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Improved antenna phase center models for GLONASS

  • Geo++ GmbH

Abstract and Figures

Thanks to the increasing number of active GLONASS satellites and the increasing number of multi-GNSS tracking stations in the network of the International GNSS Service (IGS), the quality of the GLONASS orbits has become significantly better over the last few years. By the end of 2008, the orbit RMS error had reached a level of 3–4cm. Nevertheless, the strategy to process GLONASS observations still has deficiencies: one simplification, as applied within the IGS today, is the use of phase center models for receiver antennas for the GLONASS observations, which were derived from GPS measurements only, by ignoring the different frequency range. Geo++ GmbH calibrates GNSS receiver antennas using a robot in the field. This procedure yields now separate corrections for the receiver antenna phase centers for each navigation satellite system, provided its constellation is sufficiently populated. With a limited set of GLONASS calibrations, it is possible to assess the impact of GNSS-specific receiver antenna corrections that are ignored within the IGS so far. The antenna phase center model for the GLONASS satellites was derived in early 2006, when the multi-GNSS tracking network of the IGS was much sparser than it is today. Furthermore, many satellites of the constellation at that time have in the meantime been replaced by the latest generation of GLONASS-M satellites. For that reason, this paper also provides an update and extension of the presently used correction tables for the GLONASS satellite antenna phase centers for the current constellation of GLONASS satellites. The updated GLONASS antenna phase center model helps to improve the orbit quality. KeywordsGLONASS–Multi-GNSS processing–Receiver antenna–Satellite antenna–Phase center modeling–Reference frame–GNSS orbits
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Improved antenna phase center models for GLONASS
Rolf Dach
Ralf Schmid
Martin Schmitz
Daniela Thaller
Stefan Schaer
Simon Lutz
Peter Steigenberger
Gerhard Wu
Gerhard Beutler
Received: 12 October 2009 / Accepted: 27 March 2010 / Published online: 11 April 2010
Springer-Verlag 2010
Abstract Thanks to the increasing number of active
GLONASS satellites and the increasing number of multi-
GNSS tracking stations in the network of the International
GNSS Service (IGS), the quality of the GLONASS orbits
has become significantly better over the last few years. By
the end of 2008, the orbit RMS error had reached a level of
3–4 cm. Nevertheless, the strategy to process GLONASS
observations still has deficiencies: one simplification, as
applied within the IGS today, is the use of phase center
models for receiver antennas for the GLONASS observa-
tions, which were derived from GPS measurements only,
by ignoring the different frequency range. Geo?? GmbH
calibrates GNSS receiver antennas using a robot in the
field. This procedure yields now separate corrections for
the receiver antenna phase centers for each navigation
satellite system, provided its constellation is sufficiently
populated. With a limited set of GLONASS calibrations, it
is possible to assess the impact of GNSS-specific receiver
antenna corrections that are ignored within the IGS so far.
The antenna phase center model for the GLONASS satel-
lites was derived in early 2006, when the multi-GNSS
tracking network of the IGS was much sparser than it is
today. Furthermore, many satellites of the constellation at
that time have in the meantime been replaced by the latest
generation of GLONASS-M satellites. For that reason, this
paper also provides an update and extension of the pres-
ently used correction tables for the GLONASS satellite
antenna phase centers for the current constellation of
GLONASS satellites. The updated GLONASS antenna
phase center model helps to improve the orbit quality.
Keywords GLONASS Multi-GNSS processing
Receiver antenna Satellite antenna
Phase center modeling Reference frame GNSS orbits
The Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema
(GLONASS; Russian for Global Navigation Satellite
System)—the Russian counterpart of the American Global
Positioning System (GPS)—became important in Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) analyses during the
last few years. Today (May 2009), 20 GLONASS satellites
are active and the satellite constellation has become very
stable with the second generation of GLONASS-M satel-
lites. A number of manufacturers provide combined GPS/
GLONASS receivers. As the GPS/GLONASS tracking
network of the International GNSS Service (IGS, Dow et al.
2009) reached nearly global coverage by the end of 2008, the
quality of the GLONASS orbits is now at a level of 3–4 cm.
R. Dach (&) D. Thaller S. Lutz G. Beutler
Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5,
3012 Bern, Switzerland
R. Schmid
Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeoda
Technische Universita
nchen, Arcisstrasse 21,
80333 Munich, Germany
M. Schmitz G. Wu
Geo?? GmbH, Steinriede 8, 30827 Garbsen, Germany
S. Schaer
Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo,
Seftigenstrasse 264, 3084 Wabern, Switzerland
P. Steigenberger
Institut fu
r Astronomische und Physikalische Geoda
Technische Universita
nchen, Arcisstrasse 21,
80333 Munich, Germany
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
DOI 10.1007/s10291-010-0169-5
This accuracy level still is about three times lower than
that for the GPS orbits. Dach et al. (2009) showed that the
improvements due to adding GLONASS to GPS observa-
tions are limited to parameters valid for a short time span
(one hour and shorter). For parameters with a longer
validity interval, the uncertainty of the observation mod-
eling absorbs the statistically expected benefit from addi-
tional measurements in the analysis model.
The currently available models for the receiver and
satellite antenna phase center locations limit the achievable
accuracy of GLONASS results. Both categories of anten-
nas will be addressed subsequently, but first of all it is
necessary to describe the data processing strategy used as
the basis for all further experiments in Reprocessing of
GLONASS data at CODE’’ .
No distinction is made between the GPS and GLONASS
frequencies for the receiver antennas within the IGS so far.
The GPS-derived corrections are used for the measure-
ments of both GNSS. In GNSS-specific receiver antenna
phase center modeling’, the differences between GNSS-
specific corrections as well as their impact on coordinate
estimates are analyzed.
The phase center corrections (PCC) currently used
within the IGS for the GLONASS satellite antennas
(igs05.atx model, Schmid et al. 2007) also have several
drawbacks. They were computed in early 2006 when
the GLONASS-capable receivers in the IGS network
were mainly located in Europe and when the first two
GLONASS-M satellites were in space only for a short time
span. Since then almost all GLONASS satellites have been
replaced by new generation satellites. Both the number and
the global distribution of GLONASS tracking stations have
been improved significantly since 2006. The number of
different antenna types has also grown significantly. These
developments indicate that an update of the satellite
antenna phase center models for the GLONASS satellites is
badly needed. Satellite antenna phase center modeling’’
describes the generation of such models.
The updated receiver and satellite antenna phase center
models are validated in Validation of the satellite antenna
phase center models’’ .
Reprocessing of GLONASS data at CODE
CODE, the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, is a
joint venture of the Astronomical Institute of the University
of Bern (AIUB, Bern, Switzerland), the Swiss Federal
Office of Topography (swisstopo, Wabern, Switzerland),
the Federal Agency for Carthography and Geodesy (BKG,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany), and the Institut fu
r Astro-
nomische und Physikalische Geoda
sie of the Technische
nchen (IAPG/TUM, Munich, Germany).
CODE has been one of the global analysis centers of the
IGS since the start of IGS test campaign operations on June
21, 1992. All operational computations are performed at
the AIUB using the development version of the Bernese
GPS Software (Dach et al. 2007). Since May 2003, CODE
has been analyzing GPS and GLONASS data in a com-
bined analysis to achieve the best possible consistency of
the GPS and GLONASS orbit products. This strategy is not
only applied to the CODE contributions to the IGS final
products, but also to its rapid and ultra-rapid products.
CODE also participates in the first reprocessing cam-
paign of the IGS. The IGS decided to limit this activity to a
GPS-only solution. The corresponding computations of
CODE were performed at IAPG/TUM between summer
2008 and spring 2009 (Steigenberger et al. 2009). The
processing strategy of the operational CODE solution from
August 2008 was used for this effort (except that the
reprocessing was limited to GPS). In this way, a consistent
time series of GPS-derived CODE products from January
1994 up to December 2008 could be generated.
The reprocessed GPS-only products were extended to
GLONASS by introducing GLONASS tracking data gath-
ered after May 2003 in addition to the GPS data. The GPS/
GLONASS tracking data were processed using the strategy
applied to the IGS reprocessing. Finally, the additional
observations were combined with the GPS-only part on
the observation level to generate a fully consistent multi-
system time series of products.
For the GLONASS extension of the reprocessed solu-
tions, more GLONASS tracking stations could be included
than in the operational processing (Fig. 1). Even though
most of the stations were still located in Europe (at least till
the end of 2007), the quality of the GLONASS orbits could
be improved by a factor of about two. It reached a level of
about 5–6 cm at the end of 2007 and improved to 3–4 cm
by the end of 2008 (Fig. 2). For comparison, the corre-
sponding values for the GPS satellites are 1–2 cm. This
quality measure is based on an orbit determination process:
apart from the six initial osculating orbital elements, nine
empirical parameters in the Sun-oriented coordinate system
at the satellite consisting of a component (D) pointing from
the satellite to the Sun, of a (Y) component along the solar
panel axis of the satellite, and the (X) component com-
pleting the right-hand system (three constant and six
once-per-revolution parameters, Beutler et al. 1994) were
determined introducing the satellite positions every 15 min
from three independent consecutive daily solutions.
GNSS-specific receiver antenna phase center modeling
The PCC model, as it is used within the IGS consists of two
components. The so-called phase center offset (PCO) is a
50 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
vector pointing from a mechanical marker at the antenna
(antenna reference point) to a mean phase center. Addi-
tional azimuth- and elevation-dependent phase center
variations (PCV) are usually provided in grids. Any change
in the PCO can be compensated by the PCV. In conse-
quence, the PCO can be freely defined (e.g., to have no
PCV correction in zenith direction) as long as the PCV are
consistently used.
Update of the igs05.atx phase center model
The set of antenna PCC (contained in the file igs05.atx,
maintained by the IGS) currently used by the IGS was
compiled in 2005/06 when the absolute antenna phase
center model was introduced (Schmid et al. 2007).
According to the rules for the maintenance of that file (IGS
Mail No. 5440 and General antenna file information of the
antenna calibration working group of the IGS, available at
generally only new antenna/radome combinations are
added. Therefore, many corrections are up to 4 years old.
Many additional antennas were calibrated since that time,
which could help to improve the ‘type-mean’ corrections
of the corresponding antenna types. The calibration values
contained in igs05.atx are based on GPS measurements
only. GLONASS observations were not included due to the
weak GLONASS constellation at that time. This is why the
GPS-derived antenna PCC are also used for the GLONASS
observations made on different frequencies.
More GLONASS satellites are active today than in
2005/06. Therefore, system-specific corrections for GPS
and GLONASS can be determined using a robot (Wu
et al. 2006). Table 1 lists all antenna/radome combinations
contained in the reprocessed network, for which GNSS-
specific PCC were available. The calibration values resul-
ted in an updated version of igs05.atx, called from now on
Number of multi−GNSS stations
Reprocessed solution
Operational solution
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Fig. 1 Number of sites in the
IGS network providing
GLONASS data, which were
used for orbit determination in
the CODE operational (blue)
and reprocessed (red) solutions
Median of RMS in cm
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
GLONASS satellites (repro.) GLONASS satellites (oper.)
GPS satellites (oper.)
Fig. 2 Median of the RMS for
the fit of a 3-day arc of the
operational (blue) and
reprocessed (red) CODE orbits
for the GLONASS satellites as
well as of the operational GPS
orbits (green)
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 51
igs05(upd).atx, which was used for this study. Note that the
new calibration values for GPS replace the existing values
in the IGS file igs05.atx.
As a consequence, all reference frame stations using one
of these antenna types have to be excluded from the datum
definition because an offset in the estimated station coor-
dinates is expected (‘Use of GNSS-specific PCC’).
Therefore, 35 out of 96 IGS reference frame sites were
omitted for the datum definition. This results in a dilemma:
one would like to have the most recent antenna PCC tables
with as many individual calibrations for the ‘type-mean’
values as possible, and one would like to maintain a stable
geodetic reference frame at the same time.
The number of individual antennas and calibration runs
used to obtain the updated GPS-specific antenna ‘type-
mean’ corrections for igs05(upd).atx reveals a strong
imbalance between the different antenna/radome combi-
nations (Table 1). The ‘type-mean’’ values for the Ashtech
and NovAtel antennas are both based on only two indi-
vidual antennas. Thus, the redundancy is small. Fortu-
nately, these antenna types did not find widespread use in
the IGS network (except for ASH701945E_M NONE).
Therefore, it is expected this problem to have only mar-
ginal impact on the general results of this study.
There are several antennas with a limited number of
individual antennas contributing to the GLONASS-specific
antenna ‘type-mean’ PCC (Table 1). The conclusions
emerging from this study may be in particular problematic
for the two Javad Regant types, because they dominated
the GLONASS tracking network prior to 2006 (about one-
third of the network was equipped with this combination).
Figure 3 (top), showing the number of stations in the
reprocessed GLONASS tracking network of December
2003 equipped with a specific antenna/radome combina-
tion, illustrates the situation. About 50% of the stations are
equipped with antenna types for which robot calibrations
are available (for the original igs05.atx model before the
update the percentage is only 40%). igs05(upd).atx
includes GLONASS-specific antenna PCC for about half of
the stations (indicated by red-labeled antenna names in
Fig. 3). This situation is more or less stable till the second
half of 2006.
Figure 3 (bottom) illustrates the situation in December
2008, which is very close to the current state of the
GLONASS tracking network used in the operational
CODE processing. Note that there are new antenna types
(in particular from Trimble and Leica) dominating the
network. Most of these antenna types were calibrated with
a robot. By updating the robot calibrations from igs05.atx
to igs05(upd).atx, the percentage of receiver/antenna
combinations with a robot calibration grows from 59 to
72%. About two-thirds of the GLONASS tracking sta-
tions available in December 2008 can be processed with
Table 1 Antenna/radome combinations with updated antenna PCC in igs05(upd).atx
Antenna Radome ‘Type-mean’ values are derived from Number of stations Calibration type
in igs05.atx
Calibration was also used
for the same antenna type
with other radomes
GPS: no.
of antennas
GPS: no.
of calibrations
GLO: no.
of antennas
GLO: no.
of calibrations
Reference GNSS GPS-only
ASH700936D_M NONE 2 27 3 6 3 2 1 ROBOT DOME, JPLA
ASH701945E_M NONE 2 4 1 2 7 2 9 COPIED JPLA
JPSREGANT_DD_E NONE 24 153 1 6 0 8 0 ROBOT
LEIAT504GG NONE 25 49 21 41 2 8 0 ROBOT
LEIAT504GG LEIS 79 157 70 136 1 11 0 ROBOT
LEIAX1202GG NONE 14 28 14 28 0 1 0 FIELD
NOV702GG NONE 2 4 2 4 0 1 0 ROBOT
TPSCR.G3 TPSH 60 120 58 113 1 4 0 ROBOT
TPSCR3_GGD CONE 159 285 47 94 1 13 0 FIELD
TRM29659.00 NONE 18 36 16 31 12 2 12 ROBOT DOME
TRM29659.00 TCWD 6 57 1 2 1 1 2 ROBOT
TRM55971.00 NONE 59 116 59 116 2 11 2 ROBOT
A statistics on how many antennas and calibration runs did contribute to the ‘type-mean’’ values for GPS and GLONASS is provided. The number of stations provides an overview on the usage
of the antenna/radome combination within the processed network (on reference frame stations, combined GPS/GLONASS tracking stations, and on GPS-only tracking stations)
52 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
GNSS-specific antenna PCC in this study (red labels in
Fig. 3, bottom).
Use of GNSS-specific PCC
Before studying the impact of GNSS-specific antenna PCC,
it is possible to check the impact of the updated GPS
corrections on the resulting station coordinates. Coordinate
estimates from a solution using the original igs05.atx
antenna PCC tables are compared with a solution using the
updated igs05(upd).atx values. In both cases, the GPS-
derived corrections are used for the GPS and GLONASS
measurements. The differences in the up component are
shown in Fig. 4. They reach values of up to 5 mm, even
though both solutions use the same set of reference stations
for the no-net-rotation (NNR) condition in a minimum
constraint solution for the datum definition. As expected,
the differences show systematics for the individual antenna
types, regardless of whether the antenna was used at a
GPS-only or a combined GPS/GLONASS tracking station
(dark blue and red bars). Surprisingly, there are also a few
stations that show differences of [1 mm, although the
same antenna PCC are used in both computations (light
blue and red bars). Most of these stations only observed for
Mean number of stations per day, December 2008
CONVERTED from igs01
(IGS: 59%)
(IGS: 9%)
(IGS: 0%)
(IGS: 17%)
(IGS: 15%)
ASH701073.1 NONE
ASH701946.3 NONE
TRM29659.00 UNAV
ASH701073.1 SCIS
ASH701073.1 SNOW
ASH701941.B SCIT
TRM57971.00 NONE
ASH701941.B SNOW
TRM29659.00 TCWD
TRM29659.00 NONE
TRM55971.00 NONE
Mean number of stations per day, December 2003
CONVERTED from igs01
(IGS: 40%)
(IGS: 8%)
(IGS: 3%)
(IGS: 10%)
(IGS: 39%)
ASH701073.1 DOME
ASH701073.3 NONE
ASH701073.1 NONE
ASH701073.1 SCIS
ASH701941.1 SNOW
ASH701941.B NONE
ASH701946.2 NONE
ASH701946.3 SNOW
ASH701073.1 SNOW
ASH701941.B SNOW
TRM29659.00 NONE
Fig. 3 Number of combined
GPS/GLONASS tracking
stations in the processed
network equipped with a
specific antenna/radome
combination (top average over
all days in December 2003,
bottom average over all days in
December 2008). The colors
characterize the calibration
types (see ANTEX format
description at
general/antex13.txt). The per-
centage of the different calibra-
tion types is given in the legend
for igs05(upd).atx and in
parentheses for the original
igs05.atx model. Antenna types
with red labels got updated PCC
in igs05(upd).atx
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 53
a limited number of days within the entire period of
6.5 years.
The differences between the elevation- and azimuth-
dependent PCV for the GPS and GLONASS frequencies
are in the range of a few mm for L1 and L2, respectively.
According to Wu
bbena et al. (2006), these values are
reproducible to within 0.3–0.4 mm. The differences
between individual antennas of the same type have abso-
lute values in the range of 2–3 mm for low elevations.
Thus, the differences between GNSS-specific antenna PCC
are significant, at least for those with a ‘type-mean’ value
derived from a suitable number of individual antennas.
When converting the elevation- and azimuth-dependent
PCV for the L1 and L2 frequencies into the ionosphere-free
linear combination (as they are needed for a global network
analysis), the differences between the GPS- and GLONASS-
specific corrections may reach 10 mm in absolute value. The
differences for one of the Ashtech antennas are shown as a
typical example in Fig. 5. Note that the mean difference
between the GPS- and GLONASS-specific PCV corresponds
to a time bias between the GPS and GLONASS measure-
ments. Thus, it is absorbed by the inter-system bias, which
has to be taken into account in the multi-GNSS processing
for each station at least as a constant bias between the
receiver hardware delays of the individual GNSS.
In order to analyze the impact of the GNSS-specific
antenna PCC on the mean station coordinates, the entire
interval of the GLONASS extension of the CODE repro-
cessing (6.5 years) has been analyzed with the updated
antenna PCC table. In a first run, the GPS-derived cor-
rections were used for both GPS and GLONASS mea-
surements, whereas in the second run the GNSS-specific
corrections were used. Two cumulative solutions have been
derived considering mean station coordinates and veloci-
ties. The resulting time series of station positions have been
analyzed with FODITS, a new component of the Bernese
GPS Software. FODITS stands for
Find Outliers and
Discontinuities in Time Series’ (Ostini et al. 2008). The
new tool was used to detect outliers and significant dis-
continuities in the station coordinate time series. The dif-
ferences between the two coordinate sets (introducing
identical outlier and discontinuity definition) in the vertical
component are provided in Fig. 6. They are very small and
reach values of 1 mm at maximum. These differences
show, not unexpectedly, systematic effects as a function of
the antenna type.
The small absolute value of the differences is surprising
in view of the fact that the differences between GLONASS-
and GPS-specific PCV (as, e.g., shown in Fig. 5) are about
twice as large as the PCV differences causing the coordinate
differences in Fig. 4. It was already mentioned that the
average of the difference between GNSS-specific antenna
PCC is absorbed by the inter-system bias. There are, how-
ever, several other reasons for the marginal impact of
GNSS-specific PCC on the estimated station coordinates:
1. The GLONASS constellation consists only of half of
the number of satellites in the GPS constellation during
the analyzed time span (slowly increasing to about
two-thirds toward the end of 2008).
2. A much smaller number of GLONASS ambiguities
were resolved than in the case of GPS, because
ambiguity resolution for GLONASS was only enabled
for baselines shorter than 20 km.
3. Schaer et al. (2009) found evidence that the inter-system
biases between GPS and GLONASS significantly
deviate from a constant. As the current multi-GNSS
processing usually implies this behavior, the solution
cannot benefit in an optimal way from the additional
ΔUp in mm
Reference site (PCC only available in igs05.atx) dummy
GPS−only (PCC only available in igs05.atx) GPS+GLONASS (PCC only available in igs05.atx)
GPS−only (new PCC available in igs05(upd).atx)
GPS+GLONASS (new PCC available in igs05(upd).atx)
Fig. 4 Differences of the station heights between solutions using the
original igs05.atx and the updated igs05(upd).atx antenna PCC. The
GPS-derived corrections are used for the GPS and the GLONASS
measurements. The stations are sorted alphabetically, but they are not
labeled. Both coordinate sets are computed from the entire interval of
6.5 years of the GLONASS extension of the CODE reprocessing as
described in Reprocessing of GLONASS data at CODE’’
54 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
These reasons might explain why the averaged station
coordinates are so clearly dominated by GPS.
In view of the sizable differences between GPS- and
GLONASS-specific antenna PCC and of the continuously
increasing number of available GLONASS satellites,
which enhances the impact of GLONASS on the combined
solution, GNSS-specific antenna PCC should be applied
whenever processing multi-GNSS data sets.
Satellite antenna phase center modeling
The currently used igs05.atx model includes in addition to
the receiver antenna calibrations consistent corrections for
the satellite antennas. The nadir-dependent corrections for
the satellite antenna phase center are mean values for all
satellites of the same type (no azimuth-dependence has
been considered so far). The PCO are provided individually
for each satellite. The values in igs05.atx were determined
in 2005 and in early 2006 (Schmid et al. 2007).
Block mean values were defined and used for the sat-
ellites launched since that time. The following GPS satel-
lites are affected:
SVN52/PRN G31 (launched on September 25, 2006),
SVN58/PRN G12 (November 17, 2006),
SVN55/PRN G15 (October 17, 2007),
SVN57/PRN G29 (December 20, 2007), and
SVN48/PRN G07 (March 15, 2008)
(Satellites launched after December 2008 are not
included because the computations for this paper were
started in early 2009).
This number of satellites corresponds to about 16%
of the entire constellation of 32 GPS satellites in May
The situation is even more dramatic for the GLONASS
satellites. Due to the short lifetime of the older GLONASS
satellites, in May 2009 there is an almost completely new
GLONASS constellation compared to 2005/06 (only three
satellites from end of 2005 are still active in May 2009,
namely SVNs701, 712, and 795, see Fig. 7). An update of
the satellite antenna phase center model, at least for these
newly launched satellites, is therefore badly needed. The
following sections discuss the process of updating the
satellite antenna phase center model for all GLONASS and
for the youngest GPS satellites.
Elevation angle in deg.
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Azimuth in deg.
−10 mm
−5 mm
0 mm
5 mm
10 mm
Fig. 5 Differences between the
from GNSS-specific calibrations
as a function of azimuth and
elevation for the
ASH701945E_M NONE (the
antenna phase center offset is
identical for both GNSS). The
influence on the ionosphere-free
linear combination is shown
ΔUp in mm
Reference site (PCC only available in igs05.atx)
GPS−only (PCC only available in igs05.atx) GPS+GLONASS (PCC only available in igs05.atx)
GPS−only (new PCC available in igs05(upd).atx)
GPS+GLONASS (new PCC available in igs05(upd).atx)
Fig. 6 Differences of the
station heights between
solutions considering and
ignoring GLONASS-specific
PCC, respectively. Both
coordinate sets are computed
from the entire interval of
6.5 years of the GLONASS
extension of the CODE
reprocessing. (Same scale as in
Fig. 4 has been used for
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 55
Computation of the satellite antenna model update
The satellite antenna PCC were derived from the
GLONASS extension of the CODE reprocessing. From
the independent 1-day solutions, 3-day solutions were
derived by combining the three corresponding 1-day normal
equations. As the number of orbit parameters is comparable
in the 1- and 3-day orbits, the 3-day orbits are much better
defined than the 1-day orbits. This is in particular true for
those GLONASS satellites, which were observed mainly
over Europe. The step from the 1-day to the 3-day orbits is
essential, because the orbit parameters and the satellite
antenna PCC are highly correlated. Six initial osculating
orbital elements and nine empirical parameters (three
constant and six once-per-revolution parameters in D-, Y-,
and X-directions according to the orbit model described in
Beutler et al. 1994) are set up for each satellite arc, where
the periodic terms of the D- and Y-components are con-
strained to zero. Empirical velocity changes (so-called
pseudo-stochastic pulses) are set up and solved for at 12-h
The 3-day solutions ([2,000) were then combined to
generate a cumulative solution. Again FODITS was used to
detect outliers and significant discontinuities in the station
coordinate time series. The reference frame was aligned
with the ITRF2005 using stations provided in the IGS05
(an IGS-specific realization of ITRF2005; Altamimi et al.
2007) together with NNR conditions applied to a minimum
constraint solution. The station coordinates and velocities
resulting from this step were introduced as known when
computing the satellite antenna PCC. The igs05.atx values
for all satellite antennas were kept fixed for datum defini-
tion. Different sets of coordinates and velocities were
computed using the different scenarios for handling the
receiver antenna PCC, but using the same set of reference
stations together with the same list of outliers and
Update of the satellite antenna PCO
To keep the updated satellite antenna model consistent (in
scale) with igs05.atx, the PCO of the GPS satellites laun-
ched before 2005 were fixed to their igs05.atx values. Only
the Z-offsets for the five new GPS satellites (see to the
introduction to this section) and for the GPS satellite
SVN53, PRN G17 (launched on September 26, 2005) were
estimated, because no or only a very limited amount of data
contributed to the igs05.atx values for these satellites. The
Z-offsets for all GLONASS satellites were recomputed
because of the high uncertainty of these values in igs05.atx,
which was caused by the sparse GLONASS network of
about 30 stations (located moreover mainly in Europe at
that time).
The time series of estimates for the satellite antenna
PCO (Z-component) from the 3-day solutions with respect
to the corresponding igs05.atx value is shown for one of the
GLONASS satellites (SVN791, PRN R22) in Fig. 8. The
shaded areas indicate the eclipse periods. A correlation
between the noise pattern of the estimated antenna PCO
and the eclipse periods is clearly visible. This observation
indicates that the Z-offset is correlated with the orientation
of the orbital plane with respect to the Sun, which in turn
influences the correlation between the Z-offset and the
radiation pressure parameters. The noise of the Z-offsets
increases toward the end of the time series, when the
satellite was no longer reliably tracked by the stations.
The mean satellite antenna PCO computed from this time
series is also plotted in Fig. 8. Three options for handling the
receiver antenna PCC (mainly for the GLONASS observa-
tions) were used for comparison purposes:
2003 2004
2006 2007 2008
Fig. 7 Development of the
GLONASS constellation since
June 2003 until end of 2008
(a satellite is indicated as active
as soon as an orbit determination
was possible in the operational
CODE final solution). The blue
bars indicate the old style
GLONASS satellites whereas
red bars are used for the
modernized GLONASS-M
satellites. SVN711 is a
prototype of the GLONASS-M
56 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
Green The original igs05.atx receiver antenna PCC
were applied, implying that the GPS-derived values are
also used for the GLONASS measurements.
Blue Updated GPS receiver antenna PCC igs05(upd).atx
where applied where available (Table 1), whereas the
igs05.atx corrections were introduced for the other
antennas. The GPS-derived corrections were used for
both the GPS and the GLONASS data.
Red Updated receiver antenna PCC igs05(upd).atx are
used (Table 1). GNSS-specific corrections were applied
for the GPS and the GLONASS data.
The three mean Z-offsets were estimated using the full
covariance information by combining the corresponding
normal equations. The stated uncertainty is the standard
deviation of the mean offset derived from the time series.
The three Z-offsets significantly differ by about 150 mm
from the currently used igs05.atx value. On the one hand,
the two solutions based on GPS-derived receiver antenna
corrections for GLONASS (‘‘Green’ and ‘Blue’’) agree
very well. The Z-offset emerging from solution ‘Red’
using GNSS-specific corrections, on the other hand, differs
by 22 mm from these two solutions.
Figure 9 gives an overview of the corresponding values
for the complete GLONASS constellation active in the
time span of 6.5 years, where only satellites observed for at
least 90 days are included. The difference of about 20 mm
between using GNSS-specific receiver antenna PCC
(‘‘Red’’) and the other two solutions is approximately the
same for all older GLONASS satellites. The difference is
smaller for the GLONASS-M satellites. For the youngest
satellites, SVN718 up to 726 (SVN716 might also belong
to this group, but only few observations were available till
summer 2007, because many receivers needed a firmware
upgrade to enable tracking of this satellite with frequency
channel zero), it even vanishes. These GLONASS-M sat-
ellites were launched in 2007 or 2008 when most of the
older GLONASS satellites were already inactive. In the
same time period, the number of different GNSS receiver
antenna types in the tracking network grew. Therefore,
either the characteristics of the two satellite antenna types
are different or some of the systematic differences between
GNSS-specific receiver antenna PCC are absorbed by the
satellite antenna Z-offsets. Note that the GLONASS
tracking network was dominated by two Javad Regant
types in the early days, see Fig. 3 (top). A full consistency
of the receiver and satellite antenna corrections is, in any
case, a requirement to achieve high-quality results.
Update of the satellite antenna PCV
Using the previously estimated satellite antenna PCO as
known, consistent nadir-dependent satellite antenna PCV
can now be established. For this purpose, a zero-mean
condition was imposed for the estimated PCV of each
satellite antenna, which is why corrections for all GPS and
GLONASS satellites could be estimated simultaneously.
The nadir-dependent satellite antenna PCV are not
sensitive to the three different scenarios for handling the
receiver antenna PCC. Therefore, only the most sophisti-
cated solution with GNSS-specific receiver antenna PCC
(‘‘Red’’) is subsequently discussed.
Figure 10 compares the yearly solutions for the nadir-
dependent satellite antenna PCV as derived from the
Δ Z−offset in mm
Nominal value from igs05.atx for SVN 791 2000.9 mm
igs05.atx for receivers, GPS and GLONASS
1856.1 +− 10.1 mm
updated PCC for receivers (see Tab. 1), GPS−PCC for GLONASS 1854.4 +− 10.1 mm
updated PCC for receivers (see Tab. 1), GNSS−specific PCC 1832.8 +− 10.3 mm
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Fig. 8 Differences between
satellite antenna phase center
Z-offset for GLONASS satellite
SVN791 (PRN R22) from 3-day
solutions of the GLONASS
extension of the CODE
reprocessing and the values in
igs05.atx. The shaded periods
indicate the eclipse periods. The
dashed lines indicate the mean
values of the three scenarios for
handling the receiver antenna
PCC, see text (note, the green
line is located behind the blue
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 57
GLONASS extension of the CODE reprocessing. Stable
solutions were obtained for all GPS and GLONASS sat-
ellites. The yearly solutions coincide to within ±1 mm.
Only for nadir angles of 0 (GPS and GLONASS), 14
(GPS), and 15 (GLONASS), the variations are somewhat
larger due to the limited number of observations contrib-
uting at these angles. As opposed to GPS, corrections for
nadir angles up to 15 can be reliably estimated for
GLONASS from ground stations thanks to the lower orbit
height of these satellites. igs05.atx does, however, only
contain corrections up to nadir angles of 14.
For most of the satellites, the nadir-dependent PCV
from igs05.atx (black dots) and from our estimation were
very close (e.g., for SVN60, PRN G23, Fig. 10, top,
right). For some GPS and GLONASS satellites, however,
the new PCV show small, but significant differences
with respect to the values in igs05.atx (e.g., for SVN792,
PRN R21, Fig. 10, bottom, left). Differences of a few
millimeters may be understood because igs05.atx only
contains block-specific mean PCV (Schmid et al. 2007).
The largest differences between our new corrections and
those in igs05.atx are those for SVN56 (Fig. 10, top, left)
for GPS and for SVN714 (Fig. 10, bottom, right) for
GLONASS. In both cases, the new set of nadir-dependent
corrections are almost the same in the available yearly
Figure 11 gives an overview of the consistency of the
nadir-dependent satellite antenna PCV for all satellites of
each type and compares them to the block-specific
igs05.atx values.
Schmid et al. (2007) distinguish three satellite groups of
common antenna behavior for the GPS, namely Block II/
IIA, Block IIR-A, and Block IIR-B/IIR-M.
Figure 10 says, however, that the differences of the
corrections between individual satellites of a group are
small, but significant. This results in the proposal that
satellite-specific antenna PCV should be considered for
future antenna phase center models. There are, however,
two important arguments in favor of the current strategy
based on a minimum number of parameters:
Additional parameters might weaken the normal equa-
tion system.
As each GPS satellite follows the same ground track
day after day the station-specific observation geometry
is repeated day after day, as well. Therefore, station-
specific effects may cause systematic satellite-specific
errors, e.g., errors in the satellite antenna PCV.
The inclusion of observations from Low Earth Orbiting
(LEO) satellites might mitigate this problem. As opposed
to a terrestrial site, the LEOs track the GNSS satellites
more uniformly. Calibration of the space-borne GPS
antennas is, on the other hand, a challenging task because
of local multipath and cross-talk effects (Ja
ggi et al. 2009).
The impact of station-dependent effects might, e.g., be
studied by comparing satellite-specific PCV derived from
solutions using different and independent tracking
The older and the modernized GLONASS satellites
obviously show a similar behavior. The scatter of the
Δ Z−offset in mm
Receiver antenna modeling:
igs05.atx for receivers, GPS and GLONASS
updated PCC for receivers (see Tab. 1), GPS−PCC for GLONASS
updated PCC for receivers (see Tab. 1), GNSS−specific PCC
igs05.atx PCO
values are
Satellite type
Fig. 9 Differences of the new mean satellite antenna phase center
Z-offsets for the GLONASS satellites with respect to igs05.atx
(diamonds). The receiver antenna phase centers: original igs05.atx
corrections (green); igs05(upd).atx with GPS-derived corrections for
GLONASS (blue); igs05(upd).atx with GNSS-specific corrections for
GPS and GLONASS observations (red). The error bars indicate the
uncertainty of the mean offset as derived from the entire time series of
3-day solutions. (SVN711 is a prototype of the GLONASS-M series;
SVN714 outside of the diagram)
58 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
nadir-dependent GLONASS PCV is comparable to that of
the two older generations of GPS satellites (Fig. 11).
The satellite-specific PCV for GLONASS show a similar
behavior as in the case of GPS. The scatter between the
individual satellites in Fig. 11 is, on one hand, larger than the
scatter between the yearly solutions for the individual satel-
lites (see Block II/IIA and Block IIR-A in Fig. 10). On the
other hand, the GLONASS satellites are not observed as
intensely as the GPS satellites (fewer stations, not well glob-
ally distributed). The GLONASS constellation has, however,
the advantage that each satellite is observed by the complete
tracking network within 17 revolutions corresponding to
eight sidereal days. Therefore, the derived GLONASS
parameters are less dependent on the tracking network.
One GLONASS-M satellite, namely SVN714, PRN R23,
shows a significantly different behavior in the satellite
antenna phase center (PCO in Fig. 9 and PCV in Figs. 10,
11). The mean Z-offset is, however, only 3 cm larger than
the mean value of all GLONASS-M satellites. As this
satellite became active in February 2006, the time slot for
computing the corresponding igs05.atx corrections was
(in particular in view of the sparse tracking network) not
long enough to detect the anomalous behavior of that
particular satellite. The assumption that all GLONASS
satellites had the same nadir-dependent PCV led to an
igs05.atx value for the PCO which was off by about
40 cm. Recently, the value for PRN R23 was corrected
(see IGS Mail No.5970).
Satellite PCV in mm
Nadir in degree
SVN 792
from year 1980
from year 2003
from year 2004
from year 2005
from year 2006
from year 2007
from year 2008
Satellite PCV in mm
10 11 12 13 14 15
Nadir in degree
SVN 714
from year 1980
from year 2003
from year 2004
from year 2005
from year 2006
from year 2007
from year 2008
Satellite PCV in mm
Nadir in degree
SVN 56
Block IIR−A
from year 1980
from year 2003
from year 2004
from year 2005
from year 2006
from year 2007
from year 2008
Satellite PCV in mm
Nadir in degree
SVN 60
Block IIR−B
from year 1980
from year 2003
from year 2004
from year 2005
from year 2006
from year 2007
from year 2008
Fig. 10 Examples of yearly solutions for the nadir-dependent satellite antenna PCV for individual GPS (top) and GLONASS (bottom) satellites.
The colors refer to the individual yearly solutions. The black dots mark the igs05.atx corrections
Satellite PCV in mm
5 6 7 8 9 101112131415
Nadir in degree
Satellite type
Satellite PCV in mm
10 11
12 13 14 15
Nadir in degree
Satellite type
Block II
Block IIA
Block IIR−A
Block IIR−B
Block IIR−M
Fig. 11 Nadir-dependent satellite antenna PCV for all GPS (top) and
GLONASS (bottom) satellites observed for [90 days during the
GLONASS extension of the CODE reprocessing. The colors indicate
the different satellite types, the dots illustrate the corresponding
igs05.atx corrections
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 59
Validation of the satellite antenna phase center models
In Use of GNSS-specific PCC’, it was suggested that
GNSS-specific receiver antenna PCC should be used as
soon as reliable values would become available. The
satellite antenna phase center model for the GLONASS
satellites was also updated whereas the igs05.atx values for
the old GPS satellites were fixed (‘Satellite antenna phase
center modeling’).
To validate these two conclusions, the following solu-
tions have been generated:
The IGS convention for the GPS-derived receiver
antenna PCC for GPS and GLONASS measurements is
used. The values in the file igs05.atx are used for the
satellite antennas.
The GNSS-specific PCC for the receiver antennas
igs05(upd).atx (as available in Table 1) and the new
satellite antenna PCC are used (derived in Satellite
antenna phase center modeling’).
The differences of the results from both solutions are
discussed in this section by studying the arc overlaps, the
residuals of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) measurements,
the station coordinates estimated over long time periods,
and the results of the kinematic positioning method.
Impact of the updated antenna phase center model
on the GLONASS satellite orbits
The orbits of two consecutive days, i and i ? 1 should
provide identical positions for each satellite for the midnight
epoch t
i ? 1
: r
Þ. The resulting disconti-
nuities r
Þ may serve as quality indicators
of a particular series of orbits. In an analogous manner,
discontinuities may be calculated for the velocity vectors.
The orbits r
ðtÞ actually used here for this purpose are
those corresponding to the middle day of 3-day arcs, in the
way they are generated by the CODE analysis center, see
Ineichen et al. (2001). Consecutive 3-day arcs are not
independent but they are required because of the poor
GLONASS tracking geometry outside Europe.
The differences between the solutions S
and S
at the
day boundaries were computed for the position and for the
velocity vectors:
The differences Dr
and Dv
are summed up for each
satellite over the entire time span of the comparison. The
result for the GLONASS satellites is provided in Table 2.
A positive sum of differences indicates on the average
larger discontinuities for the solution S
, implying that the
more sophisticated GLONASS antenna phase center model
from solution S
is preferable.
The mean position discontinuity per day, averaged over
all GLONASS satellites, is only reduced from 63.8 to
63.0 mm due to the use of updated antenna PCC. For the
GLONASS-M satellites, the benefit is even smaller (from
62.8 to 62.4 mm). The improvement thus amounts to about
1% for the complete constellation (from 63.3 to 62.7 mm).
The benefit is small, but the orbit quality consistently
improves for all satellites, except for SVN715.
Validating the GLONASS orbits using SLR data
The quality of GLONASS orbits may also be validated
using the SLR measurements (normal points) provided by
the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS, Pearlman
et al. 2002) and the distances between the satellite and the
microwave tracking station at the epoch of the SLR mea-
surement. The differences between the two observations
are called SLR residuals in this paper. The coordinates
of the ILRS sites were taken from the file SLRF2005
(a special reference frame currently used within the ILRS)
to generate the residuals for the two sets of GLONASS
orbits. Four GLONASS satellites were tracked by ILRS
stations in 2008: SVN712/PRN R07 (only from January to
May), SVN723/PRN R11 (only from June to December),
SVN716/PRN R15, and SVN713/PRN R24 (both through-
out the year). Figure 12 shows the mean differences of the
absolute values of the residuals between the orbit solutions
- S
Most of the mean differences are positive, implying that
the residuals were reduced by the updated antenna phase
center model. Satellite SVN712 is an exception, showing
negative differences for some of the SLR stations, namely
7810 Zimmerwald, 7237 Changchun, and 7090 Yarragadee.
Stations located in the vicinity of the three sites do, how-
ever, show a different behavior. This is in particular true
for Zimmerwald (7810) and Wettzell (8834) (for a few
time periods) when tracking SVN712 at the same time. The
effect is probably related to station problems, which were
not taken into account in our validation procedure,
described in Urschl (2007). There was, e.g., no attempt to
consider station-specific range biases.
Impact of the updated satellite antenna phase center
model on station coordinates
In order to study the impact of the updated satellite
antenna PCC on the reference frame, the updated PCC for
60 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
the GLONASS satellites from Satellite antenna phase
center modeling were used to generate a new set of
station coordinates and velocities for the full interval of
the GLONASS extension of the CODE reprocessing. The
resulting coordinates were compared to the coordinates
obtained with the original igs05.atx corrections for the
GLONASS satellites. Both solutions were based on
the same corrections for the GPS satellites and for
the receiver antennas (igs05(upd).atx). The differences
between the vertical components of the two solutions are
below the 1-mm limit—the horizontal ones are even
Obviously, the updated GLONASS satellite antenna
PCC do not have a significant influence on the coordinates.
This is consistent with the findings in Use of GNSS-
specific PCC’, where it was already shown that GLONASS
has only a small impact on the estimated coordinates. One
may also draw the conclusion that the updated satellite
antenna corrections do not have a negative impact on the
reference frame.
Impact of the updated antenna phase center model
on kinematic positioning
Dach et al. (2009) and Ineichen et al. (2008) showed that
GLONASS observations used in addition to GPS mea-
surements have a significant impact on coordinates esti-
mated in the rapid-static mode (based on short data spans).
One may therefore expect that the coordinates calculated in
the kinematic mode are also prone to the use of different
phase center models.
The global network was processed with a sampling
rate of 30 s over 10 days in December 2008 (days of year
350–359) to study the impact of the antenna phase centers.
A few stations representing the antennas with updated
PCC (Table 1) on different continents were treated as
kinematic. The coordinates of all the remaining stations,
the satellite orbits, and the Earth rotation parameters were
introduced as known values from the daily processing of
the static network.
Approximately 28,800 positions for each of the kine-
matic stations were assigned to adjacent subintervals with
lengths of either 15 or 60 min. The 30 or 120 positions
within each interval were used to compute the standard
deviation of the mean values of the coordinates. The
arithmetic mean of the standard deviations from all 960 or
240 intervals is provided in Table 3. Four sets of solutions
(experiments) are discussed subsequently. The first set is
represented by columns 4 and 5, the second by columns 6,
7, and 8, the third by columns 9 and 10, and the fourth by
columns 11 and 12.
The first set of solutions in Table 3, based on 15-min
intervals, compares the GPS-only and the combined GPS/
GLONASS solution applying identical receiver antenna
PCC for the GPS and GLONASS measurements—corre-
sponding to current practice in the IGS. Despite this
deficiency, the standard deviation of the mean station
height for intervals of 15 min is improved. 32-GPS and
16-GLONASS satellites were active in December 2008.
Assuming a white noise law, one would expect an
improvement by a factor of
1:22 due to the addi-
tional GLONASS observations. This value was achieved
for many of the analyzed sites.
The updated GNSS-specific receiver antenna PCC
model igs05(upd).atx was used for a second set of solu-
tions, also based on 15-min intervals. The GPS-only and
the combined GPS/GLONASS solution (first two solutions
of the second set) are compared as in the previous exper-
iment and the results are the same. The third of the second
set of solutions used the updated satellite antenna PCC
from Satellite antenna phase center modeling for the
GLONASS satellites and was based on a combination of
GPS and GLONASS. Compared to the solution using the
IGS satellite antenna PCC, the differences are \0.1 mm.
Table 2 Sum of differences according to Eq. 1 at the day boundaries
using the IGS standard and the updated satellite antenna PCC from
‘‘Satellite antenna phase center modeling’, respectively
PRN SVN Number of arc
Differences in the
Position in mm Velocity in mm/s
R06 701 1,518 944 288
R05 711 979 326 75
R07 712 1,263 1,350 240
R24 713 929 424 59
R23 714 957 1,285 197
R14 715 684 47 -15
R15 716 482 97 7
R10 717 682 122 47
R20 719 407 103 13
R19 720 418 276 27
R18 783 1,208 671 73
R17 787 1,164 658 184
R24 788 827 891 221
R03 789 1,428 85 203
R22 791 1,399 1,644 336
R21 792 1,539 2,456 343
R23 793 952 871 223
R02 794 1,160 680 196
R04 795 1,792 1,082 264
R01 796 1,224 997 238
R08 797 1,207 953 163
R19 798 519 448 126
Only satellites with at least 400-day boundary values are included.
The GLONASS-M satellites are in the upper, the first generation of
GLONASS satellites in the lower part
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 61
This result could be expected, because the satellite geom-
etry does not change substantially during the 15-min
intervals. The antenna phase center model, therefore, has
only a systematic influence on the mean value of a rapid-
static solution, but does not show up in the standard
deviation of the mean coordinates.
The third set of solutions in Table 3 is based on
GLONASS-only. The impact of the updated antenna PCC
on the standard deviations of the coordinates is slightly
larger than in the combined case. It is, on one hand,
remarkable that a rapid-static solution is at all possible
with the limited number of active GLONASS satellites
(16 December 2008). The noise of these solutions is, on the
other hand and not unexpectedly, larger than the corre-
sponding noise of the GPS-only solution, in particular for
stations with a weak satellite geometry during a significant
part of the day (e.g., CONZ and REUN).
As the effect of the antenna PCC on the 15-min solutions
is limited, the fourth set of solutions (corresponding to the
last two columns in Table 3) are fictitious 60-min coordi-
nate solutions. As the satellite geometry changes signifi-
cantly within 60 min, the antenna phase center model
should have more influence on the standard deviations of
the hourly solutions. Two GLONASS-only solutions are
compared in Table 3 both using the GLONASS-specific
receiver antenna PCC from igs05(upd).atx. The first solu-
tion uses the igs05.atx GLONASS satellite antenna cor-
rections, the second one the updated values provided in
‘‘ Satellite antenna phase center modeling’. A small benefit
of using the improved antenna phase center model results in
the case of the 60-min solution (10 stations have smaller,
5 larger standard deviations, and 7 are on the same level).
Note that other effects like near-field multipath also have an
impact on these values. Such site-specific issues play a more
important role for the 60-min solutions because of the
reduced redundancy of the kinematic GLONASS-only
solution when compared with GPS-only (double number of
satellites) or a combined GPS/GLONASS (triple number of
satellites) solution.
For the latter two GLONASS-only solutions, the varia-
tions of the fictitious hourly solutions were analyzed. For
this purpose, the mean coordinates for intervals of 60 min
were extracted from the kinematic solutions. The RMS of
these time series of hourly coordinates is shown in Table 4.
The updated satellite antenna PCC-only cause a minor
impact on the hourly coordinate solutions (excluding the
stations CONZ and REUN, the mean of the RMS values of
all stations is identical on the sub-mm level). This confirms
the conclusions drawn from Table 3 and in Impact of the
updated satellite antenna phase center model on station
coordinates’ that the updated satellite antenna phase center
model for the GLONASS satellites does not ‘disturb’ the
coordinate solution. The solution is dominated by envi-
ronmental effects, which are difficult to be eliminated in
the case of a GLONASS-only solution due to the small
Summary and conclusions
The CODE reprocessing solution for the IGS based on
GPS-only, performed at the Technische Universita
chen, has been expanded to a combined GPS/GLONASS
solution for the time period from May 2003 to December
2008. Due to improved modeling and additional tracking
sites, the GLONASS orbits could be improved by up to a
factor of about two compared to the operational solution (in
particular prior to 2007) achieved by the CODE Analysis
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia
Station location
Mt. Stromlo
Number of normal points
Fig. 12 Mean differences of the absolute values of the SLR residuals
between the 3-day GLONASS orbits computed with original igs05.atx
or updated antenna PCC (Table 1;‘Satellite antenna phase center
modeling’) in mm. Only SLR stations (green dots) with at least
400 normal points in 2008 were included. The four bars per tracking
station indicate the residual differences for the GLONASS satel-
lites 712 (PRN R07), 723 (PRN R11), 716 (PRN R15), and 713
(PRN R24), respectively. The colors of the bars indicate the number
of normal points contributing to this statistics
62 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
Table 3 Standard deviation of the mean station height over a certain time interval (15 or 60 min) derived from a kinematic coordinate estimation
Station Antenna Radome GPS-only
for rec.
for sat.
for rec.
for sat.
for rec.
igs05.atx for
for rec.
igs05.atx for
for rec.
for sat.
for rec.
for sat.
for rec.
for sat.
for rec.
for sat.
for rec.
for sat.
15 min 15 min 15 min 60 min
MAS1 ASH701945E_M NONE 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.5 7.0 8.0 14.9 16.1
CAGZ JPSREGANT_DD_E NONE 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.2
CRAR JPSREGANT_DD_E NONE 2.5 1.7 2.5 1.7 1.7 3.6 3.6 2.9 2.9
UNB3 JPSREGANT_DD_E NONE 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
IRKJ JPSREGANT_SD_E NONE 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 3.6 3.5 4.2 4.1
ZIMJ JPSREGANT_SD_E NONE 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 2.7 2.8 2.3 2.4
BZRG LEIAT504GG LEIS 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.1 6.8 6.8 14.0 14.0
RCMN LEIAT504GG LEIS 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.5 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.6
TSEA LEIAT504GG LEIS 2.1 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.6 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.0
HYDE LEIAT504GG NONE 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.5 4.3 4.4 8.5 8.4
JOZ2 LEIAT504GG NONE 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.9 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.3
PDEL LEIAT504GG NONE 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.2
BARH LEIAX1202GG NONE 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.4 4.3 4.4 7.0 7.2
REYK TPSCR.G3 TPSH 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.3 2.6 2.5 2.1 2.1
AZCO TPSCR3_GGD CONE 2.7 2.1 2.7 2.1 2.1 7.0 6.9 10.1 10.6
CONZ TPSCR3_GGD CONE 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.5 7.5 7.4 20.3 20.0
FFMJ TPSCR3_GGD CONE 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.8
WTZJ TRM29659.00 NONE 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 2.6 2.6 2.1 2.0
GANP TRM55971.00 NONE 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.2 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.8
REUN TRM55971.00 NONE 3.0 2.4 3.0 2.4 2.4 14.8 14.3 25.5 22.5
ROSA TRM55971.00 NONE 3.0 2.3 3.0 2.4 2.3 7.0 6.9 9.4 9.1
ZIM2 TRM55971.00 NONE 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 3.1 3.1 2.6 2.5
Mean over all stations 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.4 4.5 4.6 6.7 6.6
Different observations were processed (GPS-only, GLONASS-only, and fully combined GPS/GLONASS); in addition, the modeling of the antenna PCC for the receiver and satellite antennas
was varied
igs05.atx for rec. IGS standard receiver antenna PCC from igs05.atx derived from GPS observations are used for both GPS and GLONASS measurements, igs05(upd).atx for rec., igs05.atx was
updated with GNSS-specific receiver antenna PCC (Table 1), igs05.atx for sat. IGS standard antenna PCC from igs05.atx are used for all satellites, igs05(upd).atx for sat. IGS standard antenna
PCC from igs05.atx are only used for GPS satellites, whereas for the GLONASS satellites the PCC derived in ‘Satellite antenna phase center modeling are introduced. The values are given
in mm
GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 63
Center. The time series of combined GPS/GLONASS
solutions was used as the basis for this study and to update
the antenna phase center model.
An updated antenna PCC file, called igs05(upd).atx, was
generated containing all receiver antenna/radome combi-
nations available with reliable GNSS-specific corrections.
Some converted field calibrations could be replaced by
robot calibrations in the updated file. These updated cor-
rections affect the station coordinates by up to 5 mm, even
if the GPS-derived values are used for both, the GPS and
the GLONASS observations. This result underlines the
problem of a stable reference frame realization on one hand
and the necessity to update the receiver antenna PCC on the
other hand.
GNSS-specific receiver antenna corrections became
available for many antenna types since 2005/06. The dif-
ferences between GPS and GLONASS PCV reach values
of up to 10 mm for the ionosphere-free linear combination.
The introduction of these GNSS-specific corrections has a
systematic impact of only up to 1 mm on the estimated
station coordinates in a multi-year solution. In some cases,
the GLONASS-specific ‘type-mean’ values show larger
uncertainties than the GPS-specific values, because of the
smaller number of calibrated antennas. As soon as the
uncertainty is small enough, the GNSS-specific corrections
should be used, because the impact of GLONASS on a
combined GPS/GLONASS solution currently grows from
month to month thanks to the continuous growth of the
multi-GNSS tracking sites in the global IGS network and
thanks to the growing number of GLONASS satellites. The
differences between GPS- and GLONASS-specific receiver
antenna PCV are typically twice as large as the difference
between igs05.atx values and the updated receiver antenna
PCC for GPS. The latter differences caused 5-mm changes
in the estimated station heights.
An update of the currently used GNSS satellite antenna
phase center model is also necessary for at least formal
reasons. More or less the complete GLONASS constella-
tion has been replaced since the computation of the cur-
rently used igs05.atx values. The GLONASS tracking
situation has, moreover, dramatically improved since that
time. Today, the uncertainties of the GLONASS satellite
antenna corrections, as documented here, are comparable
to those of the GPS satellites.
Some satellite antennas show significant deviations from
the nadir-dependent block-specific PCV. Examples for
both GPS and GLONASS satellites were provided.
Exceptions from the block-specific PCC should therefore
be allowed for specific satellites. Satellite-specific correc-
tions should be considered for future satellite antenna
phase center models.
The updated satellite antenna phase center model does
not degrade the reference frame of combined GPS/
GLONASS solutions. GLONASS-only rapid-static or
kinematic solutions benefit most from the updated satellite
antenna corrections. The new coefficients will be provided
as a contribution to the next generation of standard IGS
antenna PCC.
Altamimi Z, Collilieux X, Legrand J, Garayt B, Boucher C (2007)
ITRF2005: a new release of the International Terrestrial
Reference Frame based on time series of station positions and
earth orientation parameters. J Geophys Res 112(B9):401–419.
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Table 4 RMS of the hourly mean coordinates derived from a kine-
matic positioning considering only GLONASS measurements
Station GLONASS-only
igs05(upd).atx for rec.
igs05.atx for sat.
igs05(upd).atx for rec.
igs05(upd).atx for sat.
North East Up North East Up
MAS1 1.2 5.6 6.2 0.5 5.1 6.4
CAGZ 5.2 12.7 0.8 4.7 12.3 0.6
CRAR 0.7 1.1 0.7 0.6 1.4 0.0
UNB3 0.7 0.0 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.6
IRKJ 5.5 1.5 5.4 5.4 3.3 5.8
ZIMJ 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1
BZRG 1.2 3.9 3.4 1.3 4.5 3.7
RCMN 1.7 3.7 2.0 1.6 3.7 2.0
TSEA 2.9 3.0 6.2 3.5 1.5 6.8
HYDE 1.3 4.7 16.5 3.5 5.2 19.4
JOZ2 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.9
PDEL 0.6 3.1 7.5 0.6 3.0 7.6
BARH 1.8 0.3 0.2 1.6 0.6 1.3
REYK 0.1 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.6
AZCO 4.0 1.0 28.6 3.1 1.1 27.3
CONZ 66.5 185.4 125.7 61.3 184.8 99.8
FFMJ 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5
WTZJ 0.5 0.7 2.0 0.5 0.7 2.0
GANP 0.7 0.1 3.6 0.7 0.0 3.6
REUN 27.4 104.8 105.5 27.8 114.5 101.2
ROSA 7.6 2.9 1.9 7.7 2.4 1.6
ZIM2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1
Mean 6.2 15.9 15.6 6.0 16.4 14.2
Different satellite antenna phase center models were applied
(descriptions of the solution IDs are given in Table 3). The values are
given in mm
64 GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65
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GPS Solut (2011) 15:49–65 65
... As a consequence, the GNSS technique was excluded from the determination of ITRF2020 scale. Same as before (Ray et al. 2013;Dilssner et al. 2010;Dach et al. 2011;Villiger et al. 2021), GNSS satellite-specific PCOs have to be repeatedly estimated by the International GNSS Service (IGS, Johnston et al. 2017) based on the scale of the latest ITRF version. The TRF solution from Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), the DTRF2020, on the other side sees an agreement between VLBI and GNSS and uses these two techniques to define the scale (Blossfeld et al. 2022;Seitz et al. 2023a, b). ...
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Accurate information on satellite antenna phase center offsets (PCOs) and phase variations (PVs) is indispensable for high-precision geodetic applications. In the absence of consistent pre-flight calibrations, satellite antenna PCOs and PVs of global navigation satellite systems are commonly estimated based on observations from a global network, constraining the scale to a given reference frame. As part of this estimation, flatness and zero-mean conditions need to be applied to unambiguously separate PCOs, PVs, and constant phase ambiguities. Within this study, we analytically investigate the impact of different boresight-angle-dependent weighting functions for PV minimization, and we compare antenna models generated with different observation-based weighting schemes with those based on uniform weighting. For the case of the GPS IIR/-M and III satellites, systematic differences of 10 mm in the PVs and 65 cm in the corresponding PCOs are identified. In addition, new antenna models for the different blocks of BeiDou-3 satellites in medium Earth orbit are derived using different processing schemes. As a drawback of traditional approaches estimating PCOs and PVs consecutively in distinct steps, it is shown that different, albeit self-consistent, PCO/PV pairs may result depending on whether PCOs or PVs are estimated first. This apparent discrepancy can be attributed to potentially inconsistent weighting functions in the individual processing steps. Use of a single-step process is therefore proposed, in which a dedicated constraint for PCO-PV separation is applied in the solution of the normal equations. Finally, the impact of neglecting phase patterns in precise point positioning applications is investigated. In addition to an overall increase of the position scatter, the occurrence of systematic height biases is illustrated. While observation-based weighting in the pattern estimation can help to avoid such biases, the possible benefit depends critically on the specific elevation-dependent weighting applied in the user’s positioning model. As such, the practical advantage of such antenna models would remain limited, and uniform weighting is recommended as a lean and transparent approach for the pattern estimation of satellite antenna models from observations.
... was then replaced by the igs08.atx with newly launched satellites before the year 2011, especially for GLONASS satellites (Dilssner et al. 2010;Dach et al. 2011b). Because of the fact that satellite antenna PCOs are not available and are correlated with the scale of ITRF, the satellite antenna PCOs are usually adjusted to the ITRF scales based on VLBI and SLR during the reprocessing (Villiger et al. 2020). ...
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The aim of the new generation of Global Geodetic Observing System is a millimeter-level accuracy in positioning, with a crucial role to be played by Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS) in the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) mode. This is of course because GNSS constellations and receivers provide an efficient stand-alone technique with a homogeneous performance over large areas (positions, navigation and meteorology) when used in conjunction with the PPP mode, with also an ever-increasing data flow and different satellite line-of-sights. The requirement of accuracies reaching the millimeter or sub-millimeter implies a knowledge at this level of each line in the GNSS-PPP error budget, including, but not restricted to: clock biases, troposphere and ionosphere delays, multipath and ground deformations. In this review study, we consider this millimeter-/submillimeter level GNSS-PPP error budget, and possible mitigations and improvements in the frame of the existing global constellations: GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BDS, in view of augmented constellations and/or Low Earth Orbit constellations, which will be available in the near future. We also pay a special attention to systematic biases that can/could exist between constellations.
... For GPS, Schmid et al. (2007) present PCO estimates adjusted to match the scale of the IGb00 reference frame, which is itself aligned to the year 2000 release of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2000; Altamimi et al. 2002). Later, these values were complemented with ITRF2005 (Altamimi et al. 2007) compatible GLONASS-M PCO estimates derived by Dilssner et al. (2010) and Dach et al. (2011). Following the release of ITRF2008, consistent PCOs for GPS and GLONASS were adjusted in Schmid et al. (2016) and a new IGS antenna model, igs08.atx, ...
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Phase center offsets (PCOs) of global navigation satellites systems (GNSS) transmit antennas along the boresight axis introduce line-of-sight-dependent range changes in the modeling of GNSS observations that are strongly correlated with the estimated station heights. As a consequence, changes in the adopted PCOs impact the scale of GNSS-based realizations of the terrestrial reference frame (TRF). Vice versa, changes in the adopted TRF scale require corrections to the GNSS transmit antenna PCOs for consistent observation modeling. Early studies have determined an approximate value of α=0.050\alpha =-0.050 α = - 0.050 for the ratio of station height changes and satellite PCO changes in GPS orbit determination and phase center adjustment. However, this is mainly an empirical value and limited information is available on the actual PCO-scale relation and how it is influenced by other factors. In view of the recurring need to adjust the IGS antenna models to new ITRF scales, a semi-analytical model is developed to determine values of α\alpha α for the four current GNSSs from first principles without a need for actual network data processing. Given the close coupling of satellite boresight angle and station zenith angle, satellite PCO changes are essentially compensated by a combination of station height, zenith troposphere delay, and receiver clock offset. As such, the value of α\alpha α depends not only on the orbital altitude of the considered GNSS but also on the elevation-dependent distribution of GNSS observations and their weighting, as well as the elevation mask angle and the tropospheric mapping function. Based on the model, representative values of αGPS=0.051\alpha _\text {GPS}=-0.051 α GPS = - 0.051 , αGLO=0.055\alpha _\text {GLO}=-0.055 α GLO = - 0.055 , αGAL=0.041\alpha _\text {GAL}=-0.041 α GAL = - 0.041 , and αBDS-3=0.046\alpha _\text {BDS-3}=-0.046 α BDS-3 = - 0.046 are derived for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou-3 at a 1010^\circ 10 ∘ elevation cutoff angle. These values may vary by Δα0.003\varDelta \alpha \approx 0.003 Δ α ≈ 0.003 depending on the specific model assumptions and data processing parameters in a precise orbit determination or precise point positioning. Likewise changes of about ±0.003\pm 0.003 ± 0.003 can be observed when varying the cutoff angle between 55^\circ 5 ∘ and 1515^\circ 15 ∘ .
... Using the GPS antenna PCC model for GLONASS will introduce systematic bias [9,27,28]. ...
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The orbital inclination angle of the GLONASS constellation is about 10° larger than that of GPS, Galileo, and BDS. Theoretically, the higher orbital inclination angle could provide better observation geometry in high latitude regions. A wealth of research has investigated the positioning accuracy of GLONASS and its impact on multi-GNSS, but rarely considered the contribution of the GLONASS constellation’s large orbit inclination angle. The performance of GLONASS in different latitude regions is evaluated in both stand-alone mode and integration with GPS in this paper. The performance of GPS is also presented for comparison. Three international GNSS service (IGS) networks located in high, middle, and low latitudes are selected for the current study. Multi-GNSS data between January 2021 and June 2021 are used for the assessment. The data quality check shows that the GLONASS data integrity is significantly lower than that of GPS. The constellation visibility analysis indicates that GLONASS has a much better elevation distribution than GPS in high latitude regions. Both daily double-difference network solutions and daily static Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solutions are evaluated. The statistical analysis of coordinate estimates indicates that, in high latitude regions, GLONASS has a comparable or even better accuracy than that of GPS, and GPS+GLONASS presents the best estimate accuracy; in middle latitude regions, GPS stand-alone constellation provides the best positioning accuracy; in low latitude regions, GLONASS offers the worst accuracy, but the positioning accuracy of GPS+GLONASS is better than that of GPS. The tropospheric estimates of GLONASS do not present a resemblance regional advantage as coordinate estimates, which is worse than that of GPS in all three networks. The PPP processing with combined GPS and GLONASS observations reduces the convergence time and improves the accuracy of tropospheric estimates in all three networks.
... Note that double-difference ambiguities were only fixed for GPS. Instead of relative corrections, absolute corrections for antenna phase center offset (PCO) and phase center variation (PCV) were used for receiver and satellites [37,38] to avoid systematic errors [39]. ...
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Water vapor is one of the most important greenhouse gases in the world. There are many techniques that can measure water vapor directly or remotely. In this work, we first study the Global Positioning System (GPS)- and the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)-derived Zenith Wet Delay (ZWD) time series based on 11 years of the second reprocessing campaign of International Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Service (IGS) using 320 globally distributed stations. The amount of measurement, the local environment, and the antenna radome are shown to be the main factors that affect the GNSS ZWDs and the corresponding a posteriori formal errors. Furthermore, antenna radome is able to effectively reduce the systematic bias of ZWDs and a posteriori formal errors between the GPS- and GLONASS-based solutions. With the development of the GLONASS, the ZWD differences between the GPS- and the GLONASS-based solutions have gradually decreased to sub-mm-level after GLONASS was fully operated. As the GPS-based Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) is usually used as the reference to evaluate the other PWV products, the PWV consistency among several common techniques is evaluated, including GNSSs, spaceborne sensors, and numerical products from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). As an example of the results from a detailed comparison analysis, the long-term global analysis shows that the PWV obtained from the GNSS and the ECMWF have great intra-agreements. Based on the global distribution of the magnitude of the PWV and the PWV drift, most of the techniques showed superior agreement and proved their ability to do climate research. With a detailed study performed for the ZWDs and PWV on a long-term global scale, this contribution provides a useful supplement for future research on the GNSS ZWD and PWV.
... They suggested several mathematical, stochastic models and ambiguity resolution strategies for analysing standalone Glonass and combined GPS-Glonass data. Further, modelling of L3 phase observable of Glonass causes a mean difference of up to 1 cm, which gets partially offset in the GGL solution 9 . In addition, errors in Glonass orbits cause an error of 4 mm for baseline lengths of 2000 km and above 10 . ...
... Schmid et al. (2007) estimated daily and weekly PCOs of GPS satellites using 10 years of data and obtained PCO differences up to 40 cm both in horizontal radial direction. (Dach et al., 2011) estimated PCOs for GLO-NASS satellites in radial direction, the time series exhibit large variations up to 50 cm. The PCOs of the Galileo IOV satellites were estimated by Steigenberger et al. (2016), the daily estimates of the horizontal PCOs showed pronounced systematic effects with a peak-to-peak amplitude of up to 70-80 cm, large formal errors up to 30 cm and strong dependence on SRP modeling and elevation of the Sun above the orbital plane. ...
The paper presents results of precise orbit and Earth parameter determination based on full-scale simulations of a potential future GNSS, with the name of Kepler, recently proposed by the German Aerospace Center. The space segment of the system consists of 24 Galileo-like Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites and 6 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites equipped with ultra-stable optical clocks. All spacecraft carry terminals for two-way optical inter-satellite links (ISLs) enabling high-rate data communication, constellation-wide clock synchronization and precise absolute ranging. The clock synchronization is assumed to create an extremely stable reference time scale based on ensemble of the optical clocks. A series of simulation scenarios are defined, starting from the Galileo constellation as benchmark, and gradually incorporating additional features including LEOs, ISLs and synchronized clocks to assess the impact on orbits, singnal-in-space range errors (SiSREs) and a geodetic quality Earth parameters like polar coordinates, length of day (LOD) and geocenter coordinates. Precise orbit determination (POD) is done at the observation level using the same standards and setups as in real data processing with ground network containing up to 18 stations. The MEO SiSRE, the most relevant to navigation applications, obtained for the Kepler constellation with perfect models and 18 ground stations was found to be 0.009 cm, 160 times better than 1.4 cm found for Galileo. It was demonstrated, that for operational POD for the Kepler system the ground network can be significantly reduced to only two stations if Earth rotation parameters are to be estimated, or to just one otherwise. A SiSRE value of 0.037 cm was obtained with two stations, and 0.018 cm with one station. For more realistic results a number of modeling errors are being considered. These concern observations – multipath, GNSS code hardware delays and ISL range biases, the dynamics – solar radiation pressure (SRP), gravity field, air drag, MEO antenna thrust, Earth tide potential, and the geometry – ocean loading and phase center offsets (PCOs) of space GNSS antennas. Any other satellite and station equipment contribution to mismodeling has been disregarded. It is shown, that for the Kepler the modeling errors are clearly visible in ISL observation residuals, in contrast to Galileo case, where they are to a large extent absorbed by the large number of estimated clock parameters. This was exploited to efficiently mitigate the dynamic modeling errors by estimation of empirical accelerations. With this setup the MEO SiSRE of 5 cm was obtained for Galileo and 0.3 cm, 0.4 cm and 0.7 cm for Kepler with 18, two and one ground station, respectively. The key to obtaining such low values are ISLs and synchronized satellite clocks. In the Kepler constellation with a single ground station the ISL range biases (RBs) up to 5 mm and 20 mm increase the SiSRE to 0.74 cm and 1.67 cm. Estimation of the ISL RBs is not recommended in the presence of modeling errors since they are significantly biased, which leads to increase of SiSRE to 2.2 cm. The Earth parameter determination, based on global network of 124 observing IGS stations, also benefits significantly from the Kepler constellation. The initial results show that the impact of modeling errors on Earth parameters can, as with POD, be effectively reduced in the Kepler system. The 30 cm error in integrated LOD, which has an impact on UT1-UTC, obtained for Galileo due to combined modeling errors could be reduced to 0.5 cm for the Kepler system. The same is true for the Z-coordinate of the geocenter, whose 14 mm error in the MEO-only solution could be reduced to 0.2 mm in the Kepler solution. The Earth parameters completely free of bias are obtained when the number of the modeling errors is reduced to only two: MEO SRP and PCOs. The ISL range biases up to 5 mm were found to have negligible impact on the estimated EPs. The largest differences (up to 0.2 mm) are found for UT1-UTC, for all other parameters they do not exceed 0.02 mm. The estimation of PCOs, being an integral part of Earth parameter determination, also benefits enormously from the Kepler design. It was demonstrated, that using only ten days of data they could be estimated with millimeter accuracy for MEOs and sub-millimeter accuracy for LEOs in all three spacial directions even in the presence of ISL range biases of up to 5 mm. Such accuracy of PCOs is not achievable with the Galileo constellation.
... It is well known that precise orbit products for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellites are related to their CoMs (Center of Masses), while the observations refer to the antenna phase centers [3]. The offsets between the CoMs and the antenna phase centers, called PCOs (Phase Center Offsets), are necessary to correct for high precision applications [4]. However, it is difficult to measure PCO and its variations due to the fact that the antenna phase center is not a physical point but an electrical one varying time to time [5]. ...
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For the purpose of further improving the solution accuracies of the orbital and geodetic parameters for BDS (BeiDou Navigation Satellite System) precise applications, this paper focuses on the enhancements of antenna phase center offsets (PCOs) for BDS-2 IGSOs (Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbits) and MEOs (Medium Earth Orbits) through processing observations from a global tracking network. The daily estimated horizontal and vertical PCO time series of nearly three years from DOY (Day of Year) 001 in 2018 to DOY 180 in 2020 are obtained using the PANDA (Position And Navigation Data Analysis) software. The long-term PCO time series have seasonal variations and systematic effects along with the elevation angle of the Sun with respect to the orbital plane. Then, type-specific x-offsets and y-offsets of IGSOs and MEOs are comprehensively available considering the good consistency for the same satellite type. And a set of satellite-specific vertical offsets are recommended to BDS-2 IGSOs and MEOs since the low coherence of these satellites with the same type. Validation experiments are carried out for comparison between the original MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment) PCOs and the newly improved values (iMGEX PCOs for short), including the Precise Orbit Determination (POD) and Precise Point Positioning (PPP). Based on the orbital overlap analysis, the qualities of BDS-2 orbits show great enhancements in the along-track, cross-track and radial components, when the iMGEX PCOs are employed. Results of the independent assessment using SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging) also indicate the improvements on the radial component for C08, C10 and C11 satellites, and most of the orbit RMSs (Root Mean Squares) of iMGEX results decreased by 40.5% on average compared with the MGEX values. Additionally, the experimental station coordinates by static PPP achieve improvements at the rate of 27.1%, 32.6% and 28.4% in the east, north, and up component, respectively, in which more than a half stations realize sub-centimeter positioning accuracy in the north component using the iMGEX PCOs.
... The latest release of the IGS antenna phase center model, called igs14.atx [33], contains estimated PCOs for GPS [34] and GLONASS [35], chamber calibrations for Galileo [23], and conventional PCOs for BeiDou [20]. However, CODE still uses the estimates of Ref. [21] for Galileo, which were included in earlier releases of igs14.atx. ...
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The analysis centers of the multi-GNSS pilot project of the International GNSS Service provide orbit and clock products for the global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) Global Positioning System (GPS), GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou, as well as for the Japanese regional Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS). Due to improved solar radiation pressure modeling and other more sophisticated models, the consistency of these products has improved in recent years. The current orbit consistency between different analysis centers is on the level of a few centimeters for GPS, around one decimeter for GLONASS and Galileo, a few decimeters for BeiDou-2, and several decimeters for QZSS. The clock consistency is about 2 cm for GPS, 5 cm for GLONASS and Galileo, and 10 cm for BeiDou-2. In terms of carrier phase modeling error for precise point positioning, the various products exhibit consistencies of 2-3 cm for GPS, 6-14 cm for GLONASS, 3-10 cm for Galileo, and 10-17 cm for BeiDou-2.
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The International GNSS Service (IGS) is an international activity involving more than 200 participating organisations in over 80 countries with a track record of one and a half decades of successful operations.
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The absolute GNSS antenna calibration with a robot is operationally executed by Geo++ since 2000. In the last years, the conducted antenna calibrations produced an extensive database of individual antennas, different antenna types and setups. The robot calibrations can provide absolute phase center and variations (PCV) of GNSS antennas for the GPS and GLONASS observables L1 and L2 as well as antenna/receiver dependent carrier-to-noise decrease pattern. Investigations on repeatability of individual GNSS antennas and models are possible using the Geo++ GNPCVDB database. The number of individual calibrations of one antenna type gives insight into the quality of antennas series. Also long-term analysis of individual antennas have been carried out. The analysis will focus on Dorne Margoline type antennas. The GLONASS constellation was for a long time not sufficient to perform a GLONASS PCV calibration within a reasonable time period. However, with the current constellation several calibrations for different GNSS antenna types have been executed. The GLONASS PCV calibration differs compared to GPS, because of the different frequencies of individual GLONASSS satellites. Investigations on a frequency independent modeling of GLONASS PCV are presented. Operationally, carrier-to-noise (CN0) pattern are estimated simultaneously with the PCV during a robot calibration. The CN0 pattern depend on antenna, wiring and receiver. Comparable antenna/receiver CN0 pattern are obtained using the decrease of CN0 instead of absolute values. CN0 pattern can be effectively used for weighting of GNSS observations. The general aspects of CN0 calibration and some examples are presented. Investigations on GNSS antenna PCV, GLONASS PCV calibration and CN0 pattern using the absolute GNSS antenna calibration with a robot are discussed.
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Unlike the past International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) versions where global long-term solutions were combined, the ITRF2005 uses as input data time series (weekly from satellite techniques and 24-h session-wise from Very Long Baseline Interferometry) of station positions and daily Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs). The advantage of using time series of station positions is that it allows to monitor station non-linear motion and discontinuities and to examine the temporal behavior of the frame physical parameters, namely the origin and the scale. The ITRF2005 origin is defined in such a way that it has zero translations and translation rates with respect to the Earth center of mass, averaged by the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) time series spanning 13 years of observations. Its scale is defined by nullifying the scale and its rate with respect to the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) time series spanning 26 years of observations. The ITRF2005 orientation (at epoch 2000.0) and its rate are aligned to the ITRF2000 using 70 stations of high geodetic quality. The estimated level of consistency of the ITRF2005 origin (at epoch 2000.0) and its rate with respect to the ITRF2000 is respectively 0.1, 0.8, 5.8 mm and 0.2, 0.1, 1.8 mm/yr along the X, Y and Z-axis. We estimate the formal errors on these components to be 0.3 mm and 0.3 mm/yr. We believe that this low level of agreement between the two frame origins is most probably due to the poor SLR network geometry and its degradation over time. The ITRF2005 combination involving 84 co-location sites revealed a scale inconsistency of 1 ppb (6.3 mm at the equator), at epoch 2000.0, and 0.08 ppb/yr between the SLR and VLBI long-term solutions as obtained by the stacking of their respective time series. Possible causes of this inconsistency may include the poor SLR and VLBI networks and their co-locations, local tie uncertainties, systematic effects and possible inconsistent model corrections used in the data analysis of both techniques. For the first time of the ITRF history, the ITRF2005 rigorous combination provides self-consistent series of EOPs, including Polar Motion from VLBI and satellite techniques and Universal Time and Length of Day from VLBI only. A velocity field of 152 sites with an error less than 1.5 mm/yr is used to estimate absolute rotation poles of 15 tectonic plates that are consistent with the ITRF2005 frame. This new absolute plate motion model supersedes and significantly improves that of the ITRF2000 which involved six major tectonic plates.
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Since 1992, the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) is operated by Astronomisches Institut, Universität Bern (AIUB, Switzerland) in cooperation with the Bundesamt für Landestopographie (swisstopo, Switzerland), the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG, Germany), and the Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie (IAPG) of Technische Universität München (TUM, Germany). Since the very beginning, CODE is an analyisis center of the International GNSS Service (IGS). The operational CODE processing is a rigorous GNSS analysis including GPS and GLONASS for all product lines of the IGS. The first CODE reprocessing run covers the time period January 1994 till December 2008. About 240 stations are included in the processing. Following the IGS guidelines for the current reprocessing effort, the analysis is limited to GPS. An extension to GLONASS is planned for the near future. Although these reprocessing activities are mainly performed by IAPG, full consistency with the currrent modeling setup of the operational CODE processing is realized. We will describe the processing strategy of the CODE GPS reprocessing and present selected results. The benefits of the reprocessing are demonstrated by comparisons with the operational CODE products and the results from the reprocessing efforts of other groups, e.g. the Potsdam Dresden Reprocesing (PDR). A special focus is put on the combination and realignment of P1-C1 differential code biases (DCBs).
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The development and numerical values of the new absolute phase-center correction model for GPS receiver and satellite antennas, as adopted by the International GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) Service, are presented. Fixing absolute receiver antenna phase-center corrections to robot-based calibrations, the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) and the Technische Universität München reprocessed more than 10years of GPS data in order to generate a consistent set of nadir-dependent phase-center variations (PCVs) and offsets in the z-direction pointing toward the Earth for all GPS satellites in orbit during that period. The agreement between the two solutions estimated by independent software packages is better than 1mm for the PCVs and about 4cm for the z-offsets. In addition, the long time-series facilitates the study of correlations of the satellite antenna corrections with several other parameters such as the global terrestrial scale or the orientation of the orbital planes with respect to the Sun. Finally, completely reprocessed GPS solutions using different phase-center correction models demonstrate the benefits from switching from relative to absolute antenna phase-center corrections. For example, tropospheric zenith delay biases between GPS and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), as well as the drift of the terrestrial scale, are reduced and the GPS orbit consistency is improved.
The CODE Processing Center of IGS produces orbits for the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), earth rotation parameters (ERPs), station coordinates, and other data on a regular basis since 21 June 1992. The experience gained at CODE during the first year of IGS operations indicated that at least in some cases our standard orbit model was not sufficient for 3-days-arcs. This was the motivation for the investigation presented here. Our new orbit model contains the following adjustable parameters: (1) six parameters defining the initial state vector (position and velocity), (2) velocity changes at pre-determined times and in pre-determined directions, (3) (at maximum) nine parameters of a new direct radiation pressure model (drp-model), (4) the parameters of the earth’s gravity field, (5) two parameters of a simple earth’s albedo radiation pressure model (arp-model), and (6) the (empirical) resonance terms suggested by (Colombo, 1989). These new orbit models were used in the newly developed computer program ORBIMP, interpreting the IGS precise ephemerides as (pseudo-)observations. Results are presented using IGS data from 17 to 30 January 1993. The new orbit models allowed working with 14-days-arcs instead of 1–3 days-arcs (as it is standard within IGS), the orbital accuracy dropped from about 1 – 2 m rms for the standard model to about 10 cm to 20 cm when using the new radiation pressure model. Computation times and disk storage capacities are crucial when estimating parameters of the satellites’ force field: Each satellite arc is defined by six initial conditions and a certain number of (dynamical) parameters describing the force field. One second order differential equation system has to be solved for each orbital parameter to be determined (initial conditions and dynamical parameters) and for each satellite arc. Our standard procedure so far was to numerically integrate these variational equations together with the equations of motion prior to the actual parameter estimation process, where long integration times and, more important, much disk space is required (because we have to store the solutions of the variational equations). Here we present very efficient algorithms for the integration of the variational equations. Because the integration times are negligible compared to the processing times involved when analyzing global GPS networks the variational equations may be integrated during the parameter estimation process.
Since May 2003, the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE), one of the analysis centers of the International GNSS Service, has generated GPS and GLONASS products in a rigorous combined multi-system processing scheme, which promises the best possible consistency of the orbits of both systems. The resulting products, in particular the satellite orbits and clocks, are easily accessible by the user community. In the first part of this article, we focus on the generation of the combined global products at CODE, where we put emphasis not only on accuracy, but also on completeness. We study the impact of GLONASS on the CODE products, and the benefit of using them. Last, but not least, we introduce AGNES (Automated GNSS Network for Switzerland), a regional tracking network of small extensions (roughly 400km East–West, 200km North–South), which consequently tracks all GNSS satellites and analyzes their measurements using the CODE products.
 Since the beginning of the International Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) Experiment, IGEX, in October 1998, the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) has acted as an analysis center providing precise GLONASS orbits on a regular basis. In CODE's IGEX routine analysis the Global Positioning System (GPS) orbits and Earth rotation parameters are introduced as known quantities into the GLONASS processing. A new approach is studied, where data from the IGEX network are combined with GPS observations from the International GPS Service (IGS) network and all parameters (GPS and GLONASS orbits, Earth rotation parameters, and site coordinates) are estimated in one processing step. The influence of different solar radiation pressure parameterizations on the GLONASS orbits is studied using different parameter subsets of the extended CODE orbit model. Parameterization with three constant terms in the three orthogonal directions, D, Y, and X (D = direction satellite–Sun, Y = direction of the satellite's solar panel axis), and two periodic terms in the X-direction, proves to be adequate for GLONASS satellites. As a result of the processing it is found that the solar radiation pressure effect for the GLONASS satellites is significantly different in the Y-direction from that for the GPS satellites, and an extensive analysis is carried out to investigate the effect in detail. SLR observations from the ILRS network are used as an independent check on the quality of the GLONASS orbital solutions. Both processing aspects, combining the two networks and changing the orbit parameterization, significantly improve the quality of the determined GLONASS orbits compared to the orbits stemming from CODE's IGEX routine processing.