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Movements of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean recorded by pop-up satellite archival tags


Abstract and Figures

Pop-up satellite archival tags were implanted into 68 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus), ranging in size from 91 to 295kg, in the southern Gulf of Maine (n=67) and off the coast of North Carolina (n=1) between July 2002 and January 2003. Individuals tagged in the Gulf of Maine left that area in late fall and overwintered in northern shelf waters, off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, or in offshore waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. In spring, the fish moved either northwards towards the Gulf of Maine or offshore. None of the fish crossed the 45W management line (separating eastern and western management units) and none traveled towards the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of Florida (known western Atlantic spawning grounds). The greatest depth recorded was 672m and the fish experienced temperatures ranging from 3.4 to 28.7C. Swimming depth was significantly correlated with location, season, size class, time of day, and moon phase. There was also evidence of synchronous vertical behavior and changes in depth distribution in relation to oceanographic features.
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S. G. Wilson ÆM. E. Lutcavage ÆR. W. Brill
M. P. Genovese ÆA. B. Cooper ÆA. W. Everly
Movements of bluefin tuna (
Thunnus thynnus
) in the northwestern
Atlantic Ocean recorded by pop-up satellite archival tags
Received: 16 April 2004 / Accepted: 25 June 2004 / Published online: 2 September 2004
Springer-Verlag 2004
Abstract Pop-up satellite archival tags were implanted
into 68 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus
Linnaeus), ranging in size from 91 to 295 kg, in the
southern Gulf of Maine (n=67) and off the coast of
North Carolina (n=1) between July 2002 and January
2003. Individuals tagged in the Gulf of Maine left that
area in late fall and overwintered in northern shelf
waters, off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina,
or in offshore waters of the northwestern Atlantic
Ocean. In spring, the fish moved either northwards
towards the Gulf of Maine or offshore. None of the
fish crossed the 45W management line (separating
eastern and western management units) and none
traveled towards the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of
Florida (known western Atlantic spawning grounds).
The greatest depth recorded was 672 m and the fish
experienced temperatures ranging from 3.4 to 28.7C.
Swimming depth was significantly correlated with
location, season, size class, time of day, and moon
phase. There was also evidence of synchronous vertical
behavior and changes in depth distribution in relation
to oceanographic features.
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) are widely dis-
tributed throughout the northern Atlantic Ocean,
ranging from Norway to Africa in the east and from
Newfoundland to Brazil in the west. The species is
considered to be overexploited (NRC 1994) and is cur-
rently managed by the International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) as two distinct
populations, an eastern stock and a western stock sep-
arated by 45W longitude. The two groups are believed
to have markedly different reproductive patterns, with
eastern fish spawning at a smaller size (15–45 kg vs
135+ kg) and younger age (3–5 years vs 6–10 years)
than those in the western Atlantic Ocean (Rodriguez-
Roda 1967; Baglin 1982; NRC 1994; Nemerson et al.
2000). The eastern stock reproduces between June and
August in the Mediterranean Sea while the western stock
spawns between April and June in two known areas, the
Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Florida (Roule 1924;
Rivas 1954; Richards 1976).
For decades, stock assessments have indicated that
the putative western population is more depleted than
the eastern population (Sissenwine et al. 1998). Conse-
quently, catch quotas and size limits in the two man-
agement areas have been different (NRC 1994).
However, there is some evidence that Atlantic bluefin
tuna could comprise a single stock. These include con-
ventional tag returns, similarity in growth rates, syn-
chronous long-term catch trends in the east and west,
and a seamless trans-Atlantic distribution of longline
catches (ICCAT 2001). Reviews of conventional tag re-
turns provide mixing rate estimates ranging from 1–10%
(e.g. NRC 1994; Mather et al. 1995). Recent findings
from electronic tagging studies (Lutcavage et al. 1999;
Block et al. 2001a), however, suggest that transfer rates
Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick
S. G. Wilson (&)ÆM. E. Lutcavage ÆA. W. Everly
Edgerton Research Laboratory,
New England Aquarium, Boston,
MA 02110, USA
Fax: +1-603-8622717
R. W. Brill
Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
Gloucester Point, VA 23062, USA
M. P. Genovese
F.V. ‘‘White Dove Too’’, Cape May,
NJ 08210, USA
A. B. Cooper
Department of Natural Resources,
University of New Hampshire, Durham,
NH 03824, USA
Present address: S. G. Wilson ÆM. E. Lutcavage
Department of Zoology, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH 03824, USA
Marine Biology (2005) 146: 409–423
DOI 10.1007/s00227-004-1445-0
may be significantly higher in some years and possibly
warrant management of Atlantic bluefin tuna as a single
An improved understanding of bluefin tuna migra-
tion patterns, spawning locations and stock structure is
clearly necessary for fishery management regulations to
be equitable and for rebuilding efforts to have maximal
effect. Additionally, knowledge of the depth distribution
of bluefin tuna and the physiological limitations and
environmental conditions controlling vertical behavior
are crucial to the development of habitat-based stock
assessments (e.g. Hinton and Nakano 1996; Bigelow
et al. 2002; Graves et al. 2003). Until recently,
researchers interested in addressing such issues had few
options available to them: (1) analysis of catch statistics;
(2) conventional tag-recapture studies; or (3) acoustic
tracking studies (Boustany et al. 2001). Unfortunately,
these techniques are either biased by spatial and tem-
poral patterns in fishing effort or limited to short time
scales. Recent technological advances, however, provide
us with new, fishery-independent telemetry techniques
that can track the movements of fish for periods ranging
from months to several years (Block et al. 1998). In the
present study, we used pop-up satellite archival tags
(PSATs) to examine the horizontal and vertical move-
ments of the Atlantic bluefin tuna seasonally inhabiting
the Gulf of Maine.
Materials and methods
PSATs (model PTT-100, Microwave Telemetry,
Columbia, MD, USA) were deployed on 68 Atlantic
bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus): 67 in the
southern Gulf of Maine and one off North Carolina. In
addition to recording ambient light levels (used to pro-
vide geolocation estimates), these tags recorded depth
(into 5.38-m bins) and temperature (resolution
±0.17C) data at 1-h intervals. Monofilament tethers
were used to attach the PSATs to flat metal darts, con-
structed of either stainless-steel or titanium (Wildlife
Computers, Redmond, WA, USA). The metal darts
were implanted in the dorsal musculature of the fish
using a modified harpoon tagging pole (Chaprales et al.
1998). PSATs were programmed to detach from the fish
and transmit their archived light-level, depth, and tem-
perature data through the Argos data collection and
location service (DCLS) on 1 June 2003. A fail-safe
mechanism in each tag initiates release and data trans-
mission if the tag approaches its depth limit (approx.
1,200 m) or remains at a constant depth for 4 days (e.g.,
if the fish is dead on the bottom or the tag has prema-
turely detached and is floating at the surface).
In the southern Gulf of Maine, bluefin tuna schools
were captured by the purse seiner ‘‘White Dove Too’’
between mid-July and late September 2002. Some
members of each school were allowed to escape and were
tagged as they left the net (n=65 fish). Temperature
profiles of the water column were recorded using
expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) (Sippican,
Marion, MA, USA) after all purse seine tag deploy-
ments. Two tags were also deployed on fish caught in the
southern Gulf of Maine on rod and reel from the sport-
fishing vessel ‘‘Cookie Too’’ in early October 2002 using
methods previously described (Lutcavage et al. 1999).
The North Carolina fish was caught on rod and reel
from the sport-fishing vessel ‘‘Striker’’ on 14 January
Horizontal movements
Geolocation estimates were computed from recovered
light-level data using a proprietary algorithm (Micro-
wave Telemetry) derived from US Naval Observatory
data. These estimates are based on daily records of the
time of sunrise and sunset, taking into account prevail-
ing conditions measured by the light, pressure, and
temperature sensors, and data from the preceding days.
A state-space Kalman filter model (Sibert and Fournier
2001; Sibert et al. 2003) was then applied to estimate
movement parameters and provide a ‘‘most probable’
trackline for each fish. Residency periods in two sea-
sonal habitats, the Gulf of Maine and coastal waters off
Virginia and North Carolina, were calculated by deter-
mining the mean dates of arrival and departure for all
fish that entered these areas. For this analysis, the Gulf
of Maine was defined as waters north of 40N latitude
and west of 65W longitude (these boundaries include
Georges Bank in the Gulf of Maine habitat area). Vir-
ginia and North Carolina waters were bounded to the
north by 38N latitude and to the east by 73W longi-
tude. Only permanent movements into or away from
these areas were considered (i.e. brief excursions inside
or beyond these boundaries were ignored).
Fixed kernel utilization distribution contours (Wor-
ton 1989) representing 50% (core areas of distribution)
and 95% (overall range of distribution) of the pooled
daily geolocation estimates were created for seasonal
subsets of the data to examine temporal patterns in
horizontal distributions. These were derived using the
animal movement analysis extension (Hooge and Ei-
chenlaub 1997) and the ArcView Geographic Informa-
tion System (version 3.2, Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Redlands, CA, USA). Contour
smoothing parameters were calculated using least-
squares cross-validation (Silverman 1986).
Vertical movements
We used generalized estimating equations (GEEs) (Li-
ang and Zeger 1986) to examine the effects of the fol-
lowing variables: location (inshore, offshore,
indeterminate), season (July–October, November–Feb-
ruary, March–May), size class ( £136 kg, >136 kg),
time of day (dawn, day, dusk, night), and moon phase
(full moon, new moon, intermediate moon) on vertical
distribution, as repeated observations of depth are cor-
related. If autocorrelation is ignored, multiple mea-
surements of a single sampling unit are treated as single
measurements from multiple sampling units. Such
pseudoreplication erroneously increases the sample size
and inflates the power of the statistical analysis, leading
to the description of phenomena that the data may not
actually support.
Locations were determined by examining the filtered
tracklines and depth records of each fish. Indeterminate
locations were those where it was not possible to assign
an inshore or offshore locality with any certainty. The
smaller size class presumably contained immature (i.e.
non-spawning) fish, if western bluefin tuna are fully
mature at a weight of approximately 136 kg (Baglin
1982; NRC 1994). The larger size class was presumed to
represent entirely adult fish. Dawn, day, dusk, and night
were defined as 0500–0600 hours, 0700–1600 hours,
1700–1800 hours, and 1900–0400 hours, respectively
(Eastern Standard Time). No adjustments were made to
account for the effects of longitudinal movements or
seasonal change on the time of sunrise and sunset. Full
and new moons refer to the day of each full or new
moon and the two days preceding and following it.
We assumed that observations were distributed as
gamma random variables and that correlation between
depth observations could be modeled as an autoregres-
sive process with lag one. This allowed us to account for
the fact that all data were bounded at zero (depths of
zero or greater were set to 0.1 m) and assume that
correlation between observations decreased exponen-
tially as the time between observations increased. A
powerful advantage of GEEs over more traditional
mixed effect models is that GEEs treat the correlation
coefficients as nuisance parameters, and therefore the
statistical tests are robust to mis-specification of the
correlation structure (Diggle et al. 1994).
The analysis was implemented in SAS (version 8.02,
SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) using the PROC
GENMOD procedure. Significance tests are based on
type III Wald statistics, which are chi-square distributed,
with an alpha level of 0.05 for main effects and 0.10 for
interaction effects (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Type III test
statistics are ‘‘marginal statistics’’ in that they report the
significance of a given variable after taking into account
the other variables in the model. If a main effect is in-
volved in a significant interaction, the main effect is re-
tained in the model regardless of its significance
(McCullagh and Nelder 1989). Differences between lev-
els of the categorical variables were analyzed using Wald
chi-square tests based on population marginal means
(Searle et al. 1980), and adjusted for multiple compari-
sons using Bonferroni adjustments (adjusted
P-value=estimated P-value multiplied by the number of
comparisons). Marginal population means are the pre-
dicted means of the dependent variable (depth) associ-
ated with each level of an independent variable (e.g.
location) when all other variables in the model are set to
their estimated mean values.
Data were received from 60 of the 68 tags, three of which
remained attached until the programmed pop-up date.
One fish died immediately after release, leaving 59 tags
for inclusion in the dataset. A summary of the dates and
locations of the start and end of each tag deployment,
fish weights, days at liberty, and distance traveled is
provided in Table 1.
Horizontal movements
Sufficient geolocation data were available to estimate the
horizontal movements of 50 bluefin tuna. The maximum
distance traveled was 5820 km in 304 d, with average
daily movements ranging from 1.6–71.6 km day
(mean±SE 16.18±1.95 km day
) (Table 1). Of the 50
fish, 23 remained in northern coastal waters between
Maryland and Nova Scotia (many of these tags detached
after only short periods at liberty). The fish tagged off
North Carolina (03–01) stayed in that area for the
duration of tag attachment. Of the remaining 26 fish, 13
traveled southwest to coastal waters off Virginia and
North Carolina after leaving the Gulf of Maine
(Fig. 1A). Nine moved offshore (i.e. beyond the shelf
break) into the northwestern Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1B).
Four fish traveled to more than one defined locality: two
fish (02–13 and 02–17) first moved offshore and then
into coastal waters off Nova Scotia; one individual (02–
25) spent time off the Virginia coast before moving off-
shore into the Atlantic Ocean; and another (02–34)
traveled to Nova Scotia waters, then to areas off Vir-
ginia and then back to Nova Scotia waters before
returning to the Gulf of Maine.
Fish tagged in the Gulf of Maine left that area in late
October (mean±SE 25 Oct 2002 ±16.26 days) (n=34
fish). Of those that entered coastal waters off Virginia
and North Carolina, the mean dates of arrival and
departure were 24 Nov 2002 ±11.90 days (n=16 fish)
and 4 Feb 2003 ±10.84 days (n=3 fish), respectively. As
a result of tag shedding and the 1 June 2003 pro-
grammed pop-up date, only three records of fish
returning to the Gulf of Maine were obtained. The mean
date of arrival was 5 May 2003 ±12.47 days, but this is
likely biased towards early returning fish.
Temporal patterns in the distribution of bluefin tuna
are shown in the seasonal distribution contours pre-
sented in Fig. 2A–C. In summer/fall (July-October), the
50% and 95% probability contours are centered around
the tagging location in the southern Gulf of Maine
(Fig. 2A). Over the winter months (November–Febru-
ary), the core area of distribution (50% probability
contour) shifted southwards to coastal waters off Vir-
ginia and North Carolina (Fig. 2B). The overall range
Table 1 Dates and locations of the start and end of each tag
deployment on bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Reporting date/
location refers to the point at which the tag transmitted its data to
the satellite. Locations are provided in decimal degrees. Fish
weights were initially estimated to the nearest 50 lb and then con-
verted to kg. Days at liberty is the period for which the tag re-
mained attached to the fish. Distance traveled is along the ‘‘most
probable’’ trackline
Fish ID Weight
Tagging location Reporting
Reporting location Days at
(km) d
Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude
2–1 136 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 4 Aug 02 41.65N 69.06W 18 535 29.7
2–2 181 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 27 Jul 02 41.81N 69.46W 10 19 1.9
2–3 204 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 18 Sep 02 39.99N 69.36W 63 354 5.6
2–4 136 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 22 Jan 03 36.31N 73.74W 189 - -
2–5 204 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 18 Sep 02 44.79N 60.87W 63 1912 30.3
2–6 181 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 29 Jul 02 41.88N 69.43W 12 19 1.6
2–7 136 17 Jul 02 41.97N 69.39W 18 Mar 03 36.83N 73.45W 244 1476 6.0
2–8 136 17 Jul 02 41.99N 69.40W 20 Feb 03 35.82N 60.45W 218 2995 13.7
2–9 159 17 Jul 02 41.99N 69.40W 16 Sep 02 42.10N 67.76W 61 391 6.4
2–10 113 17 Jul 02 41.99N 69.40W 17 Mar 03 38.93N 65.53W 243 4535 18.7
2–11 136 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 9 Dec 02 34.16N 77.12W 130 1445 11.1
2–12 136 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 25 Jan 03 36.22N 63.05W 177 2216 12.5
2–13 159 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 1 Jun 03 41.15N 66.90W 304 2050 6.7
2–14 181 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 7 Apr 03 39.12N 71.65W 249 2870 11.5
2–15 159 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 7 Mar 03 40.10N 55.43W 218 2486 11.4
2–16 204 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 22 Jan 03 39.55N 63.22W 174 1458 8.4
2–17 181 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 7 Feb 03 42.89N 62.21W 190 3512 18.5
2–18 136 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 7 May 03 40.42N 68.71W 279 2302 8.3
2–19 136 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 5 Oct 02 40.47N 68.56W65 - -
2–20 181 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 29 Dec 02 38.31N 72.72W 150 2217 14.8
2–21 136 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 20 Feb 03 43.24N 60.49W 203 2245 11.1
2–22 181 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 14 Dec 02 34.46N 75.15W 135 1462 10.8
2–23 136 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 30 Jan 03 33.99N 76.36W 182 1578 8.7
2–24 181 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 13 Dec 02 39.06N 68.45W 134 1525 11.4
2–25 181 1 Aug 02 42.02N 69.02W 1 Jun 03 40.66N 52.55W 304 5820 19.1
2–26 136 1 Aug 02 42.11N 69.07W 15 Sep 02 42.08N 67.50W 45 240 5.3
2–27 113 1 Aug 02 42.11N 69.07W 19 Oct 02 42.95N 68.57W 79 555 7.0
2–28 113 1 Aug 02 42.11N 69.07W 29 Oct 02 37.17N 74.96W 89 1274 14.3
2–29 91 1 Aug 02 42.11N 69.07W 6 Nov 02 40.69N 69.10W 97 1869 19.3
2–30 136 1 Aug 02 42.11N 69.07W 27 Nov 02 37.12N 74.44W 118 1303 11.0
2–31 91 1 Aug 02 42.11N 69.07W 2 Jan 03 38.62N 72.77W 154 858 5.6
2–32 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 16 Feb 03 36.75N 75.17W 192 1947 10.1
2–33 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 22 Feb 03 43.38N 61.96W 198 1623 8.2
2–34 113 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 1 Jun 03 40.26N 68.14W 297 5764 19.4
2–35 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 11 Dec 02 41.05N 64.82W 125 1743 13.9
2–36 159 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 18 Aug 02 41.76N 67.98W 10 221 22.1
2–37 91 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 21 Aug 02 39.93N 72.74W 13 931 71.6
2–38 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 19 Sep 02 41.74N 66.41W 42 775 18.5
2–39 159 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 24 Sep 02 40.63N 71.54W 47 655 13.9
2–40 159 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 15 Dec 02 33.59N 77.32W 129 1565 12.1
2–41 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 31 Aug 02 41.83N 69.34W 23 622 27.0
2–42 159 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 26 Oct 02 41.94N 66.72W 79 396 5.0
2–43 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 18 Aug 02 41.90N 67.72W 10 186 18.6
2–44 91 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 7 Mar 03 41.19N 61.28W 211 3263 15.5
2–45 136 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 4 Nov 02 42.50N 66.93W 88 1154 13.1
2–46 147 8 Aug 02 41.88N 68.84W 19 Dec 02 41.88N 62.89W 133 1173 8.8
2–47 113 17 Aug 02 41.88N 68.72W 1 Mar 03 37.85N 50.77W 196 4147 21.2
2–48 204 6 Sep 02 41.30N 69.17W 25 Sep 02 39.41N 72.12W19 - -
2–49 204 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 24 Oct 02 39.88N 70.75W24 - -
2–50 227 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 1 Feb 03 36.00N 73.18W 124 948 7.6
2–51 204 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 1 Nov 02 33.87N 75.17W 32 1461 45.7
2–52 295 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 12 Oct 02 41.76N 68.78W12 - -
2–53 272 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 16 Oct 02 33.61N 71.22W 16 995 62.2
2–54 249 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 6 Oct 02 39.79N 69.72W6 - -
2–55 227 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 6 Oct 02 41.84N 68.06W6 - -
2–56 181 30 Sep 02 41.43N 68.98W 8 Oct 02 41.59N 69.02W8 - -
2–57 181 10 Oct 02 41.35N 69.20W 16 Oct 02 40.36N 71.38W6 - -
2–58 272 10 Oct 02 41.35N 69.20W 9 Nov 02 33.89N 76.63W 30 1298 43.3
3–1 125 14 Jan 03 34.38N 76.52W 11 May 03 38.24N 72.91W 117 1229 10.5
(95% probability contour) extended northwards to
Nova Scotia waters and offshore as far as 60W longi-
tude. In the spring months (March–May), the core area
of distribution remained in coastal waters off Virginia
and North Carolina while the overall range extended
offshore as far as 50W longitude (Fig. 2C).
Vertical movements
Depth and temperature data, recorded at one-hour
intervals, were recovered from all 59 tags in the dataset.
Figure 3A shows the percentage time-at-depth (10-m
intervals) in darkness and during the day. The fish spent
>25% of their time in the top 10 m of the water column
(night=27.5%, day=29.8%) and >50% of their time
at depths of £20 m (night=57.0%, day=51.0%). The
maximum depth recorded by any fish was 672 m. Most
deep descents (to depths of >200 m) were made during
the day. Figure 3B shows the percentage time-at-tem-
perature (2C intervals) for night and day combined.
The fish spent >50% of their time in water of 15–23C
and encountered ambient temperatures of 3.4–28.7C.
Temperature changes of up to 19C were experienced in
a single day, with most fish encountering differentials of
15–17C (Fig. 4). A weak correlation was found between
Fig. 1 Exemplary Kalman
filtered tracks of bluefin tuna
(Thunnus thynnus): Afish 02–07
and Bfish 02–15. The 200-m
isobath (black line) indicates
approximate position of the
shelf break. NS Nova Scotia,
MD Maryland, VA Virginia,
NC North Carolina
Fig. 2A–C Distribution
contours comprising 50% and
95% of the pooled geolocation
data. AJuly–October (n=50
fish), BNovember–February
(n=33 fish), and CMarch–May
(n=11 fish). The 200-m isobath
(black line) indicates
approximate position of the
shelf break. NS Nova Scotia,
MD Maryland, VA Virginia,
NC North Carolina
fish size and maximum daily temperature change (linear
regression: r
=0.218, P<0.05), with larger fish experi-
encing larger daily temperature changes than smaller
GEE analysis indicated that swimming depth was
significantly correlated with location, season, size class,
time of day, and moon phase (Tables 2, 3). The effect of
season differed by location and the effect of size class
differed by season. Time of day and moon phase effects
differed by both location and season. Swimming depths
at inshore locations were shallower than those at off-
shore and indeterminate locations (C
=51.47, adjusted
P<0.001; C
=75.98, adjusted P<0.001), but depths at
offshore and indeterminate locations did not differ
=2.48, adjusted P=0.35).
Swimming depths during the winter months
(November-February) were deeper than those during the
summer/fall (July-October) and spring (March-May)
Fig. 3 Histograms showing percentage Atime-at-depth
(night=2000–0500 hours, day=0600–1900 hours) and Btime-at-
temperature. Data from all fish in dataset pooled (n=59 fish)
Fig. 4 Scatterplot of estimated fish size versus maximum daily
temperature change (n=38). Fish with depth records of <30 days
were excluded from this analysis. Linear regression line and 95%
confidence intervals are included
Table 2 Wald statistics for type III analyses
Variable df Chi-square P-value
Location 2 76.25 <0.001
Season 2 53.89 <0.001
Season ·location 4 54.12 <0.001
Size class 1 3.25 0.072
Size class ·season 2 7.16 0.028
Time of day 3 70.47 <0.001
Time of day ·location 6 77.89 <0.001
Time of day ·season 6 79.77 <0.001
Time of day ·location ·season 12 462.04 <0.001
Moon phase 2 16.07 <0.001
Moon phase ·location 4 4.43 0.350
Moon phase ·season 4 20.03 <0.001
Moon phase ·location ·season 8 53.01 <0.001
Table 3 Mean depths (m) of variable categories
Variable Category Mean depth (m)
Location Inshore 22.17*
Offshore 45.45
Indeterminate 53.19
Season July–October 29.15
November–February 54.95*
March–May 29.85
Size class £136 kg 32.36
>136 kg 38.02
Time of day Dawn 33.78
Day 40.82*
Dusk 34.25
Night 32.05
Moon phase Full moon 36.90*
New moon 33.56
Intermediate moon 34.48
* significantly different from other categories of the same variable
=36.46, adjusted P<0.001; C
=45.36, adjusted
P<0.001), but were similar during summer/fall and
spring (C
=0.12, adjusted P=2.19). However, there
were exceptions: depths during the winter were similar to
those during the spring at indeterminate locations; and
depths during the summer/fall were shallower than those
during the spring at indeterminate locations.
The main effect of size class was not significant
=3.25, P=0.072) (i.e. the swimming depths of the
two size classes, overall, were similar). There was,
however, a significant interaction between size class and
season (C
=7.16, P=0.028), with smaller fish swim-
ming at shallower depths than larger fish during the
summer/fall (C
=6.36, adjusted P=0.035). In contrast,
the two size classes had similar swimming depths during
the winter and spring months (C
=0, adjusted P=1.0;
=0.1, adjusted P=1.0).
Daytime swimming depths were deeper than those at
dusk, night, and dawn (C
=38.87, adjusted P<0.001;
=25.62, adjusted P<0.001; and C
=25.17, ad-
justed P<0.001), while depths at dusk, night, and dawn
were all similar. However, there were exceptions: depths
during the day were not different from those at night at
inshore locations; depths during the day were not dif-
ferent from those at dusk at indeterminate locations;
depths during the day were not different from those at
dusk, night, and dawn at offshore locations; depths at
dusk were different from those at dawn at inshore lo-
cations; depths at dusk were different from those at
night at indeterminate locations; day and dawn depths
were similar during the summer/fall; and depths during
the day were similar to those at dusk, night, and dawn
during the winter.
During full moons, the fish were deeper than during
intermediate or new moons (C
=13.58, adjusted
P<0.001; C
=9,60, adjusted P=0.006) and depths
during intermediate and new moons were similar
=0.95, adjusted P=0.99). However, there were
exceptions: depths during full moons were similar to
those during intermediate and new moons at offshore
and indeterminate locations; depths during full moons
were similar to those during new and intermediate
moons in the summer/fall; depths during full moons
were similar to those during new moons in the winter;
depths during full moons were similar to those during
intermediate moons in the spring; and depths during
intermediate moons were deeper than those during new
moons in the spring.
Figure 5A,B shows simultaneously recorded depth
and temperature data from four fish located in the Gulf
of Maine (16–22 August 2002). These individuals were
tagged at three different locations over a 7-day period,
suggesting that similarities in their profiles indicate
synchronous behavior patterns rather than evidence that
they regrouped into a single school. Evident in these
profiles are deep descents made at times of light transi-
tion (i.e. at dusk and dawn), with the dusk descent
usually to greater depths than the dawn descent. These
vertical movements at the beginning and end of each day
were sporadic, and usually absent when fish were in
waters off the Virginia and North Carolina coasts and
beyond the edge of the continental shelf (Fig. 6A–C).
Hourly depth records are plotted over contoured
hourly temperature data in Fig. 7A,B. Fish 02–12 ap-
pears to have spent its first three weeks at liberty in
coastal waters, descending to a maximum depth of 75 m
during that period (Fig. 7A). The warm temperature
signature of the Gulf Stream (or associated eddies and
filaments) is evident in weeks 3–7, with only shallow
descents (to a maximum depth of 129 m) made while
swimming in this water mass. A change in the vertical
behavior of this individual occurred after emerging from
the Gulf Stream, with deeper (to a maximum depth of
237 m) and more frequent descents being made. Fish 02–
35 entered the Gulf Stream twice between weeks 3–6 and
8–10, with its depth patterns becoming shallower each
time (Fig. 7B). Periods spent in cooler waters were again
characterized by deeper (to a maximum depth of 344 m)
and more frequent dives. Similar patterns were observed
in other fish spending extended periods offshore.
Discussion and conclusions
Of the 68 tags deployed in this study, only three re-
mained attached until the programmed pop-up date.
Possible causes of premature tag release include: (1) dart
shedding/ tissue rejection (resulting from dart design,
suboptimal placement, etc.); and (2) failure of the tether
or the tag’s nosecone pin (resulting from material wear/
fatigue, corrosion, predation events, rubbing against the
seafloor, etc.). Estimated average daily displacements
(1.6–71.6 km day
) were consistent with results from a
previous acoustic tracking study in the Gulf of Maine
(Lutcavage et al. 2000). All the fish remained west of the
45W management line for the period that the tags re-
mained attached. In contrast, 29% of the single-point
PSATs deployed in 1997 by Lutcavage et al. (1999) in
the Gulf of Maine reported from locations east of the
45W management line. However, the fish tagged in the
present study were significantly smaller than those in the
previous study (mean estimated fork length 201 cm vs
224 cm) and bluefin tuna dispersal patterns are known
to vary with size and environmental conditions (Mather
et al. 1995). Block et al. (2001a) found that 31% of
recovered implantable archival tags and 3% of reporting
PSATs deployed primarily during the winter in North
Carolina waters were east of the 45W management line.
Most of the fish tagged in the southern Gulf of Maine
in late summer/early fall remained in that area until late
October, consistent with previous studies (Mather et al.
1995; Lutcavage et al. 1999). Of the 33 fish with PSATs
remaining attached over the winter months, 14 remained
in northern shelf waters (between Maryland and Nova
Scotia), 14 moved south to waters off the coasts of
Virginia and North Carolina, and 5 were in offshore
waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. In spring, 6
of the 11 fish with tags remaining either stayed in
northern waters or moved to that area from Virginia and
North Carolina waters and the other five fish moved
offshore into the mid-Atlantic Ocean. Similar seasonal
movement patterns were displayed by individuals tagged
in coastal waters off North Carolina (Block et al. 2001a,
2001b; Gunn and Block 2001). During the winter
months, these fish remained either on the Carolina shelf
or in offshore waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean
and moved offshore along the path of the Gulf Stream in
spring. By summer, many were in northern shelf waters.
Fig. 5 Hourly Adepth and
Btemperature data from two
fish (02–11 and 02–30) tagged on
1 August 2002 and two fish
(02–39 and 02–42) tagged on 8
August 2002 for a 7-day period
(16–22 August 2002). Shaded
areas indicate nighttime
The residency periods calculated for the Gulf of Maine
and coastal waters off Virginia and North Carolina
temporally coincide with commercial and recreational
fisheries targeting bluefin tuna in these habitats.
None of the 11 fish (6 of which were of mature size
i.e. 136 kg) at liberty between March and May moved
towards a known western Atlantic spawning ground.
There are, however, conventional tag records of fish
tagged in the Gulf of Maine being recaptured in the Gulf
of Mexico during the spawning season (Mather et al.
1995). Individuals tagged off North Carolina have also
traveled to the Gulf of Mexico and were presumed to
have spawned there (Block et al. 2001a; Gunn and Block
2001). Atlantic bluefin tuna are believed to spawn in sea
surface temperatures of 24C and higher (Richards 1976;
NRC 1994; Mather et al. 1995; Schaefer 2001), yet none
of our temperature records of 24C and higher were
collected during the spring spawning period. Our data,
therefore, imply either that: (1) mature fish do not spawn
each year (Lutcavage et al. 1999); or (2) they spawn at
other locations in waters cooler than 24C, such as off
the Carolinas, along the edge of the Gulf Stream, in the
Caribbean Sea, or in the central Atlantic Ocean. These
areas have been proposed as possible spawning grounds
(Mather 1974; Baglin 1976; Suzuki and Ishizuka 1990;
Lutcavage et al. 1999; Block et al. 2001a; Secor et al.
2002). Bluefin tuna larvae have been collected along the
shelf break off North Carolina, but these were thought
to have been advected northwards in the Gulf Stream
from known spawning grounds (McGowan and
Richards 1989). As a number of individuals moved into
the mid-Atlantic Ocean in the spring, we cannot dis-
count the possibility that some fish may have moved to
the Mediterranean or other spawning areas after either
tag detachment or the programmed 1 June 2003 pop-up
date. Records obtained from implanted archival tags
have shown such movements (Block et al. 2001a; Gunn
and Block 2001). Recently, we verified that data recep-
tion from current PSATs by Argos DCLS receivers is
poor to nonexistent in the central and western Medi-
terranean (Lutcavage et al., unpublished data). Bluefin
of mature size have historically been captured through-
out the central Atlantic Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea
(Bullis and Captiva 1955; Wilson and Bartlett 1967),
where they are still encountered by pelagic longliners.
These areas do not include known feeding or spawning
grounds and the reproductive status of these fish is not
known (Richards 1976; Mather et al. 1995; Lutcavage
and Luckhurst 2002).
Archival tags utilize light-level data to estimate lati-
tude (from day length) and longitude (from time of local
noon). Several factors can influence the accuracy of
these estimates, including equinoxes, light attenuation,
water clarity, resolution of the light sensor, and vertical
behavior of the fish (Arnold and Dewar 2001; Musyl
et al. 2001). A detailed analysis of the accuracy of the
geolocation estimates presented here will be provided in
a subsequent paper (Sibert et al., in preparation).
Our data show that Atlantic bluefin tuna spend the
majority of their time in the top 20 m of the water
Fig. 6 Hourly depth data from
fish 02–25 for three 7-day
periods when located in Athe
Gulf of Maine, Bcoastal waters
off Virginia and North Carolina,
and Coffshore waters. Note that
days are not necessarily
consecutive due to incomplete
data transmission. Shaded areas
indicate nighttime
column, descending occasionally to depths in excess of
500 m. The wide range of environmental temperatures
experienced (3.4–28.7C) by the fish was similar to that
previously reported for this species in the northwestern
Atlantic Ocean (Carey and Lawson 1973; Lutcavage
et al. 2000; Block et al. 2001a, 2001b; Brill et al. 2002).
Daily temperature changes of up to 19C were recorded
and a weak relationship was noted between fish size and
maximum daily temperature change. Brill and Lutca-
vage (2001) suggested that bluefin tuna tolerate maxi-
mum changes of 14C and that this is independent of fish
size, as in other tuna species (e.g. yellowfin tuna, Thun-
nus albacares, Brill et al. 1999).
The vertical behavior of bluefin tuna differed among
locations, with shallower swimming depths occurring
when fish were in inshore waters. It seems unlikely that
this reflects bathymetric constraints, as mean swimming
depths at offshore and indeterminate locations were
shallower than the seafloor in inshore habitats. Rather,
these distributions may reflect shallower prey depths in
coastal waters. Alternatively, these visual predators may
be distributed closer to the surface due to reduced light
penetration in turbid inshore waters. Atlantic bluefin
tuna inhabiting the Gulf of Maine during the summer
months are known to have a predominantly piscivorous
diet, with sandlance (Ammodytes americanus), Atlantic
herring (Clupea harengus), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber
scombrus), and unidentified squid species the most
common prey items (Crane 1936; Lutcavage et al. 2000;
Chase 2002; Estrada et al., submitted). In contrast,
stomach contents of individuals captured in the winter
fishery off North Carolina contain mostly Atlantic
menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) and unidentified port-
unid crabs (J.A. Buckel, North Carolina State Univer-
sity, personal communication). In offshore waters,
bluefin tuna sampled during pelagic longline cruises had
mostly mesopelagic fishes and squid in their stomachs
(Matthews et al. 1977), indicating very different feeding
regimes. Fish arriving in the Gulf of Maine in early
summer are often quite emaciated, and stable isotope
analysis of their tissues suggests that they feed on prey
items from lower trophic levels in the months preceding
their arrival (Estrada et al., submitted). Similarly,
Young et al. (1997) found that juvenile southern bluefin
tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) have a diet composed mainly of
fish when on the continental shelf and squid and
planktonic crustaceans when in offshore waters.
We found that swimming depths varied among sea-
sons, with fish distributed significantly deeper during the
winter months, despite many fish being located in shal-
low coastal waters off the coasts of Virginia and North
Carolina at that time of year. Kitagawa et al. (2000) also
Fig. 7 Hourly depth data from
Afish 02–12 and Bfish 02–35
plotted over contoured hourly
temperature data
noted seasonal differences in the vertical distributions of
small Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis), with
deeper distributions occurring during the winter months
in association with a mixed water column. During the
summer, they found that fish were limited to mostly
surface waters by strong thermal gradients. Similarly,
strong thermoclines develop in the Gulf of Maine during
the summer and fall months, evident in the XBT profile
presented in Fig. 8. It is not surprising, therefore, that
most of the maximum daily temperature changes pre-
sented in Fig. 4 were recorded during this period. In
contrast, shelf waters off North Carolina are known to
be only weakly stratified during the winter months due
to storm mixing and cooling (Werner et al. 1999). Fur-
thermore, temperature data recorded by our tags during
the winter often revealed a relatively homogenous water
We have also found that Atlantic bluefin tuna tagged
in the Mediterranean Sea (DeMetrio et al., unpublished
data), where warm isotherms extend to depths of hun-
dreds of meters in certain locations, have deeper distri-
butions and are more vertically active than those in the
present study. This suggests that strong thermal gradi-
ents limit the vertical movements of Atlantic bluefin
tuna. This is illustrated in the vertical profiles of fish 02–
25 over the different seasons (Fig. 6A–C). The location
of prey in the different habitats occupied by the fish at
different times of the year may also contribute to sea-
sonal changes in vertical behavior (Nakamura 1965;
Mather et al. 1995; Marcinek et al. 2001).
Overall, no significant difference was found between
the depths of the two size classes. The relatively large
size (91–136 kg) of the smaller size class in this study
may account for this (i.e. fish in the smaller size class
may have exhibited adult depth patterns). Previous
studies have noted that the depth distributions of juve-
nile Atlantic bluefin tuna (Roffer 1987; Brill et al. 2002)
and Pacific bluefin tuna (Marcinek et al. 2001; Itoh et al
2003) are restricted to the mixed surface layer, with only
brief excursions made to significant depths. As body
mass is known to affect the rate of change in muscle
temperature following a change in ambient temperature
(Neill and Stevens 1974; Neill et al. 1976; Brill et al.
1994), small fish may need to spend most of their time in
surface waters in order to maintain optimal body tem-
peratures. Similarly, Brill and Lutcavage (2001) report
that small bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) have shallower
daytime depths than larger individuals. Holland et al.
(1992) and Dagorn et al. (2000) suggested that small
bigeye tuna make frequent daytime excursions into
surface waters in order to increase their body tempera-
tures and repay oxygen debt. We did find, however, that
the depths of smaller fish were shallower than those of
larger fish during the summer/fall. Although there was
no difference between the temperature changes routinely
experienced by acoustically tracked juvenile and adult
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Brill and Lutcavage 2001), our
data imply that the strong summer thermoclines that
develop in the Gulf of Maine may constrain the vertical
movements of smaller fish to a greater extent than those
of larger individuals. This is corroborated by the weak
correlation identified between fish size and maximum
daily temperature change.
Daytime depths were significantly deeper than those
at dusk, night, and dawn. Clear day-night differences
have been identified in the vertical distributions of many
large pelagic fishes, including tunas (e.g. Yuen 1970;
Holland et al. 1992; Josse et al. 1998; Dagorn et al. 2000;
Kitagawa et al. 2000; Schaefer and Fuller 2002; Itoh
et al. 2003; Musyl et al. 2003), billfishes (e.g. Carey and
Robison 1981; Carey 1990; Holland et al. 1990), and
sharks (e.g. Carey and Scharold 1990; Nelson et al. 1997;
West and Stevens 2001). In each of these studies, day-
time distributions were deeper than those occurring
during the night. Such depth patterns might be expected
if the fish were following certain isolumes/light levels
(Blaxter and Parrish 1965; Boden and Kampa 1967;
Carey and Robison 1981) or diurnal vertical migrations
of the deep scattering layer (DSL) and associated prey
(e.g. Carey 1990; Josse et al. 1998; Dagorn et al. 2000;
Marcinek et al. 2001).
The majority of deep descents (to depths of >200 m)
occurred during daytime. They likely represent foraging
excursions (Holland et al. 1992; Kitagawa et al. 2000;
Schaefer and Fuller 2002). In other studies, such des-
cents appear to be associated with an increase in the
frequency of vertical excursions, but this is difficult to
ascertain with our data given the hourly depth-sampling
interval. Hypotheses proposed to account for such reg-
ular up-and-down movements in the water column in-
clude: (1) fish swim up and glide down to conserve
energy (Weihs 1973); (2) it is a form of behavioral
thermoregulation (Carey and Scharold 1990); (3) the
movements represent a search pattern used to detect
odors in different strata of the water column and thus
guide foraging or migratory movements (Westerberg
1984; Carey and Scharold 1990; Gunn et al. 1999); and
Fig. 8 Vertical profile of water temperature recorded with an XBT
in the southern Gulf of Maine on 17 August 2002. Note the strong
summer thermocline
(4) the descents are made to detect magnetic fields in the
seafloor and thus aid in navigation (Klimley et al. 2002).
We also noted dramatic depth changes at dawn and
dusk, a recurring feature in the vertical behavior of large
pelagic fishes, including bluefin tuna (Lutcavage et al.
2000; Marcinek et al. 2001), other tunas (e.g. Block et al.
1997), billfishes (Carey and Robison 1981), and sharks
(Nelson et al. 1997). While certainly related to changing
light levels, their function remains unknown. A number
of hypotheses have been suggested, however, including:
(1) the descents represent the day’s first and last
opportunities to visually locate the DSL and associated
prey (Davis and Stanley 2001); (2) fish are avoiding
certain light levels at which predators would have a vi-
sual advantage (Itoh et al. 2003); and (3) the descents
represent a shift between behavioral modes (Newlands
et al. 2004). In the present study, consistent dawn and
dusk descents occurred only when fish were located in
the Gulf of Maine, but similar patterns have been de-
tected in fish tagged in North Carolina (Gunn and Block
2001). Lutcavage et al. (2000) suggested that bluefin
tuna dive at times of light transition in the Gulf of
Maine to prey upon sandlance rising up off the bottom.
In other locations, it may be that this behavior is not
always beneficial and, therefore, not always exhibited.
Swimming depths were found to be significantly
deeper around full moons. A number of other studies
have found relationships between the vertical distribu-
tion of large pelagic fishes and moon phase, with deeper
nighttime distributions found in bigeye tuna (Schaefer
and Fuller 2002; Musyl et al. 2003), school sharks
(Galeorhinus galeus) (West and Stevens 2001), and
swordfish (Xiphias gladius) (Carey and Robison 1981)
during full moons. It seems likely that these vertical
changes reflect shifts in the depth distribution of prey in
response to increased lunar illumination.
Depth records from fish tagged on different days and
in different areas of the Gulf of Maine were remarkably
similar. Such synchronized behavior is well known
among fishermen targeting bluefin tuna in these waters,
with large numbers appearing almost simultaneously at
the surface over large areas on so-called ‘‘show days’’
(Lutcavage and Kraus 1995). Upon entering the Gulf
Stream, the swimming depth of fish noticeably shoaled
and extensive vertical movements ceased (Fig. 7A,B).
This behavioral change may again be related to the
strong thermal gradients associated with the warm water
mass and the cooler waters it flows over. After emerging
from the Gulf Stream into cooler and relatively
homogenous waters along the edge of the current, reg-
ular descents to significant depths resumed. This finding
contrasts with a report of bluefin tuna diving to depths
of 1,000 m in the Gulf Stream (Gunn and Block 2001).
While the present study has revealed new insights into
the horizontal and vertical movements of Atlantic
bluefin tuna, many important questions still remain.
Although many of the fish exhibited similar movement
patterns, they were different from those detected for
larger fish in previous years (Lutcavage et al. 1999) and
from individuals tagged in North Carolina waters (Block
et al. 2001a, 2001b; Gunn and Block 2001). The area
occupied by fish in our study represents only a small
portion of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean known to be
occupied by adult bluefin tuna at the same time of year
(e.g. Tiews 1963; Nakamura 1965; Wilson and Bartlett
1967; Mather et al. 1995). Although PSATs are fishery-
independent, as opposed to implanted archival tags that
must be recovered (Arnold and Dewar 2001), current
models do not provide data records of sufficient dura-
tion to identify possible spawning and alternative for-
aging areas, and data reception problems remain. This
highlights the need for improved tag technologies, ex-
panded deployments throughout the bluefin tuna’s
range, and incorporation of movement patterns into
operational models to support stock assessment and
biomass estimation.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Anthony Genovese, Mark
Genovese and the crew of the F.V. ‘‘White Dove Too’’,Captain
Edward Murray Jr. and Anthony Mendillo of the F.V. ‘‘Cookie
Too’’, and Captain Paul Evans and the crew of the F.V. ‘‘Striker’’
for their assistance in this project. We also thank Al Barker, Frank
Cyganowski, Michael Dormier, Jim Hannon and Sippican, George
Harms, Paul Howey, Jon Lucy, Anders Nielsen, John Sibert,
Donald Stott Jr., and Dave Thompson for their valuable contri-
butions. This work was supported by a grant from the National
Marine Fisheries Service (grant no. NA16FM2840) to Molly Lut-
cavage. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Pete Wilson (not
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... Sharks spending a higher percentage of time in high DO concentrations while exhibiting more frequent burst swimming suggests a potential link to greater foraging opportunities, since the subsurface DO maximum layer overlaps with the chlorophyll a maximum, where the density of vertically migrating organisms is likely to be high (Ainley et al., 2005;Assunção et al., 2023). Large pelagic fishes exhibit variations in their vertical distribution throughout the water column associated with predator-prey dynamics Dewar et al., 2011;Musyl et al., 2003Musyl et al., , 2011Wilson et al., 2005), with clear differences between day-night depth preferences that suggests following of vertical migratory prey (e.g. scattering layers; Arostegui et al., 2023;Braun et al., 2023). ...
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Global climate‐driven ocean warming has decreased dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (ocean deoxygenation) leading to expansions of hypoxic zones, which will affect the movements, behaviour, physiology and distributions of marine animals. However, the precise responses of animals to low DO remains poorly understood because movements and activity levels are seldom recorded alongside instantaneous DO in situ. We describe a new animal‐attached (dissolved oxygen measuring, DOME) archival tag with an optical oxygen sensor for recording DO, in addition to sensors for temperature and depth, a triaxial accelerometer for fine‐scale movements and activity, and a GPS for tag recovery. All sensors were integrated on a single electronic board. Calibration tests demonstrated small mean difference between DOME tag and factory‐calibrated DO sensors (mean relative error of 5%). No temporal drift occurred over a test period three times longer than the maximum deployment time. Deployments on four blue sharks (Prionace glauca) in the central North Atlantic Ocean showed regular vertical oscillations from the surface to a maximum of 404 m. Profiles from diving sharks recorded DO concentrations ranging from 217 to 272 μmol L⁻¹, temperatures between 13°C and 23°C, and identified an oxygen maximum at ~45 m depth, all of which were consistent with ship‐based measurements. Interestingly, the percentage of time sharks spent burst swimming was greater in the top 85 m compared to deeper depths, potentially because of higher prey availability in the surface layer. The DOME tag described blue shark fine‐scale movements and activity levels in relation to accurately measured in situ DO and temperature, with the potential to offer new insights of animal performance in low oxygen environments. Development of a tag with physico‐chemical and movement sensors on a single electronic board is a first step towards satellite relay of these data over broader spatiotemporal scales (months over thousands of kilometres) to determine direct and indirect responses of marine animals to heatwave and deoxygenation events.
... Atlantic bluefin tuna, habitat suitability, North-east Atlantic Ocean, seasonal variability, species distribution model, Thunnus thynnus Western Atlantic Ocean (Block et al., 1998(Block et al., , 2001(Block et al., , 2005Lutcavage et al., 1999;Stokesbury Teo et al., 2004;Wilson et al., 2005), while tag deployments in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean are in the hundreds (Aarestrup et al., 2022;Abascal et al., 2016;Cermeño et al., 2015;Cosgrove et al., 2008;Horton et al., 2020;Stokesbury et al., 2007). Cumulatively, these studies have provided invaluable insights into migratory routes and spawning locations and while additionally confirming spatial overlap of the genetically distinct Eastern and Western stocks (as managed by ICCAT) (Block et al., 2005;Brophy et al., 2020;Horton et al., 2020;Rooker et al., 2019). ...
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Aim Predicting spatial and temporal changes in species distributions is difficult for highly mobile species, making effective management challenging. We aim to understand the seasonal variability in habitat suitability for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus; ABFT) by using tracking data to create species distribution models. Location North‐east Atlantic Ocean. Methods Forty‐nine ABFT were tagged with pop‐up archival satellite tags along the west coast of Ireland during successive autumns from 2016 to 2021. Four thousand two hundred and sixteen daily locations were used to build a habitat model to describe ABFT environmental preferences and habitat suitability. For each location, 100 ‘pseudoabsence’ locations were simulated using correlated random walks. Results Tags had a mean retention rate of 237 ± 107 days, resulting in 11,602 cumulative days at liberty, and a mean daily distance travelled of 51 ± 143 km. ABFT showed two primary migration routes from Ireland, travelling to the Bay of Biscay or across the Mid‐Atlantic ridge in the winter. However, in 2019 six individuals travelled northwards towards Iceland, likely in response to a marine heatwave. Eight ABFT entered the Mediterranean in May/June for putative spawning, with six returning to Irish waters a year later. Five environmental covariates best described ABFT habitat, with habitat suitability highest at sea surface temperatures (SST) of 15–18°C, a mixed layer depth between ~200 and 300 m, high relief bathymetric features (i.e. shelf breaks and seamounts) and frontal regions as revealed by non‐linear preferences of eddy kinetic energy and SST standard deviation. Main Conclusions In the last decade, ABFT have been re‐establishing historic foraging grounds in higher latitudes, for example, Irish and Nordic waters. Our model shows the extent of suitable habitat in these regions and how recent ocean warming may have contributed to northern expansions. Understanding the drivers behind these reappearances is fundamental to successful future management. Achoimre Aidhm Tá sé deacair athraithe i ndáileadh ama agus spásdháileadh speiceas atá an‐soghluaiste a thuar, rud a chiallaíonn go bhfuil sé dúshlánach bainistiú éifeachtach a dhéanamh. Tá muid ag iarraidh inathraitheacht shéasúrach in oiriúnacht ghnáthóg an Tuinnín Gorm Atlantach (Thunnus thynnus; TGA) a thuiscint tríd sonraí rianaithe a úsáid chun samhail dháileadh speiceas a chruthú. Suíomh Oirthuaisceart an Atlantaigh. Modh Rinneadh clibeadh ar 49 TGA le clibeanna cartlainne a thagann go barr uisce ar chósta iarthar na hÉireann le linn ceithre fhómhair i ndiaidh a chéile ó 2016–2021. Úsáideadh 4216 suíomhanna laethúil chun samhail ghnáthóg a chruthú a rinne cur síos ar roghanna timpeallachta agus oiriúnacht ghnáthóg an TGA. I gcomhair gach suíomh, ionsamhlaíodh 100 suíomhanna bréag‐neamhláithreacht ag úsáid siúlóidí randamacha comhghaolaithe. Torthaí Bhí meán ráta coinneála de 237 ± 107 lá ag na clibeanna, rud a thug 11,602 lá taifeadta i ndiaidh a chéile agus meán fhad laethúil taistealta de 51 ± 143 km dá bharr. Léirigh TGA dhá phríomhbhealaí imirce ó hÉirinn, ag taisteal go Bá na Bioscáine nó thar Droim an Atlantaigh Láir i rith an gheimhridh. Ach i 2019 thaisteal sé iasc ó thuaidh i dtreo an Íoslainn, is dócha mar gheall ar thonn teasa mara. Chuaigh ocht TGA isteach sa Mheánmhuir i rith mí Bealtaine/mí an Mheitheamh chun uibheacha a sceitheadh de réir dealraimh. Tháinig sé dóibh ar ais go huiscí na hÉireann an bhliain dar gcionn. Déanann cúig athróg timpeallachta an cur síos is fearr ar ghnáthóg an TGA, tá oiriúnacht ghnáthóg is airde ag teocht barr uisce (TBA) de 15–18°C, nuair atá doimhneacht an chisil mheasctha idir ~200 agus 300 m, ag gnéithe bataiméadrach ard‐rilíf (i.e. scoilteanna scairbhe agus tuláin grinnill), agus ag réigiúin frontacha léirithe ag roghanna neamh‐líneacha fuinneamh cinéatach guairneánach agus diall caighdeánach TBA. Príomhchonclúidí Le leathscór bliain anuas tá TGA tar éis réigiúin sealgaireachta stairiúil a athbhunú in áiteanna le hard‐domhanleithead, ar nós uiscí na hÉireann agus uiscí Nordacha. Taispeánann ár samhail achar an ghnáthóg oiriúnach sna réigiúin seo agus an bhaint féideartha a bhí ag téámh aigéanach le gairid ar leathadh ó thuaidh. Tá sé buntábhachtach na cúiseanna don athfhilleadh seo a thuiscint i gcomhair bainistiú rathúil amach anseo.
... Swordfish tag retention rates increase when tag anchors are positioned near the base of the dorsal fin, which has a robust network of tendons and pterygiophores (Potthoff & Kelly 1982). Because harpoon tag placement is more variable and often only within the epaxial musculature, prematurely shedding is common and likely the reason for the early tag release from Swordfish #3 (Wilson et al. 2005). ...
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This study reports on the fine-scale movements of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) tagged off of the Antofagasta region of northern Chile, where harpoon fishing operations date back more than seven millenia. The study was conducted within a highly productive swordfish foraging area where movements and habitat use remain poorly characterized. Swordfish were outfitted with both data storage and satellite-linked archival tags scheduled for short (<30 days) and longer-term (>100 days) data collection. All tags were deployed on basking swordfish using harpoon-based methods across two field seasons in March 2019 and April 2022 around oceanic fronts and offshore seamounts. Fine-scale depth and temperature data were recorded over 145 days from four adult swordfish (100-200 kg). Swordfish exhibited regionally unique diurnal behaviors with greater average daytime depths than those recorded at night (78.0 ± 66.5 and 12.7 ± 4.9 m, respectively). The average daytime depths were shallower than those previously documented for other Pacific regions, including Chile's offshore waters. Daytime basking was observed on 76% of the daily records (110 out of 145 days) and accounted for approximately 12% of the collective daylight hours. Findings align with previous swordfish tagging studies and suggest that depth distribution patterns vary considerably depending on regional oceanographic conditions. Movement data are compared with previous studies, and we discussed relative to regional fishing operations.
... Also, tuna fishes could be forced to forage slightly deeper, but as cetaceans, these species can reach the nighttime residence depth of DVMs. 75 Also, their large body mass should not be affected by slightly longer feeding difficulties. ...
... Also, tuna fishes could be forced to forage slightly deeper, but as cetaceans, these species can reach the nighttime residence depth of DVMs. 75 Also, their large body mass should not be affected by slightly longer feeding difficulties. ...
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Carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere promoting the faster environmental change of the Earth’s recent history. Several marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) technologies were proposed to slow down CO2 in the atmosphere. Technologies now under experimentation are related to the increase in gravitational flux. Other mechanisms such as active flux, the transport performed by diel vertical migrants (DVMs) were not considered. We review the effect of DVMs in the epipelagic realm and the top-down promoted by these organisms upon zooplankton and microzooplankton, and their variability due to lunar cycles. A night source of weak light will increase epipelagic zooplankton biomass due to DVMs avoidance from the upper layers to escape predation, promoting DVMs to export this biomass by active flux once the illumination ceases. This mCDR method should be tested in the field as it will increase the efficiency of the biological carbon pump in the ocean.
... For BFT-W, five spawning areas have been confirmed: the Yucatan Channel, the northern Gulf of Mexico, the Blake Plateau, the Slope Sea, and more recently the southern Gulf of Mexico, shaping a latitudinal gradient with a prolonged time window of spawning of 5 months' length, from March to July (Bard et al., 1998;Cruz-Castán et al., 2019;Fromentin & Fonteneau, 2001;Medina, 2020;Ortega-García et al., 2019;Powers & Porch, 2004;Richardson et al., 2016;Rooker et al., 2007;Rooker et al., 2008); however, migrations and reproductive biology research for BFT-W have historically focused on the northern Gulf of Mexico (Baglin Jr, 1982;Block et al., 1998;Block et al., 2001;Block et al., 2005;Heinisch et al., 2014;Knapp et al., 2014;Lutcavage et al., 1999;Lutcavage et al., 2000;Muhling et al., 2011;Nemerson et al., 2000;Rodriguez-Marin et al., 2015;Rooker et al., 2008;Scott et al., 1993;Teo, Boustany & Block, 2007a;Teo, Boustany, Dewar, et al., 2007;Wilson et al., 2004). ...
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Although most research focused on the northern Gulf of Mexico for western Atlantic bluefin tuna, the histological records of reproductive activity of this species in the southern Gulf of Mexico (Mexican waters) have been presented for the first time. This work is the first to study oocyte dynamics in Atlantic bluefin tuna caught in the southern Gulf of Mexico by assessing and comparing them with Mediterranean stock (BFT‐E) through stereology using two different methods. Regardless of Atlantic bluefin tuna females returning to their respective spawning grounds at different months in the southern Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean, both stocks arrived reproductively inactive and remained in these zones during periods of similar length; they were reproductively active until March for the southern Gulf of Mexico and May for the Mediterranean females. The comparison of the size structure between the two stocks examined using kernel density estimators demonstrated a quite remarkable difference in mean fork lengths between stocks. The ovarian oocyte density, that is, the number of oocytes per gram of ovary, for each gonad stage predicted using the Weibel and Gomez and oocyte packing density (OPD) methods did not significantly differ between stocks and showed that advanced vitellogenic oocytes from spawning‐capable females are an appropriate indicator to estimate potential fecundity, presenting values of c. 1273 and ~1355 eggs per gram for the southern Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean females, respectively. Females caught in Mexican waters (southern Gulf of Mexico) were larger than those caught in the Mediterranean; however, it was demonstrated that the length and weight of females did not affect ovarian oocyte density production. In addition, densities estimated for each gonad stage using W&G and OPD methods did not differ between stocks and presented equal patterns in their oocyte dynamics. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the reproductive biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna, especially in the southern Gulf of Mexico, due to the lack of information regarding this zone, and may allow to support strategies for proper assessment, management, and conservation.
... 1.3.1 Métodos existentes: marcado-recaptura y seguimiento satelital La ecología espacial, concretamente aquellos aspectos del comportamiento relacionados con la distribución espacial, migraciones, dispersión o la supervivencia son importantes a la hora de diseñar y plantear planes de gestión y manejo de especies marinas migratorias que se encuentran sujetas a presión pesquera (Wilson et al., 2004;Moyes et al., 2006;Campana, 2016;Queiroz et al., 2016Queiroz et al., , 2019, más si cabe cuando hablamos de poblaciones explotadas con crecimiento lento, maduración sexual tardía y largas gestaciones (Baum and Myers, 2004;Dulvy et al., 2008;Simpfendorfer et al., 2008;Baum and Blanchard, 2010). En muchos casos, la información relativa a este tipo de especies es complicada de obtener debido a su gran tamaño, relativa escasez o abundancia, alta capacidad de movimientos, amplios rangos de distribución geográfica y un ambiente oceánico Boustany et al., 2002;Sims et al., 2003;Hoolihan et al., 2011). ...
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In the present work, key aspects of the biology and ecology of the shortfin mako were studied. Feeding habits, analysed in two ocean basins, indicated that pelagic fish and cephalopods were the main prey items. In the South Pacific Ocean, a marked sexual segregation was found, with females being more common in the SE region; this was also the area with a higher abundance of juveniles and of late-stage pregnant females. In the North Atlantic Ocean, large-scale horizontal movements (including trans-Atlantic migrations) were identified and diel vertical behaviour patterns described. Importantly, individuals that performed wider movements away from the tagging location were less at risk from surface longline fishing. Using tagging and recapture data that spanned a ten-year period, survival, dispersal, and fishing mortality rates for both mako and blue sharks were estimated. The presence of plastics and hooks was also observed for both species, in two studied ocean basins. Finally, bycatch rates for other internationally protected shark species that are commonly caught using surface longlines was estimated based on direct observations, which were several times higher than the official reported data. The results presented here are especially relevant for improving the management measures focused on pelagic sharks.
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Pelagic fish have historically been a challenge to study because of their large size and highly migratory movements. Previous technological limitations have recently been overcome using archival and pop-off satellite tags, enabling studies of long-term movements, oceanographic preferences and behaviors. Archival tags record information on depth, ambient and internal temperatures, and light levels. Their major advantage lies in the extensive detail of this information and the ability to extract geolocation and oceanographic information in addition to biological data. We have deployed 279 archival tags in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) in the western North Atlantic. To date, 40 of these have been reported as recaptured from both the western Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Detailed records up to 3.6 years in length have been obtained demonstrating that Atlantic bluefin prefer the top 200 m of the water column and spend more than half their time in the upper 40 m. Atlantic bluefin maintain a high internal body temperature despite encountering a wide range of ambient temperatures (2–30°C). Patterns of feeding behavior have emerged providing data on how often and when fish feed at sea. Geolocation estimates for electronic tagged western Atlantic bluefin derived from archival and pop-up satellite archival tags indicate these bluefin show visitation and aggregation in New England, Carolina, the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Mediterranean. Pop-up satellite tags have been deployed on 120 west Atlantic bluefin tuna. Ninety percent of the pop-up tags scheduled to transmit have delivered data or position information on time. Both types of electronic tag data can be combined with oceanographic data to reveal a complete picture of how and where these fish forage in the pelagic realm.
Intense fishing for bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in the western Atlantic Ocean began in the 1960s, when landings peaked at nearly 20,000 metric tons (mt). During the 1970s, landings averaged about 5,000 mt. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) established a total allowable catch (TAC) of 1,160 mt in 1982 and has set limits ranging from 1,995 to 2,660 mt annually since. The Commission's assessments indicate that unrestricted fishing through the 1960s and 1970s resulted in a sharp decline in abundance, primarily because heavy fishing on young fish wasted potentially good recruitment. Since the late 1980s, ICCAT management has stabilized the western Atlantic population, and recently there are signs of improvement. Resource assessments and management of western Atlantic bluefin tuna are subjects of severe controversy. Two of the most controversial issues are the stock assessment implications of fish migrations between the western and eastern Atlantic management units and the strategies for rebuilding abundance in the western Atlantic. In 1994, the U.S. National Research Council (NRC) was commissioned to review bluefin tuna stock assessments with particular emphasis on the issue of population mixing. The NRC report was widely misinterpreted as being more optimistic than it really was for the western population. Analyses by the NRC committee indicated that the abundance of spawning age fish in the west was higher than the value estimated in the 1993 ICCAT assessment but also that recruitment in the western Atlantic had failed so badly that some year-classes were estimated to have zero fish. Projections of future population size based on the NRC analyses indicated that recent levels of catch could not have been sustained. The critical issue now facing fishery managers is how to rebuild the population to a size, estimated to be about eight times the current size, that can produce maximum sustainable yield. One strategy (referred to as “active”) is to reduce the fishing mortality, which would permit some immediate rebuilding and enhance the likelihood of better recruitment in the future. Another strategy (referred to as “passive”) is to wait for natural variability in recruitment to bring a fortuitously strong year-class that would be invested in rebuilding, rather than in harvest. The most recent ICCAT assessment evaluated rebuilding strategies, but the method used has limitations that should be understood before decisions about rebuilding are made.
Electronic tagging technologies are providing new methodologies for tracking open ocean fish. In this paper, we compare the behavior and environmental preferences of Atlantic bluefin tuna tracked with acoustic, archival and pop-up satellite tags off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Four bluefin tuna were acoustically tracked for periods ranging from 2–27 hours. Data from the acoustic tracks were compared to results from archival and pop-up satellite tagging studies that were being conducted concurrently. The 2 minute sampling rate of the archival and pop-up satellite archival tags was compared to the 1–2 second sampling rate from the acoustic tags and it was determined that the lower resolution was sufficient to accurately describe behavior of bluefin tuna. Data from all types of tags show the same patterns in bluefin tuna behavior throughout the course of this study. All three techniques indicate that the fish remained for a significant period of time on the North Carolina continental shelf in waters that ranged from 19–24°C, near the strong thermal gradient formed by the Gulf Stream and the colder waters of the Labrador Current. It is hypothesized that a large aggregation of spawning prey fish is what attracts bluefin tuna to this area in the winter months.