
Resource-Based View Theory

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Resource-based view (RBV) theory has been discussed in strategic ­management and Information Systems (IS) for many years. Although many ­extensions and elaborations of RBV have been published over the years, to a considerable extent, most of them have identified critical resources and investigated the impact of resources on competitive advantage and/or other organization issues such as corporative environmental performance, profitability, and strategic alliance. Nevertheless, the orchestration of resources seems to influence these results. There still remains the issue of resource relations in an organization, the internal interaction of resources, especially IT resources with non-IT resources and the process of IT resource interaction with other resources within a firm which we have called resource impressionability. To fill these gaps in IS literature, we propose the new concept of resource orchestration in order to answer resource impressionability issues during implementation of IT projects. KeywordsResource-based View (RBV)-Competitive Advantage-Resource-Capability-Resource Orchestration

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... This view forms the foundation for understanding organizational capabilities as essential for achieving enterprise success (Amit & Schoemaker, 1993). The RBV suggests that firm capabilities lead to a competitive advantage when organizational assets can be valuable, scarce, difficult to replicate, and irreplaceable in their unique combinations (Taher, 2012). ...
... When these IT capabilities exhibit characteristics such as rarity, appropriability, non-replicability, and non-substitutability, they can create a competitive advantage, as outlined by the RBV (Taher, 2012;Wade & Hulland, 2004).. However, when IT-enabled operational capabilities are grounded in the RBV framework, they can be insufficient for adapting operational routines to address external challenges (Bharadwaj, 2000). ...
... IT capabilities include the use of IT resources, including physical and human assets, as well as complementary organizational resources, to optimize business processes and improve immediate and long-term outcomes (Melville et al., 2004). When these IT capabilities exhibit characteristics such as rarity, appropriability, non-replicability, and non-substitutability, they can create a competitive advantage, as outlined by the RBV (Taher, 2012;Wade & Hulland, 2004). However, the RBV framework-based IT-enabled operational capabilities may not be sufficient for adapting operational routines to external challenges (Bharadwaj, 2000). ...
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The advent of the digital era has transformed the way businesses create, compete, and maintain their existence, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. To maintain resilience in the ever-changing business landscapes of today, especially in emerging economies, businesses utilize dynamic information technology capabilities (DITC) to cultivate organizational capacities that foster innovation. This article argues that Dynamic Innovation and Technological Capabilities (DITC) allows companies to develop flexible and adaptive skills to foster innovation. The results from 684 Brazilian businesses showed that implementing Dynamic Information Technology Capabilities (DITC) improved their ability to come up with both new ideas and ways to use existing ones. This was possible because DITC improved the firms' dynamic and improvisational skills. The post hoc analysis of FIMIX PLS and PLS-POS reveals that DITC plays a greater role in fostering innovation through dynamic capabilities rather than improvisational capabilities. The research on unobserved heterogeneity showed that a high level of DITC has big and strong effects on developing dynamic and improvisational skills for coming up with new ambidexterity ideas. The results indicated that companies should integrate the potential of digital technology and information to establish organizational capacities that can effectively compete within developing economies.
... According to Taher (2012), most RBV theories have focused on identifying essential resources and analysing how they affect strategic advantage or other managerial issues like corporate commitment to the environment, profit margin and strategic alliances. The coordination of resources appears to have an impact on such challenges. ...
... A system's capability is its ability to manage its assets and interactions to ensure good performance (Taher 2012). It has integrated supply chain capabilities that link the logistic potential of supply chain partners (Gligor and Holcomb, 2014) that further drive supply chain resilience (Ponomarov and Holcomb, 2009 (Scholten et al., 2014). ...
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Key words: 1) Supply chain Management 2) Entrepreneurship 3) Logistic Capabilities 4) Resilience 5) Marketing & 6) Aquaculture Products Fishery trade has expanded considerably in recent decades, and the fisheries sector operates in an increasingly globalised environment. The way fishery products are produced, marketed, and delivered to consumers has changed significantly, and commodities may cross national boundaries several times before final consumption. Demand for Indian fish products in the international market has led to an increase in seafood export which may provide great opportunities to the people of Kerala. The trend of aquaculture practices in Kerala retarded, contrary to that in India. Even after encompassing complementary settings in climatic, environmental, and technological segments, the State's aquaculture is declining. The literature review demanded further studies to achieve sustainability, but research on aquaculture products' supply chains was barely found. Empirical studies in intra-firm and intra-functional relationships to acquire proactive capabilities recommend further research. The constant rise in the demand for fish and fish products does not tend to avail profits to aquaculture farmers; it became essential to conduct a study about the supply of fish products across the State. A study on the supply chain of aquaculture products may reveal the scope of value addition to increase the market value of aquaculture products from the State. The present study is to gain knowledge about the supply chain of aquaculture products from Kerala. It also aims to recognise the potential for entrepreneurship development across supply chain operations of aquaculture products from Kerala. The specific questions to address are: (i) Are the existing supply chains vulnerable to changes? And (ii) Can entrepreneurship development improve supply chain resilience in the sector? The study framed four objectives to carry out this research, viz. (i)To understand the supply chain linkages in the selected aquaculture sector of Kerala. (ii)To assess the entrepreneurial orientation and risk management orientation of the aquaculture supply chains in Kerala. (iii)To comprehend the resilience and vulnerability status of aquaculture supply chains and (iv)To understand the extent of entrepreneurial orientation in achieving supply chain resilience in the aquaculture supply chain. The study proposes fifteen hypotheses to attain the following objectives. H1-Essential aquaculture inputs are catered by other states. H2-The profitability of the supply chain is associated with the species cultured. H3-Kerala's supply chain for aquaculture products still has untapped potential for entrepreneurship. H4-In an entrepreneurial supply chain, farmers tend to substitute the role of other agents. H5-Supply chains that effectively manage their risks are profitable to their supply chain partners. H6-An entrepreneurial supply chain manages its risks pretty well. H7-Resilient supply chains are less vulnerable. H8-Resilient supply chains are profitable to the supply chain partners. H9-Improving Integrated logistics capabilities reduces the vulnerability of the supply chain. H10-Entrepreneurial orientation is composed of proactiveness, innovation and risk-taking tendency. H11-Integrated logistics capabilities is composed of supply management capabilities and information management capabilities H12-Entrepreneurial orientation in the system is positively linked with the supply chain resilience capabilities of aquaculture supply chains in the State. H13-Entrepreneurial orientation reasons for the development of integrated logistics capabilities in the supply chain system. H14-Integrated logistics capabilities of the aquaculture supply chain augment supply chain resilience in the system. H15-Integrated logistics capabilities mediate the influence of entrepreneurial orientation over supply chain resilience in Kerala's aquaculture supply chain. The focus was exclusively on the characteristics of the aquaculture supply chain from the producers' viewpoint. Aquaculture production and supply is a vast area, and so the supply chain from the harvest of aquaculture products to the consumer was examined. A combination of exploratory and descriptive designs was employed due to its uniqueness. In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative analysis is used. The research was conducted in a three-step sequence. The initial stage consists of observation of farms, processing centres, markets, etc., to understand the existing supply channels and operations from February 2018 to March 2019. The second stage of the research from August 2019 to November 2020 was by conducting interviews and observing detailed sessions. The third step was through conducting semi-structured Interviews (Feb. 2021 to Sep. 2021) with 105 responses. A comprehensive interview of each respondent was summarised and reported. Demographic profiles, detailed analysis of recognised supply chains, and SWOT analysis were carried out to support H3. Eight different parametric/nonparametric tests were utilised to analyse 14 hypotheses proposed in the study. Exploratory factor analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, Independent sample t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Chi-square test for goodness for fit, Chi-square test for independence, and Friedman test were the tests used in the study. The supply chains operating in the sector were found to have a high entrepreneurial orientation and offer numerous opportunities. The study identified 12 different supply chains of aquaculture products in Kerala and many entrepreneurial opportunities, viz. fresh stalls near farms, certifying agencies, quality control stations, transportation, and storage facility, cost-effective pre-processing centres with retail outlets (with GMP certification), small-scale cost-effective processing centres, ERP systems, designers and training centres, etc. Tourism-related ventures also have good entrepreneurship potential. Seed availability for aquaculture production was denoted as an immediate problem, followed by the escalating costs of feed. A successful supply chain foresees, manages, and turns risky situations into profitable opportunities. Entrepreneurial supply chains always meet problems or inadequacies with viable solutions, thereby adding to resilience, reducing risk, and making the system more profitable. A competent supply chain focuses on being resilient. Resilient systems always are prepared to face the vulnerabilities associated with them and therefore offer profits to all segments. Resilient systems easily overcome vulnerabilities. The logistic capabilities of supply chains were found to be at a medium threshold. A supply chain system keeps improving its capability to overcome disturbances. Overall entrepreneurial success requires developing dynamic capabilities to become resilient. A supply chain that offers entrepreneurship opportunities should develop its capacity to manage its flows: information, materials, and money. The study presented a model relating entrepreneurial orientation and supply chain resilience via integrated logistics capabilities. According to the study, supply chains should focus on developing their logistic capabilities to be more resilient to maintain stability in turbulent environments.
... RBV was coined by Penrose (1959) and further advanced by renowned scholars including Prahalad, Hamel (1991), Barney (1991), andWernerfelt (1984) (Taher, 2012). Also known as the resource advantage theory, the theory holds that every firm is characterized by both tangible and intangible resources or assets that play a critical role in such firms attaining an optimum performance level subject to their adequate usage and exploitation. ...
... Developed on the background of management philosophy, the theory values a firm's resources as great enabler of achieving sustainable performance level as opposed to the firm's positioning in the external operating environment (Taher, 2012). Consequently, instead of just analysing the environmental opportunities and the underlying threats, a firm's optimal performance levels should be built on the firm-specific resources and its capabilities (Arend & Lévesque, 2010). ...
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The remarkable expansion and influence of the telecommunications industry to economic development in Kenya have compelled Airtel Kenya Limited to implement strategic management tactics to navigate the volatile market, on the backdrop of poor performance. The study focused on determining the effect of strategic intent on performance of Airtel Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Dynamic capabilities, resource-based view, and Ansoff strategic success theories supported the research. Descriptive design was used targeting 132 non-support permanent employees working at the Sales, Marketing and Enterprise and Strategic departments, Airtel Kenya Limited head office, Nairobi, Kenya. Stratified sampling design was adopted, involving 98 respondents and primary data collected through structured questionnaire. A pilot study involving 10 non-support permanent staff in the Corporate and Strategy departments at Safaricom Public Limited Kenya, Nairobi’s head office was conducted to determine the instrument’s reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics supported data analysis and results presented in tables and narrations. Relevant academic research ethical considerations were observed. Strategic intent (β = 0.424; p=0.000) significantly affected performance. The study established a statistically significant effect of strategic management on performance of Airtel Kenya Limited, coefficient of determination 63.9% and significance 0.000. Communications Authority of Kenya should review sector policies on strategic management practices to align with current market dynamics.
... The Resource-based View (RBV) theory, is one of the oldest theories widely used in IS research (Wade & Hulland, 2004;Gupta et al., 2018;Figueiredo, 2021) and has been discussed in the field of MIS for many years (Jarvenpaa & Leidner, 1998;Taher, 2012;Dubey et al., 2019). The RBV theory was derived from Edith Penrose's theory of the growth of the firm (Sousa et al., 2021). ...
... Nowadays, organizations have been utilizing IS resources to gain an advantage competitively, since IS provides a considerable amount of information. There are a variety of IS resources in an organization (Taher, 2012) including human resources (e.g. IT skills, problem-solving, knowledge sharing, business understanding), technology resources (e.g. ...
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This chapter has focused on the theoretical foundations as well as the most studied topics of the Management Information Systems (MIS) field and the Information Systems (IS) field. It is aimed to analyze the relationships and influences of the top MIS journals by using bibliographic descriptions to investigate the theoretical as well as conceptual backgrounds, development methodologies, and approaches of these fields. To examine the prominent MIS theories in the literature, the articles published within the three peer-reviewed scholarly journals are examined. These journals are MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, and International Journal of Information Management, which have the SJImago Journal Rankings index higher than two. These are also leading journals in the MIS field. The data consists of research articles that were published in these journals between 2017 and 2021. A total of 1062 research articles were examined via a qualitative approach. Content analysis and document analysis techniques were conducted during the data analysis process. According to the findings, adaption and acceptance theories such as TAM, UTAUT, and TRA, as well as social-based theories such as the social identity theory, the social exchange theory, and the social learning theory guided MIS research in recent years. Besides, IS research and development, digital transformation, the societal impact of MIS, IS usage and adoption have been the most studied topics in the MIS field in recent years. This study is the first attempt in the literature to reveal the diversity of theories used in MIS. Accordingly, it may guide developers and researchers to conduct the theoretical and conceptual background of future MIS studies. Keywords: Information Systems, Management Information Systems, MIS, Theoretical Foundations
... The conceptual framework for this study was based on resource-based theory (RBT), which states that availability and capability of business resources are used to achieve competitive advantage in reaching strategic goals (Grant, 1991;Taher, 2012;Wernerfelt, 1984). RBT was used to explain SMEs need to increase productiveness and gain competitive advantage using cloud service provision. ...
... Considering cloud computing as one of the organisation's resources for success (Mohlameane and Ruxwana, 2013;Mutula and Van Brakel, 2007) for competitive advantage and enhancing productivity, is typical of RBT theory (Grant, 1991;Taher, 2012;Wernerfelt, 1984;Yigitbasioglu, 2015). Factors for successful adoption and utilisation of cloud computing were thus explored. ...
Adopting cloud services may increase opportunities for achieving competitive advantage and improving business outcomes - this is significant to Australian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which account for 96% of all Australian organizations. This work explored via a semi-structured survey – the possible drivers and challenges for Australian SMEs adopting cloud computing, to achieve a competitive advantage. Some 470 Australian SMEs were sampled in six Australian cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Wollongong, and Newcastle. A conceptual framework was developed using Resource Based Theory (RBT) together with the Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) framework. This work provides an objective benchmark concerning the drivers and challenges when SMEs adopt cloud computing, however we restrict ourselves to the Australian context.
... Subsequently, strategy researchers began to view firms as a collection of resources and capabilities and started considering the internal resources as the source of competitive advantage (Srivastava, 2005), hence the birth of the resource-based view. The resource-based view (RBV) suggested that firms possess resources, a subset of which enables them to achieve competitive advantage, and a subset of those that lead to superior long-term performance (Wade, 2005). It is a method of analysing and identifying a firm's strategic advantages based upon assessing its distinct combination of assets, skills, capabilities and intangibles as an organization (Pearce & Robinson, 2011). ...
... To this extent, a stream of strategy research has emerged that generally posits that organizational resources and capabilities that are rare, valuable, non-substitutable and imperfectly imitable form the basis for a firm's sustained competitive advantage (Barney, 1991). That advantage can be sustained over longer time periods to the extent that the firm is able to protect against resource imitation, transfer, or substitution (Wade, 2005). The resource-based view of organizational strategy and competitive advantage as argued out by Conner (1991) and Wennerfelt (1984) has thus engendered a great deal of theoretical and empirical effort which have strongly supported it (the resource-based view) ( (Schoemarker, 1993;(Hansen, 1989)). ...
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In a global perspective, firms are focusing to becoming more competitive by launching competitive strategies that give them an edge over others, hence the emergence of core competence as a central concept for competitive strategy. The purpose of this paper was to establish the influence of Organizational Capabilities on the Performance of Sugar Companies in Kenya. The study adopted casual comparative research design while purposive sampling technique was used to select the respondents, who were mainly the departmental heads from all the sugar companies in Western Kenya. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect primary data. On the other hand, secondary sources of data collection used in this study were published papers, journals, articles, reports and information from the internet. Quantitative data was coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). Both descriptive and inferential statistical tools that included the use of mean, standard deviation, Karl Pearson Correlation and Regression models were used in the study. On reliability of research instruments, a Cronbach's Alpha of coefficient of 0.830 was attained out of the possible 39 items, implying that the research instruments were reliable since the value was way above the recommended 0.7 in social sciences. From the study findings, there exists a statistically significant correlation between organizational capability and performance of sugar manufacturing firms (r= 0.653, p≤0.01).The findings of the study forms a basis of reference by interested parties in strategic management in future.
... Indeed, the resource orchestration concept has already been incorporated into the study of e-commerce [41] and e-government [56]. Although relevant studies remain scarce, extant studies cover all three salient aspects of resource orchestration: resources, the environment and action. ...
... Although relevant studies remain scarce, extant studies cover all three salient aspects of resource orchestration: resources, the environment and action. Taher [56] identifies three types of organizational resources involved in resource orchestrationprecedency resources, dependent resources and upshot resources -and investigates the relationships among them in accordance with the impressionability perspective. Wang et al. [64] find that resource structuring plays a more important role in the business value of information technology creation in a stable environmental context, whereas capability building is more important in dynamic environments. ...
... Discussing resource-based view (RBV)theory (Taher, 2012;Connor, 2002) with study variables, we studied how and when SRHRM is related to open ambidextrous innovation practices through green dynamic capabilities. Our results demonstrate that SRHRM is positively related to open ambidextrous innovation practices. ...
Socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) has developed as a crucial approach to environmental sustainability. However, a substantial gap exists in comprehending its direct influence on open ambidextrous innovation practices. This study seeks to address this gap by investigating the relationship between SRHRM and open ambidextrous innovation practices, with attention to the mediating role of green dynamic capabilities. Data was collected from employees working in a software house using the stratified random sampling technique. A cross-sectional study was conducted on Pakistani software houses to investigate the interrelationships between SRHRM, green dynamic capabilities, and open ambidextrous innovation practices. Three-wave data supports the indirect effect of green dynamic capabilities on the relationship between SRHRM and open ambidextrous innovation practices. Drawing on the resource-based view theory, this research studied the relationship by which SRHRM is linked to green dynamic capabilities and boosts open ambidextrous innovation practices within the organization.
... Therefore, understanding these intricate relationships is essential for leveraging BI to its full potential. To address the identified gaps and explore the proposed relationships, the study is guided by the following research questions: The theoretical foundation of this research is anchored in the resourcebased view (RBV), a strategic management theory that emphasizes the role of a firm's internal resources and capabilities in achieving sustained competitive advantage and superior performance (Russo & Fouts, 1997;Taher, 2012). RBV is particularly suitable for understanding how manufacturing firms in Bangladesh, facing challenges such as limited resources and environmental concerns, can leverage internal assets like BI and green practices to enhance both environmental and FP (Galdeano-Gómez, 2008). ...
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In recent years, the rise in the utilization of business intelligence (BI) as a pivotal tool for enhancing economic performance has spurred considerable interest. This study, anchored in resource-based theory, delves into the intricate relationships among BI, environmental performance (EP), financial performance (FP), green accounting (GA), and energy efficiency (EE) within manufacturing firms in Bangladesh. Employing a multistage stratified random sampling technique, a structured questionnaire was administered to 368 participants over 5 months starting in June 2023. The study employs a comprehensive analytical method that includes disjoint two-stage PLS-based structural equation modeling, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to ensure robust and insightful results. The findings highlight the positive and significant impact of BI on EP, FP, GA, and EE for manufacturing firms, demonstrating the efficacy of BI in driving improvements across environmental and financial metrics. Notably, the study unveils the mediating effects of EE between GA and FP, as well as between BI and FP, emphasizing the crucial role of EE in bolstering financial outcomes. Moreover, EP emerges as a mediator between BI and GA, underscoring the connectedness of these constructs within the organizational frame. Pioneering in offering a BI-integrated concepts for environmental and FP, exploring mediating effects, and applying the integrated modeling approach, this research provides theoretical insights and practical implications, offering valuable guidance for stakeholders aiming to leverage BI strategies effectively. K E Y W O R D S business intelligence, energy efficiency, environmental performance, financial performance, green accounting
... These external factors collectively shape the environment in which an organization operates and make choices about adopting new technologies. To assess this dimension, researchers have drawn upon variables derived from the resource-based view (RBV) theory, as proposed by Taher (2012). The RBV theory posits that an organization's readiness and ability to adopt new technology are intricately tied to the external resource landscape. ...
Purpose The slow adoption of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the construction industry, particularly in developing countries like Nigeria, underscores the need for a deeper understanding of the critical factors influencing their adoption. This study aims to identify these factors using the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework and address uncertainties in their prioritization through Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation (FSE). The utility of this approach lies in its ability to provide construction organizations with actionable insights to enhance operational efficiency and competitiveness through effective UAV adoption. Design/methodology/approach A post-positivist philosophical stance was adopted, wherein quantitative data were gathered from construction professionals in Nigeria via a questionnaire survey. The collected data were analyzed using the Cronbach alpha test as a measure of internal consistency and the FSE test to synthesize critical drivers for the adoption of UAVs. Findings The study found that drivers related to technology and organization are the most critical drivers. This implies that variables related to technology and organization warrant a higher level of focus if UAVs are to continue gaining popularity within the construction industry. Additionally, this study identified that logistic management, construction monitoring and site surveying represent the most critical areas of UAV application within the construction industry. Practical implications The emphasis on technology and organizational drivers as critical factors suggests that construction companies should prioritize investments in technology infrastructure and cultivate an organizational culture that embraces innovation. This may involve providing training to construction professionals to enhance their technological skills and fostering a leadership culture that champions technology adoption. Originality/value This study introduces novelty by applying the TOE framework, which has received limited attention in UAV adoption studies within construction. Additionally, the use of FSE addresses uncertainties in prioritizing critical drivers, particularly relevant in developing countries facing unique technological challenges. By assigning priority to these factors, this research lays the groundwork for a more informed and strategic approach to UAV adoption.
... This article is grounded on the principles of RBV theory. In 1991, Barney propounded the "RBV theory" to measure the association between resources and sustainable competitive edge (Taher, 2012) by improving their banks' sustainability performance. This theory recognized that heterogeneous resources of the financial institutions, i.e. "valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable," serve a key role in attaining competitiveness. ...
Purpose This study aims to examine the mediating role of green finance in the relationship between green banking practices and the sustainability performance of banking institutions in developing economies. Design/methodology/approach The authors performed an empirical investigation by applying the “partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)” based on a representative sample of 414 bank employees working in the National Capital Region, India. Findings The study’s outcome confirms that employee, top-management, operation and policy related practices substantially influence green finance and banks’ sustainability performance. On the contrary, customer related practices insignificantly influence banks’ sustainability performance. Further, green finance substantially influences the sustainability performance of banking institutions. Practical implications This study shed light on green banking practices that can assist in achieving the vision of the “Clean India Mission” of the Indian government. In addition, it encourages policymakers and bank managers to fulfill their social responsibility by engaging employees and customers in cleaner operations to promote banks’ sustainability performance. Originality/value This is ground-breaking research that enriches the understanding of green banking practices and green finance by providing a novel theoretical framework concerning the sustainability performance of banking institutions. Theoretically, this paper also broadens the scope of corporate social responsibility literature by applying the resource-based view theory in finance and banking.
... Taking a resource-based perspective, scholars argue that various Information Technology (IT) capabilities can serve as sources of competitive advantage (Bharadwaj, 2000; Mata, Fuerst, and Barney, 1995). However, there has been a scarcity of studies delving into the resource-based view of IT, with most analyses thus far being primarily conceptual (Bharadwaj, 2000).According to the resourcebased view (RBV) of a firm, enterprises must develop IT capabilities by integrating IT infrastructure, IT human resources, and IT-enabled intangible resources to attain sustainable competitive advantages (Taher, 2012). The literature suggests that isolated capabilities or resources of an enterprise lack value, but demonstrate value when effectively utilized (Sabherwal, Sabherwal, Havakhor, &Steelman, 2019). ...
The general objective of the study was to examine the role of Technology Processes on business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. The philosophy that guided the research is positivism philosophy. The study adopted correlational research design. The target population was commercial Banks in Kenya register by the Central Bank of Kenya. The population consisted of all 42 commercial banks in Kenya. Respondents’ population comprised of five top managers from each bank translating to 210 top managers. Slovin’s formula was used to calculate the sample size. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 138 top managers of the 42 commercial Banks in Kenya. This study used a self-administered, closed and open-ended questionnaire to obtain primary data. A pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the data collection instrument. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed in this study by calculating the response rate with descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, median and proportions using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24). Regression analysis and correlation analysis was used to carry out inferential data analysis to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. In order to test the influence of information technology capability on business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya, the study employed a hierarchical regression analysis with moderation. The study results were presented through use of tables and figures. The study concludes that technology processes has a positive and significant effect on business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. The study revealed that idea generation, technology acquisition and technology Implementation influence business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. This implies that improvement in information technology processes (idea generation, technology acquisition and technology Implementation) would lead to improvement in business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the management of commercial banks in Kenya should ensure they have in place an effective plan for idea generation, technology acquisition and technology Implementation.
... The resource-based view is expanded upon by resource orchestration theory. The core issue of the resource-based view is the accumulation, control, and utilization of the internal and external resources of enterprises (Taher, 2012). However, this perspective fails to consider that in today's intricate and constantly evolving business landscape, it is not possible to achieve success with resources, nor does it address how enterprises can effectively organize and coordinate these resources to achieve strategic goals. ...
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In the process of manufacturing supply chain development, because appropriate governance mechanisms are lacking, manufacturing supply chain stability, integration and other aspects face many challenges. Such as opportunism, “free riding” and data leakage affect supply chain development. Thus, many manufacturing firms are adopting supply chain relationship governance (SCRG) as a strategic to enhance performance. Using data collected from a survey of 295 manufacturing firms, this paper confirms the influence of SCRG on supply chain performance (SCP). The mediating effect of supply chain integration (SCI) and the moderating effect of digital capabilities (DCs) are explored. The results show that SCRG has a beneficial effect on SCP. SCI plays a partial mediating role in SCRG and SCP. DCs positively moderate the relationship between SCRG and SCI. This study is one of the first to explore the role of DCs in the relationship between supply chain partners and the impact on performance. It provides fresh perspectives and real-world evidence for determining the importance of SCRG strategies.
... Firms must modify their cultures to attract top talent to develop innovative ones. According to the resource-based view theory (Taher, 2012), an innovative culture is considered a strategic resource for an organisation that helps determine organisational performance (Rehman et al., 2019;Genç et al., 2013). It is also a significant antecedent for marketing strategy, as it catalyses elements of the marketing process (Menon et al., 1999). ...
Purpose This research aims to investigate the relationship between employer branding and its antecedent organisational culture within the context of the private banking sector. The study also investigates the relationship between employer branding and employee brand equity as a consequential construct. Additionally, the mediating role of trust and the moderating role of gender in the relationship between employer branding and employee brand equity has been examined. Design/methodology/approach The present study’s findings result from data analysis collected from a sample of 454 employees working in private banks in India. The data analysis was conducted utilising the structural equation modelling technique with the assistance of analysis of moment structures (AMOS) software. Findings The study’s findings indicate that supportive and bureaucratic (formal) culture in private banks exhibit a significant relationship with employer branding. However, the relationship between innovative culture and employer branding was found to be insignificant. The research also reveals a significant positive association between employer branding and employee brand equity variables: brand consistent behaviour, brand endorsement and brand allegiance. Further, the study highlights the mediating role of employee trust in management in the relationship between employer branding and employee brand equity. Examining demographic variables suggests that gender moderates the relationship between employer branding and employee brand equity. Originality/value The originality of this study lies in its exploration of the critical role of organisational culture variables in shaping employer branding within the context of private banks. The findings highlight that cultivating supportive and bureaucratic cultures can effectively enhance the employer branding of private banks. The study emphasises the outcomes of employer branding initiatives, signifying that they contribute to developing brand equity among employees. This leads to long-term employee commitment and advocacy towards the organisation, as employees become brand advocates for the bank with which they are affiliated. The study contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between organisational culture, employer branding and employee brand equity, providing valuable implications for the private banking sector aiming to reinforce their employer brand and increase employee engagement.
... Organizations may retain their advantages over longer periods. Organizations can build capabilities to guard against resource imitation, resource transfer, or resource substitution (Helfat and Raubitschek, 2018;Taher, 2012;Wade and Hulland, 2004). Furthermore, the way organizations combine these assets differs and creates truly distinctive competencies that lead to very superior performance outcomes (Teece et al., 2016). ...
Purpose The research aims to identify the impacts of strategic knowledge (SK) and information technology capabilities (ITC) on innovation ambidexterity (IAM) through business process performance (BPP). Design/methodology/approach The research framework is developed based on the theoretical grounding of resource orchestration (RO) (SK and ITC) impacts on IAM. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was used to test the research framework on a sample of 441 responses from Brazilian firms. Findings The results suggest that SK and ITC facilitate BPP, resulting in IAM. The findings also suggested differences in path coefficients in the SK and ITC of the business value generation process framework under environmental turbulence (ET). Finally, a strong SK of ITC is especially important in enabling BPP and IAM in large firms. Another case of most manufacturing and service firms demonstrated that both SK and ITC are essential to impacting IAM through BPP mediation. Practical implications The findings provide insight into how professionals can think and plan carefully to align SK and ITC for achieving balanced innovation and improving BPP in the dynamic business environment. Originality/value The study establishes a relationship between SK, ITC, BPP and IAM. The study developed novel constructs of SK and ITC and tested them, which gives new insight and links among the constructs.
... RBV theory was developed by Barney in 1991, emphasizing the concept of challenging-toimitate firm qualities that contribute to exceptional competitive advantage and performance (Taher, 2012). This theory states that a firm is best positioned for long-term success if it has access to valued resources, is rare, is challenging to replicate, and is non-substitutable. ...
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The study has determined the challenges of inventory management in the medical supply chain of Pakistan. The medical supply chain of Pakistan has been taken as the target industry. In addition, the conceptual framework is based on Control Theory and Resource Based View. The research approach is quantitative deductive, and the sample size is 200. The data was collected utilizing a five-point Likert scale in in-person and online questionnaire surveys, while it was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 22.0. The present study identified that inventory automation, distribution turnover and inventory control have a significant and positive relationship with inventory management. This evaluation of the literature advances the field of study by offering one of the first in-depth investigations of how to manage inventory items in the healthcare supply chains of Pakistan. The study advises SC managers that by implementing a real-time inventory management system in the company, consumers can locate items quickly and have more accurate information about their location and availability.
... Entrepreneur orientation and customer relationship management are the becoming a business strategy in improving business performance (Saraswati & Santika, 2019), based on the RBV (Resources Based View) theory (Mousavi et al., 2018;Taher, 2012). Business capability in managing human resources and business resources to increase profits, where the higher the net profit margin, the better the operation of a business cycle. ...
Research in the field of marketing management with RBV Theory in improving business performance at river tourism objects. Entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capability become independent variables with customer relationship management as mediation in improving business performance. Research analysis with SEM-PLS on 350 river customers in Kereng Bangkirai, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The research results show that entrepreneurial orientation is not directly significant to business performance, while customer relationship management is significant. Dynamic result ability is not significant to business performance and significant to customer relationship management. These results can be an introduction that business performance is very important with the role of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities with customer relationship management mediation. Result implications can increase business capabilities with entrepreneurial oriented business strategies, dynamic capabilities and customer relationship management in improving business performance. In further research can consider market sensing capability as mediation.
... According to ROT, different resource have different features and uniqueness, such that resources originating from different organizations have their complementary nature and can generate specific potential advantages in the process of resource integration [38]. It is consistent with external integration, which emphasizes achieving resource integration across organizational boundaries. ...
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In the context of the development of industry 4.0 embedded in various industries, organizations face stiffening competition from external dynamically changing and unpredictable environments. To remain competitive and sustainable in this era, organizations need resilience and innovation capability. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the association between external integration, resilience, innovation capability, and logistics service providers (LSPs) operational performance. Moreover, this research investigates the mediating effects of sustainable logistics and innovation capability between external integration and LSPs operational performance. Based on Resource orchestration theory, a framework has been drawn. The survey of 273 Chinese LSPs was examined through the PLS-SEM technique. The findings indicate that external integration has a positive relationship with logistics resilience and innovation capability, which have a positive impact on LSPs’ operational performance. The results also show that innovation capability positively mediates the relationship between external integration and operational performance. Unexpectedly, logistics resilience has not played a mediating role between external integration and operational performance. This study makes contributions to the construction of a mechanism of LSP performance improvement by integrating the external environment, resilience, and innovation. The paper also advanced the theory of resource orchestration theory by adding these two mediators of logistics resilience and innovation capability.
... Previous studies on resource orchestration process involve three salient aspects including resources, actions, and capabilities. For example, Taher (2012) found three categories of organizational resources in the process of resource orchestration including precedency resources, dependent resources, and upshot resources; that study also investigated their interrelationships from an impressionability perspective. Baert, Meuleman, Debruyne, and Wright (2016) identified eight distinctive resource-related actions involved in resource orchestration in portfolio entrepreneurship and further grouped them into three categories including sharing (i.e., accessing, multiplying, redeploying), transforming (i.e., incubating and decoupling), and harmonizing (i.e., aligning, complementing, pruning). ...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is regarded as the next digital frontier in government, with many potential applications for economic development as well as sustainable urbanization. Governments have started experimenting with AI, but empirical research on how to leverage and implement AI remains limited. This study analyzed two cases of AI implementation in a large city and identified various AI capabilities useful for government. More importantly, purposeful orchestration of AI-related resources such as data, knowledge, algorithms, and information systems is necessary for developing strong AI capabilities. The findings indicate two different types of orchestration: policy-driven orchestration focuses on the integration of resources, while innovation-driven orchestration focuses on triangulation. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on AI in government by revealing and conceptualizing different paths and approaches to AI implementation. They also serve to inform practitioners' planning of AI implementation.
... A company's capacity to reap the benefits of IT use (BUTI) influences that company's ability to engage in competitive actions ( According to Taher (2012), the BUTI are evident along operational, tactical, and strategic dimensions. Moreover, these benefits can be financial, non-financial, or intangible in nature, but can nonetheless provide value to the organization and affect firm performance (Melville et al., 2004;Yoshikuni and Albertin, 2017). ...
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A central question for researchers and practitioners is whether and how knowledge management strategy (KMS) and information technology (IT) strategy alignment can help attain a competitive advantage. To address this question, this study draws on information strategic alignment (ITSA), and empirically examines the relationship between a firm’s KMS and IT on competitive performance. The survey examined empirical data from 225 Brazilian companies using the partial least squares path modeling to test the hypotheses proposed herein. The findings demonstrated that KMS exert significant, positive effects on ITSA, benefits of IT use (BUTI), business process performance (BPP), and firm performance (FP). The results suggest that researchers and practitioners should look beyond the direct effects on FP, and identify how KMS and ITSA can be leveraged to enable and support BPP, and thereby contributed to knowledge management strategy and IT business value literature.
... The complementarity association between IMC and Internal IS Integration Capability was addressed in the literature (Graupner & Mädche, 2012); however, it was not empirically tested. Complementarity implies the valorization of a resource, or capability, due to the presence of the other capability; this effect must happen simultaneously (Adegbesan, 2009;Taher, 2012). ...
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess the influence of Information Management Capability (IMC) on Companies’ Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) based on the qualitative approach. Design/methodology/approach: This study presents results of a multiple-case study carried out in three leading companies in their sector in Brazil (a credit union, a fashion retailer, and a furniture manufacturer). Findings: The results point towards a series of connections between Information System capacities (information management and integration) and organizational capacities (flexibility, reconfigurations, and agility), which were observed through content analysis applied to the inter-occurrence of intermediate categories of these capacities. Originality/value: The strategic impact of information technology resources and capacities remains a source of controversy in the literature. This study contributes to the literature on Information Systems Management and Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA). These are influenced by resources and abilities related to information rather than just technological resources.
... As resources become scarce, the firm can achieve sustainable competitive advantages by using them. In this vein, ICT investments are relevant per se, because of the operative advantages related to ICT use, and due to complementarities with intangible assets such as human capital, expertise and organizational capital (Taher, 2012;Rivard et al., 2006). In particular, electronic commerce (e-commerce) becomes a competitive strategy and tool to remain competitive among SME (Yang et al., 2015;Abebe, 2014;Raymond et al., 2011;Wirtz et al., 2010;Kapurubandara, 2009). ...
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p>The role Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play in achieving a better organizational performance still needs further analysis among small and medium sized enterprises (SME) from developing countries. This study aims to extend the empirical literature on the relationship between ICT, electronic commerce and SME performance in developing countries. To achieve this goal, we employ a sample of 87 manufacturing firms from the city of Bahía Blanca, Argentina in the year 2015. By estimating a structural equation model, we obtain that electronic commerce adoption has a positive and significant influence on SME sales which is reinforced by the level of ICT use. Other organizational factors such as firm size and public programs explain performance, but are not significant predictors of the electronic commerce adoption. </p
... The internet enables users to install the software and use the application regardless of time and geographical constraints, with only requirement of internet access (Yang 2012). It also provides a nimble updating for applications seemingly without any scheduled downtime, and help with the removal of legacy systems which helps organizations to broaden their software application without geographical limitations (Wade 2009). ...
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Cloud computing is becoming a leading trend worldwide, due to its enhanced reliability, scalability, flexibility, availability and processing throughput. However, the decision related to adoption of the cloud computing model is often complicated by challenges and uncertainties about the expected business value and its overall impact on the organisation. Till date, different contemporary technology acceptance theories and models have been used to test and validate adoption chances of cloud computing at organisational and individual levels. However, no experimental study has been conducted to provide a holistic evaluation of the determinants of cloud computing in the Asian world particularly in the context of the Indian school education system. Due to lack of such studies, we propose a theoretical model based on the TOE framework to explain the role of technological, organisational and environmental factors on the adoption of cloud computing in the Indian school education system. The data was collected from fifty-six 56 randomly selected secondary schools through questionnaire based survey to examine the relationship between the variables employing 5-points Likert scale. Reliability and validity measures were used to establish the quality and the usefulness of the collected data. In addition multi co-linearity test was also conducted. In order to test the research hypothesis, multiple regression analysis was conducted. The results indicate that relative advantage, compatibility, and complexity representing technological factors; top management support representing organisational factors; and competitive pressure, external expertise and attitude towards change representing environmental factors were found to have an positive and significant influence on the adoption of cloud computing services in the Indian school education system. The findings have a great significance since they can provide knowledge about cloud computing factors as well as insights and directions to the education policy planners and decision makers for successful adoption of cloud computing technology in India.
... Secondly, resource based theory (RBT) focuses on the awareness of available resources and their capabilities to achieve competitive advantage reaching strategic goals (Grant 1991;Taher 2012). Thus RBT is used to explore the availability of resources of SMEs to achieve competitive advantage in the Australian business context such as human resources, physical assets as well as external resources such as cloud service providers. ...
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The literature is scant around the take up rates of cloud computing by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This is important because Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in increasing national productivity. In Australia, SMEs employed around 70% of the total numbers of employees in 2011. This paper proposes a research program to examine how cloud computing can provide SMEs with the potential to achieve competitive advantage, increase efficiency and lift national productivity. The research will use both quantitative and qualitative measures to establish the take up rate of cloud computing and identify the critical success factors (CSF) for SMEs when adopting cloud computing technologies.
... This study used Resource Based Theory (RBT) or the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm, whereby an organizations' awareness of available resources and capabilities is used to achieve competitive advantage in reaching strategic goals (Grant 1991;Taher 2012;Wernerfelt 1984). The reason for selecting RBT as a base to this research is that it covers the aspects of this study from the successful adoption and utilisation of cloud services as critical resources towards achieving competitive advantage that would help in improving the national economy, which is assumed after the discussed analysis above. ...
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Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in national economies and global competitiveness. SMEs contribute to job creation and improve the socioeconomic status of workers by providing work and supply goods and services for the economy. SMEs therefore directly contribute to increasing national Gross Domestic Product (GDP. Cloud computing has the potential to increase SMEs' productivity and outcomes by providing affordable and up to date access to information and communications technology (ICT). In addition, utilising cloud-based services improves business innovation in SMEs and opens a channel to the global market that gives firms more opportunities to compete and be successful. This study consists of three main sections: a national economy section to highlight the significance of SMEs and how cloud computing can boost business outcomes that could result in improving the local economy. The second part is an overview of the technologies for SME cloud adoption. The third section discusses a study of adopting cloud computing by Australian SMEs in the period (2014-2015). The significance of this paper is twofold. Firstly, the paper provides a literature analysis to show how cloud computing contributes to the national economy. Secondly, the paper quantifies the adoption rate of cloud computing by SMEs in the Australian context. Future research will establish the critical success factors and challenges for SMEs utilising cloud services. The Australian context is used because Australia has characteristics such as a large geographical footprint, small population and in a different time zone to many markets. The paper concludes by suggesting future research directions.
... Assim, "a área de pesquisa em TI estratégica é uma rica fonte de evidência que pode ser usada para ilustrar a importância da questão da complementaridade de recursos" (Wade & Hulland, 2004, p. 123). Também analisando os impactos dos recursos de TI e não-TI na vantagem competitiva, Taher (2012) propõe uma "orquestração de recursos" para explicar o resultado de todos os recursos como uma unidade concebida, bem como para investigar impressionabilidade dos mesmos dentro dessa orquestração. Adegbesan (2009) sugere que a complementaridade oferece um valor excedente à soma do valor dos recursos apropriados individualmente. ...
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Resumo As organizações têm aumentado os investimentos para lidar com as mudanças no ambiente informacional (novas tecnologias, big data, etc.). Desenvolver capacidades para explorar esses dados é imperativo nesse novo ambiente competitivo. O objetivo desse trabalho é construir e avaliar um modelo de pesquisa que especifique o caminho para a Capacidade de Gestão da Informação (CGI) tornar-se fonte de Vantagem Competitiva Sustentável (VCS). Fundamentado na Resource-Based View (RBV) e em duas de suas extensões (Capacidades Dinâmicas e Complementaridade), o modelo foi desenvolvido em articulação com outras capacidades organizacionais (integração, flexibilidade, reconfiguração e agilidade). Para avaliar a coerência do modelo na prática das organizações, optou-se por fazê-lo qualitativamente, através de entrevistas em profundidade com executivos de quatro empresas que têm a gestão da informação como peça central de suas operações. Também foram avaliadas as dimensões de cada uma das variáveis envolvidas no modelo. O resultado fornece uma proposta de pesquisa futura para testar empiricamente a potencialidade da CGI para se tornar fonte de VCS. Palavras-chave: Capacidade de Gestão da Informação, Vantagem Competitiva Sustentável, Capacidades Organizacionais 1. Introdução A discussão sobre a relevância estratégica dos recursos de TI (Tecnologia da Informação) ainda encontra controvérsia na literatura de Sistema de Informação-SI (Chae, 2014; Luse & Mennecke, 2014). Esse tema volta a ganhar atenção a partir das mudanças no ambiente competitivo impostas pelas novas tecnologias digitais. Uma das características relacionadas a essas mudanças é o crescimento exponencial no fluxo de dados com o qual as organizações têm que lidar, denominado Big Data. O desafio de explorar esses dados vem sendo tratado por diversos autores como uma oportunidade de criar valor estratégico para as organizações (Brown Brynjolfsson, 2012). Levantamentos de mercado evidenciam o interesse contínuo e crescente das firmas em investir em soluções para ganhar competitividade com a gestão desses dados (Gartner, 2014). Mesmo com esses esforços, segundo o Gartner (2013), 85% das organizações não conseguirão diferenciar-se competitivamente através dessas novas fontes de informação em 2015. A busca por vantagem competitiva é um dos principais tópicos de concentração dos trabalhos em estratégia de SI (Chen, Mocker, Preston, & Teubner, 2010). Nas últimas décadas, esses estudos têm concentrado-se mais em investigar a tecnologia do que a gestão da informação. Entretanto, não é a tecnologia que fornece o maior potencial de retorno às firmas, mas é a informação que está na base da competição (McGee & Prusak, 1994). Além disso, são
... Therefore, " the strategic information technology (SIT) area of research is a rich source of evidence that can be used to illustrate the importance of the resource complementarity issue" (Wade and Hulland, 2004, p. 123). Complementarity is also evoked by Taher (2012) in his proposed orchestration of resources. Based on a discussion of RBV in the field of IS and analyzing the impacts of IT and non-IT resources on competitive advantage, he proposes the term resource orchestration to explain the result of all resources as a conceptual unit, and also to investigate the impressionability of resources within this orchestration. ...
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With organizations immersed in data (Davenport et al., 2012), developing the organizational capabilities to take advantage of this huge flow of heterogeneous data (Bharadwaj et al., 2013) has become essential for creating strategic value. This paper specifically analyzes the antecedents and consequences of IMC - Information Management Capabilities (Carmichael et al.,2010; Mihtas et al.,2011; Phadtare, 2011). To this end, we sought to identify the works that proposed to develop the construct, mapping the theoretical assumptions on which it’s founded. We found 98 citations of such works through different types of searches. We selected those publications that contributed or analyzed IMC in some way as a fundamental part of the work. By synthesizing these searches, it was possible to analyze their contributions to IMC and to point out suggestions for future advances on this subject.
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Green entrepreneurial intentions have garnered substantial attention in higher education, yet the transformation of these intentions into tangible behaviors remains underexplored, particularly in diverse cultural settings. This study addresses this gap by examining the roles of university and governmental support in enabling green entrepreneurial behavior among students in Indonesia and Malaysia, offering a novel cross-cultural perspective. The study surveyed 111 respondents from Indonesia and Malaysia, focusing on students interested in green entrepreneurship. The analysis employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the relationships among latent variables, including green entrepreneurial intentions, green entrepreneurial behavior, environmental institutional support, and university environmental support. Findings indicate that while green entrepreneurial intentions significantly influence behavior, university support alone is insufficient to drive green entrepreneurship, emphasizing the need for practical experiences alongside institutional backing. The results highlight the critical role of government policies in promoting green entrepreneurship among students, demonstrating that supportive regulatory frameworks and incentives can effectively encourage sustainable business practices. These insights contribute to developing more effective policies and programs aimed at fostering green entrepreneurship, thereby supporting both environmental and economic sustainability at local and global levels.
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Organizational culture has a complex association with innovation and SME performance. This study explores the contextual associations between organizational culture, distinct innovation types, and SME performance in an under-researched African setting. Examining data from 382 SMEs, the study integrates the Oslo Manual’s four unique innovation types to address an oversight in previous studies. Smart PLS 4 analysis reveals that while organizational culture positively spurs product, process, marketing, and organizational innovation, it intriguingly hinders SME performance. Product innovation is the most vital driver of SME performance, surpassing process, marketing, and organizational innovations. The mediation analysis underscores a significant discrepancy: marketing innovation’s failure to mediate the organizational culture-performance relationship, setting it apart from other innovation types. This study uncovers the multifaceted impact of diverse innovation activities on performance in emerging economy SMEs. For practitioners and policymakers, these findings highlight the strategic importance of fostering a conducive organizational culture and specific innovation capabilities to enhance SME competitiveness.
Big data holds a broad range of solutions for effectively encouraging innovation. With the abundance of data available to them in today's fast-paced business environment, entrepreneurs may get useful insights and make educated decisions. The present study aims to analyse the relationship between big data analytics capability, entrepreneur innovation, entrepreneurial readiness, and entrepreneurial creativity. A cross-sectional research design was utilized for executing the research activities. All SMEs in Uzbekistan are the sample of the study. Random sampling technique was utilized to draw the samples for the study. The questionnaire method was adopted to collect the response from the SMEs. More specifically, 286 responses were considered for further analysis which were complete in all respects. Findings indicate that between big data analytics capability entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial readiness there is a statistically significant relationship. Furthermore, entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial creativity have a significant influence on entrepreneur innovation.
The general objective of the study was to examine the role of technology infrastructureon business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. The philosophy that guided the research is positivism philosophy. The study adopted correlational research design. The target population was commercial Banks in Kenya register by the Central Bank of Kenya. The population consisted of all 42 commercial banks in Kenya. Respondents’ population comprised of five top managers from each bank translating to 210 top managers. Slovin’s formula was used to calculate the sample size. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 138 top managers of the 42 commercial Banks in Kenya. This study used a self-administered, closed and open-ended questionnaire to obtain primary data. A pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the data collection instrument. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed in this study by calculating the response rate with descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, median and proportions using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24). Regression analysis and correlation analysis was used to carry out inferential data analysis to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. In order to test the influence of information technology capability on business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya, the study employed a hierarchical regression analysis with moderation. The study results were presented through use of tables and figures. The study concludes that technology infrastructure has a positive and significant effect on business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. The study revealed that hardware/Software, network and database influence business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. This implies that improvement in information technology infrastructure (hardware/Software, network and database) would lead to improvement in business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. The study recommends that the management of commercial banks in Kenya should ensure they had adequate and up to date hardware/Software to enable their employees improve their productivity.
AIoT, or artificial intelligence of things, is a transformative combination of artificial intelligence and the internet of things (IoT) that has far-reaching ramifications across multiple domains. This chapter examines the theories and models underlying its development and implementation. Businesses can assess the costs, benefits, and competitive advantages of AIoT by using economic models and market dynamics. Understanding human behaviour and trust is crucial for user acceptance, while ethical considerations underpin the development of accountable AIoT applications. Data management, security, and interoperability are technical facets that architectural frameworks address. The alignment of AIoT with human needs is enhanced by cognitive models and user experience, thereby fostering well-being. Change management and organizational learning are essential for effective implementation, which fosters innovation. AIoT promotes innovation and efficiency in manufacturing, healthcare, and smart cities.
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The small manufacturing units in Pakistan are increasing over time, but the sustainability of these businesses is questioned. Despite a large amount of research on the management of businesses with sustainability, little is known about the practices for sustainability in small and medium enterprises. To address this knowledge gap, this study was initiated to determine the impact of resource governance, natural resource abundance, human capital development, technological innovations, and institutional quality on the sustainable development of small manufacturing firms. Data for this research was collected with a cross-sectional approach employing a 7-point Likert scale questionnaire, and the sample size was based on 577 small manufacturing sector employees. The partial least squares–structural equation model (PLS-SEM) approach was used to analyze the data, and the study reported that the mediating influence of human capital development and technological innovations is significant between resource governance, natural resource abundance, and sustainable development. This study confirmed that the small manufacturing sector can use institutional quality to influence technological innovation, human capital development, and sustainable development. The novelty of the research relies on its model and the theoretical contributions to the literature. This research significantly reported that resource governance and natural resource abundance are critical for the sustainable development of small manufacturing firms.
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Although research on family small and medium enterprises (family SMEs) internationalization has increased over the past 30 years, the understanding of family SMEs exports is fragmented with contradictory findings with regard to the exportation activities. This fragmentation makes it difficult to assess the state of the art and identify where researchers should focus their future efforts. Stemming from these considerations and with the aim to understand where the academic debate is now and where it should go next, this study maps the extant family SMEs' exportation literature and identify some promising directions for future research on family SMEs' exports. To do so, this study systematically collects and analyses 55 articles and brings into light four research thematic categories, namely "the role of innovation in family SMEs' exports", the role of family involvement in SMEs' exports", "the role of SEW in family SMEs' exports" and "the role of successors in family SMEs' exports". Additionally, future research directions are proposed within these four categories.
Theoretical and empirical evidence has documented erratic and fluctuating firm performance amongst financial firms worldwide and across different economic sectors. The need to stabilize firm performance has instigated a variety of corporate reorganization strategies including Mergers and Acquisitions. However, theoretical and empirical literature has not been quite categorical on the link between operational synergies (arising from Mergers and Acquisitions) and firm performance. Firms have increasingly inclined towards operational synergy to enhance firm performance. Operational synergy has consistently improved firm performance outcomes in most firms. However, while numerous studies have examined the relationship between operational synergy and performance, there exists a need to synthesize and consolidate the findings across diverse contexts and economic sectors. Hence, the purpose of this review was to determine the relationship between operational synergy and firm performance via desktop review. The study was informed by three theories; The Theory of Misvaluation, The Hubris Theory and Stakeholder Theory. The review adopted a positivist research philosophy and desktop review design via evidence-based approach. The Study Documents that operational synergy has a significant effect on firm performance. Additionally, the review finds that firms which actively pursue operational synergy strategies exhibit improved financial performance, cost reduction, streamlined processes, and higher customer satisfaction. The study further finds that firms which successfully achieve operational synergy, particularly through mergers and acquisitions, have a tendency to outperform their competitors financially, with improved profitability, cost efficiency, and overall financial performance. Hence, the study recommends that firms should prioritize the development and implementation of strategies that foster operational synergy such as promoting a culture of collaboration, communication, and integration across different operational functions. Keywords: Operational synergy, Organizational effectiveness, Integration, Efficiency, Review of literature, Performance
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The study reports findings of an investigation on the effect of emergent capability derived from an organization development (OD) program on the effect of the OD on realized performance in a National Police Service public sector reform program in Kenya. The study considered how four components of the OD process were realized from the reform program and determined the level of emergent capability that resulted from the OD components. Primary data was obtained from a sample of 294 senior officers in job groups PG5-PG11. The study finds that the level of OD realized from the reform program was rated at a moderate level and contributed to an equivalent level of emergent capability of the form of organization health. OD has a significant positive effect on the emergent capability and performance while the emergent capability has a positive effect on performance and partially mediates the effect of OD on performance. The study calls on practicing managers to consider integrating the OD process with the strategic management process from initiation to the end of the process. Future research is called upon to consider expanding both the conceptual and methodological scopes adopted in this study to enhance the generalizability of the findings.
The question of how information technology-both as an operand resource and as an operant resource-impacts on innovation processes and innovation outcomes remains largely uninvestigated in the manufacturing enterprises. Building on an in-depth case study of a manufacturing enterprise in China, we present a resource orchestration for innovation model and examine the dual role of IT in three distinct innovation processes. The model highlights the multilevel nature of the computerisation process, showing that it entails different IT role and be associated with a particular innovation outcome at each process. This study synthesises resource orchestration framework and IT concepts to elaborate the synergistic relationships between various resources at all levels both inside and between enterprises. Our study not only contributes to broadening the theoretical perspectives by exploring the dual role of IT in managerial issues but also provides some practical suggestions for business leaders to facilitate innovation processes.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to improve the existing model developed by Hsu and Sabherwal (2012) by developing a new dimension of the relationships between a group of constructs (knowledge elements, mediating constructs, and FM organisational performance) in the model of FM organisational performance. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews the theoretical and studies empirically to all of the knowledge elements (learning culture, intellectual capital and knowledge management) literature, mediating constructs (customer performance, efficiency, innovation and dynamic capabilities) and the organisational performance that relates to Facility Management (FM). Findings The paper identifies the relationships between the knowledge elements, mediating constructs and the FM organisational performance. Subsequently, a proposal of relationships was made in order to develop the FM organisational performance model. Research limitations/implications The model provides a possible explanation of relationships between the knowledge elements, mediating constructs and the FM organisational performance. Thus, the understanding of the identified relationships will provide a new direction in improving the FM organisational performance. Originality/value Addressing lack of research in identifying the importance of relationships between knowledge and the FM organisational performance, the paper conceptualises the potential relationships into a proposed model. The proposed model integrates with a new mediating construct into the existing research model, which is customer performance. Moreover, knowing that the nature of FM organisation is more towards the non-financial aspects, the paper investigates the nature of the efficiency and organisational performance that is not based on the financial performance, but rather the ability to optimise organisational resources, to achieve organisational goals and customer needs.
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Resumo Gestão da Informação e Integração de SI (Sistemas de Informação) são duas preocupações das organizações com emergência de tecnologias que aumentaram consideravelmente o fluxo informacional. Desenvolver capacidades organizacionais para lidar com fluxo informacional é um imperativo competitivo nesse contexto. A Capacidade de Gestão da Informação (CGI) demonstrou impactar positivamente a performance das firmas. Por outro lado, estudos indicam a necessidade das organizações de integrar os seus recursos de SI para extrair valor da multiplicidade corrente de fontes de informação, na qual reside a relevância da Capacidade de Integração de SI (CISI). Poucos estudos, porém, focam na interação entre as capacidades de SI. Esse estudo se vale das lentes teóricas da Complementaridade de Recursos para analisar – por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos em três organizações líderes de seus segmentos de mercado e com diferentes níveis de uso de informação – a interação da CGI e a da CISI interna e externa. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo indicam que não há uma direção única na relação entre as variáveis observadas, mas uma variação nessa direção em função das categorias intermediárias relacionadas. Uma vez que uma variável tem seu valor aumentado em função da presença da outra evidencia-se a complementaridade.
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There has been considerable debate about the role of enterprise resource planning (ERP) in driving competitive advantage. However, little is established empirically on the antecedent factors that could facilitate achievement of such an advantage of adopting ERP. Therefore, this study examines the role of antecedent factors in the organisational adoption of ERP projects for the achievement of competitive advantage. We draw on information system success and information system implementation theories to build a conceptual model to examine the role of antecedent factors in influencing the achievement of competitive advantage. We use the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique to analyse the survey data of 217 Australian companies and test the model. We find that organisations that understand the importance of certain antecedent factors and manage them appropriately can achieve competitive advantage with ERP projects. These factors include consideration of the system quality and organisational readiness at the planning stage for an ERP project. We have extended knowledge on the role of antecedent factors to successful organisational adoption of ERP by providing evidence that they are also significant predictors for the achievement of competitive advantage. Our study's findings indicate that establishing a clear understanding of necessary system attributes in the organisational context at the adoption stage of ERP is important for helping organisations achieve subsequent competitive advantage. Their understanding of potential system quality attributes, the business environment within which their organisation may operate, the internal organisational capabilities and desired strategic benefits, can help managers and ERP system developers implement strategies, leadership, resources, and commitment to achieve their desired benefits from ERP projects.
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T his article identifies gaps in the microfoundations of capabilities research, particularly in work that is based on the framework of evolutionary economics. It argues that such research has focused excessively on the quasi-automatic, routine-based aspects of capability development, and largely neglected the roles played by cognition and organizational hierarchy. By deriving a model of search that jointly considers how routine-based and cognitive logics of action coexist within an organizational hierarchy to affect capability development, this article offers three contributions. First, it delineates the traits of a microfoundational structure for research on capabilities that begins to address these gaps. Second, based on this structure, it highlights previously neglected causal mechanisms that contribute to our understanding of how capabilities develop. The model shows that managers' cognitive representations of their strategic decision problem fundamentally drive organizational search, and therefore the accumulation of capabilities. Furthermore, it shows that the accuracy of the representations a manager chooses might vary according to where she is situated in the organizational hierarchy. This more refined perspective leads to a set of propositions regarding how different hierarchical arrangements influence capability development and organizational performance. Finally, the paper sets an agenda for future research in this area.
This book discusses the development of a theory on the growth of the firm. It is shown that the resources with which a particular firm is accustomed to working will shape the productive services its management is capable of rendering. The experience of management will affect the productive services that all its other resources are capable of rendering. As management tries to make the best use of the resources available, a ‘dynamic’ interacting process occurs which encourages growth but limits the rate of growth.
How do firms compete? How do firms earn above normal returns? What's needed to sustain superior performance long term? An increasingly powerful answer to these fundamental questions of business strategy lies in the concept of dynamic capabilities. These are the skills, processes, routines, organizational structures, and disciplines that enable firms to build, employ, and orchestrate intangible assets relevant to satisfying customer needs, and which cannot be readily replicated by competitors. Enterprises with strong dynamic capabilities are intensely entrepreneurial. They not only adapt to business ecosystems; they also shape them through innovation, collaboration, learning, and involvement. David Teece was the pioneer of the dynamic capabilities perspective. It is grounded in 25 years of his research, teaching, and consultancy. His ideas have been influential in business strategy, management, and economics, and are relevant to innovation, technology management, and competition policy. Through his consultancy and advisory work he has also brought these ideas to bear in business and policy making around the world. This book is the clearest and most succinct statement of the core ideas of dynamic capabilities. Teece explains their genesis, application, and how they offer an alternative approach to much conventional strategic thinking grounded in simplistic and outdated understandings of industrial organizations and the foundations of competitive advantage. Accessibly written and presented, it will be an invaluable and stimulating tool for all those who want to understand this important contribution to strategic thinking, be they MBA students, academics, managers, or consultants.
The net-enabled business innovation cycle: A dynamic capabilities theory for harnessing it to create customer value
  • B Wheeler
The resource-based view of the firm: Ten years after 1991
  • J Barney
  • M Wright
  • D J Ketchen
The dynamic capabilities school: Strategy as a collective learning process to develop distinctive competences
  • R Sanchez
Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal
  • K M Eisenhardt
  • J A Martin