative effect of yellow light on
ATPases activity in Atlantic has been revealed
(Gaigon et al. 1993). In experiments with nile tilapia
it has been shown that after stress plasma cortisol
level was lower in fish treated with blue light than
that seen in fish treated with normal light (Volpatto
and Barreto 2001), i.e. blue light plays the role of an
antistress agent. As little work has been carried out
on the influence of spectrum on physiological
parameters of fish, we cannot draw any specific
conclusions and further studies in the given area are
This work was supported by the Grants from the
President of Russia (grant MK-1066.2003.04).
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... blue, violet, and green) penetrate deeper than those with longer wavelengths (e.g. red) (Ruchin, 2004), therefore, in the natural environment, blue, green and infrared are common (Elnwishy et al., 2012). ...
... Indeed, several studies addressed the harmful effects of red light on the growth rate of various fish species (Ruchin, 2019), which agrees with the result obtained in the present study on Nile tilapia. Ruchin (2004) suggested that the effect of red light might be explained by changes in energy metabolism, endocrinological changes, or other biochemical or physiological changes. ...
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This study examined the impact of tank color (black, red, blue, green, and transparent) on the behavior (boldness and aggressiveness) and growth of Nile Tilapia over nine weeks (first, third, sixth, and ninth weeks). Boldness and aggression levels were assessed using open field and mirror image tests, respectively, for individual Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Healthy Nile Tilapia, initially weighing 2.51g on average, were used in the experimental trials conducted in tanks of different colors. The findings indicated that red tanks appeared to foster the highest level of boldness (p<0.05), whereas fish in transparent tanks exhibited the highest level of aggressiveness compared to other tanks (p<0.05). Moreover, individuals in black tanks displayed the highest growth rate in terms of weight (p<0.05). This study suggests that Oreochromis niloticus can thrive better in black-rearing tanks, as the black tanks appear to enhance the growth rate of the fish, possibly through improvements in physiological processes.
... Previous studies indicate that preference for light color varies among species (Gehrke, 1994;Lin et al., 2021;Marchetti et al., 2004) and even among species of the same order, such as Bidyanus bidyanus and Macquaria ambigua, which had different preferences (Gehrke, 1994). Nevertheless, it is important to note that a significant percentage of species seems to be more attracted to green light (Lin et al., 2021;Marchetti et al., 2004;Reynalte-Tataje et al., 2012;Ruchin, 2004), which was also observed in the present study by the response of larvae from the Cypriniformes order. The preference for green light may be related to the retinal physiology of larvae (Douglas and Djamgoz, 1990), but it may also be related to the greater comfort that larvae have in associating the color green with the background color of their natural habitat (Lin et al., 2021). ...
... On the other hand, some studies have shown that red light is less effective at capturing fish larvae compared to other colors (Marchetti et al., 2004;McLeod and Costello, 2017). Studies have also shown that red light can be harmful by inhibiting fish growth (Luchiari et al., 2007;Ruchin, 2004) and increasing stress levels (Wang et al., 2016) in, for example, species of the Cypriniformes order (Lin et al., 2021). In our study, both Cypriniformes species avoided red light. ...
... Our findings reveal that red is the most suitable aquarium color for rearing Oscar fish juveniles in terms of growth and feed utilization. In contrast, Ruchin [37] indicated the higher growth rate in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) when reared in blue tanks. Also, Eslamloo et al. [1] exhibited that growth performance factors of goldfish, except for the CF, obviously improved in white backgrounds compared to the other colors. ...
... It is shown that chronic stress leads to lower growth in fish which is because of the energy consumption to compensate stress-related elevated energy demands and for setting of body homeostasis [43]. Ruchin [37] also indicated that optimal light color for each fish species plays the role of antistress factor. Our results showed that white, yellow, and red tank colors presented lower values of plasma cortisol and therefore seem to be less stressful to Oscar fish. ...
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The aim of the current study was to assess the impacts of tank color on the growth, stress, biochemical, hematological, and immunological responses, and expression of growth-related genes in juvenile Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus). Therefore, a total of 120 fish (9.14 ± 0.34 g) were distributed into 12 aquariums (60 × 50 × 35 cm) and divided into four treatments (aquariums with blue, white, yellow, and red colors) in three replicates (10 fish per aquarium). The fish were daily hand-fed ad libitum in three meals at 7:00, 12:00, and 17:00 hr for 56 days. Results showed that Oscar fish cultured in the red aquariums had higher final weight and weight gain and lower feed conversion ratio. Plasma cortisol, glucose, and lactate values of fish were significantly higher, and the amount of white blood cells was lower in the blue aquariums compared to other tank colors. Plasma triglyceride values were significantly higher in the white and yellow groups than the blue aquariums. Moreover, fish cultured in yellow and red aquariums had significantly higher melatonin levels than the blue aquariums. Plasma cholesterol, total protein, albumin, complement 3, and total immunoglobulin values were highest in Oscar fish cultured in the red aquariums. Also, lysozyme and alternative complement (ACH50) activities and complement 4 values of fish cultured in yellow and red aquariums were meaningfully higher compared to blue and white groups. Growth hormone relative gene expression levels were meaningfully higher in Oscar fish cultured in white, yellow, and red aquariums than the blue aquariums. Furthermore, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) relative gene expression levels were significantly higher in fish cultured in yellow and red aquariums compared to those cultured in blue and white tank colors. Thus, the most suitable tank color for rearing juvenile A. ocellatus is red, while blue tank color is unsuitable.
... For instance, previous research indicated that environmental factors, including color, can influence the growth and development of fish (Heydarnejad et al., 2017;Ninwichian et al., 2018). The same pattern was observed in previous research conducted by Ruchin (2004) and Ebrahimi (2011), which highlighted the blue tanks as promoting the highest growth rates in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and common carp F test ** ** ** ** Note: **, highly significant difference at 0.01. ...
This study explored the combined influence of tank color, stocking density, and gender on Tilapia zillii 's performance and well‐being. In this 120‐day trial, 320 T. zillii , each initially weighing 10.0 ± 0.1 g/fish, were distributed among 24 tanks. The experiment included eight distinct treatment combinations, varying tank color (blue and green), stocking density (10 and 30 fish/m ³ ) and sex (monosexual and mixed). The results showed that blue tanks improved specific growth rate and condition factor, while green tanks were better for feed utilization. Density at 30 fish/m ³ showed the highest mean values of final body weight and total length, weight gain (WG), and gain length. Mono‐sex outperformed mixed‐sex ones in WG and daily growth. Interactions between color, density and sex were significant, affecting growth and feed utilization. Green tanks were best for protein profiles, while blue tanks excelled in glucose. A density of 10 fish/m ³ yielded the highest protein profiles, and mono‐sex fish had higher protein profiles. For lipid profiles, green tanks were superior, and density affected lipid profiles. Mixed‐sex populations were best for certain lipid profile parameters. Interactions between these factors also played a significant role, making the biochemical profiles of T. zillii a complex interplay of various factors. The results explored that tank color, fish density and sex influence the activity of nonspecific immune enzymes in the liver of T. zillii . Blue tanks and lower fish density led to higher nonspecific immune enzymes, while mono‐sex fish exhibited more significant nonspecific immune enzymes. Complex interactions between these factors also influenced nonspecific immune enzyme activities. Blue tanks increased malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, while green tanks raised glutathione S‐transferases (GST) and catalase (CAT) levels. Lower fish density led to higher MDA, while higher density increased GST and CAT. Mono‐sex fish had more MDA and GST, while mixed‐sex fish showed greater CAT levels. Complex interactions among these factors affected the antioxidant levels in T. zillii . In summary, our study suggests that rearing T. zillii in green tanks at higher densities (30 fish/m ³ ) and in mono‐sex conditions yields the best results in terms of growth and overall performance.
... Odontobutidae and Poecilia reticulata, Poecilidae (Ruchin, 2004 we suggest that avoidance responses should also be included when considering fish welfare, as shown in Figure 2. The sequence of steps used to evaluate fish preference and avoidance responses to improve their welfare is shown in Figure 3. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous study has used such an approach, which could be explored in further research. ...
Several studies have reported the neurophysiological and behavioural mechanisms that enable fish to experience several types of affective states, such as fear, pain and joy. This is crucial for the welfare feelings‐based approach, as conditions that bring positive or negative valence to fish influence their affective state. A method to understand to what extent fish ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ their surrounding features is by evaluating their consistent choices (preferences) and propensity to reach environmental resources or traits (motivation). In this review, we propose how to assess preference and motivation tests in fish and discuss the limitations and potential biases that may affect such tests. Furthermore, we emphasize that understanding the avoidance responses of fish under a welfare context is a complementary method to improve the quality of life of fish in any type of rearing environment. Although there are other reviews about animal preference and motivation, this is the first one exclusively dedicated to the application of fish welfare.
... Nevertheless, background colour is a key element for fish welfare (Li et al. 2016), and fish can perceive the colour of their surroundings and adjust their behaviours to improve their fitness (Xie and Yang 2021). For example, larval Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis, survived and grew higher in light grey tanks than black, dark grey and white background colours (Tamazouzt et al. 2000), whereas juvenile guppies, Poecilia reticulata, had a higher specific growth rate when reared in blue light compared to those reared in red (Ruchin 2004). The present study suggests that blue, purple and red backgrounds might be recommended for aquariums for cichlids such as L. caeruleus. ...
Investigations of colour-related behaviours, e.g. the context dependence of colour preferences in animal species are fundamental for understanding colour discrimination mechanisms and evolution of colour patterns. In this study, we investigated the preferences of Labidochromis caeruleus individuals or groups (three members) for both background colour and body colour of fish shoals (cichlid species with different body colours were used as stimulus shoals). Both L. caeruleus individuals and groups preferred to stay in red, blue, purple or black backgrounds as opposed to white backgrounds. However, the preference for orange backgrounds changed from nonsignificant to negative, whereas the preference for yellow or green backgrounds changed from positive to nonsignificant when the test fish changed from individuals to groups. Whether measured in individuals or groups, L. caeruleus (with yellow body colour) preferred to stay with stimulus shoals of conspecifics as opposed to cichlids with white Chindongo (Pseudotropheus) socolofi or blue Sciaenochromis fryeri body colours. However, L. caeruleus showed no preference between conspecifics and orange Metriaclima (Maylandia) estherae and preferred to stay with M. estherae as opposed other white or blue cichlid species. Furthermore, both L. caeruleus individuals and groups showed preferences for blue S. fryeri relative to white C. socolofi. Our data suggest that colour phenotypes might be an important factor for the shoal preferences of cichlids, and L. caeruleus preferentially shoals with fish exhibiting phenotypic homogeneity or being inconspicuous amongst group members. The preferences for background colour are complicated. The possible mechanism for the different responses to background colour between individuals and groups might be due to a shift in the balance between individuals and groups based on a trade-off between the requirement to avoid being detected during prey–predation interactions and maximum colour contrast in the context of resource competition or mating courtship. Further investigation of the colour preferences of both individuals and groups of cichlids with different body colours might yield interesting results.
... The effects of different LED lights on physiological status, oxidative stress and immunity may influence the growth parameters of fish (Noureldin et al., 2021). This disparity in the results may be to a certain extent due to variations in habitat and feeding behavior of different fish species reared under different aquaculture systems and water quality parameters (Noureldin et al., 2021;Ruchin, 2004). Moreover, the best growth performance results exhibited in RL/BL group could be attributed to the enhancing effect of this light on melatonin concentration as per our results. ...
Although there are studies in the literature on the effects of different coloured light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on different organisms, there is limited information on how these effects change with temperature increase. In this study, the effects of blue, green, red and white LED lights on the early development process of zebrafish (Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822)) were comprehensively investigated. In addition, to simulate global warming, it was examined how a one-degree temperature increase affects this process. For this purpose, zebrafish embryos, which were placed at 4 hpf (hours post fertilization) in an incubator whose interior was divided into four areas, were kept at three different temperatures (28, 29 and 30 °C) for 120 h. The group kept in a dark environment was chosen as the control. The temperature of the control group was also increased at the same rate as the other groups. The results showed that at the end of the exposure period, temperature and light colour caused an increase in body malformations. Histopathological damage and immunopositive signals of HSP 70 and 8-OHdG biomarkers in larval brains, increase in free oxygen radicals, apoptotic cells and lipid accumulation throughout the body, increase in locomotor activity, decrease in heart rate and blood flow, and significant changes in more than thirty metabolite levels were detected. In addition, it has been determined that many metabolic pathways are affected, especially glutathione, vitamin B6 and pyrimidine metabolism. Moreover, it has been observed that a one-degree temperature increase worsens this negative effect. It was concluded that blue light was the closest light to the control group and was less harmful than other light colours. The study revealed that blue light produced results that were most similar to those seen in the control group.
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Des régimes artificiels de photopériode et de température permettent d'obtenir une smoltification précoce (dès l'automne), déphasée par rapport aux conditions naturelles prévalant lors du transfert en mer. On étudie ici l'effet de brusques diminutions de la photopériode associées au changement de spectre lumineux. En régime de photopériode et lumière artificielle (fournie par une ampoule à incandescence), après une augmentation de la photopériode sur 80 jours (soit le 18 août, J200 après la première prise d'aliment), un premier passage direct en situation de lumière naturelle en photopériode décroissante a été réalisé ; deux autres ont été effectués 11 jours et 35 jours plus tard. Afin de dissocier l'effet de la photopériode de celui du spectre lumineux, des lots de poissons ont été maintenus, d'une part, sous lumière du jour artificielle ("true lite") et régime de photopériode artificielle et, d'autre part, après transfert en photopériode naturelle décroissante, sous lumière jaune. On conclut que le type de spectre de lumière artificielle n'a pas d'effet sur la croissance, mais en a sur la smoltification ; qu'une diminution de la photophase à la suite d'une courte augmentation de photopériode telle que nous l'avons pratiquée ne permet pas, contrairement à une photophase constante, l'augmentation de la (Na+-K+)-ATPase.
Groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr were reared under indoor light sources of different spectral composition. A control group was reared under outdoor light conditions. Growth rate was not significantly different among the indoor groups, whereas the outdoor group had a significantly lower growth rate.All groups developed the external appearance and experienced the reduced condition factor and increased salinity tolerance normally associated with the parr-smolt transformation. Fish from all groups were successfully acclimated to seawater in early May. The subsequent 6-month growth period in seawater did not reveal any differences in growth potential of fish from the different experimental groups. It was concluded that the parr-smolt transformation was completed under light sources of different spectral composition.
Discusses the evolution and function of photoreceptor cells in the retina of teleost (bony) fishes. Since violet and blue light are the colors most strongly absorbed by water, and green or yellow-green light becomes most dominant with depth, the rod and cone cells in each species of fish must adapt according to the depth at which the fish lives. Their rod cells are specially adapted for low-intensity illumination while the cone cells are associated with color vision and their better adaptation to bright light. Some saltwater fishes that live near the surface have 2 cone pigments, 1 to absorb green light and 1 to absorb blue light. The green light is absorbed when the fish looks upward while the blue light is absorbed when the fish looks downward. The broadest range of visual pigments is found in fish that live near the surface where the light is bright. Some species that are nocturnal or that live in the deep sea seldom encounter enough light to stimulate cone cells at all and so have no color vision. It is hypothesized that color vision, the ability to distinguish light on the basis of wavelength as well as intensity, evolved some time after 2-pigment visual systems were established. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Fish lengths have been measured in many different ways. The differences arise from choosing different reference points near the anterior end and near the posterior end of the fish, and from using different methods of making the measurement. Methods of making the measurement include using calipers; using a tape held along the curve of the body; laying the fish on a measuring board with the front end pressed against an upright piece; laying the fish on a board with a movable cross hair above it, attached to an indicator running along a scale. In theory, any combination of reference points and methods might be used, but practice is considerably more restricted. Some of the commoner combinations have special names; these are provided in the chapter, together with the reference points used. In addition to these methodological differences, length varies with the condition of the fish—for example, whether it is alive, recently killed, after rigor mortis has set in, or at different intervals of time after preservation in formalin or alcohol.
In a small-scale culture experiment, larval haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus L., were raised under various combinations of light quality [blue (470 nm), green (530 nm) or full-spectrum white light] and light intensity [low (0.3–0.4 µmol s−1 m−2) or high (1.7–1.9 µmol s−1 m−2)], and in total darkness (both fed, and starved). Larval growth (0.9% day−1 in standard length; 2.4% day−1 in body area) was not significantly different between any combination of coloured light. At the time of total mortality in the starved treatment, survival was significantly reduced under low intensity, full-spectrum white light (13%) vs. all other coloured light treatments (68%). Larvae raised under both continuous dark treatments (fed and starved) exhibited morphological changes associated with irreversible starvation (point-of-no-return). Lack of a pronounced effect of light quality on larval haddock growth probably results from a combination of plasticity in early larval vision, and enhanced encounter rates between larvae and prey at the relatively high prey densities used in aquaculture.
The pineal organ of teleost fish is a directly photosensory organ that contains photoreceptor cells similar to those of the retina. It conveys photoperiod information to the brain via neural pathways and by release of indoleamines, primarily melatonin, into the circulation. The photoreceptor cells respond to changes in ambient illumination with a gradual modulation of neurotransmission to second-order neurons that innervate various brain centres, and by modulation of indoleamine synthesis. Melatonin is produced rhythmically, and melatonin synthesis may be regulated either directly by ambient photoperiod, or by an endogenous circadian oscillator that is entrained by the photoperiod. During natural conditions, melatonin is produced at highest levels during the night. Although the pineal organ undoubtedly influences a variety of physiological parameters, as assessed by experimental removal of the pineal organ and/or administration of exogenous indoleamines, its role in any physiological situation is not clear cut. The effects of any interference with pineal functions appear to vary with the time of year and experimental photothermal regimes. There are strong indications that the pineal organ is one component in a central neural system that constitutes the photoperiod-responding system of the animal, i.e. the system that is responsible for correct timing of daily and seasonal physiological rhythms. It is important to envisage the pineal organ as a part of this system; it interacts with other photosensory structures (the retina, possibly extraretinal non-pineal photoreceptors) and circadian rhythm generators
The effects of different monochromatic light colors (wavelengths) on the feeding pattern and predatory efficiency of Gambusia affinis have been studied. Maximum predation of mosquito larvae by the fish is observed under red illumination (680 mμ). The different light colors do not alter the feeding pattern of the fish but markedly influence the predatory efficiency of the fish.