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Conversion of cannabidiol to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and related cannabinoids in artificial gastric juice, and their pharmacological effects in mice


Abstract and Figures

Cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, was found to be converted to 9α-hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol (9α-OH-HHC) and 8-hydroxy-iso-hexahydrocannabinol (8-OH-iso-HHC) together with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), a psychoactive cannabinoid, and cannabinol in artificial gastric juice. These cannabinoids were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) by comparison with the spectral data of the authentic compounds. Pharmacological effects of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC in mice were examined using catalepsy, hypothermia, pentobarbital-induced sleep prolongation, and antinociception against acetic acid-induced writhing as indices. The ED50 values (effective dose producing a 50% reduction of control; mg/kg, i.v.) of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC for the cataleptogenic effect were 8.0 and 30.4, respectively. 8-OH-iso-HHC (10 mg/kg, i.v.) produced a significant hypothermia from 15 to 90 min after administration, although 9α-OH-HHC failed to induce such an effect at the same dose. However, both HHCs (10 mg/kg, i.v.) significantly prolonged pentobarbital-induced sleeping time by 1.8 to 8.0 times as compared with the control solution with 1% Tween 80-saline. The ED50 values (mg/kg, i.v.) of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC for the antinociceptive effect were 14.1 and 39.4, respectively. The present study demonstrated that CBD can be converted to Δ9-THC and its related cannabinoids, 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC, in artificial gastric juice, and that these HHCs show Δ9-THC-like effects in mice, although their pharmacological effects were less potent than those of Δ9-THC.
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Forensic Toxicol (2007) 25:16–21
DOI 10.1007/s11419-007-0021-y
K. Watanabe (*) · Y. Itokawa · S. Yamaori · T. Funahashi ·
T. Kimura
Department of Hygienic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Hokuriku University, Ho-3 Kanagawa-machi,
Kanazawa 920-1181, Japan
T. Kaji
Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokuriku University, Kanazawa,
N. Usami · I. Yamamoto
Department of Hygienic Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, Nobeoka,
Conversion of cannabidiol to 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and related
cannabinoids in artifi cial gastric juice, and their pharmacological effects
in mice
Kazuhito Watanabe · Yuka Itokawa · Satoshi Yamaori
Tatsuya Funahashi · Toshiyuki Kimura · Toshiyuki Kaji
Noriyuki Usami · Ikuo Yamamoto
sleeping time by 1.8 to 8.0 times as compared with the
control solution with 1% Tween 80-saline. The ED50
values (mg/kg, i.v.) of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC
for the antinociceptive effect were 14.1 and 39.4, respec-
tively. The present study demonstrated that CBD can be
converted to 9-THC and its related cannabinoids, 9α-
OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC, in artifi cial gastric juice,
and that these HHCs show 9-THC-like effects in mice,
although their pharmacological effects were less potent
than those of 9-THC.
Keywords Cannabidiol · 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol ·
9α-Hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol · 8-Hydroxy-iso-
hexahydrocannabinol · Acid-catalyzed cyclization ·
Antinociceptive effect
Cannabidiol (CBD), which is one of the major cannabi-
noids in marijuana, is known to be devoid of psychoac-
tivity in humans [1–3]. In chemical reactions, the
acid-catalyzed conversion of CBD to other cannabinoids
is well documented. Many years ago, Adams et al. [4,5]
reported that CBD was converted to cannabinoids
possessing marijuana-like pharmacological effects under
various acidic conditions; at that time, however, a pre-
cise structure of CBD was not established [4]. Thereafter,
Gaoni and Mechoulam [6,7] reported that CBD was
easily isomerized in a number of acidic reagents includ-
ing hydrochloric acid and p-toluenesulfonic acid to give
various cannabinoids. It is very important to know
whether CBD is converted to 9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(9-THC) during the handling of marijuana and in bio-
logical systems. However, there are few reports on the
Received: 9 January 2007 / Accepted: 29 January 2007 / Published online: 20 March 2007
© Japanese Association of Forensic Toxicology and Springer 2007
Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive can-
nabinoid, was found to be converted to 9α-hydroxy-
hexahydrocannabinol (9α-OH-HHC) and 8-hydroxy-
iso-hexahydrocannabinol (8-OH-iso-HHC) together
with 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (9-THC), a psychoactive
cannabinoid, and cannabinol in artifi cial gastric juice.
These cannabinoids were identifi ed by gas chromatogra-
phy-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) by comparison with
the spectral data of the authentic compounds. Pharma-
cological effects of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC in
mice were examined using catalepsy, hypothermia, pen-
tobarbital-induced sleep prolongation, and antinocicep-
tion against acetic acid-induced writhing as indices. The
ED50 values (effective dose producing a 50% reduction
of control; mg/kg, i.v.) of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-
HHC for the cataleptogenic effect were 8.0 and 30.4, re-
spectively. 8-OH-iso-HHC (10 mg/kg, i.v.) produced a
signifi cant hypothermia from 15 to 90 min after admin-
istration, although 9α-OH-HHC failed to induce such
an effect at the same dose. However, both HHCs (10 mg/
kg, i.v.) signifi cantly prolonged pentobarbital-induced
Forensic Toxicol (2007) 25:16–21 17
1 3
conversion of CBD to other cannabinoids in biological
systems. Quarles et al. [8] reported that CBD did not
form 9-THC when marijuana cigarettes were smoked
either by human subjects or by a smoking machine. We
previously reported that CBD was biotransformed to a
THC derivative, 6β-hydroxymethyl-9-THC, via an ep-
oxy intermediate with guinea pig hepatic microsomes [9].
6β-Hydroxymethyl-9-THC exhibited some THC-like
effects, although its effects were much less active than
those of 9-THC. In biological systems, there have been
no reports on the conversion of CBD to 9-THC itself.
Marijuana can be ingested with foods or drinks, and
reach the stomach, which is under strong acidic condi-
tions containing gastric juice. For better understanding
of whether CBD is converted to other cannabinoids, it
is important to investigate the cyclization of CBD under
conditions similar to those in biological systems. In the
present study, we describe the conversion of CBD to
9-THC, cannabinol (CBN), and hexahydrocannabinols
(HHCs) in artifi cial gastric juice and their pharmacologi-
cal effects in mice.
Materials and methods
9-THC, CBD, and CBN were isolated and purifi ed
from cannabis leaves by the methods of Aramaki et al.
[10]. 8-Hydroxy-iso-HHC (8-OH-iso-HHC) and 9α-
hydroxy-HHC (9α-OH-HHC) were prepared by the
methods of Gaoni and Mechoulam [7] and Petrzilka et
al. [11], respectively. The purities of these cannabinoids
were checked to be more than 98% by gas chromatogra-
phy (GC). Other chemicals and solvents used were of the
highest purity commercially available.
Conversion of CBD in artifi cial gastric juice
CBD (250 µg) was incubated in 5 ml of a modifi ed artifi -
cial gastric juice without pepsin (2 mg/ml NaCl solution,
pH 1.2) (Japanese Pharmacopoeia 14th Edn, 2001) at
37°C for 20 h. The mixture was extracted twice with
20 ml of ethyl acetate after addition of 5α-cholestane
(5 µg) as internal standard (IS). After evaporation of the
organic solvent, the residue was dissolved in 250 µl of
ethyl acetate and a 5-µl aliquot was subjected to thin-
layer chromatography (TLC) with a solvent system of
benzene/n-hexane/diethylamine (25 : 10 : 1). The cannabi-
noids formed from CBD were visualized by spraying
0.1% Fast Blue BB salt. Another portion (1 µl) of the
ethyl acetate solution was injected into a gas chromatog-
raphy-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) system.
GC-MS conditions
We used two types of GC-MS instruments. For a JEOL
JMS 06 gas chromatograph coupled with a JEOL JMS
DX-300 GC mass spectrometer and a JEOL DA mass
data system, the conditions 1 were: column, 5% SE-30
on Chromosorb W (60–80 mesh, 3 mm × 2 m); column
temperature, 260°C; ionization, 70 eV; ionizing current,
300 µA; carrier gas, He at 40 ml/min.
For a Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 instrument, the con-
ditions 2 were: column, DB-1 (0.25 mm × 30 m, lm
thickness, 0.25 µm); column temperature program, 50°C
(1 min), 25°C/min (6 min), 10°C/min (10 min), and 300°C
(5-min hold); ion source temperature, 250°C; interface
temperature, 280°C; ionization, 70 eV; emission current,
60 µA; carrier gas, He at 2.04 ml/min.
Under the above conditions, the retention times
(min; conditions 1 and 2) of cannabinoids were: CBD
(3.7, 13.6), 9-THC (4.7, 14.3), CBN (5.4, 14.9), 9α-OH-
HHC (5.6, 15.0), 8-OH-iso-HHC (6.0, 15.2), and 5α-
cholestane (11.2, 17.2).
Pharmacological experiments
Male ddY mice (20–25 g body weight) were used for
pharmacological experiments. They were kept in an air-
conditioned room (22.0° ± 2°C) with a 12-h light and
dark cycle with automatically controlled lighting, and
given food and water ad lib. Each cannabinoid was sus-
pended in saline containing 1% Tween-80 and injected
into mice intravenously. The pharmacological effects
of the cannabinoids were evaluated by the following
criteria [12,13].
1. Catalepsy: mice were separated into three groups,
each of 8 animals. They were injected with dif-
ferent amounts of each cannabinoid, and the cata-
leptogenic effect was assessed by the simple bar test
2. Hypothermia: fi ve groups of mice (n = 8) were in-
jected with each cannabinoid (10 mg/kg), and the
rectal temperature of each mouse was measured
using a thermister thermometer up to 120 min after
the administration.
3. Pentobarbital-induced sleep: ve groups of mice (n =
8–24) were injected with each cannabinoid (5 or
10 mg/kg) and challenged with sodium pentobarbital
(40 mg/kg, i.p.) 15 min later. The time between the loss
and the regaining of the righting refl ex was recorded
as the sleeping period.
4. Antinociception: antinociceptive effect was also as-
sessed by the blockade of 0.7% acetic acid (10 ml/kg,
i.p.)-induced writhing [13].
18 Forensic Toxicol (2007) 25:16–21
1 3
Statistical analysis
The statistical signifi cance of difference between the con-
trol and the test groups was analyzed by use of the
Bonferroni test. Differences were accepted as being sig-
nifi cant at P < 0.05 or P < 0.01. The ED50 values (effec-
tive dose producing a 50% reduction of control) and
their 95% confi dence limits in the cataleptogenic and
antinociceptive effects of cannabinoids were calculated
by the method of Litchfi eld and Wilcoxon [14].
Results and discussion
CBD was converted to 9-THC and HHCs when incu-
bated in the artifi cial gastric juice. TLC analysis indi-
cated that four Fast Blue BB salt-positive spots were
visualized (Rf values, 0.04, 0.18, 0.28, and 0.35). Rf val-
ues and the colors of two less polar spots (Rf values, 0.35
and 0.28) were identical to those of CBD and 9-THC,
respectively. Two other compounds (Rf values, 0.18 and
0.04) were more polar than CBD or 9-THC, and a red
color was developed with Fast Blue BB salt, suggesting
that these compounds were the ring-cyclization products
of CBD. The GC-MS analysis indicated that CBD was
converted to at least four cannabinoids (peaks 1–4) (Fig.
1). Mass spectra and retention times of peak 1 and peak
2 were identical to those of 9-THC and CBN, respec-
tively (Figs. 1, 2). Peak 3 and peak 4 showed the same
molecular ion at m/z 332 and similar fragmentation pat-
terns (the fragment ions at m/z 314, 299, 271, and 231),
(1) Peak-1
(2) Peak-2
(3) Peak-3
(4) Peak-4
Rt (min)
Fig. 1 Typical mass chromatograms of cannabinoids formed from
cannabidiol (CBD) in artifi cial gastric juice obtained under condi-
tions 2. Asterisk indicates a background peak that appeared in the
control incubated without CBD
Relative intensity (%)
Fig. 2 Mass spectra of cannabinoids
formed from CBD in artifi cial gastric
juice, labeled as peaks 1–4 in Fig. 1
Forensic Toxicol (2007) 25:16–21 19
1 3
indicating that the molecules were larger than CBD by
18 mass units and were isomers of each other (Fig. 2).
The retention times and mass spectra of peak 3 and
peak 4 were identical to those of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-
OH-iso-HHC, respectively, prepared by the chemical
syntheses described in Materials and methods. These
results show that CBD can be converted to 9α-OH-HHC
and 8-OH-iso-HHC together with 9-THC and CBN in
the artifi cial gastric juice (Fig. 3). The conversion rates
for 9-THC, CBN, 9α-OH-HHC, and 8-OH-iso-HHC
from CBD were 2.9%, 1.1%, 1.4%, and 10.0%, respec-
tively, under the conditions in the present study.
Gaoni and Mechoulam [7] reported that CBD was
readily converted to 9-THC and iso-THC in a number
of acidic reagents. They also reported that treatment of
CBD with sulfuric acid in methanol gave a mixture of
methoxy-iso-HHCs and methoxy-HHCs [7], and that
the boiling of CBD with diluted HCl in ethanol gave two
stereoisomers of 9-ethoxy-HHCs [6].
A number of investigators have insisted that 9-THC
is the only psychoactive component of marijuana. Little
attention has been paid to the pharmacological effects
of HHCs, although some HHC derivatives were report-
ed to have THC-like pharmacological effects [15–17]. In
the present study, pharmacological effects of 9α-OH-
HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC have been assessed in mice by
catalepsy, hypothermia, pentobarbital-induced sleep
prolongation, and antinociception as indices, and have
been compared with those of CBD or 9-THC. 9α-OH-
HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC exhibited cataleptogenic ef-
fects in mice, although their activities were much lower
than that of 9-THC (Table 1). In the present study, the
ED50 (mg/kg, i.v.) of 9-THC was 1.9 (1.3–2.7) and com-
parable with the data previously reported [18]. CBD
failed to induce the cataleptogenic effect at doses up to
30 mg/kg i.v. The results indicate that, for the catalepto-
genic effect, both HHCs are more active than the precur-
sor CBD, but less active than 9-THC in mice.
9-THC is known to produce hypothermia, which is
one of the typical pharmacological effects of cannabi-
noids in experimental animals [19–21]. In the study using
CB1 receptor knockout mice, it was shown that the hy-
pothermic effect of 9-THC was mediated through the
CB1 receptor [22]. Confl icting data were reported for the
effects of CBN and CBD on the body temperature of
animals, depending on the experimental conditions used
Artificial gastric
Fig. 3 Conversion of CBD to
9-tetrahydrocannabinol (9-
THC) and related cannabinoids
in artifi cial gastric juice. CBN,
cannabinol; 9α-OH-HHC, 9α-
8-OH-iso-HHC, 8-hydroxy-
Table 1 Cataleptogenic effects of 9α-hydroxyhexahydrocanna-
binol (9α-OH-HHC) and 8-hydroxy-iso-hexahydrocannabinol
(8-OH-iso-HHC) in mice
Cannabinoid ED50 (mg/kg, i.v.)
9α-OH-HHC 8.0 (4.0–16.2)a
8-OH-iso-HHC 30.4 (6.3–147)
9-THC 1.9 (1.3–2.7)
The bar test was carried out 15 min after the injection of cannabi-
noids (i.v.) by placing the front paws of the mouse on a bar. If
the mouse maintained in this position for more than 30 s, the
ca taleptogenic effect was regarded as positive. ED50, effective
dose producing a 50% reduction of control; 9-THC, 9-
a 95% Confi dence limits shown in parentheses
20 Forensic Toxicol (2007) 25:16–21
1 3
[23–27]. The hypothermic effects of these cannabinoids
were far less potent than that of 9-THC. 9α-OH-HHC
and 8-OH-iso-HHC did not show any signifi cant hypo-
thermia at a dose of 5 mg/kg i.v. (data not shown), but
the latter cannabinoid at the dose of 10 mg/kg i.v. exhib-
ited a signifi cant hypothermia from 15 to 90 min after
administration with the maximum temperature differ-
ence of 0.6°C in comparison with each level of the
controls. CBD (10 mg/kg, i.v.) failed to produce signifi -
cant hypothermia under the same conditions (Fig. 4).
9-THC and CBD are known to potentiate barbitu-
rate-induced sleeping time [28–30], although their mech-
anisms are different from each other. 9-THC prolongs
sleeping time by direct action on the central nervous
system, possibly through the CB1 receptor, while CBD
potentiates the barbiturate effect by the inhibition of
hepatic cytochrome P450 [31,32]. 8-OH-iso-HHC (5 mg/
kg, i.v.) signifi cantly prolonged pentobarbital-induced
sleeping time by 1.8 times as compared with the control
level (mean sleeping time 22.0 min) (Fig. 5). Both HHCs
(10 mg/kg, i.v.) signifi cantly prolonged pentobarbital-
induced sleeping time by 1.9 to 2.8 times. However, such
effects of 9α-OH-HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC were much
less active than those of 9-THC and CBD.
In addition to catalepsy, hypothermia, and barbitu-
rate synergism, 9-THC possesses antinociceptive effects
in experimental animals [13,33,34]. Although 9α-OH-
HHC and 8-OH-iso-HHC also exhibited an antinocicep-
tive effect against the acetic acid-induced writhing test,
their effects were much weaker than those of 9-THC
(Table 2). CBD did not show any signifi cant effect at
10 mg/kg i.v. in these experiments.
The present study demonstrated that CBD was con-
verted to two HHCs together with 9-THC and CBN in
the artifi cial gastric juice. Marijuana is sometimes in-
gested together with candies, cakes, or alcoholic drinks,
and, therefore, CBD in marijuana can be converted to
9-THC and HHCs under the acidic conditions in the
stomach before absorption into the body, thus contrib-
uting to potentiation of the effects of 9-THC originally
present in marijuana.
Acknowledgments A part of this work was supported by the “Aca-
demic Frontier” Project for Private Universities from the Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan
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(THC). J Pharmacol Exp Ther 186:646–655
... Levels of THC were greatly increased for eight of the nine vape liquids analyzed from the quantification performed after 15 months compared to when purchased using the LC. The samples were greater than one-year-old, and with time, CBD is expected to convert to THC and subsequently to CBN [30,68,77,78]. Likewise, acidity and increased sample temperature are also expected to expedite this conversion [78]. ...
... The samples were greater than one-year-old, and with time, CBD is expected to convert to THC and subsequently to CBN [30,68,77,78]. Likewise, acidity and increased sample temperature are also expected to expedite this conversion [78]. However, a study suggested CBN contributes to negative physiological changes in the mobility and heart rate of zebrafish embryos [82]. ...
... This is concerning given the different effects each cannabinoid can have on the body[6,[83][84][85]. Increased levels of THC, due to improper storage and handling of vape liquids, could cause undesirable psychoactive effects to the consumer believing the purchased product contained only CBD[69,78,86]. Therefore, storage assessments of vape liquids should be thoroughly investigated, and guidance on proper storage and handling conditions should be pro-vided to consumers. ...
Cannabidiol (CBD) vape pen usage has been on the rise given the changing political and scientific climate as well as the promotion of these delivery systems as a more accessible and lower‐risk option for consumers. Despite being marketed as a safer way to use cannabis, CBD vape liquids are sold without restrictions or meticulous quality control procedures such as toxicological and clinical assessment, standards for product preservation, or investigative degradation analyses. Nine CBD‐labeled vape liquid samples purchased and manufactured in the United States were evaluated and assessed for cannabinoid content. Quantification and validation of cannabinoids and matrix components was accomplished using gas and liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry analysis (GC–MS and LC–MS/MS) following liquid–liquid extraction with methanol. Samples degraded by temperature (analyzed by GC–MS) showed a greater disparity from the labeled CBD content compared with samples analyzed as purchased (by LC–MS/MS). Thermal degradation of the vape liquids showed increased levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Also, extended time and temperature degradation were evaluated in vape liquids by storing them for 15 months and then varying temperature conditions before analysis, which indicated CBD transformed into other cannabinoids leading to different cannabinoid content within the vape samples. Evaluation conducted on these vape liquids indicated the route of exposure, storage conditions, and length of storage could expose consumers to unintended cannabinoids and showed a concerning level of disagreement between the products' labeled cannabinoid content and the results generated by these analyses.
... For example, ∆THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, is metabolized by gut bacteria into 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THC-COOH) [88]. These metabolites exhibit distinct pharmacological properties compared to parent THC, with 11-OH-THC reported to be more potent than THC, while THC-COOH is considered inactive but is often used as a plasma marker of cannabis consumption in drug tests [51,88]. ...
... For example, ∆THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, is metabolized by gut bacteria into 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THC-COOH) [88]. These metabolites exhibit distinct pharmacological properties compared to parent THC, with 11-OH-THC reported to be more potent than THC, while THC-COOH is considered inactive but is often used as a plasma marker of cannabis consumption in drug tests [51,88]. Additionally, certain gut bacteria can metabolize CBD into 7-hydroxy-CBD, a compound with potential anti-inflammatory properties [89]. ...
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Emerging research has revealed a complex bidirectional interaction between the gut microbiome and cannabis. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that the gut microbiota can significantly influence the pharmacological effects of cannabinoids. One notable finding is the ability of the gut microbiota to metabolise cannabinoids, including Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This metabolic transformation can alter the potency and duration of cannabinoid effects, potentially impacting their efficacy in cancer treatment. Additionally, the capacity of gut microbiota to activate cannabinoid receptors through the production of secondary bile acids underscores its role in directly influencing the pharmacological activity of cannabinoids. While the literature reveals promising avenues for leveraging the gut microbiome–cannabis axis in cancer therapy, several critical considerations must be accounted for. Firstly, the variability in gut microbiota composition among individuals presents a challenge in developing universal treatment strategies. The diversity in gut microbiota may lead to variations in cannabinoid metabolism and treatment responses, emphasising the need for personalised medicine approaches. The growing interest in understanding how the gut microbiome and cannabis may impact cancer has created a demand for up-to-date, comprehensive reviews to inform researchers and healthcare practitioners. This review provides a timely and invaluable resource by synthesizing the most recent research findings and spotlighting emerging trends. A thorough examination of the literature on the interplay between the gut microbiome and cannabis, specifically focusing on their potential implications for cancer, is presented in this review to devise innovative and effective therapeutic strategies for managing cancer.
... The gut microbiota possesses enzymes such as β-glucuronidase, which can deconjugate glucuronide metabolites of THC, releasing the active form back into circulation [72]. Gut bacteria can metabolize THC into 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC), which is more potent than THC, and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THC-COOH), which is inactive but used as a marker in drug tests [73]. CBD is metabolized into 7-hydroxy-CBD, a compound with potential anti-inflammatory properties [74]. ...
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Historically, the multiple uses of cannabis as a medicine, food, and for recreational purposes as a psychoactive drug span several centuries. The various components of the plant (i.e., seeds, roots, leaves and flowers) have been utilized to alleviate symptoms of inflammation and pain (e.g., osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), mood disorders such as anxiety, and intestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. It has been established that the intestinal microbiota progresses neurological, endocrine, and immunological network effects through the gut–microbiota–brain axis, serving as a bilateral communication pathway between the central and enteric nervous systems. An expanding body of clinical evidence emphasizes that the endocannabinoid system has a fundamental connection in regulating immune responses. This is exemplified by its pivotal role in intestinal metabolic and immunity equilibrium and intestinal barrier integrity. This neuromodulator system responds to internal and external environmental signals while also serving as a homeostatic effector system, participating in a reciprocal association with the intestinal microbiota. We advance an exogenous cannabinoid–intestinal microbiota–endocannabinoid system axis potentiated by the intestinal microbiome and medicinal cannabinoids supporting the mechanism of action of the endocannabinoid system. An integrative medicine model of patient care is advanced that may provide patients with beneficial health outcomes when prescribed medicinal cannabis.
... In vitro investigations have demonstrated the possibility of CBD undergoing conversion into D-THCs. One such in vitro study revealed that within simulated gastric fluid (without pepsin), CBD transformed into a mixture of D-THCs, yielding a 2.9% product alongside other cannabinoid derivatives (Watanabe et al. 2007). In 2016, a study conducted by Zynerba Pharmaceuticals revealed that CBD underwent conversion into D 8 -THC and D 9 -THC (yielding 49%) within 2 h when exposed to simulated gastric fluid. ...
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Cannabis sativa, the debatable plant, contains a vast array of phytocannabinoids, with a significant presence of cannabidiol. This cannabinoid possesses numerous medicinal properties, with its analgesic capabilities being one of the earliest subjects of study. While the exact mechanism of how CBD works remains somewhat unclear, its mode of action varies depending on the route of administration, including oral, sublingual, rectal, transdermal, and inhalation. Despite CB’s versatility in addressing various symptoms through multiple administration methods, a noteworthy challenge lies in its limited absorption and bioavailability. The compound's high lipophilicity and low water solubility contribute to its suboptimal bioavailability. To address this issue, extensive research has explored CBD-loaded nanoformulations, encompassing nanomicelles, nanoparticles, SNEDDS (self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems), liposomes, and pro-nano-lipospheres. Both preclinical and clinical studies are underway at a substantial pace to establish the safety and efficacy of this cannabinoid. Some CBD nanoformulations have even met FDA regulations and are available in the market. CBD's multifaceted nature, with its potential application against various diseases, has captivated researchers, leading to an increased interest in this compound. This heightened interest has resulted in the filing of numerous patents worldwide. Additionally, research has demonstrated CBD's effects on conditions such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease, various cancers, pain, and inflammation, which will be discussed in the concluding section of this article.
... Further literature survey revealed that product 5 has characterization spectra that largely matches those for 8-hydroxy-iso-tetrahydrocannabinol [32] ( Figure 2) which is an impurity found in commercial samples of 2, and that was also observed up to 10 % by treatment of CBD with mineral acids and artificial gastric juice. [33] It is therefore possible to determine that the reaction of CBD with R 6 at 40°C enabled to reverse the traditional selectivity of the reaction towards pathway B with (1 + 2):(3 + 4 + 5) corresponding to 47 : 53 (Table 3). The unusual product selectivity is not only related to the use of mild reaction temperature. ...
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The supramolecular hydrogen‐bonded self‐assembled resorcinarene hexameric capsule promotes the ring closing isomerization of cannabidiol through encapsulation of the intermediate carbocation species formed by protonation with HCl. The confinement effect imparted by the capsule steers product selectivity towards the uncommon products Δ⁸‐iso‐THC, Δ⁴⁽⁸⁾‐iso‐THC, together with the hydrated 8‐Hydroxy‐iso‐THC.
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Cannabidiol (CBD)-containing products are widely marketed as over the counter products. Adverse effects reported in anecdotal consumer reports or during clinical studies were first assumed to be due to acid-catalysed cyclization of CBD to psychotropic Δ ⁹ -tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ ⁹ -THC) in the stomach after oral consumption. However, research of pure CBD solutions stored in simulated gastric juice or subjected to various storage conditions such as heat and light with specific liquid chromatographic/tandem mass spectrometric (LC/MS/MS) and ultra-high pressure liquid chromatographic/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometric (UPLC-QTOF) analyses was unable to confirm THC formation. Another hypothesis for the adverse effects of CBD products may be residual Δ ⁹ -THC concentrations in the products as contamination, because most of them are based on hemp extracts containing the full spectrum of cannabinoids besides CBD. Analyses of 413 hemp-based products of the German market (mostly CBD oils) confirmed this hypothesis: 48 products (12%) contained Δ ⁹ -THC above the lowest observed adverse effect level (2.5 mg/day). Hence, it may be assumed that the adverse effects of some commercial CBD products are based on a low-dose effect of Δ ⁹ -THC, with the safety of CBD itself currently being unclear with significant uncertainties regarding possible liver and reproductive toxicity. The safety, efficacy and purity of commercial CBD products is highly questionable, and all of the products in our sample collection showed various non-conformities to European food law such as unsafe Δ ⁹ -THC levels, hemp extracts or CBD isolates as non-approved novel food ingredients, non-approved health claims, and deficits in mandatory food labelling requirements. In view of the growing market for such lifestyle products, the effectiveness of the instrument of food business operators' own responsibility for product safety and regulatory compliance must obviously be challenged, and a strong regulatory framework for hemp products needs to be devised.
While current analytical methodologies can readily identify cannabis use, definitively establishing recent use within the impairment window has proven to be far more complex, requiring a new approach. Recent studies have shown no direct relationship between impairment and Δ9-tetra-hydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) concentrations in blood or saliva, making legal “per se” Δ9-THC limits scientifically unjustified. Current methods that focus on Δ9-THC and/or metabolite concentrations in blood, saliva, urine, or exhaled breath can lead to false positive results for recent use due to the persistence of Δ9-THC well outside of the typical three to four-hour window of potential impairment following cannabis inhalation. There is also the issue of impairment due to other intoxicating substances– just because a subject exhibits signs of impairment and cannabis use is detected does not rule out the involvement of other drugs. Compounding the matter is the increasing popularity of hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) products following passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized industrial hemp in the U.S. Many of these products contain varying levels of Δ9-THC, which can lead to false positive tests for cannabis use. Furthermore, hemp-derived CBD is used to synthesize Δ8-THC, which possesses psychoactive properties similar to Δ9-THC and is surrounded by legal controversy. For accuracy, analytical methods must be able to distinguish the various THC isomers, which have identical masses and exhibit immunological cross-reactivity. A new testing approach has been developed based on exhaled breath and blood sampling that incorporates kinetic changes and the presence of key cannabinoids to detect recent cannabis use within the impairment window without the false positive results seen with other methods. The complexity of determining recent cannabis use that may lead to impairment demands such a comprehensive method so that irresponsible users can be accurately detected without falsely accusing responsible users who may unjustly suffer harsh, life-changing consequences.
Aus den beiden Ketonen (Ia) und (Ib) werden mit Boranat die isomeren Carbinole (II) hergestellt, die gaschromatographisch getrennt werden können und überwiegend aus der äquatorialen Form (III) bestehen, während mit Kalium-tris-sek.-butylboranat überwiegend die axiale Verbindung (IV) erhalten wird.
Synthetic routes are described which lead to iso-tetrahydrocannabinols, a new series of structural isomers of the natural Δ1-tetrahydrocannabinol. In this group of compounds a dihydrobenzopyran ring system is formed by cyclization of one of the phenolic groups of a cannabinoid with the C1 carbon in the terpene moiety of the molecule.
Depending on the reaction conditions used, the physiologically active products obtained by Adams on isomerization of the inactive cannabidiol (Ia) with acids are shown to be either Δ1(6) tetrahydrocannabinol (II) or a mixture of II, Δ1 tetrahydrocannabinol (IIIa) and the two isomers of 1-ethoxy hexahydrocannabinol (VIIIa, VIIIb).
Clinical studies of a variety of cannabis constituents and THC isomers, homologs and metabolites have elucidated some structure-activity relationships. The fundamental structure of THC is required for pharmacological activity, but potency may be altered greatly among different double-bond isomers, by changing length of side-chain or by metabolic hydroxylations. No material has been found in nature, either in cannabis itself or in the metabolites of THC, which differs qualitatively from THC.
A series of tetrahydro- and hexahydrocanrab'nol derivatives was prepared in which the substituents at position 9 were varied. These compounds were evaluated in mice for their effects on locomotor activity, body temperature, muscle tone, and analgesia. Depression of body temperature and locomotor function was demonstrated by several compounds, but all were devoid of any significant analgesic activity.
An analysis of the analgesic activity of δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (δ 9-THC) was carried out in rats and mice using both the hot plate and tail flick tests. In the rat, the dose-effect curve of δ 9-THC was comparable to that of morphine in both tests. In the mouse, however, the THC dose-effect curves were more variable and less steep than the morphine dose-effect curves. THC was less potent than morphine in both tests in mice. THC analgesia reached its peak at one hour and had a longer duration of action than morphine.
Administration of pure 1-δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol to mice had the following dose-dependent nzeurochemical and behavioral effects: a slight but significant increase in concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptamine in whole brain; a decrease in concentration of norepinephrine in brain after administration of low doses and an increase after high doses; diminished spontaneous activity, mloderate hypothermnia, hypersetisitivity to tactile and auditory stimiuli, and ataxia after low doses; and sedation, pronounced hypothermia, and markedly diminished spon taneous activity and reactivity after high doses. The duration of the effects on body temperature and spontaneous activity correlated generally with the changes in brain amines. The characteristic changes in brain amines do not correspond exactly to those observed with other psychotropic drugs.