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Private Urban Greenspaces or “Patios” as a Key Element in the Urban Ecology of Tropical Central America

Private Urban Greenspaces or Patiosas a Key Element
in the Urban Ecology of Tropical Central America
Alberto González-García &Antonio Gómez Sal
Published online: 29 January 2008
#Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2007
Urban ecology is a relatively new discipline (Sukopp 1998;
2002) but is the subject of growing interest due to the
increasing size of cities and the ever more blurred
boundaries between rural and urban areas. In recent years,
there have numerous studies on the plant communities that
appear spontaneously in different urban habitats. The
diversity and abundance of these communities has been
frequently associated with land use and urbanisation
gradients (McDonell and Pickett 1990; Blair 1996; Kent
et al. 1999; Luck and Wu 2002; Hope et al. 2003), as well
as with historical components and building types (Starfinger
and Sukopp 1994; Kent et al. 1999;Danaet al. 2002; Zerbe
et al. 2003).
Some attempts have been made to highlight the
importance and contribution to biodiversity of urban
gardens, especially in the UK (Owen and Owen 1975;
Owen 1991, Thompson et al. 2003). Other authors describe
urban gardens as the last great system to be studied by
urban ecologists(Gilbert 1989), or as systems in which
humans create new and very directed plant communities
(Whitney and Adams 1980). Beck et al. (2001) analysed
sample gardens from an energetic point of view, highlight-
ing their strong dependence on external inputs. In terms of
landscape ecology, urban gardens are important in terms of
the connection between urban green areas and quality of
life (Rudd et al. 2002). Unfortunately, very little attention
has been paid to these systems despite the fact that in many
growing cities the area they occupy and the biodiversity
they harbour are greater than those of other urban areas
(Thompson et al. 2003). Studies have been made, however,
of indigenous patios with tropical home gardens character-
istics equivalent to multistratified agroforestry systems
widely found in rural areas and even in some cities
(Christanty 1990; WinklerPrins 2003). Although urban
agricultural production in tropical cities constitutes a
substantial element in food provision, despite many general
observations (Altieri et al. 1999; Madaleno 2000; Boncodin
et al. 2001), it has been the focus of very little scientific
The Study Area
The city of León is located in western Nicaragua (Fig. 1),
approximately 12° 26N, 86° 53W, at an altitude of 109 m
above sea level. The area has a dry tropical climate with an
average of 1,385 mm annual rainfall, concentrated mainly
between May and October (INIFOM 2000). The mean
temperature is 27°C; the difference between the warmest
and coldest months is less than 5°C (Marín 1988). The city
lies on a physiographic unit of wide plains running parallel
to the Pacific coast. The soils are formed from ashes
released by volcanic activity (Taylor 1963; Marín 1988),
usually andosols and regosols.
The vegetation consists of dry tropical forests, charac-
terised by the presence of two tree layers, the highest of
which is some 2025 m above the ground (Stevens et al.
2001). Extensive fragmentation and degradation of the
original ecosystem has caused the disappearance of mature
forest (Janzen 1988; Gillespie et al. 2000). Common forest
Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300
DOI 10.1007/s10745-007-9155-0
A. González-García (*):A. G. Sal
Departamento de Ecología, Universidad de Alcalá,
28871 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain
species that were also recorded in urban patios are Bursera
simaruba,Calycophyllum candidissimum and Ceiba pen-
trandra. In degraded areas common tree and bushe species
include Pithecellobium dulce,Gliricidia sepium,Byrsonima
crassifolia and Crescentia alata, which is dominant in the
jicarosavannah around León city and a very popular
multipurpose tree in rural and urban indigenous patios. All
the latter species are more frequently found in urban patios
that the forest species.
As for the previous knowledge about biodiversity at
León city, Paguaga (2000) realized a first survey of urban
flora, and Dávila (2001) studied bird community at
periurban areas. The urban development of León is the
result of its different cultural heritages, the colonial Spanish
and pre-Hispanic indigenous cultures being the most
important. It was founded in 1610 in its current position,
very close (2 km) to the indigenous settlement of Sutiaba.
The historic centre with its colonial buildings is very
different to the Sutiaba neighbourhood, although they are
now united by the overall urban of a central park connected
to secondary neighbourhood centers (Buitrago 1987), and
both differ in building design and historical development
from the newer cheaply built neighbourhoods that have
grown in the peripheral areas of the city in recent decades.
The population of León was 143,878 in 2000 (INIFOM
2000). In recent years, the annual municipal growth rate has
been 3.15%. There are an estimated 27,882 houses
(INIFOM-AMUNIC 1997), with about six people living
in each. Patios are a basic element of León's dwellings, no
matter what type of construction. The total number of
patios in the city is unknown, though houses with no patio
are very rare.
Historically, León's economy was driven by the cultiva-
tion of cotton and the leather industry, but the services
sector is now its mainstay, followed by secondary industry
(mainly manufacturing) and finally cattle rearing (López
2002). Tourism, a potentially important activity for the city,
is almost nonexistent.
Public green areas are mostly limited squares adjacent to
the main churches and two large periurban parks (Arlen Siú
and Campus agropecuario). Most urban parks are in a poor
state of conservation, with little municipal investment. They
have extensive paved areas, with isolated shade trees
(including Ficus benjamina,Delonix regia,Tecoma stans
and Callycophylum candissimun) and some ornamental
hedges (including Codiaeum variegatum and two species of
Polyscias). We estimate that private patios comprise more
than 85% of overall urban green spaces in terms of surface
(Table 1), including riverbanks and periurban country
Fig. 1 Situation of León city in Nicaragua and sampled houses. The map shows the three sectors used in the sampling design
Table 1 Urban and peri-urban green areas in León city
Urban green
% Surface of urban
green areas
% Surface of overall
green areas
Patios or private
96.1 (2,635,300 m
) 86.2 (3,391,600 m
Riversides 2.9 (79,600 m
) 3.0 (143,000 m
country houses
0.0 3.0 (140,120 m
Peri-urban parks 0.0 2.1 (231,430 m
Urban parks 1.0 (27,470 m
) 0.6 (27,470 m
Calculations based on the GIS and the City Map of León (1:10.000)
292 Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300
This study examines two hypotheses: (1) that plant
diversity (species as plant forms) in urban patios reflects
processes of cultural and historical development, and (2)
that urban patio plant diversity is independent of urban and
historic dynamics and depends mainly on individual
Sampling was conducted between July and September of
2001 (53 sampled houses) and 2002 (30 sampled houses),
for a total of 83 houses. Measured variables did not vary
between the two sampling periods and both were during the
same season. In addition to a central patio, some colonial
houses have a backyard patio (traspatio). Other building
types have only a central or a backyard patio. The sampling
unit was the individual house, but patios and traspatios
were considered as separate analysis unitsdue to
significant differences in plant composition and uses
between them. The total number of patios recorded in the
83 houses was 96.
We used a random and stratified sampling design. The
three established city sectorsthe colonial centre of the
city, the indigenous neighbourhood of Sutiaba, and the re-
cent settlements of more modern construction (Fig. 1)are
clearly differentiated in terms of the general type of their
buildings and their historical development. From the total
of sampled houses, 55 were randomly surveyed from the
city sectors. The remainder were not randomly selected
both because of their good state of repair and because they
were designated representative in an earlier survey by local
experts (Table 2). A cluster analysis including only random
samples was the basis for classification. The later addition
of specifically selected patios did not alter the outcome.
During sampling, information was recorded on floristic
and the structural composition of the patio vegetation
(abundance, use/aim, species, height and coverage), as well
as information on the structure and management of the
patio (area, type, presence of corridors, irrigation). The first
goal was to categorize the patios according to plant species.
Next, the patios were categorized by diversity and rarity
indices, and variables related to management and structure.
Data were analysed by a divisive multivariate analysis
(Ward's method), the calculation of different indices, tests
of normality of the variables (ShapiroWilks test), and non-
parametric tests (KruskalWallis and the MannWhitney U
test). All analyses were performed using PC-ORD software
for Windows (McCune and Mefford 1999) or Statistica
software for Windows (StatSoft 1996).
Two hundred and ninety three plant species belonging to 88
families were recorded in the 96 patios examined. The
mean species richness was 26.21 (SD = 19.77). The family
Euphorbiaceae was the most represented (19 species),
followed by Araceae (17), Poaceae, and Rutaceae (10).
The aroids were the most important in terms of frequency
of appearance. The species Dieffenbachia spp. (Araceae)
was the most common, followed by Nephrolepis biserrata
(Nephrolepidaceae) and Caladium bicolor (Araceae); all
ornamental. Half of the species recorded were found in <5%
of the samples.
In terms of their origin (based on Stevens et al. 2001),
more than 80% of the species recorded were tropical,
although not usually native to the study region:
&Native species: 37.54%
&Exotic species: 57.67%
o Neotropical: 10.60%
o Palaeotropical: 28.96%
o Other areas: 18.11%
o No data: 4.78%
It must be emphasised that some exotic species, such as
mangoes, tamarind and citrus trees, were introduced several
centuries ago. They are now very widespread and local
varieties have been developed.
Multivariate Analysis
Classification analysis used Ward's minimum variance
method (McCune and Mefford 1999) to identify groups of
patios with similar floristic compositions. The variables
introduced to classify the patios were the presence/absence
of the different plant species appearing in more than two
inventories (a total of 179 species). Two clusters were
obtained, the first using the random samples and the second
with the selected samples. Results show four patio groups
in the first cluster and six in the second (Fig. 2). The four
Table 2 Sampling
organisation City centre Sutiaba neighbourhood Outskirts
Random Selected Random Selected Random Selected Total
Houses 30 20 15 7 10 0 83
Patios and traspatios 33 28 18 7 10 0 96
Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300 293
groups (random samples) were not altered by the addition
of the selected samples. For this discussion, the six groups
of selected of patios are used.
Floristic Composition and Diversity
Values of species richness for the different patio groups
were very different, although these differences were
attenuated when size was taken into account (Table 3).
Similar results were obtained with the Shannon index and
for the rarity of species. Values of beta diversity showed
great heterogeneity, being highest in the recent patios
group (A), which also showed the lowest species richness.
Table 4shows most frequent species in each group.
Self-seeded plants were important in the indigenous
groups (C, D) (Table 3), the most common being typical of
ruderal (nitrophilous) environments: Rauvolfia tetraphylla,
Carica papaya,Cordia dentata,Psidium guajava and
Pithecellobium dulce.
Vegetation Structure
To analyse the vegetation structure, a simplified classifica-
tion of life forms was used (Table 5). Some groups showed
a dominance of woody species, while in others herbaceous
plants predominated. Palm and other life forms were less
No significant differences were found in terms of plant
cover between the different patio groups, except for
understory trees, which were common in all groups except
colonial ones, which had practically no trees at all (Table 5)
(although the values for well-conserved indigenous and
colonial patios were high). The tree layer was differentiated
into two layers, similar to dry tropical forest: trees more
than 15 m high act as a canopy, while the understory layer
is between 5 and 15 m. Significant differences were found
among groups with respect to the frequency of canopy and
understory trees (p<0.001; KruskalWallis test). Canopy
trees were commonly found in the indigenous patio groups
(C and D) but were rare in the others.
Linkage Distance
0 5 10 15 20
Group C
“Indigenous patios”
Group A
“Recent pa tios”
Group B
Group F
Linkage Distance
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
A “Recent patios”
B “Transitional group”
C “Indigenous patios”
D “Indigenous patios”
E “Colonial patios”
“Transitional group
Fig. 2 In the left side, cluster obtained using Ward's method for 61
random samples (top) and both 96 random and selected samples
(bottom). In the right side, maps showing the situation of samples
distinguished by group. Four groups of patios according to plant
composition were distinguished in the first cluster and six groups in
the second. Group A coincides in all samples between the two
clusters; Group B coincides but adds four samples from other groups;
Group C have four less samples in the second cluster; and Group F
present changes in five samples
294 Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300
Table 4 Percentage of most common species in the total sampling, in each group
Total A B C D E F
Dieffenbachia spp. 60.4 6.7 85.7 0.0 50.0 100.0 90.9
Nephrolepis biserrata 49.0 0.0 47.6 7.7 60.0 100.0 68.2
Caladium bicolor 47.9 0.0 33.3 7.7 80.0 73.3 86.4
Ixora casei 47.9 0.0 38.1 61.5 90.0 66.7 50.0
Cordyline fruticosa 44.8 0.0 42.9 30.8 80.0 66.7 54.5
Citrus xaurantium 42.7 53.5 28.6 61.5 90.0 6.7 40.9
Syngonium podophyllum 42.7 0.0 52.4 30.8 20.0 60.0 68.2
Capsicum annuum 41.7 6.7 38.1 30.8 90.0 46.7 50.0
Citrus xlimon 41.7 20.0 38.1 61.5 90.0 0.0 54.5
Aglaonema spp. 40.6 0.0 38.1 7.7 40.0 80.0 63.6
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 40.6 6.7 33.3 7.7 30.0 80.0 68.2
Mangifera indica 38.5 40.0 14.3 92.3 80.0 0.0 36.4
Epipremnum aureum 37.5 0.0 42.9 0.0 20.0 60.0 72.7
Codiaeum variegatum 37.5 0.0 9.5 23.1 80.0 53.3 68.2
Begonia spp. 34.4 0.0 14.3 7.7 40.0 93.3 50.0
Psidium guajava 33.3 13.3 9.5 84.6 90.0 0.0 36.4
Portulaca grandiflora 33.3 6.7 23.8 15.4 40.0 60.0 50.0
Murraya paniculata 33.3 0.0 4.8 30.8 70.0 33.3 68.2
Musa xparadisiaca 32.3 13.3 23.8 46.1 100.0 26.7 18.2
Pilea microphylla 31.3 6.7 19.0 0.0 50.0 60.0 50.0
Rosa chinensis 30.2 0.0 28.6 7.7 40.0 93.3 18.2
Five of these species belong to Araceae family, three to Rutaceae family and the rest to other families
Table 3 Biodiversity and rarity indices of species in the patio groups
Category Group Species
Species per
100 m
Shannon index
% Spontaneous
species richness
Rare species
per patio
Colonial patios E 38.33 33.12 2.24 0.86 3.73 1.74 2.00
Transitional groups B 14.00 29.04 1.37 0.84 7.93 6.13 0.81
F 32.36 37.04 2.30 0.89 5.53 4.52 1.32
Indigenous gardens C 19.61 13.15 2.44 0.88 4.59 13.75 0.61
D 60.80 11.42 3.23 0.89 3.35 18.38 4.80
Recent patios A 4.80 7.57 0.98 0.75 8.96 8.73 0.40
Mean 26.21 24.17 2.00 0.85 11.14 7.79 1.12
Significant differences between groups (p<0.001; KruskalWallis test) except evenness (n.s.)
Indices calculated with species abundance data, the rest of variables were calculated with presence/absence data
Table 5 Mean number of species in each category and the percentage they represent
Category Group Tree Palm Shrub Herbaceous Others
Mean Percentage Mean Percentage Mean Percentage Mean Percentage Mean Percentage
Colonial patios E 0.67 1.68 2.13 6.08 11.20 28.25 21.07 55.48 3.27 8.5
B 1.10 6.57 0.81 6.69 3.95 27.52 5.71 42.63 2.14 16.59
F 4.54 11.8 1.50 4.78 9.59 29.48 12.77 41.04 4.00 12.9
C 7.39 37.49 1.00 5.64 8.08 40.8 2.15 11.19 1.00 4.89
D 12.30 20.27 2.00 2.92 25.60 43.93 18.20 28.76 2.70 4.11
Recent patios A 2.13 62.83 0.20 5.22 1.60 18.5 0.80 11.23 0.07 2.22
Mean 4.00 15.29 1.23 4.70 8.82 33.73 9.78 37.39 2.32 8.88
Significant differences between groups in each life form (p<0.001, KruskalWallis test)
Includes lianas, epiphytes, cactus and ferns
Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300 295
Factors Related to Human Management
Tab le 6shows some of the factors related to the
management and structure of the different groups of patios.
Human population density is greater towards the outskirts
of the city where most of group A patios are located. The
division of older dwellings is common in León, altering the
original house structures and increasing the population
density of the historic centre (OCHU 2001). These
divisions reduce the available patio surface and conse-
quently a very wide variation in sizes was found (mean
263.43 m
; SD=376.07). The indigenous group (D) patios
stand out because of their large surface area (maintained
almost without changes).
The presence of peripheral corridors is typical of the
pure colonial patio structure (about half of sampled patios,
see Table 6). Plants grown in pots (almost always
herbaceous) are predominantly ornamental. Colonial patios
and transitional groups (F, E and B) had a much greater
density of pots and paved area than the others.
Plants Uses
Most of the plant species found in the patios were
ornamentals. Secondary uses were domestic consumption,
and for shade/climate regulation (Fig. 3). Plants grown to
provide food were mainly fruit trees; very few annual or
biennial food plants were recorded. In contrast, only a few
species were grown for forage, tool-making, wood supply,
and fencing to separate patios. Finally there were plants
acting as support for cultivated epiphytes such as Hylocer-
eus undatus. Some trees had multiple uses, such as
Crescentia alata and C. cujete.
The species used to make fences between patios, or to
separate them from the outside, are becoming scarce due to
the use of artificial fencing. Fences are associated with the
maintenance of traditional agricultural practices of the
indigenous people of the area. Ornamental hedges were
common in some groups, most frequently Murraya pan-
iculata,Codiaeum variegatum and plants of the genera
Ixora and Polyscias (all shrubs or small trees) (Table 7).
Colonial Patios (Group E)
The patios of group E have maintained their original
colonial style (as described by Buitrago, 1987). They are
exclusively located in the historic centre of León. All of
them are central patios with at least three surrounding
corridors, with few modifications to their original structure.
Table 6 Variables related to human management in each group
Category Group Population
size (m
Presence of
corridors (%)
Frequency of
Pot density
per m
area (%)
Colonial patios E 5168.0 148.12 100.0 100.0 0.47 53.80
Transitional groups B 8112.7 125.75 76.0 76.2 0.26 35.80
F 7269.2 284.05 64.0 68.2 0.44 41.50
Indigenous gardens C 8665.8 293.14 8.0 38.5 0.01 4.95
D 5755.1 875.31 10.0 10.0 0.10 8.98
Recent patios A 9566.5 107.62 7.0 46.7 0.01 10.24
Mean 7515.8 263.43 50.0 61.5 0.24 28.96
Significant differences among groups in all variables (p<0.001; KruskalWallis test), less significance for population density (p< 0.05)
Percentage of patios irrigated at least three times a week in the dry season
Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F
Fig. 3 Percentage of species
destined to the four main
uses in the patio groups. One
plant can have two or more uses
in a patio. Significant
differences between groups in
the four uses (p<0.001;
KruskalWallis test)
296 Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300
The best preserved colonial houses also have a traspatio
used mostly for domestic activities, although this is
increasingly rare.
Colonial patios showed the highest species richness and
rarity values (relative to their area). Self-seeded species
were practically non-existent; those cultivated were raised
almost exclusively for ornamental purposes. Hanging
baskets containing the fern Nephrolepis biserrata, roses
(Rosa chinensis), Dieffenbachia spp. and begonias (Begonia
spp.) were common. The lower layer cover was high due to
the use of species such as Dichondra repens,which
requires regular flooding, for floor covering.
Herbaceous plants represented more than half of the
species recorded; shrub species were also important; trees
and palms are scattered. The use of pots is very widespread,
located mainly in the paved corridors. A pattern of groups
of associated species, arranged in specific forms were found
in different patios. One of the most prevalent groupings was
a mixture of Dichondra repens,Rosa chinensis and
Nephrolepis biserrata (p<0.001; Chi-squared test), seen in
two thirds of group E. Some 90% of all observations of
Dichondra repens were within this group. No living fences
were found in group E patios, because they are neither
divided nor do they abut other houses. In cases where they
were divided, separating walls were usually built. Orna-
mental hedges, however, were very common, located in the
borders of the patio.
From an ecological point of view, colonial patio have a
regulatory function for the microclimate of the house.
While ornamental and scenic functions predominate, the
architectural design of the house with peripheral corridors
helps air circulation (Buitrago 1987). The patio is not
normally used for moving through the house. Patio
vegetation is consciously ordered, with symmetry among
the different components (a combination of lawn, lateral
shrub hedges, pots of herbaceous plants, and trees or palms
providing shade in certain areas). Generally these patios are
open and bright, while their peripheral corridors are roofed
galleries. Periodic flooding is sometimes performed as a
means of irrigation; decorative fountains are also frequent.
Transitional Patios (Groups B and F)
These patios are very heterogeneous. The majority derive
from the colonial style, similar to group E but in poorer
states of repair. Most traspatios are also classified in these
groups. The modification of the original design of the
colonial patio generally leads to poorer air circulation.
Transitional patios are located mainly in neighbourhoods
peripheral to the historic centre, but they are not restricted
to such a specific area as the well preserved colonial patios.
The most common species found were the ornamentals
Dieffenbachia spp., Nephrolepis biserrata,Caladium bicol-
or and Epipremnum aureum. Their diversity indices were
low to medium. Woody species made up less than one third
of the total number of plants. Herbaceous plants made up
more than 40%. However in group B plants were also
cultivated to provide shade and food. Patterns formed by
clumps of linked species were not found. The reduction in
the lower layer cover and the increased frequency of non-
ornamental plants are important differences from the best
preserved colonial patios.
These patios usually have one or two corridors (indicat-
ing the state of preservation of the original structure).
Traspatios are used for domestic activities (Buitrago 1987),
and the vegetation in them, usually trees or bushes, often
provides food. The results highlight the variety within
groups B and F and the difficulty of establishing a clearly
defined typology due to the different degrees of transfor-
mation these spaces have undergone.
Indigenous Patios (Groups C and D)
Patios of indigenous origin have preserved their original
structure and floristic composition to different degrees.
Because of their size and wide design, some of the most
typical of this group are referred to as named as pationes
(big patios). They are exclusively found in the Sutiaba
neighbourhood and show a typology very similar to
tropical homegardensas described in the literature
(multistratified gardens established near living quarters to
serve primarily household consumption needs) (Landauer
and Brazil 1990). In fact, a few traspatios and even the odd
preserved colonial patio have acquired this typology as
well. The samples of group D are of greater natural and
ethnobotanical diversity than those of group C, which are
more poorly preserved.
Typically, these patios are wide (>500 m
in the best
examples) and bordered by living fences to separate them
from the street or other houses (Fig. 4). Their absolute
Table 7 Appearing of linear
elements in the different patio
Significant differences between
groups (p<0.0001; Kruskal
Wallis test)
Colonial patios Transitional
Recent patios
E B F C D A Mean
Live fences 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.46 0.70 0.20 0.19
Ornamental hedges 0.87 0.29 0.59 0.31 0.80 0.00 0.46
Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300 297
species richness is greater than that of all the other groups
(Table 3). More than half of the species grown are woody.
There is an interesting high variety of flora, shrubs being
the most common. A wide variety of plant species were
recorded, predominantly bananas (Musa xparadisiaca),
papayas (Carica papaya), chillies (Capsicum annuum),
mangoes (Mangifera indica) and some citrus fruits (Citrus x
aurantium,C. xlimon), clearly indicating that much of the
flora are grown as food for the household. Nonetheless, the
diversity of ornamental species was the highest of all
the groups, although only the area closest to the house was
devoted to these plants. Self-seeded plants made up nearly
20% of the total number of species.
Both hedges and living fences are common, but the latter
are more significant in terms of their extent (the total patio
perimeter) and because they represent a traditional practice
now disappearing. The most common species used for
living fences are Bromelia pinguin,Euphorbia neriifolia
and Cordia dentata. Very high levels of plant cover were
estimated for all layers, and two different tree layers can be
distinguished. The plant architecture of these gardens is in
some ways very similar to that of the dry tropical forest of
the surrounding area (though degraded in the vicinity of
León), although the species composition is rather different.
These patios resemble the complex agroforestry systems
that have been studied in different tropical zones around the
world (Fernandes and Nair 1986; Landauer and Brazil
1990; Soermawoto and Conway 1992; Lok 1998).
Spatial segregation was noted between areas given over
to different uses, rather like the zoning of vegetable plots
described for homegardens of Nicaraguan rural areas
(Méndez et al. 2001). The first band of vegetation, closer
to the house, has a high density of ornamental plants,
generally of herbaceous, small bushes or palms, as well as
spice species such as the chilli (Capsicum annuum) and
others for medicinal use. Further away from the house are
fruit trees and beyond them or interplanted among them are
trees for wood or other uses. Self-seeded species from the
surrounding ecosystems appear furthest away from the
house in areas not usually maintained. These areas act as
refuges for wild flora and fauna, especially for birds but
also for reptiles and others. These systems therefore show
the coexistence and balance of both intense management
and naturalness.
In contrast to the colonial patios of the city centre, these
gardens are spaces where many everyday activities are
carried out (similar to traspatios). They are also used to
raise animals whose consumption or sale is important to the
household. Given the large size of these patios generally
only areas close to the house and the younger fruit trees are
The patios of groups C must originally have been similar
to those of groups D and have served the same functions,
but divisions and modifications have led to a significant
reduction in their area and the number of species grown.
They are now much simpler with different areas of use
becoming minimized or even disappearing. Of the plants
grown in group C, those for consumption were more
important than ornamentals. Traditional living fences had
been substituted by artificial fencing. The only significant
plant cover was that provided by trees, and the basal layer
was almost non-existent.
Urban Patios of Recent Construction (Group A)
The samples of group A showed the poorest values of
biodiversity and lowest quality of habitat variables. These
open spaces are found in the most outlying areas of the city
and are very small. Their diversity indices were signifi-
cantly lower than those of all the other groups. In extreme
cases only one plant species was found (just an isolated
tree). Those that were recorded were grown for food and to
provide shadegenerally fruit trees which perform both
functions. The four most common species were the bitter
orange (Citrus xaurantium), the mango (Mangifera
indica), Melicoccus bijugatus and the papaya (Carica
papaya). There was a high frequency of spontaneous
species as in indigenous patios (nearly 17% of the total
Fig. 4 Idealized model of in-
digenousgardens used for
agriculture/forestry purposes.
The figure corresponds with the
best conserved patios,
belonging to group D
298 Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300
sampled). The tree layer cover was high but that of other
layers was practically non-existent. There were no hedges
or living fences and these spaces were usually separated by
poor quality building materials.
The peripheral location of these spaces corresponds to
the notably lower economic power of their owners
compared to the inhabitants of the city center. Building in
this area is ad hoc (Alcaldía de León 1995), there is almost
no planning and basic services are frequently unavailable
(INIFOM-AMUNIC 1997). The architectural value of these
dwellings is therefore negligible, and their patios have no
defined structure, although they are usually at the back of
the house. Presently they are little used for growing plants.
The existence of two different human settlements, indige-
nous and colonial, associated with the origin of the city of
León prefigures the two most common types of patios still
found in the present day. Between these two extremes there
is a range of transitional or mixed types.
From a conservation point of view, the indigenous patios
of Sutiaba and the colonial patios of the city centre are of
greatest interest. The former have high species richness and
show a configuration generally similar to the wooded farms
and vegetable gardens of Nicaragua's rural areas. In a
relatively small space, both a great diversity and structural
complexity can be found. The conservation of these
complex patios should be encouraged given their contribu-
tion to the agrobiodiversity preservation (Watson and
Eyzaguirre 2001), and usefulness to the food supply.
The colonial patios are of interest mainly because of
their architectural, scenic, and habitat characteristics and the
presence of a specific and flora. Outstanding trees and
uncommon plants were found with notable frequency. High
values of plant biodiversity are not associated with a
specific area of the city or a specific building style, but
seems to be more related to the age of the house and the
length of time the patio has been used. Indigenous patios
have higher species richness (60 species) than colonial
patios (close to 40 species), but the density of species is
greater in the latter.
The patios of the medium size historical cities of the
American tropics are one of their most interesting character-
istics from the urban and human ecology point of view. In
León they occupy far more land than do other greenzones. As
a whole their maintenance and improvement can be of great
importance in terms of green spaces and life quality in the city.
Acknowledgments We would like to thank the Programa de
Cooperación con Nicaragua of the University of Alcalá (Spain) and
the UNAN-León (Nicaragua) for project support. The University of
Alcalá also provided financial support through an F.P.I. grant. We are
especially grateful to Raquel Santos and Lorena Delgado for the aid in
fieldwork, and Pedrarias Dávila for his support at all times. We also
thank the UNAN-León Herbarium for aid in plant identification.
Finally, we are very grateful to all the inhabitants of León and
especially those who kindly opened their doors for this work.
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300 Hum Ecol (2008) 36:291300
... Private gardens are a key component of urban green areas, with an important role in the connection between urban green areas and people's quality of life (Rudd et al. 2002) and in some cases, they represent a major share of urban green areas (Gaston et al. 2013). However, the governance and management of private gardens, which have a substantial impact on ecosystem services provision and urban biodiversity maintenance, is challenging due to the diversity of actors involved (Loram et al. , 2008González-García and Sal 2008;Goddard et al. 2010;Peroni et al. 2016). For example, private gardens, whose design is controlled by economic power and the personal choices of owners, may play a relevant role in vegetation and associated animal communities (Avolio et al. 2018). ...
... Most research on urban vegetation focuses on public spaces and the benefits they provide both to the health of people and biodiversity in cities (Chiesura 2004;Boone et al. 2009;Dobbs et al. 2017). Studies addressing private gardens (Loram et al. 2008;González-García and Sal 2008;Peroni et al. 2016) are underrepresented in the research of urban ecology, although in many growing cities the area they occupy, and their biodiversity may be larger than those of other green areas (Thompson et al. 2003;Gaston et al. 2013). Additionally, the social implications of public and private green areas are different and complementary. ...
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Human population is becoming increasingly urbanized, and in this context, private gardens (home gardens) constitute an important component of urban biodiversity and provide access to ecosystem services. This study aims at identifying spatial patterns to understand the socio-ecological processes that influence the urban landscape. In our study, we analyze private gardens in one of the main urban agglomerations of Argentina to understand whether socio-economic structure or spatial distribution is more strongly influencing the species composition of private gardens. We selected 50 gardens from the urban area of Gran San Miguel de Tucumán. We surveyed the sociodemographic characteristics of garden owners and we performed vegetation censuses in each of the gardens. In the survey, we also evaluated the main mechanisms of plant acquisition. We used the species composition of each garden to perform a non-metric multidimensional scaling, which reflected the botanical distance between gardens. We used Mantel tests to correlate these botanical distances with the geographic and socio-economic distances between gardens to determine which variable controls the ecological attributes of the garden. To spatially characterize the socio-economic level, we used data from the national population census. The species composition of the gardens is more strongly associated with socioeconomic conditions than with geographical distance. The exchange of species is the main method of obtaining plants. Our study permits understanding how socio-economic structure influences the construction of private gardens, which are important components of the landscape and urban ecology. Our results could be explained by the willingness to belong to certain socio-economic groups but also by the interchange of propagules, which may reinforce social ties. Our results highlight the importance of addressing social issues to understand private decisions and design strategies toward a fair distribution of urban vegetation services.
... However, democratizing access to flora among Brazilian city residents is a complex task due to four hurdles that must be overcome. Backyards are ubiquitous in Latin American cities; they occupy a significant urban-sprawl area, sometimes more than 30% of it [26]. Despite this ubiquity, Brazilian city halls are unaware of these spaces: they lack data about the number of backyards, about their mean area and about the amount of soil available for plantations. ...
... However, democratizing access to flora among Brazilian city residents is a complex task due to four hurdles that must be overcome. Backyards are ubiquitous in Latin American cities; they occupy a significant urban-sprawl area, sometimes more than 30% of it [26]. Despite this ubiquity, Brazilian city halls are unaware of these spaces: they lack data about the number of backyards, about their mean area and about the amount of soil available for plantations. ...
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Brazilian cities feature quite unequal neighborhoods. Middle-class neighborhoods have better infrastructure than those inhabited by low-income families. These inequalities are not limited to social and economic scopes; they also reach the environmental one. Tree cover in these neighborhoods is often correlated to residents’ socioeconomic status. Injustice in access to trees deprives Brazilians of their ecosystem services. Furthermore, the scarcity of tree cover in the poorest neighborhoods means less support for biodiversity. Thus, backyards can be planned to form vegetation patches capable of providing urban populations with access to green areas, as well as working as wildlife habitats. Keywords: backyards; urban biodiversity; environmental injustice; urban ecological corridors; urban ecology; Brazilian cities; Brazil
... This misconception has led to a lack of appreciation for the value of these areas (Borgstrom et al., 2006). Learning and feedback between human beings and the natural elements that make up urban ecosystems are thought to be two of the most important characteristics of the urban model (Gonzalez et al., 2008). ...
... For some taxa, like pollinating insects, diverse urban plant communities may be key to their conservation (Hall et al., 2017). Residential land may be especially important for plant diversity, as the amount of land and vegetation in private yards and gardens is often greater than the amount preserved as urban open space (González-García & Sal, 2008;Lin et al., 2015;Ossola et al., 2019). However, despite their high variability, residential areas are less well-studied than other types of urban land use because of challenges in accessing private land. ...
Residential yards and gardens can have surprisingly high plant diversity. However, we still do not understand all the factors that drive diversity in individual gardens, or how gardens scale up to create larger patterns of urban biodiversity. For example, social interactions between neighbors could affect whether they mimic each other’s yard design, affecting spatial turnover in plant communities. Further, socio-economic differences between neighborhoods might result in distinct plant assemblages across a city. In this paper, we used fieldwork, GIS, and spatial statistics to examine the variability in front yard vegetation—both cultivated and spontaneous plants—in 870 yards in Chicago, Illinois (USA). Our goals were to understand diversity and spatial patterning of plant communities in residential neighborhoods and how they vary with scale, considering alpha, beta, and gamma diversity. We addressed the following questions: (1) How do alpha, beta, and gamma diversity of cultivated and spontaneous plants vary between neighborhoods with different socioeconomic characteristics? (2) Within neighborhoods, do we see spatial autocorrelation in front-yard plant communities? If so, do those spatial patterns affect plant diversity at the neighborhood scale? We found diverse plant communities and distinct spatial patterns across Chicago. Richness and composition of both spontaneous and cultivated plants differed between neighborhoods, with some differences explained by socioeconomic factors such as education. Spontaneous and cultivated plants showed significant spatial autocorrelation, although that spatial autocorrelation generally did not influence neighborhood-scale diversity. Knowledge of these spatial patterns and their socioeconomic drivers could be exploited to increase adoption of environmentally-friendly yard management practices across a city.
... In this context, green areas in urbanizations are considered to bring benefits for biodiversity and human well-being (Niemelä, 2011). Besides large public green spaces such as parks and urban forests, private gardens contribute considerably to the overall urban green area in cities, especially in developing countries (González-García & Sal, 2008;Shackleton et al., 2018). In fact, preserving urban parks is only part of the solution to maintain biodiversity and the ecosystem services that it provides, because without connections between parks, the isolation and loss of genetic diversity is imminent (Rudd, Vala, & Schaefer, 2002). ...
Urbanization is increasing globally, with concomitant negative effects on biodiversity and human well-being. In urban areas, gardens may contribute to overall green space, bringing benefits to wildlife and residents. We used a community science approach to gather data and understand the role of urban gardens for wildlife and for residents in a developing country, where information on the subject is scarce. We evaluated how local characteristics and landscape quality influenced the presence of three native birds and two insect species as indicators of habitat conservation value, in a town immersed in an Argentinean National Park. We also estimated gardens’ value during COVID-19 quarantine to assess whether owners appreciated them more when outdoor activities were not allowed, increasing awareness of the value of nature for well-being. We found that most respondents enjoy birdwatching in their gardens and consider birds as beneficial; however, the pleasure of observing insects is lower. The relevance of local garden characteristics differed according to the species in question, highlighting the importance of using different species as indicators to assess garden conservation value. The proportion of tree cover surrounding the gardens had a positive effect on the probability of finding birds and insects, while the proportion of built-up area had a negative effect. During COVID-19 lockdown, most respondents enjoyed their gardens equally or more than usual, and those that assigned a monetary value to gardens, chose the highest one. We encouraged initiatives that engage, inform and empower residents on wildlife-friendly gardening to favor the inclusion of gardens as part of wider conservation and urban planning strategies.
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Private gardens comprise a large component of greenspace in cities and can offer substantial conservation opportunities. There has been strong advocacy from researchers, policymakers, and conservation practitioners to engage householders in wildlife-friendly gardening practices to increase the quantity, quality and connection of habitat resources for urban wildlife. Despite this call to action, there remains limited knowledge on the use and benefit of some wildlife-friendly structures within gardens, such as artificial refuges and water sources. In collaboration with 131 citizen scientists in southwestern Australia, we examined the use of seven wildlife-friendly structure types by four vertebrate taxa groups. Following 2841 wildlife surveys undertaken between 31 July 2022 and 22 February 2023, we found that all structures were used primarily by target taxa, water sources were often used by relatively common species, certain structures such as possum shelters were used by rare and threatened species (e.g. western ringtail possum), and that there was evidence of animals making use of the wildlife-friendly structures for reproduction (e.g. bird eggs in nest boxes and tadpoles in water sources). Water sources were used more frequently and by a greater diversity of wildlife than artificial refuges. In particular, bird baths were used by the highest number of species (mainly birds) while ponds were used by the greatest variety of taxa (birds, reptiles, frogs, mammals). Our findings provide evidence-based support for the advocacy of wildlife-friendly gardening practices and further highlight the role of residential gardens for biodiversity conservation.
Conference Paper
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Sustainable environment is becoming less achievable with increase in the rate of urbanization and the threat of forest exploitation in the nearest future. The world in the COVID-19 era must strive towards getting an atmosphere that is friendly and conducive to both humans and nonhumans. Urban forestry is perhaps the most effective means of creating a sustainable environment. The urban environment is ecologically complex, being a product of natural and human induced processes. The urban environment in Ogun state is susceptible to myriad of hazards as a result of copious industrial activities and other environmental pollutants. The perception, awareness and attitude of the urbanites were examined towards urban forestry as a panacea for sustainable environment. A simple random technique was employed to gather all the above information for the respondents in the study area. A structured questionnaire was administered on 150 respondents each. The study showed that the urban dwellers in Ogun state were well aware and had the adequate perception on the effectiveness of urban forestry as panacea for a sustainable environment in one way or the other but have a poor attitude towards it, hence were poorly involved in the practice of urban forestry. In view of this, the study recommends the involvement of both government and private institutions in its practice, intensification of campaign on urban forestry to both primary and secondary schools in Ogun state, especially in the metropolis to enhance the practice to its fullest.
This article addresses the world cultural heritage classified by UNESCO, particularly the Convent of Christ of Tomar, highlighting its tourism activity and, in this sense, its contribution to sustained local development as a complex monumental complex, home to the Military Orders of the Temple and Christ, integrates several buildings within the surrounding landscape of the Mata dos 7 Montes. At the highest point stands the Templar Castle and Fortress of the XII century, the monastic premises and the courts of the Infante D. Henrique, the Navigator; the church whose main chapel with ambulatory is the old Templar roundabout, endowed with exceptional works of art (beginning of the 16th century), the window of the chapter hall symbol of the Portuguese discoveries and the opening of Portugal to the world; the Renaissance cloisters, the main cloister of Italian influence, the large dormitory, the Cruzeiro chapel. Reflection of the royal power and military orders of one of the most important monuments of the Portuguese collective imagination and Humanity, classified by UNESCO in 1983. Keywords: Cultural heritage. Tourism. Templars. Military Order of Christ. Convent of Christ.
Urban expansion encroaches on natural areas causing habitat and species loss. However, cities can offer ecological spaces that harbor high proportions of regional and local species. In addition to public urban green spaces, private residential gardens are important for biodiversity conservation particularly if spatially arranged to maximize habitat-patch sizes and minimize isolation from remnants of native habitat in the city. Urban growth is projected to increase considerably, including in biodiversity hotspots, many of which are in developing tropical countries. In urban areas of these countries, residential “ornamental” gardening is not as widespread as in temperate developed countries where a multimillion-dollar industry supports garden design and maintenance. This case study discusses residential garden design frameworks for tropical biodiversity conservation that, if adopted at scale, could channel private finance to conservation in urban areas. It documents the establishment and management of a residential ornamental garden designed to protect native fauna and flora in an urban landscape in Panama City, Panama. It describes the design elements and records the positive impact on biodiversity over 15 years in a 1700 m2 property. Grass areas were reduced by 80%, and 64% of the property was planted, increasing vascular plant species from 10 to at least 180 and birds from 9 to 157 species. Management approaches, and challenges of increasing habitat alongside human wellbeing benefits from the garden, are presented. Recommendations and required attitude changes are outlined for garden practitioners, urban planners and policymakers to replicate the design elements of this biodiversity garden island in Panama City, and beyond.KeywordsAttitude changesBiodiversity gardensGarden practitionersTropical gardensUrban green spacesUrban policy and planning
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Spatial variation in plant diversity has been attributed to heterogeneity in resource availability for many ecosystems. However, urbanization has resulted in entire landscapes that are now occupied by plant communities wholly created by humans, in which diversity may reflect social, economic, and cultural influences in addition to those recognized by traditional ecological theory. Here we use data from a probability-based survey to explore the variation in plant diversity across a large metropolitan area using spatial statistical analyses that incorporate biotic, abiotic, and human variables. Our prediction for the city was that land use, along with distance from urban center, would replace the dominantly geomorphic controls on spatial variation in plant diversity in the surrounding undeveloped Sonoran desert. However, in addition to elevation and current and former land use, family income and housing age best explained the observed variation in plant diversity across the city. We conclude that a functional relationship, which we term the "luxury effect," may link human resource abundance (wealth) and plant diversity in urban ecosystems. This connection may be influenced by education, institutional control, and culture, and merits further study.
The heart of the PC-ORD system is a group of Fortran programs for multivariate analysis on the MS-DOS family of microcomputers. Analytical features include ordinations (detrended correspondence analysis, Bray-Curtis ordination, principal components analysis, and reciprocal averaging), descriptive statistics, and diversity indices. -from Author
We are living in a century of rapid urbanisation. The United Nations forecasts that by the year 2025, 60% of the world???s population will be living in urban areas, compared to 29% in 1950. The 50% mark will be reached between the years 2000 and 2010. In 2025, more than a dozen cities will have over 20 million inhabitants, and some will have over 30 million. 23 of the 25 biggest urban conglomerations on the planet will be in Africa, Asia and Latin America, rather than in Europe or North America.
(1) Fourty-four sites, dispersed throughout an urban area in Ohio were sampled for their arboreal vegetation. (2) Ordination of the sites yielded five major community types: an inner city complex, a maple complex, a conifer complex, a mixed suburban complex and an old oak complex. (3) Correlation analysis and an overlay of various socio-economic variables on the basic site ordination revealed some of the major cultural factors structuring the urban landscape. (4) In the city, changing patterns of landscape taste and fashion, correlated with various socio-economic variables, appear to have been the primary factors responsible for the ordering of plants into specific associations.
A detailed land survey covering both vegetation and soils was carried out in Nicaragua and it was found that the five zonal vegetation formations were closely correlated to the length of the dry season. Numerous swamp and riverine communities were detailed, together with their environmental relationship as well as communities on mangrove areas, beach sands and a large group of salt-meadow communities. Pine and oak forests, pine savannas and two other savanna types were also described and their environmental relations discussed, the conclusion being reached that in each case the community concerned was disclimax. The various pasture types found were described and placed into major pasture groups. The course of plant succession on various volcanic deposits was outlined with the conclusion being reached in two cases that the rate of the succession was largely independent of the effect of vegetation. An outline was also given of the main hydroseres.
As part of a larger survey of biodiversity in gardens in Sheffield, UK, we examined the composition and diversity of the flora in two 1‐m2 quadrats in each of 60 gardens, and compared this with floristic data from semi‐natural habitats in central England and derelict urban land in Birmingham, UK. Garden quadrats contained more than twice as many taxa as those from any other habitat type. Ca. 33 % of garden plants were natives and 67 % aliens, mainly from Europe and Asia. A higher proportion of garden aliens originated from Asia and New Zealand than in the UK alien flora as a whole; 18 of the 20 most frequent plants in garden quadrats were natives, mostly common weeds. Garden quadrats showed no evidence of ‘nestedness’, i.e. a tendency for scarce species to be confined to the highest diversity quadrats. Conversely, species in all semi‐natural and derelict land data sets were significantly nested. Compared to a range of semi‐natural habitats, species richness of garden quadrats was intermediate, and strikingly similar to the richness of derelict land quadrats. Although species accumulation curves for all other habitats showed signs of saturation at 120 quadrats, gardens did not. Correlations between Sørensen similarity index and physical distance were insignificant for all habitat types, i.e. there was little evidence that physical distance played any part in structuring the composition of the quadrats in any of the data sets. However, garden quadrats were much less similar to each other than quadrats from semi‐natural habitats or derelict land.