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There is no "point" in decision-making: A model of transactive rationality for public policy and administration


Abstract and Figures

The hope that policy-making is a rational process lies at the heart of policy science and democratic practice. However, what constitutes rationality is not clear. In policy deliberations, scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological concerns are often at odds. Harold Lasswell, in instituting the contemporary policy sciences, found that John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy provided an integrative foundation that took into account all these considerations. As the policy sciences developed with a predominantly empirical focus on discrete aspects of policy-making, this holistic perspective was lost for a while. Contemporary theorists are reclaiming pragmatist philosophy as a framework for public policy and administration. In this article, key postulates of pragmatist philosophy are transposed to policy science by developing a new theoretical model of transactive rationality. This model is developed in light of current policy analyses, and against the backdrop of three classical policy science theories of rationality: linear and bounded rationalism; incrementalism; and mixed-scanning. Transactive rationality is a “fourth approach” that, by integrating scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological considerations, serves as a more holistic, explanatory, and normative guide for public policy and democratic practice. KeywordsPublic policy-Public administration-Rationality-Transactive rationality-Pragmatist philosophy-Science-Democracy-Morality-Ecological-John Dewey
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Shyama Kuruvilla and Philipp Dorstewitz, 2009
Contact: Shyama Kuruvilla, Ph.D. Department of International Health, Boston University. Email:
Philipp Dorstewitz, Ph.D. Department of Philosophy, Maastricht University. Email:
This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Policy
Sciences following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version will be available
online by the end of 2009 at:
The hope that policy-making is a rational process lies at the heart of policy science and democratic
practice. However, what constitutes rationality is not clear. In policy deliberations, scientific, democratic,
moral, and ecological concerns are often at odds. Harold Lasswell, in instituting the contemporary policy
sciences, found that John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy provided an integrative foundation that took
into account all these considerations. As the policy sciences developed with a predominantly empirical
focus on discrete aspects of policy-making, this holistic perspective was lost for a while. Contemporary
theorists are reclaiming pragmatist philosophy as a framework for public policy and administration. In
this paper, key postulates of pragmatist philosophy are transposed to policy science by developing a new
theoretical model of transactive rationality. This model is developed in light of current policy analyses,
and against the backdrop of three classical policy science theories of rationality: linear and bounded
rationalism; incrementalism; and mixed-scanning. Transactive rationality is a ‘fourth approach’
that, by integrating scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological considerations, serves as a more holistic,
explanatory, and normative guide for public policy and democratic practice.
People across society would prefer that public policy-making is ‘rational’. Sound
reasoning should make for well-informed decisions and successful strategies. However,
different perspectives proffer conflicting opinions on what constitutes rationality. A traditional
view in public administration is that rationality is a scientific, or technical, mode of reasoning
that is employed to achieve political ends or goals – without questioning the morality, or worth,
of these ends (Meyerson & Banfield, 1955; Simon, 1983). Increasingly, policy analysts view this
separation of political ends from technical means as a “moral disaster” in the theory and
practice of modern public administration (DeLeon & Longobardi, 2002; Garrison, 2000;
Richardson, 2002). Later theories of public policy and deliberation explicitly include democratic,
moral, and ecological considerations (Alexander, 1993; Habermas, 1987). There are further
divergent challenges to rationality in policy-making. As Nelkin (1975) indicates: “The
complexity of public decisions seems to require highly specialized and esoteric knowledge, and
those who control this knowledge have considerable power.” Yet, by democratic standards,
people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives (Nelkin, 1975; Steiner &
Alston, 2000). Different frames of reference that are used to evaluate public policy, further
exacerbate the tension between demands for expert knowledge and public participation.
Scientific, ideological, economic, political, procedural, cultural, or ecological frames often
produce incompatible recommendations (Durie, 2004; Roth, Dunsby, & Bero, 2003). For
example, Roth et al. (2003) analysed public commentary on proposed Food and Drug
Administration regulations in the U.S. and concluded that:
Though scientists and regulatory experts may identify and present scientific evidence to indicate
proposed regulations’ technical rationality, the social problems that these regulations address may
always be reframed in moral terms that undermine the regulation’s legitimacy (Roth, et al., 2003,
p. 36).
In policy science, public administration, and planning, the classic models of rationality
are: linear rationalism (Meyerson & Banfield, 1955); bounded rationality (Simon, 1957);
incrementalism (Lindblom, 1959); and mixed scanning (Etzioni, 1967). These models describe
policy processes and offer alternative perspectives on how these processes may be rationally
organised. Other policy theories describe diverse aspects of policy-making based on empirical
analyses, for example, of: agenda setting; policy networks and advocacy coalitions; policy
formulation; and implementation (John, 1998; Kingdon, 1995; Parsons, 1995; Sabatier, 1999).
This plethora of theoretical and empirical perspectives is not sufficiently integrated to provide
an explanatory overview of policy-making, or to serve as a normative guide for rational public
policy. Policy theorists recognize the need for more holistic, explanatory, and normative policy
theory (deHaven-Smith, 1988; DeLeon & Longobardi, 2002; John, 1998; Parsons, 1995; Sabatier,
1999). One of the main challenges to achieving this goal, as deHaven Smith (1988) asserts in
Philosophical Critiques of Policy Analysis, is that:
The facts confront us like pebbles in a kaleidoscope, capable of being rearranged and reinterpreted
with a twist of the theoretical lens. It is time to discard this fruitless approach to policy analysis
and to explore alternatives grounded in comprehensive social and political theory (deHaven-
Smith, 1988, p. 126).
This paper posits that classical pragmatist philosophy provides a comprehensive
epistemology for the policy sciences. This idea is not new and is, in fact, the foundation on
which the contemporary policy sciences were built. As Harold Lasswell acknowledged:
The policy sciences are a contemporary policy adaptation of the general approach to public policy
that was recommended by John Dewey and his colleagues in the development of American
pragmatism (Lasswell, 1971, p. xiv).
Dewey developed a holistic philosophy that sought to improve rationality in human agency by
integrating the scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological dimensions of reasoning. This
holistic perspective was lost as policy science developed with a more narrow technical and
empirical focus. There is now growing interest in reclaiming Deweyan pragmatist philosophy
as a comprehensive blueprint for public policy and democratic practice (Bernstein, 1998;
Dorstewitz & Kuruvilla, 2007; Evans, 2000; Joas, 1996; Mousavi & Garrison, 2003; Ryan, 2000;
Shields, 2003; Shook, 2003; Snider, 2000; Westbrook, 1991). The objective of this paper is to
transpose rationality as envisioned in pragmatist philosophy to policy science. To do this, a new
model of rational public policy is developed.
The task of applying classical Deweyan pragmatism to contemporary policy science is
not without its challenges. Consider Dewey’s definition of rationality:
Rationality is not a force to evoke against impulse and habit. It is the attainment of a working
harmony among diverse desires. “Reason” as a noun signifies the happy cooperation of a
multitude of dispositions, such as sympathy, curiosity, exploration, experimentation, frankness,
pursuit — to follow things through — circumspection, to look about at the context, etc., etc. The
elaborate systems of science are born not of reason but of impulses at first slight and flickering;
impulses to handle, move about, to hunt, to uncover, to mix things separated and divide things
combined, to talk and to listen. Method is their effectual organization into continuous
dispositions of inquiry, development and testing. It occurs after these acts and because of their
consequences. Reason, the rational attitude, is the resulting disposition, not a ready-made
antecedent which can be invoked at will and set into movement (Dewey, 1922/ 2002, p. 196).
Not only is this a complex, possibly abstruse, explanation, it also draws on the depth and
breadth of Dewey’s comprehensive and integrative work.1 Pragmatist scholars caution against a
piecemeal reading of pragmatist philosophy and recommend that Dewey’s work be
synthesized, and systematized, before application (Caspary, 2000; Garrison, 2000; Hickman,
2004; Ryan, 1995; Schilpp & Hahn, 1939/ 1989; Snider, 2000). Four foundational constructs in
pragmatist philosophy are used to build the new model of rationality in this paper. These
constructs are presented here as ‘postulates’2:
I. The starting point of rationality is not a predefined problem or goal, but an indeterminate
II. Rationality is a product of inquiry in democratic communities;
III. Rationality integrates scientific, moral, and ecological reasoning; and
IV. Rationality is only successful if it serves as a guide towards satisfactory consequences in
both theory and practice.
These postulates are transposed to a new model of rational public policy, the transactive
rationality model, which is presented as a ‘fourth approach’ to linear rationalism, incrementalism,
and mixed-scanning. By integrating scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological considerations,
pragmatist rationality serves as a more holistic, explanatory, and normative guide for public
policy and democratic practice.
Postulate I. The starting point of rationality is not a predefined problem or goal, but an
indeterminate situation
Linear rationality is a primary reference for most other models of rationality, which are
either modifications of this model or explicit rejections of it (Dorstewitz & Kuruvilla, 2007;
Schoenwandt, 2008). The starting point for agency in linear rational models (Figure 1), based on
Humean psychology, is a pre-defined, given set of ‘ends’ (e.g. ‘passions’, preferences, problems,
or goals). These ends are matched with available ‘means’ (e.g. beliefs, resources, and guides -
such as practice standards), which are then implemented to address or achieve the ends.
1 Dewey wrote over 400 journal articles and 40 books. He also gave a series of public speeches and
lectures, and wrote essays, policy briefs, letters and articles in popular magazines and newspapers,
including in the New Republic and New York Times.
2 The term postulate is used here to reflect the fact that much of Dewey’s philosophy is constructed as
inference or argument that he fully intended should be tested and further developed through inquiry and
application. For example, in his theory of ethics Dewey explicitly refers to “The Ethical Postulate”.
Figure 1: The linear rational model
In policy theory, linear rationality is reflected in the seemingly ubiquitous ‘stages’ model
(Parsons, 1995; Sabatier, 1999). The stages model depicts policy-making as moving through
distinct steps of policy agenda setting, formulation, decision-making, implementation, and evaluation.
In policy practice, linear rational thinking is evident when public preferences and political
positions are invoked as inviolate guides for future policy projects. The classic rationality
models also explicitly, or implicitly, assume that policy problems and purposes ‘exist’ outside
inquiry and deliberation processes. Bounded rationality recognizes that there are contextual
constraints to coordinating knowledge and action in order to maximize given ends. Rationality
is then not the development of ultimate or optimal strategies, but a ‘satisficing or bounded
search for solutions given these constraints (Simon, 1957). Incrementalism rejects the idea of
centrally conceived planning, and instead describes a continuum of decentralized, incremental
changes that demand frequent review, but that are oriented to some overarching goal
(Lindblom, 1959). Etzioni (1967) proposed ‘mixed scanning’ as a “third approach” to Simon’s
bounded rationality and Lindblom’s incrementalism. Mixed scanning is a search process that
combines a wide perspective on potential policy solutions, with an in-depth analysis of the most
compelling options, but what constitutes a policy problem seems unproblematic.
The linear rational model is untenable on empirical, theoretical, and moral grounds. In
practice, public policy problems and goals are rarely well defined at the outset. Analysts
describe insufficiently understood, indeterminate, and “messy” problematic situations as the
starting point of most public planning and policy projects (Checkland, 1999; Rosenhead &
Mingers, 2001; Shields, 2003). To counteract the linear stages theory of policy-making,
contemporary theorists provide a vivid assortment of alternative images. These include: ‘the
layered formation of a pearl’ (Weiss, 1980); ‘cubist paintings’ and ‘mosaics’ (Shields, 1996);
‘garbage cans’ (Cohen, March, & Olsen, 1972); ‘concurrent streams of policy, politics and
problems’ and ‘windows of opportunity’ (Kingdon, 1995).
From a moral perspective, ends and desires that are not subject to inquiry and
deliberation can be perverse. To illustrate this point, Elster (1991) recounts the fable of Aesop’s
fox who, upon unsuccessfully trying to reach a desired bunch of grapes, mitigated his
disappointment by deciding that the grapes were sour”. Conversely the "grass is greener on the
other side of the fence" syndrome is associated with desires that are permanently beyond reach
(Elster, 1991). Ends that remain unexamined, because they are considered as ‘given’, can lead to
illogical conclusions and undesirable consequences. If ‘given’ or unexamined ends can be
perverse, then finding ways to gratify them, may neither be in anyone’s interest, nor a moral
exercise according to a wider view of rationality (Richardson, 2002).
Indeterminate situations as ‘practical starting points’ in pragmatist philosophy
A century earlier, John Dewey reflected on the indeterminate nature of problematic
situations (Dewey, 1910/ 1997, 1994). He concluded that it was untenable to separate reflection
on strategies and constraints from reflection on related ends and preferences. In pragmatist
philosophy, an indeterminate situation is the “practical starting point” for rational agency (cf.
Hildebrand, 1999). To establish this alternative starting point for rational agency (i.e. as opposed
to a pre-defined end or passion), Dewey began by explaining how transactions constitute
situations and how situations turn indeterminate. “Transaction” is an important, and complex,
concept in Dewey’s philosophy, and is foundational to the new transactive rationality model in
this paper. This model integrates transactions and relationships that are formative of rational
policy inquiry, deliberation, and change.
All living beings are continually engaged in transactions in order to maintain, or regain,
an organic equilibrium. Transactions, as active life processes, involve both organism and
environment acting together in a composite unity. Dewey termed this composite transactive
unity as a “situation”. In any specific functional context, a situation comprises the diversity and
multiple dimensions of related transactions (including biological activity, social habits,
individual thoughts, cultural values, and natural environments) (Dewey, 1910/ 1997, 1994). In
the context of policy-making, Hall (1977) describes policy environments as comprising
institutional, technological, legal, political, economic, demographic, ethical, ideological,
ecological, and cultural dimensions.
Dewey and Bentley (1946) differentiated transaction from self-action (subjects acting
under their own power and volition, as rational choice theories imply) and inter-action (subjects
and objects relating as separate entities, as the behaviourist stimulus-response, or cause-effect,
model suggests). In transaction, there is no “final attribution to ‘elements’ or other
presumptively detachable or independent ‘entities’” (Dewey & Bentley, 1946, p. 509). Classical
pragmatist philosophy defines transaction in this specific technical way. However, the quotidian
use of the word conveys a sense that is more like interaction (i.e. buying and selling, cause and
effect). To avoid misinterpretation, in this paper the word ‘transactive’ is also used in place of
‘transaction’, drawing on contemporary pragmatist scholars’ use of this term. For example,
Siegfried (1996 p. 145-146) emphasizes that the transactive character of experience is its most salient
characteristic for pragmatists. Self and world, thought and action, are reciprocally related.”
Transactions and situations in pragmatist philosophy are congruent with ‘systems
thinking in policy-making and public administration (Ackoff & Emory, 2005; Checkland, 1999;
Vickers, 1965). Though parts and actions in a system can be considered independently, only
together do they constitute a coherent whole. In a systems view entities are not defined as static
objects, but in terms of their dynamic, functional relations. As Sir Geoffery Vickers (1978), a
progenitor of systems thinking in public administration, explained in an interview:
Having been a lawyer and an administrator, I am interested in Systems from the personal up to
the very large, human, social systems, I am also interested in systems of concepts and values
through which we see all the others which I call appreciative systems.
When situations, or systems, comprise regular, functionally coordinated transactions, a
habitual equilibrium is achieved. When habitual equilibrium is interrupted, an indeterminate
situation results. Intentional transactions, or agency, are then originated and oriented to define
the problematic situation, respond, and achieve a new equilibrium (Dewey, 1910/ 1997, 1994). In
policy-making, Kingdon (1995) describes an ongoing flow of activities in politics, problem, and
policy streams. At certain points these streams converge, changing the situation, and creating
conditions, or opportunities, for policy change.
Agency (or intentional, creative action as opposed to habitual action) forms and evolves
in the attempt to clarify and settle indeterminate situations (Dewey, 1939/ 1989b; Joas, 1996;
Mousavi & Garrison, 2003). Though human agency develops in response to indeterminate
situations, not all forms of agency are rational. By Dewey’s (1922/ 2002, p. 192) definition of
rationality, agency requires “method” to evaluate diverse desires, habits, plans of action, and
consequences. The method that Dewey recommends for rational agency is the Logic of Inquiry
presented in a following section. In general, Dewey saw human agency as a quest to attain new
dynamic forms of equilibrium within ever-changing situational contexts. He viewed human
experience as progressing through a continual rhythm of situations: from habitual to
indeterminate, problematic, and then to new equilibrium (as depicted in Figure 2).
Figure 2. The Rhythm of Situations
In policy theory, Baumgartner and Jones (1991) describe a similar transition between
stability and instability in their punctuated equilibrium model of policy-making. Their model is
critiqued because it does not satisfactorily explain the transition between stability and change
(John, 1998). Similarly, incrementalism recognizes that policy change occurs in a continuum of
policy activities (Lindblom, 1959). Neither of these policy models provides an explanation of
rational agency, which pragmatist philosophy does.
Policy processes never start anew in a vacuum, but occur in a socio-historical
continuum. In pragmatist philosophy, a “practical starting point” for rational agency is the
experience of an indeterminate situation within this continuum. Hildebrand (1999) makes a useful
distinction between practical and theoretical starting points. The “raw experience” of an
indeterminate situation is not neutral to past experiences, habitual transactions, or theoretical
understanding; indeed it is partly constituted by these. A “practical starting point” means that a
course of inquiry is motivated by the immediate imperatives and constraints of indeterminate
situations, not by abstract, pre-existing theoretical positions. We start with experience and as it
puts us on the spot, we choose different theoretical frameworks (including of previous policy
experiences) as potential tools for creating meaning and orientation in problematic situations.
In policy-making, indeterminate situations can arise for a variety of institutional,
political, moral, and intellectual reasons (Baumgartner & Jones, 1991; Kingdon, 1995). Potential
policy problems may arise when: political ideologies change (e.g. China changing from a
Marxist to a market economy); research and innovation reveal new possibilities (e.g. the
development of alternative fuel technologies); new targets for policy processes are developed
(e.g. the Millennium Development Goals); there is economic or social mobilization (e.g. the
Orange Revolution in Ukraine); or there are special developments in policy networks
(Huckfeldt, Johnson, & Sprague, 2004; Sabatier, 1988).
transactions -
not necessarily
Habitual equilibrium
(dynamic transactions)
Problematic situation
Not all indeterminate situations become, or should become, public policy problems.
Dewey proposed that the boundaries of the public be “drawn on the basis of the extent and
scope of the consequences of acts which are so important as to need control, whether by
inhibition or by promotion”; with public officials and organizations coordinating this process
(Dewey, 1954/ 1927, p. 13). Here public policy-making is initiated by the need to manage
externalities and promote public goods, rather than by a priori social roles or contracts. The latter
approach is propagated in early theories of liberalism and in later theories of social justice
(Dewey, 1939/ 1989a, 1954/ 1927). Sometimes, even though indeterminate situations have
public policy implications they may be systematically kept off policy agendas. Classic policy
case studies on ‘non decision-making show, for example, how the topic of air pollution was
kept off local policy agendas when companies that were major polluters were also major
employers in these locations (Bachrach & Baratz, 1962; Crenson, 1971).
The rhythm of situations as a template for the transactive rationality model
The rhythm of situations provides a template for the transactive rationality model, as
depicted in Figure 3. This model takes both a descriptive and a normative stance.
Figure 3. The transactive rationality model
The transactive rationality model provides an account of the typical elements in policy-
making and the related challenges and dynamics. At the same time, the model incorporates
Dewey’s method of “inquiry” (described in a later section), as a rational way to organize policy
processes toward the successful resolution of problematic situations. Each element of the model
(Participation, pluralism, power)
Conflict, norms, &
moral imagination
Transactive change,
Policy situations,
knowledge &
activity streams
TIME: The rhythm of situations and the continuum of experience
is discussed with reference to the pragmatist postulate to which it relates. The second
pragmatist postulate relates to the formation of rational agency through communities of inquiry.
Postulate II. Rationality is a product of inquiry in democratic communities
Most theories of rationality wrongly assume that there is a pre-existing ’agent’, or an
independent entity with predefined preferences and motivations for action (Joas, 1996; Mousavi
& Garrison, 2003). From a pragmatist perspective neither an agent nor an agent’s preferences
are pre-determined. For Dewey the ‘actor’ (i.e. the locus and author of agency) is a “confused and
confusing word. … ‘Actor’ should always be taken as postulationally transactional, and thus as a trans-
actor” (Dewey, 1925-1953/ 1999 p. LW 16.260). From this transactive view, Dewey (1954/ 1927)
and George Herbert Mead (1913/ 1982) explained that neither the individual nor society can be
considered in isolation; individuals and societies are mutually constitutive through ongoing
transactions in communities. Dewey held a position, aligned with Jefferson’s, that the
‘community’ was the foundation of democratic practice:
Unless local communal life can be restored, the public cannot adequately resolve its most urgent
problem, to find and identify itself (Dewey, 1954/ 1927, p. 216).
Dewey recognized that communities are not built on physically contiguity alone, as they also
have a functional basis. In fact, Dewey foresaw that “to a very considerable extent, groups
having a functional basis will probably have to replace those based on physical contiguity”
(Dewey, 1939/ 1989a, p. 123). Dewey’s theory of communities of inquiry was developed and
tested in practice through his extensive collaboration with Jane Addams on a range of social
policy projects, including on progressive education and on settlement projects at the Hull
House (Shields, 2003).
In order to resolve indeterminate situations, agency develops through individuals and
groups forming “communities of inquiry” (Dewey, 1954/ 1927; Shields, 2003). Policy scientists
similarly describe networks, advocacy coalitions, and policy subsystems that form around policy
issues (Heclo, 1978; Sabatier, 1988). These are groups that share “basic values, causal
assumptions, and problem perceptions – and who show a non-trivial degree of coordinated
activity over time” (Sabatier, 1988). Sabatier (1988) describes how advocacy coalitions that form
around policy issues such as air pollution control are constituted by public sector organizations,
congressional committees, corporations, special interest groups, journalists, and research
institutes for whom this issue is relevant.
In the transactive rationality model (Figure 3), ‘communities of inquiry’ form a dynamic
boundary around an indeterminate situation and determine and demarcate a policy problem.
This demarcation distinguishes activities relevant to defining and resolving the indeterminate
situation, from the habitual transactions occurring externally (Dewey, 1954/ 1927; Shields,
2003). In the transactive rationality model, communities of inquiry have three key
characteristics: participation; pluralism; and power.
In considering participation in policy-making, the ultimate goal is not to have everyone
participating all the time, as this would be impracticable, inefficient, and ineffective (Benhabib,
1986; Cooke & Kothari, 2001; Habermas, 1987; Shook, 2004). Dewey strongly recommended
that, in coordinating democratic inquiry, publics be identified on a functional basis determined
by who, and what, is required to resolve problematic policy situation (Dewey, 1954/ 1927;
Shields, 2003; Shook, 2004). For those coordinating public policy processes, stakeholder analysis
methods can help identify relevant actors, their interests, and positions to the policy issue being
considered (Brugha & Varvasovsky, 2000; Reich, 1996). These considerations may change
throughout the policy process, so the boundaries of the transactive rationality model are (and
should be) flexible and permeable to ongoing changes in policy networks and problematic
Pluralism is an important consideration in the constitution of communities of inquiry.
Individuals define themselves, and the communities they form, differently with respect to
different problematic situations. A scientist may be an expert on one topic and a lay person on
another. Someone may be the beneficiary of one policy option and stand to lose with another
option. Scholars recognize that paying attention to a diverse range of socio-cultural practices,
perspectives, and choices is more useful from a political and legal perspective, than the focus on
singular ‘identities’, such as gender, race, or religious affiliation (Charlesworth & Chinkin, 2000;
Sen, 2006). Dewey emphasized that pluralism is not only a reality, but also an intellectual
resource on which societies should draw to resolve problematic situations (Dewey, 1954/ 1927).
Dewey proposed two criteria for assessing “social intelligence”: i) the level of pluralism in a
society’s intellectual resources, and ii) the extent to which these pluralistic resources are freely
available for inquiry to resolve problematic situations (Dewey, 1954/ 1927). In emphasizing the
importance of pluralistic intellectual resources, Dewey cautioned against the search for
panaceas, using the example of inquiry into health:
Health is a comprehensive, a "sweeping" ideal. But progress toward it has been made in the
degree in which recourse to panaceas has been abandoned and inquiry has been directed to
determinate disturbances and means for dealing with them (Dewey, 1939/ 1989a, p. 129).
Dewey did not see why this type of inquiry into specific problems should not extend to socio-
political and economic research, rather than the continual quests for political panaceas:
capitalism, socialism, laissez faire individualism and so on.
Several theories of public deliberation focus on power as a primary force, whether
positive or negative (Foucault, 1984; Habermas, 1987; Lukes, 1974). Dewey observed that power
is usually seen as a constructive force in oneself, but as a negative force in others (Dewey, 1922/
2002). He posited that developing reliable methods of public inquiry and deliberation could
obviate the use of power as brute force. Similarly, based on his analyses of social policy-making
internationally, Heclo (1974) points out the general, misplaced, tendency to overestimate the
role of power, and underestimate the role of inquiry and deliberation.
In the transactive rationality model, power delimits participation and shapes all the
decision activities, but carries no commitment to centralized or hierarchical forms of power. On
the contrary, power as an element of the transactive model boundary is more a reminder that all
the individuals and groups involved in the activities of ‘Define’, ‘Design’, ‘Realize’, and
‘Deliberate’, and in surrounding policy environments, can all potentially shape inquiry, and
contribute to defining and resolving problematic policy situations. However, the challenges
faced by public policy institutions to facilitate pluralistic participation, and to constructively
channel power, cannot be underestimated. Related critiques are extensively documented in the
literature, and research on improving methods of participation and deliberation is evolving
(Benhabib, 1986; Cooke & Kothari, 2001; Habermas, 1987; Huckfeldt, et al., 2004; Isaacs, 1999).
With communities of inquiry forming the basis of rational agency, the oft-cited chasm
between scientific expertise and democratic participation is not unbridgeable. In fact, Dewey
saw a clear connection between democracy and science. Ryan (1995) explains this link:
Dewey thought of democratic processes as a search procedure in which we look for policies, laws,
and administrative techniques that will allow us to continue a common life in a way that all of us
can find fruitful and fulfilling … The nearest he got to a single account of democracy’s virtues
was that they were like those of science: It excluded the fewest alternatives, allowed all ideas a fair
shot at being tried out, encouraged progress, and did not rely on authority (Ryan, 1995, pp. 313-
Postulate III. Rationality integrates scientific, moral and ecological reasoning
Dewey’s approach to democratic and scientific inquiry owes much to Charles Sanders
Peirce’s3 ‘Doubt-Belief’ scheme. Peirce (1831-1958)4 defined inquiry as a collective social
enterprise that aims to settle ‘doubt’. Unlike the Cartesian model of inquiry, in classical
pragmatism ‘doubt’ is more than the theoretical possibility of calling a proposition into question
or generating a hypothesis. ‘Doubt’ is an existential state, a crisis of belief that challenges
previously successful, or functional, knowledge and methods. Peirce’s position was that doubt,
just as belief, needs good reasons (Peirce, 1931-1935). Joas (1993) explains the role of doubt in
pragmatist inquiry:
Doubt becomes necessary only when well-established certainties no longer stand the test of reality
or when subjects raise objections to the certainties of other subjects. The purpose of this doubt is
to bring about new certainties through creative problem solving (Joas, 1993, p. 61).
Scientific inquiry takes place in a universe that is partly indeterminate, and abidingly
suspended in the process of its own creation. Knowledge and laws are neither exact nor
immutable; they are fallible and, at best, probabilistic. Human knowledge has moved beyond
the thinking in the Middle Ages that the world is flat.5 Medical science now relies on anatomy
and physiology rather than on the ‘humors’ of medieval medicine (Foucault, 1973/ 1963). There
are also contemporary knowledge shifts, for example, when the harmful effects of currently
approved medicines become evident in the longer-term, necessitating knowledge and policy
Putnam (1995, p. 152) highlights the unique contribution that pragmatist philosophy
makes by integrating antiscepticism, wherein doubt requires as much justification as belief, and
fallibilism, wherein there is no metaphysical guarantee that any belief is forever above revision.
In the commitment to fallibilism as a source of scientific and political improvement, Dewey’s
pragmatist philosophy and Popper’s philosophy of science (1945, 1959) are aligned. However,
in contrast to Popper’s piece-meal perspective on societal change, and to Lindblom’s (1959)
view of decentralized, incremental policy change, Dewey offers a vision of the public as a “great
community” where people can envision and engage in large-scale social projects (Ryan, 1995
pp.100-101). Hickman explains that: “Dewey argues instead for evolutionary continuities and for a
commonality among human beings that is supported by those shared developments…that include
communication and that provide the basis for objective tests of putative goods (Hickman, 2004, p. 497).
3 Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, and John Dewey are considered the founding triumvirate of
classical pragmatist philosophy. Jane Addams and George Herbert Mead, with whom Dewey worked
closely, were also key to the development of classical pragmatism.
4 Unless otherwise indicated, all references to Peirce refer to this collection of his work.
5 Notwithstanding Thomas Friedman’s 2005 book, The World is Flat, which proposes that globalization is a
flattening factor.
Dewey saw indeterminate policy situations arising as much from thinking about, and
imagining future situations, as from more explicit, immediate changes in policy environments
(Dewey, 1929/ 1999, p. LW.4.182). For example, disruptions in policy equilibrium can occur
from thinking about the implications of climate change for future generations, or about the
challenges to pension and social security systems as a result of changing population
demographics. The transactive rationality model embraces Dewey’s method of inquiry and the
“scientific attitude” (Dewey, 1920/ 1999, p. 228; Shields, 2003). A pragmatist policy-maker thus
would not only seek to remedy symptoms of failure after they occur, but would also proactively
and creatively think about solutions to avoid future impasses and to facilitate innovation,
progress, and flourishing. Rather than settling for ‘muddling through’, rummaging through
‘garbage cans’ or being led by an ‘invisible hand’, pragmatism proposes a more forward-
looking approach of ‘socially intelligent inquiry’. Dewey recommended that the scientific
attitude be cultivated in societies, and even delighted in, in order to be open to the realities and
possibilities of change (Dewey, 1920/ 1999; Shields, 2003).
The actions employed to resolve problematic situations result in learning, and thus
shape self and society. Deliberation on societal choices and consequences is, hence, a
fundamentally moral activity, and cannot be limited to a utilitarian or mathematical cost-benefit
analysis. As Dewey cautioned:
Deliberation is then not to be identified with calculation, or a quasi-mathematical reckoning of
profit and loss. Such calculation assumes that the nature of the self does not enter into the
question ... Every choice sustains a double relation to the self. It reveals the existing self and it
forms the future self (Dewey, 1994, p. 141).
Traditionally in policy science, rationality models do not take morality into account.
Political goals and public preferences are not evaluated as these are generally taken as fixed or
given. As Herbert Simon averred:
Reason is wholly instrumental. It cannot tell us where to go; at best it can tell us how to get
there. It is a gun for hire that can be employed in the service of any goals we have, good or bad
(Simon, 1983, pp. 7-8).
Analyses of this ‘amoral’ approach to rational decision-making in the Vietnam War,
highlight the associated dangers, both moral and strategic (DeLeon & Longobardi, 2002;
Garrison, 2000; Richardson, 2002). The extensive technical calculations and mathematical
modelling failed to take into account critical moral and cultural considerations. These, however,
were among the main reasons for the worldwide protests and U.S. failures in this war (DeLeon,
1988). Aligned with this critical thinking, in 2009, President Obama spoke out against torture as
a means to ensure national security, as this contravened the core values and very identity of the
nation established in the U.S. Constitution:
I know that we must never, ever, turn our back on its enduring principles for expedience sake. I
make this claim not simply as a matter of idealism. We uphold our most cherished values not
only because doing so is right, but because it strengthens our country and it keeps us safe (White
House Briefing, 2009).6
6 White House Briefing, May 21, 2009.
So how does pragmatist philosophy address morality with respect to rationality? There
are strident criticisms of Dewey because he does not provide a substantive moral standard
(Ryan, 1995; Schilpp & Hahn, 1939/ 1989). Dewey (1939/ 1989b), however, did not think that
philosophers should set moral standards for the rest of society. Instead, he proposed that by
improving methods of rational inquiry and deliberation, certain moral principles would emerge
through societies’ efforts to coordinate collective action, resolve problematic situations, and
promote learning and flourishing. Thereafter, compelling reasons would be required to doubt
these evolutionary moral precepts (as doubt, just as belief, requires warrant). This approach
strengthens our moral principles against the onslaught of an all-encompassing scepticism,
without falling prey to the trap of trying to settle moral questions once and for all (without the
option of sensible review and application in specific cases and changing circumstances). As with
scientific inquiry, in pragmatist philosophy, the balance between fallibilism and antiscepticism
is the basis for moral inquiry and learning (Dewey & Tufts, 1908/ 1999). The evolution of
international human rights law illustrates this process.
Human rights were not explicitly referred to until the Scientific Enlightenment in the
17th century (Edmundson, 2004). Dewey (1919/ 1999) noted this as a correspondence, or
coincidence: “There has been, roughly speaking, a coincidence in the development of modern
experimental science and of democracy.” Monarchy and religious orthodoxy were rejected for every
individual’s dignity and access to knowledge. In the centuries after the Enlightenment and
through the French Revolution, the American Declaration of Independence, World War II and
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights thinking evolved, entered the lingua
franca of global politics, and became codified in international law (Edmundson, 2004; Steiner &
Alston, 2000). Human rights standards may make demands beyond what is immediately
expedient. Nevertheless, these general principles provide an agreed-upon foundation for
directing long-term social coordination and for developing shared practices that are valued by
individuals and societies across the world. There are ongoing disagreements on the application
of human right standards to specific problematic situations. From the pragmatist perspective,
human rights standards can, and should, be tested and evolve in this way.
To guide moral inquiry, Dewey put forward an Ethical Postulate that he hoped
individuals and societies would test in different problematic situations.
The conduct required truly to express an agent is, at the same time, the conduct required to
maintain the situation in which he is placed: while, conversely, the conduct that truly makes the
situation is that which furthers the agent. … The postulate is verified by being acted upon. The
proof is experimental (Dewey, 1897/ 1999, p. 234).
Westbrook (1991) highlights a significant progression in Dewey’s work in the evolution of this
Ethical Postulate. An earlier version this postulate maintained that we must not see individual
good and social welfare as competing moral ends because personal benefit and the common
good are complementary and essentially depend on one another. This later version extends this
thinking to a more ecological focus on ‘situations’ as a whole. Here Dewey maintains that not
only are the individual and the social good mutually dependent, but also that human beings are
part of interdependent systems, or situations, in nature. Thus how natural resources are used,
the extent to which this use is sustainable, and the interdependencies of ecologies and human
experience, are key considerations in the pragmatist approach to rationality (Alexander, 2002;
Dorstewitz & Kuruvilla, 2007).
The Logic of Inquiry as the method for rational agency
By Dewey’s (1922/ 2002, p. 192) definition, agency requires “method” to be rational. To
develop this method, Dewey analyzed different types of inquiry used in scientific experiment,
common sense, mathematical logic, and even musical composition, in order to review: “specific
sorts of inquiry and reach a generalized account of knowing through analyses of the features
they present” (Dewey, 1939/ 1989b, p. 557). Dewey defined inquiry as follows:
Inquiry is the controlled or directed transformation of an indeterminate situation into one that is
so determinate in its constituent distinctions and relations as to convert the elements of the
original situation into a unified whole (Dewey, 1938/ 1999, p. 117).
Five main elements constitute the logic of inquiry:
i. Indeterminate situations are experienced where harmonious, habitual and functional
interaction is interrupted or challenged, stimulating intentional action.
ii. Institution or intellectualization of a problem refers to the process of modifying an
indeterminate situation into a ‘problematic’ situation, where the issue is framed in a way
that allows it to be addressed.
iii. The determination of problem-solutions gives new meaning to the expression that “a problem
well-put is half-solved” (Dewey, 1939/ 1989b). A problem is formulated with respect to
possible solutions or hypotheses. The concepts of having a problem and finding a solution
are interrelated and mutually constitutive.
iv. Deliberation and judgment are analogous to the process of testing hypotheses, but also
includes deliberation and judgment on intentions, potential consequences, norms, and
moral orientation. Shared purposes can be developed through reflection or imagination of
solutions and their consequences, leading to commitments on action to resolve problematic
v. Restoration of harmonious experience occurs when inquiry manages to systematically
harmonize conceptions with experience, resolve problematic experience, and regain
equilibrium and functional coordination.
Pragmatist scholars caution against interpreting Dewey’s logic of inquiry as a method of
scientific experiment (Hickman, 1995; Manicas, 2002). The term ‘experimental’ does not capture
Dewey’s integrated view of what is ‘experiential’, i.e. the mutually formative transactions of
agents and conditions in situations. Dewey was also explicit on the distinctions between the
methods and objectives of pragmatism and empiricism:
Pragmatism is an extension of historical empiricism with this fundamental difference that it does
not insist on antecedent phenomena, but on consequent phenomena, not upon precedents, but
upon the possibilities of action. And this change in point of view is almost revolutionary in its
consequences. An empiricism which is content with repeating facts already past has no place for
possibility and for liberty (Dewey, 1925/1999, p. LW.2.13).
Based on Dewey’s logic of inquiry, the internal structure of the transactive rationality
model is constituted by four activities: Define, Design, Realize, and Deliberate. These activities
could be read in a linear fashion, for example following a sequence of Define Design
Deliberate Realize. The activities could also take place concurrently, separately, or iteratively,
and they all influence each other. The fluid, permeable nature of the internal divisions of the
transactive rationality model, and the ongoing interaction between the ‘decision cell’ and the
policy environment further inhibits a linear reading of the model. All activities are considered
formative in policy-making. This model thus does not pivot around a central point at which
strategic decisions are taken. The transactive rationality model eschews the linear instrumental
separation between intellectual and practical phases (i.e. between planning and
implementation). The idea behind a circular ordering of these activities is to acknowledge, and
encourage, transactions in any direction and at any stage of the process. The distinctions made
between the different decision activities are of a heuristic nature, as will be discussed in the
following sections.
Many traditional rationalistic policy models have problem identification stages where
given problems, interests, and policy agendas are negotiated. In the pragmatist view, in
response to an indeterminate situation, a situation is explored and problems defined (rather
than identified). Once an indeterminate situation is defined as problematic situation that
requires a public policy intervention (as discussed under the section on communities of inquiry),
suggestions are developed for what Dewey calls ‘problem-solutions’ (Dewey, 1938/ 1999).
Problems and solutions are not separate, distinct categories. A particular definition of a
situation is concomitant with a particular solution. In the development of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, analyses show the issue of access for disabled people to public spaces and
buildings had at least two alternative policy frames or definitions: as a transport issue and as an
anti-discrimination issue (Kingdon, 1995; Richardson, 2002). Each definition had very different
policy implications and consequences, i.e. to provide special modes of transport, or to ensure
the social integration of people with disabilities by modifying public spaces and transportation,
which reflected the values of the civil rights movement at the time. Ultimately, it was a
combination of the two approaches that resulted - a policy ‘end’ that was not initially conceived.
The emphasis in the mode of define is on developing an understanding of indeterminate
situations and exploring ways of resolving them. This is a mode where brainstorming, empirical
and epidemiological analysis, concept development, narratives, and the arts all have
application. Specific techniques, such as ‘problem-structuring methods’, have been developed
to systematically work through the process of defining problematic situations and possible
solutions (Rosenhead & Mingers, 2001).
Influenced by the ‘problem-solutions’ developed during the define phase, design is an
activity where possible resolutions of indeterminate situations are explored and evaluated.
Analyzing the available evidence, developing technical models and operational strategies,
including allocation of resources and roles, assessing constraints and feasibility, and
formulating related policy options are all part of the design phase.
Design is probably the most technical or ‘formal’ phase in policy-making. Dewey’s
approach to socially intelligent inquiry recommends drawing on a range of pluralistic resources
in society to resolve problematic situations and further recognises that there are diverse
dimensions and definitions possible in any situation. Dewey did see a specific, but not
‘privileged’, role for scientific expertise in policymaking, that lay not in “framing and executing
policies, but in discovering and making known the facts, upon which the former depend”, as
well as in carrying out specific technical functions as part of a larger community of inquiry
working to resolve a problematic situation (Dewey, 1954/ 1927). Technical here refers to the
idea that experts and scientists have the skills to organize the facts to inform policy
deliberations, not that experts should design and decide policy on their own. Part of the policy
design process is facilitating public valuation of possible solutions. Public commentary on
proposed policies is, for example, a required component of federal rule making in the US and
other countries. As illustrated in earlier cited examples of the Vietnam War protests (DeLeon,
1988) and public commentary on FDA regulations (Roth, et al., 2003), public framing of policy
issues can ‘trump’ the technical and economic frames put forward by experts,
The products of design activity often take the form of technical, legal or policy
documents, for example technical specifications and guidelines, operational or strategic models
and scenarios, budgets, bills, treaties, legal contracts, policy directives and guidelines, and
public commentary (Buse, Mays, & Walt, 2005; Lomas, 1990). At this stage agreed upon
principles and plans of action are widely communicated in order to develop a shared vision of
the proposed policy. Architects effectively communicate such overarching plans and visions,
not by means of complicated formulae or technical details but with a ‘blue print’ that clients can
comment on, and based on which different groups can visualize their individual roles within
the entre picture.7
Deliberate: conflict, imagination, and norms
To resolve indeterminate policy situations, individuals and groups may engage in a
cooperative process of inquiry and deliberation, or engage in a more adversarial process.
Several parliamentary systems are based on an adversarial system of political deliberation.
Experts can, and do, interpret evidence differently and, indeed, use evidence to lobby for
different policies and interests, or to support different positions, as in a court of law (Irwin,
2001; Longino, 2002; Salwen & Stacks, 1996; Smith, 1989). However, lessons learned in the Greek
polis and in contemporary studies on deliberation in policy networks, indicate that
confrontation inhibits the development of new ideas, knowledge, and progress (Huckfeldt, et
al., 2004; Isaacs, 1999). Dewey acknowledged the ubiquity of conflict in problematic situations
and explained that deliberation was required in order to understand and resolve these conflicts:
Conflict is acute… Deliberation is not an attempt to do away with this opposition... It is an
attempt to uncover the conflict in its full scope and bearing (Dewey, 1922/ 2002, p. 216).
Improved methods of negotiation, conflict resolution, and consensus development can facilitate
non-confrontational deliberation and support collaborative action to resolve problematic policy
situations (Drager, 2000; Hutchings, Raine, Sanderson, & Black, 2006; Isaacs, 1999).
Dewey defines deliberation as “a dramatic rehearsal (in imagination) of various
competing possible lines of action” (Dewey, 1922/ 2002, p. 190). Dewey viewed both
intelligence and imagination as the ability “to see the actual in the light of the
possible”(Alexander, 1993, p. 384). In science, imagination plays a role in discoveries and
‘breakthroughs’. Through imagination artists explore and communicate "those potencies in
things by which an experience – any experience – has significance and value" (Dewey, 1934/
1980, p. 192). In policy-making, imagination facilitates ‘safe’ exploration and deliberation on
7 c.f. Ackoff, R. L. (2007) How to avoid the fatal F-Laws: Global Business, an interview with
Peter Day. BBC World Service.
alternative plans of action and their consequences and thus helps prevent premature
commitment to any one option.
One method that supports the use of imagination and dramatic rehearsal in policy-
making is scenario development. Scenario development is identified as ‘good practice’ for
developing forward-looking and innovative policies, and for anticipating and managing policy
change (Cabinet Office, 1999). Scenario development is used in a range of policy contexts: e.g. in
climate change deliberations (Nakicenovic, et al., 2000) and in considering alternative scenarios
for health care reform (Wanless, 2002). In scenario development, a set of plausible ‘futures’ is
described using a matrix of alternative scenarios (Koehler & Harvey, 2004). The implications of
these scenarios, the indicators that one or the other scenario may be playing out, and
contingency plans to meet related opportunities and risks are also considered.
In anticipating change, established norms are relatively stable guides across different
situations. In policy-making, Sabatier discusses three overlapping levels of norms: i) ideologies
and deep core beliefs; ii) basic political values or strategies; and iii) specific policy measures
(Sabatier, 1988). Though specific policy measures may be relatively open to negotiation and
change, change becomes increasingly difficult when moving up this typology of norms.
Changing core ideologies may be as complicated as effecting religious conversions.
Pragmatist philosophy portrays norms and ideals as useful points of orientation in the
choppy sea of changing situations. However unlike in other schools of philosophy, in
pragmatism, norms and ideals should not be considered as ultimate standards or goals:
True ideals are the working hypothesis of action; they are the best comprehension we can get of
the value of our acts … not that they set up remote goals. Ideals are like stars; we steer by them
not towards them (Dewey, 1897/ 1999, p. EW.4.262).
The pragmatist paradox is the following: how can norms and ideals serve as reliable
orientation points if they must be flexible enough to address the demands of changing
situations? In pragmatist inquiry, norms are considered “intellectual instruments to be tested
and confirmed – and altered – through consequences effected by acting upon them“ (Dewey,
1929/ 1999, p. LW.4.221). Despite their relative stability as a products of an evolving social
learning process, norms will always require interpretation and application in specific
problematic situations (Alexander, 1993; Dewey & Tufts, 1908/ 1999). This concept is played out
in legal systems where established laws have to be interpreted and applied. If existing laws do
not clarify and resolve problematic situations, they can be revised, but only through a rigorous
process of inquiry and deliberation.
Realize, as the term suggests, incorporates elements of ‘putting into practice’,
‘evaluating’, and ‘learning’. This activity is in line with the pragmatist concept of change
wherein any effected change in a situation is concomitant with changed experience in that
situation (Dewey, 1938/ 1999). This breaks down the linear sequence between: 1) ‘implementing
change’; 2) ‘learning from experience’; and 3) ‘changing dispositions and actions’. ‘Learning by
doing’ is an insufficient concept to sum up this interrelationship between experience, learning,
and change. In the pragmatist model, realize extends to the overall process of restoring
harmonious experience and equilibrium through changes in the overall situation comprising
agents, environments and transactions. The implication is that the implementation of any
change amounts to a transformation of the way agents act. The process of ‘realizing’ comprises
what organizational change theorists Argyris and Schön’s termed ‘double loop learning’
(Argyris & Schön, 1978). In this type of learning process, mutually influencing changes occur in
actors’ knowledge and values as well as in their organizational or policy environments.
Classic studies of policy implementation show that ongoing, discretionary decision-
making by bureaucrats and managers at ‘street-level’ is inevitable, and even desirable, in the
implementation and administration of policies and programs (Lipsky, 1976; Pressman &
Wildavsky, 1984). As Garrison (2000, p. 473) comments:
Astute administrators see their ends clearly and revise them as necessary; only a fool would
bypass a greater good merely to execute the original plan, although that is what linear, detached
instrumentalism will often require the administrator to do.
However, discretionary decisions can render policies and programs unrecognizable
from their planned formulation (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1984). Further these discretionary,
implementation-related changes come about in an autocratic, undemocratic, or arbitrary
manner (Richardson, 2002). In order to improve the rationality of public policy-making, the
process by which ‘ends’ and ‘means’ are revised should also be a scientific, democratic, and
moral process. The permeable and variable boundaries of the transactive rationality model
recognize that decision-making is ongoing throughout the process of policy-making.
Activities in the realize mode include the implementation of agreed upon policies, and
developing or revising evaluation criteria and methods (an element that most models of rational
deliberation see as part of earlier definition phases). Failure to realize hypothesized effects or to
meet agreed upon benchmarks would require changes to be made to the original plans. These
changes can be achieved through a coordinated process of policy inquiry involving deliberation
and changes in define or design activities or in the composition of communities of inquiry.
Transactive change, accountability, and learning
The fluid boundaries of the transactive model depicts that structural change in agents
and environments occurs through ongoing transactions. Darwin’s evolution of species is a good
example with which to study change from a transactive perspective (Dewey, 1910/ 1997;
Hickman, 2004). Yet Dewey presents the transactive formation of agency and change as more
than just a product of evolutionary chance. He distinguished between three categories of active
and creative change that agents intentionally employ to resolve problematic experiences and to
restore equilibrium (Dewey, 1934; Joas, 1996).
Adaptation involves altering the external environment to match the agent’s needs (e.g.
preventing diseases by building sanitation and hygiene facilities).
Accommodation, is internally oriented and involves an alteration within the agent. Agents
rethink a situation and learn to maintain and develop functional transactions when
conditions or circumstances cannot be changed (e.g. learning to live with a chronic disease
or a seemingly intractable policy problem).
Adjustment or transformative change refers to a more complex situational change where,
through mutually referential transactions, both agents and environments change (e.g. the
evolution of a species with changes in both the species and its environment, or changes in
policy organizations and policy contexts that are mutually referential). This type of systemic
change is aligned with theories of organizational change such as Argyris and Schön’s
concept of ”double loop learning” (Argyris & Schön, 1978) and with Vickers’ concept of
change in “appreciative systems” of policy-making (Vickers, 1965).
The objectives of change, in the pragmatist view, are to regain functional coordination
and equilibrium, and to promote learning and flourishing. Transactive change results in a new
dynamic equilibrium and in new learning and transactions. These transations become habitual,
and are then challenged anew in the ongoing rhythm of situations.
One of the main challenges of a transactive, participatory model of policy-making is
locating authority and accountability. Weiss analyzes the reasons why roles and responsibilities
in public policy-making are difficult to pin down:
Three conditions that mainly account for the disavowals of decision-making authority [are]: 1)
the dispersion of responsibility over many offices and the participation of many actors in decision-
making, so that no one individual feels that he or she has a major say; 2) the division of authority
among federal, state, and local levels in the federal system; and 3) the series of gradual and
amorphous steps through which many decisions take shape (Weiss, 1980, p. 399).
Accountability is a focus of much policy and governance research and practice. In
Norway the ministry of health developed an accountability matrix approach to explicitly define
accountability relationships in health systems management and to assess performance (WHO,
2007). A better understanding of policy-making, and making explicit the actors, conditions, and
criteria involved in rational decision-making, could help participants in policy processes better
understand their respective roles, responsibilities, and related accountabilities.
This section concludes the development of the transactive rationality model and
illustrates how a pragmatist reconstruction of rationality can be transposed to a theory of
policy-making. Based on pragmatist philosophy, this model integrates the democratic, scientific,
ecological, and moral dimensions of rational agency that can be used to resolve problematic
situations, and support individual and societal flourishing.
Postulate IV. Rationality is only successful if it serves as a guide towards satisfactory
consequences in both theory and practice
The pragmatist criteria for the success of rational policy-making are usefully considered
in light of the differences between classical Deweyan pragmatism and Rortyian neo
pragmatism.8 Neo pragmatist philosopher Richard Rorty venerated Dewey, partly, because of
their mutual rejection of reality as something externally fixed and given, with experience
serving as a mere receptacle for nature’s spectacle. Like Dewey, Rorty (1980) explains that
epistemic processes are active in creating both our beliefs and the objects of our belief.
Rorty parts company with Dewey when it comes to Dewey’s definition of experience as
a natural process that is ‘existential’ or ‘real’, and inquiry as an ongoing quest within the context
of experience (cf. Hildebrand, 2005). Rorty declared that all attempts to define ‘objective’ criteria
for the success of rationality or scientific common sense are made in vain. He advised the
scientific community to abandon the pointless quest for truth and objectivity. Where empiricists
saw experience to be an external and impartial judge of theory and inquiry (a position rejected
by Dewey), Rorty saw references to experience as constructs developed through deliberations in
specific conversations or contexts, that had established rules or standards.
8 A series of debates in the journal Administration and Society addressed the differences between
classical pragmatism and neo-pragmatism with reference to public administration and policy-making.
See Shields (2003, 2005); Miller (2004); Hickman (2004); Hildebrand (2005); et al.
Both Peirce and Dewey would have disavowed this reduction of inquiry and
deliberation to a parlor game, in which participants play by rules and standards that have no
justification other than the fact that these rules were agreed upon. Dewey criticized early
modern empiricists for reducing experience to an impression from the outside, leaving the
subject passive and receptive. In a similar vein Dewey would have argued with Rorty, who
reduced experience to an arbitrary form of linguistic practice. Hildebrand sees quite clearly that
Dewey’s conception of experience is richer than Rorty’s because it can account for both the
productive and the receptive aspects of experience (Hildebrand, 2005). Hildebrand cites Dewey
from Experience and Nature: “Only upon reflective analysis does [experience] break up into
external conditions…and internal structures.” Thus experience, or the resolution of its
problematic quality, is not an independent, predetermined criterion for successful inquiry.
Dewey precisely defines the indeterminate quality of changing situations as lacking
clear criteria, such as defined problems, goals, or performance measures. Such criteria must be
creatively constructed and defined through the process of rational inquiry and deliberation.
Alternative definitions of problems and solutions will have alternative success criteria. In the
earlier example of the alternative framing of the Americans with Disabilities Act as either a
transportation issue or as a civil rights issue, each policy option would have had different
success criteria e.g. related to efficiency of transportation or to the level of social integration.
Experience poses a real, existential constraint to sensible definitions of problems and
effective solutions. The constraints and continuum of previous policy processes are an inherent
and integral part of the pragmatist concept of the rhythm of situations and the continuum of
experience. Further, although creating solidarity in the methods of inquiry and deliberation
may be a central concern in scientific and policy communities, it cannot replace the quest for
viable resolutions of problematic experience. A politically successful argument, or consensus,
may not solve the problem it seeks to address. Edelman’s (1977) book, Words that succeed and
policies that fail’, suggests that this thinking is equivalent to the expression “the operation was
successful, but the patient died”. The ultimate test of pragmatist rationality is in practice. The final
result of rational agency should be consummated in experience, and not just in reflection or
imagination as Dewey emphasizes:
There are however vices of reflection as well as of impulse. We may not look far enough ahead
because we are hurried into action by stress of impulse; but we may also become over interested in
the delights of reflection; we become afraid of assuming the responsibilities of decisive choice and
action (Dewey, 1922/ 2002, p. 198).
Dewey defined the successful outcome of rational inquiry as achieving a working
harmony between diverse values, desires and their anticipated consequences. The objective of
inquiry is the directed transformation of a fragmented, indeterminate situation “into a unified
whole” (Dewey, 1938/ 1999, p. 117). Dewey thus imbues the success of rational inquiry with an
aesthetic akin to the transcendental composite of ens, bonum, verum, pulchritudum, unum; or of
experience, ethics, science, and art that compose a unity. Pragmatism does not consider this
aesthetic unification as a deterministic or a natural end, but as a possibility or potential that can
be achieved through rational agency. People are attuned to thinking about successful policy-
making in this way when they comment on ‘elegant’ policy solutions, or about how all the right
pieces came together in policy deliberations. As Dewey concluded: “Order, rhythm, and
balance, simply means that energies significant for experience are acting at their best” (Dewey,
1934/ 1980, p. 192).
The title of this paper claimed that:there is no ‘point’ in decision-making”. In contrast
to the linear rational model (Figure 1), the transactive rationality model (Figure 3) shows that
decision-making is not a fixed central point that separates pre-defined ends and inquiry phases
from subsequent implementation and evaluation phases. Definitions and decisions are formed,
and informed, throughout the policy process. Transactive rationality, like incrementalism,
recognizes that policy inquiry and deliberation occur within a continuum of experience. Unlike
incrementalism, by integrating scientific and democratic inquiry with moral imagination,
transactive rationality supports integrative, visionary, and forward-looking public policy and
democratic projects. By addressing the scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological dimensions
of rational agency, transactive rationality provides a more holistic, explanatory, and normative
‘fourth approach’ to policy-making – beyond ‘linear’ and ‘bounded’ rationality, ‘incrementalism’
and ‘mixed scanning’. However, the transactive rationality model, in order to meet the
pragmatist standard of success, needs to be tested and developed in both theory and practice.
This paper contributes to a growing body of work that applies classical pragmatist
philosophy to the political and policy sciences and public administration. As Seigfried observes,
pragmatism’s greatest strengths are now being rediscovered:
These include early and persistent criticisms of positivist interpretations of scientific
methodology; disclosure of the value dimension of factual claims; reclaiming aesthetics as
informing everyday experience; linking of dominant discourses with domination; subordinating
logical analysis to social, cultural, and political issues; realigning theory with praxis (Seigfried,
1996, p. 21).
Contemporary studies indicate that pragmatist philosophy can better explain political
and economic behavior, than other related theories (Mousavi & Garrison, 2003; Shook, 2003).
Pragmatist philosophy also offers an ecological perspective on policy-making that emphasizes
the interdependence of actors and environments (Alexander, 2002; McDonald, 2004). This is an
important policy perspective given growing concerns for ecological sustainability and security.
With its emphasis on holism and equilibrium, and on learning and progress, pragmatist
philosophy is attuned with both Eastern and Western systems of thought, a key policy
consideration in this globalizing world (Grange & Ames, 2004; Westbrook, 1991).9 Evans argues
that: it would be not only possible, but also prudent, for the field of public management to reclaim the
philosophy of John Dewey as a guiding ethos for its practice”.
One fundamental concern about pragmatist philosophy is whether it is overly optimistic
about individuals’ and societies’ capacities for rational deliberation (Bernstein, 1998; Ryan,
1995). Bernstein notes that such optimism indeed could be viewed as a fault, but emphasizes
that Dewey’s was a qualified optimism:
I do think that at times Dewey is excessively optimistic about the real social and political
possibilities of resolving serious social conflicts by open communication. Although this is a
weakness in Dewey's thinking, we can read him in a different way. For we can interpret Dewey
9 Dewey was influenced by his international work, and his work is internationally recognized. He worked
not only in the U.S. and Europe, but also in Japan, Turkey, Mexico, South Africa and Russia (Schilpp &
Hahn, 1939/ 1989; Westbrook, 1991; Ryan 1995). In China he was even considered a ‘second Confucius
(Grange & Ames, 2004; Westbrook, 1991).
as telling us that it is precisely because conflicts between different groups run so deep, that it
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1954/ 1927, p. 208). The strong confluence of pragmatist philosophy and policy science
continues to channel inquiry into improving the methods of rational deliberation in public
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... Action is guided by habit until people encounter problems that trigger reflection and inquiry. Failed or blocked habits create an uncertain and problematic situation that triggers doubt, reflexivity, inquiry, deliberation, imagination and experimentation (Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010;Massecar 2011;Miettinen et al. 2012). Problematic situations push people to creatively forge "new and more complex ends" (Dewey 1917, 63) and to reconstruct their own habits (Berk and Galvan 2009). ...
... Inquiry is prompted by the need to act in an "objectively precarious but improvable environment" (Festenstein 2001, 732) or as Bromley provocatively puts it, "indeterminacy is the reason we reason" (2008,4). Local breakdowns, non-routine events or surprises (such as crises) trigger an emotion of doubt, which, in turn, initiates a process of inquiry through reflexivity, deliberation and experimentation (Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010;Massecar 2011;Miettinen et al. 2012). ...
... Action is guided by habit until people encounter problems that trigger reflection and inquiry. Failed or blocked habits create an uncertain and problematic situation that triggers doubt, reflexivity, inquiry, deliberation, imagination and experimentation (Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010;Massecar 2011;Miettinen et al. 2012). Problematic situations push people to creatively forge "new and more complex ends" (Dewey 1917, 63) and to reconstruct their own habits (Berk and Galvan 2009). ...
... Inquiry is prompted by the need to act in an "objectively precarious but improvable environment" (Festenstein 2001, 732) or as Bromley provocatively puts it, "indeterminacy is the reason we reason" (2008,4). Local breakdowns, non-routine events or surprises (such as crises) trigger an emotion of doubt, which, in turn, initiates a process of inquiry through reflexivity, deliberation and experimentation (Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010;Massecar 2011;Miettinen et al. 2012). ...
... The rational comprehensive approach is not the only policymaking model and may not always be the most appropriate or effective in every situation. Other approaches, such as incremental or participatory policymaking, may also be used in certain circumstances (Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010). ...
This chapter focuses on the Government of Zimbabwe’s policy interventions to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter acknowledges that the COVID-19 pandemic was a complex issue that required a concerted effort from different stakeholders to curb the impacts and reduce the vulnerabilities, especially among the urban poor. In this chapter, we perceive policies as any action the government decides to do or not do regarding a particular phenomenon. Therefore, policies are inherently embedded in ideologies or worldviews, depending on what the government values or decides to act on. Focusing on urban Zimbabwe, this chapter documents the COVID-19 statistics in Zimbabwe and how the Zimbabwean government responded to control the COVID-19 outbreak and meet the populace’s social protection needs. To this end, the chapter analyzes the policy decisions made by the government to curb the spread of the pandemic. The chapter is based on document review of the policy measures, including statutory instruments and presidential decrees, which substantially impacted people’s livelihoods. The chapter reveals that most COVID-19 pandemic policies were top-down and interventionistic, as they were directives from the WHO that dictated global interventions. Subsequently, these policies had little regard for the welfare of the urban poor resulting in worsening suffering as the urban poor struggled to make ends meet. This chapter urges governments to ensure that policy interventions during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic are inclusive and accessible to the urban poor and to address the underlying social and economic inequalities perpetuating discrimination. In the future, it is essential to consider the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and develop more comprehensive and resilient urban policies, which are better prepared to respond to future crises. This will require the collaboration of government, civil society, and private sector and a commitment to addressing the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized members of society.
... A key set of debates in the decision-making literature revolve around the question of rational thinking and the introduction of more nuanced, less essentialist, ideas of human behaviour in the form of bounded rationality (March 1978;Arthur 1994;Dequech 2001). Recent literature in the field has stressed the transactive rationality as a model rationality that, by integrating scientific, democratic, moral and ecological considerations, serves as a more holistic, explanatory and normative guide for public policy and democratic practice (Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010). Here professional backgrounds and organizational functions play an important role in ways of seeing and thinking (Berger 1972). ...
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The utility of decision-making tools for the risk governance of nanotechnology is at the core of this paper. Those working in nanotechnology risk management have been prolific in creating such tools, many derived from European FP7 and H2020-funded projects. What is less clear is how such tools might assist the overarching ambition of creating a fair system of risk governance. In this paper, we reflect upon the role that tools might and should play in any system of risk governance. With many tools designed for the risk governance of this emerging technology falling into disuse, this paper provides an overview of extant tools and addresses their potential shortcomings. We also posit the need for a data readiness tool. With the EUs NMP13 family of research consortia about to report to the Commission on ways forward in terms of risk governance of this domain, this is a timely intervention on an important element of any risk governance system.
... Continuing with this line of inquiry, Dewey's pragmatist approach lend itself well to develop a model of intelligent deliberative agency (Figs. 3 and 4), that captures the situationally dependent transactive nature of agency in planning and policy processes (cf. Dorstewitz and Kuruvilla 2007;Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz 2010). ...
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This theoretical paper takes an agency-theoretic approach to questions of corporate social responsibility (CSR). A comparison of various extant frameworks focusses on how CSR agency emerges in complex multi-agent and multi-sector stakeholder networks. The discussion considers the respective capabilities and relevance of these frameworks – culminating in an integrative CSR practice model. A short literature review of the evolution of CSR since the 1950’s provides the backdrop for understanding multi-agent cross-sectoral stakeholder coalitions as a strategic determinant of today’s organizational behavior. The paper turns to Werhane’s coupling of moral imagination and systems thinking and forging stakeholder coalitions in problem contexts that were traditionally deemed intractable by for-profit organizations. However, it identifies the problem that the systems approach treats macro-agents (organizations, stakeholders) as given (“black-boxed”) and shies away from more radically re-imagining the possibilities of reassembling agency from the bottom up. Actor Network Theory (ANT) provides such a method, which strictly commits to treating organizational behavior as a product of technological, human and environmental micro-processes. ANT, however, is lacking a genuine moral deliberative stance in designing complex CSR coalitions. In an attempt to capitalize on the respective strengths of these frameworks (Systems thinking and ANT) the paper tends to a recent iterative series of “situational transactive” models that are rooted in the US pragmatist tradition and seek to capture intelligent planning processes in complex problematic contexts. The contribution proposes a new CSR practice model, which assigns specific roles to the theoretical contributions of ANT, system thinking and pragmatism in complex deliberation processes. This model can be industry-tested in a future study.
... However, although this model does attempt to manage complexity, it does not specifically address the issue of stakeholder coalitions and multi-sector collaborations in CSR. Consequently, this model by Kuruvilla and Dorstewitz (2010) was further developed by Kuruvilla et al (2018) and is presented in Figure 4. This particular model specifically addresses the formation of multi-sector stakeholder coalitions with respect to achieving Sustainable Developmental Goals and it addresses itself to the CSR debate. ...
Conference Paper
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Today’s businesses are quite bound when taking a declared and reflective position with respective to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Such is the extent of academic and non- academic engagement with CSR over the past forty years, that there is a constant need for review of theory and practice. On this note, this theoretical paper critically reviews extant research and considers an agency-theoretic approach to questions of CSR in the current climate of constant organizational change. The central focus compares several theoretical approaches on how businesses transact within complex multi-agent and multi-sector stakeholder networks, and discussions consider their respective capabilities and relevance – culminating in the creation of an innovative CSR organizational practice model, which will be industry-tested in a future study. The starting-point of this analysis considers the examination, analysis and evaluation of CSR from the 1950’s until now, in order to establish the strategic evolution of CSR as an important activity in terms of organization behavior. Thereafter, Werhane’s analysis of mental models that are operant in organizations for shaping boundary conditions of business processes are considered. Here, Werhane attempts to couple moral imagination with systems thinking - in order to show how moral impasses that seem intractable from a business point of view - and that consequently no one takes effective responsibility for - can be addressed by taking a systems perspective on a business’ position within networks of shareholder agents. In this manner, Werhane’s approach considers how systems thinking can enable new perspectives on forging coalitions with stakeholder groups. Consequently, Werhane’s systems perspective on CSR constitutes a considerable advancement in our understanding, particularly when compared to traditional views on organizational agency. However, an analysis of shortcomings reveals that the systems perspective on stakeholder networks tends to limit itself to seeing involved stakeholder groups and organized agents as being black boxes. Against this backdrop, organizational agency focuses on rearranging networks, e.g. by forging coalitions with existing stakeholder groups, with consideration being given to the research on agency processes underlying coalitions within such networks. Therefore, proposed systems perspective can be seen to shy away from a more radical re-imagination of the possibilities for reassembling organizational agency – from a bottom up perspective, and this requires a more appropriate theory of organizational agency and Actor Network Theory (ANT). Results from this critical review of extant research suggest that several of these approaches have valuable insights to offer, framing mental models in terms of interactive systems of stakeholder agents, which open new perspectives for collaborations and coalitions and transformative engagements to tackle CSR problems. Results also uncover a number of dynamics and possibilities that are often hidden - by the use of aggregated systems concepts, and provides a key to open transforming agency processes - on the level of human and non- human transactions. This line of thinking allows an understanding of agency formation as depending on material, technological, human and environmental micro-processes - and at the same time - taking a truly deliberative and imaginative stance when searching for new and responsible ways of tackling complex problem and situations. Conclusions from this paper create an innovative theoretical model of CSR for modern-day organizations, and this will be used as a testing instrument in a future study on innovative practices in industry specific cases.
... Since no MSC theoretical model was available that covered all these issues, we decided to use a multigrounded theory approach [25], starting with a policy science model that was well aligned with all the considerations highlighted in the MSC literature review [26]. Being based on an overview of policy science, political philosophy and public administration literature, this model theoretically also applied across all sectors. ...
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Background The success of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is predicated on multisectoral collaboration (MSC), and the COVID-19 pandemic makes it more urgent to learn how this can be done better. Complex challenges facing countries, such as COVID-19, cut across health, education, environment, financial and other sectors. Addressing these challenges requires the range of responsible sectors and intersecting services – across health, education, social and financial protection, economic development, law enforcement, among others – transform the way they work together towards shared goals. While the necessity of MSC is recognized, research is needed to understand how sectors collaborate, inform how to do so more efficiently, effectively and equitably, and ascertain similarities and differences across contexts. To answer these questions and inform practice, research to strengthen the evidence-base on MSC is critical. Methods This paper draws on a 12-country study series on MSC for health and sustainable development, in the context of the health and rights of women, children and adolescents. It is written by core members of the research coordination and country teams. Issues were analyzed during the study period through ‘real-time’ discussions and structured reporting, as well as through literature reviews and retrospective feedback and analysis at the end of the study. Results We identify four considerations that are unique to MSC research which will be of interest to other researchers, in the context of COVID-19 and beyond: 1) use theoretical frameworks to frame research questions as relevant to all sectors and to facilitate theoretical generalizability and evolution; 2) specifically incorporate sectoral analysis into MSC research methods; 3) develop a core set of research questions, using mixed methods and contextual adaptations as needed, with agreement on criteria for research rigor; and 4) identify shared indicators of success and failure across sectors to assess MSCs. Conclusion In responding to COVID-19 it is evident that effective MSC is an urgent priority. It enables partners from diverse sectors to effectively convene to do more together than alone. Our findings have practical relevance for achieving this objective and contribute to the growing literature on partnerships and collaboration. We must seize the opportunity here to identify remaining knowledge gaps on how diverse sectors can work together efficiently and effectively in different settings to accelerate progress towards achieving shared goals.
... 41 42 We provide new insights into the dynamics and effects of multisectoral collaboration. Multisectoral collaboration is not a constant configuration, 23 but a dynamic and evolving process, during which stakeholders and their engagement may change across different components and contexts of the collaboration. The collaborations were intentional new modes of collective action that generated new learning and new ways of working as they evolved, to achieve transformative results. ...
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Objectives Multisectoral collaboration highlighted as key in delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but still little is known on how to move from rhetoric to action. Cambodia has made remarkable progress on child health over the last decades with multisectoral collaborations being a key success factor. However, it is not known how country stakeholders perceive child health in the context of the SDGs or multisectoral collaborations for child health in Cambodia. Design, settings and participants Through purposive sampling, we conducted semistructured interviews with 29 key child health stakeholders from a range of government and non-governmental organisations in Cambodia. Guided by framework analysis, themes, subthemes and categories were derived. Results We found that the adoption of the SDGs led to increased possibility for action and higher ambitions for child health in Cambodia, while simultaneously establishing child health as a multisectoral issue among key child stakeholders. There seems to be a discrepancy between the desired step-by-step theory of conducting multisectoral collaboration and the real-world complexities including funding and power dynamics that heavily influence the process of collaboration. Identified success factors for multisectoral collaborations included having clear responsibilities, leadership from all and trust among stakeholders while the major obstacle found was lack of sustainable funding. Conclusion The findings from this in-depth multistakeholder study can inform policy-makers and practitioners in other countries on the theoretical and practical process as well as influencing aspects that shape multisectoral collaborations in general and for child health specifically. This is vital if multisectoral collaborations are to be successfully leveraged to accelerate the work towards achieving better child health in the era of the SDGs.
What would our decision-making procedures look like if they were actually guided by the much-discussed concept of “deliberative democracy”? What does rule by the people for the people entail? And how can a modern government’s reliance on administrative agencies be reconciled with this populist ideal? What form must democratic reasoning take in the modern administrative state? Democratic Autonomy squarely faces these challenges to the deliberative democratic ideal. It identifies processes of reasoning that avert bureaucratic domination and bring diverse people into political agreement. To bridge our differences intelligently, Richardson argues, we cannot rely on instrumentalist approaches to policy reasoning, such as cost-benefit analysis. Instead, citizens must arrive at reasonable compromises through fair, truth-oriented processes of deliberation. Using examples from programs as diverse as disability benefits and environmental regulation, he shows how the administrative policy-making necessary to carrying out most legislation can be part of our deciding what to do. Opposing both those liberal theorists who have attacked the populist ideal and those neo-republican theorists who have given up on it, Richardson builds an account of popular rule that is sensitive to the challenges to public deliberation that arise from relying on liberal constitutional guarantees, representative institutions, majority rule, and administrative rulemaking. Written in a nontechnical style and engaged with practical issues of everyday politics, this highly original and rigorous restatement of what democracy entails is essential reading for political theorists, philosophers, public choice theorists, constitutional and administrative lawyers, and policy analysts.
This collection of essays derives from a conference sponsored by the Royal Institute of Philosophy and the Centre of Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St Andrews. It brings together a number of prominent academics from the fields of philosophy and political theory along with politicians and social commentators. The subjects covered include liberalism, education, welfare policy, religion, art and culture, and cloning. The mix of contributors and the topicality of the subject matter should further promote a serious engagement between philosophy and public life.