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Abstract and Figures

Metallic particles emitted during manufacturing processes can represent a serious danger for occupational safety. The mechanisms responsible for these particle emissions include two- and three-body frictions; Moreover, such particles can also be emitted during several other processes, including mechanical braking. To be in a position to devise ways to reduce these particle emissions at the source, it is important to know their size, quantity, and distribution, as well as the relationships between operating conditions and particle emissions. This article investigates nanoparticle and microparticle emissions during two friction tests: one (setup 1: pin in rotation only) simulates the friction occurring during mechanical braking actions, and another (setup 2: pin in rotation and translation) simulates the friction taking place at the tool-workpiece interface during metal cutting processes. The materials tested were aluminum alloys (6061-T6 and 7075-T6), and the pin used was a carbide cylinder. Particle emission was monitored using the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) for nanoparticles, and the Aerosol Particle Sizer (APS) for microparticles. It was found that friction produces more nanoparticles than microparticles, and that total particle emission can be reduced by operating at low or at high sliding speeds. Keywordsaluminum alloys–carbide–friction–microparticles–nanoparticles
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Effect of Friction Testing of Metals
on Particle Emission
J. Kouam, V. Songmene, A. Djebara, and R. Khettabi
(Submitted May 14, 2010; in revised form April 28, 2011)
Metallic particles emitted during manufacturing processes can represent a serious danger for occupational
safety. The mechanisms responsible for these particle emissions include two- and three-body frictions;
Moreover, such particles can also be emitted during several other processes, including mechanical braking.
To be in a position to devise ways to reduce these particle emissions at the source, it is important to know
their size, quantity, and distribution, as well as the relationships between operating conditions and particle
emissions. This article investigates nanoparticle and microparticle emissions during two friction tests: one
(setup 1: pin in rotation only) simulates the friction occurring during mechanical braking actions, and
another (setup 2: pin in rotation and translation) simulates the friction taking place at the tool-workpiece
interface during metal cutting processes. The materials tested were aluminum alloys (6061-T6 and 7075-
T6), and the pin used was a carbide cylinder. Particle emission was monitored using the Scanning Mobility
Particle Sizer (SMPS) for nanoparticles, and the Aerosol Particle Sizer (APS) for microparticles. It was
found that friction produces more nanoparticles than microparticles, and that total particle emission can be
reduced by operating at low or at high sliding speeds.
Keywords aluminum alloys, carbide, friction, microparticles,
1. Introduction
Researchers (Ref 1-5) have studied particle emissions, and
their results and proposed models become limited and unprac-
tical when the particle size is small. Ko et al. (Ref 6) modeled
the phenomenon of frictional particle production by proposing
a special microscopic roughness design in which surface
asperity shapes were considered as randomly spaced cylindrical
corrugations. Their study shows the effect of part surface
roughness on particle emission. Akarca et al. (Ref 7) found that
during the sliding wear of the A356 aluminum alloy, wear
particles are generated by the nucleation of voids and the
propagation of microcracks at a certain depth beneath the
surface. Fang (Ref 8) and Fang and Ho (Ref 9) proposed a
special surface texture design to control surface asperities to
identify the mechanism of particle detachment by friction, as
well as a predictive mathematical model. However, the Fang
(Ref 8) and Fang and Ho (Ref 9) model uses dimensions for the
surface texture that are not realistic since the shape and the
distribution of surface asperities of most mechanical parts are
A very limited number of researchers, including Zemzemi
et al. (Ref 10), have studied the effect of the friction occurring
during machining on particle emission; Zemzemi et al. (Ref 10)
designed and used a special tribometer to study the friction
taking place during orthogonal turning operations. Zemzemi
et al. (Ref 11) were the first authors in the machining field to
isolate the friction effect during machining and to propose a
numerical model simulating this friction. They identified a
friction model capable of describing the friction effect on tool-
chip-workpiece interfaces. They used the new tribometer
designed by Zemzemi et al. (Ref 10) to simulate higher contact
pressures under high sliding velocities to study the forces,
friction coefficients, and heat partition coefficient. Their model
is suitable for turning processes, but not easy enough to be
applied for other processes, such as milling and drilling.
Balout et al. (Ref 12) and Songmene et al. (Ref 13)
identified the friction at the tool-workpiece interface as a
contributor to the total metallic particle emission occurring
during machining (Fig. 1), but the authors did not study the
friction alone. Songmene et al. (Ref 13) identified five particle
emission sources during drilling: shearing action, deformation
and friction of chips, deformation and friction on the tool-chip
interface, friction on tool-workpiece, and friction of chips in
drill flutes. They also recognized the difficulty of isolating each
source for a separate study. The experimental setup proposed in
this article addresses one of these difficulties by simulating
particle emissions at the tool-workpiece interface using a
friction test in which the tool is animated with two motions
(rotational speed and a translation, setup 2, Fig. 2). This study
will help in evaluating the amount of metallic particles emitted
in Mode 4.
The main objective of this research is to study the effect of
friction between the tool and workpiece on metallic particle
emission. Two setups were designed and tested on pairs of
materials consisting of aluminum alloy workpieces and a
carbide tool used as a pin. The first one (setup 1: pin in rotation
only) simulates the friction occurring during mechanical
braking actions, and the second (setup 2: pin in rotation and
translation) simulates the friction taking place at the tool-
workpiece interface during metal cutting processes. The main
J. Kouam, V. Songmene, A. Djebara, and R. Khettabi, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, E
´cole de technologie supe´rieure (E
´TS), 1100
Notre-Dame Street West, Montre´al, QC H3C 1K3, Canada. Contact
e-mails: and
JMEPEG ASM International
DOI: 10.1007/s11665-011-9972-6 1059-9495/$19.00
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
difference between this study and that of Zemzemi lies in the
fact that this study involves two movements (rotation and
translation of the pin), which affords better simulation of the
milling process. The authors have also applied higher sliding
speeds (up to 1000 m/min), comparable to the speeds currently
used in the machining industry.
2. Experimental Procedure
Tests were carried out on two aluminum materials (6061-T6
and 7075-T6), and cutting forces were obtained using a table
dynamometer connected to a computer. Particle emission was
measured with an APS (Aerosol Particle Sizer, particle size
ranging from 0.5 to 20 lm) and an SMPS (Scanning Mobility
Particle Sizer, equipped with a nano DMA (Differential Mobility
Analyzer), particle size ranging from 7 to 300 nm). Their
experimental application has been described by Khettabi et al.
(Ref 14). These two units, which measure mass concentration,
particle number concentration and specific area concentration as
a function of aerodynamic diameter, are connected to a computer.
The machining unit used was a Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) milling machine (28000 rpm), to which a
30 930 920 cubic centimeter Plexiglas box was added on the
table, allowing the process to be carried out in a closed
environment. This increased the measurement efficiency, as
fewer particles were capable of escaping into the environment.
Polluted air within the closed box was driven into the particle
measurement unit through a polyester tube 10 mm in diameter.
The tube is short (about 304.8 mm), and kept upright to
minimize particle loss within.
The following conditions and parameters were used during
friction tests:
Pin rotational speed (V): 100-1000 m/min
Pin displacement speed ( f) for setup 2: 250 m/min
Pin: uncoated carbide, 19.05 mm diameter
Figure 2presents the two different experimental setups used.
For setup 1, the pin is in rotation without displacement, and is
engaged in the workpiece material with a circular surface
contact. In setup 2, the pin rotates at different set spindle
speeds, and translates along the workpiece material at a
50 m/min linear speed.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Nanoparticle Emission
Figure 3(a) and (b) show typical particle emission results as
a function of the particle diameters obtained using SMPS. It is
seen that without displacement (Fig. 2, setup 1; Fig. 3a), the
particle number is higher than in the case where the pin rotates
and translates (Fig. 3b). The particle concentration becomes
smaller for larger aerodynamic particles.
In addition to the data presented in Fig. 3, the system also
computes the total particle number, mass, and specific surfaces
presented in Fig. 4-6, as a function of sliding speeds.
For the 7075-T6 aluminum alloy, the speed at which
maximum particle emission occurs (about 500 m/min), is
independent of the setup used (Fig. 4b, 5b, 6b). Conversely,
for the case of the 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, the maximum
particle emission during friction occurs at 200 m/min in setup 1
and at 400 m/min in setup 2. This observation indicates a
possible interaction between the materials and the setup at the
critical speed. On the other hand, their mechanical properties as
well as their hardness (53 HRA for 7075-T6 and 38 HRA for
6061-T6) could have played an important role.
Figure 7(a) and (b) compare the total particle number
concentrations obtained during friction and milling (grooving)
tests on 6061-T6 and 7075-T6. The milling tests were done at
0.165 mm/rev feed rate using a carbide endmill, 19.05 mm in
diameter. The depth of cut was 1 mm and the radial immersion,
100% of the tool diameter. Three different cutting speeds were
tested in milling: 300, 750, and 1200 m/min. For 6061-T6, the
particle emissions were higher in milling tests compared to
friction tests (setups 1 and 2). The same observation was made
for the 7075-T6 material, but particle emission was 10 times
higher for the 6061-T6 material in milling than in friction tests,
while it was only two times for 7075-T6. It thus appears that the
contribution of friction to particle emission during a machining
process such as milling can vary with the workpiece material
used. This observation can be explained by the fact that each of
the two materials has a different toughness, and the hardness of
the 7075-T6 is higher than that of the 6061-T6. This result is
being further investigated with other materials and conditions,
and taking into account the particle size distribution.
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of possible sources of metallic
particle emission during machining (Ref 12,13)
Fig. 2 Different setups used during friction tests
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
3.2 Microparticle Emission
Figure 8(a) and (b) show typical particle emission results, as
a function of the aerodynamic diameter obtained from APS, for
particle diameters ranging from 0.5 to 30 lm. It is observed
that for microparticles, the particle number is approximately the
same in setup 1 as in setup 2.
Figures 9-11 present the total concentration for the particle
number, the specific area and the specific mass of microparticles
6061-T6 material : friction at 500 m/min cutting speed in setup 1
particle number concentration (#/cm3)
diameter (nm)
6061-T6 material : friction at 500 m/min cutting speed in setup 2
particle number concentration (#/cm3)
diameter (nm)
(a) (b)
0 102030405060708090100 0 102030405060708090100
Fig. 3 Particle number at different diameters for 6061-T6 at 500 m/min cutting speed from SMPS: (a) in setup 1 and (b) in setup 2
6061-T6 material : nanometric particle
total particle number concentration (#/cm
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
7075-T6 material : nanometric particle
total particle number concentration (#/cm
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 4 Total particle number concentration at different speeds obtained from SMPS. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
6061-T6 material : nanometric particle
total specific area concentration (nm
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
7075-T6 material : nanometric particle
total specific area concentration (nm
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 5 Total specific area concentration at different speeds obtained from SMPS. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
as a function of applied speeds. In general, the microparticle
emission obtained in setup 1 (pin in rotation only) is comparable
to that obtained in setup 2 (pin in rotation and translation). At
very low speeds, the amount of particles is low; it then increases,
reaches the maximum value, and eventually decreases. These
two speed regimes have been observed by Khettabi et al. (Ref 15)
in their study on turning, and by Kouam et al. (Ref 16) in their
study on drilling.
6061-T6 material : nanometric particle
total mass concentration (µg/m3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
7075-T6 material : nanometric particle
total mass concentration (µg/m3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 6 Total mass concentration at different speeds obtained from SMPS. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
6061-T6 material: nanometric particle
total particle number concentration (#/cm3)
cutting speed (m/mn)
friction without displacement at 0 mm/rev feed rate
friction with displacement at 25 mm/rev feed rate
grooving test at 0.165 mm/rev feed rate
7075-T6 material: nanometric particle
total particle number concentration (#/cm3)
cutting speed (m/mn)
friction without displacement at 0 mm/rev feed rate
friction with displacement at 25 mm/rev feed rate
grooving test at 0.165 mm/rev feed rate
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 7 Comparison of total particle number concentration in friction and grooving tests. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
6061-T6 material: friction at 500 m/min cutting speed in setup 1
particle number concentration (#/cm3)
aerodynamic diameter (µm)
012345678910 012345678910
6061-T6 material: friction at 500 m/min cutting speed in setup 2
particle number concentration (#/cm3)
aerodynamic diameter (µm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 8 Particle numbers at different aerodynamic diameters for 6061-T6 at 500 m/min cutting speed: (a) in setup 1 and (b) in setup 2
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
(a) (b)
6061-T6 material: micrometric particle
total particle number concentration (#/cm3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
30 7075-T6 material: micrometric particle
total particle number concentration (#/cm3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 9 Total particle number concentrations at different speeds obtained from APS. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
6061-T6 material: micrometric particle
total specific area concentration (µm2/cm3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
7075-T6 material: micrometric particle
total specific area concentration (µm2/cm3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 10 Total specific area concentrations at different cutting speeds obtained from SMPS. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
6061-T6 material: micrometric particle
total mass concentration (mg/m3)
total mass concentration (mg/m3)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
7075-T6 material: micrometric particle
cutting speed (m/min)
friction in setup 1
friction in setup 2
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 11 Total particle number concentrations at different cutting speeds obtained from APS. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
The critical speed required for microparticle emission to be
at a maximum is the same for the two setups (1 and 2) of both
aluminum alloys studied. The maximum particle emission
value for material types 7075-T6 and 6061-T6 occurs at speeds
of 600 and 500 m/min, respectively.
The results on particle emission (Fig. 6-7,9-11) indicate that
by operating at high speed (about 1000 m/min) for the
aluminum alloys tested, the emission of both nanoparticles
and microparticles due to friction is low. This is also the case
for very low speeds (below 200 m/min), but the use of the low
speed regime is not recommended, as it would lower the
productivity when machining.
3.3 Cutting Forces
Figure 12(a) and (b) present the forces (F
) recorded during
the friction tests. F
is obtained from the equation as follows:
Fxy ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qðEq 1Þ
For both materials, the forces are slightly higher in setup 2 (pin
in rotation and translation) than in setup 1 (pin in rotation only).
This observation can be explained by the fact that as the pin
translates, it encounters asperities and peaks of newer surfaces.
In general, the forces obtained in friction tests are very low
(less than 10 N) as compared to milling forces (about 140 N),
Fig. 12. Therefore, the energy required for friction at the tool
workpiece interface is very limited compared to that used for
shearing and cutting. The load on the pin (applied force) was
kept low to simulate only the friction; otherwise, some material
work hardening might have taken place.
Figure 13 presents the roughness at different cutting speeds
for the 6061-T6 and 7075-T6 materials. The roughness values
were obtained using the Mitutoyo S-J400 equipment. These
figures show that the roughness decreases when the cutting
speed increases in setup 1 and in setup 2. This observation
confirms the fact that the surface finish improves as the cutting
speed increases, and is itself confirmed by the study of Fu et al.
(Ref 17), in which they show that the surface roughness
decreases when the cutting speed of aluminum is increased.
Their study involved the high speed (about 1500 m/min)
milling of aluminum, and they used the following equation for
the roughness, R
eðEq 2Þ
where Vis the cutting speed, fthe feed rate, a
the cutting
depth, and a
the cutting width.
milling force
6061-T6 material
cutting speed (m/min)
friction force in setup 1
friction force in setup 2
milling force at 1 mm depth
milling force
7075-T6 material
Fxy (N)
cutting speed (m/min)
friction force in setup 1
friction force in setup 2
milling force at 1 mm depth
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 12 Cutting forces (F
) as a function of cutting speeds in setup 1 and setup 2. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
before friction test
6061-T6 material
Roughness (Ra)
cutting speed (m/min)
setup 1
setup 2
Before friction
before friction test
7075-T6 material
Roughness (Ra)
cutting speed (m/min)
before friction
setup 1
setup 2
(a) (b)
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Fig. 13 Roughnesses at different cutting speeds in setup 1 and setup 2. (a) 6061-T6 and (b) 7075-T6
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
, and b
(all positive) are materials and cutting
condition constants. The cutting speed (V) is the only parameter
with a negative exponent, and the roughness R
decreases when
the cutting speed increases.
Shaw (Ref 18) proposed a representative friction model for
machining, expressed in terms of the relationship between the
real contact area (A
) and the apparent contact area (A):
A¼1eBN ðEq 3Þ
where Bis a material constant, and Nis the applied load.
The Shaw model (Eq 3) was improved by Khettabi (Ref 19)
to take into account the effect of the interface temperature (DT):
A¼1eB1NþB2DTðÞ ðEq 4Þ
where B
and B
are constants.
The temperature involved in friction is proportional to the
sliding velocity, and so, by increasing the cutting speed, the real
surface interface will be affected as a result of the material
softening leading to asperities flattening. This improves the
surface finish.
Figure 14 shows the optical microscopic images obtained in
setups 1 and 2. The images were obtained using a type
Stereozoom 7 Bausch and Lomb microscope and a Firewire
type Clemex camera with 1280 91024 pixels. The magnifica-
tion used was 2.5 times. Figure 14 shows that at the same
cutting speed, the surface finish is better in setup 1 than in setup
2, the same as was observed in Fig. 13.
4. Conclusions
In this study, the effect of speed and pin motion on metallic
particle emission during friction was studied.
Two distinct regimes of cutting speeds characteristic of
the particle emission during friction were observed:
(1) A low-speed regime, where particle emission is
low, and increases with speed;
(2) A high-speed regime, where particle emission
decreases as the speed increases. These two speed
regimes are delimited by a critical speed at which the
maximum particle emission rate is seen. For micro-
particles, the cutting speed at which the maximum
emission occurs does not change with the setups, the
conditions and the materials tested. A similar obser-
vation was found in the case of nanoparticles for the
7075-T6 material, but not for the 6061-T6 material.
Overall, friction produced more ultrafine particles than
fine particles at all rotational speeds and for all materials
As expected, the particle emission in friction was low
compared to that obtained in the machining process (mill-
ing). The particle number in friction was 2-10 times lower
than in machining, depending on the workpiece material
and conditions used.
For the materials and conditions tested, the total particle
emission can be reduced by operating at very low or at
very high sliding speeds.
Future study will involve brittle materials and a comparison
with particle emissions occurring during machining to assess
the contribution of friction to particle emission during metal
cutting processes.
This research study is part of a project on nanoparticle emission
funded by the NanoQue´bec and the Institut de Recherche Robert-
Sauve´ en Sante´etSe´curite´ du Travail (IRSST). The authors also
acknowledge discussions with Y. Cloutier, M. Viens, S. Halle´, and
F. Morency.
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Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
... Most of such research works were done on particles emitted during machining o metal, such as those of Sutherland et al. (2000) [14], Songmene et al. (2008) [15], Kouam e al. (2012) [16], and Khettabi et al. (2013) [17]. In these studies, however, the chemical com position of the dust was not investigated. ...
... Most of such research works were done on particles emitted during machining of metal, such as those of Sutherland et al. (2000) [14], Songmene et al. (2008) [15], Kouam et al. (2012) [16], and Khettabi et al. (2013) [17]. In these studies, however, the chemical composition of the dust was not investigated. ...
... Most of such research works were done on particles emitted during machining of metal, such as those of Sutherland et al. (2000) [14], Songmene et al. (2008) [15], Kouam et al. (2012) [16], and Khettabi et al. (2013) [17]. In these studies, however, the chemical composition of the dust was not investigated. ...
Full-text available
Particles emitted during manufacturing processes such as polishing can represent a serious danger for the environment and for occupational safety. The formation mechanisms responsible for these dust emissions include chip formation, friction at the tool/workpiece and chip/tool interfaces, shearing and cutting. These mechanisms thus depend on workpiece and tool properties, as well as the polishing conditions. In the case of granite polishing, particle emissions during polishing can contain chemical compounds such as silica, which represent harmful health risks for the worker. It is therefore important to characterize the particles emitted and to search for possible interactions between the particles (size and composition) and the machining conditions in order to find ways of reducing emissions at the source. In this study, an investigation was undertaken to characterize the particles emitted during granite polishing as a function of polishing conditions, type of granite, and abrasive grit sizes used. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed for particle morphology characterization and particle grain size and chemical composition were evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques, respectively. Results show that the influence of polishing speed and feed rate on particle emission depends mainly on the granite type used, providing useful information for controlling the polishing procedure, and thereby dust emission.
... The dust generated during machining of metallic materials has been studied by several researchers [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], who observed that the relationship of the dust emission with cutting conditions such as the workpiece material, tools, and cutting parameters [21,28,31]. Small size dust emitted during machining has a significant impact on the environment and on the health of machine operators [22,29]. ...
... The quantity of particles emitted is a function of the spindle speed and the feed rate [22,26]. Kouam et al. [27] found that friction has a great impact on dust formation. Zaghbani et al. [25] noted that the deformation conditions in the chip formation zone greatly influence the dust generated, while the cutting conditions do not significantly affect the nanoparticle generation rate. ...
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The machinability of composite materials depends on reinforcements, matrix properties, cutting parameters, and on the cutting tool used (material, coating, and geometry). For new composites, experimental studies must be performed in order to understand their machinability, and thereby help manufacturers establishing appropriate cutting data. In this study, investigations are conducted to analyze the effects of cutting parameters and drill bit diameter on the thrust force, surface roughness, specific cutting energy, and dust emission during dry drilling of a new hybrid biocomposite consisting of polypropylene reinforced with miscanthus fibers and biochar. A full factorial design was used for the experimental design. It was found that the feed rate, the spindle speed, and the drill bit diameter have significant effects on the thrust force, the surface roughness, and the specific cutting energy. The effects of the machining parameters and the drill bit diameter on ultrafine particles emitted were not statistically significant, while the feed rate and drill bit diameter had significant effects on fine particle emission.
... 19,21 They are used in many applications, including ambient air, quality monitoring, workplace exposure measurements, laboratory testing, filtration efficiency or as a particle counter coupled to a Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA) in a SMPS type particle detector. 22 The ELPI is used to select particles by inertia and then electrically detect them. 6,12,23 The charged particles before their introduction into the device (corona charger) are then taken according to their size in an impactor where each stage has an electrical counting system. ...
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Particles from brake, road and tire wear contribute to about half of the emissions (PM10) of particulate traffic pollution. It is estimated that 50 to 70% of the brake debris material is transformed into an emission of polydisperse aerosols. In order to improve the understanding of the brake debris generation and its dependency on the brake material, the wear of a disc and a brake pad from a standard production car were studied. The disc was made of perlitic cast iron with lamellar graphite and subjected to standard braking cycles. Microscopic evaluation was performed on the disc track, as well as analyses by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). Finally, a metallographic section has been made in the longitudinal direction of friction to better understand the morphology. The study focuses on disc surface oxidation and morphology of a thin layer on both disc and pin surface. Particle concentrations increase with the friction power and the area of contact surface. The observations show that the generation of particles can be the result of the oxidation of the disc surface during friction by two- and three-body abrasion when braking.
... Murashov et al. [72] have cited certain conditions to consider with respect to measures addressing not only exposure, namely ambient atmospheric moisture (potential for the production of ENP aerosols), temperature (which infl uences particle mobility), light (it is known that TiO 2 particles can be toxic after activated by UV-Visible light [73,74]), but also the presence of other background particles. Unintentionally produced nanoparticles occur in the air we breathe, such as diesel particles and particles produced during machining [75], and can potentially affect the behaviour of nanoaerosols. Several studies of workplace exposure [76] show that it is often diffi cult to distinguish ENP products from background particles. ...
As beneficial applications of nanotechnologies in industry and medicine continue to emerge, so do new problems associated with engineered nanoparticle (ENP) production, which so far is going ahead without prior evaluation of its impact on human health and environment. Worker exposure continues to increase while no global consensus on ENP regulation has been reached. Protection of workers requires an approach to risk management properly adapted to the ENP context. Although ENP properties have been studied in depth over the past 10 years, much uncertainty continues to loom over the definition of the key parameters. The aim of this review of the literature was to construct a detailed list of known risks associated with ENPs from an occupational health and safety perspective. A hierarchised network of risks was thus revealed, illustrating the complexity of the system in terms of interdependence of elements of risk.
... It is observed from Fig. 8a that the amount of emitted particle (number concentration) is low at low cutting speed (300 m/ min) for all workpieces, and it then increased and reached the maximum value at cutting speed of 700 m/min and eventually decreased with increasing cutting speed. In a similar work on the friction test, it was found that particle emission increased with increasing the speed and then eventually decreased [36]. On the other hand, two speed regimes have been observed for emitted particles. ...
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Sustainable manufacturing regulations are pushing manufacturing towards decreasing of manufacturing hazards including microparticles and ultrafine particles. Machining process such as milling produces dust that can be harmful for operators’ health. The emission of this dust depends on workpiece materials (microstructure, mechanical properties) and machining conditions. The aim of this paper is to determine the effect of the microstructure and machining conditions on dust emission during dry milling of Al-20Mg2Si-2Cu metal matrix composite with addition of bismuth (Bi) and barium (Ba). Experiments were carried out using dry CNC milling by uncoated carbide tools. An aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) were used to measure microparticles and ultrafine particles emission, respectively. It was found that the addition of 0.4 wt% Bi and 0.2 wt% Ba changed Mg2Si particle size and improved the hardness of composite. In addition, ultrafine particle number concentration, specific area concentration and mass concentration decreased with the addition of modifiers. It is also confirmed that cutting conditions and microstructure of workpieces have a direct effect on dust emission during the milling process.
... The experiments conducted for the three aluminum alloys show that the cutting force is significantly affected by cutting speed and the work piece materials (Fig. 2). Generally, when the cutting speeds increase the cutting force decreases, which confirm different literature results [27][28][29][30]. It has been observed that there is no significant difference in the cutting force between 7075 and 6061 aluminum alloys but the for 2024 aluminum alloy the force seems very high compared to the two other alloys especially for the low and intermediate speeds (Fig. 2). ...
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MQL and dry processes are becoming the most important issues in future manufacturing. Reducing or completely eliminate the lubricant can improve machining performances, air quality and reduce the machining costs. The coolant used in MQL should be environmentally friendly. The flow rate should be also optimized in order to enhance the machining performance and reduces the particles emission. Our research study was conducted in order to optimize the dry and the MQL processes. It has been found that the MQL process can reduce the cutting forces, friction and wear compared to the dry cutting. Chip morphology shows that the use of the coolant during MQL process embrittles the chip. However, in particular situations, the dry process can be competitive compared to the wet or the MQL processes. In this paper, an investigation study was carried out on the performance of MQL (Minimum Quantity of Lubricant) and dry high speed milling of three kinds of aluminum alloys 7075, 6061 and 2024. Four different flow rate of mist are tested during MQL machining processes. The effects of cutting speed, lubrication mode and material on the part quality were investigated. The machining performance is evaluated according cutting force, particle emission and the surface finish. Experimental results showed that the MQL milling can be interested in terms of force or surface finish but if the particle emission is considered the dry machining will be better. For the different lubrication modes at very high speeds, the results seem to converge. In this case, the dry machining should be advantageous.
... Dust emission sources during milling process were also identified (Fig. 3); they include shearing, deformation in the first and second deformation zones and frictions. Friction at the tool-workpiece interface was found to account for a low fraction of the total dust emission [11]. ...
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Machining activities generate aerosols that can be harmful, degrade the environment or slow down theproduction. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of machining conditions (cutting parameters and workpieces materials) on metallic particle emission during milling to help determining the machining conditions leading to ecological and occupational safe machining practices. The workpieces materials tested were aluminium alloys (6061-T0, T4 and T6 and A319) and aluminiummetal matrix composites (MMC) containing hard particles (SiC) for wear resistance and nickel-coated graphite particles for improved friction and machinability. It is found that the reinforcement within the aluminium MMCs reduces the fine particle emission as compared to unreinforced aluminium alloys. In general, the quantity of the particle emitted depends on the machining parameters settings. Among the aluminium alloys, the particle emission appeared to be dependent on material’s ductility.
Suite à la réduction significative des émissions de particules de combustion dans le secteur automobile, les particules d’usures de freinage, de route et de pneus seraient responsables d’environ 50% (PM10) de la pollution particulaire du trafic routier. Ces émissions dont la contribution est vouée à augmenter seront certainement le sujet de futures réglementations à l’horizon 2025. Pour autant, les moyens de mesure de ces émissions sont encore aujourd’hui source de discussions au sein de nombreux groupes de travail comme UNECE PMP ou LOWBRASYS. Et à ce jour, aucun protocole d’homologation des émissions dues au freinage n’a été établi.La littérature décrit deux moyens de simulation du freinage en laboratoire : le banc dynamométrique à inertie et le banc pion-disque. La majorité des études sur les émissions de freinage sont réalisées sur banc dynamométrique. Cependant, les bancs dynamométriques représentent un investissement conséquent. Cette thèse porte donc sur la possibilité de caractériser les émissions de freinage avec un moyen bien plus économique : le pion-disque. Le nouveau moyen expérimental ainsi développé pourra permettre la réalisation d’études d’émissivité économiques, tout en apportant des arguments et de l’expérience aux discussions des différents groupes de travail.Après une étude bibliographique et des visites de différents bancs (TECSA, Turin, Italie et KTH, Stockholm, Suède), le banc pion-disque TGV du CETIM a été adapté à la mesure et à la caractérisation des émissions de freinage. Ce nouveau moyen d’essai a tout d’abord montré un confinement efficace vis-à-vis de l’environnement extérieur avec des mesures de concentrations de particules quasi nulles. Par la suite, des émissions ponctuelles couplées à des mesures de concentrations et de distribution en taille des aérosols ont montré la possibilité de mesurer des émissions comparables à celles obtenues sur bancs dynamométriques.Afin d’optimiser les résultats obtenus sur le banc, plusieurs études ont été réalisées. Dans un premier temps, le nombre de particules mesurées a été maximisé dans l’optique de limiter l’impact des incertitudes liées au transports et aux instruments de mesure. Pour ce faire, l’influence des paramètres tribologiques tels que la vitesse, la pression de contact et la surface de frottement a été qualifiée. De même, les paramètres expérimentaux comme le débit d’air et la structure des essais ont été étudiés. Dans un second temps, l’étude des surfaces couplée à la mesure de concentrations particulaires a permis d’améliorer la répétabilité des essais et d’apporter des éléments de réponse pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de génération des particules. Enfin, la valeur d’un nombre de particules émises lors d’un frottement a été retenu comme valeur de sortie de l’expérience. Un protocole de traitement de données a été développé et une instrumentation a été définie en conséquence.Grâce aux différentes études jusqu’alors réalisées, un protocole de mesure d’émissivité de matériaux de freinage propre au banc pion-disque du CETIM a été défini. Une étude expérimentale réalisée ultérieurement montre la possibilité d’étudier l’émissivité de différents matériaux de freinages. Le pion-disque restant un outil d’études théoriques, des nouvelles études autour de la compréhension des mécanismes de génération des particules pourront être menées. Ces nouvelles études pourront s’étendre à d’autres secteurs comme le secteur ferroviaire, qui partage cette problématique d’émission de freinage.
Titanium metal matrix composite (Ti-MMC) has excellent features and capabilities which can be considered a potential candidate to replace commercial titanium and superalloys within an extensive range of products and industrial sectors. Regardless of the superior features in Ti-MMC, however, referring to several factors including high unit cost and existence of rigid and abrasive ceramic particles in the generated matrices of the work part, the Ti-MMC is grouped as extremely difficult to cut with a poor level of machinability. Furthermore, adequate process parameters for machining Ti-MMCs under several lubrication methods are rarely studied. Therefore, adequate knowledge of this regard is strongly demanded. Among machinability attributes, ultrafine particles (UFPs) and fine particles (FPs) have been selected as the main machinability attributes and the factors leading to minimized emission have been studied. According to experimental observations, despite the type of coating used, the use of higher levels of flow rate led to less UFPs, while no significant effects were observed on UFPs. Under similar cutting conditions, higher levels of FPs were recorded under the use of uncoated inserts. Moreover, cutting speed had no significant influence on UFPs; nevertheless, it significantly affects the FPs despite the type of insert used.
Granite polishing generates aerosols containing fine and ultrafine particles that can be detrimental to occupational health and safety. As the occupational safety regulations are becoming more and more stringer, it is important to find ways of limiting the workers exposure to these particles. Different methods have been proposed to reduce the dust emission at the source during polishing of granite. They include using ventilation to capture or redirect the dust and using of wet polishing process to help settling down quicker the generated particles. Traditionally, the wet machining processes are conducted using flood lube but given the costs associated with this lubricating condition, in most machining sectors, the use of minimum quantity lubrication or cooling, also known as MQL machining is being tried. MQL polishing could be a cost effective way of reducing the dust generation at the source when polishing granites. Knowledge on the distribution and behavior of semi-wet particle could also help in designing other methods and apparatus for capturing or taking the dust away of the working environment. This paper investigates fine and ultrafine particle emissions during polishing tests under minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions as compared to dry polishing. The MQL polishing is done using water at different flow rates and their effects on the working environment air quality investigated. It is found that the effectiveness of water MQL in particle reduction depends on size of particles considered.
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La mise en forme des pieces par usinage emet des particules, de tailles microscopiques et nanometriques, qui peuvent etre dangereuses pour la sante. Le but de ce travail est d'etudier les emissions de ces particules pour fins de prevention et reduction a la source. L'approche retenue est experimentale et theorique, aux deux echelles microscopique et macroscopique. Le travail commence par des essais permettant de determiner les influences du materiau, de l'outil et des parametres d'usinage sur les emissions de particules. E nsuite un nouveau parametre caracterisant les emissions, nomme Dust unit , est developpe et un modele predictif est propose. Ce modele est base sur une nouvelle theorie hybride qui integre les approches energetiques, tribologiques et deformation plastique, et inclut la geometrie de l'outil, les proprietes du materiau, les conditions de coupe et la segmentation des copeaux. Il ete valide au tournage sur quatre materiaux: A16061-T6, AISI1018, AISI4140 et fonte grise.
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This work deals with the identification of a new friction model for high speed dry cutting of AISI4142 steel with TiN coated carbide tools. Both experimental and numerical studies were used to find the relationship between friction coefficient, sliding velocity, contact pressure and contact temperature. A tribometer, based on a plane-sphere contact configuration, has been developed to reach extreme contact conditions similar to the ones occurring during metal cutting. The apparent friction coefficient, provided by the ratio between the tangential and normal forces, is measured. It is assumed that this coefficient can be divided into two components: an adhesive coefficient and a plastic deformation coefficient. The proportion of each component is investigated by means of a numerical model simulating the friction of a sphere with similar contact conditions.
The friction and wear behaviour of 6061 aluminium matrix composites reinforced with SiC and Al2O3 particles has been investigated at relatively high loads and speeds on a conventional scratch machine using a pyramidal indenter. It is identified that ploughing, adhesion and particle fracture all contribute to the friction and wear. The friction coefficient increases with particle volume fraction but is independent of the range of normal loads (1-20 N) and sliding speeds (1-10 mm s-1) tested. The wear volume generally increases with normal load and sliding distance (or pass number), and decreases with increasing particle volume fraction. A comparison of the measured scratch hardness and Vickers hardness shows that the former is not simply proportional to the latter for composites reinforced with large particles. A new friction and wear model is then established based on the theories of adhesion and ploughing and the effect of particle fracture. The validity of the model is confirmed by experiments and microscopic observations on the scratch topography of the metal matrix composites.
Surface roughness is one of important factors in the evaluation of machine tool and machining process. It is greatly influenced by cutting conditions in cutting. In this paper a series of cutting experiments have been carried out to study on the predictive model and control of surface roughness in high speed milling aviation aluminum alloy 7050-T7451. The surface roughness is greatly influenced by cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, depth and width of cut, etc). The surface roughness is particularly sensitive to the feed rate and slightly sensitive to the width of cut. Finally, the optimization of cutting conditions was presented to control desired surface roughness and maximum material removal rate.
The generation of fine dust during dry machining is a serious problem both for the environment and for workers. During machining, the fine dust particles generated remain suspended in the air for long periods, during they can be inhaled by workers. The quantity of dust generated is influenced by factors such as material type and heat treatment condition, temperature, and the associated chip formation mode. The aim of this work is to discover how these parameters influence dust generation during dry machining, which could lead to the control of dust production in the future. The materials tested are the wrought 6061 and foundry A356 aluminum alloys and 70-30 brass. It is found that pre-cooling a workpiece material leads to changes in chip formation, in the reduction of cutting forces, and hence in a reduction in fine dust generation by at least 70%, depending on the materials and cutting conditions used. Also, pre-heating the workpiece increases chip ductility and dust production levels.
The friction and wear behaviour of 6061 aluminium matrix composites reinforced with SiC and Al2O3 particles has been investigated at relatively high loads and speeds on a conventional scratch machine using a pyramidal indenter. It is identified that ploughing, adhesion and particle fracture all contribute to the friction and wear. The friction coefficient increases with particle volume fraction but is independent of the range of normal loads (1–20 N) and sliding speeds (1–10 mm s− 1) tested. The wear volume generally increases with normal load and sliding distance (or pass number), and decreases with increasing particle volume fraction. A comparison of the measured scratch hardness and Vickers hardness shows that the former is not simply proportional to the latter for composites reinforced with large particles. A new friction and wear model is then established based on the theories of adhesion and ploughing and the effect of particle fracture. The validity of the model is confirmed by experiments and microscopic observations on the scratch topography of the metal matrix composites.