
Dynamic specification of the demand for money in Austria

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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die “Dynamische Spezifikation” zur Analyse der Geldnachfrage (M2) in Österreich angewendet. Ausgehend von einer sehr allgemeinen Formulierung einer üblichen Geldnachfragefunktion gelangt man durch eine Reihe von Tests zu einem “Error-correction”-Ansatz mit befriedigenden statistischen sowie theoretischen Eigenschaften und auch interessanter datenadäquater Dynamik. Aus diesem “Error-correction”-Modell läßt sich eine langfristige Gleichgewichtslösung ableiten, welche zeigt, daß — im Einklang mit Aussagen der Theorie — die Geldmenge homogen und proportional zum Einkommen und die Umlaufsgeschwindigkeit des Geldes (in bezug auf das Einkommen) eine steigende Funktion des Zinssatzes und der Inflationsrate ist. Eine gründliche Analyse der geschätzten Funktion über den Zeitablauf deckt zu Anfang der siebziger Jahre strukturelle Störungen auf. Formal betrachtet verschob sich die Funktion in diesem Zeitabschnitt von einer Goldfeld-Gleichung zu einem “Error-correction”-Modell. Die Erklärung dafür kann sowohl in einem anderen Verlauf der relevanten Daten als auch in einer veränderten Reaktion der Wirtschaftssubjekte auf Datensignale gefunden werden. Nach Auflösung des Bretton-Woods-Systems, mit der weiteren Öffnung der österreichischen Finanzmärkte, stärker schwankenden Zinssätzen sowie höheren Inflationsraten wurden korrigierende Reaktionen auf empfundene Ungleichgewichte für die Wirtschaftssubjekte bedeutsamer. Seit Mitte der siebziger Jahre sind jedoch die Parameter der Geldnachfragefunktion beachtlich konstant. Die Währungsbehörden, die sich für die Hartwährungspolitik entschieden haben und daher die Geldversorgung weitgehend dem Bedarf der Wirtschaft anpassen, können sich also auf eine recht stabile, freilich dynamische Geldnachfragefunktion stützen, die von drei makroökonomischen Größen (Realeinkommen, Preisen und Zinssatz) bestimmt wird.

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... First, it is interesting as an aim in itself. Although there exist thorough studies of Austrian money demand in the literature, they have become somewhat dated by now (see Ziegelschmidt (1985), Glück (1987) or Schebeck and Thury (1987)). Here we estimate money demand functions for three monetary aggregates within a small vector autoregression (VAR) to account for the simultaneity of the included variables and to ensure efficient estimation of the long-run coefficients of the model. ...
... Although the cointegrating vector is significant at a 1% level, it is not as pronounced and stable as the one computed for M1 after accounting for the break in 1979. In their analysis of M2 money demand, Schebeck and Thury (1987) had to include an impulse dummy to account for an outlier in 1984. Here we have refrained from including a dummy, especially since in our framework there is no obvious economic or statistical reason for doing so. ...
... The comparison of the two models can be further extended by answering the question of whether our model encompasses the one by Schebeck and Thury (1987), who specify a single Next, the recursive Chow-tests for the two-equation model are displayed in Figure 4. Here we have to report only one violation of the null hypothesis of stable parameters, namely in the onestep-ahead Chow-test for 1979. ...
In this paper, the demand for real money M1, M2, and M3 is estimated for Austria over the time period 1965-96. The modelling takes place within the framework of a small vector autoregression. To estimate the demand for money, two-equation error-correction models are constructed, which contain the short-run dynamics and the long-run economic equilibrium. It is found that a stable money demand exists for all monetary aggregates. The long-run equilibrium of M1, after accounting for a structural break in 1979, can be characterised as a classical type of money demand, with no interest rate effects and an elasticity of one for real GDP. In the case of M2 and M3, we find a unit coefficient on income and a significantly negative influence of a long-term interest rate. The statistical properties of the estimated short-run money demand equations - considering in-sample and out-of-sample tests - are generally very good.
Dieser Beitrag zum 65. Geburtstag von Hans Seidel geht von der These aus, daß es in der Wirtschaftspolitik einen Zyklus gibt, in dem jeweils die Bedeutung der einzelnen Instrumente wechselt. Es gibt einen Zyklus der Rolle der Geldpolitik, der im allgemeinen mit einem Zyklus der Rolle, der in der Theorie der Geldpolitik zugeschrieben wird, einhergeht (Neumark 1975, Socher 1977). Wird z.B. die Geldpolitik allein ohne Koordination mit anderen Maßnahmen eingesetzt, dann kommt es zu einer Schwergewichtsverlagerung auf andere Instrumente. Werden aber dann nur diese Instrumente eingesetzt, so macht die mangelnde Berücksichtigung der Geldpolitik wieder eine Schwergewichtsverlagerung zur Geldpolitik notwendig.
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This collection of published papers records the development of an approach to econometric modelling that has reached a highly successful stage. The methodology of modelling ‘observational data’, as opposed to experimental data, which can be replicated, is analysed to highlight the fundamental flaws in various approaches, and the possibilities of others. Criteria for model adequacy are formulated (congruence and encompassing), and alternative approaches to building empirical models are compared on their ability to deliver such models. A typology of models elucidates their properties, and a taxonomy of information sources clarifies testing. Estimation is summarized by an estimator generating equation. The value of exploring the development path is to reveal by attempted applications why many widely used approaches are inadequate. The outcome is to demonstrate the viability of a general‐to‐specific approach that commences from a specification deemed more than adequate to characterize the evidence, and simplifies to a parsimonious representation that captures the main factors. By artificial Monte Carlo simulations on experiments designed by others, the success of that approach is established, leading to automatic model selection by software that can outperform practitioners.
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The roles of evaluation, discovery, and theory in modeling economic time series are analyzed. Being reductions of data processes, models reflect economic behavior, filtered by the measurement system; the reductions entail a taxonomy of information sets and hence of selection criteria characterizing congruency. No method of model construction is necessarily valid, but search affects only research efficiency, not the intrinsic usefulness of a model. Moreover, critical evaluation remains justifiable, with predictive failure revealing the information content of tiny samples, and encompassing sustaining progressivity. Theory-models of start and completions of private dwellings based on dynamized static equilibria and intertemporal optimization are contrasted. Empirical modeling illustrates the analysis.
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[eng] Transportation costs and monopoly location in presence of regional disparities. . This article aims at analysing the impact of the level of transportation costs on the location choice of a monopolist. We consider two asymmetric regions. The heterogeneity of space lies in both regional incomes and population sizes: the first region is endowed with wide income spreads allocated among few consumers whereas the second one is highly populated however not as wealthy. Among the results, we show that a low transportation costs induces the firm to exploit size effects through locating in the most populated region. Moreover, a small transport cost decrease may induce a net welfare loss, thus allowing for regional development policies which do not rely on inter-regional transportation infrastructures. cost decrease may induce a net welfare loss, thus allowing for regional development policies which do not rely on inter-regional transportation infrastructures. [fre] Cet article d�veloppe une statique comparative de l'impact de diff�rents sc�narios d'investissement (projet d'infrastructure conduisant � une baisse mod�r�e ou � une forte baisse du co�t de transport inter-r�gional) sur le choix de localisation d'une entreprise en situation de monopole, au sein d'un espace int�gr� compos� de deux r�gions aux populations et revenus h�t�rog�nes. La premi�re r�gion, faiblement peupl�e, pr�sente de fortes disparit�s de revenus, tandis que la seconde, plus homog�ne en termes de revenu, repr�sente un march� potentiel plus �tendu. On montre que l'h�t�rog�n�it� des revenus constitue la force dominante du mod�le lorsque le sc�nario d'investissement privil�gi� par les politiques publiques conduit � des gains substantiels du point de vue du co�t de transport entre les deux r�gions. L'effet de richesse, lorsqu'il est associ� � une forte disparit� des revenus, n'incite pas l'entreprise � exploiter son pouvoir de march� au d�triment de la r�gion l
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Durante las �ltimas d�cadas se ha producido un creciente inter�s en nuestro pa�s en relaci�n a las econom�as regionales dada la necesidad de los gobiernos regionales de obtener informaci�n sobre sus econom�as para as� llevar a cabo actuaciones de pol�tica econ�mica m�s efectivas y eficientes. En este marco, los modelos econom�tricos constituyen una herramienta de utilidad puesto que ofrecen informaci�n sobre las relaciones estructurales que se dan en una econom�a y permiten predecir su evoluci�n. Sin embargo, la utilizaci�n de dichos modelos con finalidad predictiva se enfrenta al inconveniente de la elevada inestabilidad a corto plazo que se produce en las relaciones entre variables econ�micas a nivel regional. Por este motivo, en el presente trabajo se propone la utilizaci�n de un modelo de coeficientes variables para recoger dicha inestabilidad y mejorar las predicciones sobre la evoluci�n de las variables del bloque de producci�n de la econom�a catalana. Para contrastar la mejora obtenida a partir de la aplicaci�n de dicho modelo, se compara su capacidad predictiva con la de un modelo de coeficientes fijos. Los resultados muestran un mejor comportamiento del modelo de coeficientes variables frente al modelo de coeficientes fijos. During the last decades, there has been a growing interest in Spain in the issues related to regional economies. This interest is related to the need of regional governments to obtain information about their economies and act efficiently. In this context, econometric models are useful tools to offer information about the structural relationships of the economy and also to predict their evolution. However, the predictive capacity of these models is adversely affected by the potential instability of the relationships between economic variables at a regional level. For this reason, in this article we present a time-varying coefficient model to improve the predictions of an econometric model for the production block v
Having estimated a linear regression with p coefficients, one may wish to test whether m additional observations belong to the same regression. This paper presents systematically the tests involved, relates the prediction interval (for m = 1) and the analysis of covariance (for m > p) within the framework of general linear hypothesis (for any m), and extends the results to testing the equality between subsets of coefficients.
Dynamic specification denotes the problem of appropriately matching the lag reactions of a postulated theoretical model to the autocorrelation structure of the associated observed time-series data. As such, the issue is inseparable from that of stochastic specification if the finally chosen model is to have a purely random error process as its basic innovation. The subject-matter has advanced rapidly and offers an opportunity for critically examining the main themes and integrating previously disparate developments. A statistical-theory based model considers the joint density of the observables and seeks to characterize the processes whereby the data were generated. Thus, the focus is on means of simplifying the analysis to allow valid inference from submodels. This chapter also discusses that given the paucity of dynamic theory and the small sample sizes currently available for most time series of interest, as against the manifest complexity of the data processes, all sources of information have to be utilized. Attempt to resolve the issue of dynamic specification first involves developing the relevant concepts, models, and methods that is the deductive aspect of statistical analysis, prior to formulating inference techniques. An alternative interpretation is that by emphasizing the econometric aspect of time-series modeling, the analysis applies howsoever the model is obtained and seeks to be relatively neutral as to the economic theory content.
Tests of the log normal distribution versus the exponential distribution were proposed by Cox (1961, 1962), who gave their large-sample distributions. We investigate the adequacy of the asymptotic results and give power functions of the tests. We then use Cox's general results to derive tests for the log normal distribution versus the gamma distribution. Finally, we compare the performance of the separate family tests of the exponential versus the log normal distribution with that of other tests for departure from the exponential distribution.
It is required to test a composite null hypothesis. High power is desired against a composite alternative hypothesis that is not in the same parametric family as the null hypothesis. In an earlier paper a modification of the Neyman‐Pearson maximum‐likelihood ratio test was suggested for this problem. The present paper gives some general comments on the formulation of the problem, a general large‐sample form for the test, and, finally, a number of examples.
Die Frage, ob eine theoretisch plausible und im Zeitablauf stabile Geldnachfragefunktion empirisch nachgewiesen werden kann, nimmt einen wichtigen Platz in der aktuellen makroökonomischen Diskussion ein. Dies gilt insbesondere für diejenigen Länder, in denen sich die wirtschaftspolitischen Instanzen für eine Politik der Steuerung der Geldmenge entschieden haben. Doch auch für ein Land wie Österreich, wo aus verschiedenen Gründen andere geldpolitische Zwischenziele gewählt wurden, ist die Frage nach einem stabilen Zusammenhang von monetären Aggregaten und dem realen Sektor der Volkswirtschaft von Bedeutung: Eine Analyse geldpolitischer Vorgänge erlaubt nur dann verläßliche Rückschlüsse auf das nominelle Sozialprodukt, wenn die beobachteten Variablen in einer systematischen Beziehung zueinander stehen. Darüber hinaus verliert eine mögliche wirtschaftspolitische Strategie der Geldmengensteuerung von vornherein an Attraktivität, wenn berechtigte Zweifel an der Stabilität der Nachfrage nach Liquidität bestehen. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden Standardspezifikationen der Nachfrage nach Geld in verschiedenen Abgrenzungen geschätzt und auf ihre theoretische Plausibilität hin untersucht. Anschließend werden die geschätzten Geldnachfragefunktionen einer Reihe von Stabilitätstests unterzogen. Es zeigt sich, daß die Geldmenge M2 in der Definition des WIFO die statistischen Tests besonders gut besteht, doch auch die Nachfrage nach M1, vor allem in der Abgrenzung der Nationalbank, durch die gewählte Spezifikation bemerkenswert verläßlich erklärt werden kann.
Available information is considered as partitioned into the sets: past, present, and future observations, other data of competing models and theory knowledge. In each case, specific concepts are relevant to empirical model formulation (e.g. innovations for past data, exogeneity for present, encompassing for contending models, etc.) and various properties of such concepts are established (viz. encompassing is transitive and asymmetric). Relationships between concepts are developed (e.g. encompassing entails variance-dominance in linear models), and related to the notion of a progressive research strategy. An empirical model illustrates the various criteria. Model selection by dynamic simulation tracking performance is critically evaluated.
In the present paper, we attempt a critical evaluation of macroeconomic forecasting in Austria. For this purpose, we calculate conventional magnitude measures of accuracy as well as probabilities of correctly predicting directional change for the forecasts made by two Austrian institutions (WIFO and IHS) and by the OECD. ARIMA models and Holt-Winters exponential smoothing serve as benchmarks for comparison.
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In recent years the behaviour of the income velocity of money in major OECD economies has displayed considerable volatility for both narrow and broad monetary aggregates (Table 1). Velocity in a number of large OECD economies, for example, fell sharply in 1982. Most notably, declines in the income velocity of M1, M2 and M3 in the United States of 2.3, 4.9 and 5.9 per cent, respectively, were large by historical standards. Such movements in velocity may arise as a consequence of changes in money demand in two important ways: they may result from movements along the money demand function, as the normal implication of changes in its interest rate and inflation expectations arguments; and the money demand function itself may shift (money demand instability), leading to unpredictable changes in velocity. Velocity may also move as the mechanical result of policies by the authorities which alter the supply of money in the short run, while the private sector is able to adjust only with ...
The partial-adjustment approach to the specification of the short-run demand for money has dominated the literature for more than a decade. There are three basic problems with this approach. First, the same lag structure is imposed on all variables, and each independent variable enters only as a current value. In contrast a rational individual would respond to different variables (income, interest rates, prices) with quite different lags. Second, when the general price levelis subject to gradual adjustment hut can move quickly in response to supply shocks, the influence of these supply shocks should enter with a negative sign. Third, the estimated equation for real balances may not be a money demand equation at all, but rather its coefficients may represent a shifting mixture of demand and supply responses.The empirical work examines several alternative dynamic specifications, including a generalized partial adjustment framework and the error-correction model. Both of the latter specifications exhibit greater structural stability after 1973 than the standard partial adjustment specification, and the generalized partial adjustment model also yields relatively small errors in post-sample dynamic simulations. Shifts in coefficients as the sample period is extended after 1973 are consistent with the interpretation that the real balance equation no longer traces out structural demand parameters, hut rather a mixture of demand and supply responses.
This report examines the process of economic and financial integration in East Asia in the light of Europe's experience.� The report provides a comprehensive analysis of East Asian monetary and financial integration process (including a deep analysis of East Asia's response to the 1997-98 financial crisis), a comprehensive critical survey of the literature on monetary and financial integration in East Asia, and an assessment of the various initiatives undertaken in the region for financial cooperation and macroeconomic surveillance.� Its aim is to evaluate the evolution of the last decade and to offer policy suggestions.� The main policy recommendations concern essentially two areas: (i) how to promote the creation of a regional financial market in Asia and (ii) how to encourage cooperation and macroeconomic surveillance in the region. (Provisional version. The printed publication will be delayed until the final text is available).
Traditional econometric models assume a constant one-period forecast variance. To generalize this implausible assumption, a new class of stochastic processes called autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) processes are introduced in this paper. These are mean zero, serially uncorrelated processes with nonconstant variances conditional on the past, but constant unconditional variances. For such processes, the recent past gives information about the one-period forecast variance. A regression model is then introduced with disturbances following an ARCH process. Maximum likelihood estimators are described and a simple scoring iteration formulated. Ordinary least squares maintains its optimality properties in this set-up, but maximum likelihood is more efficient. The relative efficiency is calculated and can be infinite. To test whether the disturbances follow an ARCH process, the Lagrange multiplier procedure is employed. The test is based simply on the autocorrelation of the squared OLS residuals. This model is used to estimate the means and variances of inflation in the U.K. The ARCH effect is found to be significant and the estimated variances increase substantially during the chaotic seventies.
The primary aim of the paper is to place current methodological discussions in macroeconometric modeling contrasting the ‘theory first’ versus the ‘data first’ perspectives in the context of a broader methodological framework with a view to constructively appraise them. In particular, the paper focuses on Colander’s argument in his paper “Economists, Incentives, Judgement, and the European CVAR Approach to Macroeconometrics” contrasting two different perspectives in Europe and the US that are currently dominating empirical macroeconometric modeling and delves deeper into their methodological/philosophical underpinnings. It is argued that the key to establishing a constructive dialogue between them is provided by a better understanding of the role of data in modern statistical inference, and how that relates to the centuries old issue of the realisticness of economic theories.
This paper develops Instrumental Variables statistics for testing non-nested hypotheses when the hypotheses considered are single equations from a system of linear dynamic simultaneous equations. Asymptotic distributions of those statistics and of comparable Maximum Likelihood statistics are derived under the null hypothesis, a local non-nested alternative hypothesis, and a local “comprehensive” alternative hypothesis. The asymptotic powers of the non-nested hypothesis tests are compared with those of tests of nested hypotheses, and a numerical application is given.
The paper begins with the question of whether Leamer's Extreme Bounds Analysis (EBA) really does "Take the Con Out of Econometrics" By analytically demonstrating that the extreme bounds are simply functions of the F-statistic for the deletion of variables from a regression, we conclude that the information provided by EBA represents no advance over that available from traditional methods. Furthermore, there is a degree of arbitrariness in EBA which exactly parallels the selective reporting of regressions it was designed to supplant. The last part of the paper attempts a positive response to its title. By following a well defined series of modelling steps, we maintain that Cooley and Le Roy's EBA-derived conclusions concerning the interest elasticity of money demand owe more to a faulty methodology than to the data.
confronted estimations of six alternative "dynamic" specifications for M1 in the U. S. He found that adding a supply shock proxy can improve the results, whereas his verdict on the error
  • Gordon
Gordon (1984) confronted estimations of six alternative "dynamic" specifications for M1 in the U. S. He found that adding a supply shock proxy can improve the results, whereas his verdict on the error
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